Night Elf

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 3,545
  • Pages: 12

Technical Details • •

Night Elf is a single-player game on the Xbox 360. The player will lead his character through varied environments from Forrest, Coast, Urban and Subterranean.

The player will use stealth and trickery to accomplish goals rather than direct violence. The game will focus on teenage and older players. The player will have to balance his characters weakness and strengths. Example: While the elves are quick and stealth they are not strong in a direct confrontation they will loose a fight. The elves night-vision is a handicap in well lit areas.

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Concept Night Elf will be a stealth adventure game that will allow the player to complete goals without killing being the answer to all problems. The player will be presented with puzzles and dilemmas with multiple solutions. The stealthier and least violent methods used will always give the greater reward. The player will make use of the environment to evade capture and notice avoiding confrontation. The player can use difficult terrain to stop or slow pursuit, other NPCs or wildlife to distract guards and illusions to confuse and evade enemies. Feel The game will be from a top down perspective when the player is in an area where combat and stealth is possible. This will give him the best perspective for situational awareness. The player will be in first person, with the option to zoom to third person, in social hubs. The player will see shadows as a dark blue light and well lit areas will cause a glare that can become blinding. The character will feel at home in the shadows and exposed in intense light which the glare and changes in ambient music will underscore for the player.

Controls Fighting Environment • Right thumb stick Used to guide the character. The further the thumb stick is moved from center the faster the character will move in that direction. Holding down the thumb stick will force the character to move slowly in stealth.

Left thumb stick Used to aim. As the character becomes more developed he will gain abilities that will be controlled with the Left Thumb stick. At first a small arrow will point from the character in the direction the ranged missile will fly. The player will unlock upgrades that will lengthen the line of fire indicator and the characters accuracy will improve. The player will be able to get the ability to curve his arrows if he is standing still. The player will need to aim at his target then hold the thumb stick down. Moving the thumb stick while it is depressed will cause the arc of the projectile to change. Pressing the ranged attack button (A) will send the projectile along the path set avoiding obstacles. The left thumb stick will also guide magic cast by the player. Example: Illusions will move forward once cast, the player can use the thumb stick to try and influence it’s path.

X button allows the player to access the inventory screen. This screen will allow the player to quickly switch through available equipment and choose ammo and active magic.

Y button will have the player cast their active magic.

B button will perform a melee attack or interact with an object. If no melee weapon is equipped then the player will use this button to speak to another NPC.

A button will fire a projectile weapon. The ranged attack will go directly forward unless the player has used the left thumb stick to change the course of the projectile.

Right shoulder button will cycle through equipped items.

Left shoulder button will change the category of items the Right shoulder button moves through Weapons, Ammo, and Magic.

Story The Night elves have arrived on the shores of a new land, fleeing their homeland ahead of an unexpected assult. Their people have been scattered as the fled across the ocean. They have arrived on a coast that is mostly uninhabited though near several already thriving kingdoms. The character is in the service of one of the last of the night elf nobles. She has led her people to a system of caves suitable for a new settlement. The new queen needs the player to help her ensure that her people will have a chance to survive on this continent. You are the queen’s shadow, sent to on missions to ensure the night elves have a chance to survive. She has decreed that none of her agents will take the life of another sentient. She feels it is of utmost importance that their new neighbors do not think of them as a threat. Most missions will be done in secret; the less their neighbors know of their actions the less they will be resented. The queen not only needs her agents to help tame the wild lands they have begun to settle she also needs someone to track down the artifacts and people lost during the exodus. She will also send her agents on missions to improve the night elves diplomatic standing among their neighbors. As one of the queen’s most versatile agents you will be the pivot on which the survival of your race balances. World The player will begin in the wild lands. The area surrounding the coastal caves in which the night elves are making their new home have long returned to wilderness. The player will have to help clear out the creatures and brigands who inhabit the area to allow the night elves access to resources needed to build their city. As the city grows and the player becomes more powerful the queen will send him further out, either on missions to assist their neighbors or to find and rescue other night elf survivors and relics from the homeland. The player will be sent to cities of other races, armed camps, haunted ruins, deep wilderness, and fortified castles. He will be a spy, thief, scout, law bringer, and diplomat.


The Agent- This is the player’s character. In the old world he was a hunter of the deep woods. When the enemy attacked his people he served his king as an irregular troop, acting as scout and saboteur to slow the enemies’ advance. He now serves the dead kings niece in the hope that she can restore their

