New Student Handbook 09

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,268
  • Pages: 2
Class Attire

Dress Code

Tuition Policy

Class Placement

Below is the attire each child will need for class participation at Bluegrass Dance Center. Each student is expected to be properly dressed for his/her class. Students may be dismissed from class if dressed code is not followed. Leotard, tights, full sole pink ballet shoes, u-shell tan tap shoes (skirt optional) Ball et/T ap Co m bo Leotard, tights, full sole pink ballet shoes (skirt optional) Ball et/ Cr eativ e Com bo Leotard, tights, full sole or split sole pink ballet shoes, split sole tan jazz shoes Jazz/Ba llet Co m bo Leotard or plain fitted tank top, cargo or jazz pants/shorts, black lace-up tap shoes Ur ban Ta p Leotard or plain fitted tank top, cargo or jazz pants/shorts, split sole canvas sneakers Hip-Ho p Leotard or plain fitted tank top, cargo or jazz pants/shorts, split sole tan jazz shoes Jazz/Hi p-Ho p C om bo Leotard, tights, split sole tan jazz shoes (skirt/pants/shorts optional) Music al Th eatr e Leotard, tights, knee length skirt, tan Grecian sandals Ball roo m/Latin Leotard, tights, jazz pants/shorts, white baton shoes, starline baton Baton Black dress pants/slacks, black t-shirt (tucked-in), belt, black jazz shoes Boys ( Bal lroo m/Latin ) Black athletic pants, white t-shirt, black jazz/ballet/tap/sneakers Boys ( Othe r C lass es) • Students must be in appropriate dance attire in order to participate in class. • Hair must be pulled back, away from their face and secured in a ponytail, bun, etc. • Jeans, tennis shoes, and other school clothes will not be allowed in the classroom. • No bracelets, dangling earrings or other bulky jewelry will be allowed in the classroom. • No printed or logo clothing will be allowed other than BGDC studio/recital clothing. • You are free to purchase your dance attire wherever you choose as long as it meets the requirements. Part of the commitment to the dance program is being up to date with all accounts throughout the year. In an effort to offer all young people the opportunity to experience dance, Bluegrass Dance Center offers reasonable rates. We also provide families a discount for multiple classes/children per month. (Please see the chart on back.) Tuition is due by the 15th of each month and is broken into 9 equal installments accounting for holidays, etc. There will be a $5 late fee applied for every week that tuition is not paid. Auto-Pay is available; please see the front office to sign-up. The last tuition payment of the year will be due May 15th and will be for only two weeks of class. Snow Days or any unexpected closings will be calculated and credited at this time. We’re sure you will agree; it is much better for your child to move “Up” a class level than “Down” a level. Our class placement system allows students who are new to our studio to participate in dance class in a safe and productive manner. We follow a similar to system as the public schools when it comes to grouping children by age. Even a 4year old who has been dancing for a year, will not be able to attend a Kindergarten class unless they will turn 5 by our cut off date. We believe that this policy is important to the social growth of a child and their participation in class. Students are required to attend a Level 1 class in their age range for a minimum of 1 week to a maximum of 4 weeks. During this time our instructors and director will evaluate students. If you would like more detailed information on our class placement policy, please see our front office.

Class Attendance

All dancers are expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes. If your child needs to miss a class, please call the studio. Make-up classes are available during the same month your child missed a dance class. Parents need to check with the front desk to find an appropriate class their child may attend for a make-up session. We will usually recommend the student attend a class that is one level below their class level when making up a missed dance class. The studio will not issue refunds for missed classes due to sickness, vacation, etc. It is not financially viable for the studio to issue credits for missed classes. We require a minimum number of students to run a class and cover all costs of operating the business. We hope you will take advantage of the many opportunities for make-up classes throughout the week.

Class Cancellations

In case of bad weather, please look for any cancellations on WKYT (CBS). If there are any changes on our schedule they will be posted on this station. We will also leave a message on our answering machine at (859) 625-9393 with information about the status of our classes. If classes are cancelled for snow, your account will be credited during the final tuition payment in May. Cos tume Fee $60/Child Size (non-refundable) $75/Adult Size (non-refundable) Recital Adm iss io n $10/Adult Ticket $5/Child Ticket (13 & under) Video s, P ho to s, T-Shirts Prices will vary and be announced closer to recital time. Costume payments will be due by December 19th before we close for Christmas Break. You may pay your costume fee in installments throughout the fall or in full by December 19th. Measurements for costumes will be taken in late fall. Costumes will be ordered over the winter break so that they will arrive early-mid spring. COSTUMES WILL NOT BE ORDERED UNTIL THEY ARE PAID IN FULL. Late payment and therefore late ordering of costumes will be subject to rush delivery fee and will be made at the sole discretion of the director. Our studio is committed to presenting each student with the opportunity to perform in a yearly recital, but we want to give students more than just a yearly performance. Our goal is to instill a passion for dance rather than merely the desire to perform a dance routine. As such, our staff has been asked to teach your child how to improve their dance skills first, and teach choreography second. This philosophy is the cornerstone of our dance studio, and will be carried through any type of program at our school whether it is ballet, pre-dance or our prep program. Just like learning to read, it is important to discover and appreciate your alphabet before being able to read and write. Once you know your ABC’s, a whole new world opens up to you! Dance, is no different. Once a student is competent in certain basic dance elements, they will have the ability to learn choreography. Even more, they will learn how to dance faster – and with less frustration. Information about our spring recital will be announced at our annual Holiday Pizza Party, held the first weekend of December.

