Newsletter July

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July 2009 Dear Parents,

Battlefields in Normandy. The Army & Navy Cadets have been a great success this year

This half term has seen a whole range of

and we are hoping next year to add Air Cadets

events and activities at Lordswood.

as an option. Well done to all students.


Any Questions? on 26

June was a great

success and very enjoyable. It was wonderful

The fifth annual Oscars presentation was held

to welcome so many people to the school and

on 8th July. This was my first experience of the

congratulations must go to the Sixth Form

Lordswood Oscars and I was overwhelmed by

Government and Politics students who ensured

the quality of the different films – they were

that the event ran smoothly and who quite

simply stunning. This sentiment was echoed by

rightly received great praise from the BBC

people from the media who presented awards

team. Jonathan Dimbleby opened the school’s

and who commended the professionalism and

new radio station and commented that it was

level of skills demonstrated.

better than what they had at the BBC! Particular thanks must go to Miss Dignon

Last week we also held our prize giving for

whose hard work resulted in Any Questions?

students in Years 7-12. It was particularly

coming to Lordswood.

good to see the video and photo presentations which gave a flavour of what each year group


On 1 July, myself and three students

had been up to. Well done to all prize winners.

delivered a presentation at the ‘Ethos

It is very difficult to try and sum up student

Conference’ organised by the Centre for Values

successes and achievements and what makes

in Education which was held at Aston

Lordswood special in words. On the last

University. The students, Marcus Hunter, Katie

training day, staff and governors met to try to

Brooks (Year 12) and Polly Morley (Year 10)

develop a new mission statement for the

were fantastic ambassadors for the school.

school to reflect its role as a leading school in

They spoke confidently and with enthusiasm

the city and a successful sixth form centre –

about their experiences at Lordswood and

quite a challenge! We will let you know the

received much praise from other delegates.

outcome in the Autumn.

Marcus was even hailed as the next Barack Obama!

Over the summer, various building projects are taking place. We are currently creating a new


The 1 July also saw our new year 7 students

food technology room, science lab and sixth

join us for their induction day. They all seemed

form base. A new drama studio is being

to enjoy the day and no one got lost!

created in G12 and an additional music room in S9. We are also extending the canteen through

Our army cadets are spending the penultimate

the addition of a conservatory and are

week of term at an army camp in Sussex.

embarking on the first phase of our window

Whilst they are there they will also visit the

replacement programme. We know that

School Policies

funding to schools in future years is likely to be significantly reduced and are therefore trying this year to develop facilities and to reorganise subject rooms and teaching / review groups so that lessons take place in appropriate spaces and that we make the best use of the space we have available. As we approach the end of the school year, it is time to say farewell to two respected colleagues who are moving on to new posts. Miss Smith who has worked in the History Department and this year was also Lead Tutor in Year 7 is taking up a post at Solihull School and Mrs Mirza in the RE Department has gained a post at Joseph Chamberlain College. We wish them both every happiness and

We have recently reviewed a number of key policies: • • • • • • •

Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education Policy Sex & Relationship Education Policy Drugs & Substance Abuse Prevention Education Policy Praise & Rewards Policy Behaviour Policy Young Carers Policy Teaching & Learning Policy

These can be found on the school website; if, however, you would like a paper copy of any of the policies, please contact Mrs Rolf in the School Office.

success in their new posts and thank them for the significant contribution they have made to Lordswood. The Summer Term finishes on Wednesday 22nd July. Students will have their end of year assembly and then be involved in activities in preparation for next year. The Autumn Term starts on Thursday 3rd September and you will find details in this newsletter of the different start times for each year group. I should like to thank you for your support over the last year and I wish you and your families a happy and relaxing summer. With all good wishes,

Lordswood Girls’ Performing Arts Summer School This summer we will be holding a week long Performing Arts Summer School. This will take place from Monday 27th until Friday 31st July, between 9.00am and 4.00pm. The summer school will be run by FAME Performing Arts Company, a group of professional performers who currently hold Performing Arts sessions at the school on Saturdays. The cost of the summer school is extremely competitive at £40.00. The summer school will provide coaching in an array of arts including dance, drama and singing and will culminate in a performance on Friday afternoon, which will be open for parents to attend. If you would like further information please contact me by telephoning the school or emailing [email protected].

Harborne Village Competition

Any Questions?

We have been asked by Harborne Village, part of Birmingham City Council to run a competition to design a poster or leaflet to advertise Harborne. Email to Miss Dignon: Competition Outline: “Just wanted to thank the school and all the Please design a poster or leaflet which

6th formers who so gracefully accepted all our

highlights the five best things about Harborne.

demands, and helped to make the programme such a success.

These may include shops, parks, leisure centres, schools, restaurants, cafes. The poster

Please let all involved know that I was really

can be done by hand or on computer.

impressed by the young women's attitude, friendliness, ability to handle people and do


tasks quickly and willingly.

The winning posters will be displayed on the

Our trip to Birmingham was a success, and

Harborne Village Website and winners will

that's down to you and your colleagues and

receive vouchers for a popular high street

pupils. Also great to have some questions from


pupils in the programme.”

