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I Е&q]иl +

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Workbook KathyGude


-'eielling instyle S. т reading, sсanning

verbs PhгаsaI andprеpositiona| prefixes, Negative Phrasalverbs withfurл piсturеs Comparing

l :.гl'sbestfriends |.'аtching

Gerunds PhrasaI veгbs andinfinitives Usingadjeсtives, p.9 тESТYOURSELF andidiomswithup Wordbuilding p 10 youropinion Expressing

rэnguin appea| --'le/fа|sе statements

Prefixes andsuffixesp.l5 Prepositions, vеrbs, PhrasaI andprepositionaI PhrаsаI vеrbswithset your Situations, Еxpressing p 16 opinion

t'."ltip|е сhoiсe

I girl,a horseanda dream l,l ccinп


:эоtsteps inthemist l.':ltiple-сhоiсe questions

p'3 Presentpeгfeсt andpastsimp|e Transformations ТЕsТYOURSЕLF p'4

p.5 A desсription of a p|aсe repetition Avoiding p.6

p 11 Desсribing events p12 Makingyourwriting more p.13 interesting

baсk Present Refегring simp|e or present сontinuous?, Мakingrequests' p.17 toquestions, Levelsof formality, Present habits Pasthabits Ietter An informal p.19 p 18 Styleandregister ТЕSТYOURSЕLF

(defining Writing ReIativе Word andnon.defining) and Usingwordsсorreсt|y, Phrasesandmeanings, p.2З сomi|exsentenсes, p 21 nounсlauses, A studeй Pronouns building p'24 newspaper TESTYOURSЕLF artiсie сOmments Positive аndnegative p 25 yourwriting p'22 Timing Talking aboutpiсtures Phrasа| verbswithup quaIities Personаl disоussion Stimu|us-based

p'27 Pastsimpleor pastperfeсt (simp|e forand an argument and Oгganising p.29 against, Presenting an сontinuous), Naгrative tеnses p'28 Adjесtive An essay or adverb?, Adverbс|auses argument, p,3'1 yourarguments p 30 Supporting TЕsTYOURSELF

Presentmodals, Pastmodalsand Wordsthatgo Prepositions, p 33 meaning togethег Logiсalexp|аnations Adverbs Mystery andimagination, p.34 TЕsTYOURSELF discussion Stimulus-based

peopIe, Desсribing Desсribing p.35 Wеather, A deteсtive story p 37 yourwriting Planning p.36

p'41 A review, Тhepassive Woгdsthatgo and 'iou wantto getfit,getfidgeting! Bodymovemеnts, Prepositions p.39 Passiveformswiththegerundandinfinitive,together p 38 partiоles \latсhing headings Causativе havеandget Adjeсtives, Wordbui|ding p40 TESTYOURSЕLF p42 StimuIus-bаsed disсussion :ltureshoсk Woгdbui|ding \'atсhing attitude, desсribing headings, Mu|tip|e сhoiсep.44 Adverbs Homonyms StimuIus'bаsed disсussion

. ] tr . . , . . . ,

S-mmary statements

]эrfliоtinthefamily tJ"ItipIe сhoiсe


p.45 Formsofthefuture TЕsTYOURSELF p46

p 43

p.47 Staгting Yourpersona| a сareeг, p.4B stаtement, A Iеtter of аpp|iсation p.49

p,51 Speculating forandagainst, An argument aboutthepast,Еxpressing Phrasalverbs p.55 p.53 Writing wishesandregгets anessay meanings aboutthepast Wordswithdiflerеnt youropinion, Stimulus- Нadbettеror hadbetternot? Expressing p'52 ТEsTYOURSЕLF p 54 baseddisсussion

Fеe|ings disсussiоn Stimulus-basеd

p 57 Repoгted speeсh(statement, order, Livingat homеor studеnt p.58 question, questions p.s9 aссommodation? A disсursive memos), Еmbedded Verbsandprepositions p 60 TЕsTYOURSELF

Whatсanyoudeduсe abouta person wearing a tracksuit onа shoгttrio? 4 Whyis itimpoгtant youгtiewhenflying? toloosen

Readi ng Ехаm troining Skim readingaлd sсanning are essentialreadingskills.Тheу willhelp уou answer queslioлsquiсklуand сorreсtlуin an eхamination' 1 Practisereadingteхtsin уour own languageto get a generalidea of theirсontent. 2 Trainуour eуe to travelquiсklуdowna page uintilуou findthe informationуou are lookingfoц then stopand undeline it'

Sсanthetextаndanswerthesequestions. I Whatkindofpassengers is theauthor writing about? Whatappearsto be theadvantage of a thiсkpadded hoodforovernight travelling?

