A Flute Of A Girl's Bones - Adel Ghonim

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A Flute of a Girl’s Bones The committee of the Novel prize has declared:

SF Novel The novel was awarded the prize of the story club in Egypt for the year 1986

Adel Ghonim a Good Novel; imagination is vigorous; the style is excellent a Promising writer, having the capacity of imagination; the novel is good a Science Fiction having originality

English Version

Copyright©Adel Ghonim Elrahebaat Str. 11, 22111 Damanhour, Egypt Tel.: 002 045 33 15 687 – Mobile: 002 011 20 47 123 [email protected] THE AUTHOR GIVES FREE PERMISSION COPYRIGHT FOR WHO WISHES TO REPUBLISH THIS BOOK BY ANY MEANS AND BY ANY LANGUAGE Der Autor übernimmt Kostenlose ERLAUBNIS COPYRIGHT für, wem veröffentlichen dieses Buch jedem Mittel und MIT ALLEN SPRACHEN  ‫ "! اذن       ها ا ب ى و  وى‬#$‫ا‬

A Flute of a Girl’s Bones SF Novel The novel was awarded the prize of the story club in Egypt for the year 1986

:Spendung ‫ &ع‬

Adel Ghonim ESBN 64959-090202-095913-96 eBook (EBL) Cover Photo ©NASA www.nasa.gov

A Flute of a Girl’s Bones

1 It is probable to reach your goals someday. It is probable to become a chief or a leader or a president. It is probable to live for eighty or ninety or a hundred years. But, it is improbable to get back to become a child today. And it is improbable to become an old man tomorrow. And it is improbable at all to live in the future! It is impossible; it is unreasonable for man to live in the future! This is an incredible fantasy. But, what happened to me is that impossible. I have lived in a time that is still yet to come, in which I saw what has never been seen before by man!

And now I have a strong desire to narrate my wonderful story, to render humanity an unforgettable service, and to reveal a hidden secret that has been there for hundreds of years, and to add a new science to the sciences of humanity, which profits it, and makes the coming generation an intelligent, conscious generation, aware of what is going in their planet, and not so inattentive as their ancestors used to be, therefore they were clearly backward! In the beginning I introduce myself first. I am "Aref Amer" B. Sci. Astronomy section, Cairo University. I have various researches in the field of space. I am said to be intelligent, ambitious, enthusiastic, looking forward. I was also godless.

"The story began in the winter of 1975. I used to be a 24 years old young man at that time, living at the suburb of "Elmaadi" in Cairo. On December 31 of this year I had finished a research that took me five years of thinking. It has been the most dangerous and strongest research of all my researches. It is related to the field of traveling in space. I have reached a new method for traveling in space 1 , an improved scientific method that gives man a chance to travel at a tremendous speed which is higher than the speed of light. Therefore - and by means of manufacturing a space vehicle with certain specifications to fit this method - he can fly into the depths of space to investigate and explore. I have managed with a great effort to formulate the mathematical equations of this unique discovery, which proves to all the people that it is free from any error.

All my professors expected a brilliant future for me. All my researches have a common predominant quality, distinguishes them from other researches, which is strangeness. I like every strange and obscure and new thing. I have often reached unfamiliar results denied, and prejudiced by the society, even the scientists used to deny them definitely. Mathematical equations were the only tools to safe these ideas from the conviction of scientists and non scientists, as they do not tell lies. Therefore I have always been keen on finding a mathematical proof for any new research. I make so as to safe it from this bitter criticism.

This was a great day in my life. I jumped triumphantly, my eyes revealed happiness and pride, burst with strength and enthusiasm, my hands trembled and a smile filled all my face as I though the world with this discovery. We are all preparing for traveling to a certain planet in a certain

1. Review "New Method for Space Travel" - The invention and its theory, which I made later in the year 2001 – by the Author. www.pdfcoke.com/doc/14741314/New-Method-for-Space-Travel-AdelGhonim and also "A Stone from Paradise" a Science Fiction Novel (Arabic Version) by the Author, Chapter 7 www.pdfcoke.com/doc/12409054

system in a certain galaxy exactly similar to preparing for traveling from country to another country on Earth! Feeling this overwhelming enthusiasm, I found it very necessary to try to carry out this discovery, as it still on paper, and must be showed and come into existence. Therefore I made a plan to announce this event. The first step of which was meeting Professor "Assem Shaheen" professor and head of Astronomical Physics Department at the Cairo - Faculty of Science, and my professor when I used to be a student at the university. This man is exceptionally intelligent, and by all measures he is talented. He has various great scientific researches, and he is still pursuing his creative effort and introducing every new and invented thing to the world continuously. I wished to meet him to present and explain my research to him, and to consult him about the involved theories. He is an astronomically experienced man whose opinion will be the right one which gives my invention the scientific validity as well as the applied validity. Our meeting was due tomorrow, the first of January 1976. In the morning I got into my car and drove off smoothly, quietly and cautiously heading for the university. I had three "foolscap" papers with me on which I wrote my equations, and I explained my research very briefly. In the study of the grand Professor, I sat waiting for him silently. I remember that in that silence and tranquility prevailing all over the place I heard a continuous whistle coming from a certain side of the room, or from all its sides. I could not

locate its source precisely, it might have been coming out of me in this remarkable moment!. I paid no attention to that. Three minutes passed as if they were ages before the door was opened to reveal Professor "Assem" filling the door with his huge body and excessive tall. No sooner did he see me than he come towards me and gave me a warm fatherly welcome then he sat at his desk. Our continuous argument on the research took us five hours, during which I leafed through the three papers tens of times explaining, describing and demonstrating my discovery to the Professor who seemed very opposed to the notion of exceeding the speed of light in the beginning of the meeting - this is impossible in terms of physics 2 but in the end he was convinced that we could have a speed that is extremely above the speed of light according to daring new ideas reached by me. With his ever known enthusiasm Professor "Assem" asked me to agree to let him phone "The National Organization of Space Researches" in "Sweden" and inform them of what I reached. Therefore I agreed at once, and he actually phoned them from his study but mentioned no details. As soon as he put down the receiver he said to me:

2. Einstein's Theory of Relativity implies that nothing can go faster than the speed of light. http://space.about.com/od/glossaries/a/glossary_s.htm

- You should prepare for traveling to "Sweden" as soon as possible; they want you in person to tell them about your invention. I did not move from Professor "Assem's" study until there was a ticket booked for me to "Stockholm". Then I took my papers, got into my car again and returned to "Elmaadi". While there were hundreds of flowers bouquets carried by children walking down the streets in wonderful processions celebrating Christmas. Whose birth?, Christ's birth. All the people believe in God but me, all the people confess the invisibles but me. I see that everything has a cause and this cause has a cause behind it. Nothing is impossible. There is no miracle, a miracle is something we could not explain but happens due to certain laws, and there are no invisibles, a thing is there when our laws and senses feel it, the invisibles are things that our sciences could not yet account for, but they will do someday! No, they are not actually celebrating the birth of Christ; they are celebrating the birth of a new discovery, and the birth of a great new age!

2 The departure time of my flight was on the third of January, which is the day after tomorrow. Therefore when I returned home I spent the whole night preparing for the trip. I set about writing the main points in the explanation I am going to give, and I drew the diagrams of the invention and I put all the papers in secret pockets in an accurately made briefcase, and I lay down in my bed and was fast asleep and everything seemed all right. I woke up in morning of the following day - the day preceding my flight - actively and vividly. I recalled the events of yesterday and felt the sweetness of excellence and superiority filling me. Very lively I began practicing my activity. I fetched the morning newspapers and started reading them. I am always keen on this habit - the habit of reading morning newspapers - I started reading the headlines, when I caught sight of news on the front page of the newspaper, news which I have never expected or imagined at all. The lead time said:

"A Professor murdered under mysterious circumstances" I felt very confused and was covered in sweat. I pursued reading the news details and almost heard my heart beats. "A university Professor died when he was driving his "Rolls Royce" on "Elahram" street in "Giza" returning home. The car swerved and climbed the pavement and hit a villa fence violently and burnt. The body of the Professor was found in the car with traces of violent bruises but unburnt. The deceased Professor is "Assem Shahen" Professor of Astronomical Physics and Meteorology at the Cairo faculty of science. The strange thing about the accident is what was revealed by investigation and which was not reasonably justified by any one. When the policemen arrived on the scene of the accident and questioned the eyewitnesses an eyewitness stated that he saw Professor "Assem" moments before the accident in his car seemingly dead, which means that he was dead before the crash not after it. Then he saw the car driven at an enormous speed out of the way, as if were pulled by a certain hidden force or pulled by something invisible, to hit the villa fence violently. Another eyewitness to the accident stated that he felt that there was something pulling the car suddenly away from the road and it was not moving at such an enormous speed, further more if the car was moving

at such a speed it would have been gradually and not suddenly as it happened. These pieces of information ascertained the policemen that the accident was criminal committed by a certain unknown doer. Then came the report of the medical jurisprudence after dissecting the body to reveal what is more wonderful and stranger, and what bewilders the brains and astonishes them. The report stated that after the dissection of the Professor's body it was found to be free from nervous system, and that all the nerves were not found in the body, and there was seemingly no trace of a previous dissection, and as if this system were pulled or removed from the Professor's body while he was alive and with a remarkably scientific method, too advanced to describe!, as if it were done by a grand scientist with a huge amount of scientific progress! Doctors ascertained that the real cause of death is the removal of this system and not the crash. A young ten years old boy stated that while he was standing amidst the crowd around the burning car he saw a strange object hanging in the sky which disappeared at once! Any how, the accident was register criminal and policemen are still investigating this bewildering riddle ..". I woke up from reading the news, I felt frightened, my limbs were trembling. Professor "Assem" is dead,

murdered, who murdered him?, and why?, and what is such a dreadful way of killing him?. I want to know, I want to revenge those who absorbed the cells of my respectable father, and my honorable Professor! I must know who the killer is? But in this moment I remember an important thing, which is my invention. Is not it probable that is a connection between killing Professor "Assem" and my invention?!. This is possible as he is the only one - besides me - who know the secret of the invention. And why was he killed and not me?, am I going to be killed like him?!, I do not know, and for whose good are all these crimes?, and which is the party with such a scientific progress that wants to hurt us?! Tens of questions came to my mind. I thought deeply all the day. My invention called for me to look after it. The past is but an illusion, and the future is the life, therefore I must forget Professor "Assem" he is a part of the past. My invention is the future, the future of mankind, the future of all people. It is life, it is the thing which is worthy of care, and not revenge and think of the past, this is left for the policemen. As for me my mission starts tomorrow on the airplane heading for "Stockholm" to announce my discovery to the whole world, and to free myself from the burden of the secret of the invention which is a great responsibility on my shoulder. Any negligence is a crime to humanity that would not be forgiven and - I - would not forgive myself.

The day elapsed slowly and dully. I rushed the hours for the morning to get to the "International Cairo Airport". I sat down in a soft chair in the living room and closed my eyes and felt a mysterious feeling of danger surrounding me from every side, a danger coming from above!!, from the unknown. While the image of Professor "Assem" was obvious and clear in the darkness of my eyes bathed in a pool of tears!

3 3 a.m. in the morning of the third of January, and severe winter and cold wrapped the place; the sky is black, infertile and cloudy, the cold air coming with water drizzle shaking trees as if they were devilish dancers performing their job silently and calmly. The streets were absolutely free from movement. Amidst this desolate silence, and total stillness, delicate footsteps echoed up the stairs leading to my apartment. Footsteps which seemed "mechanical" and not human, delicate, monotonous, uniform, and stopped at the door of my apartment! Within moments the door lock was opened smoothly and tenderly, and a big box on rubber wheels was driven inside in an exceptionally smooth way, and after it a funny looking creature entered. He was approximately as tell as a man, his eyes were wide, revealing sharp intelligence, they had wide blue eye pupil. His skin was soft and yellow. His head was one time and a half as big as a man's head, with

little crimson hair, and very small mouth and nose. His ears were as big as a man's!

indicate a certain kind of joy. I was hearing also the beat of heavy rains on the box. Afterwards I did not feel anything at all!

