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NIXON WILL CIVE UP TAPES Mideast fronts aflame

Will obey c o urt. President concedes









WASHINGTON Iff)' — President Nixon agreed today to turn over the Watergate tapes to a federal judge, even as the House of Representatives began a preliminary investigation into whether to impeach him. Nixon's.chief courtroom lawyer, Charles Alan Wright, said Nixon decided to give in to a U.S. Appeals Court ruling because the weekend's events made it clear that his proposed compromise wouldn't settle the constitutional crisis. - , ''This President does not defy the law," Wright said. "He has authorized me to say he will comply with the court's order in full." The impact of Nixon's

upheld by a federal ap- prise announcement that peals court, but Nixon at he would not withdraw it first refused to go along Rep. Jerome Waldie, Dwith it and fired special . Calif..,- a member of the W a t e r g a t e prosecutor J u d i c i a r y Committee, Archibald Cox when Cox said he wants to find out an out-of-court if Nixon intends to give arrangement to have the the c o u r t White House tapes edited by Sen. John documents which also had C. Stennis, D-Miss. been sought by Cox. Sirica's clerk said later Waldie also s a i d he that the judge had no ad- w a n t s the House Judicivance knowledge of the ary Committee to ask Cox President's intention. to examine the tapes, and documents if they are THE TIMING of the made available, to deter-: delivery of the tapes was mine if they are indeed l e f t o p e n , but Wright the ones he had requestpromised it w o u l d be ed. "done as expeditiously as "Then I'll wait until I possible." see the contents of the The first congressman tapes and documents," to introduce an impeach- Waldie said. "If the President is inm e n t resolution t o d a y said a f t e r Nixon's sur- d e e d turning o v e r the tapes and the documents, it is.a mpst positive step, the first indication he's • willing to abide by the law of the land," Waldie said. "It will make a marked impression on the Congress as it determines New Nobel Awards, A-3 TOKYO 15V-Hanoi politburo member Le Due Tho what to do about impeachrejected the Nobel Peace Prize awarded him jointly ment, particularly when with Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, a Hanoi we have the ability -to examine the tapes and the broadcast said today. - • . Hanoi's official Vietnam News Agency, in a broad- documents Cox sought." cast monitored in Tokyo, said the rejection was in a IT WAS THE Presimessage sent to the president of the Nobel Prize dent's stated refusal to turn over the tapes which Committee of the Norwegian parliament in Oslo. In his message, Tho said: "I impossible to led him to fire special accept the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize" because the United W a t e r g a t e p r o s e c u t o r States and South Vietnam have continued to commit .Archibald Cox on Satur"verv serious violations" of the cease-fire agreement day night after Cox said and "peace has not been really restored in South that he would pursue his court battle to obtain the Vietnam." ' "... . . He said when the Paris agreement on Vietnam is tapes as evidence for the respected, "guns are silenced, and peace is really Watergate grand jury. restored in South Vietnam, I will consider the acceptSirica had issued an .order on Aug. 29 directing ance of this prize. "I take this opportunity to express my thanks to the President to give him Watergate-related the committee and to renew to you the assurances of nine White House tapes submy high consideration." ' , poenaed by Cox so that he could examine t h e m in private and determine if. the President had a valid Sty Thing* Done! claim for withholding them. The White House had delivered to Sirica on Monday a copy of the President's announcement Friday night as well as a proposed order accepting ACTION LINE is your service solving your prob- it. Nixon's decision to give lems, getting your answers, cutting red tape, and standin on the tapes was ing up for your rights. To get action, write ACTION thought likely to lessen LINE,' Box 230, Long Beach, Calif. 90844, or dial 4323451 between 9 a.m. and fl p.m. Monday through sentiment f o r i m p e a c h ment. Friday. Questions are selected for their general interest and helpfulness. Please, do not send original docuHOWEVER, MANY of ments you wish returned. (Turn to Back Pg., Col. 6)

stunning reversal, after weeks of open resistance to disclosure of the tape recordings, was not immediately clear. Nixon's refusal to release the tapes had been one reason cited by his critics for the several impeachment motions filed today. But Nixon's action still leaves other controv e r s i e s u n r e s o l v e d , including his orders against subpoenas for any other presidential t a p e s and documents. ' Wright announced Nixon's decision to U.S. District Court Judge John J. Sirica, who originally ordered the President to supply the tapes to him for private inspection. Sirica's ruling had been



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I have been off work for a year due to a heart condition. I applied for Social Security disability, but I was turned down. I have appealed the decision and my hearing will be held soon. I can't afford to hire an attorney, and I don't know what sort of infor-' mation I should present. The Social S e c u r i t y Administration apparently believes that my disability is not' permanent, but any type of activity brings on an attack.'.Can ACTION LINE tell me how to prepare for this h e a r i n g ? H.G., Long Beach. In addition to any medical testimony or written reports on your condition, you should chronicle the history of your ailment. Be as specific as possible. You should list exactly what the symptoms are, when they first appeared and what effect they've had on your job. You should specify what type of activity causes which symptoms and describe (Continued on Page A-8, Col. 2)


