Newsletter 209

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No. 1

February 2009

Arizona Rangers help 17,000 at Hope Fest The nation’s largest day of volunteerism, National Make a Difference Day Hope Fest offered this year free health and food services to a record number of people in Tucson. According to Ranger Capt. Resner, Tucson Company was placed in charge of the event in cooperation with TPD. Over 30 Rangers from other companies came to help this duty. Tucson Police Department estimated the Hope Fest served 17, 000 people along with hundreds of volunteers.

Second Capt. Harry Wheeler Shoot success in Tombstone Nine Ranger companies sent their best shooters to compete in the Second Annual Captain Wheeler Shoot in Tombstone on November 1st, 2008. Great weather along with excellent scenarios planned by Maj.Kenn Barrett made the event also exciting for spectators. The Tombstone Livery Stable Range was the scene of of the Shoot, that brough Cowboy Shooters all the way from California. More on pages 12 & 13.

Tucson Ranger Company did the honors of making Richard Fimbres an Honorary Ranger in October. Mr. Fimbres serves as Director of Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. Captain Resner has just given the Honorary Ranger plaque to Fimbres while Lt. Troutman, center, and Lt. Bruce, right, are watching. Show Low Rangers make front page news Over 20 Show Low Company Arizona Rangers made it to a front page photo with local law enforcement in the White Mountain Independent newspaper on December 23rd. The occasion was the Ranger participation in the local Shop with a Cop-Program. The larger Show Low area had twice as many children and in-need families be part of this year’s Shop with a Cop compared to last year.

This issue contains : * Arizona Ranger Museum 10th Anniversary p. 3 * Candidates’ Profiles p.8-9 * Second Annual Capt. Harry Wheeler Shoot p.12-13 * Show Low Commander Don Solomon interview p.14 * New Series “Women in the Rangers” p. 19-20 * Mounted Rangers growing in number page.15 * The fine tradition of Grave Markings continue p. 28


The Arizona Ranger News

From your State Commander In my previous columns I have been emphasizing Ethics in our lives as the Arizona Rangers. Some people have asked me why or does it matter ? Yes it does. And even more so, when we forget good manners among our selves. That is when seeing and meeting other Rangers. This is a special force with very special history. The territorial Rangers could not have carried on from 1901 until 1909 without clear and ,one could even say, strict rules of ethics. The last territorial Captain Harry Wheeler’s Orders from 1907 are a great example of ethics and order. More or less those Rules spelled out “Treat others as You wish to be treated”. But there’s more. We need to return other Rangers’ phone calls when they leave us messages. We should remember to say hello to our fellow Rangers when entering Ranger meetings. We need to avoid malicious gossip about another Ranger, even if this guy or gal does not please you. We should exercise even more Good Will with other Rangers than we do in serving our communities. It really is Ethics that make the Arizona Rangers a brotherhood of special value. There is no room for malice, ill will or hurt in this small law enforcement assist force. There are many lessons about tolerance. Some of you are more bent to Old West traditions, some more towards modern policing, some more to history, some more to technology. Yet, we all are Arizona Rangers. That is the uniting factor that we should not forget. When one of the Rangers falls ill, let’s help him or her. When hardship hits another Ranger from another Company, let’s support him or her in any way we can. That is Ethics and true serving. I want to thank all Arizona Rangers for a good year 2008 and wish each one of you a great 2009. Your State Commander, Col. Sid Chandler

February 2009

Thank You Maj. Robert Smith

Maj. Robert Smith explaining rules and regs to shooters at the Nov.1, 2008 Wheeler Shoot Major Robert Smith resigned f rom the Rangers Training Director position this past November due to health issues. Maj. Smith successfully held the postion for four long terms and still helps training. He modernized the weapons and safety training for the Ranger organization. Both Robert and his wife Jane Smith have been popular trainers with the Arizona Rangers Training Academy. Maj. Smith also leads Ranger marksmen teams to several national shooting competitions. Thank You Maj.Smith !

The Ar izona R ang er Arizona Rang anger News

is a q uar ter ly publication dis tr ibquar uart erl distr tributed to the Arizona Rangers and the communities they serve Editor : Maj. Anita Korhonen, e- mail Communityrelations @azrangers. us Assistant Editor: Maj. Kenn Barrett e-mail Kennbarrett @ Advertising Director : RangerJan @

Advertising rates : Full page $ 200, 1/2 page $ 100, 1/4 page $ 50, Business card size $ 25,- 10 % discount to Rangers & families

February 2009

The Arizona Ranger News


Ranger Museum Celebrates 10th Anniversary The Arizona Rangers Museum in Nogales, Arizona celebrated it’s 10th Anniversary on October 11th in conjunction with the 1904 Courthouse festivities for the historic Anza Trail. When the one and only Arizona Rangers Museum opened in October of 1998, the 1904 Old Courthouse near the border in Nogales had been vacant for over a decade. The Rangers, along with the Cowbelles were invited to occupy this historic building after some restorations and reparations. The Santa Cruz County appointed Courthouse Preservation Commission wanted historic organizations to start to draw people back to the Old Courthouse. The opening Ceremony on October 3, 1998 was attended by County dignitaries and some 50 Arizona Rangers. The ribbon cutting was done by the Mayor of Nogales and Marshall Beaty, the son of Territorial Ranger Chapo Beauty. The Museum was mainly organized by Capt. Erwin

Levin and Major Anita Korhonen, who succeded Lewin as State Historian in 2000. The Museum has material and items from the Territorial Rangers as well as a good collection of modern day Ranger badges, awards and photos, many on long term loan basis. The deceased Santa Cruz Company Lt. Col. Samuel Jones was instrumental in guarding the Museum during its first five years. Most of the Ranger Companies have participated in one Saturday per month Museum duty to keep the Museum open for groups and visitors. The visitors have included study groups, tour groups, federal employees who work at the Border, gun enthusiasts, historians, researchers visirtors from other states and of course Ranger families. They all have found the little Ranger Museum interesting. - The Museum is yet to receive public monetary support and grants to continue to maintain the unique displays of the Territorial and modern day Arizona Rangers open to public. A.K

Rangers and visitors wanted a piece of the Museum’s 10th Anniversary cake Oct.11,2008


The Arizona Ranger News New Appointments and Life Members

Major Kenn Barrett was sworn in Nov. 17 as the new Training Director and Director of Arizona Rangers Train ing Academy (ARTA) after Maj. Robert Smith resigned from that post.

New Life Members voted in for their meritorious service with the Arizona Rangers are Captain Rowe Gilbert from Florence (left), Maj. Carl Lawrence from Sierra Vista (sec ond from right) and Maj. Terry Knox from Verde Valley (right). Cowboy Etiquette: “It’s okay to let yourself go sometimes, just make sure you can let yourself back in.” From Texas Big Bender

February 2009

The Ar izona R ang er Arizona Rang anger Companies Coronado Company : Capt. M. Holliday 928-359-2762 Benson Company : Capt. Kevin Rasch 520-586-0773 Bisbee Company : Capt. John Brocavich 520-266-3237 Douglas Company : Capt. Chuck Chambers 520-364-5068 High Country Company: Capt. Tom Purner 928-607-9340 Phoenix Company: Capt. Manuel Maltos 623-487-0392 Santa Cruz Company : Capt. Armando Madril 520-281-8252 Scottsdale Company : Capt. Mike Braten 602-268-2688 Show Low Company : Capt. Don Solomon 928-532-5229 Sierra Vista Company:Capt. Andrew Waldman 520-226-4884 Sonoita Company : Capt. Jerry Auriema 520-292-0910 Superstition Company : Capt. Rowe Gilbert 520-868-9309 Tucson Company: Capt. Eddie Resner 520-409-3934 Verde Valley Company : Capt. Rick Roda 928-284-1891 Yavacopa Company : Capt. Jane Smith 520-427-0359

Area Commanders S.E Area : Maj. Carl Lawrence 520-378-1155 S.W. Area : Open N.E. Area : Maj. Gordon Miller 928-600-1558 N.W. Area :Maj. Ronald Dalrymple 602-809-7398 WWW.AZRANGERS.US

February 2009

The Arizona Ranger News


From Your Training Director Maj. Kenn Barrett In this issue’s training column I want to talk about the subject of continuing training. Sometimes it is called in-service training, or advanced training, or training update. Training is of paramount importance to the Arizona Rangers because of our mission. We are a law enforcement assistance and support organization. We hold ourselves up to the law enforcement community in this state as capable of assisting them with their needs. Therefore we must be trained, competent, and qualified to do so. To insure the basic proficiencies of new Arizona Rangers, the Arizona Rangers Training Academies (ARTA) conduct basic training academies. As Arizona Rangers we have company training meetings once each a month. Each company has a training sergeant who conducts or oversees this continuing training. Some companies have assistant training sergeants who are in charge of firearms qualification, or other specialized training areas. Hopefully each company’s training sergeant has expertise, or access to training expertise, to benefit his company. Some companies tap into the recourses of their local police and sheriff’s department for advanced training. There are ten areas of training that each company should visit during the year.

It is important that each company commander and training sergeant understands that the Arizona Rangers Training Academies are not just basic training academies. They also conduct advanced, in-service training. Typical continuing training classes conducted by ARTA are advanced handcuffing, baton refresher courses, criminal law updates, laws of arrest, control and arrest tactics, patrol procedures and tactics, de-escalation of force techniques, drug recognition, and handling under-the-influence suspects. Contact your respective ARTA Directors to have an ARTA instructor come to your company to conduct training. State Training Director Maj. Kenn Barrett [email protected] Assistant State Training Director Lt. Tom Trautman [email protected] ARTA North Capt.DonSolomon [email protected] ARTA Central Lt. Jack Spence [email protected] (on Leave of Absence) ARTA South Lt. Lilla DeLuca [email protected]

Why be a Ranger ? It won’t make you tall But you will proudly stand taller. It won’t make you always right But it helps with “righteousness” It won’t make you big But your heart will swell with pride.

