New Method For Space Travel - Adel Ghonim

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Each body exists in a "place and time". Time is the: monotony movement. The movement in the entire universe is circular, and a "time entity" "t°" has created with it. This "time entity" "t°" makes the body exist in the presence or at the "presence time" which surround it and can deals with it. When the circular movement or the circular velocity "v"(circular) much increase, and at constant of the distance "d", the time "t" will decrease very much, because v=d÷t. Consequence, the body will exist in a new time "t" is "slower" than the presence time, and has another "time entity" "t°" which is "slower" than the original "time entity" at the original presence time, because "time" "t"α"time entity" "t°", then the body will move in a flash to too distant "other place" in the universe which is approval to this new slower time!! If there're astronauts inside this body, they will move with it too, and they can deal with the matter of that "other place" in that other slower time level.

New Method for Space Travel The Invention and its Theory

Adel Ghonim

English Version Translated by the Author The Author apologize for any of translation mistake All rights reserved This work is subject to copyright No part of this Text may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner; Author: Adel Ghonimmember in the Egyptians writer's union (This Invention registered in the Egyptian Patent Office under number 918/2001 at 25.08.2001 for the right of the Inventor Adel Ghonim) ‫أ ب      اء‬

New Method for Space Travel The Invention and its Theory The reader may found that there's difficulty in this theory. So, I hope that he excuse me, because the theme which it deal with is too abstruse.

  ‫ا اع وا  ا‬

First Edition ISBN 977-17-0471-0 Hardback ePublishing since April 2009 ESBN 64959-090421-091024-36 eBook (EBL) Copyright (C) 2009, Adel Ghonim Cover Photo © NASA

Adel Ghonim [email protected]

Adel Ghonim

New Method for Space Travel

Contents Preface 1 The Invention 2 The Invention's Theory



The heaven which is balling on the entire earth's surface, swoop it with a huge amount of mastery and command is still a great riddle for the human's exploration ability, and also it's a great burning desire. What is more it's a love which is strongly pulling the man to go into their depths, which he strongly feels with their interesting and their great value. This truthful feeling is a radical hoping and a strong motor for the history of the human's sciences and knowledge. The human's sciences are a feverish trying of the man to reach the "knowledge perfection", understanding and control the universe's truths starting from his planet, the earth – with there're being on it from a peerless research material as too near part of the universe from him – then blast-off the universe directly after the earth's surface!! Those are – those sciences – in their unwearied endeavor to explore the universe's truths, target in the same moment to attain the greatest instinct inside the man,

which is: the desire of existence, or as the term which I'll use in this book: the slower of time 1 which the man is being until it congeal, then the eternal existence or the eternity will take place for him, and this in the non-time!! Whenever the man's knowledge increase, his ability for explore the unknown universal truths will increase – especially after those knowledge had been interacted in the man's brain, being and medium in some time. The meaning of exploring an unknown is that the man will near a degree – even through very much tiny – from the perfection. And then his ability for exploring other unknowns will increase and accelerate, and he explores them actually. Then he reaches height degrees towards the "knowledge perfection". Consequence, he gains a faster and faster ability – or an accelerated ability – for the exploration. And so on, until he reaches too near degree from the "knowledge perfection", then the man's ability for exploration will be so much quick, or by other term this man will be in a very 1. I mean with slow of time which the man is being, that the occurrence's rate of the events through it is "faster" than the rate of their occurrence in the ordinary time on the earth or in any other time in other region in the universe. Then our feeling with this time will be as it's "slower" than the earthy ordinary time. I.e. our feeling and actual comprehension when it passed a year on the earth is for example a minute by compared with this slower time. This is completely known in Astronomy.

