Notes on the 2009 Career fair
Who :
-The ward 6 scholars will all be participating in the Career Fair. -Mentors are also encouraged to attend be part of the presentations and engage scholars throughout the night. -Presenters- We are still in the process of recruiting 6 presenters in the areas of Arts, Sports, Business, journalism, Science and Computer Technology to present to their scholars about their careers.
A Career Fair!!
Tuesday April 27th 6-8pm
Ward 6 Achievement Center 659 G street, NE Washington, DC
Scholars will all be filling out schedules a week in advance of the career fair detailing the 2 seminars they desire to attend and participate in. Scholars will then be assigned in ratios of 1 presenter to 10-12 scholars. Presentations will least approximately 25 minutes (including time for feedback) and scholars will then rotate to their next assigned presenter. In addition to their schedules, scholars will be provided with a scavenger hunt sheet on which to document requested information.
To give scholars an opportunity to learn about their chosen careers. We want scholars to learn about all the different aspect of the careers that they have expressed an interest in. Specifically, we want them to learn what it takes to get to the goals that they have set for themselves and to begin thinking about plotting a course of success.