Noble Press Issue 40

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New DG Nolie Espina Takes Over The Reigns of D75 By Lenore Laluna, DTM, Aboitiz TMC

Past International President Pawe Uy administers the oath to new District Governor Nolie Espina.

July 24, 2009

As Bong Pestañas Ushers A New Term For Maharlika Toastmasters By Ed Fabonan, ACS

Maharlika Toastmasters celebrated its 29th Charter Anniversary last July 10 at the roof deck of the Hotel Kimberly in the middle of a heavy downpour. The roof deck was covered, so everyone inside was dry. 45 members, officers and guests braved the inclement weather to witness a celebration that included a dance number inspired by Hayden Kho. All the 5 clubs of Area 12 were represented. But many other invited guests were stranded in various parts of the Metro by the resulting traffic and ultimately were not able to make it. The annual affair marked the turnover of leadership to the new batch of officers led by new President Bong Pestañas. Bong is a writer, Hockey coach, and photographer. He is also past President of Rotaract Club of Murphy.

Exciting. Exhilarating. Extraordinary. Such was the Toastmasters District 75 Officers Installation and Turnover Rites last July 5, 2009 held at the luxurious Salon de España, Casino Español de Cebu. With “Unleash your X-Factor” as the District theme and mode for the night, attending Toastmasters of District75 clad in their most formal attire were ready to do just that. Complete with an X-shaped stage, the extravaganza started with an explosive dance number rendered by members of the Timex Toastmasters Club. Toastmasters of the evening DTM Leony LalunaTebelin & ACS Edmund Malhabour then proceeded to unfold each exciting part of the program.

Maharlikans and guests gather for a souvenir shot.

Continued on page 3 …

Continued on page 2…

To know more about us, visit our site at Or be our guest at our club meetings, every Tuesdays, 7pm at the Jade Vine Restaurant, U.N. Ave. cor. Bocobo St, Manila. Just walk in. You will be welcome.

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DG Nolie Espina… From page 1

A colorful song and dance number entertained the attendees.

A look back at District 75’s TI year 2008-2009 with its battle cry “Extraordinary people with extraordinary styles” was done with the valedictory address of Outgoing District Gov. DTM Adelina Royo, followed by the discharging of Outgoing District Officers. This was truly an extraordinary group indeed who worked untiringly and unselfishly for the district in the past year. Kudos! To usher in the new reign, Past District Gov DTM Dodong Baduel gave a rousing tribute and introduction of District 75’s head Toastmaster. Giving us a taste of the exemplary leadership that lies ahead, Incoming Dist.75 Gov ACG Manuel Espina outlined his dreams and plans for the district and exhorted all Toastmasters to “Unleash Your XFactor!” in his Inaugural Speech. He was then charged & installed by no less than Past Intl Dir. DTM Christine Temblique and Past Intl Pres. DTM Johnny Uy.

Education & Training DTM Wilson Lee, Lt.Gov Marketing ATM Rene Lizada, District Secretary ACG Benzon Lim, Treasurer CTM/CL Marlou Abayon, PRO CTM Richard Ramos, Trainer ACG Raymond Briones, Discon Chair ATMB/CL Ana Villa Borlasa, Midyear Con Chair DTM Eliza Paylago; and Division Governors: CC/ALB Corazon Lorenza Oliva-Rodil (A), DTM Katrina Letargo (B), CC/CL Grace Paras (C), CTM/CL Cherrie Grace Abkilan (D), CTM Victor Navales (E), CC/CL Helbert Cual (F), ACG/CL Jonathan Yogawin (G), ATMB Marilou Ranario (H), ACB/CL Aristides Archie (I), & DTM Voltaire Victoria(K). The night’s festivities capped off what was a busy Toastmasters Weekend in Cebu. The first round of Club Officers training for both Division C & I was conducted Saturday July 4, & the District Officers Training was done Sunday morning July 5. As District 75 TI year 2008-2009 begins, each Toastmaster is encouraged to eXplore the possibilities to enhance communication and leadership skills, eXchange ideas with every Toastmaster in District 75, eXcel in his/her own personal endeavor through the communication and leadership program of Toastmasters International. Hence the battle cry, Unleash Your X Factor!

Classy Toastmasters in a classy venue.

New District theme.

To complete the team tasked of leading District75 to another exhilarating year ahead, the charging and installation for the rest of the District Officers soon followed. For this year we have the following: Lt.Gov To know more about us, visit our site at Or be our guest at our club meetings, every Tuesdays, 7pm at the Jade Vine Restaurant, U.N. Ave. cor. Bocobo St, Manila. Just walk in. You will be welcome.

