Newsletter Spring 2009

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Pilipinas A joint publication of the Filipino American Community Council of Michigan (FILAMCCO) and the Philippine American Community Center of Michigan (PACCM)

Spring Edition

April 2009


Inside this issue:



Upcoming Events Organizations

4-5 6-7

Past Events




Paaralang Pilipino




Special Announcement PILIPINAS Newsletter Is NOW available on the website and via Email. Email us at: [email protected] Or call: (248) 443-7037 to receive the newsletter via email

by Cecile Astorga-Switzer, M.D., President - PMAM The Philippine Medical Association of Michigan (PMAM) Health and Fitness Expo will be held on Saturday,May 16, 2009 from 8 AM – 1 PM at the PACCM building. Dr. Adelbert Evangelista is the chairperson. Translators will be available for some Asian languages. The following health screenings are planned to be offered, provided appropriate resources can be found in each area: Cholesterol analysis, Urinalysis, Blood Sugar, Hemoglobin; Blood Pressure; EKG (ages 40 and up); Glaucoma Screening; Skin Cancer Screening; Chiropractic Screening; y Bone Density Studies (ages 50 and up)s. In addition Massage Therapy; Breast Cancer Self-Examination station; Colon Cancer screening; Dental screening; Carotid Doppler (ages 55 and up); Physical Therapy; and Cardiovascular Screening. Pre-registration is required. There may be limits on the number of screenings in some of the program areas. Flyers will be circulated with more information. The popular “Ask the Doctor” will again be offered using two doctors and 3 resident physicians. There will be data collected for research purposes and for a grant application by PACCM. A continental breakfast and a post health expo appreciation luncheon will be served to volunteers, courtesy of the PMAM. Food and drink will also be available during the event for sale by the PACCM, as a fundraiser. If you wish to volunteer please contact Tess Tchou at: [email protected] or (313) 533-3085 Pre-training is required.



by Willie Dechavez

by Flor Penner

Candidates will compete for the title of Mrs. Philippines on August 22, 2009 (location TBA). Sponsored by FILAMCCO, the Mrs. Philippines pageant will benefit the Philippine American Foundation – the charitable arm of FILAMCCO.

Aloha! Join Us on Saturday, April 18 at 3:00 p.m. at the PACCM for entertainment and then at 6:00 p.m. for dinner. Our PACCM Hula Dance Class is hosting our first “Luau” party fundraising event to help repair our center’s leaking roof. We have “The Island Guys Band” and “Da Keyboard Guy.” Local “halaus” Polynesian dance groups will all add excitement to our “luau” party.

Candidates can benefit from the experiences garnered from a pageantry that promotes cultural awareness and showcases talents. Most importantly, the candidate will have the opportunity to provide service to the community as a role model. Filipino organizations are encouraged to recommend and sponsor a candidate. In addition to the Mrs. Philippines Title, candidates will have a chance to be awarded other titles such as Mrs. Philippine Independence Day, Mrs. Philippines Rizal Day Celebration and Mrs. Tourism Michigan. The deadline to submit application to FILAMCCO is May 15, 2009. For more info and an application, please contact: Willie Dechavez - Chairperson, [email protected] Ryan Rosario - Co-Chairperson, [email protected] Resty Teodoro - Co-Chairperson, [email protected] Flor Penner - Executive Director, [email protected]; Fe San Agustin - Search Committee, [email protected] or Tony Kho - FILAMCCO President, [email protected]

Everyone is donating their time and talent. Native Hawaiians will add grace to our “Big Luau.” Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased from most PACCM Board members or at the door. This is our 6th year in existence sharing the "Aloha Spirit" through our hula dancing here at our PACCM Center. Our program began during the term of Dr. Efren Platon, the immediate past PACCM Chairperson. You're all our hula brothers and hula sisters who appreciate and love the art and the beauty of (Continued on page 11)

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Spring Edition

PACCM Chairperson message……

FILAMCCO President message…...

Ernie Mac, M.D.

Tony Kho

You have given me another opportunity to serve as chairperson of the PACCM – for that I am deeply honored and humbled. When I stood before you at the Valentine’s fundraiser, I was at a loss for words. Then I thought about all of us – the community, the PACCM – and how blessed we are to have a community center. For 20 years, we dreamt of having one and now that we do, we must all work together to sustain it. In these economic hard times, for the most part, we are all blessed. We have a roof over our heads, bread on the table, and we are able to put gas in our cars – we are incredibly fortunate. I would hope that at the very least, we could all spare some change for the PACCM. Your support is vital – as always your membership will help maintain our programs. The Filipino School is a legacy that we can leave our children and their children as well. My wish is to find 50 families that can donate $1,000 a year to cover the PACCM’s operating costs. All contributions are fully tax deductible. I am personally appealing to you, that through your kindness and generosity you can find it in your hearts and in your wallets to help support the PACCM. Maraming salamat po ngayon at magpakailan paman.


by Fred Porte, PACCM Executive Director

"How I wish.”

Panic was my first reaction when I was informed that I have to write a personal column for the Pilipinas newsletter. What should I call this column; what should I write about? Primarily, I am not a writer; I should probably hire a ghost writer. Then it hit me . . . I should call this column

Many a time, during informal conversations with associates at the PACCM, the subject of indifference or apathy of the Filipino community is brought up. This is noted from the lack of response or participation by Filipinos in the different workshops or programs presented at the PACCM. True, they are sometimes sponsored by other Asia-Pacific groups but they are also meant to benefit us. For example, in a recent forum on immigration and citizenship, which was very informative, I counted only four Filipinos, all of them PACCM board members. Then there is the annual Health expo, which is meant to help kababayans with their health issues; but year after year, this event is mostly taken advantage of by non-Filipinos. We try to advertise upcoming events and programs thru newsletters, e-mails, or thru individual organizations, and thru the PACCM website. ( ) How I wish more of you that are reading Pilipinas, would