"slower time" relativity to the time in the infancy of the human intellection's spark. I.e. if a year passed when he's in the normal state of time, it passes a moment when he's in this slower case of time, or which happened or explored in a year in the first state, will explore in a moment in the second state!! The man in this case will be in genius exploration moments, it may pass tenths of years without it took place to him when he's in the normal stats of the time!! What is time?! It's the monotony movement. Except "the rotating" in the universe as a primary movement law, the time didn't create. "The rotation" is punctually the "monotony", and the rotation determines the time's unit. The galaxy orbiting around a universal center and determines a huge time unite relatively to our time's unit. The solar system is orbiting around the Milky Way galaxy's center in a monotony time unit. And also planet earth is orbiting around the sun in a time unit which is an earthy year. And the earth is rotating around its axis making the day; "24 hours – 1440 minutes – 86400 seconds" as we had divided into time units. Time is always relative, and inversely connecting with the velocity of rotating. In each case of the three pro-cases – the cases of the rotating of the galaxy, the solar system

and the earth – if the rotating velocity increases, its time's rotation will decrease relatively to that it was.

"other place" in the universe is approval to that new "time entity"!

This rotating body is being in a "time entity" 2 – I'll take it the symbol "t°" – is different according to each velocity it may rotate with. When a body rotates in a velocity of 10 km/S for example, it will be in a "time entity" makes it to contact with the medium surround it – which is rotating also with it with the same velocity – gain its characters and interact with it. It's not possible by anyway that it interact or exist in each other medium or place that rotate by other velocity – 100 km/S for example – although that it maybe those two mediums are existing beside each other before the rotating, and they still like that after the rotating but without any tiny possibility for dealing with or interacting together.

This "other place" in the universe has a physical time "t" is "slower" than the ordinary time which it was before this acceleration in the rotating. This makes the body to exist in a "time entity" "t°" has different characters from the "time entity's" characters which it started rotating from it. This "time entity" "t°" is directly connecting with the physical time "t", and it and the physical time are inversely connecting with the velocity of the rotation "v (circular)".

So, the rotation creates the physical time "t" and creates a "time entity" "t°" which is different from the ordinary time. It's an entity of the existence in the medium, therefore interacting with it. Whenever the rotation velocity increase the physical time decrease, and the body exist in other "time entity" and in 2. The "time entity" "t°": is the "time presence" which provides the matter the ability to existing with the other particles in the place or the medium surrounding them, these place and medium are being together in the same "time presence". And it enables the matter to contacting and dealing with them. It's different from the ordinary calculated physical "time" "t"!

t° α t t° and t α 1÷v(circular) The "time entity" which we're; in the normal case of the rotating makes us a determinate time, which provides us the ability of interacting with the same velocity rotating medium surrounds us. Also it provides us with mental and detective abilities has a "limited capacity". If the physical time which we're slow as a result of increasing of our orbiting around the sun, we'll existing in other "time entity" is "slower" and different from our "time entity" in the normal case of rotating. Consequence, our mental and detective abilities will differ with "larger" capacity. I.e. our mental and detective abilities and their capacity increase by increasing of our rotating velocity in the universe and by the slow of our physical time.

That because the term "slow of our time" means intuitively "increasing the velocity of the deduction and detective processes" in our brains or increasing the velocity of the creation processes of the man!! This is the base or the fundamental of the development of the humankind, and the human's brain creative abilities. If the physical time slow, the man's mental concentration in his medium will increase, and the "rate" of his ability for exploration and innovation will increase too. The slow of the physical time is being by doing "a much mental concentration" – this which humankind used to do since thousands of years – subsequently a temporary separation from the medium or from the ordinary physical time "t" to a "slower" physical time and a "slower" "time entity" "t°" take place – this which took place since the beginning of the man's intellection spark – or this slow being by the increasing of the man's rotating velocity in the universe. Subsequently, slow of his physical time "t", and then he will be in other "time entity" "t°" is "slower" makes him to do "the mental deduction and detective processes" very much faster compared with this velocity in the normal case of rotating!! The continuous man's efforts for the universe's exploration will still very much tiny, because those has a lack of a decisive factor for reaching the cognation's command of the universe and mastery over it. This is:

the possibility of traveling to the depth of the universe in a short time. If the man owned it and could to travel and actual move through the far away distances in the universe in a short time, he can explore the universe and its laws and use its resources, and can do a huge jump of knowledge in all others fields very much easily than he can do now. Those will much strong his existence in this universe. The possibility of the actual traveling in the deep space in a flash or in a short time will reach us quickly the ending of the two sciences; "Cosmology" and "Astronomy". Without this possibility the discoveries of those two sciences will be indirectly used and limited in the advantage in our life. How we can exploit a continent's resources without going to it?! Then, the actual possibility for traveling in the deep space is a decisive factor for explore the universe, its knowledge mastery and for gain the directly advantage from it. The greatest velocity in the universe is the speed of light 3 it's not a bit possible to reach it with keeping of the material shape. Because the matter at this case converts to a huge energy vanish in the light as light too. But it's possible to reach huge velocities – rotating velocities – 3. Speed of light: = 299,792,458 meters/second (186,000 miles/second). Einstein's Theory of Relativity implies that nothing can go faster than the speed of light.