It won’t make you always “just” But you will believe in justice. And all this will give you cause to be an Arizona Ranger. by LAV, Arizona Ranger


The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009

Benson Company Rangers do not lack duties or ideas to grow and improve First, the company continues to grow. We currently have 15 duty Rangers, and this fall we took on seven new probies. By the time this comes out, we should have an additional four probies. Most of the current probies are well on their way to Ranger status, many of them having completed ARTA and having qualified on firearms. They are waiting out the 90 days while they sign up for duty. And duty has not been lacking. Benson Company was a participant in Willcox’s Rex Allen Days parade. We took an authentic 1800’s chuckwagon as our float. Associates John and Wayne Wilson were the wagon wranglers. Driving the tow vehicle was Lt. Jane Amari. Walking the parade route were Capt. Kevin Rasch and Ranger Richard Cunningham. The Rangers got a lot of cheers from the crowd. We are actively recruiting Willcox residents with an eye to the eventual creation of a Willcox company. The very next week was Butterfield Stage Days in Benson. Benson Company worked parade security and was security at the park for the three-day event put on by the Chamber of Commerce. We had the chuckwagon in the park as part of a Ranger Camp. We were next to a pioneer reenactment group, so those at the park got the full 1880s treatment. Benson Company also intends to field a mounted unit. Initially, we hope to use the mounted people for parades and ceremonial things and perhaps eventually progress to search and rescue. Three people interested in the unit had an initial meeting – with their horses – to make sure that the level of horsemanship was good. We want to recruit additional members, and the company hopes to purchase saddle pads in the near future so we can participate in local events on our mounts. Because Benson Company started in the fall, most of the duty Rangers have been busy requalifying in the last month or so. Sgt. Scott Ashliman, who is our firearms officer, has been very busy. Because our shooting range is not usable for the moment, most of the qualifications have taken place at Lt. Amari’s ranch north of Benson. It seems that every week Sgt. Ashliman has a couple of qualifications scheduled. One great thing is that we have a new associate, Bill Hahs, who is currently a DPS officer. He has been helping out at qualification and we really appreciate it.

Benson Company Rangers Richard Cunningham, Lt. Jane Amari and Associate Rangers Wayne and John Wilson with the very popular Ranger Chuck Wagon at the Rex Allen Days Parade this fall. The state approved Benson Company’s proposed fundraiser at the fall meeting. We will be holding a mounted cowboy shoot Feb. 14 and 15 at the Arena in Benson. The shoot is being put on by Old Pueblo Peacemakers, and because it comes a couple of weeks before Winter Range, there seems to be a lot of interest from shooters. Any Rangers who would like to compete should get in touch with Lt. Amari at [email protected]. In addition to the shoot, we will have a country band performing in the evening, and we hope to have vendors and other western-type entertainment. The company Christmas party was Dec. 9. We brought in food and invited all Rangers and significant others. We also had a raffle. Highlight of the evening was swearing in two more probies. In January, we will have a party to celebrate one year as an “official” company. It’s hard to imagine that just a year ago we were anxiously awaiting our charter. We hope everyone had a very happy holiday season. by Jane Amari, Lt.

February 2009

The Arizona Ranger News


The Douglas Ranger Company keeps on growing We swore in four new Rangers in September, another probationer in October and three more probationers in December. Sadly, Ranger Paul Cannon had to retire in November for medical reasons. His presence will be missed. We continue to assist the Douglas Police Department especially with parades. They rely solely on us for traffic control which releases their officers for their other duties. We were there for the July 4thHomecoming, 16th of September, Veterans Day and Christmas light festival parades. We also assisted the department with park patrol on July 3rd & 4th and Sept 12th, 13th & 14th. After the homecoming parade, we helped with crowd control at the bonfire that night. They also requested our assistance at the rivalry football game between Douglas and Bisbee and the downtown Halloween trick or treat event. The Douglas Rangers provided crowd control and security at ALL the Valley Union High School (Elfrida) home football games. Several Rangers also helped with the homecoming dance security. Other duties included helping the Bisbee Company with the popular Bisbee Blues Festival in September and the two companies put in 280 hours at the Cochise County Fair later that month. We also joined the Bisbee company for training in “How to deal with mental subjects” part two. Other training included night traffic control provided by the Douglas PD and our annual social training (Christmas party) at the Chambers Ranch. Our guests included the Chief of Police and some of his officers. There we presented retired Ranger Paul Cannon with his honorable discharge and a plaque from the company for his service. A potluck followed with lots of great food and most of us improved our social skills. Each Ranger brought one or two un-wrapped gifts for a child and we delivered them to the fire station the next day for the toys for tots campaign. Our donation almost doubled what they had collected. The company has located three Territorial Ranger graves in the Douglas cemetery and we are planning a grave marking ceremony this spring in conjunction with a state meeting. One of the graves has no marker at all and the company has voted to purchase a headstone for Ranger Luke Short so that he can be properly recognized. by Chuck Chambers, Captain

Next ARTA Training Camp January 30 & 31, 2009 in Wickenburg to register call Maj. Robert Smith at 928-684-4020 (leave callback info)

Douglas Captain Chuck Chambers giving his report at the November 17th Board of Governors meeting in Phoenix.

One of the territorial Ranger graves already marked in Douglas is this of Sam Hayhurst. The two to be honored with a Gravemarking Ceremony this spring are those of James Hilburn and Luke Short.

FOR SALE Beretta 92FS E x c el lent Condition * Sure-Fire Light * 1 mag.+ 1 extra * Hard-Case $ 695.00 AZ sale only [email protected]


The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009

Profiles of the Candidates Candidates for State Adjutant :

Maj. Spud Hester

“After a lot of thought I have decided to run for the State Adjutant. There are some things I would like to accomplish before I get too old and have to retire. Some of my goals are 1. Work to get legislation passed that would enchance the Rangers in performing their missions (Lights, firearms exemptions, Vehicle items etc) 2. Get additional Rangers Companies started around the state. There is a need to our presence along the western border; we have been aproached several times to start companies along the River. 3.Continue to work and support to get the best training for all Ranger Companies. 4. Work to generate alternative funding sources to support Rangers mission.5. Work with local agencies to enchance our relationship with Law Enforcement and to provide assistance whenever possible. I joined the Rangers late in 1993, was Tucson Company Commander for 7 years and have held the SW Area Commander’s position for two full terms. My experience includes Certifications in five areas from NRA and over 3500 hours of DUI ride alongs.”

Lt.Col. Lathan Varnado “ Since I was sworn in over 10 years ago, I have served in several company positions as PRO, duty sgt. and , as State Chaplain for two terms and now since 2004 as your State Adjutant. I have defended the Rangers vigorously in the legal fights against the Dark Side. We are still fighting one individual who has been demeaning and tarnishing the Ranger name. That too, will be erased in due time. My background clearly tells you that I am a person who accepts his mistakes and learns from them, but accomplishes all tasks required. From a H.S. drop-out to obtaining a Masters in Education, from an enlisted basic airman to a retired air force Captain, I have devoted my Life to the service of this country. If you believe that I have served the Rangers in the manner and professionalism the Adjutant’s position requires, I then ask for your support and vote this coming March. “

1. Candidates for State Secretary : 2. Maj. Terry Knox Maj. Lloyd Glassbrook Home Company : Verde Valley Co. Current position : State Legal Affairs “ I have my experience of 30 Other merits : Life Member years of public service to help 3. Lt. Lilla DeLuca : the Arizona Rangers become a Home Company : Sierra Vista Company better organization. Current Position : Training Director South While serving the Rangers now nine years, I have developed handbooks and instructions, 4. Lt. Lynne Holliday : that in turn have helped professionalize the organization Home Company : Coronado Company and to insure its integrity. Current position : Company Secretary I have also precluded serious personnel issues, presented a professional image to the state government and law enforcement. During my tenure as your State Secretary for the past term, I developed and wrote the first annual report to the Governor and State Legistlators to keep them informed on our accomplishments. My other experience lies with serving as an officer with the Masonic Lodge and Shrine Center, University of Arizona and California Alumni, US Army Reserve Officers and Counter Intelligence Officers Association.”

Candidates for Life Members 1. Captain Jerry Auriema Sonoita Company 2. Maj. Kenn Barrett, State Training Dir. 2. Captain M.C. Holliday Coronado Company

and Ranger of the Year 2008 1. Captain Eddie Resner , Tucson Company 2. Captain M.C. Holliday , Coronado Company 3. Lt. James Gooch, Sonoita Company

February 2009

The Arizona Ranger News


Profiles of the Candidates

Candidates for Southwest Area Commander : Lt. Dave Bruce, State LEA Officer “Since I joined theArizona Rangers Tucson Company April 1st, 1990, my actions, intentions and goal have always been to enhange and develop the reputation and image of the Arizona Rangers, both past and present, in the minds and thoughts of the citizens, the law enforcement officers and the governmental officals of Arizona. The Present Day Rangers have a most important and essential role in serving to enhance and protect peace, public safety and welfare of all citizens ; and to assist and support law enforcement throughout Arizona. In my view there can never be too many Modern Day Arizona Rangers or Ranger Companies and I am offering my experience as Company Historian, and State Law Enforcement Liaison since 1996 to develop the Arizona Rangers. Also, I am offering knowledge and contacts of State Legislative Committee work, membership of several Ranger Committees, becoming a Life Member in 2002 and voted in as the Ranger of the Year of 1998. My law enforcement experience dates back to 1965 and continues as professor of Administration of Justice at Pima Community College for over 20 years. Plus my Federal Government Service includes services to the US State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, a job that gave me background and experience in Homeland Security.”