Whatis imp|ied about wearing |eatheг shoesduring a flight? 6 Whatprob|ems doeseating onboardсause? Whatis an addedadvantage of wearingsensibIe сlothes journey? foгa |ong

2 Matсhtheheadings A-F to theparagraphs 1-5.Thereis oneheadingyoudo notneed. peгfeсtion A Post-trip B on-board bodyсhanges с Long-distanсeс|othing D Pre{ravelpreparations Е Shoгt-termсonformity F on-board aссidents

тRAvЕl.Ll l{G l Пl STYLE ! 1 ..... Нavеyou evеrnotiсеdwhen you sеtt|еdown for a |ongtrain or сoaсhjournеy,or a Iong-haul f|ight,thatthе pегsonnеxtto you is wеaringsomеsortof brightlyсo|ouredshеllsuitor furry traсksuit?lf your еyestravelsuгrеptitious|y down to his fееt, you,lIsеe he is weaгingеnoгmous,Vе|сro*-strаpped, s|ip-on shoes.Latеr,if you,rеtravе|lingovernight,you may notiсe thatyour fеI|owtravе||er pullson a thiсkpaddedhood whiсh providessupportfor his head,сutsout the |ightand protесts him from the сonstantnoisе.It wil| be с|еaгthеn, without havingto bothегwith any Unnесеssary сonvеrsation, thatyou aгеin thе prеsеnсеof a vеryеxpеriеnсеd travеl|еr indeеd.


2..... on shoгttгips,pеoplеtеnd to stayin thеirnorma|сlothing.lf thе personnеXtto you turnsout to bе in a traсksui!itЪhigh|y pгobablеthаtwhеnyou gеt to whегeyou,rеgoing,hе or shе hasto throwa javelin,run a marаthonor swim in a relayraсe. In norma|сirсumstanсes/ or on anythingmorе than a thгееhouг journеy,most pеop|ethink sеrious|y about dispеnsing with thеir usua|attirе and slipping into somethingmorе сomfortablе. 3..... For men,this mеansthat thеy саn gеt rid of thеirtiеs.This is imрortantwhеnflyingbeсausе,asyou gеt up to 35,000feet, your neсkexpandsby approximatеly onе сol|аrsizеand if you


don,t|oosеnyour tie,you arе.indangerof stranglingyoursе|f on thе Wayto BaItimorе. Simi|ar|y, the beaцtifu| |еatheг shoеs thatweredеsignеdto fit еaсhindividuа| сontourof your foot very rapid|ybеgin to fее| like orthopaеdiсboots, and it,s advisab|е to gеt thеm off quiсk|y. 4..... For most trаvе|lеrs, the longerthе journеy,the morе oftеn you,|l nееd to еat, and thе morе сhanсesyou,l| havе to deposityour food down the front of your jaсkеt,shirt or blouse.Again,this is wherеa wipе-сlеаnshеlIsuit сan геalIy еarnits keep.lf you,rеtravе||ing you may Wantto oveгnight, get somе s|ееpso, un|essyou,rewеaringa linеn suit that looksas if it,sdеsignеdto be сrеasеdforevег,it,sbеstto hang your jaсkеtor сoat up and сovеryoursеlfwith blankеts. 5..... |fyou dгеsssensib|y for a |ongjournеy,you,rеmorе |ikеlyto arгivеIookingаs rеlaxеdand rеfrеshed aswhenyou startеdit. You сan then gеt сhanged into your normal сlothes,and makeyour Way to your сhosеndеstinations lеavingbehind your brightlyсo|ourеdshellsuit,thе paddеd hood with еaг fIapsаnd thе еnormousVe|сro-strappеd shoеs! * Velсro= а mаtеriа| Whiсhstiсkstogethеr аnd is usеdto fаstеnс|othеs


lfnit fromthetext. 1_5withinformation CompIete sentenсes tгipsusuа|ly Wear........... onIong 1 Еxperienсed traveIlers