' ' S t e p p i n g O u t , " an annual guide to Southland restaurants, is included in your P r e s s - T e l e g r a m today. The 40-page guide, prepared by Restaurant Editor Tedd Thomey, has facts on 100 restaurants. It is a s p e c i a l section m a n y w i l l f i n d worth keeping. Bridge—B-7. Carlton—B-I. Classified—C-ll to 19. Comics—B-10. Crossword—B-10. Editorial—B-2. Finandal-C-8,9. Jeane Dixon—B-10. L.A.C.-B-3. Life/style—B-6, 7. Obituaries—C-ll. Robeson—B-3. Shipping (able—B-ll. • Sports—C-llo 5. Theaters—B-8. Tclevision-C-20. Wcather-B-11. Wilson-B-8.

ISRAELI VEHICLES wheel past wrecked Egyptian trucks on west bank of Suez Canal Monday, hours after the supposed cease-fire was to go into effect. The picture, taken by Pulitzer Prize winner

Horst Faas, was the first photograph from non-military sources to arrive from the Mideast since the start of the IsraelArab conflict. --AP Wirephoro

kitted in air crash; 11 RIO DE JANEIRO Iff) — Brazilian airliner, whose passengers included Indiana U. Gov. Robert "D. Orr and 11 other members of an Indiana trade mission, crashed into Rio de Janeiro's Guanabara Bay t o d a y and sank, authorities said. A spokesman for Viacap Aerea de Sao Paolo Airlines, which owned the plane, said five persons were confirmed d e a d , with most of the other passengers escaping, with slight injuries. It was not known if any Americans w e r e among the dead or injured. The turboprop p l a n e carried 60 passengers and .five crew members,, the airlines said: A U.S. consular source reported that all but one of the 12-member trade mission f r o m Indiana, headed by Orr, was accounted for. M o s t had swum to shore, authorities said. It was not known if Orr was among those accounted for. Airport authorities said m o r e t h a n 20 persons were plucked from the plane's fuselage before it sank after floating for 10 minutes. Cause of the crash was not known. N a v a l school cadets who witnessed the crash on the edge of the bay said that upon impact, one of the doors of the plane opened and a large number of passengers left through the emergency exit and swam 200 yards to the pier. The p l a n e was a

Japanese-made Sumarai on a shuttle flight from Rio to the interior city of Belp Horizonte. H had just taken off from Santos Dumont airport w h e n the crash occurred. The Indiana trade mission had visited Colombia

BLACKOUTS CAUSED BY RAIN IN L.B. AREA Rain fell throughout the Southland e a r l y today, sweeping away rush-hour air pollution but making driving hazardous. At 11 a . m . , National Weather Service forecasters said more rain from the storm was unjikely. A total of .11 inches of rain was recorded at Long Beach Airport, with nearly all the rainfall coming before? a.m. Gusty winds and clearing skies are forecast for tonight with an overnight low of 55. The early morning storm caused loss of electrical power in two North Long B e a c h a n d L a k e wood neighborhoods. James Harris, assistant

district manager for the Southern California Edison Company, said the first power failure occurred at 12:42 a.m. in a n . area bounded by Carson Street on the north, Del Amo Boulevard on the south, Paramount B o u l e vard on the e a s t and Deeboyar Avenue on the west. About a thousand customers were without electricity for an hour and 18 minutes, he said. The second power loss started at 1:15 a.m. in an area between M a r k e t Street on the south and C3rd Street on the north, Cherry A v e n u e on the east and Lemon Avenue on the west.

MARKLEEVILLE I/B — Sixteen members of a high school mountaineering class and their two

Two plainclothes guards quickly moved into the gallery, seized the man and hustled him out of.lhe gallery as he tried to continue speaking. His identity was not immediately available. After pausing during the i n c i dent, which lasted about 30 seconds, Byrd said "I regret (he-outburst in the gallery" and resumed his speech expressing "my utter abhorrence of the President's action- o v e r this weekend."

WASHINGTON (ffl — Secretary of State Henry A. K i s s i n g e r has postponed his trip to China and "intensive diplomatic activity is underway" as the result of renewed fighting in the M i d d l e East a n d - the apparent breakdown in the ceasefire, the State Department said today. Department spokesman Robert J. McCloskcy said at a briefing: "1 can't say there ever was a time the guns fell silent on the battlefield." Kissinger bad planned to make his sixth visit to China later this week. He had planned a news conference today, a f t e r returning in the e a r l y morning following trips to Moscow and Tel Aviv, but rescheduled it for Wednesday. He gave no reason for callling off today's news conference. McCloskey, while regist e r i n g heightened U.S. c o n c e r n o v e r new outbreaks on both the Suez and Golan Heights fronts, said, "There is now intensive diplomatic activity under way to f i n d a means to resolve the conconflict on the ground and to implement the Security Council resolution."