With the rapid advancement in technology we can no longer ignore opportunities for better communications. Now that FILAMCCO had launched its own website, I want to invite all member organizations to jump into the band wagon and take part in a more sophisticated system of communicating to the community. This you can do by obtaining access to your own free homepage but before this can happen, you need to be trained in its operations. To help you out, I have scheduled a meeting for all Presidents and Vice Presidents in April to give you training in managing your home page. If you are unable to come, I encourage you to send a representative. Imagine the immense possibilities you can create to send out information and knowledge to your members and others who may have interest in your own club activities, projects and events. The Presidents’ Forum will also allow interactive exchange on ways member organizations can work together to make our community a better place to be. With spring’s arrival and the onset of favorable weather come many exciting things to look forward to. One is the Asian Heritage Month celebration at the Capitol, who in its 6th year promises to bring more colorful collages of cultural presentations, food, exhibit and friendly encounters with Asian friends. Head out to Lansing on May 19, 2009 for a day of fun. Then mark your calendars with the annual Kalayaan Picnic on June 6, 2009, the one and only huge community event participated by hundreds of folks of all ages savoring every bit of enjoyment the event has to offer. Begin the day with a parade of the organizations donned in their colorful themed shirts and banners, watch the bevy of beauty contestants lined up for the upcoming Mrs. Philippines Pageant, get a taste of regional cuisine from many provinces, swing to the tunes of danceable music, be amused by the entertaining performances, and relish at winning a sport competition. These and many more are the attractions to catch and if this is not enough, book yourself to join more picnics and other events different organizations will have. Just before summer ends, make plans to watch the “Bulilit Fashion Show” and see the little ones showcase their own aesthetic talents. And finally, be amazed by the talents, gorgeous looks, poise and intelligence of our prospective candidates in the upcoming Mrs. Philippines Pageant on August 22, 2009. Remember, FILAMCCO continues to be the organization working for the good of the community so let’s join forces in keeping it in good hands! ☺ be more interested. Help! Please tell me how else to make PACCM more relevant! E-mail me your suggestions [email protected]. ☺ Editorial note: Fred Porte runs the Center working nearly full-time year-round at NO salary. Please answer his question.

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It will be a tough year throughout the world economically, until the financial markets again open up lending. So, what can you do about it? I suggest two actions. (1) Provide financial support to voluntary organizations. Now, more than ever, they need your financial support. The arts, extra school activities, community organizations -all need your memberships and donations. Pay your dues to PACCM, and renew your memberships to other community organizations. (2) Buy locally, from Filipino businesses. Consciously look at those who have advertised and been strong supporters of our programs during the past few years, and give them your business - the travel agencies, the funeral director, the Realtors, the insurance agencies, the mortgage lender, the nursing homes, the nursing services providers, the apartment owners, the doctors, lawyers and hospitals. FOCUS ON SUPPORTING FILIPINO BUSINESSES! Highly dedicated leaders such as Tony Kho, Ferdie Astorga and Becky Tungol and so many others are always there for us, donating time and money. Yet when it comes to a funeral or getting a new mortgage or refinancing an old one - you go somewhere else. The new Philippine Chamber of Commerce is our fastest growing organization with more than 60 members. PLEASE, give them your support, buy from their members. Make a difference. If there isn’t a Filipino business, still try and buy locally. Support a Michigan business, buy Michigan produce. You can make a difference! Working together, we can make it happen! ☺

Let Us Support Our Community Center. “It Is Our Home Away From Home”

REASSESSING MY VALUE by Edith D. Manzano – Filammco PRO

While working as a nurse, I happened upon a news segment on FilVet during a home visit with a client. My patient’s husband urged me to watch the television coverage unfold. I suspected he sought a reaction, an opportunity to lure me into a debate--or simply an audience to hear his disapproval and outrage over this bill. It became clear to me that he had an issue with immigrants (legal or illegal), as he labeled them “aliens”. I’ve occasionally encountered racially derogatory situations, as have many immigrants. But this one raised my self-awareness on who I truly am as an immigrant to this country, the place I have called home for two-thirds of my lifetime, a country my children and their offspring will help evolve while also claiming their Philippine ancestry. During subsequent visits, he continued his overtures of dry humor, insults, and utter outrage…and aliens and FilVets were still included on his hate list. I came to realize that I was a target for his insults based solely on my country of origin, nothing more. When I rang the doorbell, he’d identify me to his wife as the “Filipina nurse”. I would not take the bait, as I was fully mindful of my job--to render professional service and care for my patients; besides, healthcare and politics don’t mix well and I was in his territory. Lastly, I considered that, like some viewers of MSNBC, CNN, Fox News and the like, he maybe suffering from TMI (too much info) syndrome, which can short circuit brain cells and cause some to talk loudly to themselves or a TV set and vent out their emotion or frustration. On my last visit, the husband confronted me, questioning contributions immigrants made (or didn’t make) to this nation after “pushing their way in” to the land of the free and plenty. I thought to myself, “If I continue to remain silent, then this twisted ideology, fueled by ignorance, will continue to persist among the uninformed.” With composure, I responded with facts -- that most Filipinos and other foreign professionals were recruited by US industries to meet job demand, that we are hard working and honest people by nature, not to mention taxpayers and contributors to the American economy via medicine, technology, and other sectors… He listened carefully and thoughtfully to what I said. Finally, he told me that his way of thinking had been influenced by negative experiences involving another minority group, and he admitted that his lack of exposure to minorities and their cultures compounded his prejudiced views. He apologized and thanked me for the care his wife received-- as well as for our dialogues and my integrity in standing up for my people and in the process, leaving him more enlightened and reformed. He asked me to remain patriotic to this country, and confessed that his outcry over the FilVet issue was a “farce, just a ruse to elicit your reaction.” After all, he mused, “I too am a veteran... a Vietnam veteran.” In turn, I thanked the man for his patriotism, and for raising my own self–awareness. He had indirectly encouraged me to reassess my values and contributions to my adopted homeland, and to the world as a whole, in order to make a difference. ☺

Spring Edition

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celebration in the last 6 years and from the looks of it, it’s here to stay for many years to come as a PACCM tradition.