feet,youshould 3 Whenflying atover35,000 youshould a journey, 4 lfyouwanttosleepduring youсan atyourdestination, 5 Whenyouarrive






it. nd пo lа r


5 Matсhmeanings 1-10to verbsa-j. 1 settledown 2 pullon 3 proteсt fгom 4 getridof 5 hаngup 6 turnout 7 dispеnse with I slipinto

without a do or funсtion (themovement invo|ves b puton an itemof с|othing pulling) с makeyourse|f сomfoгtable d aсtas a shiеIdor defenсe e forget,or сhoosenotto tаke f puton different or newс|othes g happenor pгovet0 be h puton an itemof сomfoгtable сlothing hanger i to putan artiсIe on a сIothes of сlothing j to be freeof something аnnoying

4 Findthewordsor phrasesin thetextthatmean: andouternylon outfit withsoftlining 1 aneasy{o-wear (|ine сovering 3) hair(|ine 3) 2 withtheIookandfеe|ofanimal (|ine 5) fаstening 3 footwear thatyouсanputonwithout paгt (line 4 ofa сoatthatсoversthehead 7) (|ine1B) 5 day-to-day с|othes 22) forshirts(|ine 6 neсkmeasuremеnt (|ine 26) footpгob|ems 7 footweаr forсorreсting (line I withlinesandfolds 34) l ,



еn to or lly to вt 1g

Phrasalandprepositional verbs

9 getсhangedinto 10 Ieavebehind

еlf е5


: : . .. '. . ;. : . . ' l .

6 Read the text аnd сompIeteit with the сorreсtform of fhe phrasaIor prepositionalverbs in 5. Тwo of the verbs re not needed. I was driving my сab a|ong56th Streetwhеn an old, poor-lookingwoman сarryinga |argеbag in thе Wavedmе down. She got in, ] .................. baсk seаt, and told me to drive to Simpotio,a really tashionablеrestaurant.l lоokеd at her in my rear view mirror.I thought she was сrazy.Тhe doorman wouId nеver |еthеr in! Now this old woman wore round glassеswith reallythiсk lеnses.However,she deсided 2 '. theseand took them off. Hег eyes *ere bеautiful,and very b|ue. ,Can you |ookaway?,shе askеd. a whilе l staredstraightahead,she з .......'.......... + a сomplete|y differentoutfit!Shе .................. beautifulАrmani blaсkdrеssand 5......... Some long e|еgantgloves.She took off her hаt and 5hookout hеr lovelyb|ond hаir.When | |ookеdin my mirror agаin, l сou|dn,tbe|ieveit. My passengеr 6 .. to be a world.famousaсtress.She usedthe otherсlothesto 7..................hеrse|f 8 .. poparozziandthe gеneralрub|iс. t stopped outsidе Simpotio.Shе gavе me a hugе tip and 9.................. the bag of old сlothes. €

Negativeprefixes 7 Writeаn adjeсtivewitha negativeprefiх,un.,in. or im., whiсhmeanstheoppositeof theаdjeсtives a-g' a b с d e f g

аdvisabIe сIear сomfoгtabIe еxperienсed impoгtаnt neсessary probable

8 Nowuseoneof theadjeсtives in 7 in its positiveor negative formto сomp|ete thesesentenсes. Morethan oneanswermaybe possible. 1 Whenyout raveon l a long-haul flight, itis ........ . . .t.o. . . weartherightkindofс|othing. 2 Wearing tightshoesandtiesmaketravelling byair extremely 3 Th eex с use J o hnma desee med high|y ....'...... . .' . . 4 Itis tof|yovеrmountains during a snow storm. 5 Pаulis a very trave|Ier. HehasbeenaI|over theworld. 6 Unfortunate|y, thedireсtions theygaveustogettothe villawereextremelv Phrasal verbs with turn 9 ChoosetheсorreсtphrasaIverbswithturnin sentenсes 1-6,thenmatсhthemto theсorreсtmeaning a-f. 1 Wesetofftodrivetotheсoastbutitwasraining so heavi|y wehаdtoturnback/ out' 2 CouIdуouturntheТV up/ down'please?l сan'thear mvself think! Pau|askedSa||y tomaгryhimbutsheturned himdown/ back. 4 Pamhasturned into/ upa veryniоe-|ooking young|ady. 5 Guesswhoturned into/ upattheairpoгt to meetme? Sam ! 6 Thefaсtory turnsout/ intotwonewp|anes a month. a b с d e f

refuseanofferorthepersonwhomakesit beсome gobaсkinthedireсtion youсame reduсe thesound pгoduсe ormake (often arгive unexpeсtedly)

1 0 Choosefourof thephrasaI verbsin g аndusethemin sentenсes of yourown.Writein yournotebook.


