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Announcements:  No case in final exam (only 60 m.c questions)  Fill out Guidelines for Group Evaluation (peer and self) o Don’t forget to evaluate yourself o Only rate with whole numbers (no 6.325, or 9.5….)  Final exam o Emetics to end Case 46  Goiter – enlarged thyroid  Have a lot of adipose tissue and two layers of muscles (strap muscles – move larynx in relation to the jaw and they hyoid)  Slightly overweight  Not on thyroid medication  Signs that thyroid levels are low o Overweight o Fatigue – low energy, therefore easier to gain weight  Cooks homegrown local organic foods  Deliberately chosen to not eat commercially grown food o Fall within goiter belt o Avoiding the only medically available source of iodide  Fucus vesiculosis (Bladderwrack) o Usual dose – 60mg tid  Enough iodine o can add it to food o excellent detoxifier o can detoxify as a wrap, spa routine (immerse self in bath full of kelp) o useful source of iodine and other nutrients and minerals o iodine provider and antirheumatic o iodine can sometimes can frequently arrest the progress thyroid storm  don’t know mechanism of that  if lived near ocean she should have had kelp imported to her to include in the soil  Most frequent heavy metal poisoning is for iron toxicity  People suffering from iron deficiency generally improve when you improve their general health Case 47  Hyperthyroidism - Can confuse this with other things  If see someone with visual fine trembling – need to rule out hyperthyroidism  Hoffman o Lycopus Virginicus  Will be questions about it on the exam!!!  Can find in Hoffman  Bugelweed, sweet bugle, gypsie wort

Number of similar species with identical properties in Europe and America  All interchangeable from a therapeutic point of view  Laminacea  Use arial parts  Used in a familiar way • Tea or tincture  Non toxic herb – has a variety of uses  Constituents • Phelonic acid derivatives o Caffeic, rosmaninc, elangic acids o Pumaricacid methylester  Corrects irritability or irregularity of heart  Normalizes overactive thyroid  Happens on a number of levels • Some block conversion of tyroxine to T3 • Also blocks TSH – msg doesn’t go to thyroid • Blocks thyroxine and T3 production at various levels • Directly effects the heart o Calms and slows it • See a consistency between the chemical/molecular effect and emotional  Diuretic, peripheral vasoconstrictor  Nervine, reduces hypertrophy and dilation of the heart  Bleeding from the respiratory tract  Bitter - digestive  Can make it as an infusion  Tincture 1:5 40% o Melissa officinalis  Not taught this year, will learn about it in 3rd year  Lemon balm  Calming to the nervous system  Nervine sedative  Very soothing – completely independently on it’s action of the thyroid  Blocks conversion of T3 o Leonurus cardiaca  Mother wart  Does similar things to lemon balm  Usual indication for mother wart • Anxiety causing heart palpitations and tachycardia  Leaves look like a lions tail and it calms the heart  Results in metabolism that results in T3 production 

o Counteracting the autoimmune damage to the thyroid gland  Hyper and hypothyroidism can be autoimmune based  Antioxidants • Selenium • Glutathione • Astragalus, Reishi o Immune balancing  Detoxification • Especially with the reconfiguration of the bowel flora • In order for organisms to maintain, need to have enough fiber in diet • Fiber keeps stools hydrated •  Nigel Plummer – talks about probiotics • When we give people probiotics – only a few billion a day • There are hundreds of thousands in the gut, therefore a few billion is a drop in the bucket • Probiotic organisms attach to the epithelial lining of the digestive tract and change the way in which the immune system uses everything that comes in by mouth • Converts and allergic response back to an acceptance response • Not shear numbers of probiotics but how it changes the function of the immune system  Number of different types of hyperthyroidism o Goiter o Pretibial mixedema  Cause of hyperthyroidism o Probably immunologic o Probably autoimmune, not destroying gland but interfering with it’s function  have thyroid stimulating Ab or Ig Case 48  lymphocytic infiltration that eventually leads to hyperthyroidism  Chronic Lymphoctyic lyphocytitis  More common in women than in men  Family Hx is common  Incidence increased in patients with chromosomal disorders  Painless enlargement of glands, non tender goiter  Balance immunity o Ask person to consider the weight in which they may be self-destructive o Sometimes helpful to point out that it is an autoimmune disease

        

Usually loose their voice Can’t speak well On other occasions their voice becomes very loud Quiets down the voice of the heart Don’t forget the importance of the KI essence KI known as ‘master gland’ Importance of probiotics and eating right for your blood type Significant number of thyroid conditions can be reversed The sooner you get to work on this the better

