Nov Newsletter 2009

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. e v A h t 0 6 1 . W . S 1 0 3 6

A Apple Treee Montesssori

1 3 3 3 3 L F , s e h c n a R t s e w h t u o S

9 0 0 2 r e b m e c e D

0 1 0 2 y r a u n a J

Oct. 23rd No O N Classes/ Teacher T Workday O 28th Report Oct. R Cards O Oct.30th Ma Science Walk-a-thonn Mad 9:000-11:00 a.m m.

r e b m e v o N


Principal’s Corner


D Parennts: Dear

1 14th

Haarvest Festiv val 2:30-5:000pm (Info. Inside) 2 23-25 Appple Harvest Adventure (heeld in each cllassroom) 2 & 27 Noo Classes/Sch 26 hool Closed Haappy Thank ksgiving!!

DECEM MBER 11-11 1 12 1 16 1 18 2 21-31

Midddle School Candy Canee Fundraiser Baggel Breakfastt (see info innside) Holliday Party (Students Onnly) Early release 12 2:00-12:30 pm p NO CLASSES/SCHOOL C CLOSED HAPPY WINTER R BREAK!!

JANUAR RY 2009 11-3 4 8th

1 15 1 18 21 2 2 22

Noo Classes/Sch hool Closed

WE ELCOME E BACK (Cllasses Resum me for all Stuudents) Monthly & Bi-A Annual TUIT TION DUE EAR RLY DISMISS SAL 12:00 PM P (Alll Students) SCH HOOL CLOSED– MARTIN LUT THER KING Rep port Cards s Field Day (Ch heck Office e Bulletin Board) B

Happy Fall to alll our Applle Tree f families! The Schoool Year hass gotten o to a greeat start. off Thank you y to all the t familiees who a particippating in thhe fund raiiser for are A Apple Tree and thee Browardd Food B Bank. Agaain Apple Tree T famillies are p pulling toggether to support s tw wo very w worthwhile e causes that t beneffit both o childreen and thosse in need. Thank our y for youur generosiity. you Soon wee will be inn the midstt of the H Holiday S Season. S Students w be will l learning a about som me of the many d different tyypes of celeebrations. Please f feel free to sharee your cultural c c celebration n with your child’ss class. W Whether y you celebbrate Chaanukah, K Kwanzaa, Ramadann, Christm mas or s something unique to your fam mily, we w you a safe and joyful seasoon! wish M Levinee Ms. 1

Walk-a-tho on

Apple Harrvest Adven nture

Applle Tree is proud p to an nnounce a Walk k-a-thon on n October 30th in the morrning. The childrren will wa alk here on n campus in theirr Hallowee en costume es (Please avo oid scary or o gory cos stumes). The purpose p off the Walk-a a-thon is to o rais se funds to o purchase e science equ uipment an nd to bring g science progra ams to the e school for all grades. Also o, 10% of the t procee eds will be donatted to The Broward Food F Bank k.

Novemberr 23 thru 25th,, N children will celebbrate the Thankksgiving seeason b learning about appples. by Every classsroom wiill do various activities and a K yourr eyes tastings. Keep o open for specific deetails.

We ne eed volunte eers!! If yo ou can help, please p sign up p in the offiice.

Our annual a Schollastic Book Fair F will be held h here at Apple Tree from Novem mber 9 throug gh 13th. Scholasttic offers a great g selection of children n’s books, raanging from m picture boo oks to teen titles and young adults. a You will also fin nd other item ms such as peencils, journ nals, erasers, posters, etc.. Adult book ks like cookb books, etc arre also availaable. It’s a great g time to do some ho oliday shopp ping! The fairr will be opeen from 2:30 p.m.—5:00 p.m. p T Thursday w will be open until 6:000 we We need n volunteeers!! If you can help, pllease sign up in the offfice. Special Note*** Kinderrgarten throu ugh Eighth graade classes willl preview the Book Fair on n Monday. The students will be givven the opportu unity to shop with w their classees on the days listed below. Please P send thee money with your y child on th heir assigned daay if you wish for them to puurchase items from fr the Book Fair.

4th th hrough 8th grade g on Tu uesday


Kindergarten througgh 3rd gradee on Wednessday

Prreschool stu udents are welcome w to visit v the Boook Fair und der parents’ supervision n. See you u at the Book Fair!


C CANDY G GRAMS S The Middle School will w be making and selling “Candy Gramss” from Decem mber 1st –10 0th. Delivery to t the classrooms will be on Friday, Decembeer 11 th. “Candy Grams” are reeindeer candyy canes with “special messagges” that you send s via 3 Apple Treee elves for onnly $1.75 or 3/$5.00 Send theem to fellow students, s teacchers, or get a few to take home h for giftss for relattives, friends,, colleagues, etc. e Apple Trree will be closing December D zz 19th 21st through Friday, January 3rd, 2009 forr Winter Break. Classes resume r Monday, Januaryy 4th, 20100. Please note that, the due d date for tuition t in Jan nuary will bee on January 8th. 8 BI-ANN NUAL tuition n will also be due on thhe 8th of Jan nuary.

ppy Holid day! Have a safe and Hap

H Holiday y Party App ple Tree children c will be e having a Holida ay Pa arty on Wednesda W ay, Dec cember 16th in th heir respe ective

classr rooms. Teachers willl be send ding furth her infor rmation prior p to the cellebration n. Th he party will be fo or sttudents only. o 3

A Apple Treee PTO Harvest H F Festival C Come join uss at Apple Tree T on Novvember 14th frrom 2:30-5:0 00 for an affternoon of “good ole’fashioned fun”. From bean bag to ossing to ho orse shoes, cu upcake walks to line dancing, therre will be so omething fo or everyonee to enjoy. The grills g will also be fired up to servee evveryone a hotdog h (reg gular or veg getarian) picnic lunch. Tickets will be on o sale from m Novemberr n 2nd through the 11th. Tickeets cover Entrance, Ho ot

D Dog, Chips and a drink. Bring B money y for the cu upcake walk! All cupccake proceeeds will be

Bagel Br reakfast / Kids in Dis stress On Satur rday, December r 12th apple tre ee will be holding a familyoriented activity from 9AM M-11am Have your children n eir roller bring the blades/r roller skates an nd protectiv ve gear for r a morning g of skating enjoyment. e

donated to th he Bread Basket Food d Bank. Thee cost is $6 per ticket. (There will be no n ticket sales the day of the event.) e

Do on’t miss ou ut on this op pportunity to t m and ming mix gle with other Apple Trree Familiess w while the kids have an entertaining e g afternoon.

Also, on that da ay we will be collecting unwrapped new toys t that would w be appro opriate to your y child’s age and gender. These e toys will be donate ed to the e Kids

In Dis stress cam ampaign.



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