Spring Summer 2009 Newsletter

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Volume 2, Issue 2 D a r k f r i e n d s G u i l d

Spring / Summer 2009

The Wheel of Time Money, Money, Money!

Special points of interest:

By Steelydave

• Steelydave gives us some great money making tips!

Gold is one of the major driving forces behind every player's experience in WoW. Almost everything we do requires spending gold, and there just never seems to be enough available for us. At level 80, the majority of Darkfriends guild members are involved in end game raiding content, either in a 10 man or 25 man heroic group.

• Blondi highlights raid progression. • Meet the newsletter editor and guild secretary, Blondi, in our guild member highlight.\ • Guild announcements can be found on the back page.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Money, Money, Money! Continued.


Raid Progression Continued


Guild Member Highlight: Blondi




Guild Contact Information


Guild Member Highlight: Blondi Contin-


While it would be nice to 1 shot every boss we encounter, that just doesn't happen and sometimes we have to spend a little money at the repair shop.

I utilize various ways of farming that work in conjunction with my normal schedule of rep grinding, dailies, and materials farming. The process takes a little longer but yields two or three times more gold that I can set aside to offset repair costs or consumables purchases before raid time. For this issue, I've provided three of my favorite methods of the process. The most important tip I can give you concerning the process is to spread it out over the week in between raid times. Don't attempt to cram everything into one day of grinding. Try to

Without gold, there isn’t much you can do in WoW.

instead accomplish a little bit each day so you aren't burning yourself out, but you're still making money. Sons Of Hodir: Performing the dailies and acquiring a large quantity of Relics of Ulduar are the key to obtaining exalted status with the sons. After gaining exalted status, the dailies are still open to you and you can still acquire (Continued on page 2)

Raid Progression By Blondi While many other guilds are boasting their complete defeat of the latest raid content, Ulduar, Darkfriends is steadily at-

tempting to make their way through without completely limiting the number of guild members who get to see the content. Currently, 25 man raids

are working diligently at getting into Ulduar, having recently experienced some setbacks as members enjoy the free time (Continued on page 3)

Page 2

T h e W h e e l o f T im e

Money, Money, Money! Cont. (Continued from page 1)

around 200-250 for 100 relics of Ulduar.

relics. I like to take the two dailies, Hot and Cold and Blowing Hodir’s Horn. While I'm accomplishing these, I keep track of my relic

“Gold is one of the major driving forces behind every player's experience in WoW.”

Fishing/Cooking: More specifically the deviate fish and savory deviate delight combo. If you're lucky enough to loot the recipe for the savory deviate delights, you can auction it for around The Sons of Hodir quest line awards Relics of 300g, Ulduar and often leads to mobs that drop them as but I'd well. recomcount. Both types of mend keeping it and mobs involved with learning it. these quests drop the Stacks of Savory Devirelics, and you should ate delights can be be able to loot about auctioned for around 25 by the time you've 30-40g a stack, and finished them. Don't deviate fish are exstop at 25. Take an tremely easy to farm. I extra half hour or 45 can usually farm minutes and grind out around 100 fish within 25 more. an hour. The best You'll not only gain place to farm them are several green item in the barrens, in the 3 drops, but you'll loot pools locations near about 10 gold and various stacks of trash that can be sold for upwards of 3 gold in the process. The 50 relics of Ulduar you've looted can be sold in the auction house for about 90 -120g depending on inflation at the time. If you're really crazy, you can go for 50 more and not only gain more vendor trash, but double When eaten Savory Deviate Delights have a chance at making your profit. You'll earn you a pirate or ninja.

the crossroads. If you fish them in the early morning or late night, you shouldn't have a problem with competition and can easily grind out several stacks. Mining: One of my favorites, mining can net you some huge cash. There are several avenues to explore, one easy and one risky (but possibly worth more money in the end). The first and easiest is to grind out stacks of saronite ore. I'd choose Sholazar Basin, in the early morning. there are few players in this area during the morning, and there is a large quantity of Saronite to farm. If you spend just 1 hour patrolling the border of the basin (where saronite seems to be most commonly found), you should be able to loot 5 stacks fairly easily. It's all competition dependant, so set aside an extra half hour and be prepared to switch up your course if you find yourself flying along the same path as another player. The ore you've mined can either be sold in the auction house or prospected. Saronite sells for a very profitable amount, at around (Continued on page 3)