people. The agent was one of the last to leave the old world. His family left ahead of him and have landed somewhere else along the coast or on one of the coastal islands. The Queen- The niece of the now dead king. She has set up a new settlement and is trying to gather her scattered people there. She has set about finding resources to support her people, building a new home, and opening diplomatic relationships with her neighbors. Her greatest fear is that the enemy from the old world will follow them and they will be unprepared for his assault a second time. The Artisans-The night elf guild of artisans work was exceptional in the old world and some of the rich and powerful in the new world have heard of them. Their work is in high demand in the new world and having a night elf artisan working for you is quite a feather in your cap weather the night elf is willing or not. The agent will be sent to gather the scattered a artisans, some he will just have to find others he will have to rescue. Each artisan that the agent saves will add more to the city in way of style and perks as well as improving the agent’s abilities. The Ancestors- The night elves revere their ancestors. Night elf priests are able to call on the spirits of the dead to assist the living. Some night elves have small statues created for them that will house their spirit after death. This way they can stay part of the living world and help their descendants. Families will have shrines for their favored ancestors and keep their statues. Some exceptional Night elves are revered by the entire race. The statues that hold these sprits are kept in a central temple called the Carillon. The more people who revere an ancestor the stronger and more aware the spirit is. The spirits will eventually sleep and pass on into death if they aren’t remembered. The descendants can only speak to the spirits if they have the statue that houses them. If the statue is destroyed the spirit completes its journey to the afterworld.

Many of the statues were lost during the exodus. They player will need to find and return any of the statues found to the city. Some spirits will allow the city to grow, provide more resources, upgrade some of the players abilities, allow the player to gain new items or even give him new abilities all together.

Mechanics Screens

Adventure • •

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An icon at the top left showing how much life the player currently has left. Beside the life meter is an eye. The eye shows the player how well he is concealed. If the eye is closed no one can see the player currently. The more exposed the player is the wider the eye opens. The eye will change color if the player is seen and is being pursued. Below the life meter are 3 boxes. The left one will show which melee weapon is equipped. The middle box shows which ranged weapon is equipped. The smaller box on the right shows which type of ammo is equipped. On the right side of the screen there are two boxes. The top shows which magic ability is equipped and the lower shows which armor is equipped. The left shoulder button will highlight each box in turn. When a box is highlighted the player can use the right shoulder button to cycle through available options for that item type.

Equipment • • •

A row of icons will show the players options for equipment. The top icon will be for armor followed by magic, melee weapon, ranged weapon, and ammunition. The right side of the screen will display the agent in the currently selected gear. The X button will return the player to the adventure screen. The thumb sticks will cycle through the options. The A button will select an armor. The Y button will bring up a details screen showing the currently highlighted item.

Glare and Light sources. •

The night elves are adapted to underground and nocturnal conditions. This gives them excellent night vision. The deepest shadows show as a violet or indigo to them. Conversely intense light from the other end of the spectrum will cause serious glare in their eyes. The player will be blinded by light sources such as campfires or torches. To counter this effect the character can gain the ability to turn off his night vision or he can douse the light source with magic or specialized arrows.

The player can douse a light source with a dousing arrow. This will cause nearby enemies to become suspicious. The player can also use an arrow that will shift the light source to a blue color. The player will be able to see normally while the enemies will be impaired. Changing the color of a light source makes enemies very alert. It also unsettles them. If an enemy is unsettled often enough they may become afraid and flee. This is useful when the player needs to disperse a brigand camp or frighten off unwanted visitors. Do not expect trained guards to flee from a blue light.

Areas •

Adventure areas are the areas the players inhabits while he is on a mission. He sees these areas from a top down perspective. The player will be able to interact with the environment in certain places. These places will be indicated with a glow. Walking up to the glowing object and using the melee button (B) will cause the player to interact. The player will be able to zoom up and down and move the camera a short distance from the agent’s current position. This will allow the player to make long range bowshots.

City areas are where the player will be between missions. The player will be able to explore the city as it’s being built and can speak to its citizens. Some citizens will send the player on missions. These missions will improve the player as a reward or add something more to the city. The player will be able to view the city areas in first or third person to allow for the city’s graphics to be appreciated.

Cut Scenes •

After missions the player will be rewarded with short cut scenes. The cut scenes will show rescued people meeting, new items being created and being made available, or buildings being built or improved upon. This will show the player what rewards he was given for the mission and also make him feel as though he is a contributor to his world.

After some important missions the player will be shown a more detailed cut scene. These scenes will advance the story between missions. The story takes place over years from the founding of the settlement to the time the enemy from the old world follows the night elves.

Character Attributes Most of the characters attributes will come from his items. New items can be found or purchased or given as rewards. Existing items can be upgraded by artisans if they are brought to the city, ancestor spirits whose statues have been found, or from quests given by the citizens of the city. Armor Chameleon • Chameleon armor improves the characters ability to hide. It is especially effective in outdoor environments. It is possible to have the armor upgraded where it will work in different environments like the caves and in urban environments. Defense •

This is basic armor that is upgraded with runes for added defense. Different types of attacks can be defended against. Fire, slashing, crushing, arrows, magic, etc. The more defense added to the armor the more ornate it becomes.

This armor is infused with the magics of nature. While wearing it the natural world will seem to assist you, especially plants. The amour at first will allow you to pass through thick vegetation with little resistance. It can be upgraded to where it will cause vegetation you pass near to slow those who are pursuing you. It can also be upgraded further to strengthen nearby plants this will allow you to use vines as bridges or ladders.