On May 9, 2009 World Medical Relief will present its first annual “Big Hats and High Tea”, a garden party to benefit the people and communities it serves. It will be held on the terrace of the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House at 1100 Lake Shore Road in Grosse Pointe Shores from 1pm – 4 pm. High Tea and Champagne will be served and there will be a Fashion Shoot, Silent Auction and Boutique. Donation is $45/person.

A guest speaker, usually one deemed to be of valuable influence in the lives of young adults is sought to motivate the youth in the pursuit of their life goals with the end in view of inspiring them with the speaker’s own experiences and struggles to better himself/herself through education or career. The occasion begins with a dinner for the honorees and their parents followed by a program and motivational speech by the keynote speaker. The event is highlighted by a special stole made of the Philippine flag wrapped around the graduates’ shoulders as a very nice memento from the occasion.

by Becky Tungol

Put on your best hats, come and enjoy this laudable event. World Medical Relief had made a positive impact the lives of many sick and the needy in many countries particularly our native land, the Philippines. Let show our gratitude by supporting this event. For tickets call 313-866-5333 or call Becky Tungol at 248-755-6119. ☺

7TH ANNUAL APA HERITAGE MONTH CELEBRATION AT THE STATE CAPITOL MAY 19TH by Jeff Jenks Hoon-Yung Hopgood has invited everyone to attend the Seventh Annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration in Lansing, on Tuesday, May 19 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The theme of this year’s celebration is “Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage” honoring the many contributions citizens of Asian and Pacific Island ancestry have made to America. There will be cultural presentations, a light lunch and a chance to meet with state leaders. Dr. Leslie E. “Les” Wong, President of Northern Michigan University, will be the keynote speaker. PACCM is a major financial sponsor of this event. The PACCM Hula Dancers and the Paaralan student dancers, presenting Tinikling, will be part of the cultural presentation. APA Heritage Week began in 1977 at the Federal level. In 1990 it became a month long May celebration. The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843 and to mark the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants. More information can be found at topics/asianpacific/. ☺

CALL FOR 2009 GRADUATES by Arcie Gemino High School and college graduates, mark your calendars for an evening of recognition celebrating your completion of secondary and college education. The dinner and ceremony honoring you will be held at PACCM on June 19, 2009. PACCM in collaboration with the Paaralan Pilipino has held this

Forms will be available at PACCM, Kalayaan Celebration at the Halmich Park on June 6, PBA games, and upcoming organizational events or you may also contact the following: Arcie Gemino – Event chair, Arcie [email protected] 586-954-9711 Becky Tungol – Paaralan Pilipino Director, [email protected] 248- 755-6119 Fred Porte – PACCM Exec. Director, [email protected] 248-443-7037 Flor Penner – PACCM Board member, [email protected] 586- 506-7352

FILAMCCO MODEL SEARCH by Eden Estupigan Klein This summer (Saturday, June 13th at the PACCM of MI), FILAMCCO will be sponsoring a fashion show – for young women and men, teens, pre-teens and children (K-5). Proceeds will benefit the Paaralang Filipino children. If you are interested, know someone or want to help, contact: Eden Estupigan Klein, FILAMCCO Fashion Show Chairperson at [email protected] or Flor Penner (Co-Chair) at [email protected]. ☺

UPAAM SPONSORS OUTSTANDING YOUTH OF MICHIGAN AWARD By Helen H. Domingo The University of the Philippines Alumni Association of Michigan (UPAAM) is seeking applications for the UPAAM Outstanding Youth of Michigan Award open to qualified students completing high school in 2009. The award has been established to recognize excellence among the Filipino-American youth. Any student of Philippine ethnic heritage completing high school in 2009 and has demonstrated outstanding achievement, may apply for the award. The award categories include Academic Excellence, Citizenship/Leadership, Filipino Heritage, Performing Art, Arts & Letters and Athletic Excellence. (Continued on page 5)

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Spring Edition

PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE DAY FESTIVAL IN MICHIGAN KALAYAAN 2009 by Willie Dechavez Save the date for this year's annual Philippine Independence Day Festival in Michigan which will be held on Saturday, June 6, 2009 at Hamlich Park in Warren, Michigan. The park is located between Ryan and Dequindre on 13 Mile Road. Last year, the Philippine Independence Day Festival in Michigan drew a crowd of approximately 1,500 guests. The theme of this year's celebration is, "Cultural Connections Across Filipino Community.” This event will again highlight the annual parade of organizations, cultural performances, traditional Filipino children’s games, sports and community dancing. The organizers of this annual event are planning a more colorful parade that will include regional cultural group performances, a Santa Cruzan and the participation of former Mrs. Philippines and Ms Philippines of Michigan beauty pageant winners. There will be a cultural show after lunch and various games that children can be participate in. There will also be a youth sports competition. The Philippine Independence Day celebration is known locally as, "Araw nang Kalayaan sa Michigan" is a picnic day to a lot of Filipinos in the community. But this is also a day where Filipinos in Michigan share their Filipino history, values, and cultures to others. Kalayaan 2009 is an annual project of FILAMCCO. Three organizations will co_host this year's event, namely, KAHIRUP OF MICHIGAN, FAPAM AND NaFFAA MICHIGAN. For more information: to sponsor to this event, contact Betsy Henry [email protected] , to donate food, contact Fe San Agustin [email protected] , to advertise in the souvenir program, contact Willie Dechavez [email protected]

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UPAAM Sponsors Outstanding..