If you would like to take part in the

Hilary Buchanan

competition please see Miss Gough for more

BA Any Questions? and Any Answers?


BBC Radio 4 Summer Fayre Ethos Conference

The Summer Fayre is being held at the School st

Marcus Hunter, Katie Brookes and Polly Morley

on Tuesday 21 July between 12.00 noon and

were guest speakers at an Ethos Conference


on Wednesday 1st July. They spoke, along with Mrs Gotschel, about the ethos and spirit of the

We would like to involve parents and the local

school. All were fantastic ambassadors for

community with events and activities at the

Lordswood and received much praise from the

school and therefore would love for you to

conference attendees.

attend the event. “I would very much like to thank the All review groups are responsible for holding

participants from Lordswood Girls’ School who

their own stall which will include games and

made such an excellent presentation.”

puzzles, gifts and crafts, cakes and refreshments and a raffle.

David Rowse

Art club goes African

We made bracelets, necklaces, pots, bookmarks and African stencilled textile pieces.

In July I will be going to Ghana to spend four

It was fun staying after school making things

and a half weeks running art projects at an

with our friends and everyone was very proud

Underprivileged Childrens’ Centre (UCC) in

of all the money we raised. We wish we could

Ghana’s capital city, Accra. The 150 children

have more things like this to get involved in

that attend this centre are from very poor

and more often!

families and most are orphans or street children. Because these children cannot afford

Megan Macgowan and Alice Whitehead

school fees they are not allowed to go to Stansfeld 2009

school. The UCC provides them with a basic education and throughout the year fundraises to send as many children to school as possible.

During the week of the 22nd June 21 Year 10

A group of Year 7 and 8 pupils have been

Geography pupils attended the annual

making African inspired gifts over the past

residential fieldtrip to Stansfeld.

month to help raise money for the centre. Their products were a huge success on

Well done everyone for all the effort you put in

Performing Arts Evening and very nearly sold

throughout the week - even during lessons at

out!!! Together with a proportion of the


money from the evening’s ticket sales we have raised nearly £300. This money will make a big difference and will mean that more of these children can attend school. A huge thank you to everyone involved and a special thanks to Mrs Baxter who helped me to run the Art club. Miss Tooley

On Wednesdays after school we had the opportunity to come to an art club that was raising funds for the Underprivileged children’s centre in Ghana.

Fascinating Facts from your School Library

CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Children’s Book Award This term we have been reading for the CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Children’s Book Award 2009. As part of their literacy lesson, a group of six year 7 pupils shadowed the Kate Greenaway Medal, looking at the shortlisted books. In particular they looked at the characters,

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

illustrations and genres, producing book reviews and reports on their chosen book. The

Year 7 borrowed the most resources (over 1450!!)

girls also voted for their favourite book and had the opportunity to visit the Carnegie

The most borrowed book in 2008/9 was

Over one week in November 2009 there

website to learn about the books, their authors

were over 1300 “visits” to the library by

and illustrators and find out what other schools

pupils and staff

thought about them.

The most borrowed DVD in 2008/9 is Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging.

The group’s favourite book was ‘The Way Back Home’ by Oliver Jeffries. All the work produced

The total number of items loaned during 2008/9 was over 5000

by the girls is currently on display in the library.

P Ashford Readathon 2009

Readathon is the UK's National sponsored reading event which aims to raise a million pounds every year for seriously ill children. It works just like a sponsored walk or swim, except that the children read books in exchange for pledges of money.

The money raised is donated equally to CLIC

Birmingham, Chris Morgan.

Sargent and The Roald Dahl Foundation, who between them spend it primarily helping

Several of our students applied, and three of

children and young people in Britain suffering

our girls were short-listed to attend the event

from cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, leukaemia,

on Tuesday 16th June. The girls were able to

epilepsy, blood disorders or acquired brain

read their poem out aloud and also got the


opportunity to meet with Chris Morgan, and hear him read out some of his poems.

This year all Year 7 pupils were given the

It was a fantastic opportunity for the girls

opportunity to take part over a two week

involved, and has encouraged them to keep

period and during this time anyone who was

writing poetry in the future! Well done girls!!

caught reading around school was given a CCF Update

raffle ticket. Teachers reported walking into form rooms to find them reading away! and even had girls reading while waiting to go into

The introduction of the Combined Cadet Force


has proven to be a real hit with Year 10 students. Already students have taken part in

The raffle was drawn in the library by Miss

a Biannual Inspection Day, weekly activities

Hussain and Mrs Ashford amid great

and a sailing voyage around the west coast of

excitement. All together over £194 was raised

Scotland. In addition some students are taking

by the pupils.

part in the annual Army camp. All activities undertaken help to build team skills,

A big thank you to everyone who took part.

independence, initiative and confidence; some students have really excelled over the past

Poetry Café at the

couple of months. Well done.