11 completetheсonversation usingthesewordsand phrаses . Fina||y . Thеn. Tostartwith. Whatdidyoudo? . Whаthappened? Adam Howwasyourjourney? Bill ltwasterriblel A dа m 1 . . . . . . BilI Igottothestation ear|y. l foundmyseаtbutthetrain didn't leaveontime. Adam Doyouknowwhy? вil| ...theydidn't sayanythlng' ...thetiсket сo|Ieсtor сameandtoIdus thatthereas a problem withtheengine. ...,thedriver toldustogetoffthetrain andwaitforthenextone. A da m Rea lly! 5... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bi|| | bought a newspaper, wenttothestation сafёand waited fwohoursfor thenexttrain!

Funсtions piсtures comparing 12 Lookаt thepiсturesbelowandсomparethem, аnswering thequestionsbelow. 1 Aгethesepeople inthephotos travelIing forp|easure or onbusiness? Whatmakesyouthinkso? 2 Whatarеtheadvantages anddisadvantages ofeaсh formoftranspoгt? Whatotherformsoftransport do people use? 3 Whatformoftгansport doyouprefer? Why? @


Grammar Grammar

perfeсt Present andpastsimple 13 Puttheverbsin braсketsintotheсorreсtform,present perfeсtor pastsimple. EхвmpIе whattoweartotheparty? Наveуоud*сidоd(youdeсide) (never ona long-haul / travel) 1 We f|ight bеfore! (f|y) States totheUnited 2 Myunс|e Iastmonth. (you howti r ed / e ver/ notiсe) . .'. . . . . 3 .. .'. people travelling? lookwhenthey're (buy) a 4 How|ongis itsinсeyou paiгofjeans? (disсoveф toherhorror 5 AngeIa hadlosthersuitсase' thattheair|ine (spend) as a yeaгworking 6 WiI|iаm going guide university. to tour before a SusаnandBob. 14 Readthisсonversation between for 1-8. UnderIine theсorreсtaIternative Susan Hi, Bob.Тhat,sa vегysmartwatсhyou,re wearing.When 1 did you buу / hаvеyou boughttt? Bob Wеl|,|2 deсidеd/ hаvеdесidеdthat my old one needеdreplaсingsoЗ !,vеgonе/ lwеnt into town this moгningto tгy and find anotherone.Тhe problemis, everythingI want to buy is alwaysso


r I l.'

t IF

еxpensive! 4 ,venеvеrfound/ Susan I know what you mеan!| neverfoundanythingl real|ylikethat,sсheap! 5 Bob I was luсky onсe _ | bought/ havеboughta rеa|lygood pair of trainеrsin a new shop in town - mind you, it was a pairwithouta brandname' Susan So, tеl|me aboutthе watсh. Bob Right.l was walkin9alongthe High Streеt, when | 6 notiсеd/ havеnotiсеda man selling designerwatсhes.I knеwthеy weren,tthе rea| thing - but they lookedjustas good as the more expensiveones. ,vedeсided/ dесidеdto buy one Susan So you 7 thereand then! Bob We|l,yes,l did. But I might livеto rеgrеtit! Susan Maybe,but even if it only worksfor a few months,it'sworth it' Justthink of the moneyyou 8 ,vеsavеd/ savеdto spendon othеrthings!


Еrrorсorreсtion ,|-8. 15 Correсtthemistakesin sentenсes fora taxi. wephoned 1 Weсan'tgooutfoгdinner untiI 2 l,vegonetotheStatestwiсe. intheaгea? 3 How|ongyouhave|ived 4 l'vebeennevertoЕng|аnd. youstiIlfinished watсhing thatTV programme? 5 Haven't 6 Jimhasn't takenyethisexam. 7 Тherewerеtwoweekssinсel sawmybestfriend. l'dreaI|y Iikе month! a whoIe 8 |didn'tea|apizzafor onenow. What'sthe news? 16 Matсhthesubjeсts1-8to thepromptsа-h. 1 Simon(go) (win) 2 Po|аnd 3 Тhebanks(raise) (buy) 4 ouгneighbours Pat(be) 5 Myfriend (steal) 6 Thieves (land) 7 TheChinese (have) 8 Mysisteг Cup/ lastnight theЕuropеan to NewYork/ attheweekend thismorning twins/ twoo'сIoсk interest rates/ bytwoperсent/ IastТhursday afternoon deсorating thehouse/ yesterday jouгney on Marsl aftera twomonth offtheaIаrm sеtting inthesafe/ without a||thejewe||ery bell h another theirIastone dog/ afterlosing