This weird creature held a small gadget with his short fingers seemingly moving the box with it! Two other creatures like him followed him and entered after him. Everybody flowed towards me silently. No sooner did the first one see my eyes open than he released a thin white beam out of the gadget held in his hand to make me faint immediately but I felt of what was going around me partially. The three creatures became active suddenly, and with flowing vitality they set about working. One of them opens the box and gets out some accurate scientific gadgets, and the other one wraps up a white soft material like silk, whereas the last one approached me and took a thin wire extending from one of the gadgets inside the box and wrapped it around my wrist, and took another wire and fixed it to my forehead. They seemed to be carrying out an accurate program prepared for them. I felt myself placed in a capsule exactly fitting me, and wrapped in soft fabrics, and put inside the big box, and surrounded by a lot of accurate scientific gadgets. And as quiet as the box slipped into and it headed for the door. While I was hearing weird shouts outside that may

+++ +++ +++ I opened my eyes with great difficulty, then I closed them, then I opened them again. My head was very heavy. I felt a severe headache, and looked around me, I am in a small room, with white walls, lying down in a soft bed made of a strange material which is not cotton nor rubber nor sponge. I looked up in the ceiling; it is flat, white and clean. The whole room was seemingly made from plastic!. I sat down in bed, and felt that there were thousands of eyes watching me. My feeling was not incorrect. I heard a female romantic soft voice coming from all the sides of the room and saying very calmly and in a mechanical and monotonous way, and in an intelligible Arabic language. - Welcome .. "Aref". - Where am I?! - In .. peace. - I want to know where am I? And who is speaking? - You .. are .. simply .. not .. on .. planet .. Earth .. you .. are .. on .. planet .. "Mitsu" .. in .. the .. galaxy .. of .. "Fermetoria" .. and .. the .. one ..

speaking .. to .. you .. is .. one .. of .. the .. inhabitants .. of .. the .. race .. "Mitsuian". On planet "Mitsu"! in the galaxy of "Fermetoria"! I am on another planet! Not on Earth!! - How did that happen?! - You .. will .. know .. every .. thing. And amidst my amazement and deep confusion, and my open mouth, and my deviated looks looking at nothing, and hundreds of questions blazing inside me, a hidden door was opened - I did not discover it - in the front of me, and very softly and smoothly a very beautiful girl entered. She looked like the creatures I saw in my house in "Elmaadi" yesterday!, the yellow skin, the wide blue eyes and little fine crimson hair. She caught a small gadget in her hand that looks like "Calculator" with many small buttons and electronic screens.

- My .. name .. is .. "Gresolia" .. from .. the .. inhabitants .. of .. planet .. "Mitsu" .. I .. work .. here .. in .. the .. scientific .. commanding .. complex .. I .. am .. twenty .. three .. years .. old .. and .. assigned .. to .. answer .. all .. your .. questions .. so .. you .. may .. ask. It was obvious that they have invented this gadget which looks like a "Calculator" and by using it they could convert their ideas and language into Arabic language by pressing the buttons. They are undoubtedly scientifically advanced. I murmured a little and said: - Have you kidnapped me? "Gresolia" pressed three buttons in the gadget therefore I heard the "mechanical" sound saying: - Yes.

The girl smiled calmly.

- Why?

She closed the door and stood exactly in front of me, and she pressed the buttons of the gadget with her fingertips, therefore the warm sound raised around me - which seemed to be coming from hidden "microphones" surrounding the sides of the room - the sound raised saying:

- Because .. you .. are .. very .. dangerous .. to .. your .. fellow .. creatures .. on .. Earth. Blood flowed in my blood vessels, and bit my teeth, and I could not control myself, I shouted at her: - How is this?!

And as quietly as ever the girl replied: - You .. will .. know .. how .. you .. savage .. terrestrial. And she moved towards the door tenderly, and meanwhile she pressed the buttons so the mechanical sound raised: - I .. will .. go .. to .. my .. place .. in .. the .. building .. and .. I .. will .. talk .. from .. there .. and .. you .. will .. see .. on .. this .. area .. pictures .. of .. what .. you .. hear .. And she pointed with her hand at a square area on the wall, a little bit jutting out. The girl hid, and closed the door behind her, whereas an accurate, intermittent, whistle was heard by my ears, it was coming from the door side, as if it were some signal, or an advanced kind of padlocks, or a sound of some gadget. I did not realize what is going on around me; everything seemed to be like a dream, or a heavy nightmare I hoped to get up from, but how? I am aware of my existence, and aware of myself and of my essence, moreover, my feeling indicates awakening and attendance, and this suffices to be sure of the validity of what is going around me, every thing is real, a living reality, although this reality is stranger than fantasy!

The screen was lit, before me, and the mechanical sound raised once more, and I saw the picture of "Gresolia" smiling as quietly as ever, and sitting at a shining black desk. The sound said: - Before .. every .. thing .. we .. assure .. you .. of .. your .. life .. and .. the .. life .. of .. your .. kinds .. on .. Earth .. and .. what .. happened .. was .. for .. the .. good .. of .. millions .. of .. the .. inhabitants .. of .. this .. planet. "Gresolia" took out a strange gadget and put it on the desk before her, and said: - This .. gadget .. contains .. a .. complete .. record .. of .. all .. that .. happened .. you .. have .. to .. listen .. and .. concentrate .. well. She pressed a button in the gadget so a soft sound of another girl raised saying: "Statement .. No .. 202 .. issued .. on .. the .. third .. of .. January .. in .. the .. year .. 1222 .. after .. our .. discovering .. the .. creatures .. of .. planet .. Earth .." A .. scientist .. from .. the .. Earth's .. inhabitants .. has .. managed .. to .. attain .. the .. advance .. method .. of .. traveling .. in .. space .. at .. a .. high .. speed .. this .. method .. we .. have .. been ..

using .. in .. our .. travels .. through .. space .. and .. which .. enabled .. us .. to .. reach .. the .. extremes .. of .. universe .. and .. also .. enable .. us .. to .. land .. on .. Earth .. several .. times. And I saw a picture for me in my ordinary Earth clothes on the screen. The .. Earth's .. scientist .. has .. divulged .. the .. secret .. of .. the .. invention .. to .. a .. university .. Professor .. called .. Assem .. Shaheen .. Professor .. of .. Astronomical .. physics. And on the screen a clear picture for Professor "Assem" was displayed! The .. mentioned .. Professor .. has .. set .. about .. announcing .. this .. crucial .. discovery .. he .. has .. actually .. phoned .. the .. national .. organization .. of .. space .. researchs .. located .. in .. the .. country .. of .. "Sweden". Professor "Assem" was seen on the screen phoning the organization, whereas a part of my arm when I was sitting at the Professor's desk was also seen. How could they take such pictures and spy accurately on my conversation with the Professor? They must have been doing this all over the Earth up till now!

Since .. we .. have .. been .. following .. the .. scientist .. of .. the .. Earth .. since .. the .. beginning .. of .. his .. thinking .. about .. this .. invention .. we .. found .. that .. it .. was .. high .. time .. to .. intervene .. to .. safe .. man .. kind .. from .. a .. great .. intellectual .. revolution .. which .. they .. will .. not .. be .. able .. to .. control .. its .. directions .. which .. will .. be .. shocking .. he .. is .. still .. in .. the .. phase .. of .. backward .. mental .. development .. and .. this .. will .. be .. undoubtedly .. and .. according .. to .. our .. study .. of .. the .. science .. of .. cosmic .. nations .. leading .. to .. the .. destruction .. of .. humanity. That .. is .. why .. we .. intervened .. as .. usual .. by .. killing .. everyone .. who .. know .. the .. secret .. of .. the .. discovery .. excluding .. its .. discoverer .. then .. kidnapping .. this .. discoverer .. to .. work .. with .. us .. on .. our .. planet .. as .. he .. is .. an .. exceptionally .. talented .. scientist .. and .. it .. must .. take .. the .. best .. use .. of .. him .. and .. actually .. we .. have .. killed .. Professor .. Assem. And on the screen it was displayed Professor "Assem" driving his car, while suddenly a strange cylindrical object emerged in the sky. Suddenly this object made a strong buzzing like a certain invisible beam was released on the car. So the Professor drooped in his seat, and his eyes popped out strongly, and he was seemingly dead in this moment. Afterwards the car was pulled by a certain hidden force towards the pavement to hit a villa's fence violently

and burn. It was clearly that pulling the car and making it hit the fence was for camouflage to the real way of killing. In a few moments, the crowds gathering around the burning car were seen. The cylindrical object was still hanging in the sky. And the picture focused on a young child looking at it with amazement! After .. we .. had .. killed .. Professor .. Assem .. we .. kidnapped .. the .. Earth's .. scientist. The screen was displaying the three creatures pushing the big box before them up stairs of my house, then I saw them wrapping me up in a white silk material and putting me inside the box. They went out of my house in the heavy rain, and they were shouting and laughing and seemingly on their faces happy and victorious, and I saw the box headed for a space craft resting in the darkness before my house, and stopped beneath the vehicle then it was raised slowly and got into an opening in its abdomen, and the three men entered the cabin then it shook a little, and rose in the sky! Through .. the .. seven .. million .. light .. years .. trip .. which .. separate .. us .. from .. Earth .. and .. which .. have .. been .. covered .. by .. the .. spacecraft .. in .. "12" .. hours .. in .. the .. timing .. of .. our .. planet .. which .. is .. half .. a .. day .. which .. equal .. to .. "1200" .. hours .. in .. the .. timing .. of .. the .. Earth .. which .. is .. fifty .. Earth .. days .. the .. spacecraft .. arrived .. and .. landed .. on .. our .. planet .. in .. a .. solemn .. celebration

.. and .. this .. is .. because .. of .. the .. coming .. of .. one .. of .. the .. inhabitants .. of .. the .. vast .. universe .. to .. live .. with .. us .. till .. the .. end .. of .. his .. life. The screen displayed the spacecraft landing before huge crowds of "Mitsuians" standing uniformly and raising their right hands upward as if it were some sort of greeting, and saying one single word in their language repeatedly I did not know what it means! The .. Earth's .. scientist .. is .. called .. Aref .. Amer .. he .. has .. been .. physically .. treated .. and .. his .. chronological .. timing .. has .. been .. adapted .. to .. our .. planet's .. and .. he .. is .. now .. existing .. in .. the .. scientific .. commanding .. complex. The film was over, and the sound was silenced, and the screen turned out, and I have understood everything. I am a kidnapped scientist, not on Earth, in a strange world, in the sky, with people living on another planet. It is an exciting experience I did not imagine it could happen to me, and I can not do any thing. How could I reach Earth through 7 million light years?! 3 3. The light year: is a unit of Astronomical distance, which is equal to the distance covered by light in vacuum in a year, noting that speed of light is 299.792 km/s. e.g. the light year equal to approx. 9.46 billion km!! Dictionary of geophysics, astrophysics, and astronomy © 2001 by CRC Press LLC www.crcpress.com

I felt like giving up and despair, and left myself for what is coming on by time, and what strange did it bring about!