Weapons •

Bows – used for long ranged attacks. Dangerous to use as they could be lethal. Killing any sentient being will cause the mission to fail and you will have to start over.

Hunter’s- This is the bow the player starts with. It has a range that is about equal to one screen when the adventure map camera is not zoomed in or zoomed out. Ranged- This is a bow that will allow the player to shoot at a far greater distance. The player will have to zoom out to see how far the bow could reach. The player must be careful not to accidentally kill someone outside of the immediate viewing area. Warped-This bow will allow the player to bend the path of the arrow to a greater extent once he gains the ability to alter the path of projectiles. It has the range of the Hunter’s bow. Composite- This bow is a composite of the previous three. The player can warp arrows and fire them the range of the Ranged bow. The player will also be able to alter the distance of the shot with the left thumb stick while he adjusts the warping of the flight path. •

Arrows – Different arrows have different uses for any situation. Fire – These arrows come with a tip that is a flammable metal. Firing it into a flame causes a bright burst of flame to flare up. Using it on a torch could cause a building to catch fire. Using it in a campfire would blind and possibly scatter those around it. The flare up is always distracting and unsettling. Dousing – This arrow contains a capsule that when heated will explode and douse a large amount of flames. Torches and campfires suddenly going out will arouse suspicion but will not unsettle enemies as much as exploding fires or fires that burn odd colors. Fearie Fire – These arrows contain powders that will cause fires to shift to a blue or violet color. This will let the agent see perfectly and cause an enemy to be impaired. These fires are very unsettling to most enemies. A fire that first explodes then starts to burn blue is something all but the best trained will flee. Whistling – These arrows will start to whistle a short time after they are fired. The flight will wind a mechanism inside the arrow so that once the arrow comes to a stop it will continue to make noise distracting enemies. Killing Point – These arrows were designed to cause damage and bleeding. The agent will only want to use these on animals and

non-sentient enemies (constructs, undead). They will not kill immediately but cause some immediate damage then a great deal of over time damage. •

Blowgun – this is a short tube that the player uses for most situations. Its darts can be coated with various substances and the player does not need to worry about accidentally killing the target or bystanders. Darts – these are the ammunition for the blowgun. The darts can be coated with different substances to cause different effects. Sleep- These darts will cause a target to become sleepy. The effect isn’t immediate or permanent. Upgrades will cause the effect to last longer and start sooner. Sting- This will cause an enemy or creature to become unsettled. An unsettled enemy may flee, an unsettled horse may throw a rider, and an unsettled hound may attack those around it. Rage- This dangerous concoction will cause whoever is hit by it to immediately begin attacking all those around it. The effect is short lived and the victim will pass out afterwards. Minions find leaders who attack suddenly for no apparent reason very unsettling. The agent must be careful not to cause an accidental death from the enraged enemy.

Melee – Most melee weapons will be used to remove obstacles, cut ropes, and interact with the environment. The player can use it against opponents if he has no other choice but its damage value is very low and you have a risk of a killing blow.

Magics – Magics are skills learned from the Ancestors. Once the player returns their statues to the city the Ancestor will teach the agent the skills.

Illusionary Agent – This will cause an illusionary copy of the agent to run from the agent. The agent will not be able to move while holding this illusion. The player will be able to guide the illusion with the left thumbstick. Enemies will disbelieve the illusion if it runs through tree or walls.

Doppelganger – This will cause the agent to take on the appearance of a character he is looking at. Enemies will ignore the agent while he

looks like he belongs. If an enemy talks to the agent he will see through the doppelganger illusion. Using Doppelganger then Illusionary agent will have an Illusionary Enemy running. This is especially useful for when the player needs to conceal any evidence of nightelf involvement. •

Tranquility – This will cause a sense of ease to fall over anyone in an area of effect. This will help the agent bypass guard dogs, inattentive guards, and calm skittish animals. Some inattentive enemies may sleep when this spell is cast.

Day vision – This will swap the characters night vision for day vision. Shadows will become near impenetrable but the glare effect for intense light sources will be removed. Fear – This will cause enemies to feel unquestioning fear. It only lasts a shirt time and they come back very suspicious and angry. This is a last resort method or to use as a final blow to a group of unsettled enemies. All it could take for a route is one enemy fleeing.

Terrain – The player should use the terrain to its best effect. Firing from an elevated position or leading enemies to terrain beneficial to the agent are ways to ensure the agents success.

Run speed – When a player is being chased he will want to go through areas where those in pursuit will be slowed. Wet muddy ground or ground with dense vegetation will slow the agent but they will slow the enemy much more (the agent is very small and light) Falls – tricking the pursuers to falling into ravines and ditches or even pit traps will work wonders for an agent’s survivability. Dangers – The world is a dangerous place. Leading pursuers into hornet nests, a vicious animal’s territory or though inhospitable vegetation will give them something more immediate to concern them with than your capture.

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