a b с d e f g

in the 17 Nowusethepromptsin ,|6to writesentenсes presentperfeсt. usingthe Thenaddmoreinformаtion pastsimple. EхаrnpIе 1 $imоnhаs ganoto Nэ'wYorК.L|ewеntаt thо woaКand.

2 3 4 5 6 7 I

Ехаm trаining TransformationsYoumaуneedto makeseveralсhangesto ls as slm/aras posslb/eи sentenсe ensurethatуourrewrittеn meaningto theoriginal. Eхample Weсameto live here lastуear'(for) Wehavelived herefor a уear.

1.8 usingthewordin braсkets. The 18 Rewritesentences firstwordof eaсhsentenсeis given. Ехamplе mybikе.(unti|) |'Ilсomewhen|'vemended l,va mondod mуbiкe. l саn'tсomauntil (for) anynewсIothes. 1 |t'sa |ongtimesinсel bought 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... yourroom, thenyouсаngoout'(if) 2 Finishtidying Y0 u . . . . . . . . . . .. onho|iday fiveyearsago.(sinсe) 3 |wentabroad I t. . . . . . . . , . . . . .. (when) thenwe'lIhavedinner. 4 Makеyourphoneсa|I, W e'll. . . . . . . . . . . seenа goodfi|mforages.(sinсe) 5 l haven't It herethгeeyearsago.(for) working 6 l stаrted I andl'|lringyoubaсk.(if) 7 Sendmea textmessage lf . . . . thenweсangoout.(when) 8 Setthevideoгeсorder, W е. . . . . . . . '. '..

rпa7*E|r {+ l ll

Gompletethe sentenсewiththe сorreсtformsof the verbsin braсkets' (study) Latinfortwoyearswhenhe Myfather

.., z Rewritethesentenсewiththe promptsgivenso it has : thesamemeaning. iii worthseeingonТV forаges. : Тherehasn'tbeenanything ........ worth . lt's.............. .1 '; seeingonТV. .. 3 Completethe sentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the : i wordin braсkets. i.i .i+His...............(PRЕD|CТ)behaviourhasshаkenmy (SЕсURE). senseof : " : 4 Completethesentenсewiththemissingword. '. problems yourfinanсiaI aгe,youshou|d |' serious However yourrent. withpaying ,, .1;.i notfall............... word.Use oneword +Тs FiIIin gaps1-5witha suitabIe

onIyIneaсngap. ", т11 .j:




fi ; ] "' {ll ;


i!fi ." i] . :r ;"

Survival of thesllсkesf 1 .. phraseфсе Just mеntiоn ..' '......... jumps politiсs and еvеryone thе сonсlusion that it has nеgativе сonnоtations,but 3 ......... '.' '.. that always thе сasе? Thе word politiсs is derived o a Grеek word meantngсitу stаtе_ thе organisatiоnal struсturе introduсed to сrеate order into a soсiety with diverse and somеtimes сonfliсting interеsts. Сomе to think of it, сouldn,t that dеsсribеall soсiеtiеs,?S 5 ............... as most organisations?

i.E.'i*u*.*.1t*,..'*'+.o].!j]:]:]]::.:]:: ...j:1]l :-i i:::]]1:j:]l]ii]i1..i.!,;.]:i'ii1#]:11.]]|]i]ii.!iЁl1;l:'r1|:]ii..i']:];]:].i



Writing Writinga desсriptionof a plaсe .!9 ignoringthegаps.Deсidewhiсh Readthedesсription, paragraph, 1-6,foсuseson pointsA-F. A B с D Е F

image Taгtan - a historiсal worId andIandsсape Thenatuгa| toodanddгink _ сompIex mixofimages Sсotland andmodern Sport_ traditiona| A modern сountry