4 They were keen on making me learn and know their sciences and their culture. They used to take me in a small capsule that flew and landed on a cultivated area that looked like a garden and I was admitted to a huge hall that looked exactly like an auditorium. I used to sit among a huge number of "Mitsuians" in the same age, and one of their scientists used to come and begin talking to us. He used to talk about the "Mitsuian" civilization and the sciences they have established. I knew a lot of their culture, and I realized actually that they are of a solemn race. I knew that planet "Mitsu" is very similar in nature to Earth. The same Oxygen ratio, Nitrogen, and Carbon exist in both of them, but there is a slight difference between them, on planet "Mitsu" temperature can not exceed 22 degrees centigrade therefore the inhabitants of this planet are found to be very similar to man. There are also birds and abundant vegetation, as well as many other animals.

The "Mitsuians" race is an advanced race, and they have a great deal of intelligence. They were created on planet "Mitsu" 11 million years ago, and they passed through various phases of evolution, until they reached a remarkable level of technological progress, even technology that - we - the inhabitants of planet Earth understand became a backward age of the ages they have passed through during their evolution phases. They are now passing through a phase called "Post Technology!", or "Super Technology!". They can travel through space at the speed of lightning or more, and travel through it to explore and find raw materials lacked by their planet dearly as a result of using up all that was stored in the planet in industry. I have noticed that their sciences do not differ greatly from ours, to us science is the base whereas science to them has developed immensely but it is based on the same principles we are still studying. Their science is so advanced that when it is applied it gives the impression to any man that they are using magic! Despite that every thing they do is based on advanced and accurate scientific principles and bases! They depend on the comprehensive sight in analysis. They have a comprehensive and general look at the phenomena. They are found to use different sciences in different branches of science to evaluate the phenomenon and realize its essence.

They placed two small metal rings inside my ears` cavities they were an extremely accurate gadget that can convert their sound waves into other waves expressing what they say in a clear Arabic language, when they talked in their language - I - heard it in Arabic!, this enabled me to join their society and join the students of their planet's sons in the same halls. I have actually studied "two sciences" in their scientific institutes which are considered by them to be the base of all sciences in the entire universe - they are really two comprehensive sciences - I suffered from the difficulty in understanding in the beginning, but they used to give me strange injections after which I feel that my mind is clear and open to understanding and perception, afterwards I could do without these injections as my mind was accustomed to continuous understanding of information. I was very enthusiastic for studying unique sciences in a unique adventure that has not been known to humanity before! The first science I studied is a science that they call "The Existence Arithmetic". They discovered huge area in the universe, and landed on thousands of planets, and they have found out that universe is but a remarkable and ancient system controlled by certain laws that can not be deviated from or exceed in any way. These laws control and dominate everything existing in this colossal universe, and they have reached the main laws from these laws which are two.

The first law and it is called the law of "Rotationalism". This law states that everything rotating, comes back to where it was, everything in the universe moves towards the direction of its origin, till reaching it, hence it begins moving again away from it and directed to it in the same time, and so on to infinity. There is nothing perishable, everything comes back once more, and this is applied to matter, action or a living being!! All the actions and incidents that happen due to nature or us are recorded in huge "Archives" called "the Ancient Time Archives". This archives present these actions again and display them when their due time comes to present them or when the due moment comes to present them!, hence an action or an incident that took place hundreds or thousands or millions of years age comes back again clearly, and in detail, into life! This is applied to living beings; all the living beings in the universe do not perish. They are immortal and eternal. Death is but an ending of a vital system by the occurrence of a defect in its activated and its elements of survival. But "The Ego" or "The Self" which is the result of this "Very" vital system that remains and does not perish and this is due to according to the first law - the rotationalism. This self or spirit - and its equivalent in their language is "Pama" when it is translated literally - must be returned and come back again according to this law when its due time comes and when its chance of appearance takes place!

The second law that they have discovered is the law of "Opposition". They have found out that everything in the universe has an anti-thing, opposite, that reflects it in its formation and shape and characteristics and behavior. This opposite is there, in a distant place, in the extremities, where nobody dared to enter or even come close to. This place is called "Anti-Universe", it is an opposite universe that includes all that existing in our universe, all its planets, suns and galaxies, as well as all its creatures but in an opposite way!. It is a materialistic universe but it is made of an anti-matter. They realized the existence of this law through a little remark made by one of their young scientists. He has noticed that we do not realize something unless its opposite is there, light is not realized until there is darkness, life is not known until there is death, health is not known till there is an illness, and existence of something without its opposite means that it does not exist, and so long as the universe is known and realized and very certain there must be found an "anti-universe" which is distant, in a remote place of this generality. Definitely it is not possible for any item to move from the universe to the anti-universe as this simply means atomic explosion between two matters of opposite composition, so each of them annihilates the other and energy is given off in the form of a huge explosion! One of their scientists has gone on to say in an original paper of his that every living being has an anti- living being! Who is living in anti-way in this anti-universe, and

does anti-actions that are opposite to the actions of the original creature in the same moment. He has also said that the universe and the anti-universe move in two opposite directions i.e. one of them moves from right to left and the other moves from left to right, therefore they will definitely meet. Each of them will annihilate the other and this will be the "Perpetuity", and a huge energy will be released due to this giant explosion. Then an new "Eternity" will begin in which this energy will be converted into a matter and an anti-matter that will form a universe and an anti-universe anew and they will move towards one another till they meet and explode!. And so on the cycle continues like that in an everlasting ceaseless eternal becoming. We note that this complies with the first law the rotationalism - which states that everything rotates! There is something else included in this law which is if there is an anti-universe there will be also an opposite to the universe. This latter opposite is not materialistic but it is immaterialist, in which the essence and meanings of this existence exist. Each existent has a "nonexistent" that is special and belonging to him alone, it is opposite to it, not only in formation, but in essence as well. Similar to the reaction of all existents with each other to form an "existing universe" all the nonexistents react in turn to nonexisting universe form a "nonexisting universe". This generally balances all generalities! These are strange laws they reached with exhausting effort and tens or hundreds of years of work and thought. It is

the outcome of thought of people who opened heavens, landed on Earth, and their sciences and culture contained the whole universe! The second science I have studied there is the science of "Universal Races" which studies the intelligent living beings that exist in the universe, in any site in it. They arrange the universal races in hundreds of levels of intelligence, any intelligent race discovered by them are to measure their intelligence quotient and place them in their proper degree, and they study their intelligence factors and their intelligence future. In front of me a board was lit - during the lecture in the grand auditorium - and which classified universal races according to their intelligence. I searched with my eyes immediately for man, I found him classified in the sixty place within two hundred intelligent levels, i.e. there are 59 universal races that are more intelligent and progressed than man, as well as 140 universal races less than man in civilization and intelligence. For them they come in the second place in the universal intelligence order, which means that there are race discovered to be more intelligent than they are! They say that this intelligence difference between them is slight! They have "economic" relations with these other race who are as intelligent and progressed as they are. They also have continuous scientific and cultural exchange between the both of them, and they travel or move from their planet to that planet of the other race very easily and

simply and in a few moments, as there are good transportation lines between the both of them. Thing that I have found and have been very astonished at is that there are wars between them, and there are also wars between the other advanced races following them in intelligence. There is also a bitter rivalry for survival, as long as possible, the stronger race stay longer, which means that all - and in all the intelligent levels - struggle for survival. This struggle - only - gives survival. Fear and panic from the future create work and creativity, to continue is to work, no work no survival, work and struggle gives life a great value, that makes a being keen on it, and love to live it, that is what I learned from the inhabitants of planet "Mitsu". I knew from the lectures I had in that distant world, that the inhabitants of planet "Mitsu" have discovered planet Earth in the year 753 A.D. which is 1222 years ago, and they have realized that man is an inventive intelligent creature who is able to grow and flourish. He can - in a short time - conquer heaven, control, occupy and may be destroy. So they paid us a lot of attention. They set up thousands of apparatuses and scientists to study us, and throughout the years they have been watching every move we do, and for hundreds of years and without being bored or lazy for a moment they have been doing this eternally watching, because this benefits them very much. These people want to know their past of evolution that they have passed through accurately. The science of

"Universal Races" states that all races and nations in the universe pass through similar phases of surrounding circumstances that develop their intelligence. Man on Earth, "Mitsuians" on "Mitsu" and any other race on their planet pass through similar environmental circumstances to some extent, which develops their intelligence. Since intelligence is the same, therefore what creates and generated it in the being are similar circumstances. "Mitsuians" watch the development of human civilization to know the evolution of their intelligence in the remote ages, therefore they can understand the pattern of their intelligence evolution, consequently they can intervene in the phases of this natural evolution so as to make it faster to grow up faster, and gain more sciences, and their sciences flourish greatly. They intervene from time to time to limit human activity on Earth, as if man developed greatly he will compete, challenge and stand up for them. Therefore they evaluate every invention reached by one of our scientists before its announcement and applied on Earth. If they find it affecting social, cultural and intellectual life of man properly and making human mind make reasonable natural progress they will let it be announced and applied and effective to human civilization, and if they find that the invention will make a huge intellectual confusion or sudden intellectual wakefulness, this will make human race evolve rapidly, which means that "a break through" in human intelligence, which will make them miss a phase of their evolution phases of the past! That means that will fail their ancient research!

So they work to prevent the spread and application of this invention by all means, even if this leads murder, burning and destruction! In this way they have been recording every day a part of their intellectual history very accurately. In the same time they do not give man a chance to progress and flourish, but this is a crime, but their justification is that they are preventing an intellectual confusing from happening which is man can not pass through it peacefully, he may destroy himself by his progress, that is what they are very objecting to happen! They have intervened a number of times to repair what was spoilt by man due to his progress. In the year 1945 A.D. and after the explosion of the two atom bombs of "Hiroshima" and "Nagasaki" flying saucers or space vehicles come from them have spread, and they have absorbed the atomic dust that spread after the explosions and that would remain for hundreds of years with its extremely dangerous effect on the living on Earth. In this way they have repaired that folly made by man. And there are "Mitsuian" bases on Earth about which and whose places they told me, there is a base for them on the plateau of Pyramids in "Giza" which is a whole city hidden in the sand and comprising gadgets for eavesdropping and watching, information and astronomical communication, as well as a huge store of arms, and there work tens of their scientists!. There are also similar base in "La Paz" in

"Bolivia", and a third one in "Gothenburg" in "Sweden", they are both embedded in Earth. These bases are centered for their existence on Earth. All this information I was know through my daily lectures in the huge auditoriums with the "Mitsuians`" race sons. "Mitsuian" do not live in communities, they are one single community, they live in one planet, and in one single way, and one single style. They consider work a sacred thing, and they always have a soft quiet smile. Everything is done accurately. They have no emotions or rather their emotions have died, or they are still dying. I will never forget seeing a girl was reading a book about love in our Earth's world and I have seen her tears flouring hot and heavy from her eyes!

5 But there is no harmony with these people, and there is no merging into them, although they are extremely tender, but they are not of my race, I am a stranger, I am not psychologically harmonized with them, and I will not be. There is hardly a connection between me and them, which is life, we are living beings, and we can not escape this truth, pulse of living is the only common thing existing between me and them! That was what I thought of when I was in my room which I was given at "The Scientific Commanding Complex". My thinking was interrupted by repeated knocks at the hidden door, and the door opened, and "Gresolia" appeared with her very sweet quiet smile, she came in quietly, and she spoke - without using the gadget - and I heard what she said in Arabic, and it did not go with her lips movements.