The candidate’s application should include the following: 1. A letter of application with a picture (head shot) 2. A resume or biodata 3. A 250-word essay on “Why I Should Be Considered for the UPAAM Outstanding Youth of Michigan Award” (type and double space) 4. Current school transcript indication courses taken, including AP and out-of-school courses, and GPA (specify whether weighted or unweighted) 5. A summary of achievement in the category applying for. 6. SAT/ACT scores 7. Class rank 8. Letters of recommendation, certificate of awards/honors, testimonials, videotapes and other relevant supporting evidence may also be submitted. Attendance at the Annual UPAAM Recognition and Awards Night on June 21, 2009 at St Owen’s Activity Center, Birmingham, Michigan is required to receive the award. Mail applicationto Mrs. Helen H. Domingo, President of UPAAM, 1710 Strickland Drive, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48302, Tel. No. (248) 855-4508 by June 4, 2009. The winners will be notified prior to the UPAAM Recognition and Awards Night to be held on Sunday, June 21, 2009 at St. Owen’s Activity Center, 6869 Franklin Road, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48301. For any questions, please call members of Search Committee: Dr. Nelly Revita, Tel. No. (313) 274-6561 or Bayani Domingo, Tel. No. (248) 855-4508 or (248) 539-5940. ☺

ASIAN EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS TO WATCH FOR by Arcie Gemino Not only do we get the opportunity to know what’s happening within our community but what’s going on outside as well. With spring’s arrival come events and activities to enjoy and benefit from what they can offer. “An Evening with Helen Zia” is scheduled on April 18, 2009 at the Chinese Community Center at 6:30 p.m. Zia is the past president of ACJ, the renowned author of “Asian American Dreams: The Emergence of an American People” and coauthor of “ My Country Versus Me” with Wen Ho Lee. Sponsorship of the event is joint with ACJ, ACA, FILAMCCO, ACAPAA, CAPA, Ann arbor Chinese Center of Mi., Japanese American Citizen’s League Detroit and APIA-Vote Mi. A Multi- Cultural Leadership Series co-sponsored by New Detroit and ACJ has begun, with an orientation in March and 6 sessions in the following months highlighting the history, culture and socioeconomics of the following communities of color: African American, Arab, Asian, Chaldean, Latino and Native American. Participants benefit from these sessions by increasing their insights and understanding of the many racial and ethnic groups in Metro Detroit. The series also develops a talented and diverse group of leaders who can promote positive race relations. PACCM will host the July APA training program. If you would like to participate in a future series please contact me. The Splendor of the East, A CAPA signature annual event is slated for May 1, 2009 at the Ford Community Center for the Performing Arts located at 29292 Southfield Fwy. in Dearborn. This year’s theme is “Coming to America- A Cultural Collage”. (Continued on page 6)

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Enjoy the interactive aesthetic performances of the many different countries woven into one evening of cultural presentation. On May 16, 2009 from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. , plans are in the offing for the Council of Asian Pacific American’s Educational event called “ Bridging The Generational Gap” , an interactive workshop offered free to middle school, high school students and their parents to attend. The specific location will be announced later. Speakers will be from Michigan State University Extension 4H Youth Development and there will be generation and cultural skits to be presented by student groups. Then on the same month of May, the 19th trek to Lansing for the celebration of Asian Pacific Heritage Month at the Capitol and be part of a colorful day of cultural exhibits, program , speeches by Asian leaders and a taste of unique ethnic cuisine. For additional information on any or all of the above events, contact Asian Liaison Arcie Gemino at [email protected]


At the last Rizal Day Celebration, the FILAMCCO newly elected officers were inducted by the Philippine Honorary Consul of Michigan, Dr. Jose Evangelista. The following were installed : Rebecca M Tungol, President, Dr. Orlando Sison, Vice President, Tess Tchou, Secretary, Bert Sitchon, Treasurer, Board Members are Arsenita Gemino, Tony Kho, Dr. Ernie Mac, Edith Manzano, Eden klein, Lilly Ambrosio Ylen, Marta Cabarios, Belinda Hernandez, Jeff Jenks, Carmen Perez, and Bob Rowland. The mission of helping the victims of calamities in the Philippines had been met through the funds raised by individuals and organization and disbursed to the different regions affected by flood, typhoons, volcano eruptions etc. The Foundation main beneficiary is the Philippine American Community Center of Michigan (PACCM), our home away from home, the center of it all , the place where our children learn our Filipino values and traditions, language and culture. The Foundation also donated to Evangelical Nursing Homes, World Medical Relief, NANAY, Inc. Michigan Chapter, Tagumpay Cultural Group, and many more. The FILAMCCO continues to raise funds through different events like the Pageants, Rizal Day, and Bulilit Fashion Show and part of the proceeds from these events go to the foundation. For more info call Becky Tungol @248-755-6119

by Ben Fajardo The Bisaya Medical Association (BMA) completed it's 31/2 day medical mission on Jan.22, 2009 in Guihulngan, Negros Oriental, Philippines. In spite of time constraints and limited medical supplies we were able to see and treat 1,772 patients at the Outpatient clinic and did 17 major and 43 minor surgeries as well as 23 Vasectomies. As anticipated, from the very first day to the last, there were endless lines of indigent patients from morning til evening. It was exhausting yet rewarding to treat people who were really sick and in need of acute medical care. ☺

WORLD WAR II PHILIPPINE VETERANS ELIGIBLE FOR LUMP-SUM PAYMENTS summarized by Jeff Jenks The President of the United States signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on February 17, 2009, authorizing the release of a one-time, lump-sum payment to eligible World War II Philippine veterans. These payments are to be made through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) from a $198 million appropriation established for this purpose. Applying for this benefit will not affect other existing Veterans benefits. Q: Who is eligible for the new benefit, a one-time payment authorized by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009? Persons who served before July 1, 1946, in the organized military forces of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, while such forces were in the service of the Armed Forces of the United States; 1. Members of the organized guerrilla forces under commanders appointed, designated, or subsequently recognized by the Commander in Chief, Southwest Pacific Area, or other competent authority in the Army of the United States; 2. Persons who served in the Philippine Scouts under Section 14 of the Armed Forces Voluntary Recruitment Act of 1945. 3. To be eligible for the new benefit, service members in each of the three categories above must have been discharged or released from service under conditions other than dishonorable. Q: How do I apply for this benefit? The VA is now accepting claims from Filipino WWII veterans and will continue to be accept claims until February 16, 2010. Veterans do not need to appear in-person. There is no charge for filing. 1. The claim form, VA Form 21-4138 Statement in Support of Claim (Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Fund) can be obtained by calling or visiting your nearest VA Regional Office. In the Philippines, the VA Regional Office is located at the U.S. Embassy in Manila. 2. The forms are also available at the VA website, or at the U.S. Embassy Manila website at 3. Claims from spouses, widows and children of Filipino WWII veterans cannot be accepted. For further information go to:

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KIWANIS KINDLE by Arcie Gemino Over the past few months the Kiwanis Clubs of Division 1 under the charge of Lt. Gov. Becky Tungol and Division 7 under Lt. Gov.Roger Palaganas had been busy tending to various community projects and services. The Kiwanis Club of Cosmopolitan Detroit with President Arcie Gemino has recently sponsored and chartered a K-Kids Club at McGlinnen Elementary School in Clinton Twp. Michigan District Kiwanis Governor Denny Kiroff, First Lady Pat, and several KCCD officers attended the installation of officers with 400 students and their teachers witnessing the unique ceremony. K-Kids club is the largest service club for elementary students that teaches youngsters to become better citizens and learn about helping others. The youngsters will help package food for hungry children. Dictionaries, compliments of KCCD were also distributed to the third graders in the school. Earlier in the fall, the club brought in monthly guest speakers who delivered inspirational talks on ways to help physically and mentally abused children and how to bridge the generational gaps between parents and children in the APIA families. They gave Christmas gifts to foster children and sang Christmas carols to a couple of nursing facilities The Kiwanis Club of Metro North Troy with its president Lydia Palaganas had also launched interesting activities. During the holidays they gave presents to children ranging in age from birth to 2 years in support of the Young Children Priority One Project. Their long established choir has presented a colorful Christmas repertoire to 4 nursing homes. On a monthly basis the club goes to St. Aloysius to package food for the homeless. The Dictionary Project was also part of their agenda for the

year and recently, they sought the leader of the Kiwanis Aktion Club to speak on work being done for adult citizens with disabilities. The club braved a harsh wintry day to help pack supplies for the World Medical Relief. Kiwanis Club of Centerline with President Connie Dowding held their Induction Ceremonies at the joint holiday celebration with KCCD. They are working hard to initiate membership growth by welcoming aboard two new members. The club has participated in some interclubbing activities and joined in the celebration of Kiwanis’ 94’th birthday at the Detroit athletic club. Plans are in the offing for their spring projects. Interesting to note that all 4 clubs of Division 1 agreed to hold a joint Prayer Breakfast on May 23, 2009 at PACCM as a collaborative venture to unite together in a spiritual activity and create warm fellowship among their members. A huge event called Kiwanis One Day where all over the world clubs will come together to support the “Kids Against Hunger “ Program will take place on April 4, 2009. In Michigan the plan is to produce and package 500,000 meals to make a major impact on alleviating starvation during this tough economic period. Extra meals will be distributed to third world countries who suffer far greater starvation. Again, all 4 clubs are rallying to work together on this project. If you wish to donate, send checks payable to “kids Against Hunger” to: Michigan District of Kiwanis International P.O. Box 231 Mason, mi. 48854 With the need to help others specially children and the less fortunate, Kiwanis is the organization to belong. If you have considerable passion for helping, consider becoming a member of Kiwanis. ☺

THE FASTEST GROWING FILIPINO ORGANIZATION IN MICHIGAN! by Vicky Fought In the past 6 months, the Philippine Chamber of Commerce – Michigan has grown its membership base over 4 times since its 1st official meeting in September. With over 60 members, and growing, the Chamber has become the fastest growing Filipino organization in Michigan. Since the start of the year, 3 networking events/ membership drives were held – at Royal Kubo, Picasso of Manila, and the Kellogg Center in East Lansing -- once every month. Each event had been attended by about 20 to 30 Filipino business-owners/ professionals as a venue to meet and introduce their products and services. The success of these events speak for the timeliness of the creation of the Chamber -- in times of economic difficulties, the Chamber provides a valuable service for the Filipino community by encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit as a support group from which one can share experiences, resources, and talent. In addition these events, the Chamber recently launched its website . With this, the Chamber hopes to reach out to a wider audience in Michigan, promoting our future events, services provided by members, and public service announcements. The website is also available for non-members who would like to reach out to the Filipino community and support the Chamber through advertising. For more information on advertising opportunities, please contact Alvin Tibudan at 248.802.2919 or email at [email protected].

“This is only the beginning!”

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of spectacular, featuring performers from ages 8 to 80! We were moved by the contemporary dance of Dannie Clifford and Ronuelle Toedoro, the elegance of the lyrical dance of Stephanie Penner and Brandon Koepsell, and were on the edge of our seats with the high energy of the hip hop dance from Adoboyz. PACCM’s own Hula Dancers gracefully moved and our Ballroom Dancers heated up the dance floor. But, the highlight of the evening, for us, was seeing our youngest performers showing us all that our culture thrives – our PACCM Tinikling Dancers captivated our hearts as they performed our traditional dance. Thank you to all our performers for sharing your wonderful talent with us.

“DANCING UNDER THE STARS” by Gale and Steve Miles, PACCM Valentine’s 2009 Chairpersons Oh, what a night!

The lights were dimmed low, stars sparkled above and music filled the air… it was another magical evening of celebration. And once again, it was a great success because of you, the supporters of our community center. The night started with our very own Paaralang Pilipino students singing our national anthems, followed by the invocation led by Rev. Deacon Bob Rowland. And this year’s program was nothing short

For years PACCM has held its major fund-raiser in February, celebrating Valentine’s Day and its Anniversary in the community. Like every year, friends and family gathered to share in the success that PACCM has had throughout the years… not to mention shakin’ their tails on the dance floor… and this community can dance! As the night went on with the dance floor packed, it was easy to see that the PACCM is a part of the lives of so many - from the pillars of our community who have faithfully supported us throughout the years, to the new generations who are the future of our community. We are all responsible for preserving our culture; we are all responsible for supporting our community; we are all part of the family known as PACCM. (Continued on page 11)

