Newsletter Update March 2009

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Newsletter Update

March, 2009

A note from Ed It is been a tough month or two in a lot of ways. Two of our dear ministry friends have gone on to be with the Lord and both Carol and I have sisters in advanced stage four Cancer. Our families are so focused on their care and well being. It seems like each day brings another crisis. So many of the prayer requests that have come in lately deal with serious illnesses, loss of jobs, loss of or the refinancing of homes and the list goes on. And of course, as always, the cry of your hearts for your unsaved loved ones. I want you to know that we are praying with a fervor for each of your requests. This is not a time to become prayer lazy. Please remember that every prayer request ends up on my personal desk and I do pray for each one personally. Don’t you give up because I sure won’t stop. I will be doing a series of new studies on Mormonism over the next 6 months or so. This month I will be giving you a look at the greatest of all the LDS heresies, The Mormon Doctrine of Earned Godhood. Godhood. Please take the time to read it fully. It will give you an in-depth understanding of why Mormonism is a cult. Next month I will be sharing the details of the death grip of Freemasonry within the core of Mormon Doctrines and Secret Rituals. I will reveal the soul ties of the Satanic Enochian keys that bind Mormonism and Freemasonry and the reason Joseph Smith called himself Enoch. Again, as I have said before, we can only stay on the internet with the financial support of our viewers. Please, if you can, send in a donation today. Just go to our website and click on the Donation marker on the front page. Your Brother in Christ, Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

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Ed Decker PS: watch for the notification that my blog is up and running. It will give you an avenue to discuss any of the subjects we cover.. and then some. And remember to look for me on twitter.

In Memory of Donald A. J. Meyers December 24, 1920 – February 21 2009 It was probably 30 years ago when I met Don Meyers in Ogden Utah, during one of my first missionary trips through that State. His wife, Gwen, a life long Mormon, was saved at one of my early meetings in Salt Lake. Don and Gwen had an immediate passion for the lost and dedicated their lives to the calling of reaching out to the LDS community by sharing the Word of God as presented in the Bible. Don lived the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20 and spent his time sharing his passion with everyone he met about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Anyone who ever met him knew where Don stood with his faith within minutes of meeting him. Don was always coming up with new ideas to evangelize the lost and had great success over the years in souls saved. I had the privilege of speaking with him on February 20th. The next day he went to heaven, into the arms of his Lord and Savoir, Jesus Christ, surrounded by family and friends.. Don was truly one of the Lord’s Mighty Men of Valor. He was faithful to his calling from the first day through his last hour. Our sincerest prayers are with his wife, Gwen and the rest of the family. Don [and Gwen] had 9 children, 27 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. His friends are far too numerous to count.

In Memory of Clifford Van Spring February 2, 1922 - January 19, 2009 Another great man of God and a dear friend of our ministry passed away just recently. Cliff and Betty were among the very first people to begin praying for and financially supporting Saints Alive. They were always here for us, never far away. They were just plain “faithful.” Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

P.O. Box 1347

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Cliff and Don Meyers would have been great buddies had they lived near each other. Cliff had that same boldness and ability to share Jesus with anyone who would listen to him, no matter where they met him. He was a true family man, loving his wife, children, brothers, sons-in-law, numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren and all the nieces and nephews. His last words were “Tell everyone I love them.” Betty and family, we send our love and prayers. He, too, was one of the Lord’s Mighty men of valor.

Big Love Goes to the Temple Those who watch the HBO series, Big Love were treated to an insider look at the LDS Temple Ritual, on March 15th. While there were a few technical errors, this Temple Episode, Episode, gave non-temple Mormons and the rest of the world a quick look at a strange and bizarre ritual. The same material is far more accurately covered in our DVD, The Temple of the God Makers, Makers, but this show was seen by many millions .and the impact is still being felt. Even before the airing, The Brethren were letting it be known that they were very unhappy.