- You will be present at the sixth meeting of the founding group tomorrow in the circular meeting hall, we shall come tomorrow to take you there. She went out amazingly tenderly and closed the door and I heard the whistle once again! A meeting, they have meetings, it must be scientific, and why is it held?. For a certain subject, which is me, they must be in need of something from me, the reason of holding this meeting must be my coming to this planet, and what will a meeting here be like?. Tens of questions knocked at my mind violently, and I feel a terrible headache invade my head. I recalled Earth, the compassionate planet; I come from it, from its dust. I was extremely intoxicated when I imagined myself there now anywhere, on top of a mountain, in any forest, in the middle of the ocean, just on its beloved surface. I closed my eyes with the killing feeling of expatriation spreading inside me awfully slowly!

+++ +++ +++ "Gresolia" walked slowly before me in an elegant silvery dress, and I walked after her along a cold long corridor, which had fresh nice air, till she stopped at a white door and waited a little time, the door opened and she got in quietly and I got in after her. I found myself in a huge circular hall containing about one or two thousands "Mitsuians" sitting in grandstand having

huge semicircular shape, and there was a big desk in front of this grandstand and in front of it there was number of seats with a huge deluxe seat amidst them which was seemingly for the chairman of this meeting, and there was a single red stool placed on a small circular mound which had four steps leading to it. "Gresolia" headed for this single stool and stopped at it, she made a gesture for me to sit, so I climbed the steps and sat down. "Gresolia" disappeared delicately and smoothly. I became in the middle of the hall and in front of the big desk and surrounded by hundred of the "Mitsuians". I had a strange remark which was that they did not saw astonish or astound at me, I do not belong to this planet nevertheless, no one scrutinized me or at lest stared at me, as if I were one of them, or they were accustomed to seeing us and my appearance was not new to them! About one minute passed slowly before a huge door opened behind the big desk and a number of "Mitsuians" came and sat on the seats behind the desk, a short bald man with very intelligently looking eyes sat on the huge seat amidst his other colleagues, I found out that this man is the president of planet "Mitsu"! Suddenly, everyone was absolutely silent, they all stopped moving completely, no one shake, no one move his eyes one movement, then a deep sound said loudly:

Salutation to work, to creativity, to the fresh new experience, to the living will in its persistence in presenting the new .. Whatever strange it may be. This seemed to be their slogan or a national anthem of planet "Mitsu" which is said in the beginning of any meeting or celebration, just like we have on Earth! As soon as finished saying this anthem the scientists seemed normal and stillness vanished. A soft feminine voice filled the hall saying loudly: - O scientists!, in front of you is the Earth scientist "Aref Abdellateef Amer" who have developed the improved method of traveling in space, that method which has been discovered by one of our scientists since thousand years and which enable us to explore space and unveil a lot of the ambiguity of the vast universe. We have evaluated this invention and found it necessary to interfere to stop it in such intellectual stage of mankind, and actually, we have prevented its execution on Earth and brought the Earth scientist to work with us.

Just then I found that all the scientists around me are looking very deeply at me and extreme scrutiny. They are

not looking at me, rather they are looking in me, and this is frightful. I was embarrassed and my face which turned very congested was filled with sweat. However, I controlled myself and looked around me challenging everybody. The soft feminine voice said loudly once again:

- Mr. "Aref" is a talented person, intelligent, and capable of creative working, so he is a man who has outdistanced the age he was living in there in the distant world. Therefore he must be moved into the age that suits his thought and his imagination's release, because if he remains in a time that does not suit his thought then this thought will die or it will commit suicide, or those around it will kill it. Therefore the right place to grow such a creative thought is in the future, with us, on our planet. And when he works with us his talents will create and create, and add up new discoveries to the existence. So that it will unveil many unknown ambiguous secrets which we still ignore, and these are many. The voice paused for a moment and then went on to say:

Man has many creative, originative talents, so he is capable of distinction and genius. Mankind has uniquely intelligent. They are even extremely intelligent, but unfortunately they do not make use of all their intelligence, they make use of a very little part of this intelligence. The things that hinder the release of this intelligence are customs or traditions that belong to human communities. They fight the new ideas, as every new idea is not traditional, so it will prevent thought from being released and liberated. Therefore we found that their ideas are weak, traditional which are afraid of producing something new that opposes mores. We can rarely find a new daring idea. All their ideas which they consider new do not affect their lives much, and does not change it radically, and there are very few people who have had such advanced, daring ideas.

Because of this man has become underdeveloped in terms of civilization progress, he is in the sixtieth place among the other races of the universe, and he fight each other, and suck blood for the sake of leadership, and what a horrid thing for an individual to kill another individual who belongs to his race! Then I spoke, and my voice release from my larynx and to my surprise it was loudly amplified enough to fill the whole hall, as if there were waves all over the hall that pick it up and amplify it, I said: - But you do fight also. The voice replied me while I heard whisper amidst of the rows of those were present. - We fight other races.

There are also hindrances to the release of human thought such as: Instincts which still control human behavior. The instinct of control, possession, lust and paranoia, each of them pushes man hard to be fulfilled so he exerts a great effort to do so, whereas lofty ideals and the mysteries of the existence are left unknown throughout the years. Solving these mysteries develops intelligence, or in other words it makes man full use of "all" his intelligence.

- But we have not detected other races up till now. - If you do, you will unite, and fight them. - Unite! - Yes unite, there will be no international union in your planet unless you face another universal civilization, then you will be afraid of the future. You will feel the ethnic difference between you and this civilization. You will find no other way but union, you

will be one league, you will distribute the outcome of your planet among all individuals justly, you will not discriminate between an individual and another, racial discrimination as you call it will actually disappear for ever, and you will find out how closely you are connected and how much you love each other and care for each other. That is what happened to us two thousand years ago, when we found out the first intelligent universal civilization, the advanced civilization of the "Tonatwa" race. Then a very different and strange looking creature stood up amidst the rows of the scientists. He is not surely be one of them, he has a huge black head and swollen popped out eyes, and thick lips. He stood up and opened his mouth and said a few words that were not translated by the gadget that was places inside my ears as they did not belong to the "Mitsuian" language. He seemed to be announcing of his presence, I knew that this creature belongs to the "Tonatwa" race!! If you were there in the hall you would see an unique scene that you would never forget all your life ever after. This creature sat in his seat and I found that "Mitsuian" girl sat beside him and their hands entwined, they are married!!

- Now the president of the planet is welcome to speak. I heard a calm solemn voice which belonged to the President of planet "Mitsu" saying: - Dear "Aref" I have allowed you to work on our planet, and you will be highly respected and honored, and you will have all the care and attention, do you agree? I found myself say: - Yes! A murmur was heard amidst who were present in the hall and most of them were delighted and satisfied with this agreement. The voice shouted: - As Mr. "Aref" joined us as an active member on our planet we gave him card No. "6E" to be recognized on the surface of our planet. Now the seven eminent members who have contributed a lot to the development of "Mitsuian" civilization are to advance to shake hands with the Earth scientist.

The soft feminine voice said loudly once again in the hall: The voice said louder:

- Mr. "Memil Fetroyes". An old man comes towards me and climbs the steps and extends his hand and shakes hands with me with a cold smile. - Mr "Suzami Freps". Another bald man comes and shakes hands with me and goes away.


- Mr. "Kramen Arab Mai". A third man comes towards me quickly and shakes hands with me tightly and goes away. - Mr. "Isaac Newton". Suddenly the grand Earth scientist who has discovered the famous law of gravitation appears, and comes towards me steadily with sad still looks and climbs the steps and extends his hand to shake hands with me. I could not lift my arm, my eyes propped out, my mouth opened, and I fell unconscious!

"Newton" has died, yes died, the world knows that well. He died in 1727 A.D., and was buried in the cemetery of the great people in Westminster Abbey in "London". But this man whom I saw, it is him, in the flesh, his look at me confirms that he knows me well as I am from his planet's sons, and once he appeared I realized that he belongs to my race. Yes, he is the genius scientist "Isaac Newton" as my feeling assures me! and as I saw him in the pictures! The world thinks that "Newton" died, finished, was forgotten, but I saw him myself, and was certain that he is alive and living as we are. He is not dead yet, rather he lives there, above, in the depths of this universe, in a mysterious world that is greatly unknown to us. He lives in the arms of the "Mitsuian" community.

But he died 248 years ago. How could he live such a long time?!, like an age, the time difference between Earth and planet "Mitsu" must be huge.

My meeting with "Newton" was agreed upon too easy to expect!

+++ +++ +++ They kidnapped him as they kidnapped me, to make use of him, those criminals, savages, without principles. - O criminals, O means, O ignoble, woe be to you, woe be to you. I hit the door of my room in the "Scientific Commanding Complex" violently with my hands, feet and head, and I shouted: - Means, ignoble. The door opened revealing a number of "Mitsuians" girls and men, they entered the room, encircled me from every side and let me insult them as I wish, till I cooled down, and I came back to my mind, then I said: - I want to meet "Newton"! The quiet smile filled the faces of all the "Mitsuians" and I surprised that a girl said quietly unlike the tension of the situation: - We do not object to your meeting the Earth scientist "Newton".

I walked on my feet along a twisted zigzag road, the giant huge trees - which cover more than half of the area of planet "Mitsu" - on both sides of the road, their branches entwined high above forming a marvelous natural shade that veils the light of the distant star. Everything was calm, still, there was no wind, no movement, everyone is silent, anticipating, awaiting this unprecedented historic meeting.

But everything seemed to me as if they were singing and dancing, playing a wonderful, wild, symphony. I am about to meet a supposedly dead man, but I will speak with him and I must do, he is very dear to me, he belongs to Earth! In the distance I saw the grand scientist sitting in the vicinity of a huge tree trunk, looking deeply and attentively. I approached more till I became just in front of him exactly. I looked at him, and he looked at me, and I do not know exactly what happened after that! In one moment we embraced each other exceptionally warmly and eagerly. I felt his back and shoulders very tenderly and eagerly. This matter comes from Earth, it belongs to Earth, it is from the dust of my beloved planet whose parting has become unbearable.

I sat on a prominent root in front of the grand scientist and started talking - we talked in English which is the native tongue of the grand scientist - and I will write the whole conversation in the following lines. I: Are you "Newton"?! He: Yes. - But you died!! - Are you dead now! - Then you experienced what had happened to me. - Say that I had experienced what happened to you, I have been here for a long time. - But I was kidnapped because I made a new great invention, why were you kidnapped? - For the same reason, I developed strange and original mathematical equations that you have not yet developed. I developed equations that generate energy out of matter - you know that matter has a confined energy - I managed to find out the way by which this energy can be generated and how to make use of it easily, that is done by using antimatter in the anti-universe!

- But we know that on Earth and we have already generated atomic energy and nuclear energy out of matter. - I know that but you could not generate energy by using anti-matter. You have not so far approached anti-universe, either, you are not even certain that it exists!. I could develop certain equations that gives man the chance of dealing with this anti-universe and exploiting its immense wealth and mainly atomic explosion that takes place between a matter from our universe and its counterpart from anti-universe and taming the generated energy and using it in life. Those people prevented the execution of those researches strongly, that was in the year 1727 A.D... Therefore they had burned my papers, and kidnapped me here, and got the world under the delusion that I died!, they perfected this delusion so much that my own family buried me themselves in the cemetery of the great people in Westminster Abby in "London", but they did not bury me, rather they buried a very accurately made artificial body!. As far what you call generating atomic and nuclear energy that you managed to do, this was a part of my research, and it was a great miracle in the time I was living in on Earth. If it were carried out it would make people fall in a hard intellectual confusion that is not easy to pass, so they prevented that too.

- Then they let our scientists later after two hundred years to carried out this discovery because we have developed well enough to understand such discovery!

humanity and make it advance, but they used to interfere, and prevent its spread, and kidnap this figure to work with them here, they consider it unique talent and intelligence they must make use of it.