Case 49  Polydypsea o Extra drinking  Polyphasia o Extra eating  Polyurea o Extra drinking  He has all three  He lost ½ the weight  Urine-glucose test o Level of 14 (normal is between 3 – 5) o Specific gravity was normal o Not taking insulin  Refuses to go to a medical doctor and puts his entire faith in an MD  Seems like he’s denying the fact that he has diabetes  Returned to normal glucose levels, through normal and careful diet  Diagnosis o Type II diabetes o Obesity  How do we treat it? o Diet o Went into the care of someone who would focus on the diet and he recovered o Optional: could have taken some of the botanicals that were helpful in the management of blood sugar levels o Momordica charnatia o Syzgium cumini o If constantly hyperglycemic  KI disease, neuropathy, circulatory disorders, obesity  Tend to make the whole situation worse Case 50  Mom o Boragio Officinalis

o Echiansea  To support her will to live and give some support  Felt that the mother was abused  Strengthens her self-esteem o Yarrow  Strengthen her boundaries o Eat for her blood type (type B) o After 4th visit, lost 40 lbs and full of life Musculoskeletal  Work as analgesic and anti-inflammatory  Sometimes it’s obvious how it works  Saliclyates converted to salicylic acid o More effective as an anti-inflammatory than ASA  Salicylic acid does not have the same effect on the anti-coagulation mechanism as ASA  Some work mostly as homeopathics o Arnica Montana  Contains a number of poisons  Daisy –like flower  Don’t use it internally very much • Poison  Impaires spinal innervation  Use for arnica in weakness as well as pain and soreness  From hot strain muscular skeletal pain  Anti-inflammatory and immunostimulant  Improves wound healing b/c vulnerary  Immunostimulant activity is quite marked  Has a interconnecting benefits in the asteracea compository  As a remedy it can be used in topical application  Increases circulation o Ruta graviolus o Bromeline  From pineapple  Extract of the root or core of the pineapple plant  Has to be extracted and concentrated to create a standardized extract  Active ingredient • Bromelaine • Standardized according to MCU • b/c also digestive enzyme causes milk to clot so best way to measure it is in milk clotting units (MCU)  prevention of swelling





 things where anti-inflammatory effect is useful  can increase the effect of Ab, cancer chemotherapy agents,  may potentiate bleeding with anti-coagulates  anti-inflammatory and digestive function  supplemented with anti-oxidants as well  standardized plant extract, used in inflammation Salix Nigra  Salicin • Converted to salicylic acid in the digestive tract • Absorbed in blood stream • Analgesic but not blood thinning • Used in treatments for pain • Rheumatism, gout, and other aches and pains • Use the bark from the thin twigs • Can also use it as a tincture • An added anaphrodisiac Gaultheria procumbens  Local herb, grows in woodlands  Very close to ground  Uses essential oils  Anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, anodyne (painkiller)  Orally, danger b/c of volatile oil  Small amounts can be used like any other carminative Harpagophytum procumbens  Devil’s claw root  Has huge fruit that turns very woody  Make it attach to the feet of animals passing by  Use the tuber from the earth • Has harpagoside  Somewhat bitter and has a digestive stimulant  Primarily anti-inflammatory agent.  Useful as a topical cream or orally  One of the actions of importance is that it seems to help remove calcification of soft tissue from bone (bonespurs) Colchicum autumale  Specific for the treatment of gout  Inflammation of the metatarophalengeal joint of the big toe  from high purine diet  gout is very painful and can alleviate symptoms by treatment with colchicines • has to be given in very careful doses b/c very toxic • given as a drug in pharmaceutical doses  specific for joint pain

 narcotic poison o Boswellia spp  Resins  Used in other parts of the world for a long time  Valuable herb and is effective  Not prohibited o Yucca schidigera  Various species of yucca  Schidigera • Not able to find any reference to  Useful anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory  Apparently the actions are the result of steroidal saponins  The preparation is a decocted root either fresh or dry o Sinapsis spp  Very hot – glucosinolates (alba, nigra, jucea)  Don’t apply for too long or will blister the skin  Treatment of arthritic and muscular pain  Can be used effectively against pneumonia or infection of the lung  Usually something very hot  Counter-irritant – removes the pain  Does something to inactivate the pain fibers, even though the source of the pain is not removed  Even though very hot, still an anti-inflammatory  Dulling of the pain transmission and reduction of inflammation

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