HBO, Mormons square off over airing of sacred rite By JENNIFER DOBNER, Associated Press Writer Wed Mar 11, 3:42 AM PDT [in part] Monday, Mormon church leaders criticized HBO for its decision to include the ceremony and said airing the material shows the insensitivity of the network's writers, producers and executives. "Certainly church members are offended when their most sacred practices are misrepresented or presented without context or understanding," the church statement said. “Only church members in good standing can enter temples to perform or witness sacred ceremonies. The ceremonies are centered on religious teachings and reenactments of Bible stories to help Mormons prepare an eternal place for themselves -- and others by proxy -- in heaven.” Members take a vow not to discuss the rituals outside temple walls, although details of the ceremonies are widely available on the Internet. Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

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The dramatization of the ceremony was vetted for accuracy by an adviser familiar with temple ceremonies who was on set during filming, said series creators and executives producers Mark V. Olsen and Will Scheffer. "In approaching the dramatization of the endowment ceremony, we knew we had a responsibility to be completely accurate and to show the ceremony in the proper context and with respect," Olsen and Scheffer said in a separate statement issued through HBO. "We therefore took great pains to depict the ceremony with the dignity and reverence it is due.

The Fastest Growing Church in America? Not!

According to the latest edition of the Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches. published by the National Council of Churches, an ecumenical group based in New York. Among the 25 largest churches in the U.S., four are growing, the yearbook found: the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the Mormon church (up 1.6 percent), the Assemblies of God (up nearly 1 percent), Jehovah's Witnesses (up 2 percent), and the Church of God of Cleveland, Tenn. (up 2 percent).

The next time the Mormons tell you their church must be true because it is the fastest growing church in America, tell them that the Jehovah’s Witnesses much be truer since they are growing faster than the Mormon Church.


Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

P.O. Box 1347

Issaquah WA 98027 Page 4

The God Makers and Fast facts on False Teachings Now available on Kindle! Talk about being on the leading edge of Technology! If you use the Kindle Reading system , I or II, go to and download your copies of these two excellent, best selling books to read and use at your leisure.

My encyclopedic work, Decker's Complete Handbook on Mormonism, is now on the web in a down-loadable format and on CDROM and now available at pre-pub prices at Logos Bible Software. This means it can sit on your computer as a resource tool, right there whenever you need it. The book has been expanded and updated from its original hard copy print release at Harvest House and is an excellent resource tool that should be in every church and Christian School library and on the desk of every pastor... as well as in use by the many people you know who are concerned with reaching Mormons for Christ.

Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

The URL for its web page is: P.O. Box 1347 Issaquah WA 98027 Page 5 We will soon have all our books available for download at a fraction of the cost to buy the hard copy. Pssst: Look for Ed on Twitter

Ed's new and final book on Mormonism, My Kingdom Come: The Mormon Quest for Godhood is now available! This is the book The Mormon Church does NOT want you to read 1-800-861-9888 (for orders only) Order online at our website or pick up a copy at

Letters and E-Mails Dear Ed:

I am a Mormon and have been for almost 30 years. Have been "married and sealed" in the temple. It wasn't until about 2 years ago that I started questioning everything that I felt and knew. My mother died and all of a sudden I couldn't understand all of my "teachings", they just didn't feel right. I was very active in the LDS church, in various callings from the stake down to my ward level. I was always in leadership callings. And now I didn't believe anymore! I went inactive and went on a quest to find out what was going on inside of me. I love the Lord and I knew Heavenly Father, but why was life so confussing now. I"ve tried to pull away but I think I've been a "member" too long. The members don't care about one another, they don't go out looking for "lost sheep". They only care about getting their poor children on missions and to the "sacred castle in Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

P.O. Box 1347

Issaquah WA 98027 Page 6

the sky", the temple. None of my 4 children go to church, even though they were all raised in the church. None of them have been on missions or to the temple. It was hell watching other "proud" parents send off or marry off their prosterity, and then bare "testimony" of how good they were as parents or as a family. I've been a failure in the church since I joined in 1981. We were never quite good enough, because we didn't go on a mission or we weren't generational. I can't pull myself from the church, I don't know how to live without it. I don't believe the gospel the way other churches teach it, I understand it the way the church teaches it and I love the stories in the BOM. So, sadly, I go only to sacrament every other Sunday, if I feel like it, and I will not ever go back to the temple as long as I live. And I will not pay tithes or accept a calling. I am miserable. How did I ever get myself or my family involved? Just know that I appreciate all that you said about the temple. I have a long way to finding peace again. Just please know that there are many more like me out here, just keep telling it like it is. Anon.