- That is correct! - Who are the historical figures found here with us? - What an intelligent race. - They are more intelligent and informed than you think, and they consider the Earth scientists who are here as intelligent as they are, and that ..

- Four else, "Beethoven", "Lenin", "Hitler" and "Einstein"!! - Yes, I know them well; they are the most eminent figures that have affected our civilization.

I interrupted him and asked with amazement.

- Many!

- They are still watching Earth, every while we find a scientist or a thinker or a leader coming to live with us here, we know then that he made something new developed on Earth. They give him a card with a serial order, I am the first one to come here so I have card No. "1E" i.e. "1 Earth" and you are the last one so they gave you card No. "6E" i.e. "6 Earth".

- You say many, who are they?!

- What an exciting thing, astounding.

- There are other Earth scientists here?! The grand scientist opened his mouth smilingly a little smile, and looked through the entwined roots as if he were looking for a certain unknown aim and said:

- The most eminent figures known to humanity along its history, and who have contributed greatly to the progress of human civilization. Each figure of them used to discover an idea or a new theory to develop

The grand scientist looked in the distance at the extending far horizon and whispered to himself: - What are many exciting and really astonishing things in the universe ..

A paused moment passed before I said: - But you are certainly eager to return to Earth.

so I have been here for only two and half years whereas on Earth I have died or disappeared for 248 years. So if I return to Earth now how to God can I live in a time which is considered a future to me!

- No. I said astonished: - How?! - We do not want to return to Earth any more, dear you will be psychologically harmonized with those people as you live here and many of your habits will change, even your thinking will be changed to go with the way of thinking here. - But my love for Earth will never die out. A sand tear overflowed from the eye of the grand scientist and said desperately and sadly: - We still love Earth, and this love will never die out, but we despair of returning, this is impossible. How can we use a ship made by them to leave, that is difficult, and if we do we will find a great surprise on Earth awaiting us to destroy us decidedly! - What is this surprise?! - O my young dear, the difference in time between planet "Mitsu" and Earth in huge, every day that pass on planet "Mitsu" is equal to 100 days on Earth,

His words were like merciless hammers that hit my head. Our time has gone away from us and we have to live in another time, and we must be harmonized with it, and it is impossible to return or get back to our original time!. What a horrible thing! I heard "Newton" saying: - It passed for your coming to this planet 90 days, this means 25 years or a quarter of a century have passed on Earth!. O my son, this is my destiny and yours so submit to it and live in the kingdom of God, praise God always and worship him, to include you in his vast paradise where life is immortal. I opened my mouth as I was completely astonished, and said with shivering words: - Do you believe in God?! - I sleep and get up with that faith. God is the great solid fact that can not be doubted, or even argued about its existence. I was attracted by his solemn quiet speech and with curious, intoxication and ardent youth I asked:

- Who is God?! - He is the whole universe. He is man. He is the "Mitsuians". He is heaven. He is me. He is you. He is the absolute inclusion that includes all existences. He is the lofty meanings. He is good. He is right, truth, honesty, kindness, justice, tolerance .. A horrible rattle began to appear in the voice of the grand scientist, and it increased, so he stopped talking and began hot and mystical crying. I could not control myself so my tears overflowed. An exciting crying moment passed through which we were as if we repent honestly to God. After wards the dark cloud cleared away, and everything seemed beautiful and bright. I saw "Newton" smiling and extended hand and held mine and said very happily: - Salutation to all the creatures of God either human or "Mitsuians". He laughed tenderly, he was still holding my hand, and I was pressed it, it belongs to the dust of my beloved planet which I will never forget whatever time may pass!, and which I will struggle from now persistently to get back to it.

7 The work in which they placed me was a hundred kilometers away from my place of “The Scientific Commanding Complex”. I used to travel by a small capsule that flew for a few seconds and land in a well-arranged garden in front of the building in which I work. This building was called “Space Pick up Researches Center”. By “space pick up” they mean that they pick up anything which is abnormal or weird in the universe. They say that the whole universe is in a state of arrangement or harmony since all of its movements and happenings are natural and reasonable but this state makes universe dull, inactive and undeveloped. But it is known that universe develops and produces new. Therefore, there are abnormal states of break through that take place during this arrangement. They “pick up” them and account for them as well as study their consequences. As these consequences may be the birth of a new star or the death of a star or the genesis of a new life!

And they do, each hour, “pick up” a weird abnormal event that produces a new thing in the universe, and they analyze it. The scientists who carry out such a job have been selected extremely accurately as they study the character of the scientist as well as his study, his culture, his interests, his wishes and his psychological condition very carefully before they are appointed to any job on their planet, to place him in the position that suits him. They have found out that the best job that suits me and my creativity is “space pick up”. The team with whom I worked consisted of seven individuals, myself and six other “Mitsuians”, four of whom were males and two females. On the first day of work we gathered around a small table on which there was a nylon-like board on which there were strange geometrical lines, words and symbols which I could not understand.

I averted my eyes confusedly, and I heard the head of the team saying: - Our role in the next task is to reveal the secret of the emergence of tiny particles of a living matter in the mantle of the deserted planet “Mantu”. One of the members suggested: - This may give a sign that planet “Mantu” is on its way to be inhabitable. Another one said: - The reason why these particles emerged was that the conditions necessary for their emergence were satisfied in the mantle of the planet and not on the planet itself. As we all know that “Mantu” does not possess the conditions required to have any kind of life! Another one said :

I looked around me at the yellow faces, and at the blue eyes that reveal great deal of intelligence, and I caught sight of the eyes of one of the two girls. To my astonishment, she also looks at me, a look that I understood well. For the first time I see an expressive look here on planet “Mitsu”. The look says something, it says I sympathized with you for what happened to you!, yes I did read this clearly in it!

- Why would not the emergence of these particles be resulting from the “Pumino” race whom we have been fighting. They may have placed them here to mislead us and make us transfer our military bases from planet “Mantu” which is near to them to another far place, because the chemical substances in our weapons will certainly go bad - due to its composition - in the presence of living beings on the planet!!

It was a bold notion presented by one of the members, but the head of the team shouted opposed his notion bitterly, whereas the member insisted on it. And there was much discussion and voices were loud of both supporters and opposes. Whereas I looked attentively at the situation but I did not interfere in the discussion. I caught sight of the eyes of the girl again, and to my astonishment, she was still looking at me, the same looks, the looks of sympathy and pity!

+++ +++ +++ When I returned to my room I was in charge of preparing a report about these living particles and account for their emergence from my view. But these people are dreamers. How could I work and produce for another race?! How could I exert an effort for the progress of creatures who commit crimes on the part of humanity every day?! They are really dreaming. But the astounding thing and which prevented me from sleeping that night was what “Newton” had said, he had said that the scientists of the Earth do not feel like returning to earth! Their thinking has become in tune and they have merged into the “Mitsuian” society’s structure so much that I can say that they are “loyalty” to these people! There must have been some influence that affected them by these people. They are capable of doing everything mercilessly in order to achieve their wishes.

Things were interlocking in a confusing way, and questions were contradicting, and ideas were mixed, until felt sleepy, and I fell asleep! It was not a deep sleeping, it was an equivocal unusual journey I went through, it is a dream, or a terrible nightmare. I saw pictures hitting each other and mixed for strange meanings I could not understand, everything was transparent before me, people and things. And I could see through them meanings. I see a man turning into a tree, this tree is good. And I see a house turning into fire, this fire is force, then I see this fire revealing the face of the horrible Earth leader “Lenin” maker of the communist revolution in Russia who is here with me on “Mitsu”. He symbolizes this force. Then I find him shouting his famous expression which he used to say on Earth “Nothing can defeat iron but fire, and man is harder than iron as he needs blazing fire without smoke to be convinced of something”. Then I find him laughing and shouting. And suddenly a strange peace prevails, and I see “Beethoven”, and I hear his tunes which emanates from his heart, and I feel that his heart is the heart of the whole universe, and the universe sings and plays, and the entire people dance in an unparalleled dreaming imaginary party. Everything seemed like an illusion bathed in illusion. And ideas were reacting within me ecstatically, they want to be launched, they are locked

up, merely concealed wishes, they may be at the point of dying, and may be die. And I find myself shouting: - No, they would not die, they would not die .. And I find that “Hitler” is smiling and looking at me amicably and saying: the world has wronged me, I has been said to be mad, but I am the one who has been a head of my time with ideas they could not understand, unity is power, and I wanted to united the world, so they cursed me, man likes war, and unity prevents war, so there was nothing but leaving for the future, and I found that I am safe here, they have wronged me. And he laughs and I find him vanishing in front of me little by little and in his place a horrible heap of entwined snakes revealed, it symbolizes him, or rather he symbolizes it, or it symbolizes this unity!!. And things are mixed again and I find all the Earth’s scientists - who are on “Mitsu” gathered around me and saying to me that staying here is better, in the age of light, and freedom, and progress. And I put my head downwards and murmured to myself: - The future is always better than the past! I woke up uncomfortably, with my face full of sweat. What an annoying nightmare! Oh, there is only few minutes for my work. So I woke up actively and went to work immediately with a strong desire which I did not have before this night.

And at the same table our team sat and every member placed his own report about the subject we are studying in front of him, except me, and just then I was very sorry and regretful because I had not made this report as it would undoubtedly benefit them in this study. My love for working with them has increased strangely overnight! And the girl who looked at me was not present. “Mitsuian” members presented their reports to the head. And I promised to make my report today, and I was very honest in my promise! And as soon as I had returned to my room I began writing and preparing the report very enthusiastically. I was so merged into work that I forgot that I am on a strange planet. And before my night was over I had written the report and suggested the steps recommended to reveal the secret of these living particles! Then I went to my bed and slept, and what a difficult thing it is my sleeping once more. The annoying nightmares again. I see that the Earth is blazing in space, and people screaming, and I see “Mitsuians” trying to put it out, and shouting: man has set Earth on fire, and I see the people of the Earth asking for my help: help .. Then I could put the Earth’s fire out, and I see its widespread destruction, and I find a man shouting at me: Why have you put it out you criminal!. Then I find the grand scientist “Einstein” saying to me:

- Leave alone Earth and everything on it, your real home is here, where science and light are found. I find myself convinced in the end. How strange!. How mad! And I jumped out of my bed shouting: - Cursed in the Earth. Oh, I am the one who is cursed. How could I curse Earth?! it is a horrible nightmare once more. It is torture once more and that was repeated every night, the same horrible dreams. I became even afraid of sleeping, and I had certain periods in which I could not sleep for three days continuously because I was afraid of these annoying nightmares, and when I sleep, and I think I am too exhausted to have such dreams, however I witness a long time passed during my sleep. And the longer I am here the more I love “Mitsu” and its people in a strange way, and less my belonging and loyalty to Earth become. I fought this feeling but in vain I find myself working with them sincerely and with devotion as if I were working on Earth! But I felt that there were many things taking place secretly!

+++ +++ +++

I went to work someday, and it was early, and I got into the hall in which our team meets, and in the distance I found her, the “Mitsuian” girl who was looked at me, sitting quietly and very peacefully. I come near to here noiselessly and as her back was in front of me she did not see me. And I heard her saying words which I heard before, Salutation to work .. to creativity .. to the fresh new experience .. to the living will in its persistence in presenting the new .. Whatever strange it may be .. It is their national anthem which I heard in the beginning of the meeting I attended lately. I came closer till I became in front of her, and she moved her head upwards and looked at me and she was very happy when she saw me in front of her. She made a gesture for me to sit down so I sat down and my heart beats were thought to be so loud that I think she might hear them .. - I am “Fertmeria” your colleague .. Then she looked deeply at me, then I asked her: - I see that you may be interested in me, why? - I sympathize with a lot you Earth scientists.