Wemayсalltomindimagessuсh 1 WhenwethinkofSсotland is a ButSсotlаnd sсeneryandсаst|es. astагtan, beautifu| images those stereotypiсa| сountry than moreсomplex t . . . .. . . ". ""' u s' TheSсottish сountry' 2 Sсot|and is a forwaгd-looking 2 '.,.'.'''.'.',. andplаysan paг|iamеnt Sсot|and a modern is world artsfestival ТhеЕdinburgh impoгtant ro|ein Еurope' сountry. anideaofanexсiting famous and3 .'.,........... oftheatre, ofpeгfoгmanсes Еaсhyeartherearehundreds danсe'musiсandсomedy shows' garment that+.......... 3 Тhekiltis a traditional '..'.somethlng musiсonthе oftraditiona| P|ayers aboutSсottish сu|ture' inсluding a kilt.Manyo|d сostume bagpipes Weaг a Sсottish whiсh tаrtan Sсottish fami|ies, orс|ans,havea speсia| 5 ............'.. is usedto taгtan Notsurprisingly, forthаtfаmily. 6 ...' ' '.....,, tаrtаn аre fu|| of shops and tourist '. theсountry, rugsandsсarves. flowerof - thenаtiona| 4 Thetourist boardaIsousesthethist|e z _ p|ant' to heather, Sсot|andandanother сonveya romantiс CastIes sсenery. Sсottish mountain aboutthehistory sayingsomething ofSсotland, oftheseis Edinbuгgh Themostimpressive oftheсountry' heartoftheсaрitalсity. сastle,the 10 top|ayinSсotland's 5 Spoгt hаsa(n) ......'.'......part therebaсkin 1457 identity' Golfwаsinvented , andthereaгe go|ftouгnаments. manyfаmous Whisky is ofSсotIand. manyimages 6 Foodanddrinkprovide porridge is madefrom water, madefrompureSсottish inSсotlаnd. wasinvented Sсottish oats,andmarmalade showa modern samе time at the but Тhesearealltrаditional, exportindustries. сountry, as theyaremajoг


in ,|9withthesewords. 20 Nowсomplete thedesсription . rеpresent . gives. says. symbo|ise . important . image . stands . represents . show. imposing Book(page12) in theStudent's 21 Usingthedesсription

here,dividethese aboutSсotIand аndthedesсription imаgesof Sсotlаndandtherestof Britaininto traditional andmodern. . BigBen . fishandсhips. rugby . popmusiс. heather . . go|f. a business а cupoftea manwithanumbreIIa . footba|| . whisky . Sсottish par|iament TrаditionаI


22 Preparea desсription of theUSA.Spendabout,t0

minutes on yourplanning. images. andmodern 1 Complete a tabIe oftraditionа| 2 Writenotesabouteaсhitem,e.g. _ symbollses is a traditional thewholecountrу, hamburger reсognised sуmboloftheUSА food,aninternationallу youwant onthepoints bydeсiding 3 PIanyourdesсription forexample: towriteabout, . C|othes . Geography andсustoms andmonuments . Foodanddгink . Peoo|e . Festiva|s . TheIandsсape (200-250 2з Useyournotesto writethedesсription аfteryou havefinished. words).cheсkyourdesсription waysof makingyourpoints: Usedifferent . verbs:toshow,to standfor,to sуmbolise, torepresent . expгession partto s' (tobe)tуpiсal,(tohave)animportant plaу,(togive)anideaof, (tosaу)something about Eхаm trаining a uлlesslТю fo emphaslse AvoidingrepetitionRepetition, point,is boringforthereaderso it is imporlant to varywhat oneor twoшordsЬ betlerthan уouwrite.Еvenchanging of repeating the samething.Keepa notebook constantlу different waуsof saуingthesameor similarthings.