Dear Ed: I just recently finished re-reading The GodMakers. (about the fifth time through) I tremble for those still in this horrible web of deceit, like all my extended family. I am so glad you are happy in letting the world know how wrong and evil Mormonism and Masonry are, because that is also very close to my heart. I, like you, lived under it's (Mormonism's) dark shadow way too long. Keep it up...and know you have people praying for you. Your ministry is so important! I pray for those deceived and caught in Mormonism's web...that they will see light in Jesus Christ....not the false christ of their cult.....before it is too late. Be blessed in Christ, always Julia

Dear Ed:

I feel the need to tell you how much your organization has help my life. In January of 1987 my wife was pregnant with our oldest child. We were faithful members of the local ward. All was right with the world, just not right with the spirit. I was in the Navy and a buddy was listening to a local Christian station when Walter Martin came on talking about his book "Kingdom of the Cults" I was irate. I was going to become the next great Mormon apologist, so I went to the local book store and bought his book along with "God Makers". As I read them both, it took all of 3 days I began to realize that I had lived a lie. I went to my local bishop and we sat down to talk I had 27 handwritten legal pad pages of questions. After the first one which he differed any answer and asked "what else I wanted to know" I knew this was going to end poorly. After the third question he asked to see my pad I handed it over and he didn't even get through the first page before he asked when I could be available for an ex-communication hearing. I left there feeling giddy but unsure what to do next. I called the number in the back of Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

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your book and was led to a relationship with the real Christ over the phone. While life since then was difficult at times it was rewarding. The long and the short of it is that now I am the Senior Pastor of a Christian Church and have been blessed to have been used since my ordination in 2001 to lead the lost to Christ and baptize 172 souls. While I know it is the Spirit of God that call all men to Christ I feel that without your following of the Spirit's guidance all those years back I may have been lost to God as well. Pastor Chuck

Dear Ed: I called your office to ask for advice, specifically on the issue of Mormon "Baptism of the Dead". My brother married into a Mormon family, and I have recently become very concerned that my sister in law was planning to try to have this ritual conducted on behalf of my grandparents and mother. This would be extremely upsetting to me, and it certainly would be to them! I've also been very worried about how the discussion of this issue would affect my relationship with my brother and sister in law. However, after calling your office last Friday, I called my brother and brought up the subject. I feel somewhat relieved after talking with him about it - he seems to feel that my sister in law doesn't have much interest in the church; however, I think he may be underestimating her interest, based on comments she has made to me. What I am trying to find out is what specific steps are required in order to carry out this "baptism". I am assuming that they need specific birth and death dates, but I'm not sure where else to go to find out exactly what the process is. To be blunt about it, if my sister in law intends to do this, I want to do anything I can to prevent it. I have read that some Mormons consider "redeeming the dead" to be one of their greatest missions. Maybe I'm misunderstanding that, but I take it to mean that they would like to "baptize" everyone who's ever been born! I don't know how you feel about this ritual, being a former Mormon, but I consider it to be a mockery of baptism, and feel that it's sacrilegious. If I ever learned that any of my deceased relatives had been added to the Mormon rolls, I would have demand they undo it - but I would like to prevent it from happening in the first place, if I can.

This following article is an important study of the Mormon heresy and the false doctrine of the deification of man and the humanization of God Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

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Issaquah WA 98027 Page 8

The Gravest MORMON Heresy of All The deification of Man and the humanization of God

The gravest heresy among so many is the Mormon doctrine of Jesus Christ, a son of one god of many gods, our elder brother and a polygamist, whose death on Calvary gives all mankind physical resurrection so that we can be judged for our sins and pay the penalties for all sin not covered by our works! To believe this would require the removal of the major portion of the New Testament and a good amount of the Old Testament. It would need a latter-day prophet whose words would even supersede the Mighty Word of God. It would need a Joseph Smith and a people who would believe the lie the Mormons call The Law of Eternal Progression.