Ranger Jan E. Phibbons, Tucson Company “ I have always brought 100% Plus into any task or position whether paid or volunteer. In this position I would have the responsibility of three companies. I believe it is essential to safeguard the integrity of the individual, Company and overall the Organization ensuring all three achieves a win/win/win to their goals. Demands for this position also now require regular reporting and this requires many skills. Not the least of which is becoming familiar with the needs of each company and using resources to help them in their endeavors. I also realize that sometimes less is more, but not always. Reporting also requires being able to document sometimes in the hardcopy format and usually via computer. I have over 30 years experience in communicating, administration and management. My background includes experience as administrative and Research Assistant at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, administrative and paralegal to two Washington D.C. law firms, and administrative and management with IBM Corporation. Also, I truly care about the Arizona Rangers and this organization is a major part of my life. I want to see everyone and every Company look their best and will ensure that our governing documents are followed as written until or unless changed in the appropriate manner.”

Candidate for State Training Director : Maj. Kenn Barrett, State Training Dir. “I have over 40 years of law enforcement experience in California and Arizona. I am a black belt instructor in Taekwondo and won first place at the Taekwondo World Championship Tournaments four times. I am a certified instructor with the International Defensive Tactics Institute, the International Kubotan Institute, the International PR-24 Institute, and Arizona POST, as well as being a state certified CCW instructor. I am an NRA certified rifle, pistol, shotgun, and home defense instructor. I was the training coordinator for the Cochise County Sheriff’s Department, and am a former chief of police. I have a masters degree in management and a Ph.D. in business and organizational psychology. I was a university professor in the graduate school of business and technology, teaching graduate students in their masters degree programs.

As Deputy Director of Training for ARTA-South my staff and I traveled all around the state conducting basic and advanced training. I am a member and leader in many volunteer organizations including being a director in the Tombstone Repertory Company, a member of the board of directors of the Tombstone Commerce, and Captain/Commander of the Tombstone Cavalry. One of the great honors of my life was when my mentor, Major Robert Smith, recommended me to be his replacement as State Training Director. “

Candidate for SE Area Commander: Maj. Carl Lawrence


The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009

Verde Valley Rangers do best PR on Mounted duties Verde Valley Company is growing. Currently we have three probationary rangers. In December, we invited ranger applicants to our annual Christmas Party at Bob Carlyon’s house and gained four additional applications in the process. Our IA officer, Al Bozzolo is pretty busy right now. In addition, Al’s wife, Donna is an associate ranger applicant. That being said, we believe our advertising and promotional tri-folds and posters are paying off. We have made power point presentations to the Rotary Clubs and the Masonic Lodge in the Sedona area. We are looking to do even more presentations in the upcoming year. Also, we have joined the Sedona Chamber of Commere. We have assisted Sedona Police Department during the Sedona Fair 08. Two rangers were on horseback and two rangers manned a ranger informational booth. Great public relations were displayed by everyone especially the rangers on horseback. It seems everybody wanted to take pictures of themselves with the mounted rangers. We also assisted Cottonwood Police Department during the nationwide ‘Smoke-Out West” event. Over a thousand bikers attended with all makes of motor-

Verde Valley Capt.Rick Rhoda on the right cycles. The attendees were gracious and pleasant and seemed to gravitate toward the rangers as we walked among them. The only problem we had was trying to dissuade Master Sergeant Fred Shaylor from getting a tattoo and purchasing a “Chopper Motorcycle” drive home. The teamwork attitude is ever present in the Verde Valley Company and we are looking forward to the future to not only increase further in numbers, but to also contribute even more so in law enforcement support and community events. Thanks to everyone for all you do. by Capt. Rick Roda Scottsdale Company News The Scottsdale Company wishes all rangers a safe, healthy and Happy New Year. Please keep in your prayers our men and women in the armed services and in law enforcement.

520-458-4625 or 1-800-682-3344 Across town, across the country

Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful) by Mike Braten, Captain

February 2009

The Arizona Ranger News

Bisbee Rangers Train for Felony Stops

November 15, 2008 was my first felony stop training with the Arizona Rangers and the Bisbee Police Dept. When one wants to be a Ranger he or she should be aware of the problems that will exist while on duty and should practice and take the classes that will protect them and their partners. If you didn’t have the training for a felony stop [well the Bisbee Police would not let you do a ride along] and then any mistake could get one hurt or worse killed. I saw Ed Nusso do the felony stop and did not see any mistakes. Yet when two probationers did their felony stop and they did not follow procedures well the felon pulled out a gun and shot them. If this happened for real they would not be here today. Most of the training went well and we all learned so much to protect everyone in a scene where one can get hurt. One thing I saw on cops the other night this officer said just ANOTHER ROUTINE STOP. The Bisbee police officer told us there is no such thing as a ROUTINE STOP. by Ranger James Bond 21-007 Bisbee Company


Bisbee Company News Bisbee Company continues to grow with three new members since the last edition of the Ranger News. New probationers include Michael Shaughnessy, a retired Army Command Sergeant Major, Dwayne Kruse, a clinical supervisor and licensed therapist, and Rick Sperle. Former Deputy Sheriff Ted White has completed his probation and was sworn in as a full Ranger. The company continues to work closely with the Bisbee Police department, and had a training session on felony vehicle stops. See the article on this training by Ranger James Bond. After being one of our founding members, our SE Areas Commander, Major Carl Lawrence, has returned to Sierra Vista Company. This still leaves 13 members to assist Bisbee PD and the populations of Bisbee and Naco. We continue putting on CCW classes about once a month and this is a good source of income for us. We held our Christmas party at Banditos and Lawmen Restaurant on December 19th. We all enjoyed a prime rib dinner and honored Bisbee Chief of Police Jim Elkins and Bisbee Company supporters Mr. David Greenberg and Mr. Bruce Tilden.

Bisbee Company Commander John Brocavich stands in front of a historic hanging tree at the Second Annual Wheeler Shoot in Tombstone Nov.1st.


The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009

The Second Annual Capt. Wheeler Shoot Cowboy and Combat Match Held in Tombstone Major Robert Smith, Terry Caldwell, Caleb Dodge, and Cliff Cudney Take Top Honors The second annual Captain Harry Wheeler Memorial Shoot, held to commemorate the 51st anniversary of the modern Arizona Rangers, was a complete success. The shooting competition took place on Saturday, November 1st, 2008, at the Tombstone Livery Stable shooting range in historic Tombstone . The shooting event was divided into two categories. It was both a cowboy action shoot and a duty handgun combat shoot. Participants could compete in either event, and some competed in both. The Tombstone Livery Stable shooting range, known as “Leadville,” is located just north of “the Town Too Tough to Die,” on Hwy 82, just west of Hwy 80. It will also be the site of next year’s 3rd Annual Capt. Harry Wheeler Memorial Shoot. The shooting event started at 9:00 a.m. with registration, the flag salute, invocation, introductions, and safety discussion. The entry fee of $25 included a chuck wagon lunch and trophies for the winners. The event was open to all Arizona Rangers, prospective members, and family and friends. Participants in the cowboy event needed a single-action sixgun, a lever action rifle, and a pre-1900 era shotgun. For the combat match participants needed a duty sidearm worn in a holster, two extra magazines or speedloaders, and 100 rounds of ammunition. In the spirit of the Arizona Rangers’ brotherhood, Rangers helped each other out by loaning guns, ammo and equipment to those who wanted to participate but did not have the needed items. This year, as last, distinguished guests at the event included Pam Hamlett, the granddaughter of Captain Harry Wheeler, her son Nick (Capt. Wheeler’s great-grandson), and David DeSoucy, who is the author of the recent book on the historic and modern Arizona Rangers. Proving that “sure shootin’” is in the blood, Wheeler decedents Pam and Nick Hamlett both participated in the shooting event and received trophies in their respective classifications. Scoring for the cowboy shoot was done by timing each stage of the six-stage shooting event. A five-second penalty was added for each missed target. Low times were the winners. Each stage of the cowboy match placed the shooter in an historic setting and situation faced by the 1901-1909 Arizona Rangers. Each participant had to “shoot his way” out of the situation, or in some cases, come to the aid of a famous Ranger, such as Harry Wheeler, Jeff Kidder, or Billy Speed, who actually participated in the shooting.