but slower than the speed of light with keeping of the material shape.

very short time compared with the long time which it had been in the universe, and this is danger.

Those huge rotating velocities add to the man enormous exploration abilities, as his actual moving with his body to other places and times in the universe, those are coincide with the new time which he'll being as a result of increasing of his rotating velocity and decreasing of his physical time compared with the ordinary time as I said!!

But, applying this discovery only on scientists and inventive people, those are a little ratio of the numeration of humankind, will gives abundant knowledge results for each scientist and inventor each in his specialize. Of course, those provide big advantages to all the humanity.

By the greatest manufacturing velocity the man can rotate with – supposal if he bears; the speed of light – he reach the "knowledge perfection" and his time will congeal – time of his material and spiritual being – and he exist absolutely in the eternity, at this case he reach the "non-returning to any other faster time point" even our time which he had started the rotating whisk from it!! Therefore, he reaches the "non-returning place point" to any other place in the universe even the position which he whisked from it. If tech. science makes us some day to apply this discovery on all people, they will turn to talented scientists, what's more is to a Godly saints, because of their expertise – even for a moment – the eternity, majestically divine secrets those incentive the life and the creation. They return from the huge "rotating voyage" as talented saints! And quickly they'd like to be forever in those fines, completely knowledge, ability, and the absolutely in all things high time levels. I.e. the humanity may vanish in a

It's easy to connect the discovery system for the proposal "spacecraft" for "place and time" traveling in the universe with the "internet" to provide the humanity the instantaneous seeing on those the scientists discovered in the various places in the universe, also to the directly seeing the huge gained information! To take it off from its reality to other miraculous reality is too much excellence, then it gains even a touch of the perfection prompts it too much, and makes it to keep the way for the eternity in the paradise not the eternity in the hell. This will be by the sharp keeping with the righteous work in its present reality and time in the remainder natural period of it in them. Here, the greatest efficacy for this new method for traveling in the space and gaining information will take place!! This will be take place in the near future by the remarked continuously humanity's intention for reaching peak. It's not a bit possible by anyway that we rotate with a too huge velocity near to the speed of light without we take pains of huge energy. So, using an "atomic" system and

the atomic particles accelerator to huge velocities – i.e. using "the nuclear reactor" – in "rotating" of the proposal "spacecraft" is an effective method. The humanity reaches before to what is called "the nuclear reactors and the atomic accelerometer". Upon this science, it builds other science and other great ability for the man, to make high steps towards the "knowledge perfection", the "eternal eternity" and also the "fine". The humanity through all its history is too fevered to reach all of that.

1 The Invention

The distance, velocity and time distance=velocity×time, d=v×t If it supposed that: 1- The distance is constant, and doesn't equal to zero. 2- The velocity too much increased. Then there're two things will happen: 1- The motion will be circular, because of the distance is constant. 2- The rotation's time will too much decrease, as a result of this huge velocity. I.e.: v(circular)α1÷t v(circular)= d×(1÷t), d= constant ∴The rotating velocity is inversely connecting with the physical time "t" in the case of constantly of distance.

The invention's idea Example for the invention's idea The earth is orbiting around the sun with velocity of 0.05 km/S – 180 km/h – in a circle which has a diameter of 942,477,800 km. If we – merely – assumed that the earth accelerated too much in its orbiting until a double million of its rotation for example, and it doesn't slipped from the sun's gravity, then it will move to other orbit around the sun is too much distant than its original orbit. I.e. it will move to "other place" is too much distant from the sun. If we assumed too that we've the ability to keeps the earth in its original orbit around the sun, but with this too much high rotating velocity! What will happen?! The earth will disappear from its place relatively to who watch it from the space and it will appear as a "flash" or a "ghost" in the other orbit which it's supposed that it will be if it rotates with this huge velocity and its control from the original orbit around the sun had slipped!! As for we on this earth will see and also dealing with the "other place" or the "other orbit", which it supposed that we're with our bodies. And we don't see or we can't deal with the first place which the earth is being when it orbit with its normal velocity!!

