Nitham - Ch 1 - 2 - Submission 01

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 368
  • Pages: 2
Chapter 1

Way to belief

References: Faith and Destiny booklet (ideal pre-reading) (creationism / detailed argument of proof of GOD) (refutations against evolution theory / different types of thinking) Summary: Actions and thoughts are interlinked. To revive man’s behavior his thoughts needs to be changed. Man’s behavior is a result of his thoughts and concepts. True solution can only be achieve by enlightened thought process. Islam solves the greatest problem. Islam is built on an intellectual doctrine which satisfies the mind and its harmony with man’s nature. All the systems of Islam emanate from the doctrine from the Kalima. All created things are limited and dependent. The subsequent rational argument is that the created of all limited and dependent things must be unlimited and independent of its creation. Imitation in aqeedah is not allowed. Its obligatory for anyone who wants to come under the fold of islam to be rationally and intellectually convinced of the aqeedah of islam instead of imitating someone. Need for messengers to define the relationship between GOD -> man and Man to Society. Human beings have instincts and as Muslims we need to satisfy our instincts according to Allah(swt) orders. Quran is sent to us by Allah(swt). It can also be proved that the quran is the word of the creator ie Allah(swt). Once the person is convinced by the aqeedah of Islam then he/she has to submit wholeheartedly to the orders of Islam.

Chapter 2

Al-Qada Wal-Qadar

References: (articles on actions / articles on mutazilla and greek philosophy) Summary:

Various opinions are given to address this topic. However the question which should be asked is not about who created man’s actions or the knowledge of Allah(swt) nor decree of Allah(swt) nor protected decree ie actions are predetermined in lau-hal mahfooz. The above mentioned points do not have any relationship with reward and punishment. Man live under two spheres; one sphere dominates him and other sphere he dominates. First sphere dominates man is the law of the universe. Second sphere which man can dominate is through doing actions according to his views. Man has to perform his actions according to what pleases and displease Allah(swt). Man is accountable for his/her actions.

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