Maj. Kenn Barrett and Maj. Robert Smith at the Second Annual Capt. Harry Wheeler Shoot briefing early morning of Nov.1, 08 at the Tombstone Livery Stable Range. (all fotos Ranger News)

The cleverly crafted and historically accurate shooting scenarios were designed last year by our beloved departed Major Don Hall. Below is a description of each stage: Stage 1: “Trouble at the Benson Train Depot,” or “Love Triangle.” This stage was based upon the Harry Wheeler/J.A. Tracy gunfight in Benson, where Wheeler ran out of bullets and had to throw rocks at Tracy . Participants had to shoot their six-gun dry and throw rocks at the target to stop the timer. Stage 2: “Riot at the Naco Train Station,” or “Don’t Bring a Knife to a Gunfight.” This scenario was based upon the 1906 shooting incident involving Arizona Rangers Jeff Kidder and Sgt. Bill Sparks. Sparks had to shoot a man who tried to stab Kidder. Stage 3: “Death in the Palace Saloon,” or “Don’t Go in There!” Based on the October 23rd, 1904, gunfight involving Harry Wheeler in Tucson ’s Palace Saloon. Stage 4: “Last of the Willcox Badmen,” or “Don’t Match Your Speed Against Ranger Billy Speed.” This stage was based on the 1908 shootout in Willcox involving Arizona Ranger Billy Speed. Stage 5: “Appointment with Destiny in Tombstone ,” or “You Had Better Shoot O.K. at the Corral.” This stage was based upon the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, an event which prompted the formation of the 1882 Arizona Rangers in Tombstone . Stage 6: “Train Robbery in Fairbank: Five Against One,” or “No Fair-play in Fairbank.” Based upon the 1900 attempted holdup of the Wells Fargo express railroad car in Fairbank. Capt. Burt Mossman would lead one of the perpetrators into Mexico to capture notorious badman Augustine Chacon. Trophy winners for the cowboy shoot were as follows: 1st place: Terry Caldwell of Tucson Company; 2nd place: M. David DeSoucy. 1st place female: Pam Hamlett, Capt. Harry Wheeler’s Granddaughter; 2nd place female: Katherine Cudney (wife of Sgt. Cliff Cudney of Sonoita Company). 1st place Senior: Terry Schonert of Sonoita Company. 1st place kids: Loftin Cudney

continued next page

February 2009

The Arizona Ranger News


Wheeler Shoot continued

(son of Sgt. Cliff Cudney of Sonoita Company); 2nd place kids: Nick Hamlett (Capt. Harry Wheelers great-grandson). Both kid winners were 10-years-old. This year Major Robert Smith designed three entirely new combat courses for the shoot. He also provided metal reaction targets which added to the fun and sped up scoring. Winners were as follows: 1st place: Major Robert Smith of Yavacopa Company; 2nd place: Lt. Ed Nusso of Bisbee Company. Top female shooter was Ranger Jan Phibbons of Tucson Company. Many shooters competed in both the cowboy and combat matches. The overall winners who shot both courses of fire were: 1st place: Caleb Dodge of Coronado Company, and 2nd place: Sgt. Cliff Cudney of Sonoita Company. In all, ten Companies of Arizona Rangers participated in the event. As was the case with last year’s shoot, spectators far outnumbered shooters, which points out that this activity is a great spectator sport. The Captain Harry Wheeler Memorial Shoot was conceived by Major Anita Korhonen, State Director of Community Relations. The shoot was made all the more special by the presence of Capt. Wheeler’s family members. Captain Harry Wheeler, for whom the shooting match is named, was the third commander of the original 1901-1909 Arizona Rangers, following Captains Burt Mossman and Tom Rynning. A special thanks goes to those who helped run the matches, including Major Robert Smith, Lt. Ed Nusso, Major Carl Lawrence, Lt. Lilla DeLuca, Capt. John Brocavich, Lt. Dave Bruce, and Ranger Jan Phibbons. by L.D

Maj. Kenn Barrett shows to young participants Loftin Cudney and Nick Hamlett how to use a lever action rifle. Both junior competitors said they will be back next year !

From left Bisbee Captain John Brocavich, Ranger Jan Phibbons of Tucson Company, Maj. Robert Smith and Wheeler granddaughter Pamela Hamlett at righ. Both ladies did remarkably well in the shooting competition.

Author David DeSoucy, white shirt, drove all the way from California to participate in the Wheeler Shoot. He is a veteran marksman and competitor.

The Rangers NW Area Commander Maj. Gordon Miller and wife Lt. Suzie Miller drove from Flaggstaff to spend a couple of days in Tombstone and to participate in the Wheeler Shoot.


The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009

Capt.Don Solomon at Glance Captain Don Solomon is the busy Commander of the Show Low Ranger Company. His experience lies with strategic leadership and field service.The Captain modestly mentions the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Posse since 2000 and many trainings with PDs. One of Capt. Solomon’s big achievements is getting the Arizona Rangers officially registered with the NRA Law Enforcement Division. That means if we shoot the qualifications they prove it warrants NRA’s Certificates. It matters should the Rangers enter a legal challenge. Captain Solomon answered our questions as follows : 1.Q. When and how did you join the Rangers ? A: “ About five years ago I moved to Show Low from the Phoenix area. I was at the city park for Show Low Days, saw a group of Arizona Rangers and introduced myself to Captain Rex Lee. It was not untill a year later I actually joined Show Low Ranger Company.” 2. Q. What Ranger Companies have you been with and what positions have you held ? A : “ Show Low Company 7 has been my only home. I became their Training Sgt. shortly after I joined because of my previous experience being a Field Training Officer with Sheriff Joe’s Posse in the valley.” 3.Q: Where were you born and where did you go to school ? A : “ I was born in Oakland California and graduated from High School in Sioux City, Iowa.” 4. Q : What is your profession or expertise ? A : “ I became employed by the AT & T in December 1961.It was called the green bell days. The original logo for AT & T was a green bell. Thirty three years went working for “Ma Bell” ! 5. Q : What is best for you in the Ranger organization ? A :” The best for me is providing training to the Rangers, whether it is done by me or an outside expert. Continuous training is what keeps us on the top and able to support ourselves and the law enforcement agencies that request our assistance. I derive my satisfaction from seeing the Rangers successfully complete their assignments . That professionalism shines upon all Arizona Rangers.” 6. Q :How do you spend your free time ?

Capt. Don Solomon, left, explains Show Low Parade details to a citizen September 27, 2008 A. “ Free time !!! ??? - I run a Log Homes business, that encompasses all aspects of building, maintaining everything you can think of that has to do with Log Homes. Free time is when I do not charge for my services.” 7.Q Who cooks in your house and what is your favorite food ? A :”My wife generally handles the cooking unless it is out of grill. Then I do my best. Annie is a great cook and I always look forward to trying new things she comes up with.” 8. Q: Last book you read and last concert you attended ? A : “Last book was “Arizona Rangers” and last concert was on Channel 8. Show Low does not have the life style that Phoenix has. Outside Channel 8, H.S concerts are the limit.” 9. Q. Who is your role model in Life ? A : “ I want to be just like Col. Sid Chandler when I grow up ! The original 26 men laid the ground work.Now all I have to do is to keep up the good work they started.” Q.10. How would you improve the Ranger organization ? A: “ The Arizona Rangers are constantly undergoing change and improving because of the performance by each of us. Keeping the organization moving to right direction is accomplished when each of us Rangers does our duty and provides support to our Companies. Our leadership provides the navigation necessary for the Rangers to stay on course, and when companies support each other the organization moves ahead as one. The Three Musketeers said it : “One for all and All for One”. -

February 2008

The Arizona Ranger News


Mounted News

from Ranger State Equine Director Mounted greetings to all Arizona Rangers from snowy Show Low. We continue to ride and promote our mounted duties. This coming spring Show Low Company 7 will be working with the Show Low P.D. patrolling some of the big parks on horseback. That will continue also in the summer. The Chief of Police in Show Low has now given permission to at least two of his officers to attend the Arizona Mounted Officers Academy training next August. One of our Rangers will attend that, too, just to be able later join our Ranger Equine Dir. Lt.Connie Wilkins &Toby Mounted Duties. The Show Low Chamber of Commerce has been In 2009 I would like to offer my services to any working with our Mounted Ranger Unit. We are hoping to put on several sensory clinics before next July Ranger Company that wants to raise money to sup4th Parade. This is due to horse and rider problems port a Mounted Unit. Putting on a Sensory/ Bomb proofing Clinic for they had this past year at the Parade. Verde Valley Company is experiencing a few prob- the local horsemen is a good way to make money. lems due to loss of their Mounted Unit members. But Any company interested, please contact me by ewith their strong new Rangers they hope to have at mail at wilkinshorseshoe @ or by phone least three new mounted individuals attending the at ( 928)-273-7211. Again, it is possible that your Ranger Company AMOA next August. Benson Ranger Company 20 and Sonoita Com- is just not interested in any kind of mounted patrol or pany 15 are still working on gaining more members. duty possibilities. I understand that too. My goal is to get the many Rangers who are riders together for the many Parades in Arizona. It is great PR and reminds us of our historic background. We need, as Arizona Rangers, all the exposure we can get. Just think how wonderful it would be to have a Mounted Ranger Color Guard at your local parade followed by other mounted Rangers. Talk about it in your Company meetings. Then of course, we could do horse camping and trailriding afterwards. Lets bring some more fun into owning horses and being members of the Arizona Rangers.

Lt. Connie Wilkins training with Toby

Happy Mounted New Year to All from Connie Wilkins, Lt.


The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009

A Phoenix Incident Report

Phoenix Company News December 2008

Phoenix Company Captain Maltos donating a check in honor of fallen officers to help families Although he had been complaining of headaches in the hours before the match, Phoenix Police Officer Barry Scott, 22, went into the ring to compete against a Chandler firefighter in the Guns ‘n Hoses charity boxing match. The September 12, 2008 event was held to raise money for the “100 Club of Arizona” which helps to support families of officers or firefighters killed or seriously injured in the line of duty. He never imagined that his family would become the next recipients. Officer Scott died four days later on September 16th, the result of a blow to the head during the match, leaving behind his young wife and infant daughter. Although a fund had been set up with Bank of America to help his family deal financially with their loss, Officer Scott’s fellow officers of the Phoenix Police Department wanted to do more. On Friday, October 24th at the F.O.P. Lodge 2 they held a breakfast, lunch and dinner fundraiser with all of the proceeds going directly to his family. From 6:00 am until 9:00 that night, it was often standing room only as fellow law enforcement, firefighters and the general public lined up for the opportunity to give and offer their prayers. Arizona Rangers Phoenix Company deeply felt the loss of this young officer, as well, and poured out support for his family. In addition to attending the fundraiser, the Phoenix Company also donated a check for $1,000.00. This act of kindness did not go unnoticed among the Phoenix Police Department heads, who offered their heartfelt thanks to Major Ron Dalrymple, Capt. Manuel Maltos and Lt. Vernon Lewis who represented the Company in delivering the check. Other Phoenix Company Rangers who attended the fundraiser were Ranger David Kadlubowski and Ranger Sylvia Kadlubowski. Ranger Sylvia Kadlubowski #124 Phoenix Company

