Newsletter 5

  • November 2019
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Pudsey Pals Pull in Pounds Reporter: Lewis Edwards – On Friday 14th November 2008 our children in Brundall School held stalls to raise money for Children In Need. There were a wide range of stalls such as cake, nail painting, raffle, racing and many other great stalls. We made a whopping amount of £589.67. I thought it was amazing, there was a huge amount of effort put in. My stall was a cake stall and we raised over £10.00. I wish I could stay another year for the extravaganza. At 10.30 Key Stage 1 came down to our stalls and after Key Stage 2 went round the stalls. So I wish if anyone is thinking about sending their child here, this is one of the highlights of the year.

Brundall Raises Money for Charity Reporter: Emma Davey It is astounding how much such a little school can make! We interviewed Libby Palmer and she said “It was brilliant, we had pizza, biscuits, drinks and games and it all went very well. Even the teachers pitched in to spend some money for Children in Need”. So everything went really well for this year’s Children In Need day and I can’t wait to see what imaginative stalls we will have next year. We raised a total of £589.67 and I’m sure it will go to good use and now we can all be happy that your money will go to someone special to help them with all their problems.

Wow! Reporter: Libby Palmer Wow! £589.67 raised for that big lovely yellow bear. The whole of Brundall School turned up in nonschool uniform (even some of the teachers). Some came in fancy dress, others in normal day clothes. 9.00 – We started the day with a very important message about how we should remember animals that gave up their life in the Great War. 10.00 – A breath of fresh air for us (KS2) to get loosened up a bit. Shortly After! We were off. All stalls of all shapes and sizes from cake to nail painting went up. Rhianna Jarvis 60 thought “I found it exciting and busy”. Everyone dug deep into their pockets and raised money for people less fortunate than ourselves”.

Brundall School raised £589.67 for Children In Need Children in Need Goes Off With a Bang!!! Reporter: Chloe Groom The children of Brundall School do their bit for Children in Need. Key Stage 2 set up stalls of every kind to raise money for people less fortunate than themselves. The children came in non-uniform which already raised a lot as there are around 300 pupils at Brundall School. Children brought in another couple of pounds to spend on the stalls that Key Stage 2 children provided. There was every kind of stall you could think of from cakes to robots, from lucky dip to drink stalls. The wide variety of stalls to visit managed to raise a whopping £589.67!!! which Molly, a year 6 child thought was “an exceeding amount”. James, also a year 6 child thought the day was “Fantastic!” So the day went off with a BANG!

Pudsey the Millionaire! Reporter: Molly Jane Bickers It was an outstanding day in Brundall Primary School, they raised loads of money. All of them had pennies and pounds. All of the Key Stage one children had 1p and 2p coins to put on paper Pudseys. The Key Stage 2 had spent all week thinking about what stalls they wanted to do, including smoothies, make-up and Lucky Dip. Mr. Odell, the Deputy Head, said, “You all did exceedingly well.” We raised a whopping amount and everybody was astonished.

Christmas Lunch 17th December

Term Dates

School Closes for Christmas Staff Development Day Spring Term February Half Term School Closes for Easter Summer Term May Day May Half Term Summer Term Ends

18th December 19th December 5th January 16th – 20th inclusive 3rd April 2009 20th April 2009 4th May 25th – 29th inclusive 17th July

4th December

If you would like to help in the kitchen to serve Christmas Lunch, please contact Mrs. Winter in the school kitchen. MORRISONS VOUCHERS

Diary Dates

26-27th November

Please remember to order a Christmas Lunch for your child by 9th December.

South African Gum Boot Dancing - KS2 Twisting Yarn Theatre performing ‘The Crow Scarers’ to Y5 with supporting workshop.

11-12th December KS1 Christmas Productions 16-17th December KS2 Christmas Productions Christmas Lunch 17th December

Thankyou from Reception Class To Mr and Mrs. Haime for donating tree stumps and bark and to Mrs. Becker for her healthy eating talk. Attendance We are very pleased that the attendance level so far this academic year is 96.83%, the highest it has been for at least two years. Thank you to all parents who make sure their children arrive at school on time, each day. Cross Country – 5th November Yr.3/4 Girls Yr.3/4 Boys Maya Page 5th Toby Briggs 4th Becky Dwornik 10th Sol Clitheroe 20th Dana Taghaddos 49th Jason Moorse 30th

Please send your vouchers to school before the end of term as we will be placing an order over the Christmas holidays.

Help Needed in Reception If you could spare a morning or afternoon to help in our Reception class on a regular basis, please contact Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Wicks.

Suitable clothing for Winter Now that the weather is turning colder, please make sure your child brings a warm coat to school for outside play. School Uniform We still have items of uniform with the ‘old’ logo which are for sale at discounted prices T Shirts £1.50 Polo Shirts £2.50 Sweatshirts £3.50 (no 7-8 sizes) P.E. Bags £1.50 Fleeces £5.00 (sizes 3-4 and 5-6 only)

– Hillside Avenue School Yr.5/6 Girls Emma King 18th Amy Newman 42nd Kimia Taghaddos 58th

Yr. 5/6 Boys Alfie Linstead 7th Toby Tye 18th Harry Tye 48th

Brundall School came 12th in the Yr. 5/6 race and 6th in the Yr. 3/4 race. Well done to all who took part.

Please note that Friday 19th December is a Development Day for staff to receive training in disability discrimination awareness. The last day of term for children is Thursday 18th December.

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