IWD CELEBRATION FOCUSES ON EMPOWERING WOMEN TOWARD PROGRESS by Arcie Gemino March 21 marked the first ever joint celebration of ten Asian organizations, mostly womens’ groups to celebrate the 2009 International Women’s Day at PACCM. The event drew a large crowd from different ethnic communities. It was an exciting opportunity to come together to celebrate the gains and achievements made by women. The principal feature was Kayhan Irani, an “artivist” from New York as the keynote speaker. Irani was awarded by New York Mayor Bloomberg with a Certificate of Recognition in the 2007 Immigration History Week for her contributions in the arts and cultural diversity of the city. She puts on a one-woman show entitled “We’ve Come Undone” which highlights the lives of immigrant women post 9/11. Kayhan’s motivation is to activate audiences and transform society through her art. The celebration also included cultural fashion show and fellowship. Fashion show models who showcased some of our unique outfits were Dr. Ernie Mac, Tess Magno, Becky Tungol and Eden Klein. The highlight of the event was the awarding of plaques to a select group of Asian women chosen for their achievements and contributions in their communities. We are proud to have Becky Tungol as one of the recipients to receive an Outstanding Award for leadership in the Asian-American Community. Volunteers Edith Manzano, Vicky Fought, Tess Tchou, Amy Galang Rye and Arlene Galang Morse gave a hand in various tasks. FILAMCCO and the Filipino Women’s Club of Metro Detroit, represented by Arcie Gemino and Tess Magno were the collaborating organizations who joined forces with the others to get this huge event take off. ☺

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Spring Edition

IMMIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP FORUM by Arcie Gemino PACCM was the site for the US Immigration Issues and Citizenship Forum co-sponsored by the American Citizens for Justice, APIA –Vote Mi and the Asian American Center for Justice on February 28, 2009. It was an informative session that addressed U.S. citizenship procedures, availability of resources and issues on immigration and refugees. Several participants from various groups took advantage of the unique opportunity to listen to a panel of speakers. Douglas Pierce, Supervisor and District Adjudicator of the U.S citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) touched on pathways to U. S. Citizenship by explaining what an adult, immigrant age 18 or older must go through to become a U.S. citizen. General requirements call for the immigrant to demonstrate basic knowledge of U.S. history, government and civic principle. He or she must be a lawfully admitted U.S. resident for at least 5 years or 3 years if he or she meets all eligibility requirements to file as a spouse of a U.S. citizen. The person must have the ability to write, speak and understand basic English and must have demonstrated good moral character. The components of the redesigned naturalization test include a civic, oral and English test required of

PAARALANG PILIPINO by Rebecca Tungol, In the last issue of the newsletter, the Paaralan students had a fun-filled day learning how to make their own “parol”(Christmas lantern). They were so proud to hang them around the building enhancing the beautiful Christmas décor in the ballroom area and giving it the Filipino spirit of Christmas. The Christmas Party was again a joyous occasion highlighted by the singing of “Mano Po Ninong, Mano Po Ninang” by the students, while they went around kissing the hands of the elders. In return they got a lot of money and candies. What was so heartwarming is that they used that money to buy presents for their loved ones at the Christmas Bazaar, a fundraiser for the PACCM. The finale of the Christmas Party was Hula Dancers dancing Santa Claus is ‘Coming to town…’ and yes , Santa was there to give every child and senior a present. Well, to say the least, I was more excited than anybody watching the joyous faces of the youth and the seniors We always keep looking for ways to sustain student interest. We found out that incorporating fun while they learn in whatever subject is the best way. Their favorite class, Creative Arts, incorporates popular games like Simon Says but translated in Tagalog, thus they learn how to interpret instructions in Tagalog. Another favorite game they play is the group game where each one takes turns in giving instruction in Tagalog using numbers.

applicants prior to being granted naturalization. Reginald Pacis, an Immigration Attorney from Butzel Long, PC talked about the various status and classifications of immigrants. The committee to ensure and protect the rights of immigrants have advocated for just and humane immigration reform including the protection of due process rights, workers’rights, to be free of profiling and discrimination while traveling, effective immigration enforcement, reunification for families and a viable pathway towards citizenship. Additionally, Nadia Tanova, Advocacy Coordinator of The Arab Community Center talked about new campaigns calling for comprehensive immigration reforms that will focus on policy, field communications and civic engagement. She also discussed work being done nationally relating to the current campaign to hold the Department of Homeland Security accountable for ensuring the safety of this country by meeting with congressmen and signing a petition to President Obama for accountability. Following the speakers’ talks, the audience engaged in an open forum to ask additional questions related to the topics covered. ☺

The FYI students ,13 & older ,taught by Fe Rowland, learned how to make vegetable egg rolls and they sure did a wonderful job. They were so delicious. Guests were so delighted to have such treats, not to mention , the treats we got from the Faraons sisters that celebrated their joint birthdays during recess. They brought pancit, Chinese food and cakes. Thanks also to those parents and guests who always donate food to the Paaralan. You inspire us to keep going. This is my 7th month as Paaralan’s Director and I have learned so much from the teachers and the students. One important challenge we have, as a community based school, is attendance dwindling down during winter because of inclement weather conditions. Another one is lack of language teachers for beginners and advanced students which lead us to another problem of lack of classrooms to accommodate the possible increase of enrollment. Based on our observation, what we teach in the classroom needs to be reinforced outside especially at home. We ask parents to try to speak Tagalog to their children at home but this led us to discover that sometimes both parents do not know the language since they were born and raised here in the US. So, to resolve that issue we plan to offer the Tagalog course to such parents next September, schedule and space permitting. During the last two sessions we have asked parents of past and current students to answer questions in a survey conducted by Cathryn Fabian, from the University of Michigan, as part of her thesis. Results of this survey will provide us vital information on where we improve our school system and curriculum . On March 29 the Kiwanis Club of Cosmopolitan Detroit sponsored a field trip for the students to the AGT Flip City in Warren. Parents and students had fun. ☺

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Spring Edition



by Van S. Ong, Vice President of FILAMCCO

by Becky Tungol, N.A.N.A.Y. Regional Director

There are over sixty Filipino organizations in Michigan. Sad to say however that after the initial jubilation shared during the induction of officers, that for over half of these organizations, activities dwindle down to an annual gathering. There seems to be a lack of a suitable program that generates enough interest to sustain expansion and growth. There is a need for strong leadership to encourage and pursue diverse special interests beyond socialization.