On 8-7-08 at approx.2130 hours, I, Ranger Albert Cortez #14091, Ranger with the Phoenix Company , was driving eastbound on McDowell Rd towards Miller in Scottsdale. The weather was stormy, lightning and pouring rain. I noticed a Valley Metro Bus, stopped at the bus stop with an elderly woman on a motorized wheelchair sitting under the bus stop. It appeared that she may have needed some assistance of sort. I stopped to see if they needed some assistance. I showed the drenched woman and the bus driver (Jose Reyes) my Az. Ranger credentials since I was in plain clothes and off duty and just wanted to assist if necessary. They had notified local police for assistance but their response time was going to be somewhat lengthy due to high volume of storm related calls and seemed pleased and grateful that someone was able to assist. The driver notified police and advised them to disregard the call since an Arizona Ranger stopped to assist. But because the woman’s wheelchair had shorted out due to the rain water, it had become inoperable. The bus driver was having a difficult time disengaging the wheels for freewheel mode on the chair to get her on the bus. (My mother has a similar chair and I was familiar with the mechanisms of the chair), so I was able to disengage the wheels and assisted the driver in pushing the woman into the bus. The other predicament the woman had, was getting to her apartment when she would arrive to the destination bus stop. I suggested that I could follow the bus and I would push her to her apartment from the bus stop through the rain. They felt that was not a problem. I then followed the bus, and the bus driver went beyond the scope of his route and decided to drive the woman to the nearest point to her apartment. We then pushed the woman approx. 100 yards to her apartment. I then gave her Captain Maltos’ info to verify my employment status with the Arizona Rangers since there had been a recent number of Police Impersonators in the valley. The following day she gave me a call to extend her appreciation for the service and assistance I provided to her, and that she had previously contacted my Captain and left him a voicemail regarding the service. End of report. Ranger Albert Cortez #14091 Phoenix Company Arizona Rangers

Cowboy Etiquette “Knowing which fork to use isn’t nearly as important as being good company “ from Texas Big Bender

February 2009

The Arizona Ranger News

From the State Adjutant’s Desk


Tucson Company doing Great

Our Code ; “ Every man is a guardian of the honor and reputation not only of himself , but the entire organization “ General Order # 2, Ranger Capt. Harry Wheeler 1907 This well known quote is still true today, as it was when it was written over 100 years ago. Honor and reputation is what integrity is based upon. Integrity again is what you have and show when nobody else is around. It simply says I’m doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do ! Sadly, such universal, yet simple values are too often lacking in many societies groups, organizations, individuals and even governments. In todays world rules and regulations, by-laws and other formal documents are there to spell out these truths rather than them being a natural and integral part of citizens, the individuals.People from every walk have to be told, reminded and sometimes taken up on their failure to abide by what should have always been easily understood as doing the right thing. Arizona Rangers, as any other group, have a few and fortunately only very few, who either do not have “to do the right thing- Gene” ors imply do not care about the very meaning of having personal honor, a code, or integrity or self ethics. Yet they believe they are good persons. While these few malcontents tend to be less challenged, less satisfied, they are spreading rumors and gossip and verbally attacking fellow Rangers. Their sole purpose seems to be to make themselves more important and greater than those whose names they slander with half truths or even outright falsehoods, sometimes innocently not thinking about hurt they cause or ethics they violate. Fortunately, it is the Arizona Rangers way of living, operating and manners that respect the internal Code. That naturally diminishes poor behavior. Any time you have a group of people there always is the potential and possibility of dark forces of lower morals and negative behavior. Fortunately, they are few and will disappear soon. Mendacity cannot exist, nor breathe with an atmosphere of honest duties, honor and our Code. Selfishness and pride at the cost of others will rapidly slide away into the darkness. At the same time truth, honesty, and integrity continue to be real choices. I encourage every Arizona Ranger to think about that “What is popular is not always right, and what is right is not always popular”. We as Rangers have to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do. from your State Adjutant, Lt. Col. Lathan Varnado

Tucson Ranger display was seen by hundreds of interested people this fall Again Tucson Company has been very busy this past fall and Christmas time. Our Duty Sgt.Bob Heacock deserves a Big Thank You for keeping us posted of duties. In September we attended a funeral Mass for our beloved Ranger Mark Cavendish. He was on medical LOA. Mark was Tucson Company Historian for several years and always kept us laughing with his historic remarks at Company meetings. He is greatly missed. In October we participated in a Safety Fair at the Desert Diamond Casino. Many people stopped to take a look at our display, photo above, that shows Arizona Rangers history since 1901. We also were in charge of crowd control of the gigantic Hope Fest at Tucson Electric Park. There were close to 20 000 people in attendance . We thank other Ranger Companies who helped and we thank especially State Commander Col. Chandler who drove down from busy Show Low duty season to help us with our major commitment. In October Tucson Company Rangers were invited to a MADD (Mothers Against Drunken Driving) Thank You Dinner. Others invited came from law enforcement from all over the state. MADD appreciates our help in keeping Arizona safer. Then there was Cop and Rodders Car Show, where Tucson Rangers provided law enforcement support. The fine antique show displayed about 500 cars. It was held at High Corbett Field -At the same time the John Walker memorial Rodeo took place at Tucson Rodeo Grounds for 2 days. - Our numerous other duties have included El Tour deTucson with 9000 registered bicyclists, operation Shop with a Cop, continuous DUI task force duties, Polar Holiday Express event at Tucson Train Depot and a wonderful Company Christmas Party at Pinnacle Peak. Our Company made two individuals Honorary Rangers; Author David DeSoucy from California and Arizona HighWay Director Richard Fimbres. Both appreciated their nominations. - It has been a good fall for Tucson Rangers. We wish all other Ranger Companies a Safe and Joyous New Year. by Mary Tindall, Sgt. PRO


The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009

Women in the Arizona Rangers In this new and re-occurring column we will profile the female members of the Arizona Rangers. In this issue we focus on the new Deputy Director of Training for the Arizona Rangers Training Academy-South, Lt. Lilla DeLuca.

Lt. Lilla DeLuca has an extensive academic, investigative, law enforcement, public speaking and teaching background. She was born and raised in the small rural Western Massachusetts town of Pittsfield . At age 18 she struck out for the lights of the big cities in America . She moved to San Francisco , where she graduated from Golden Gate University with a degree in communications. She acquired her first law enforcement experience while working for Crocker National Bank in asset recovery. Returning to the East Coast to further her academic credential, she moved to Boston and graduated from Harvard University . Later she lived and worked in New Hampshire and earned her doctorate in psychology. In 1996 she moved to Southern California, where she worked as an investigator for Los Angeles County and wrote her department’s investigative policies and procedures manual. She also worked for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department as a staff psychologist in the Los Angeles County Jail twin towers correctional facility, working with mentally ill, substance abusing prisoners. She was a special counselor to police departments, worked as a forensic psychologist and a therapist at psychiatric hospitals. While working as a children’s social worker, Lilla’s department sponsored a luncheon as part of a law enforcement appreciation day program. Police in the Los Angeles area were invited to attend. First in line (of course) for the free lunch was a certain police detective named Kenn Barrett. Lilla and Kenn spotted each other across the room. They exchanged business cards, and found that they were assigned to similar cases in the West Los Angeles area. They began working sex crimes investigations and juvenile diversion programs together, and the rest, as they say, is history. Lilla found that she enjoyed Kenn’s hobbies, and when they were not working, teaching, or going to school, they spent their weekends skiing and snowboarding. They also became avid cowboy action shooters and began to increase Kenn’s already impressive gun collection.

They enjoyed the theater and travel. The globetrotting couple took trips to Broadway and London to see stage plays, and their travels included Las Vegas , the East Coast, Europe, Mexico, and Hawaii . Although all were originally from Los Angeles , over a ten year span Kenn’s entire family, including parents, brother, and sister, moved to Arizona . While on a family visit to the Phoenix area, Kenn and Lilla took a side trip to Tombstone . That trip would change the rest of their lives. Once Kenn retired from the police department, he and Lilla began visiting Tombstone more and more often. They made the 1200 mile round trip sometimes two or three times a month. On one trip to the Town Too Tough to Die, they met several Arizona Rangers, including our beloved Major Don Hall. They were so impressed with Major Hall and the other Rangers they met that upon their return home Lilla began researching the history of the past and present Arizona Rangers. One evening, as they sat on their beach home’s balcony watching the sun set into the Pacific Ocean , Lilla announced to Kenn, “I want to be an Arizona Ranger.” Visits to Arizona Rangers websites furthered her resolve to become a part of the history, traditions, and work of our organization. There seemed to be only one thing stopping her. She and Kenn lived in California ! Several months later Lilla and Kenn were in Tombstone when a shopkeeper said to them, “You two are constantly coming here. You must spend a fortune on travel and motel expenses. Why don’t you just move to Tombstone ?” Their reaction was to just stand there and look at each other. Then they both smiled. That started a six month search for the perfect Tombstone lifestyle home for them. On one of their many excursions to the areas in and around Tombstone they discovered the town of Cemetery Hill. It was a restored Old West town and ranch just outside of Tombstone . And it was for sale! The purchase was made, the beach house was leased out, and the move to Tombstone was completed. Lilla became a state investigator, the then director of psychological services for the Cochise County Sheriff’s Department. Kenn became the Marshal of Tombstone, and later, when he joined the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office as training coordinator, he and Lilla were once again working together. At a Tombstone event, Lilla and Kenn met Major Carl Lawrence, at that time the recruiting sergeant for the Sierra Vista Company. Their previous inquiries about the Rangers had gone unanswered. But Major Lawrence followed through with information and the California transplants became members of Sierra Vista Company. continued on next page

February 2009

The Arizona Ranger News


Sonoita Company reaps rewards Lilla DeLuca continued . Upon completion of their probationary period, Major Don Hall appointed Lilla and Kenn to his Arizona Rangers Training Acad emy-South instruction staff. Kenn then replaced Major Hall as Deputy Training Director for ARTASouth, when Major Hall became SE Area Commander. Upon her appointment to the academy staff, Lilla’s first mission was to establish and head the Arizona Rangers Critical Incident Debriefing Team. Law enforcement and fire departments in Cochise County repeatedly called upon Lilla and her staff to address their needs. Kenn and Lilla traveled around the state, putting on ARTA basic training classes and advanced courses. When ARTA-Central was established, they conducted the first of those classes. When he was appointed State Training Director, replacing Major Robert Smith, Kenn appointed Lilla to be his replacement as Deputy Director for ARTA-South. After all, she had been on his training staff for four years, and had accompanied him and taught ARTA classes throughout the state. There was no doubt that she had the academic, professional, and experiential background to take over the administration of the Arizona Rangers’ most active training unit. She is an NRA certified rifle, pistol, shotgun, and home defense instructor, and an Arizona state CCW instructor. She is also a Monadnock certified expandable baton instructor. When the Bisbee Company was being formed, she joined that company to help it through its infancy. She continues to work in her chosen profession, and is now a clinical supervisor in the mental health field.

