Notes On First And Last

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Notes on the Physical and the Spiritual Man Let me begin with the teaching that "the first shall be last". Scripture says that the "physical" man Adam came first. Then came the 2nd Adam (Yeshua) who is spirit. Now, if we stay with the precept that the first shall be last, we see that man was first a spirit, then a physical body. Therefore, we are like Yeshua: we were 1st a spiritual being that was placed into a physical body. It follows that "the last shall be first". The 2nd Adam [Yeshua] is spiritual. Now we know that the spiritual must come first. When God created everything (including man) in the beginning, each Day ends with "and God saw that it was good" [Genesis 1:31]. God created everything in 6 days. This includes all the spirits of every man that has ever lived or ever will live. This must mean spiritual bodies because mankind originally came from only one physical body [the 1st Adam]. The scriptures say that God knew us BEFORE we were born into this world. Therefore, it is the reconciliation and restoration of man [1st Adam] to where he was [the Garden of Eden--paradise] BEFORE he sinned that is the purpose of Yeshua's (who is now BOTH the first and the last) LIFE--DEATH--RESURRECTION in this physical world. Through Yeshua we will have "perfect physical [glorified] bodies" for eternity; and, it is because of the spirit of Yeshua the Messaiah (ONLY through him) that we can be resurrected in a glorified body. Paul said, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." It is the flesh that causes temptation, NOT THE SPIRIT. It was Adam and Eve's physical desire for the fruit of the tree of the knowledge that tempted them. It "looked" tasty! How could they be tempted by desire for knowledge when they did not understand what knowledge was? Therefore, in this world we must be overcomers of fleshly [physical] temptations. We do this by accepting the holy spirit of God and Yeshua into our hearts. The scriptures say that the soul of man is enmity with God, not the heart of man. FOOTNOTE 1: Satan was not created with a body of "flesh". His body was already in a glorified spiritual state (read about Lucifer and how magnificent God created him). The scriptures say that he can take many forms in this physical world. The devil cannot be given "another" glorified body because he has already rejected it, as have the angels who followed him and "left their first estate". They will be completely destroyed. As will all others who reject the "glorified body" God has provided for us through/by/in the risen Yeshua of Nazareth. FOOTNOTE 2: The Revelation speaks to everyone, not only God's elect. "No scripture is for private interpretation" can also mean that every word of the Bible is meant for "whosoever will" read it and desire to know it. Yes, there are deeper understandings in the scriptures. Yeshua said so! He often (not always) spoke in parables. When Yeshua commanded demons to depart from someone's physical body, he did not speak in a parable. Read John 21:21-24 This is the same John of whom Yeshua said, "If I will that he wait until I come, what is that to you?" John did wait and Yeshua did come to him in the Revelation. *Notice the actual words spoken by Yeshua (through the messenger angel) cease at the end of chapter 3 until the very last chapter, 22. John wrote the actual words of Yeshua to the 7 churches and at the closing of the book (Yeshua, the Word, is 1st and last). Everything in between was written by John as he explained what he had seen. It was necessary for John to be transported from this world to Heaven in order for him to see the future, not just prophesy the future. (1) John saw a door opened in Heaven. John saw it with "physical eyes". (2) John heard the 1st

voice that sounded like a trumpet with "physical ears". The voice said, "Come up here, and I will show you things in the future." (3) NOW, John is immediately in the Spirit. Read Revelation 20:4-6 "...and I saw the souls (not just spirits, but individual souls) of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yeshua, and for the word of God, and had not worshipped the Beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands; and they lived and REIGNED with Christ a thousand years.....This is the first resurrection.....they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with HIM (God/Christ) a thousand years." These scriptures prove that we do not have to worship the beast, his image, etc., at ANY time. They are external -- they are part of the temptations in the fleshly, physical world (as was the serpent in the Garden of Eden). We are made in the "image of God", not in the "image of the beast". Look for comparison of the great flood of Genesis (1st book and physical) to the "lake of fire" in Revelation (last book spiritual). Since the flood destroyed the physical man of the Old Testament (covenant), will the fire destroy the spiritual man of the New Testament (covenant)?

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