University of Birmingham. In September the CCF hopes to welcome new The University of Birmingham ran a poetry

yr 10 recruits, if you are interested look out for

competition; open to students from KS3, KS4

information which will come via registers. The

and KS5, in which students had to write a

CCF offers three areas of interest, the Army

poem about an ‘English Lesson.’ Several

section, Naval section and new for September

students from Lordswood entered the

the RAF section or for more information ask

competition, for which the prize was to attend

either myself, Miss Downes or Mrs Miller.

a ‘Poetry Café’ at the University. They would get to attend the event along with other short-listed candidates from various other schools in the City, in the hope that their poems would be chosen to be published in an anthology of all the ‘favourite’ poems submitted by the students. The short-list was compiled by the current Poet Laureate for

Mrs Faulkner

Laser Club – Young Enterprise For the first time year 8 students have taken part in Laser Club. Laser Club involves designing and making products that can be produced on the laser cutter and sold. Students develop designing and making skills as well as business skills. Products so far have included keyrings, door plaques and rulers which purchasers can have personalised. Next year I will be looking for year 8 students who wish to take part and move the enterprise scheme forward. If you’re interested look out for information in registers in September or come and speak to me. Numbers are limited!!! Mrs Faulkner History and Politics The highlight of the History year has to have been the Year 9 Battlefields and Paris trip in May. Parts of the battlefields trip were both emotional and inspiring and the pupils certainly enjoyed the sights of Paris. The Battlefields trip included visits to British, Commonwealth and German cemeteries. The girls also took part in the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate. This is a nightly commemoration of the fallen soldiers, during which time the traffic is stopped from passing through the gate, wreathes are often laid and a bugler plays ‘the last post’. With a few exceptions (such as during World War II), the Last Post has been sounded at the Menin Gate memorial every night and in all weathers. It was a very proud moment for those girls involved. The trip then went on through to Paris and the group spent two days soaking up the sights and sounds of the city. A trip down the Seine in the evening and the ascent of the Eiffel Tower were among the highlights!

The Politics Department have had a very active year and have taken part in and set up a number of different activities. There was the US Presidential Elections which the politics group watched stage by stage in various sleepovers in school. They watched history in the making and the final election results were certainly a moment to remember. More recently the school has hosted the Radio 4 show Any Questions? which was a real success. The Politics students involved in the running of it were complemented by the producers of the show on how well they had handled the situation and what a credit they were to the school. Well done to them all and thanks to Miss Dignon for setting up this event. Start of term The first day back for students will be Thursday 3rd September 2009 and the start times will be as follows: Year 7 8.35 a.m. Year 8 10.30 a.m. Year 9 9.30 a.m. Year 10 9.00 a.m. Year 11 10.00 a.m.

Success in Mathematics This year students from Years 9, 10 and 11 took part in the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge. This competition requires students to apply their mathematical knowledge to a wide range of different types of questions. Congratulations to Sairah Akhtar who achieved a silver award in addition to best in school. Bronze awards were achieved by Roma Palmer, Eden Sutherland, Anna Kings, Elena Shakil, Jennifer Perkins, Amanpreet Nijjar and Shannon Phillips.

School Dates

One World Day Monday 20th July

Sports Day

involved in One World Day, which was led by

Tuesday 21st July

Summer Fayre

the Year 9’s of Lordswood Girls’ School.

Wednesday 22nd July School

School Breaks Up, closes 12 Noon

Tuesday 1st September

INSET – School closed to Students


On 14

July 2009, primary schools were

Altogether 199 students from Years 4 and 5 attended. Participants of the day included: Abbey Junior Worlds End Harborne Primary Shireland Primary

Wednesday 2nd September Year 12 Interviews Thursday 3rd September

Year Year Year Year Year

Thursday 3rd September

Year 13 Interviews

One world day was a good opportunity for Year 9 to experience leadership skills which will be used in the future. The students participated in workshops such as,

7 Start 8.35 am 8 Start 10.30 am 9 Start 9.30 am 10 Start 9.00 am 11 Start 10.00 am

• •

Aboriginal paintings

Friday 4th September

Normal School Day

Language (Spanish and French)

Thursday 17th September

• •

Drama from a variety of countries

Year 10 Information Evening 5-6 p.m.

Thursday 17th September

Year 8 Emotional Intelligence day then Parents Meeting 4-5pm

Thursday 24th September

INSET – School closed to students

Thursday 24th September

Open Evening 6-8pm

Friday 25th September

Open Morning 9 -12pm

Friday 25th September

Year 7 Dudley Zoo visit

Thursday 1st October

Year 13 Parents’ Meeting 4-6 pm

Thursday 15th October

Year 7 Parents’ Meeting 4-6 pm

Thursday 22nd October

Post 16 Open Evening 5-7 pm

Friday 23rd October

School Breaks up

Monday 26th October – Friday 30th October

Half term

Monday 2nd November

Normal School day

Importance of education

It was a very successful and fun day for Years 4, 5 and 9, and we hope that we will be able to participate in days like this in the near future. We’d like to thank all the teachers who were involved in making this day happen. The Reporting Team

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