Nitham - Ch 3 - Submission 02

  • November 2019
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Chapter 3 The Intellectual Leadership of Islam (Al-Qiyadatul Fikriyyatu fil Islam) Types of Bonding: INVALID 1. Patriotic Bond (Rabitah al Wataniyah) a. It arises when the level of thinking declines b. Linkage to the homeland c. As a result of an aggression from a person d. Creating man to act defensive e. Survival things f. Activated when someone became threatened so that new law will be implemented g. Not permanent 2. Nationalistic Bond (Raabitah Qawmiyyah) a. Related to survival instinct b. Family bond c. Problem that result from Family bonding; i. Different tribes will be at a war in a number of years (there always be a conflicts) ii. Gives rise to discrimination/racism 1. Zimbabwe  no white people to be in her land 2. Hittler  only blue eyes and blond hair 3. There will be lots of jealousy and corruptions d. Not permanent bond e. Animalistic  protect their family from other family in wild. 3. Self Interest Bond (raabitah maslahiyyah) a. People bonds together in search of an interest/ what they believe in. b. Temporary bond: the problems solved = no more bonding. c. Arose due to maslahah. 4. Spiritual Bond (raabitah roohiyyah) a. Religiousness (ibadah) something that is confined between human being and the creator. b. No system emanates from this bond. c. Impartial, limited, temporarily, restricted. d. Regardless of what their creator is. VALID; ONE AND ONLY! IDEOLOGICAL BOND (RAABITAH AL MABDAIYYAH) 1. Considered to be the correct bond amongst the human kind 2. Comprehensive idea 3. made up of 2 elements a. Idea (Fikrah) b. Tariqah (Method) 4. If the Ideology only confine just the idea, then this will be just a philosophy 5. Method must come from the idea. 6. Ideology/mabda must consist these elements: a. Have solutions; every answers to every elements of man’s life

b. Method to implement the solution; can be achieved from the ideology and the idea; Aqeedah c. Something that will preserve the aqeedah(doctrine); within it we have our mabda d. Something to convey the idea/fikrah to others e. Hence, it has to be from the creator (Allah SWT) The Ideological Bond (raabitah mabdaiyyah) consists of: 1. Aqeedah  comprehensive idea 2. System  linked with the Aqeedah An ideology becomes correct if the intellectual idea (doctrine) – what the aqeedah defines – is correct. It also must agree with man’s fitrah (nature) and built upon the mind (that is not built on matter or solution arrived from/through compromise). The available Mabda’a or Ideology 1. Capitalism – adopted by state Idea (fikrah) Aqeedah (doctrine) Intellectual leadership Democracy Separating religion from life/secularism Qa’idah fikriyyah Men to control their life/lays down own system

Freedom of belief Hurriyat al aqeedah shakhsiyyah

Freedom of opinion Hurriyat ur ra’I

Freedom of ownership Hurriyat ul milkiyyah

Personal Freedom Hurriyat


IDEOLOGY: CAPITALISM Capitalism facts -

Influenced by the European and Russian history – Feudalistic The Founding father of Democracy; Abraham Lincon Individualistic Yes to private ownership Individual made up the society Freedom There’s a possibility in believe in the creator in individual basis No recognition the involvement of a creator with this life

2. Communism/Socialism -- adopted by a state Idea (fikrah) Aqeedah (doctrine) Intellectual leadership Democracy Separating religion from life/secularism Qa’idah fikriyyah Men to control their life/lays down own system

Materialism Materialistic evolution Dialect materialism

matter is eternal/wajibul wujud matter is the origin of thoughts and all things


Communism facts -

Deny the existence of a Creator completely The world and all its inhabitants, follow a process of evolution Ideals sought by men are the sublime values that man lays down for himself Intellectual leadership does not satisfy man’s nature Brutally to subjugate people to its ideology Most important instruments: Oppression, suppression, anarchy, turmoil and distractions. Developed as a reaction of Capitalism Resulted the Ballistic revolution 1917 No private ownership but rather a state ownership System emanates from the materialistic philosophy which economic is the basis and the main feature/element just like capitalism People live in the same level economically Competition in the world market No freedom of belief Everything’s done for the sake of the state only, there is no boundary the way in which to satisfy the instincts and organic needs (worse than animals). Totally atheist Society made up a whole – one part of a bigger picture like a spoke in a wheel. The implementation was one of the shortest in history Buried by its own people due to its ideological failure

3. Islam -

The basis of Islam is the conviction in the existence of a creator The spirit (ruh) is man’s comprehension of his relationship with Allah(swt)


The belief in Allah (SWT) is linked with the belief in Prophet Hood Muhammad (SA). It is obligatory to believe in everything he (SA) brought The ideal aims to protect society are not instituted by man, but rather by the commands of the creator Allah (SWT) The ideal aims to protect society are fixed, and not subject to man’s whims and desires The Islamic creed is both for individuals and collective The happiness is not satisfying the sensual pleasure The happiness is in attaining the pleasure of Allah (SWT) Man’s organic needs and instincts are organized in a way which ensures the satisfaction of all of them which offers man delight and comfort Islam satisfies man’s organic needs and instinct without suppressing some of them To maintain organization of organic needs and instincts Islam considers the community to be an indivisible whole as an inseparable part of the community Islam defines society as followings Society is composed of individuals Thoughts Emotions Individual

- Judicial System in Islam is governed by the Sharai’h restriction only - Aqeedah of the Muslims is restricted by the limits of Islam and is not left Unrestricted - If some one apostasy his apostasy is met with the capital punishment without compassion and in public - Sovereignty belongs to Shar’a not to the state or to the Ummah - The authority (Sultan) belongs to ummah and it is manifested in the state - The state is the method for implementing the system although the individual piety is relied upon for his adherence to the laws of Allah (SWT) - Islam is comprised of Aqeedah and system - The Islamic ideology is both a fikrah and tareeqah (method) - Implementing Islam on non- Muslims had a great effect in creating the vast Islamic world -

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