NANAY, Inc. Michigan Chapter is seeking both seniors 60 and above and youth to become members. Benefits include health and fitness sessions, transportation, socialization, counseling and assistance to access other available services. Membership is free. The organization derives its funding from the generous contributions of individuals, corporation and through some fundraising efforts of clubs and groups, like the PACCM Hula Class.

Here’s my suggestion: Make club members recognize that after achieving a level of success for their family’s future, it is time to help others. While you are so blessed to make it on your own, many others are not. By sharing your own life experiences, you inspire others to set goals and explore ways to achieve them. Translate your sincere intentions to help in a way that will make a difference in people’s lives. Ask your club to create a specific project locally, focusing on helping others. Convincing passive members can be difficult but not entirely impossible. There are many volunteer programs that appeal to the kindness and generosity of most Filipinos. Start small, challenge them to join the trend of helping in the old country by donating to charitable institutions and sponsoring medical missions and scholarship programs. The Filipino American Community Council of Michigan (FILAMCCO) is an umbrella organization that coordinates and assists member organizations. It has a 27-year record of success in providing advocacy and initiative for the advancement of civic, cultural and professional interests of Filipinos in Michigan. Visit their website: and discover how they can assist in starting your organization’s projects. Better still, come to their offices and meet Tony Kho, their current president. ☺

NANAY is now in its 7th year as a charitable 501(c) 3 organization serving seniors and youth in the metro Detroit area. In the past we have made positive impacts on the lives of the uninsured and low-income residents by providing durable equipment and filling RX prescriptions with minimal fees through our partner, World Medical Relief. We provide transportation to seniors who need to go to their medical appointments. We visit the sick to comfort them. We organize monthly celebrations for the birthday celebrants. We hope to continue and expand our services with YOUR help as volunteers and with the continued support of our donors. Our future plans include computer classes and soft aerobics or yoga classes. Our deepest appreciation goes to the PACCM for providing us the free home for these services. For more information please call: Becky Tungol at 248-755-6119. ☺

IMPORTANT HEALTH SCREENING OPPORTUNITY FOR FILIPINOS FIFTY YEARS (50) OLD AND ABOVE By Tess Tchou The Healthy Asian Americans Project (HAAP) at the University University of Michigan Health System. A free colonoscopy may also be of Michigan School of Nursing is offering to all Filipinos 50 years old available to uninsured participants under 50 years of age who have a and above, whether insured or uninsured, the opportunity to be family history of colon cancer. screened for colorectal cancer (cancer HAAP Health Awareness Seminar Many Filipinos have benefited of the rectum and large intestine). The from this program and can say how this risk of colorectal or colon cancer rises at PACCM simple home test has given them peace of dramatically among persons 50 years mind and, in some cases, a timely opportuold and older, but symptoms do not nity to seek medical attention. Studies often appear until the disease has show that colon cancer is the second most reached an advanced stage. frequently diagnosed cancer in Filipinos and Early screening for colon cancer the third highest cause of cancer deaths can be done through a home test among Filipinos. known as FOBT (Fecal Occult Blood So, if you are 50 years old or Test) which detects hidden blood in the older, please consider taking this rare and stool. Screening participants can repotentially life-saving opportunity to be ceive this free home test which is comscreened, or refer someone who can benepleted through the collection of small fit from it. To arrange for a presentation to stool samples by the participant while your organization or community on this on a restricted diet for about six days. service, to receive or to refer someone to receive the FOBT home The stool samples are sent to the University of Michigan for analysis test kit, or for more information, please contact Tess Miranda-Tchou and the participant will be notified of the results. If the results are by phone at (313) 533-3085 or (734) 936-8913, or by e-mail: positive and the participant has insurance, he/she will be advised to [email protected]. see a doctor. If the participant has no insurance, he/she may qualify for a free colonoscopy (internal examination of the intestine) through the

Visit the Colon Cancer Screening Station at the PMAM Health Expo May 16, 2009 8AM-1PM. ☺

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Spring Edition

CHANGE MANAGEMENT: LEADERSHIP by: Lory Ward Another bustling Sunday at PACCM as members ready for the arrival of the FYI and Paaralang Pilipino students. Our future leaders. Are they? The key word here is future. Filipino parents have taken the right steps by enrolling their children to learn about Filipino heritage with language, history, and dance. However, there is a critical age group that has been overlooked and is needed to carry on the tradition of what past and existing PACCM leaders have developed. As the founders of PACCM and some of the board members slowly “retire” from their responsibilities, it’s time for the next generation to fill the gap. This immediate next generation is the parents of the students enrolled in FYI and Paaralang Pilipino-- the thirty- and forty-somethings. This generation is a bit more complicated. Some parents consist of two Filipinos and others consist of one Filipino and one non-Filipino. With these combinations, the complexity increases with the amount of exposure to the Filipino culture. Some speak the language, others do not. Some are in touch with their heritage and some are not. The commonality here is that they all have the desire to belong and keep the traditions alive. How do we recruit? Can we offer the same education offered to the students/children? How do we bridge this gap and prepare the thirty- and fortysomethings to continue the legacy that has been built? How do we make this more meaningful to the children?

pino overseas absentee voters in the Midwest, please contact the Philippine Consulate General in Chicago at (312) 332-6458 ext. 14 or 15; e-mail address at [email protected]; and website at The following websites may also be visited by concerned parties: Department of Foreign Affairs (Manila) and the Commission on Elections (Manila) [email protected] ☺ (Continued from page 8)


We would like to thank this year’s Valentine’s committee for making it such an enjoyable evening for us, both as participants and as chairpersons… it is the hard work and dedication of our board and members that makes events like this such a success. Thank you to Dr. Jose Evangelista, our Honorary Consul General, for inducting this year’s board members. Thank you to Lito Apigo for providing our music and to Frances Pablo and Lito Apigo for singing and honoring this year’s wedding celebrants. And, of course the success of our community center, and our ability to provide services to the community, is because of the many generous people in our community people that believe that preserving the Filipino-American culture and giving back to the community is important… many thanks to you. Keep your eyes open later this year for you invitation to next year’s gala… we are celebrating at the Troy Marriott once again on February 13, 2010. If you did not receive an invitation, please let us know so we can make sure to include you in our mailing list. Come to our Center to learn about our Paaralang Pilipino – teaching both young and old the traditions and language of the Philippines, and for our ballroom and line dancing instruction ( Come join our family and feel first hand a sense of community pride and success. Thank you.

