CAMPBELL Rotary W W W . C A M P B E L L R O T A R Y. O R G
z Paul Harris Dinner set for June 6 z
Save the date for a special dinner event honoring our own Paul Harris awardees scheduled for Saturday, June 6. Our club is honored to have a high percentage of its members who have qualified for this great Rotary honor. Come enjoy the festivities!
Relay for Life!
Today we will distribute sponsor envelopes and registration forms for the American Cancer Society’s Campbell Relay for Life. The
event will be held at the Campbell Community Center starting on July 11 and continue for 24 hours to the morning of July 12. Members are encouraged to join the team and gain some sponsors to help in the fight against cancer.
Coming Events
June 1: Annual Board Dinner, 5:30 June 6: Paul Harris Dinner July 9: District Roast & Toast
Smaller Crowds Boogie on the Bayou The crowds came back, endured the heat, enjoyed the music and ate up the corn and hot dogs at this past weekend’s Boogie on the Bayou.
Well, that’s the story we were hoping to write, anyway. Nonetheless, the annual event, sponsored by the Campbell Chamber of Commerce, drew a crowd of festival goers eager to have some fun close to home.
“Captain” Bill Ellington and his crew of hard working
July 11, 12: Relay for Life July 18: President’s Debunking, @ TBA
Rotarians did all they could to make sure the hot dogs, sausages, and fresh roasted corn were delicious and hot and the water and lemonade delicious and cold. The weather was hot, hot, hot, but sales were a little less so. Even so, our team of volunteers were able to make the sales that we needed to in order to make a profit on the weekend.
Our club’s proceeds will be used to meet the needs of our projects in the coming year under President Rick Davis.