Notification Of Change Form

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  • Words: 2,077
  • Pages: 8
Notification of changes to your project form

Please read the following before completing this form.

Only use this form when you want to do the following: • change salaries by up to a maximum of £5,000 for each salary in any project year (changes must not exceed a total of £10,000 in any project year); • reduce ‘Organisational overheads – line management’ or ‘Organisational overheads – accommodation’ by up to £10,000 in any project year; • change any other budget line listed in your project budget by up to £10,000 in any project year; • move money from capital costs to revenue costs by up to £10,000; or • move money from revenue costs to capital costs by up to £10,000. These changes must not result in an increase to the total value of our grant over the whole period of our grant. An increase to a salary must not result in a pay increase of more than three per cent to the value of the salary funded by our grant.

Do not use this form if the proposed change is: • to change any salary by more than £5,000 in any project year or a number of salaries by more than £10,000 in any project year; • to increase ‘Organisational overheads – line management’ or ‘Organisational overheads – accommodation’ by any amount; • to change any other budget line (as listed in your project budget) by more than £10,000 per project year; or • to move money from capital to revenue costs, or revenue costs to capital, by more than £10,000. If the value of any of the changes you are proposing, including the value of any changes we have already agreed with you in the current project year, exceeds the limits in any of the lines above, you must use a Request for changes to your project form If the changes you are proposing to make to your project are not covered above, please speak to your local Community Fund office before making the changes.


Notification of changes to your project form Please complete all questions on the form and send the original to your Grants Officer. Keep a copy for your files. Please read the guidance notes at the back of the form as you answer the questions. The symbol Help tells you when a note is available. help

Q1 Your contact details Name of the organisation

Address of the organisation

You must include the postcode Unique Reference Number

Q2 Tick the relevant box to tell us which of the following changes you are making.


Change salaries by up to a maximum of £5,000 for each salary in any project year (changes must not exceed a total of £10,000 in any project year) Reduce ‘Organisational overheads – line management’ or ‘Organisational overheads – accommodation’ by up to £10,000 in any project year Change any other budget line listed in your project budget by up to £10,000 in any project year help Move money from capital costs to revenue costs by up to £10,000.

Move money from revenue costs to capital costs by up to £10,000.

If the change you are making does not fall into one of these categories you must not make the change without getting our approval beforehand; otherwise you may jeopardise the grant. You must follow the procedures set out on the Request for changes to your project form to get our approval. You must also do this if the value of any of the changes you are proposing, including the value of any changes we have already agreed with you in the current project year, exceeds the limits above.


Notification of changes to your project form Q3 Tell us about the change you are making.

Q4 Tell us how the change will affect the project.

Q5 Tell us what impact the change will have on the people your project benefits.





Notification of changes to your project form help Q6 Changes to the grant budget. Tell us which budget lines will be affected by the change. If the change you are requesting will reschedule the grant between years you must complete a line for each year affected. Please refer to the budget lines in your original application form, eg ‘Rent’ or ‘Recruitment and other associated costs’. Details of change

Project year

Current budget £

Proposed spend £

Change + or - £

Q7 Changes to total amount of grant awarded. help If the change results in an overall underspend or overspend in the total amount of our grant for this year or your total project budget for this year please explain how you will manage this.


Notification of changes to your project form Q8 Main contact details Contact name and position held in the organisation

Contact phone number Evening


Q9 Signature of office bearers Contact name and position held in the organisation



Q10 Signature of parent organisation (for dependent branches only) Contact name and position held in the organisation