NOW YOU CAN advertise in the Ranger News for USED uniform for sale, ANTIQUE gun holsters wanted, horseTRAILER or TRAINER AVAILABLE, or a SLIGHTLY USED Tombstone mining cabin for rent or your gold mining rights leased !!! Your ad reaches a large readership, that deals with law enforcement, Old West and tourism. Next Ranger News will be out April 2009. See our low advertising rates on page 2.

Sonoita Sgt. Cliff Cudney talking to Nick and Pam Hamlett at the Wheeler Shoot First I have to thank Maj.. Kenn Barrett for another GREAT “Harry Wheeler Memorial Shoot”. It was a blast (so to speak) and how he accomplishes it all is mind boggling! Not only is the shooting competition challenging and fun but the camaraderie and socializing is unsurpassed. If you missed it this year, don’t miss the next one!! Sonoita Company has had another great year! We are very fortunate to be as busy as we are each year which enables us to contribute to the youth in our area and to see the results of these contributions. Once in a while we get a chance to observe these benefits first hand. One of the many groups we assisted financially was the 4-H Mustangs, a sub group of the San Rafael 4H Club. They are a shooting sports club and have three basic areas they teach and compete in: archery (long bow, recurve and compound), air gun (air pistol and air rifle) and shotgun (trap, skeet and sporting clays). Usually these sub clubs are local but because this is the only “shooting sports” club they have members from all over Santa Cruz County. Our assistance helped them purchase some of the equipment they needed to run a well organized, SAFE club. I was able to see this first hand because my ten year old son joined the club and competed in all three venues. Thanks to great volunteer 4-H instructors, coaches and team leaders the Mustangs went all the way to the state competition and did extremely well. I will post the complete standings and some pictures later. I will say that the sub-junior category, my son Loftin’s category, shot in two venues: archery on Saturday and shotgun on Sunday. His team placed first in archery and he placed third personally, his team also placed first in shotgun (trap, skeet and sporting clays) while he placed a personal fourth. Of course this made me proud but the most amazing part of this entire weekend was to observe the abilities, manners, respect and most of all, the tremendous responsibility these young people from all over the state of Arizona exhibited! It made me proud to know that the Arizona Rangers played a part in accomplishing this and that I am a part of this organization. I must add thanks to the other Companies that helped us during the year, we are a good organization! By Sgt. Cliff Cudney 15-547, PRO


The Arizona Ranger News

Joe Pearce Arizona Ranger and Wife Minnie ( this ballad was heard at the Pearce Gravemarking September 28, in Eagar) “ I have heard stories about about my Grandpa Joe, About how he had a run-in with some Outlaws, along time ago. You see, he was an Arizona Ranger, So to this sort of thing he was Really no stranger. He packed a big iron on his hip, And them outlaws knew better than To give him a lip. He would round those outlaws, and Bring ‘em in ; Most of the time before they even had a chance to get a shot at him. Many a night he had to hold these Outlaws in his own home. Where his wife would sit guard, he knew better than to leave these kind of hombres alone. She would sit there the long night through, she knew she couln’t go to sleep, she had a job to do. So, in her lap she kept a loaded gun And let Joe get some sleep, until he woke with the morning sun. Then he would saddle up and leave Eagar headed to St.Johns, to the county jail ; Because he knew darn well that their friends were hot on his trail. Now I would like to say thanks to his man and woman of the Old West; to this Arizona Ranger and his wife who gave their best.” by Neal (Buzz) Pearce November 4, 1994

February 2009

A Ranger turns his life around The Ranger’s name is Mike Dennis. He has been an Arizona Ranger for years, earned his Life Membership, his Lt.Col. bars and made himself known as a fine Ranger not only in his hometown Sierra Vista, but all over in this state. Sierra Vista Herald published an extensive article on Mike Dennis Friday September 5, 2008. The article, written by Herald writer Pat Wick, is mainly about how our Lt.Col. Mike Dennis turned his life around from a weak cancer victim to a kick boxing champion.

Lt.Col. Mike Dennis (right) kick boxing Mike Dennis’ attitude could be an example to all of us; his health became top priority. Mike’s kick boxing exercises brought him back to Life. The 68 year old Sierra Vista real estate magnate Mike Dennis , who got out of the Army about 25 years ago told Sierra Vista Herald, that he has not felt this good in a long time. And that we can see also from the photo below, where Mike proudly poses with a beauty queen again this past fall. -

The Arizona Ranger News

How Coronado Rangers helped elderly victim recover from con men The Eastern Arizona Courier reported that last January 8th, an elderly woman on Eighth Avenue was conned out of 650dollars in phony roof repairs after two men posing as roofers from HD Roofing came to her door offering to fix her roof. The con men quoted her a price and gave her a hundred dollar discount because she was elderly. The woman told them she could pay half now and half later. They agreed and took a check for 650.00. The victim said that one man got on the roof and was up there for about forty five minutes, then man that had identified himself to her as, Tony Walker, came back to the door and said she needed to stay in the house for about an hour because of the chemicals on the roof. Later the woman became suspicious and called HD Roofing. Dean Hillman, the owner of the roofing company that the con man claimed he represented, told the woman that none of his men had done the work on her house. He agreed to come inspect her roof. When he arrived he discovered that no repairs had been done on her roof at all. The woman went straight to the bank; however, the check had already cleared the bank so she could not stop payment. Hillman then called the police and reported the crime. Not only was this elderly woman conned out of money but someone was using the HD Roofing name that did not have the authority to do so. Dean Hillman is also an Arizona Ranger. At lunch with a group of the Coronado Company Rangers he told them about the woman’s plight. The Ranger’s dipped into their own pockets and came up with half of the money for materials. Dean paid for the other half of the materials and Wesley Lemons and John Ingram did the work for free. The woman now has a safe and sealed roof. The elderly woman was 90 years old next month and had a happier birthday thanks to the Rangers. by Terri Dodge, Coronado Company

February 2009 21


Coronado and Show Low Rangers training with the Greenlee County Sheriff for field experience The Arizona Rangers, Greenlee County Search and Rescue, and the American Legion shared the responsibilities of honoring, long time resident Dick Hill in a memorial held in the Park in Duncan on October 20, as an estimated crowd of 150 to 200 friends, family and coworkers gathered to pay their respects to Dick Hill and the Hill family. Dick Hill was a remarkable man. He was a gentleman, a cowboy, a hard worker. He had the fighting spirit of a wild mustang and he didn’t know the meaning of the word “quit.” He took care of his own family and he took care of his neighbors and his friends. At the memorial there were several men that knew Dick Hill from when he had served in the Korea War. They had traveled across the country just to tell his family in their own words what Dick meant to them. One man stated that even when Dick Hill was shot he did not give up and lay down. He continued standing and kept fighting. He even helped other wounded soldiers out of harm’s way. The American Legion was proud to pay tribute to him. After Dick returned to the states, he didn’t forget his brothers that had fought alongside him. Nor did he forget the value of standing up for others in need of assistance. Dick was a long time member of the Greenlee County Search and Rescue. The men and women of the Greenlee County Search and Rescue were proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with the American Legion to honor this courageous man. Dick Hill was not an Arizona Ranger but he greatly respected the spirit of the Arizona Rangers, particularly the Coronado Company based in Greenlee and Graham County. Dick told his good friend Captain M.C. Holliday that the Arizona Rangers represented all that was great about Arizona. “We have to look after each other.” “It was a sad day when we lost this man. The community is going to miss his greatly”, Captain Holliday said, “That is why it’s such a great honor for Coronado Company of the Arizona Rangers to be asked to stand with the American Legion, and Greenlee County Search and Rescue. Dick was right; we need to look out for each other. That is what all of these groups do. We need more people like Dick Hill to step up, stand up, and keep going.”