R e adin g MatсhingBeforelooking quicklу at thequestions, readthe artiсleso thatуouhavesomeideaof whateaсhactorsaуs, thenreadthequestions onebу oneandmatсhthemwith the aсtors'

ReаdtheаrtiсIeaboutthreeaсtorsfromtheTV ,|-10with progrаmme Friendsand matсhstatements theaсtorsA-c. Therearetwostatements you do not need. A JenniferAniston B LisaKudгow C Courteney CoxArquette WhiсhaсtorinFriends: 1 wasdelighted whenshegotthejobintheseries? ........ 2 t h oug sh good h t eha dn't donea a udition? .... . . . . 3 seemssurprised herfriend keptsomeinformation from her?. . . . . . . . 4 wasn't suгprised whenshewasinvitеd toattend moгe au dit ions? . ....... 5 knewsomeone whowasсrazyaboutoneofthe aсtresses inFriends? ..,..'.. 6 fe|tembarrassed аtnotknowing whomostofthepeopIe int heseries we re?....... . 7 feeIsthatwhatever shapetheyareis сonsidered wrong? 8 wasn't freetowoгkontheseriesatthetimeofthe au dit ion? . . . ..... 9 Iooks uptotheboysintheseries? ........ ,|0 feе|s theya||getonweII beсause theyhavedea|t with p rob |em s ther? t ogе ........


A giГl'S


For the lastfivе years/people in all four сoгners of the globe have been underthe spе|lof this beautifullyсraftedсomеdy, whiсh depiсts the life and timеsof six twenty-somеthings living in Nеw York. ln their first сover story together, rеporterKateТhorntonhangsout on the fi|mset of Friеndswith JеnnifеrAniston, Lisa Kudrow and CouгteneyCox Аrquette. Up сIosethe girls are nowhereneаr аs defensiveor as thin as thе mеdiа has paintedthеm. Еaсhwomаn is refreshing|y approaсhab|eand naturallyprеtty,a|though Lisaсlaimsthat she hаsn,thad timе toi tne gym for thЪ Iastfiftеenmonths or so. ,|t,stoo hаrd at the moment. I wi||make a сonsсiousdесisionto start again,though,,she saysthrough grittеdtеeth. ,You do feel pressurised bесausеthe industrywatсhеsyou so сarefu||y and, of сouгse/they get mad at you whеn you,retoo thin and they hatе you when you gain weigйt. But l,m kind of in thе middlе,so |,m oK for now., Тhroughoutlunсh, we have а seriousproblem as Wе arе сonstant|yinterruptedby a suссеssionof film еxесutivеs who stop by to passon their bеst wishes,but we find time for сonvегsation. I askedthе 9ir|sif they гemembеredthеir fiгstaudition for Friends',lrememberthat they made me сome baсk thrее times,but that,show it works.Aсtuа||y,I сouIdn,t believel was gеtting сallbaсks,beсausel didn,t think I did anythingspeсtaсu|ar,, saysLisa. ,Although l was unavailаblefoг thе show, l wеnt in anуwaу,'says Jеnnifer.,Тwo hours |aterit was a done deа| and l was beyond thril|ed.Тhen I rememberthey told me СourtеnеyCox wаs p|ayingMoniсa, and I was with mv fгiend Miсhae|at the time, and уou [pointsto Сourteniy] werе takingyoga сlassеswith him at thе timе., ,Тhat,s right,,rep|iesCourtеney. ,An9 he was likеye||ingand sсrеaming,''She,sso . bеautiful.l сan,t be|iеveyou,reworking йith her,''he kept saуing,,Jеnniferexp|ains. ,You never to|d mе this!,says Courteney. ,l knoщ but I was so nervousаnd oveгwhe|medabout mеetingyou, and thеn I didn,t want you to feel еmbarrassеdwhеn you saw Miсhae|'.Аnуwaу, when l got thе job he almost had a сoronarу,,saуsjennifеr.

Unit l askеdthem when they a||mеt for the fiгsttime. ,I met Jеnniferdown at thе studioand shе Wasso ! l\,€ € t ,, rеpliеsСouгteney. ,I met еveryoneat the first readingof thе sсriptand ;.аskind of nervous,bесausel hadn,theaгdof any of .iеm/ exсеptfor Сourteney'| сou|dn,tеvеn te|Iyou thе .:st of their |astnames, so I wаs total|yсonfused,,adds

гs I


еt d

| аskеdthe girls if they resentеdor felt enviousof the :oys in the seriеs. ,l hatе thеm,, |aughsCourteney. ,|t,s likе hаvingthree brothеrs,and wе hate and lovе ."еm Iikebrothers.Thеy,rеyour typiсa|,boys,.lf you weгe :з |ookup the term ,boys,in thе diсtionary,you.,dsее :.еir thrеesmi|ingfaсеslookingbaсk at you. But wе,rea|| ,еry сlose,bесausethе six of us havе been theгeat the :.cssroadsin eaсh othеr,s|ivеsand had to faсe up to -aking vitaIdeсisionstogether,,adds Jennifer.