For Community Fund use only All change within limits



If no, grant holder notified



Details entered on system








Notification of changes to your project form Helpnotes Please answer all questions on the form. If you need to provide supporting documents please send them with the form. If you do not have enough space to answer our questions, please use a separate sheet. Make sure you write your Unique Reference Number and organisation name on any separate sheets and ensure they are initialled by the person who signs the form at Q9 and Q10. The grant holder is responsible for managing the project and ensuring the project delivers the agreed outcomes and benefits. We recognise that sometimes it will be necessary to make changes to project budgets and plans to ensure that projects are successful. The grant holder is usually best placed to decide what these changes are and when they are necessary. We need to be kept informed of changes to the project to ensure we can account for our grant. This form (and the Request for changes to your project form) is how we keep track of and – where appropriate – approve changes you wish to make to how your project is delivered or how the grant is spent. Before completing this form check carefully that this is the correct form for the type of change you are planning. This form can only be used for the changes described on the front page and in Q2 on page two of this form. If the change you are making does not fall into one of these categories you must not make the change without getting our approval beforehand; otherwise you may jeopardise the grant. You must follow the procedures set out in the Request for changes to your project form to get our approval. General notes • There is no limit to the number of Notification of changes to your project forms or Request for changes to your project forms that


you can submit in any given project year. • you must inform us of all changes that take place within the project year; • we are unlikely to authorise any change that is not in keeping with the original aims of the project or that breaches the Standard terms and conditions of grant; • please photocopy a clean copy of this form and use it as many times as required; and • you must keep a copy of the completed form for your records. Q2 Tell us which of the following changes you are making by ticking the relevant box. If the change you are making does not fall into one of these categories you must not make the change without getting our approval beforehand; otherwise you may jeopardise the grant. Read the instructions for completing a Request for changes to your project form included in your Grant offer pack. If you do not have a copy of the Request for changes to your project form, or if you are unsure which form to use, contact your Grants Officer. Q3 Tell us about the change you are making Please provide details of the change you are making. For example, £15,000 of the grant was awarded for the administrator's salary but, due to a delay in recruitment, the salaries budget line now shows an underspend of £3,000 that you would like to use to produce information. Q4 Tell us how the change will affect the project Provide details of how the project will change. For example, you have spoken to people currently attending the project and you have identified that you could increase awareness of the project if you produce a set of leaflets and send them to local organisations working with similar beneficiary groups. Please note that if the change means you

Notification of changes to your project form Helpnotes continued will change the type or amounts of the services or facilities you agreed to provide with our grant when we awarded the grant, you should use a Request for changes to your project form. Q5 Tell us what impact the change will have on the people your project benefits Will the changes involve a change in the type of people your project benefits or an increase or decrease in the number of beneficiaries? Can you give any indication of likely change in numbers of beneficiaries? Will the change affect the difference you expect your project to make? Please note that if the change means your project will benefit different types of people from those agreed with you when we made this grant, you should use a Request for changes to your project form. You should also use a Request for changes to your project form if your project will have different outcomes from those agreed with you when we made this grant.

If the change you are proposing means you will spend more of our grant this year than originally planned, you must reduce the amount of our grant you will spend in a future project year. You should show which budget lines will be reduced to compensate for the overspend this year. The total reduction in the future budget lines must be the same as the amount you have overspent by this year. Q7 Changes to total amount of grant awarded If the change you are proposing will result in: • a reduction or increase in the amount of our grant that you will use this year; • an increase in project costs that will recur in future years of your project (eg rent, salaries); or • a decrease in the amount available in future project years to cover budget lines that you need to cover

Q6 Changes to the grant budget

you must tell us how you will manage this.

Please use the same budget lines as in your original application. Complete the table to tell us:

You should note that we cannot increase our grant and that we may wish to seek to recover or withdraw any unspent grant funds if the change results in an underspend in total grant or project expenditure.

• which budget lines will change; • which project year will be affected; • what the agreed budget was before the change; • what the budget figure is after the change; and • the overall change in the budget line for the relevant year(s). If the change you are proposing means you will spend less of our grant this year than originally planned, you must either return the unspent amount to us or use it in future years of your project. We call this ‘rescheduling our grant’. If you are rescheduling our grant, you must include the budget lines that you will use the unspent amounts for in future years.

You must be able to account for all grant money received from the Community Fund should we ask you to. Please use the same budget line headings as in your original application. It is your responsibility to ensure that the value of the changes you are proposing, including the value of any other changes already agreed with you in this project year, does not exceed the limits explained on page one of this form.


Published by Community Fund, September 2002. Printed by C&R Printing Community Fund is the operating name of the National Lottery Charitites Board.


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