by Terri Dodge, Coronado Company


The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009

Learning Defensive Tactics

Defensive Tactics Class Graduates As Arizona Rangers we are required to attend our monthly 2 hour training meetings. Yet, many Rangers are looking to other opportunities to receive certified training relative to our mission. In Tucson’s Pima Community College, we have had 12 week defensive tactics classes with hands-on training as well as many other administrative of justice courses. We also have a local range, The Marksman, that has been very supportive of the Arizona Rangers. They have provided discounted annual passes as well as opening up their range early for individual qualification shoots when necessary. Recently, I attended their standard “Intermediate Handgun Defense Course” that runs one night a week for a month. That’s our graduating class in the picture with our instructor, Mr. Jim Stover, front and center. All of us graduated and received a nice certificate to frame for the occasion. Mr. Stover is the Markman’s Educational Director and has more certifications than I can list for you here. As a result of his certifications, any course conducted by him may be added to your personal Arizona Ranger training file. I was greatly impressed with this course and

even though I’m a 24 year veteran of handling firearms, I learned a few new things. Everyone who attended this class improved their knowledge of handling firearms through group and personal instruction. This was such a valuable experience that the instructor and I put our heads together and came up with an “Arizona Ranger Blitz – 4 Hour Intermediate Handgun Defense Course”. Anyone interested, contact Jim Stover at the Marksman (520-747-8657) to sign up. There will be a class held January 21, 2009 and there are only a few spaces left as classes must be kept to a minimum. You will receive a certificate upon completing the final qualification shoot. The cost is $60 per Ranger and if you decide you want to enroll in the month long class, that $60 will count toward that cost of that extended class! The extended 4 week class fee is $100, so your cost after the 4 hour blitz would only be $40. If you are a Probationary Ranger or Regular Ranger looking to ensure your best at your annual day or night qualification, then I assure you that these courses will more than prepare you to pass. Many Happy Trails, by Jan Phibbons, Ranger

The Arizona Ranger News

Rangers, do protect your computers ! While the average home windows/xp computer with spyware and firewall protections may contain hundreds of computer problems, it may just slow your system down a little. Most of today’s protection software fail to properly protect your computer because crooks are always one step ahead of software manufacturers. Many programs are running in the background and when your computer is in idle mode. In addition, you may need many different types of software to fully protect your system. This is an all in one protection program against ALL attacks. This is Russian designed. There is a new software suite that offers ALL the protection from all types of malware and sypware. It it based upon a new technology that utilizes very little computer resources while offering realtime protection. It is available on a 30 day free trial. After 30 days, it will continue to protect but will not update its database of new attacks. The cost for one computer (as of this writing) is $30 for 3 computers for one year’s of protection. Try before you buy. Buy from When you buy, just enter the serial number – no need to reinstall the software. Sorry, but you cannot use a one user program on more that one computer – you will need a 3 or 5 users version. To use this program, you will need to download the trial version for free If you are using other protection like AVG antivirus, you will also need to download a AVG remover/uninstaller. Make sure that you secure these before you do anything else. Next, unplug your internet cable/ connection from your computer. Your may create a restore point if you like – not required. Un-install ALL protection programs from windows add/remove menu. Run the remover/uninstaller. If you do not use a remover/uninstaller then your new software will not install. (Windows add/remove programs alone may not work) Reboot then install your new software. Re-connect your internet cable, update your software, do a full scan – approx 1-2 hours. Notice that you will find a significant number of problems – select the fix button. From this point, your malware protection system will be in the automatic maintenance mode. If you are ever on the internet and you receive a popup indication that there is a free virus protection program or free scan download, do not click on ok, cancel or try to close the windows – it will download a trojan. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and close/end the internet explorer session. How about a mechanic in a box that repairs and maintains your computer all the time ?

February 2009 23 Rangers in the Press

Arizona Daily Star ran the above photo in their Dec.11th newspaper of Tucson Company Shop with a Cop. - Arizona Republic portrayed Phoenix Company Rangers in their December 18th issue during operation “Miles for Smiles”. Phoenix Company donated bicycles to young students Peoria Sundance School and more than 200 toys to other schildren. Superstition Ranger Company also was mentioned in the Press for their participation in local Christmas duties.Good PR to all !

Hat Facts

* - “ Little Miss Sure Shot” Annie Oakley, Buffalo Bill, Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickock all wore Stetsons. - The more beaver, the lighter the hat. - A Western Derby Hat was worn by Bat Masterson.So did a lot of gamblers, piano players, bobwire salesmen and non-cowboys, and some preachers ! From Texas Big Bender booklet “Hats”

Even with current system protection, you may not be fully protected because they are based upon old technology. Yes, there is such a thing from to download a free trial version or purchase. Install and do a scan – notice hundreds of software issues will pop up. It will automatically scan and fix your computer weekly. This is German design with automatic computer protection maintenance. One program for protection against attacks and the other for repairs and maintenance. Happy and Safe Computing from Your Ranger Computer Guru S.N.


The Arizona Ranger News

Integrity and the Spirit of Public Service When we joined the Arizona Rangers we all took an Oath of Office, not unlike public officials who hold elected and appointed office in Arizona. Again, when a Ranger is elected to command or management position, he/she takes a second Oath of Office which binds the Ranger by a second tie the Ranger Organization, making a promise to perform the duties which he or she has sought by election or received by appointment. We have pledged to ourselves, our fellow Rangers, our communities and our Deity that we will practice honesty in all our personal and public endeavors. Such oaths of office are meaningless, if we do not possess both personal and organizational integrity. Integrity matters because it is at the core of being an Arizona Ranger. We are not a commercial enterprise or a political committee, but a volunteer public service. Without integrity, we can not engender trust in the communities we serve. Without integrity, our accomplishments are almost meaningless. Without integrity our service as Arizona Rangers is hollow. Most people know right from wrong, whether it is telling the truth, following the Golden Rule, not cheating in sports or playing it straight on our personal tax returns. But while personal integrity is fairly straightforward and understood, organizational integrity is less clear and almost never discussed. The Arizona Rangers are an organizations of diverse people working together to achieve common goals and objectives that would be very difficult if not impossible to be accomplished alone. Whether we are talking about a two Ranger detail, a Ranger company or the entire Ranger Service, the ethics of working together apply. Rangers sometimes don’t recognize or understand the unique agreements they made when they decided to join the Arizona Rangers. On joining, a Probationary Ranger agrees to adopt a set of “working agreements”; a higher level of public trust and ethical behavior than they may have previously been exposed to or expected to follow. Significant problems can and will occur, when these agreements go unnoticed and un-discussed during the probationary period. Unstated rules, old habits, and policies and procedures brought from other experiences can conflict with the particular requirements of volunteer public service. These misconceptions and misunderstandings can easily develop and create serious problems in organizational behavior. If not openly stated, unstated rules could not only prove to be embarrassing, but also result in wasted time, resources and financial strength. As an example, we sometimes forget to talk about vertical and horizontal teamwork and communi

February 2009 by Maj. Lloyd Glassbrook

cation during the appointment process. Probationary Rangers are frequently not educated on how the Ranger organization functions, its core values, goals and objectives and how individual Rangers participate in and make the organization function. All of this can result in “good people with old habits” inappropriately leading, following and communicating. As a result, coordination is awkward and contentious, and dampens our power of execution. Organizational integrity is present when Rangers openly discuss and adopt ethical strategies, as well as clearly articulate and expect ethical standards of behavior to achieve organizational success. The continued ability of a Ranger to engage in self-regulation and to exercise discretion depends on the maintenance of community trust in the integrity of the entire Ranger force. This is not a task to be shouldered by Commanders alone. Nor is it a matter to be resolved by the Board of Directors or the Board of Governors. The integrity of the Ranger service is nothing more than an amalgam of the integrity of individual Rangers. By-Laws, Regulations and Policies are boundaries and guides, but no amount of rules and regulations, no amount of technical expertise, no amount of formal training will give rise to the virtues that must be found in an Arizona Ranger. To speak of “acting in the spirit of public service” will be to utter mere words unless the obligation can be translated into action. People will only apply principles that they understand and which they feel really inclined to support. In short, they must be the kind of people who want to do what is right for its own sake, and not just because the rules say so, or for fear of punishment. In another time, we might have spoken of such people as being virtuous. When it comes to Arizona Rangers, I believe that a serious commitment to professionalism calls forth a primary virtue. I speak of moral courage - the ability to stand up for what is right, even when to do so involves significant personal cost. Physical threats tend to be immediate and intense. Because of this, the corresponding type of courage is sometimes treated as if more ‘real’. But both are equally important and both give rise to heroes. Some think that heroes are forged in the caldron of the dangerous moment. But there is another kind of hero, the person of quiet decency whose achievement is only built over years of service. We are struck by the intensity of a lighting bolt, but fail to mention the thunder that rolls on into the distance long after the bolt has struck. The spectacular is only made possible by the patient and mundane.

The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009


Superstition Rangers remain busy

Captain Rowe Gilbert gave his dad, Leon E. Gilbert a big send off in Prince Frederick, Missouri.. Leon Gilbert . ,91, died October 11, a Purple Heart holder from World War II, a grandfather to 24 and great grandfather to 42 children. The fine funeral escort above. Integrity and the Spirit ...continued from previous page Our state needs a Ranger service made up of professional Rangers who are capable of both types of heroism - people who have the courage to act in a spirit of public service, whatever the demands may be. I can understand why cynicism, frustration and alienation can build to levels such that Rangers surrender themselves to the voice of those who hold that being an Arizona Ranger is “just another volunteer job”. But there is nothing inevitable about such surrender. It is always a matter of choice. It is leadership’s responsibility to provide a clear, ethical direction for the Ranger organization, at both company and state level – a direction that is also well thought out and viable for the organization’s purpose. This must be clearly stated and supported by clear rules and regulations. As a part of providing ethical direction, leadership must ensure an environment where there is an opportunity to create, grow and develop – one where self-expression, responsibility, integrity, respect, diversity and service to community are not only encouraged, but strongly reinforced. Self motivation is key to the success of volunteer organizations. Each Ranger has a responsibility to understand organizational functions, to work diligently to understand its direction and implementation plans and to ask for further clarification if they are not clear. It is also the Ranger’s responsibility to provide feedback and input on the direction and plans to ensure that the direction chosen truly reflects the best the organization can be.-

On October fifth, Superstition Company hosted a memorial luncheon for Katherine Lantz, Mrs. Melvin (Corkey) Lantz. Corkey was a much loved and appreciated member of our company for his enthusiasm for the Ranger’s traditions, and we were able to convey what Corkey meant to each of us to his wife. Tom Lowe read Corkey’s obituary and we were all saddened by these words. On November eleventh the Company grew by two, when Richard Barton and Carl Genco, both retired Pinal County Sheriffs officers, were sworn in as probationary Rangers. We welcomed both as very positive additions to the Company. November sixteenth was Range Qualification once again. I would like to preface this story by saying that it was an extremely windy day. That said, it turns out that two of our lady Rangers were able to out-shoot all of the men. I will also say that everyone qualified once again. On December seventh, Superstition Company welcomed two more probationary Rangers, Andy Ashmore and Whitney Ashmore. The addition of two young people into the Company was seen an affirmative r eflection on today’s youth.