Issue No. 40 Page 2

Bong Pestañas Ushers … From Page 1

In his inaugural speech, Bong roused members to his vision for the year, the quest for another President’s Distinguished title and a very active Maharlika Toastmasters club, encapsulated in his theme – “Let’s F.I.G.H.T. for F.I.V.E.” F.I.G.H.T. stands for Focus, Innovate, Give, Help, Talk and F.I.V.E. stands for Fellowship, Inspiration, Values and Education. District Governor Nolie Espina, using his skills as a lawyer in picking up from where the previous speaker left off (undoubtedly learned from court room jousts), used Bong’s rallying cry to share his own goal for the district. “Let’s play defense,” says Nolie, because the district, while recruiting on average up to 3,000 new members every year, is also losing the same number of older members, so that total membership level for the district is always the same. Nolie pleaded to all Toastmasters to also work hard at retaining members while at the same time working on their individual and club goals. Outgoing President Mely Fernandez, after seeing her video tribute, was in a happy mood, relieved at the successful completion of her term. She dutifully acknowledged everyone’s contribution by awarding plaques and certificates to all the members and officers who supported her term.

Maharlikans perform a Hayden Kho number.

After the ceremonial transfer of gavel and the presidential robe from Mely to Bong, the new batch of officers where officially installed and charged by LGE Wilson Lee and DG Nolie Espina, respectively.

Incoming President Bong bids farewell to Mely with a gift.

Other dignitaries present in the event were, Div. B Gov. Katrina Letargo, Past Div B Gov. Philip Iledan, and Area 12 Gov. Rudy Reyes. Legendary Maharlikans Abe Tablizo and Mercy Ente where also there to join the celebration.

Division B Blasts Into Orbit Newly-installed Division B Governor Katrina Letargo officially received her mission orders last July 11 from District Governor Nolie Espina during the Division B Turn-over ceremony at the old Makati Stock Exchange Building. The affair was very formal. It even included a poetry reading portion. Outgoing Division B Governor Philip Iledan relinquished the post with a mixture of pride and relief. Pride for having steered the Division into President’s Distinguished status and for having accomplished several remarkable feats along the way, like successfully holding a poetry and dance contest, a President’s Night, a Division outing, and Area Governor’s Roasting, in addition to the regular activities of the Toastmaster term. Relief because his personal expenditures will be reduced by half now that he is no longer a Division governor (we will surely miss the banquet he gives out during the monthly Division council meetings). Area Governors Tess Solis (Area 11), Ed Fabonan (Area 12), Jeeves De Veyra (Area 13), Dennis Gavino (Area 14), Dulce Rañosa (Area 15) and Alvin Tan (Area 16), along with Division council officers LGE Aida Valles, LGM Chen Villacorta, Secretary Marife Lacsamana and

To know more about us, visit our site at Or be our guest at our club meetings, every Tuesdays, 7pm at the Jade Vine Restaurant, U.N. Ave. cor. Bocobo St, Manila. Just walk in. You will be welcome.

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Treasurer Dulce Rañosa were thanked for their contributions to the term.

Division B & H Conducts Joint Officer’s Training

New Div. Gov. Katrina Letargo then unveiled her theme for the term – BLAST -- as if to pick up from the 40th anniversary of the first successful moon landing which took place this month in 1969. B.L.A.S.T. is an acronym for Building Leaders and Speakers Together. It is her own take on the need for everybody’s involvement in helping new members grow and develop into the great leader and speaker they aspired to be when they joined Toastmasters. Corollary to that theme and in support of the District’s “Unleash Your X-Factor” slogan, Katrina also adds the Division slogan, “Be Big, Be Brave, Be Bold.” Big in setting goals for membership and club accomplishments; Bold in going for victory; and Brave in assuming leadership positions.

By Aida Valles, DTM

Alongside Katrina, the following officers were also installed: Area Governors Dianne Calderon (Area 11), Rudy Reyes (Area 12) Ully Jerus (Area 13), Jay Claravall (Area 14), Syril Tolentino (Area 15) and Cathy Bachoco (Area 16) and the new Division council officers AGET Jazz Encarnacion, AGM Gege Sugue, Sec. Liza Romarate and Treasurer Sheila Dela Cruz. Past District Governor Gina Mapua was the amiable Toastmaster of the Day.

Division B and H Toastmasters pack the Hall of the MSE during Officers Training.

The drizzle of last Saturday did not dampen the spirit of the Divisions B and H club officers as they trooped to the San Carlos Room of the Makati Stock Exchange along Ayala Avenue. Maharlika prexy Bong Pestañas, Peter Guzman, Kai Alix, and Cecile Azarcon joined the other Division B club officers for an afternoon of learning, sharing, and bonding. DG Nolie Espina and LGET Wilson Lee led the discussions on the District goals, X Factor 101 (Club foresight), X Factor 102 (Membership is key!), and X Factor 103 (Introduction to Quality Service Leadership). Speech champ Khris Albano joined the District 75 officers for an entertaining take on the last topic of quality service leadership. The breakout sessions per club officer position followed. The small-group discussions generated a lot of creative ideas for the improvement of clubs.

District LGET Wilson Lee Administers the Oath to the new Division Governor, Area Governors and Division Council members.