- ... - You have become far from your home and family, and you are to stay with us till your end. They are criminal they care for the good of our race only without taking any other race into consideration. So they kidnap them and tear their emotion! - But I am nearly comfortable for living here, it seems that I am used to living with you and with your society. - You do not know what they do .. And slowly she changed her way of sitting and said: - I will tell you, they kill the emotion of your love for your planet. They strangle it, and in the meantime they inculcate into you the love for our planet, and love for working and producing to us. - They kill the emotion of my love for Earth, how? - You become fear sleeping now, because of the horrible nightmares, do not you? I was surprised that she knows that, I said: - Yes ..

- These dreams are conceptions and imaginations that come to you during the execution of an accurate program on your brain. Its aim is killing the emotion of your loyalty to Earth and inculcating a new emotion which is loyalty to “Mitsu”! - An accurate program on my brain! - Yes, the cushion on which you sleep is but an accurate gadget which is programmed for a specific purpose. It can interfere and hit the emotional side in the human brain, and deletes and adds up what is required from it! - And the annoying dreams are imagination imagined during the execution of the gadget’s program. She nodded her agreement! Yes, after every night I liked to work with them more, and I also hated Earth more and that must have happened to the rest of the scientists and made them belong to them and forget Earth! - That much you are criminals, you commit another crime, you are killers in the universe and your race must be annihilated.

- Calm down please, it is very hard to annihilate us. They do more than this if necessary. They can melt your nervous system in a moment if they want. They are strong, but we can do something to draw these ungrateful people to something.

- Disloyalty to your race has the penalty of execution as you know. - To reveal a great thing there must be sacrifice. - What are you going to do?

- You say we can do! you mean we cooperate?! She said decisively: “Fertmeria” smiled quietly dreamily smile and looked at me and said: - To prove for these people that there is a new science in the universe which has been there since the beginning of existence and will be there for ever, and it is worth studying and research. This science is: “The science of love”! - The science of love! - It is still the only unknown science to these materialistic people, and they do not know how much it is important at all. It can perform miracles. - I feel that you are going to risk a great thing, may be your life! - I will pay it as a price for establishing “The science of love” on the surface of planet “Mitsu”!

- I will try to get you back to your mother Earth. I will pave the way to take a space ship to take you to Earth, and by studying this event and the motive that made me do so they will find out that there is something called emotion which is as strong at the effect of a nuclear explosion! These words were a sweet balm for which I lived all this time. So the hope of going back seemed attractive and bright. It was like a sweet waterfall that suddenly revived my love for Earth which was dying or rather at the point of death. - But you have to cooperate with me and be patient, and note that this is a big risk which may get you killed too they do not have mercy upon those who betray them. - I agree, I agree very much. And I whispered to myself, for the sake of going back torture will be easy thing, and for the sake of going back blood may stop flowing in the blood vessels!

8 Is this girl crazy? She knows that betraying - or even trying to betray - her race has the penalty of execution. And if they have mercy upon her this execution will be instantly and not slowly. However, she will betray them for my sake, or for the sake of a certain principle for which she wants to die. She wants to draw her people’s attention to the emotions which have died for thousands of years, the emotions which were killed by their scientific progress. Science is the father of logic, and emotions do not comply with any logic. Therefore they must die in the world of scientific progress - and this will exactly take place on Earth. Therefore “Mitsuians” have dead emotion, which is embedded, buried in their depths “Fertmeria” wants to revive it and bring it back to their life. This emotion is stronger than nuclear explosion as she says, and it is like any science needing care and study! But could a love relationship develop between two of deferent races?!. Why not, they are living beings, and all

the living beings come from a single source as science tells as they have the same structure. And they have the same desires, although they are different in the details of performance, but the essence is common and single. So there may be love between a “Mitsuian” and a man. And I saw there that marriage happened between a “Mitsuian” woman and an individual of the advanced race of “Tonatwa”. And marriage always symbolizes spiritual harmony, and love .. Oh my God .. “Fertmeria” loves me?! no .. no .. she does not love me myself. She loves the lofty idea itself. She loves love as the highest emotion creatures may have, and in her coming experience she will sacrifice herself for the sake of the birth of the science of love of the whole existence and not a certain self. How genius!

+++ +++ +++ In room No. 2515 in the building of the center of “space pick up researches” I sat waiting for her, and on time she came, and entered very noiselessly like all the inhabitants of this planet, and she sat in front of a set of strange scientific apparatuses!. And smiled her nicely and quietly smile, I smiled at her and said: - I will owe you my life if I reach Earth. The quiet smile still covers her face without reply. I said:

- I know that you have a principle. I know also that you will be immortalized in the life of the “Mitsuian”. I caught sight of a persistence look suddenly revealed in her eyes and she said: - I will present to the “Mitsuians” an experience to remember. I said curiously: - I .. I want to know your story. “Fertmeria” sighed and leant her back backwards, and looked with her blue eyes through the circular window at an invisible distant goal and seemed as if she were remembering many events and said: - Since my childhood I have asked a question that was not asked by anyone of my people before which is: Why are we living? and I find their answer is to surpass and beat the “Pominu” race, whom we have been fighting for hundreds of years. But this answer did not satisfy me. I felt that there were great meanings behind everything. I felt that there was a great goal behind everything existing. There is nothing that is meaningless. Why are we trying to discover and master universe? let us first discover and master ourselves. I always felt that selves are pure, transparent, wide within, and I also left there is a close correlation between all the creatures in the

universe. All the universal races we have discovered come from the same origin, and they must be correlated and embraced for ever, and there must be a good relation among all the races and the universe itself. We all make up an integrated arrangement of endless beauty, called universe! And she sighed again and said: - My ideas were hitting each other and mixing confusedly. And I did not know how to start my thinking? or how to finish it?. But I felt that there is one single and definite thing for which I was looking, it could if I discover it turn what is blazing myself into an understood and tangible thought, or may a science. She paused for a moment and said: - Until I met him and sat with him!

- “Music comes out from the self, and there is no music in the world comes out from the self can be bad, all of them are sweet, every man intending to compose a tune that comes out from his depths must produce a sweet tune. Should all the people be honest in the tunes then their melodies would be extremely sweet". Then, selves are which extremely sweet. Therefore the self sees everything existing in the universe sweetly as it does not know ugliness. The whole universe is a huge song of beauty. This beauty, this cheerfulness, this delight which we feel when we look at these things existing, “Beethoven” called it: Love .. Then love is everything in the universe, and it addresses the selves from which it comes. Therefore it motivates them to every good deed and everything that is beautiful.

I asked her impatiently: - Who is he? - “Beethoven”, your brother, the great Earth musician who comes from a world that is familiar with love. And after having a chat with him I do not forget I found what I was looking for! I know that the thing that connects this whole universe is: Love .. “Beethoven” told me that:

And self persistence to present all good deeds is strong since it does not accept anything else. Then love is a horrible power inside selves which is stronger than nuclear explosion. - Your speech is extremely sweet “Fertmeria”. - This is not my speech, it is the speech of the great musician who comes from your planet, but it used to

be within me, reacting in each cell of my body’s moment by moment but I could not express it! - Then you discovered what “Beethoven” discovered also. She took a deep breath and she was still smiling sweetly and said: - This is true; we all have the same self, similar, and not just you and us, but all the other universal races. Our origin must be the same, and we were brought into existence by one who has no partners. My face turned very yellow, and I murmured to myself with a word that she could not understand as they have no translation for it in their language and I said: - He is God! “Fertmeria” seemed to be surprise she heard a strange word which she has never heard before and she could not understand what it means!! She grasped my hands and pressed them firmly saying: - You are my only chance that I have been waiting for a long time to establish “The Science of Love”. Her tones of speech were impressing and attractive, so I pressed her hands in turn then we were two wills insisting

on presenting a new action, and as their national anthem says: salutation to the living will in its persistence in presenting the new, whatever strange it may be!!

+++ +++ +++ “Fertmeria” explained to me the plan which she made to make me get back to Earth. She said that she would pave the way for me to reach “The Universal Launching Base”. Then I get into a universal ship. And she explained to me how could I operate it, a tall red arm would be in front of me, I should open a small drawer in front of me so that I may find a large number of metallic boards, on each board there is a program to take the ship to a certain planet. And I would examine each board by placing it in an apparatus on this drawer to reveal the name of the planet on its screen at once should the program of this board used. And this operation takes a long time, and I have to carry out this stage quietly and cautiously lest I should do something wrong, I might reach another planet other than Earth if I used another board! And when I find the board that would take me to Earth I should put it in an opening in a near by apparatus then I sit on the chair in the ship, and fasten a board belt around my waist, and pull the red arm, and afterwards every thing will be done automatically till I reach Earth. But before doing all this, there is something very important that must take place. Which is radio communication with Earth, because the people of the Earth have not yet

reaches the scientific method that adapts my time on “Mitsu” to the time of the Earth again, as when I was kidnapped to “Mitsu” they changed my time to adapt to the time of “Mitsu”, and had not they done so I would not have lived such a period on “Mitsu” and to explain what this means I say: The beginning of life on Earth was a natural result of a certain stage through which Earth passed where the conditions of its beginning were satisfied. And life developed due the change of the outer circumstances surrounding the living being. And when these circumstances differ the structure and formation of the being differ accordingly. All this made the being closely connected to the medium; medium is the independent variable while the being is the dependent variable. This correlation produces a harmony and arrangement between the outer events and the being itself, as this definite routine in changing the events outside the being is reflected directly on the routine of carrying out the internal operations within him!. That means that there is a certain monotonous time inside the being lives on Earth and which matches the routine or these events. This time is unlike the time of life on another planet, because the events take place differently on this planet! And what happened to me when I got to “Mitsu” was that they have adapted my “own” time which belongs to Earth to the time of their planet. Therefore I was able to live there. And this is called “Time Matching” operation and it is a surgical operation carried out on the brain!

And then I get back to Earth this operation must be done again immediately to adapt my internal time to the time of the Earth, unless this is done I can not live for long on Earth! Therefore it had to radio communicate with Earth to inform the scientists of this critical operation! “Fermeria” has prepared everything. She goes to room No. 67 in the building of “Astronomical Communications” one a month, to deliver a number of scientific reports made by the “space pick up” scientists to a “Mitsuian” operator who is in charge of astronomical communication from this room with other various advanced universal races and sends these reports to them by radio. This happens continuously and periodically according the convention of scientific exchange between them and these races. And when she goes next time to this room I will be with her, and we will enter this room together. Then we will kill this operator manually as all the arms are detected by the gadgets, and “Fertmeria” will carry out the rest of the task as she will extract the archives on which there are the different waves vibrations lengths which must be used to communicate with each universal race, and look for the wave length of the Earth, and tune the communication device to it, and talk.

Then after that we get out as soon as possible and fly the flying capsule to “the universal launching base”, and land in front of a ship and then we separate as I would climb up the ship and she would wait for them to come and arrest her before hundreds of shooting lenses which would record a strange event which has never been witnessed by the “Mitsuian” race along his history! There were 20 days left before carrying out such a dangerous adventure. I rushed the passage of days, everything has become dull and boring to me .. my life has become out of joy, and I know I am going to do something that may kill me, and it is too cheap for me. I just want to tell the people of the Earth about my experience, to know something they have never known before. My life is cheaper then this goal, it is a mission I must fulfill and sacrifice for, for the future of every child living there in the distant world in our beloved galaxy and on the face of our beloved planet. During these days I did not sleep in my bed at all and I did not use the cushion to put my head on. This damned bed is the grave of my love for Earth. I slept far from it and what a sweet sleep this time. The horrible dreams - which used to portray Earth to me as a damned home full of problems, wars and fires and make Earth scientists convince me of staying - have changed into rosy childish dreams. I used to be like a young baby dreaming. I used to see myself like a child seeing my mother in the distance and I run to her and throw myself in her merciful safe arms. The mother is Earth, and here I am coming to you mother, so take me in

your arms, and hold me to your chest, and warm me, and out of our mutual precious love I will kiss your dust my Earth, my planet, my father, my mother! I wished to sleep as long as the men of the cave to enjoy the sweetness of meeting, but the morning would come, and dreams would die out, and I find myself still above, with them, seven million light years away from my mother! Days passed slowly deadly, till the expected day.

