New Mexico Mission Trip 2009

  • May 2020
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More details

  • Words: 543
  • Pages: 2

What: •

An awesome opportunity to serve God and share his love and message with others. We will be doing VBS with Native American kids daily and doing anything else that we can to be the hands and feet of Jesus, primarily to the Navajo people, but also to whomever we come in contact with.

Cost: $175.00 (If you need financial assistance a support letter can be provided to be mailed BY STUDENTS to raise support for the trip. In addition, we can pursue other means of sending funds if need be)

What to bring: • • • • • • •

A good attitude: This is a service minded mission trip. The focus should be on Christ and how we can further his kingdom and serve others. A sleeping bag and an air mattress to sleep on if you have one. We will be sleeping in the church at which we are serving or in a tent. So if you don’t have an air mattress you’ll have to sleep on the floor or the ground.  Summer clothes as well as cool weather clothes. New Mexico is known for its hot days and cool nights, so you’ll want to have a light jacket or hoodie for the evenings. Please pack light, we have limited space! Toiletries: soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, a towel, DEOEDERANT, shaving stuff, etc. Your Bible, a notebook, and a pen…..DUH! This is a no brainer, but it is VERY important. Group type games: We may have free time in the evening to play cards, SCRABBLE, or some other type of game. Just don’t bring anything too big to put in your bag! Personal Electronics: It’s a long drive to New Mexico; you can bring an MP3 player, DVD player, cell phone etc. However, don’t bring anything inappropriate, and be prepared to put your devices away when it’s time to go serve God and YOU have to keep up with whatever you bring. See also, what not to bring below.

What not to bring: • • •

A bad attitude Questionable reading, viewing, or listening materials: if it’s something you would not have with Jesus himself on the trip with you, don’t bring it. Tobacco, alcohol, fireworks, firearms, duh?

Important Missions Dates: Monday, June 15, 7:30 • June 17th student will need to have completed the Beginning Steps book. (ask Roy, Casey, or Lara about this) • $$ and Student registration are due at this time • We will have about a 45 minute meeting, 7:30 to 8:15. Need parent or guardian to attend along with student • June 20th we’ll be hitting the road bright and early!

Student Registration Student Name ________________________ Address____________________ City_____________ Zip ___________ Email __________________________ Age_______ Date of birth_____________________ Parents Name(s) ___________________________________________________ Parents Phone Numbers Home: _______________________________ Cell: _______________________

Medical Insurance Information Family Ins. Company____________________ Policy#____________________ Family Physician________________________ Phone #___________________ Please list any allergies______________________________________________ List any prescription drugs the student will be taking; state frequency and dosage for each__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ As parent/guardian I have viewed and agree with the list of what to bring and what not to bring and give my son/daughter permission to attend the New Mexico Mission Trip June 20 to June 27, 2008.

Parent Guardian ______________________________Date____________________

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