Performance Fees Recital Policy

Recital Philosophy

Recital Philosophy

Studio Policies

Our studio is committed to presenting each student with the opportunity to perform in a yearly recital, but we want to give students more than just a yearly performance. Our goal is to instill a passion for dance rather than merely the desire to perform a dance routine. As such, our staff has been asked to teach your child how to improve their dance skills first, and teach choreography second. This philosophy is the cornerstone of our dance studio, and will be carried through any type of program at our school whether it is ballet, pre-dance or our prep program. Just like learning to read, it is important to discover and appreciate your alphabet before being able to read and write. Once you know your ABC’s, a whole new world opens up to you! Dance, is no different. Once a student is competent in certain basic dance elements, they will have the ability to learn choreography. Even more, they will learn how to dance faster – and with less frustration. Information about our spring recital will be announced at our annual Holiday Pizza Party, held the first weekend of December. Bluegrass Dance Center has created a comfortable observation area with seating, and one-way mirrors for the convenience of our students and parents/guardians. And adult MUST supervise all children at all times. Running and misbehavior in the waiting area will not be tolerated. Please be respectful of others and the classes in session. Quiet conversation is welcome; please step outside or into the front office Wai ting A rea area to use your cell phone. We also ask that this area be kept clean and orderly. Trash should be placed in proper receptacles. Our program relies on a positive atmosphere for our faculty, dancers, and their parents; it promotes a positive learning experience for all involved. Cooperation between all parents is expected. Showing respect for the other parents, along with the students and faculty, makes an important impression on the children. You are a role model for your child in how to interact with others in a public setting.

Res troom s

In the waiting area you will find 2 large bathrooms. We ask that parents of children in our Pre-Dance classes be sure to take your child to the restroom before class. This helps our teachers maintain the flow of the dance class. It is our experience that once one child asks to go to the restroom, the rest want to go as well! It creates a chain reaction! Also, children usually are more comfortable being taken to the restroom by their own parent. So, please be available during your child’s dance class just in case they need to take a restroom break.

Once a month newsletters will be available online and by email. All correspondence will be posted in the newsletters to ensure you are up to date with Bluegrass Dance Newsle tte rs Center news and events. Please make sure you list a current email address on your child’s registration form so that you receive the updates. If you do not have an email address, there will be some paper copies available at the studio. Parents or guardians are responsible for transporting their children to and from class on time. Students must wait inside the building until their ride arrives. We ask that Pare nt Pick-Up /Drop-Off you please come in to pick up or drop off your child for safety reasons. Please park in the allotted spaces in front of BGDC or in the center aisle of the parking lot. We ask that you do not park in front of the other businesses nearby. Bluegrass Dance Center does not allow children not enrolled in dance class to be left unattended at the studio. Please do not drop-off siblings or friends at the studio Sibl ing s & F rie nds during dance class. Our staff is very busy and cannot be responsible for watching children who are not in class. Parents will be called and asked to come pick up their child should this occur. We are not a daycare center and should not be treated as such. This policy is to ensure the safety of all children. If any problem arises with a student, they may be asked to sit down and not Ch ro nic Di srupt ive participate in class. If the problem persists, the student will be removed from class Behavi or and a conference will be scheduled. All dancers are expected to follow these guidelines: • No gum or candy in class. If eating snacks between classes, you must clean up and throw away any trash. Dancer • Please remain quiet in the waiting room until your class begins. • Please be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and the BGDC instructors and staff. Expectations • Arrive on time, dressed and ready for class! • Listen and do your best! Remember, you are here to learn. • Never say, “I Can’t” • If you have a question or concern – please TELL US! Talking only with other parents does not resolve issues. • Make an appointment to speak with the director rather than approaching your child’s teacher between classes. They are busy preparing for their next class, please respect their time and speak with the office staff. • Please call us if your child is going to be absent or needs to leave early so the teachers can be prepared. Parent • Please make sure your child comes to class prepared, on time and in the correct attire. Expectations • Pay tuition and fees on time. • Keep up with dates and times for events at the studio. We do our best to keep everyone informed! • Please make sure to review the BGDC Handbook and all guidelines with your child. WELCOMEThe TOchildren THE BLUEGRASS DANCE CENTER! Weatknow thatDance you have many it comes and parents involved in dance programs Bluegrass Center maychoices have thewhen opportunity to to extra activities for your children. Thank you for allowing your children to learn with us. We look forward participate in dance events in our local community. Please keep the following in mind: to an exciting, and rewarding dance season! • We never speak negatively about teachers, dancers, or parents from other schools. • We never create conflict with the directors or judges of events in which we participate. • We never recruit dancers from other schools. Community • The school director handles all communication with the directors of our outside activities. • No parent or dancer may call or question the directors of any event. If you have a concern, please contact the

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