+++ +++ +++ In the famous “Dotum” forest we met, and we embraced warmly and eagerly. I am her way to immortality and she is my way to my planet. And the two wills coincided and embraces. She got into the flying capsule gracefully, and she pressed the buttons very actively so we flew, and with great insistence we went to the yard of “Astronomical Communications” building, and landed, and we entered with calculated steps, and with confidence and strong will we made our way to room No. 67. She held the reports in her hand. She placed a small gadget that translated “Mitsuian” language into Arabic language in a hidden pocket.

Within moments, we were in the room, alone with the “Mitsuian”. We looked at each other, and through this look we had a silent talk.

- We have killed for the sake of love.

She: Are you ready?

- I told you that for the emergence of a great thing there must be sacrifice!

- !!!

I: Yes I am .. - Now? - Now. In a very fast moment “Fertmeria” turned around the “Mitsuian” and gave him a sharp blow on his head with her fist. He was thrown at me violently, and then I gave him another sharp blow with my hands on his neck, and gave him a strong punch in his face that made him fall to the ground. Then the girl took a small gadget and hit him with it on his head exceptionally violently and strongly, and she did not leave him until he had become totally still and bathed in a lake of “red” blood. And eyes having fear sights are met again and had the silent talk again. I: He had died! She: Certainly! - We have killed him.

The looks dispersed, and with steel nerves she set about working. She looks at a huge book written in their language, and she leafed through it quickly and confusedly. The pages still and she pointed with her finger at what she was looking for. She jumped to the astronomical communication apparatus, and very actively she set about working with buttons. She pressed a button, and another one, and another one, and another one, suddenly the apparatus makes an intermittent whistle, the wave has been turned in, and she put a paper in front of her, and she took the small apparatus out of her pocket and put near a microphone, and she talking impatiently: - This is planet “Mitsu”, are you hear me .. I do not forget this moment at all, the room was filled with a human voice coming from Earth, saying: - What a surprise, it is a message from rational beings in the heaven!

They have reaches a method for instantaneous conversation through vast distances in the universe. Sound waves are now traveling at a speed that is millions of times higher than the speed of sound! I was as if standing at the doors of paradise, when I saw “Fertmeria” starting to talk, and shout: - There is no time, here is the civilization of planet “Mitsu”. The Earth scientist “Aref” is kidnapped here, and he is going back to you. You have got to adopt his time, and here is the way to do so. She looks at the paper, “a thin wire of Nickel, to be placed in the lower part of the pineal gland at the bottom of the brain, and turn ..... Before completing the horrible disaster took place, All of a sudden, the door of the room opened violently, and a large number of “Mitsuians” got in and surrounded us as well as the body which was bathed in blood, and their faces were blazing with fury and revenge!! It is an unquestionable dearth.

9 “Fertmeria” was sentenced to instant death. And I was sentenced to slow death. You may say that slow death is easier and less painful than instant death. But the truth is that it is entirely more horrible. It is one thousand times death, a million times, a hundred million times, I will describe slow death to you. It is solitude, remoteness, separation, forsaking everything which motivates the senses. You find yourself still motionless and not affected nor reacting with any things, every things is silent still motionless dead around you. So you will find nothing to motivate you, nor will you find anything to prove your existence. You feel that you are nonexistence, death, nil, everything around you is motionless and consequently your senses do not move and you are no longer an effective living matter.

Rather you are just a living place in which vital operations take place only, it is doom.

movement, no sound, I only heard my breathing sounds. and I felt my heart beating.

Only ideas survive, as well as obsessions, solitude, loneliness, darkness and silence make the mind made strange. Imaginations and fancies are released to prove your existence. They make you see the existence as if it were a monster, or a murderer, or emptiness, or anything else that makes your body shiver and burn. So you find yourself powerless quickly and collapse quickly. You are in a state of “Sensual Deprivation” in terms of “Psychology”. And as every moment passes you feel death creeping coming, coming horribly slowly, and it will inevitably reach. Hence death sentence will have been executed, would that it was an instant death sentence!

A day passed like a very long age. I lived all its moments, and darkness fell, it is a change, but it is for the worse. Deadly obsessions began to come on my mind. They are like sharp knives stabbing me moment by moment. It is death at every moment!

They took me, dear reader, in a flying capsule to a remote place which I had not seen before on “Mitsu”, it is the north pole of the planet, where white ice accumulates forming hills and mountains. And in such dismal silence and frightful solitude, they landed, and they set up a tent for me which was also white. They put in it foodstuffs that suffice me for ten days. They also put coverings and suitable fur to protect from cold, and they left me and flew, and they were sure that when they come ten days later they will bury my dead body!

I felt that I am alone in this universe, or as if I were nonexistent in this universe, and my thought is the existing thing, as for my body, I did not feel it. I am the only one here, my thought is the only here, and this knoll revealed by its dark gray color in such blackness is a living being that looks at me, and sees me, it is a frightening monster like mythical monsters. I burst into tear, I yelled to hear my voice and feel that I am existing. I was on the brink of sheer folly, and I knew well that I would not endure one day longer at all! However, in this solitude and silence I felt that I was not alone as I had thought, there is someone who sees me, and knows what I am suffering. Maybe it is the “Mitsuians”, no, I feel that whoever sees me is kind to me, it is a beautiful thing. I yelled: - Please save me, save me.

I became alone. Everything is white, the cold is severe but my thick clothes protect me from it. I headed for food, I ate, then looked around me. Every things is dead, no

I lay down on my back and looked at the sky. I do not why here I recollected the lofty words of the grand scientist

“Newton” speaking about God, I heard them again clearly within myself .. “God is the great solid fact that can not be doubted, or even argued about its existence”. He is God, yes .. He who sees me. He has mercy on me now. He is merciful, and he will save me. O my God, creator of the existence, I am suffering, burning, have mercy on me. I had not committed a sin that deserves all this punishment. I invented something that benefits all people, why should I suffer that much?

“He is the lofty meanings. He is good, right, truth, honesty, kindness, justice, tolerance, and ...” Yes, he is every beautiful thing; all these qualities belong to God. The whole of these qualities is called God, and they are worthy of sanctification and worship. Justice does exist therefore it must interfere and save me, because I am a good man. I have believed in the existence of these high qualities and I will worship them from now on. Therefore justice must save me, it is the only power capable of saving me from whatever I am suffering, and may be it happens!

Words came out hot of the depths of me at this memorable moment. I believed in God and his existence and his greatness. He is the creator, maker, the first and the last in this universe, and whose justice and wisdom prevailed in the whole universe. 4

I felt very safe, and I had a delightful self calmness after bitter anxiety and with tranquility and clarify and devoted pure soul I prostrated on the ground glorifying justice and all other good qualities which are God.

I found out why I had suffered that much? God had tortured me because I was atheist. I denied his existence, therefore he severely punished me.

Remission seems to have happened, and as if God forgave, and heaven responded to the prayer, then the miracle was performed.

I heard the words of “Newton” again saying: 4. Review "Victory over the World" by the author – a religion book provide the proofs of God's existence, God who is the absolute perfection and the absolute love. And also it explains the universe's creation story. www.pdfcoke.com/doc/14344105/Victory-Over-the-World-Adel-Ghonim (Reference of this book: the Holy Book with its two testaments).

+++ +++ +++ I raised my face upwards and I saw the rescue. It is a flying capsule hovering over the place. Good heaven, why did it come? It has “Mitsuians” inside it, did they come

to give me food?!, it is not reasonable, only one day passed. Its arrival was unexpectedly bizarre. The capsule flies as if it were looking for something. It must be looking for me, then the ones coming by it do not know my place, so he is one of the “Mitsuians” who had not got me here, good heaven, there is someone who wants to rescue me, a “Metsuian” has come to rescue me. It is heaven that responded, and it wrote a new age for me, so come in my arms o mercy. I waved with my both hands and yelled, and shouted, but everything is white. They would not see me, and they would not see my tent either, what can I do, I have to do something, a different color must be there to make them see me, but those wicked people made everything placed white for me.

Cheerful looks met. The young man said: - We have come to rescue you. The young woman said: - We had searched the whole South Pole for you but we did not find you so we came here and looked for you thoroughly and at last we found you. I was very happy to hear these words, and I said: - Why do you do that? The young man said:

I yelled so strong that my vocal cards were about to tear, and hence the idea had came, my hair is black. I took off my head covering at once and I felt severe shiver cold biting me, but I ran and I went around, and I thought of the happy moment when those inside the capsule see a bewildered black spot expressing its existence. The happy moment came, and the capsule approached me, and landed before me, and its door opened, a handsome “Mitsuian” young man landed holding the hand of a beautiful “Mitsuian” young woman. They both smiled and approached me.

- We heard that a new science called “Science of Love” 5 was developed on our planet. Late “Fertmeria” had been its exponent for it on TV before she was executed. We needed this science to account for us “Mima” and me this ambiguous thing between us.

5. Review the former reference" Victory over the World" by the author – the title: God is Love. www.pdfcoke.com/doc/14344105/Victory-Over-the-World-Adel-Ghonim

“Mima” while looking at the young man said: - I had something strange when I saw “Ulo” and talked to him. It is an unique feeling, immaculate and beautiful, it is a great relief, or strong harmony. I could not account for this thoroughly, there is nothing in our sciences that explains these ambiguous meanings. Until I saw “Fertmeria” on TV yelling and shouting, there are things called emotions, there are things called feelings, there is a remarkable great science called “Love”. “Ulo” said smilingly: - “Fermeria” ’s words were the clue to interpret this ambiguity within ourselves.

“Fertmeria” has done it. She is an intelligent commando she sacrificed herself because of a principle, and her expectations were correct. “Mitsuians” will not leave this event pass without studying, and by studying it they will discover “The Science of Love” and kindness and harmony among all races! “Mima” said: - “Ulo” and I have decided to make other sacrifice for the sake of developing “The Science of Love”. This sacrifice is our lives, we are going to rescue you now, and complete what “Fertmeria” had started, and get you back to your planet, we shall also be sentenced to death because of doing so. So we shall be the second and the third who sacrifice his life because of a principle, and this is an exciting thing.

“Mima” said: “Ulo” said: - And finally we found out that what is between us is a form of love’s various forms. “Ulo” said: - We were not the only ones who discovered that, there are many other “Mitsuian” discovered that too, there is an overwhelming revolution spreading all over our planet calling for returning to the pure primitive life which addresses selves before addresses brains.

- We will call again for noting and looking and searching within ourselves after we had been tired of studying arid non-living materials, and hence real peace will prevail on our planet. The young man sighed then he said: - There is no time, we have to work immediately, come on, climb up to the capsule quickly.

I jumped into the capsule, and the young man and young woman entered. We had driven into sky smoothly. Everything around me was carried out amazingly systematically like a planned scheme, and I heaved a sigh of relief I was reborn and I had a narrow escape, but I wish the whole thing would complete and leave this strange world. “Ulo” drove like a butterfly towards a fixed target which he knows well, “Universal Launching Base”. “Mima” sat next to him, heavy minutes passed and they used to kiss each other stealthy from time to time and other long minutes passed before “Ulo” changed his course suddenly to another way which seemed to be chosen by him at this moment and he said: - I will show you something you will never forget for the rest of your life.