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V o lu me 2 , Is s u e 2

Money, Money, Money! Cont. (Continued from page 2)

20g a stack. If you prospect instead, you might be lucky enough to loot several blue quality gems that can in turn be sold in the auction house for the

Mining ore is extremely profitable.

same amount, if not double what you'd earn for a stack of 100 ore. It's a very risky decision, since there's no guarantee at all that you'll get any blue quality gems. While you're there, you can quickly accomplish your oracle or Frenzyheart dailies and earn an extra 40g. Also, while you mine, save your crystallized earth/shadow. You can stack them up into eternals later, which sell for

70-160g per stack (Eternal earth is by far the most profitable). Those methods are my favorite and I've found them to yield the most profit of any I've tried. They're VERY simple, and take very little time to accomplish. Just remember to spread the process out over the course of a week so you can still earn some money and cover your consumable/flasks and repair costs, but play the game as well.

Raid Progression Cont. (Continued from page 1)


that summer often brings. 10 man groups are also experiencing some setbacks as the always rare commodity of healers is once again rearing its ugly

Groups 1 and 2 have both made it nearly as far as Mimeron when it comes to 10 man raiding. Group 3, however, is pushing its way through, boasting the defeat of Mimeron after

4 hours of beating their heads against this troublesome boss. As a guild, we welcome the experience that Group 2 members will bring to 25 man raiding once we make it that far.

Darkfriends is steadily attempting to make their way through current 10 and 25 man content.

Guild Member Highlight: Blondi Having been introduced to Darkfriends by former member and officer, Aeryanna, Blondi is now one of our most well known members in the guild. Well known for administrating the forums, publishing the newsletter and overall member record keeping and

contact, Blondi has been a member since level 1 on her first character, her mage Bloddwyn. Blondi’s nickname and ensuing naming pattern first started when Belal, our guild leader decided that Bloddwyn was to awkward to pro-

nounce. He then promptly decided that from that point forward she was Blondi. There are times she can seem to live up to the name as well. She currently has an 80 pally, a mage that will soon ding 80 and (Continued on page 4)

Blondi and Ravenshield in February 2009.

Darkfriends Guild Guild Leader - Belal Guild Leader's Wife - Jinee Officer (and co guild lead) - Pennery Treasurer - Murderburger aka Zarj Recruitment Officer - Moyder Officer - Meowcake aka Whisky Forum admin/guild secretary - Blondi Officer - Powerfuloz Officer - Zouljiin DKP Officer - Rocketcow Officer in Training - Diciple


Darkfriends is looking for healers. The preferred numbers and classes are as follows: 1 holy pally, 2 -3 resto shamen, 2-3 druids, 2-3 holy priests.

The no pug raids are: 25 man Naxx, 10 and 25 man Malygos, 10 and 25 Obsidian Sanctum, 10 and 25 man Ulduar.

Anyone interested in providing leveling guides, recommended raiding specs and other information, please speak with Blondi.

10 and 25 man attendance is being tracked. This means that percentages of missed raids will be tracked and some starters may be spoken to by Belal.

If you are interested in helping with the newsletter or forums, then speak with Blondi.

If you are interested in raiding in 10 or 25 man raids, please find out the raid times and show up!!

Www.darkfriendsguild.com Www.forums.darkfriendsguild.com [email protected]

If you're not a Darkfriend, you are wrong!

Guild Member Highlight: Blondi Cont. (Continued from page 3)

several other alts. Her in game main is her paladin and she is one of the guilds main healers on this character. Her favorite wow moment is actually spending each day in game with her boyfriend, Ravenshield, whom she met through WoW. The game allows them to do things together while Blondi works on immigrating to Canada so they can live together and pursue a future with one another.

Her least favorite WoW moment is dying. She does so often and is always complaining about it. This is one of the reasons she enjoys playing healers, with 3 of her alts also being healing classes. When not playing WoW, Blondi is working at Fire Mountain Gems and Beads, watching her nephew, watching movies with RS, making jewelry, writing po-

etry, getting creative on Photoshop or spending time with her sister, nephew and terminally ill mother. While she doesn’t have


any suggestions for leveling guides, a favorite video or a favorite raid boss, Blondy enjoys the community aspect that MMO’s offer. It allows her to meet new and interesting people from all over the country and sometimes from different parts of the world. She enjoys being an officer and helping Belal and Jenny lead the guild. She looks forward to seeing future growth and expansion among other MMO’s.

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