EGYPT AND Israel had accepted the truce appeal. — worked out by the U n i t e d States and the Soviet Union — and both ordered their armies Monday evening to hold their fire unless fired on. But Syria kept silent on the U.N. call, and only hours after it went into effect there were mutual accusations of cease-fire violations by Egyptians' and Israelis along the Suez front. A correspondent for Egypt's M i d d l e E a s t . News. Agency said the Israeli and Egyptian forces by today were "locked in the niost vicious fighting since t h e outbreak of the war." S y r i a charged the Israelis sent about GO warp l a n e s in "waves" to b o m b civilian t a r g e t s today north of Damascus and said Israeli planes (Turn to Back Page Col. 1)

Watergate case staff may resign

WASHINGTON W) The staff of the Watergate special prosecution force has discussed the possibil-' ity of a mass resignation, an assistant special prosecutor said Tuesday. The assistant, who asked not to be identified, said mass resignation was a m o n g s e v e r a l alternatives being considered by the - s t a f f whose head, Archibald Cox, was fired by President Nixon Saturday. Cox' discharge was preceded by the resignation of Atty. Gen. Elliot L. Weather sinks Richardson and the disworld flight missal of Deputy A t t y . Gen. W i l l i a m RuckelHEMET (UPI) - A re- shaus. instructors were missing tired Air Force colonel atThe assistant special today in a blizzard in the tempting to fly his home- prosecutor c o m m e n t e d High S i e r r a , sheriff's made plane around the after emerging f r o m a deputies said. world has run into some closely guarded meeting A p i n e Deputy P a i g e 'bad weather over the Ber- in the prosecutor's offices Abel said four members ing Sea, his wife said where Cox reportedly was of the expedition made from the couple's home saying -farewell to his their way to the communi- here Monday. staff after listening to ty of Bear Valley late Donald 'P. Taylor, 53, Richardson's news confer-., Monday to r e p o r t the who mortgaged his home ence Tuesday. group had lost its way and to finance the flight, callThe assistant, one of the become separated while ed home and told his wife, 35 lawyers on Cox's staff, hiking in the heavy snows Lois, he was giving up the said he didn't expect his and high winds at about voyage because of the bad colleagues to reach a 10,000 feet altitude. weather. decision until they had The class, from Woodlearned more about their side High School in Portofuture role in the Waterla Valley, was led by ingate prosecution. structors William Johnson He said they expected and John Keaton. to m e e t later Tuesday TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY More than a dozen L.B. AREA - Clear. with Acting Atty. Gen. w e a r i n g cross-country Robert H. Bork and Asst. skis and snowshoes comb- Low 55, high 70. A t t y . G e n . H e n r y E. ed the area, where temMOUNTAINS - Clear Pctersen to discuss the fuperatures f e l l to n e a r - and windy. Lows 30 to 45, ture of (he case. The asfreezing during the night. high 50. sistant prosecutor said no Blizzard conditions made DESERT — Gusty decision about r e s i g n a use of a helicopter impos- winds to 40 m.p.h. Lows tions would be made until sible. 35 to 50, highs 70 to 80. afterward.

18 in class lost in Sierra blizzard

Shouter interrupts blast at Nixon by Sen. Byrd WASHINGTON UP) - A speech by Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W. Va., denounc: ing President Nixon's firing of Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox was interrupted briefly today when a man stood and started shouting from a Senate Gallery-. Reporters in the press gallery on the other side of the chamber h e a r d references to Nixon, God and Jesus Christ but were unclear whether the man was supporting or attacking the President.

and Venezuela and had scheduled several stops in Brazil before returning to the United States. U.S. consular sources said the mission was primarily composed of exporters, seeking LatinAmerican m a r k e t s for their products.

Kissinger China trip delayed

Associated Press Fierce t a n k and artillery c l a s h e s exploded a l o n g the Suez Canal today and dogfights erupted over the Syrian battleground despite the U.N. cease-fire. The war raged into .its 18th day on both fronts after a only partial overnight pause for the precarious Security Council truce designed to halt the combat in place and open the way to negotiations for a permanent peace. E g y p t called for an emergency Security Council m e e t i n g to discuss what it said' were Israeli violations of the fragile cease-fire. The c o u n c i l president, Sir Laurence M c l n t y r e of Australia, called a midday session at U. N. headquarters in New York.


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