The earth "orbit" – and also the man – in the universe with a total orbiting velocity of 200.17 km/S, this velocity is the total of some velocities: the velocity of the earth orbiting around the sun which is 0.11 km/S, the velocity of orbiting of the solar system around the center of the "Milky Way" galaxy which is 0.06 km/S, the velocity of the galaxy orbiting around the "local group" of the galaxies that it's existing in the universe which is 200 km/S, and also the velocity of orbiting this "local group" around the huge "stellar assemble" of the "Virgo" which it accompanied it which is 0.05 km/S – as assumption that all of those velocities are in one direction. 4 If we add the velocity of the earth's rotating around its axis which is 0.46 km/S to those velocities, we find that each point on the earth including us is running in the universal space in huge circles with velocity of "approximately" 200.63 km/S – 722268 km/h – and this is too huge velocity.

4. The source of those speeds: Kinkelkosmologie – Germany www.kinkel-bischem/kosmologie and The-Handy-Answer-BookSeries [1] by Charles Liu who is a professor of astrophysics at the City University of New York’s College of Staten Island – page: 68

This monotony of those velocities, through thousands of years, makes an internal time of the man, or the time which the man or the matter is existing, or the "time entity" "t°", which provides the man the ability of connecting, touch, dealing with and seeing the medium surrounding him "i.e. the actual being of the man in it" and also he can by it doing the discovering and the invention! And as each body existing in a "place and time", and the time as I defined is: the monotony movement. So, when the rotating movement – the monotone movement – or the circular velocity v(circular) "much" increase with the constantly of the distance, the physical time "t" will much decrease (v=d÷t), i.e. this body will being in "other time" is "slower" than the ordinary time. Therefore the body actually moves in a flash to too much distant "other place" in the universe which is time matched with this new slower time!! So, the body will disappear from its place in our time and will actually being in other place is matched with this other slower time. If there're humans – astronauts – inside this body, they will also move with it, and they can deal with the matter of this other place in this other slower time. Definition of the place which we reach by this method is by control of the "rotating velocity" – i.e. increasing or decreasing the physical time "t", therefore the time which the matter exists in "t°" – and this will take place by those astronauts inside this body, or this "spacecraft".

I said that in each moment the earth rotate – with the man – in the universe with a velocity of 722268 km/h. By this velocity, they exist in this position from the universe. What's happen if we increase this rotation to a little less than the speed of light?! i.e. about 1494 once of the normal rotating velocity, and with much decreasing of the distance to about only 13 m – the proposal spacecraft's diameter!! The spacecraft "As the known flying saucers" – made of a hard, light metal as which it use in the manufacture of spacecrafts. This spacecraft will upraise to the outer space and fix with a space station which is already in the space, to do its working. At this case of the non- weight and vacuum, all of the resistances against the rotation of the dish or the spacecraft became zero, and this will help it to rotate with too much high velocity. The decisive factor for success working of this invented spacecraft's is: "the rotating with too much high velocity about its axis", this for slowing "the time which it's existing", i.e. the "time entity" "t°". Therefore it will exist in "other place" in the universe is approval to this other slower time. This huge velocity – 1494 once the normal velocity of rotation – is able to move this spacecraft with who are