The Way of Escape

The Mormon must come to understand that we all sin and come short of God’s best for us (Romans 3:23). But God loved us, even though we separated ourselves from Him so very long ago. He sent His Son to reconcile us with Him. He became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). He became our Passover Lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7). For while we were enemies of God, we were restored through Calvary (Romans 5:8-10). We, in Christ, are redeemed from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13). Through the shedding of His blood, we have the forgiveness of sin (Ephesians 1:6-7) and have been accepted by God, raised up, and seated together with Christ in Heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). This reconciliation is not of our works of righteousness, but through His death at Calvary. It is our acceptance of this fact that makes us holy and unblameable and unreprovable in His sight. (Colossians 1:21-22) The laws and ordinances that were against us (and still against the Mormon people) were moved out of the way 2000 years ago by Christ, who nailed them to the Cross (Colossians 2:14). The Mormon leaders have removed the one true sin offering--the only one possible! What a grievous error! They have taken God’s perfect gift--His perfect love--and replaced Calvary with their own judgment, their own version of the first covenant. They have taken the shed blood of Calvary away from Jesus. Saints Alive in Jesus P.O. Box 1347 Issaquah WA 98027 Page 9 [email protected]

The doctrines of Mormonism cannot stand the test of the Word of God. We are told that false teachers will come, fleeing from sound doctrine, they shall turn away their followers from the Truth, unto fables (2 Timothy 4:4). How true that is of the Mormon leaders. “For the leaders of them shall cause them to err and they that are led of them are destroyed.” (Isaiah 9:16) The tragedy of all this is that such beautiful, hardworking, and committed people are spiritually blinded people, with the light of the glorious gospel of Christ hid from them by Satan (2Corinthians 4:3-4). The Mormon people are not the enemies of God, but victims of a horrible and wicked hoax fed to them by evil teachers, who are of their father, the devil. Only those sent by God, with the knowledge of God, using the Word of God can set them free. Are you one who can reach out to them and bring them the living light? We pray that you can and that you will!

A Warning to Christians With the constant barrage of Mormon advertising and proselytizing, the Christian church must again be warned in the strongest way to stay true to sound biblical teaching. Do not buy the lie. Mitt Romney’s run for the Oval Office and the alignment of so many “Christian” leaders will have this subject at the forefront of American society through the soon-coming General elections and for years to come if Mitt Romney is elected and if the present Hate Crimes Bill before Congress gets past, when speaking unkindly of a Mormon President’s religion may land one in jail. Christians must realize that the Mormon hope of outwardly appearing Christian is not reflected in their foundational teaching. Mormons still believe that all Christian pastors are part of the great whore of all the earth. They still have the hope of becoming gods and goddesses. The Mormon Jesus is still the brother of Lucifer. They still teach that our holy God was once a man, and has a body. Their Jesus was still begotten thorough a sexual relationship between the Father and Mary. They still believe that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri. They still believe the Bible is missing many plain and precious parts--that The Book of Mormon is still the most correct of any book on earth. They still believe plural marriage is a holy principle. They still follow the teachings of a false prophet. They still usurp the holy priesthood of Christ. They still baptize for the dead. They still wear occult underwear with Masonic markings. They still believe they must offer up secret handshakes and secret names to enter into God’s presence. They still teach that all the Christian creeds are an abomination in God’s sight. But God’s Word is still reliable, and it doesn’t vacillate, and Mormonism is still in direct violation of the Word of God. One cannot revise Mormonism enough; one has to repent of it. Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

P.O. Box 1347

Issaquah WA 98027 Page 10

Can Men Become Gods? The LDS Doctrine of Earned Godhood For further study, see Chapter One, My Kingdom Come

The signs outside the LDS churches may use the words Jesus Christ, but the words do not reflect what is served inside the doors. The Mormons worship a different god; have a different Jesus, and a very different Holy Spirit. Mormons are polytheists in the highest sense. Not only do they teach that there are countless other gods, they teach that man may also attain godhood through “obedience to the (Mormon) laws and ordinances of the (Mormon) gospel.”

The simplest expression of this is what the LDS Church calls the Law of Eternal Progression: “As man is, God once was; as God is, man may become.”