Other Maharlikans who showed up were Ed Fabonan and Aida Valles. The latter facilitated the discussion group of VPs for Membership. Most clubs or Area 12 also had robust attendance. UP Manila sent 3 representatives (Pres. Mahdi Khadematolrasoul, VP Education Pam Castro, Treasurer Yolly Meru), UEC had 4 officers and 1 member (Pres Faye Sy, VP Education Arthur King, VP Membership Wyndale Wong, Sgt-at-Arms Michaelson Lim), Manila Bay had

To know more about us, visit our site at Or be our guest at our club meetings, every Tuesdays, 7pm at the Jade Vine Restaurant, U.N. Ave. cor. Bocobo St, Manila. Just walk in. You will be welcome.

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4 (Pres. Jimmy Uy, VP Education Mahdi Kadematolrasoul, VP PR Rudy Reyes and Secretary Fred Maralag III) and new Area 12 club U-Belt sent 4 (Pres. Edwin Villanueva, Sec. Aileen, VP Education Ariel Layno and VP PR Melvin Piza). New Area 12 Governor Rudy Reyes was there to ensure all the clubs under him are represented.

What’s Happening at Maharlika?

correctly. As a reward, TC had a bagful of commercial snacks which she tossed at the respondents. Two speakers delivered that evening, Cecille Azarcon, commencing work on her Advanced Communicator norm, gave an informative speech titled “Business Opportunity” and Bong Pestañas, who is working to get his Advanced Communicator Silver, talked of “Dr Feel Good”.

Maharlika’s new set of officers lost no time in putting their ship into the high seas. Two meetings are already done. These accounts foretells a lot about the future.

To TC’s credit, nobody went home overweight.

July 14, TC Chua Leads Snack Attack

July 20, 2009 marks the 40th year of the first moon landing, when Neil Armstrong uttered the now famous, “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” That is why designated TME Bong Pestanas chose to celebrate the moon landing with that theme. There was no lunar module, no lunar sand, no black background of the Universe and stars to create the required ambience. Our official decorator, Odessa was not in the building during the event.

It’s like a scene from the old sci-fi film. With TC as the Toastmaster of the evening, snacks, oozing with oil, sugar and carbohydrates, took life to strike terror and fear in the hearts of figureconscious Toastmasters. Nobody at Maharlika was terrified, since there is nothing else to loose anyway.

July 21, Maharlika Commemorates First Moon Landing

But using Odessa’s projector, Bong gave a close visual equivalent with his slides and pictures. Everything about that expedition was tackled during the introduction and table topics, including conspiracy theories about whether or not the moon landing was actually a Hollywood movie production. Following TC Chua’s footsteps, Bong used Trivia questions to transition between speakers and program participants. Like TC, Bong had ‘incentives’ to the winners. If this trend continues, Maharlika will become the Trivia contest capital of District 75.

Aida could not decide what snack to eat.

For the entirety of her presentations, TC Chua threw Trivia questions about snacks at the audience. Guest Enrico Barzuela, a one week old Toastmaster, surprised everyone with the depth of his knowledge by answering all of the questions

Enrico Barzuela showed his great speech writing talent with his ice-breaker speech. Guest Third Catayoc from Camanava Toastmasters, recited his own interpretation of the Edgar Allan Poe poem, “The Raven” as an Interpretive Reading project. Just as the slice of history the evening was celebrating, the meeting is very historic, as both Area 12 Governor Rudy Reyes and Division B Governor Katrina Letargo were there during the meeting.

To know more about us, visit our site at Or be our guest at our club meetings, every Tuesdays, 7pm at the Jade Vine Restaurant, U.N. Ave. cor. Bocobo St, Manila. Just walk in. You will be welcome.

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Maharlika looks forward to more of these. Other guests present were Manila Bay’s Fred Maralag and UP Manila’s Mark Mariñas.

If A Picture Paints A Thousand Words You may be bumping into our Club Officers and District Officers without knowing who they are, here are their mug shots:

Manuel (Nolie) Espina District Governor

Rene Lizada Dist. LG Marketing

Wilson Lee Dist. LG Education

Katrina Letargo Division B Governor

TC Chua VP Education

Mimosa Maghanoy VP Membership

Cecille Azarcon VP PR

Maricar Alix Secretary

Peter Guzman Treasurer

Jing Kanapi Sgt.-at-Arms

Maharlika Toastmasters Club Officers, 2009-2010 President VP Education VP Membership VP PR Secretary Treasurer Sgt. At Arms

Rudy Reyes Area 12 Governor

Bong Pestañas Maharlika President

Bong Pestañas TC Chua Mimosa Maghanoy Cecille Azarcon Maricar Alix Peter Guzman Jing Kanapi

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The names "Toastmasters International", "Toastmasters" and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada, Philippines and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

To know more about us, visit our site at Or be our guest at our club meetings, every Tuesdays, 7pm at the Jade Vine Restaurant, U.N. Ave. cor. Bocobo St, Manila. Just walk in. You will be welcome.

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