inside it to other too distant place in the depths of the universe. It vanishes from its place in the outer space of the earth, and we will see only an incandescence and light in this place! The slipping from the ordinary time to a slower time will take place at once by a rotating velocity more than 200.63 km/S – which's the spacecraft already automatically rotate with the earth without our working – So, with any additional rotate velocity – that we do – the astronaut's and the spacecraft's time will slip from the ordinary earthy time! And whenever any additional rotating velocity to this automatically rotating velocity, the time which the spacecraft and the astronauts are being "t°" will slow, then the physical time "t" will slow too – "t°"α "t" – until the spacecraft already disappear in its place because of the too much velocity of the rotating, and we can't see it. Then the spacecraft with who are in it will be in "other place" is approval to this new slower time which it became in it. Until we reach the rotating to the speed of light, and by it the spacecraft reaches "end of the endings of times and places" in the universe, it congeals in the eternity, and the astronauts – in this case which it's impossible to take place by the logic physics or by our abilities – reach the infinite ability for gaining the knowledge! This hypothesis of the velocity is impossible. Because at the rotating with the speed of light the spacecraft and the physical body of the man will vanish, and the matter will

be in other nature is different from the nature of the matter which is being in the universe at all – it coverts to energy. 5 So, it must be the greatest velocity of the rotating less than the speed of light and determinates according to the ability of the matter to bear, although the non-weight state, and also the man's body can bear without lose their characters which we understand! And this is take place by the experiments and also the calculations. Of course the astronauts pre-train on different gradual rotating velocities upon this method practically and also the "accurate" control of this huge rotating velocity. It's possible to discover of the universe or draw a map of it by making a register gather between the different velocities of the rotating spacecraft – which they must be less than the speed of light 299.792 km/S – which those controlled from the inside it by the astronauts – and the place which it exist, and which the astronauts actually seeing and can dealing with it, if it rotate with this velocity.

5. The relativity Theory, Einstein, Albert (1879 - 1955): GermanAmerican physicist; developed the Special and General Theories of Relativity which along with Quantum Mechanics is the foundation of modern physics.

The place will change at once by the tiny different of the rotating velocity of the spacecraft, so it must accurately control in that velocity! It's possible too to photography those places which the spacecraft reaches by a normal camera move with it – approx. without time – to those places and it ordinarily work. Then it sends these photos or any other information that had discovered by an instantaneous connected canal to the "earthy watching" or to the "working space station". And through the repetition of the trips, each with a different velocity, those too distant places will accurately know.

Notice It's possible to make a small design for all of this former system, and fix in the rotating small dish an ordinary "camera" or a "video camera" takes normal photos or record movie or it move to us instantaneous wireless photos. Then this dish rotate with a huge velocity by the same method in the outer space where the non-weight and the vacuum to avoid the resistances on the rotation. Then by changing the rotating velocity the camera will move to us photos of other worlds in other times and places from the depths of the universe!!

I.e. in this case the spacecraft works as a "telescope".

2 The Invention's Theory

Each body exists in a "place and time". Time is the: monotony movement. And the movement in the entire universe is circular, and a "time entity" "t°" has created with it. This "time entity" "t°" makes the body connect with the reality surrounding it, existing and interacting with it. When the circular movement – i.e. the monotony movement or the velocity "v"(circular) – much increase with the constantly of the distance "d". The physical time "t" will decrease too much, because (v=d÷t). Consequence, the body will exist in other "time entity" "t°" is "slower", belongs to this new slower time "t" than the ordinary time.

Because "t"α "t°". Then the body will actually move in a flash to too distant "other place" in the universe which is approval to this new slower time!! If this body – with which are inside it from matter or astronauts if it's a spacecraft – will disappear from its place in our time and it will actually existing in other place in the universe, in other slower physical time "t", with other "time entity" "t°", is approval with this other physical slower time which it became existing in it. Those astronauts can tangible dealing with the matter of that "other place" in this other slower time. Definition of the place which we can reach is by control of the "velocity of rotating". I.e. increase or decrease of the physical time "t" therefore, the "time entity" which the matter is exists "t°". Then, the approval place with this changing time will change according to it. And this takes place by the astronauts inside this "spacecraft". I wish here to concentrate that those times and which attach with each of them of a place belongs to it each alone. There're "times" in the "same position" or in the "same place" in the universe, but it has other much bigger comprehension and visibility existence, whenever they are slower. And each of them has an "effect", nature,