Think about all that this holy axiom means. It means that God does not exist outside this creation called Earth, but is a sexually conceived being sent here from some other galaxy system, to begat the people of this planet and guide them to their own god-hoods. Let’s take a deeper look at this core heresy, from which all the false doctrines of Mormonism hang. In order to show that the support documentation for this doctrine is readily available to the average, active, LDS family, I have listed Mormonism’s basic heresies in this regard and have documented them from books and materials that an LDS family would have in its home. This doctrine of endless generations of created gods has birthed the entire theology of Mormonism. From the Temple rituals for the living to those for their dead, from the teaching that “Families are Forever” to the pressure on parents to send their youth to the mission fields across the world, the Mormon people are committed to a controlled program that maps out their entire lives as they seek their own exaltation and godhood. Let’s look at this mystery religion in simple terms. One of the most offensive (to Mormons) bits of work we have produced over the years is a 7-minute animation that accurately describes this LDS law. It was first used in the film, “The God Makers.”

Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

P.O. Box 1347

Issaquah WA 98027 Page 11

Today, you can go to the video website, and type the word Mormon Cartoon in the search box, and you will find “Cartoon banned by the Mormon church” listed as the number-one video on the subject of Mormonism. In fact, on March 16, 2009, I clicked through the many copies of this video posted on YouTube and found over a dozen postings of this animation, it with over three million viewings. The many comments of unbelief tell the tale. The animation says that: Mormonism teaches that trillions of planets scattered throughout the cosmos are ruled by countless gods who once were human like us. They say that long ago, on one of these planets, to an unidentified god and one of his goddess wives, a spirit child named Elohim was conceived. This spirit child was later born to human parents who gave him a physical body. Through obedience to Mormon teaching, death and resurrection, he proved himself worthy and was elevated to godhood as his father god before him. Mormons believe that Elohim is their Heavenly Father and that he lives with his many wives on a planet near a mysterious star called Kolob. Here the god of Mormonism and his wives, through endless celestial sex, produced billions of spirit children. We spirit children come to earth through human birth to gain physical bodies so we may have the bodies we need to become gods. By maintaining a rigid code of financial and moral requirements, and through performing secret temple rituals for themselves and the dead, the Latter-day Saints hope to prove their worthiness and thus become gods. The Mormons teach that everyone must stand at the final judgment before Joseph Smith, the Mormon Jesus, and Elohim. Those Mormons who are sealed in the eternal marriage ceremony in LDS temples expect to become polygamous gods or their goddess wives in the Celestial Kingdom, rule over other planets and spawn new families throughout eternity. The Mormons thank God for Joseph Smith, who claimed that he had done more for us than any other man, including Jesus Christ. The Mormons claim that he died as a martyr, shed his blood for us, so that we, too, may become gods. Shocking? Incomprehensible? Maybe to you and to me, but this is the core of Mormon theology, and it binds its believers away from the real Jesus, the real gospel and the real spirit of truth as surely as though they were locked away in chains of metal.

The question here is this my own misrepresentation of Mormon belief or is it True LDS Doctrine. Have I manipulated things to make the false accusation that Mormons are polytheistic gods in embryo or is it really what they believe?

Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

P.O. Box 1347

Issaquah WA 98027 Page 12

My Words or the Words of the LDS Leaders?

Over the many years of my ministry, I have been continually accused of using lies, misrepresentations, half-truths and misquotes to make a weak case seem strong. On many occasions, both public and private, I have asked the challenger(s) to give me the best shot, the worst lie, the most horrible misrepresentation or contrived misquote. I have offered to shut down my ministry if I could not document my statement from authorized LDS documents, with the understanding that the challenger would renounce Mormonism if I did prove the statement. In thirty years of ministry, I have documented every such challenged statement. As you may suspect, none of the challengers renounced the church when I gave them the data. It is a tragic shame that some of my strongest critics come from other Christian Ministries who say, in general, that I am an extremist who uses manipulated data and undocumented information to bolster my own credibility. Again, I shake my head in confusion over such people who, like the Mormon apologists, fail to give specifics to support such fatuous accusations. In those cases where I have given the Christian challenger fully documented sources and proof, I have rarely received an apology. You have my promise: If I can’t fully document a particular Mormon heresy out of the mouths and writings of Mormon leaders, I do not speak it or publish it. In this case of the LDS doctrine of personal godhood, you can check out the references below for yourself.