FILIPINO OVERSEAS ABSENTEE VOTERS REGISTER UP TO 31 AUGUST 2009 The Philippine Consulate General in Chicago has started the registration of Filipino overseas absentee voters in the Midwest. The registration period will end on 31 August 2009.

All citizens of the Philippines abroad (especially Filipino residents in the Midwest), not otherwise disqualified by law, at least eighteen (18) years of age on 10 May 2010 or the day of the election and who wish to vote for President, Vice-President, Senators and Party List Representatives for purposes of the 10 May 2010 Philippine National Elections must file applications for registration/certification as overseas absentee voters by 31 August 2009. The voting period will be from 10 April 2010 until 3:00 P.M. Philippine time on 10 May 2010. For other details on the registration of qualified Fili-

(Continued from page 1)



Our PACCM Hula Dance class is becoming a "therapeutic class" now, as we all work so hard learning the dances in "Hawaiian language,” which is good for our brain, and try to learn the hand_hip_feet_movement, which is good for our whole body movements and coordination. Yes! We do "sweat” and we have fun burning all those calories at our hula dance class. PACCM Hula Dance classes are always on Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. until Noon. No dance experience is needed to register. We are always so proud to represent our PACCM Center when invited to do hula performances within our community. You can find more information about the “Spring Luau” and our hula class schedules and fees at or ☺


Philippine American Community Center of Michigan 17356 Northland Park Court (Philippines St.) Southfield, MI 48075

17356 Northland Park Ct (Philippine Street) Southfield, MI 48075 Tel: (248) 443-7037 Fax: (248) 443-7078 Editor Co-Editor Production Layout Circulation Pictures Writers:

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Jeff Jenks Edith Manzano Steve Miles Jason Klein Fred Porte Mac Fuller Arcie Gemino Becky Tungol Ben Fajardo Ernie Mac, MD Cecile AstorgaSwitzer, M.D., Eden Klein Flor Penner Lory Ward Steve & Gale Miles Van Ong Vicky Fought Willie Dechavez

Community Calendar of Events Spring 2009 Apr 4

Pangasinan Club of Michigan 75th Diamond Anniversary / Induction of Officers at the Petruzzello’s Banquet Center on Rochester Road in Troy. Contact: Dr. Marissa Catalan (586) 776-8340 or Nona Apigo (248) 698-1092

Apr 18

PACCM Spring Luau at PACCM Center – 3:00 pm Contact: Flor Penner (586) 775-2487 or Fred Porte at (248) 443-7037

Apr 18

APA—Evening with Helen Zia—6:30 pm at Chinese Community Center, 32585 Concord Drive, Madison Heights, MI 48071

Apr 26

PAFA Annual Spring Butterfly Ball at Hawthrone Valley Country Club in Westland. Contact Ofelia Magbitang (734) 273-4190 [email protected] or Sheri Ayala Schaecher

Apr 26

Paaralang Pilipino Graduation Ceremony at the PACCM Center. Contact Becky Tungol (248) 755-6119 or Steve Miles (313) 389-1371

May 1

CAPA "Splendor of the East" at 7:00 pm at Ford Community & Performance Arts Center - 15801 Michigan Ave, Dearborn. Contact Angela Wang (248) 885-0968 [email protected], Mai Xiong (586) 722-4527 [email protected] or FILAMCCO (248) 755-6122 [email protected]

May 9

World Medical Relief "Big Hat and High Tea" - A garden party 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Fashion Shoot, Silent Auction and Boutique (High & Champagne Served) at The Terrace, Edsel & Eleanor Ford House - 1100 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Shores. Contact WMR: (313) 866-5333

May 9

Toni Galang Fashion Show and Dinner Dance sponsored by Kahirup of MI & Medical Mission Foundation of MI on Mother's Day Weekend from 6:30 pm to ?? at the Hilton Troy- Contact: Lou Lim (248)-730-8617 or Betsy Henry (248) 770-3422

May 16

Health and Fitness Expo (PMAM) at the PACCM Center from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Contact: Dr. Cecile AstorgaSwitzer (248) 647-3044

May 19

APA Heritage Month Celebration at the State Capitol in Lansing, Michigan - Program starts 10:30 am

May 23

Kiwanis Club of Cosmopolitan Detroit Prayer Breakfast Joint with Kiwanis Division Clubs at PACCM Contact Arcie Gemino (586) 954-9711

May 30

San Lorenzo Ruiz Annual May Crowning (Replaced Santa Cruzan) 5PM at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Harper Woods, MI Fundraising to build a kitchen for the Novena for Our Mother of Perpetual Help held every first Wednesday of the Month. Contact: Billie Go Belen 313 690-3009

Jun 6

KALAYAAN 2009 Festival at Halmich Park in Warren . Contact: Betsy Henry (248) 770-3422, Willy Dechavez (586) 268-4725 or Fe Sanagustin (586)

Jun 13

Bulilit Fashion Show (FILAMCCO) at the PACCM Center . Contact: Eden Klein (248) 761-9231 or Martha Cabarios (586) 264-8569

Jun 19

Honoring College and High School Graduates at PACCM Center Contact Arcie Gemino at (586) 954-9711

Jun 20

PACCM Golf Outing at Devil’s Ridge – Contact Lito Apigo (248) 698-1092 or Fred Porte (248) 443-7037

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