A huge colossal gray hand of a “Mitsuian” resting on a colossal base and its forefinger points upwards, to the sky, the colossal hand was built of stones or marble. My face showed amazement while I was looking at this colossal statue and I heard “Ulo” saying: - This is a memorial to “Fertmeria”. Our young people built it to honor and commemorate her in one day - with a scientific method that you do not know yet - and they had buried the dead body of the young woman under it! The memorial looked unique and frightening at the same time. The forefinger pointed upwards, to the universe, to the middle of the universe. It points to our planet, where “Fertmeria” had scarified for, where love exists. “Mima” said:

The capsule continued flying at a high speed before it slowed down and hovered in air. We were about to reach the city. “Ulo” and “Mima” said simultaneously: - Look! Through the circular window next to me I looked and I caught a frighten sight which shakes bodies.

- “Fertmeria” recommended that her grave would be built this way. “Ulo” drove around and flew away from the frighten memorial, and he came back again on course towards our target. The hand was diverging and getting smaller gradually until it was completely out of sight and I whispered to myself: Farewell “Fertmeria” and we might meet again in another unknown world!!

+++ +++ +++ The distance between the north pole and the city was big, but we arrived at last. “Ulo” entered the sky of the city with hundreds of other flying capsules with which “Mitsuians” move from place to place on their planet. It was day time. We waited until darkness fell. “Ulo” drove away from the crowd in the direction of “The Universal Launching Base” and when we arrived he turned off the lights of the capsule totally, and while I was upwards I saw tens of universal ships resting in darkness lit by depressed faint lights. My heart started beating loudly while “Mima” and “Ulo” explained to me what I will do exactly. I will get out of the capsule as soon as it lands quickly and head for the universal ship and climb up its steps, and open the door and it will open irresistibly - and as soon as I get in I will let a red arm be in front of me, and .. and then I gestured to them with my hand to stop and said to them: - The immortal “Fertmeria” has told me what do after that. “Ulo” sneaked cautiously quiet, and he landed noiselessly before the universal ship. The two young people looked at me, and “Ulo” whispered:

I opened the door of the capsule quickly while I heard “Mima” whisper saying: - Farewell “Aref” we will dying in a short while!! I ran towards the ship and climbed up the steps and opened its door quickly. I go into and closed the door behind me. I looked through a small window then I saw the phantom of the two lovers’ capsule flying away quietly and in frightful silent. I recollected “Fertmeria’s” talk the red arm is here before me. I open a small drawer before me, here is the drawer, I opened it. It has a large group of metal plates. I have to take them one by one and place it in this near apparatus, till the name of “Earth” appears on the screen. I should start working immediately, this stage takes time. Here is the first plate which I placed in the apparatus, Good Heaven, it leads to planet “Cromma” of “Tenya” galaxy!, and this second plate, planet “Plabto” of “Madonnia” galaxy!, and the third plate, and the fourth, five minutes approximately passed, the fifth plate, the sixth. Suddenly, I heard a boom of a huge explosion that shook the universal ship strongly. I looked through the window and I found a burning huge fiery mass hanging in the sky. Good heaven, it is the capsule of “Ulo” and “Mima”. They discovered the treason. They are certainly coming and they will arrest me, and inheritable it will be the end this time.

- Come on .. I felt the moment of death, it is a horrible moment, at it I was on the border between life and death, and in amoment

or little moments I will move from this one to the other, to an unknown world, the world of after life. Is it death coming?. My eyes were wide - open so much while I saw through the window tens of “Mitsuians” heading for the ship holding some sort of weapons in their hands, here is death coming. But at these moments man has strange abilities to show. He does amazing things which he can not do at all at other moments than these deadly moments. My fingers headed for a metal plate by natural motive and placed it at once in the apparatus, and wonderful words were displayed before me, the screen read: “Earth” of “The Milky Way” galaxy!. It is the way of salvation. The extrasensory perception dears does exist and appears at the moments of distress and danger, and amazingly automatically and naturally I moved the plate from this apparatus to the other one, and grasped the red arm, and pulled it. I felt a violent shake in the vehicle, the vehicle went upwards, I saw the “Mitsuians” firing directly at me, but I was not hurt, and I was astonished for that. I looked at my left hand, its thumb presses a circular blue button, it is the safety button against these fires!!

10 The space ship flew slowly and calmly. I sat on the chair of the ship, and fastened the broad belt. I felt a shiver coming out of it and spreading over my body. I breathed deeply, and left myself to whatever the program of the ship may do. I felt that the ship speed up. I looked through the window then I found planet “Mitsu” in the distance, it is spherical blue as well as totally like Earth in space, the ship sped up more .. and more .. I felt that I am driving at a remarkable speed, Good Heaven; I am approaching the speed of light, what a remarkable speed. I feel as if my body were weightless. I feel that it is tear painlessly, and a violent pull of my interior as if my soul were removed. I looked at the speedometer before me, velocity exceeded 300 thousands km per second. I am flying at a speed greater than that of light, and hence time is meaningless and matter does not exist, it vanished, I do not see it any

more, it is out of my sight, or my sight may have gone, I no longer see anything, I just feel that I exist and I am a spirit, and only thoughts remain, wandering .. And even these thoughts began to vanish, gradually.. gradually.. gradually.. and then I no longer remember what happened after that. I have lost consciousness. I did not know exactly how long it took until I opened my eyes and look around me to find myself still in the space ship. But I was surprised that the clock hung before me denoted that only 12 hours passed - according to “Mitsu’s” timing - I looked through the window and I saw a memorable scene, wonderful, it is Earth! The blue water of the ocean seemed like a kind compassionate carpet, and as moments pass I approach it. I felt that Earth opened its arms to taking me. Moments I approached the water closely, until it embraced me yearningly. I swear that at this moment I heard the gadget which was still inside my ears translating “Mitsuian” words saying: “He has reached Earth”!!

+++ +++ +++ The ship went into water quickly until it came to a stop, then it began to ascend slowly, moments passed before I could see the blue sky through the window.

I opened the door of the ship, and looked around, it is the ocean, it is Earth, and I can not describe the hysterical state that came over me at this moment whereas words fail to describe, or there are no words can sufficient this description. I just can say that tears flowing out of my eyes were about as much as the water of this ocean! Moments that can not be described passed until I came to my senses because of a sound of an engine, and in the distance I found a rescue ship coming, the ship came closer, and on its board I saw tens of “Human” scientists, and many photographers, and the ship closer till it touched the space ship, and tens of hands stretched out to hold me again with the same yearning on board of the rescue ship. One of the scientists yelled: - We have been waiting for your arrival for nine months. Another scientist interrupted him saying: - Since we received the most unusual message in the history of humanity, our devices have picked up an automatic sound coming from the universe saying you are coming to us. A third scientist said calmly:

- Now we have actually made sure that there are intelligent creatures in the sky. I smiled to everyone and said: -

What you do not know is greater.

+++ +++ +++ In a meeting attended by 30 of the greatest scientists of Earth I told my story since I developed the discovery until my return to Earth. The faces of all the scientists showed amazement while they listened to me, until I finished, then Mr. “Philip” the chairman of the meeting said to me: - Welcome once more on the surface of your planet you are the first man to be born twice! Then he sighed and breathed deeply and said: - Now you have to know what happened during the period of your absence, firstly, you have been away from Earth for 47 years, you know that each day passes on this planet is equivalent to 100 days on Earth, and you stayed on “Mitsu” for exactly 171 days which are about 47 Earth years. But you have lived only for the 171 days, which means that your age increased about half a year whereas all

your peers on Earth their ages increased 47 years! this is from wonders of the space’s world! Then he paused a while and said: - And in fact you have been said to be dead and we have not anything about you, until we received the universal message. It told us that you are on planet “Mitsu”, and you are coming to us. So we were very ready to meet you, till our radars picked up an unidentified objects falling or landing coming from the depths of the universe, and we knew that it is a universal ship and you may be inside it, and actually our thoughts were correct. And I asked the grand scientist “Philip” while I had warm memories: - And how did you hear the message of “Fertmeria“? - We have placed devices for tens of years which are capable of receiving any sound waves emanating from the universe, either sounds of universal explosions or voices of intelligent creatures! - And which country received this message? The grand scientist smiled and said quietly: - The former “United States of America“!! Dear “Aref“, an international unity has taken place!!

I curtailed which are between my eyebrows and asked impatiently: - How? - After we had received the first universal message coming from intelligent creatures trying to teach us something we ignore, a peerless thinking confusion took place during the whole last year. The whole world felt frightened and horrified. The shadow of a deadly frightening danger appeared to us coming from those who are much more advanced. So all the people slept intending to have only one thing must be happen. They agreed to unite and cooperate and support in one league, one, against that unknown. Then he paused for a moment and said: - All people discovered in a moment how closely they are correlated with one another, and man regretted murdering and stealing his fellow – man, therefore the way to remove all these sins was union. And some countries thought of bargaining with these creatures so as not to announce their existence before the whole world to keep the strength of the strong and the weakness of the weak. But the news of the astronomical communication spread and the whole world knew it. So millions of people in all the cities of the world

demonstrated violently to demand unity. The youth yelled, and girls committed suicide, for the sake of unity, and for the sake of removing these backward imaginary lines which separate an area from another area and classify the world into developed countries and underdeveloped ones. And the will of the people always wins. Unity was imposed upon those who fought it, and everybody embraced and correlated for the first time in history! The speech of Mr. “Philip“ was exciting, at last an international unity took place, at last man felt of the crimes he commits every day against his fellowman, at last all people felt that they belong to a singly race and a single origin and a single source and birth and that they are all brothers no difference between man and another. This unity would not have happened unless man had discovered another force worthy of his fires and competition and challenge. The right is to have his fellowmen as brothers and make the other race enemies though they may be peaceful! but it is always the instinct of war!

+++ +++ +++ I asked to write my memoirs .. So I went to Egypt, my house collapsed twenty years ago. So I stayed at “Mena House“ hotel which overlooks the “Giza” Pyramids, and in my room I wrote my memoirs. The lofty pyramids faced me with their dignity. I know that they have a base here on the plateau of the pyramids,

Good Heaven, I feel that I am being watched by thousands of eyes!

A heavenly message which is a slogan of people who opened heavens,

There is something else unusual I feel, my inner time is inconsistent with the Earth’s. The days of Earth is too short, it equals one part out of a hundred parts of the day of “Mitsu“ with which I am compatible. So a day is short moments for me. But I will be patient as I may be adjusted automatically to the time of my planet.

Salutation to work .. to creativity .. to the fresh new experience .. to the living will in its persistence in presenting the new .. Whatever strange it may be .. Thanks

But I feel that death will be faster, the long time which I lived is enough. You say that I have lived there for 47 years only, No .. To me it is 1000 years life. So death is coming, may be after one day or two days of the Earth’s. Therefore I write quickly and recommend to be buried in a grave like that which belongs to the immortal “Fertmeria”, in the form of a huge human hand whose forefinger points to the sky, or to planet “Mitsu”, or to the forefinger of her dignified grave, which points in turn to me, and thus and forever as a symbol of faithfulness. Faithfulness in the middle of all this materialistic arrogance! I looked at lofty pyramids, Recollected the memoirs, And I murmured a message that I brought with me from there, From the homeland of science and progress,

Aref Amer Tuesday 8th November, 2022

+++ +++ +++ On the following day the memoirs were found beside a dead body, and after carrying out a postmortem of the body it was found to be free from the nervous system!!

Adel Ghonim www.pdfcoke.com/adelghonim

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