New Pm Tools Aiche Spring 09

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  • Words: 888
  • Pages: 21
Adnan Siddiqui, P.E. Principal ConcepSys Solutions LLC

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Audience Poll § Academia - Is capital project management

training part of your curriculum? ▪ Separate course ▪ Integrated with another course

§ Industry - What type of projects are you leading? ▪ Retrofits and revamps ▪ Greenfield ▪ Size of project team

About Me

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

New Tools § Multidiscipline Interface Management Matrix § Project Pre-Mortem § Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

New Skills § Working with Generation Y § Social and Emotional Intelligence

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

New interface management tool presented in Harvard Business Review article: § “AreYour Engineers Talking to Each Other ..” § November 2007


Authors researched failure on complex projects such as Airbus Super Jumbo Applicable to complex mega capital projects.

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

ConcepSys Solutions LLC


Conducted at start of project Group session with key team members from ALL levels Should be independently facilitated Attendees are asked to complete the statement § “The project failed because ….”

Results should be analyzed using an FMEA

ConcepSys Solutions LLC


Six Sigma tool to develop a risk management plan for project execution Categorize negative project outcomes (impacts) on: § Severity of impact § Ability to detect § Likelihood of occurrence

Enables formal risk planning and monitoring

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Category Schedule Procurement



Availability of reactor design specialist Qualified fabrication supplier for reactor is booked with other orders

Reactor design and procurement is delayed Reactor fabrication and project completion is delayed

S (severity rating) 9 9

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Cause(s) Failure to request specialist time in advance to work on reactor design

Failure to commit and reserve shop space in time

O (occurrence rating)

Current controls 3 Requesting specialist time is a milestone on the project schedule which is reviewed weekly for upcoming activities 9 Request advanced funds to commit reactor purchase order and priortize completion of reactor design specifications

D (detection rating) 1


ConcepSys Solutions LLC

RPN (risk priority number)

Recommended actions 27 Continue current control

Responsibility and target completion date Project Manager

243 Biweekly communication meeting Procurment Manager with supplier to understand the shop workload

Action taken

ConcepSys Solutions LLC




Availability of reactor design specialist


Reactor design and procuremen t is delayed

Procuremen Qualified Reactor t fabrication fabrication supplier for and project reactor is completion booked with is delayed other orders

S (severity rating)


9 Failure to request specialist time in advance to work on reactor design

9 Failure to commit and reserve shop space in time

Responsibili RPN (risk ty and Recommend Current D (detection priority target Action taken controls rating) ed actions number) completion date 3 Requesting 1 27 Continue Project specialist current Manager time is a control milestone on the project schedule which is reviewed weekly for upcoming activities 9 Request 3 243 Biweekly Procurment advanced communicat Manager funds to ion meeting commit with reactor supplier to purchase understand order and the shop priortize workload completion of reactor design specification s

O (occurrence rating)

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Who is Generation Y? § Graduating college in 2000 or later?


Experienced an explosion in Technology, Media, Telecommunications (TMT) Generation Y myths § Not hard working § Unreliable § Not willing to put the time in § Short attention span

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Attracting § Company career sites on social networks e.g.

Facebook § Company profiles on 

Training § Mentorship (traditional and reverse) § Rotation programs § Electronic courses § Team based training

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Retaining § Managing expectations ▪ Company culture ▪ Career path ▪ Organizational hierarchy norms § Coaching not babysitting

ConcepSys Solutions LLC


Technical excellence is not the only criteria for great project managers Do you to have to manage .. § Global teams? § Less face-to-face meetings? § Diversity?

If so, are you the socially intelligent project manager who succeeds in these situations?

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Empathy § Do you understand what motivates other people,

even those from different backgrounds? § Are you sensitive to others’ needs? 

Attunement § Do you listen attentively and think about how

others feel? § Are you attuned to others’ moods?

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Organizational Awareness § Do you appreciate the culture and values of the

group or organization? § Do you understand social networks and know their unspoken norms? 

Influence § Do you persuade others by engaging them in

discussion and appealing to their self-interests? § Do you get support from key people?

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Developing Others § Do you coach and mentor others with compassion

and personally invest time and energy in mentoring? § Do you provide feedback that people find helpful for their professional development? 

Inspiration § Do you articulate a compelling vision, build group

pride, and foster a positive emotional tone? § Do you lead by bringing out the best in people?

ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Teamwork § Do you solicit input from everyone on the team? § Do you support all team members and encourage


ConcepSys Solutions LLC

Contact me via: § [email protected]

Subscribe to my project management blog at §

Connect to me on LinkedIn at: §

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