Non Power Applications Of Nuclear Technologies, Dr Xoubi

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  • Words: 664
  • Pages: 15
NE 101 Basics of Nuclear Engineering & Technology Chapter 7: Non Power Applications of Nuclear Technologies Dr. Ned Xoubi

‫الدكتور نضال الزعبي‬ Founder of the Nuclear Engineering Department Fall Semester 2007/ 2008

Beneficial Applications of Nuclear Technologies            

Medical Diagnoses and Treatment Research Applications r u ? o Industrial/ Manufacturing Applications y e rg v Food Irradiation o ne r p re Consumer Products m i ea y Safety and Security ll ucl a e n Agriculture r t e u Pharmaceutical research w ho n t Biology i a C sw Art / Archaeology e v Materials science li Environment Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Medical Uses Over 200 million nuclear-medicine tests are performed each year all over the world More than 16 million patients are treated with nuclear medicine

PET image

MRI image of the human brain. Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Therapeutic Uses  Radiotherapy (Direct radiation beam)  Gamma rays  Electron beams  X-radiation  Brachytherapy (Radiation from internally deposited radioactivity)  Removable seeds (long half-life)

Therapy Machine used for  Permanent seeds (short half-life)Targeting Cancerous Tissue Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Sterilization  Syringes  Surgical gloves  Scalpel blades  Many pre-packaged hospital supplies are sterilized using nuclear radiation

in s e v i L ne e pl n O o e ha P h ys t c u a o W T We More

Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Sterilization  Baby powder, contact lens solution, bandages, mascara and other cosmetics, are sterilized using nuclear radiation

in s e v i L ne e pl n O o e ha P h ys t c u a o W T We More

Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Research Use  Nuclear energy is being used in the automobile industry, the aircraft industry, mining and petroleum companies, pipeline companies, construction companies, cable manufacturers, and agriculture

Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Gauging  Monitor thickness of materials during production Sheet metal, aluminum foil Newspaper  Measure wear on cutting/drilling tools  Other measurements Amount of glue on postage stamp Level of liquid in canned beverages

Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Food Irradiation  Food treatment comparable to pasteurization Kills pests/microorganisms without food degradation Controls sprouting  Does not make the food radioactive  FDA Approved  Must be labeled

Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Food Irradiation Food irradiation is a process in which ionizing radiation is used to keep food fresh longer and kill germs. Some people have called food irradiation a method of cold pasteurization because the radiation destroys the disease-producing microorganisms with radiation energy instead of heat energy Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Types of Food That are Being Irradiated Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, some vegetables, baked goods, prepared foods Spices and other seasonings Strawberries and some other fruits Grain, fruit, vegetables, and other foods subject to insect infestation Bananas, avocados, mangos, papayas, guavas and certain other non-citrus fruits Potatoes, onions, garlic, ginger Grain, dehydrated vegetables, other foods Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Food Worldwide Application

Source ANS

Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Gamma - Radiography This process uses gammaray radioisotopes to test materials for flaws such as invisible cracks, defects and occlusions in welds More penetrating Portable and easy to use Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Neutron Activation Neutron Activation is a method of determining the concentration of elements in a wide variety of samples, accurately and precisely

Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


Consumer Products /Safety and Security  Smoke Detection Equipment  Self-powered Lighting in Exit Signs  Lighted Aircraft Instrumentation  Pharmaceutical Detection  Bomb/Weapons Detection  Scanning and Surveillance Equipment  Theft Deterrent Systems

Nuclear Engineering Department xoubi


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