Herein is the core of the issue, biblically.

Romans 1:18-25, in the New King James Version, states: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

P.O. Box 1347

Issaquah WA 98027 Page 13

Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man--and birds and fourfooted animals and creeping things. Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

Here Are Some of Those LDS Proof Texts

Bruce R. McConkie: “That exaltation which the saints of all ages have so devoutly sought is godhood itself.” 1 Joseph Smith: “You have got to learn how to be gods yourselves...the same as all gods have done before you. My Father worked out His Kingdom with fear and trembling, and I must do the same; and when I get my kingdom, I shall present it to my Father, so that He may obtain Kingdom upon Kingdom, and it will exalt Him in glory. He will then take a higher exaltation, and I will take His place, and thereby become exalted myself.” 2 If God became God by obedience to all of the gospel law with the crowning point being the celestial law of marriage, then that‘s the only way I can become a god. [answer] Right! 3 (12-15) The endowment is the celestial course of instruction...being enabled to give them the key words, the signs and tokens, pertaining to the priesthood and gain your eternal exaltation in spite of earth and hell. 4

Speaking of Baptism for the dead:

For therein are the keys of the holy priesthood ordained, that you may receive honor and glory. 5 For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as Paul says concerning the fathers--that they without us cannot be made perfect--neither can we without our dead be made perfect. 6 In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees; And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage]; And if he does not, he cannot obtain it. 7 Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

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Issaquah WA 98027 Page 14

This is my [God‘s] work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. 8

The Doctrine and Covenants Explains LDS Godhood

The glory and reward of exalted beings in the celestial kingdom: 53 And who overcome by faith, and are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, which the Father sheds forth upon all those who are just and true. 54 They are they who are the church of the Firstborn. 55 They are they into whose hands the Father has given all things. 56 They are they who are priests and kings, who have received of his fulness, and of his glory; 57 And are priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten Son. 58 Wherefore, as it is written, they are gods, even the sons of God--70 These are they whose bodies are celestial, whose glory is that of the sun, even the glory of God, the highest of all, whose glory the sun of the firmament is written of as being typical. 9

Celestial marriage and a continuation of the family unit enable men to become gods:

19 And again, verily I say unto you, if a man marry a wife by my word, which is my law, and by the new and everlasting covenant, and it is sealed unto them by the Holy Spirit of promise, by him who is anointed, unto whom I have appointed this power and the keys of this priesthood; and it shall be said unto them--Ye shall come forth in the first resurrection; and if it be after the first resurrection, in the next resurrection; and shall inherit thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and powers, dominions, all heights and depths--then shall it be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, that he shall commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, and if ye abide in my covenant, and commit no murder whereby to shed innocent blood, it shall be done unto them in all things whatsoever my servant hath put upon them, in time, and through all eternity; and shall be of full force when they are out of the world; and they shall pass by the angels, and the gods, which are set there, to their exaltation and glory in all things, as hath been sealed upon their heads, which glory shall be a fulness and a continuation of the seeds forever and ever. Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

P.O. Box 1347

Issaquah WA 98027 Page 15

20 Then shall they be gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue; then shall they be above all, because all things are subject unto them. Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject unto them. 10

Did you read that? Then shall they be gods, because they have all power, and the angels are subject to them. That is the goal of every believing Mormon Man – from the Mormon Missionary at your door to Mitt Romney and the LDS Prophet. These are men who would be god. Mormon Doctrine, Apostle Bruce R. McConkie, [abbreviated MD], p.321 History of the Church [HC] Vol.6, Joseph Smith, p.306 3 Achieving Celestial Marriage Manual [abbreviated ACCM], p.3 4 Ibid, p.203 5 Doctrine & Covenants [abbreviated D&C] 124:28-36 (considered LDS scripture) 6 Ibid, 128:15 7 Ibid, 131: 1-3 8 Joseph Smith, The Pearl of Great Price: Moses 1:39 (considered LDS scripture) 9 D&C 76:53-58, 70 10 Ibid, 132:19-20 2

Saints Alive in Jesus [email protected]

P.O. Box 1347

Issaquah WA 98027 Page 16

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