December we did a duty at the Indian Market at South Mountain Park in Phoenix and our annual Christmas distribution of food and toys to needy families, but more about that in the next letter. By John Spencer, Sgt. PRO


The Arizona Ranger News

True or False clarification to answers from September 2008 Ranger News page 7 Q # .1 There are constitutional limits to the types of weapons and tactics you can use on the street. True or False ? Q # 2 : Your intent and state of mind at the time you use f orce can be important... True or False ? Q # 3 : You must always retreat if possible, before using deadly force. True or False ? Q # 4 : You must first see a suspect’s weapon before you can use force. True or False Q # 5 : You must always use the least amount of force possible to gain control of a person. True or False ? Q # 6 and # 7 explained in answers Q # 8 ; question is with the answer Q # 9, Question is with the answer Q # 10 Question is with the answer ———————————————————— Question 1: There are constitutional limits on the types of weapons and tactics you can use on the street. False. No court has ever flat out banned any specific tactic, weapon, technique, or equipment. The closest was the case of City of Los Angeles v. Lyons [461 U.S. 95 (1983)], which involved the so-called “choke hold.” There had been a number of deaths/injuries attributed to its use by the Los Angeles Police Department. Plaintiffs sought an injunction to prohibit its use, alleging it was unconstitutional excessive force. Federal district and appellate courts granted the injunction, ruling that the tactic was “unreasonable” when neither death nor serious injury was threatened. By the time the case got to the Supreme Court, LAPD had modified its policies. The Supreme Court reversed the finding of the lower courts, explaining that there now was no need to consider the matter because use of the challenged tactic was not likely to be repeated. The type of weapon or tactic used may play a role in determining whether the nature and extent of the force you employed was reasonable under the unique factual circumstances of the situation. But it is not the weapon or tactic standing alone which causes any legal difficulty. For example, if a suspect is struggling with you and trying to get your weapon out of your holster, and the only thing available to you to prevent the risk of serious injury or death to yourself is a nearby brick applied to the suspect’s head, that would likely be a permissible use of force. Hitting him with a brick to get him to stop mouthing off to you would not be deadly force. Question 2: You r intent and your state of mind at the time you use force can be important factors in determining if your guilt. False or True. Most uses of force on the street are analyzed under the Fourth Amendment.

February 2009 ls. The key is “objective legal reasonableness.” Whether the force you use is constitutionally permissible is determined by the facts and circumstances existing and known to you at the very moment the force is used. Your ill will and or malice toward the suspect will not taint an otherwise appropriate use of force. The reverse is also true. The lack of any ill will or malice on your part will not save an otherwise objectively unreasonable use of force. Your motivation and state of mind simply are not considered as a factor. If you believed (your state of mind) that your life was in jeopardy you could act accordingly. If your intent was to strike the muscle in the arm of the assailant with your baton and this person ducked and you were then to strike the head -your intent had not changed - however the target changed as did the consequences. Question 3: You must always retreat if possible before using deadly force. False. There is no constitutional duty to retreat before using deadly force. There may be good tactical reasons to do so-to help in containment, to gain a tactical advantage, to wait for backup, etc.-but it’s not constitutionally required. Question 4: You must first see a suspect’s weapon before you can use force. False. Often expert witnesses for plaintiffs will try to convince a judge or jury that the force used was improper because the officer did not first see any weapon in possession of the suspect. In reality, there is no constitutional requirement that you must first see a weapon in a suspect’s hands before you can use force. You will be judged on what you knew or reasonably perceived to be the facts at the very moment you used force. Question 5: You must always use the least amount of force possible to gain control of a person. False. Normally the degree of force you use does not have to be the least intrusive option. As the Supreme Court has pointed out in Graham vs. Connor Connor [490 U.S. 386 (1989)], tactical situations on the street are “rapidly evolving.. You are not going to have the luxury of consulting some use-of-force matrix, or taking a recess to consider alternatives. Determining the least intrusive alternative is inherently subjective. Requiring you to do so could possibly deter you from acting promptly when safety is at sake, and would put courts and juries in the position of endlessly second-guessing. It is the extigencies of the situation that govern. Allowance is made for you to decide with reasonable latitude what to do in tense situations. Question 6: You cannot lawfully shoot a fleeing felon. True of False?

The Arizona Ranger News Surprise! The answer to this question is both true and false. You may lawfully shoot a fleeing felon if certain conditions are met: Do you have probable cause to believe that a felony has been committed and that the fleeing person did it? Is it a felony that involves violence or the threat of violence? Does the suspect present a danger of violence or the threat of violence to the public and/or other officers if not stopped? Was a warning given, if practical? Did the suspect ignore or refuse to follow direction from you, if it was practical to attempt verbal compliance? See Tennessee v. Garner [471 U.S. 1 (1985)]. Where the circumstances do not fit these conditions, you may not use deadly force to stop a fleeing felon. The involvement of violence, threatened or actual, is key. For example, some thefts may be felonies. But theft usually does not involve the suspect’s threat or use of violent force. Thus a fleeing thief is usually not fair game for deadly force. Question 7: You may not use force to temporarily detain someone fo purposes of a Terry stop. True or False? False. A reasonable amount of force may be used for purposes of a Terry stop [Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968)]. Most frequently this involves the handcuffing of a suspect, sometimes forcibly. Remember that such a stop must be based on a reasonable suspicion that the subject is about to or has recently engaged in some criminal activity and you are temporarily detaining him or her so you can check it out. Such a stop can last no longer than reasonably necessary for you to dispel your suspicion or determine probable cause to make an arrest. Question 8: Information you discover after force was used can be a factor in determining if the force you used was legally justified. True of False? False. What is discovered after you use force simply cannot be considered in determining its justification. What counts are the circumstances as they were known or reasonably believed to be at the very moment you used force. The classic example is where you shoot someone because you have a reason to believe that the person is making a threatening move toward a firearm. After the shooting, no gun is found or the presumed weapon turns out to be an innocuous object, like a cell phone. Does that discovery alone make your shooting improper? No. Question 9: Courts and juries are permitted to evaluate your use of force by considering what you could have done differently. True of False? False. Your use of force cannot be measured by what you could have done differently. In Graham v. Conner, the Supreme Court said your use of force must be evaluated by a judge and/or jury putting themselves in your shoes at the scene at the moment the force was used. The Court specifically cautioned against applying “the 20/20 vision of hindsight.” After the fact you (and others) can always think of something you could have done differently.

February 2009


This is a tactic frequently used by plaintiffs’ expert witnesses, trying to convince judges and juries that there were lesser, more humane methods that could have been employed instead of the level of force you used. But in Graham, the Supreme Court made clear that perfection is not expected and is not the standard to be applied. You are not expected to evaluate all possible alternatives, only to do what a “reasonable” officer “reasonably trained” would have done in the same circumstances. Question 10: Your uses of force in prior incidents can be considered in court in evaluating whether your use of force in the current situation was legally proper. True of False? False. Each use of force is measured only by its own unique facts. The mere fact that you have used force in prior incidents-even constitutionally impermissible force-does not mean that your use of force in the current incident was improper. The only time that past uses of force may play a role is when an agency (as opposed to an individual officer) is a defendant and there is a claim that the agency failed to properly manage, train, discipline, or supervise its officers. Such a “policy” claim against the agency is much different from the claim against an individual officer for using unconstitutional force. By Maj. Carl Lawrence 520 378-1155 SE Area Commander Arizona Rangers

“ At a party, start slow and taper off” “It’s better to have worked for your dinner than to have dressed for it “ “Women always go first unless you’re going down stairs or falling off a log” From “Texas Big Bender” Cowboy Etiquette, Utah


The Arizona Ranger News

February 2009

Honoring the Territorial Arizona Rangers The Arizona Rangers honor their history by holding Grave Marking Ceremonies for their predecessors, the Territorial Rangers. A double Grave marking Ceremony took place at the end of September in St.Johns and Eagar. The old graves marked were those of Duane Hamblin ( Ranger 1901-02) and Joseph Pierce (Ranger 1903-05). Coronado Ranger Company provided the fine Color Guard for both ceremonies, left. Col.Phil Hanson, white hat front row left, was instrumental in getting this group of Joe Pierce relatives to attend the RangerGrave Marking Ceremony in Eagar 9.28.2008. Territorial RangerJoe Pearce’s grandson and great grand daughter gave speeches and Show Low Company Sgt. Loye Wilkins sang the famous western Ranger ballad “Big Iron”. The Grave Marking Ceremonies are planned by the State Historian & Community Relations Officer Anita K., in white uniform, and attended by Ranger State Officers,such as the State Commander, Col.Sid Chandler, second from left and Lt. Tom Troutman, far right. The invocations in St.John and Eagar were given by State Chaplain Lt. Fields, left. Also sharing historic notes at the occasion was Col. Hanson, white hat.

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