thicken and time vibration, consequence it has a private place's "effect" is belongs to it, is different from the others times. 6 6. Let's try to imagine "the existence which is close on itself in the same position" of those very active times! We will find that this shape must has a relationship with time, as the different – even tiny – in this time makes existence will be in a level has other "reality", which "close" on the other, swoops or cancels it and then it exists – this take place at once by the too much mental concentration or by the merely movement – So that those times are "times levels" inherent with each of them a strong and characteristic "effect" or "reality" related to it alone, it "materialize to its particles in it", makes an effect and a reality related to it and also a place in the known universe related to it!! It's not possible here for me to forget to show that there're other times for other places those are outside of the material universe's characters, but they are in the same positions from the universe – of course including the position which we're now existing in the universe I mean the planet earth and the place directly around us – I.e. times materialize places for a matter which has other material's nature. I mean other top times whereas there're creatures with other material's nature. The angels and the Spirits, I explained that in other book!! Review "Victory over the World" – by the author – a religious book provides the proofs of God's exist – who is the absolute perfection – and the universe's creation story. Then the creation's of the perfection man who is on the God's feature to live in earthly and heavenly paradise forever without death, then his falling as a result of the first sin which the devil push him to do, and the God's plane to recovery this falling man to his first God's feature which he had created him to live forever in this earthly and heavenly paradise again. This by the believing of Jesus the saviour who is the incarnate of God, and who God sent him to the world to do this salvation for the falling man and to return him to the perfection. This by he die as atonement of this sin on behalf of us – we the sinners who inherit this sin – by this purification or paying of the sin's wage


he arise and live forever in this paradise with who is believing with this plane of salvation. (Reference of this book: The Holy Book with its two testaments). Also expect by the Author a book: Astro-Christianity.

The invention A spacecraft in a shape of a "dish" "rotates" with "astronauts" "around its axis" with "huge" velocities are less than the speed of light "in the outer space" where the non-weight and non-resistances. Then it move in a "moment" to others "places and times" in the depths of the universe are approval with the new "time" "t" and the new "time entity" "t°" those the body will be exist in them as a result of this rotating, and those both –"t" and "t°" – are inversely connecting with the velocity of the rotating. And when it stopped rotating it will exist in its original place, i.e. connected with its working space station in the outer space. The Invention's Theory v(circular)α1÷ t ∴v(circular)= d×(1÷t),

d the distance or the distance "the spacecraft's diameter"= constant. ∴The rotating velocity is inversely connecting with the physical time "t" in the case of constantly of distance.

"absolute ability" 7 . And this is the non-return point, because, in it the time and the movement will be nihility. This take place when v(circular) = the speed of light. So, the rotating must be with velocities that are less than that.

And "t"α "t°".

The possibility of the "tangible material dealing" with the matter of this other time's and place's level I can affirm with its right, because surely if you "see" a material thing – has three dimensional configuration – and it "within arm's reach" you can touch it and dealing with it. 8

Where "t°": is the "time entity" which the body exists with others medium's particles. "t°" is connected with the place. If "t°" changed the place will change, whether far or near, we know that by the experiments. The moving will be in the "time effect" and to which connected with it from a "place" that belongs to it!! And with the repetition and the experiments we reach well-defined places for us those we'll became know them – galaxies, stars, others planets – and this by the rotating with huge velocities are less than the speed of light. So, we must able to do those too huge of the rotating velocities by the way of which the human and the matter can bear them. Until we reach end of the ends at congeal of the "time" "t" and at congeal of the "time entity" "t°" consequence, congeal of the place at the time's and place's infinities in the existence, where it's not a bit possible to move from it. And this also at the "knowledge perfection" and the

I.e. if the astronaut goes out from the spacecraft and it returned to the earth, he will stay in this other place in deep of the universe. By this method the matter and also the astronauts move from the earth to others places in others times are too much distant in the depths of the universe in moments.

7. See "A Stone from Paradise" a Science Fiction Novel (Arabic Version) by the Author, Chapter 7 8. But if it was a non-materialize incarnation – i.e. at only a vision or a feeling case of presence in other time and place system – the directly materialized dealing with it will be impossible. But, the separated factor to confirm this possibility of the materialized dealing with it or not will be by the practical experiments, those to defined the quality of this materialization of the matter in this others times in the different places from our present presence in the universe.

This is the new method for space travel.

Adel Ghonim

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