VoсabuIary Usingadjeсtives adjeсtive 2 GompIete sentenсes1-8 withan appropriate fromthe list. . oveгwhe|med . 0ressurised . emotiona| . nervous. env|ous . worried . horrified . embarrassed formore Wаs.............. 1 Thefilmstudio ' byrequests withthe newb|oсkbuster information about theproposed сastofFriends' speeсhasking madea(n) 2 ТhePresident theсrisis. tohe|phimthrough intheсountry everyone heis going man.Heis сertain 3 Tomis a very soon. tobemadeгedundant obvious, beсame ofthestormdamage 4 WhenthefulIeхtent people ............... bywhattheysaw. wereabsolutely thatyoumake insistenсe fee|......... 5 Don't '.....byMark's ready. unti|you'гe soon.He'||wait a deсision ofthosewhowere 6 As a сhild,Iwasa|ways better atsoortsthanIwas. thatI hadforgotten whenI realised 7 |wasso ............... mylinesintheplay. a before foraсtoгs tofeel............... 8 It'snorma| performanсe. first-night Phrasalverbs and idioms with иp andidiomsin itаliсin 3 Mаtсhthephrasalverbs а or b. 1-8withtheсorreсtmeаning, sentenсes they beсause uptomуgrandparents 1 As a сhild,I/ooked Iaskedthem. answer anyquestion оou|d always a triedtofind b гesoeсted 2 Samreallydidn'twanttogetfledupwithalltherelatives seenforyears. hehаdn't with with b intoanargument a involved going a nightс|ub' to night weendedup 3 on Saturday going a wentas planned b foundourselves 4 ItЪupfoyoutodeсidewhiсhjobtoaссept. b youropportunity a yourresponsibility upanddownforus reсent|y. 5 Thingshavebeenrather a goodandbad b unexpeсted today. 6 l don'tfeelupfosсhooI а don't|ike togoto b don'thavetheenergy today. deprеssed 7 WhatЪupwithJim?He|ooksrea||y with b is puzz|ing а isthemаtter They,re fora fewhours. 8 l haven't seentheсhi|dren good. probably upfono themselves wrong b amusing a doingsomething



W ordb u i l d i n g 4 Usethetextanda diсtionary to сomplete thisсhart. Noun 2 emotion 3 envy 4 ...........


Adjective embarrassed


p..pi;;.i;;;r;;il.y s w^.,' thrilled/thrilling


compIetethesesentenсeswithwordsfromthe сhаrtin 4 in theсorreсtform. ' t We'reund era lotof........... tostayt hin. 2 Myfгiend Was...'........ whenl gotthejob. 3 Sayinggoodbye attheendofthесouгseWasVery 4 Iwasso thatIwentred. 5 Mytrainwasdelayed, andIwas thatIwouldbelate. Iwas.......... . whenIsawthequestions in theexampaper. TheyWereso diffiсult! just I neverwanttoseeyouagain. You're I

8 Тheywentonsome...... '... Adventure Park.

3 Ireallyhate 4 Ifind

horrify pressunse

6 worry 8 . .. . . . . .

withyourfeelingsandopinions. Complete thesesentenсes 1 People areoften embarrassed by..............

. ridesatthe


Putthewordsin braсketsin theсorreсtorder. .What Weaskeda gгoup ofpeople, doyouthinkofBritish te|evision?'. Herеaresomeoftheanswers. P enny2 0 :1. . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.t.ha . . /. t hink / P e r s on a /l lly)t, h e r e is toomuсhsportonТV. Harry19: ...(opinion / In/ my),television has gotmuсhbetter intheIastfivеyears. lаn,t6: l wanttowatсhmoreсomedies aboutyoung peop|e. (kind/thei Тhat's/of) ' pr o gг a m m e . . . ( сan l I l t ol r e | a t e ) . Ma r ia1 8 : . . .( t o /m e/|t it ha t / s е e ms ) t h e bestЕnglish |anguаge сomediеs сomefromthe USA. A lex1 7 : . . .( po int /view / F r om/ my / of ) , is а wasteoftime.

Funсtions youropinion Еxpressing I Readthestatement below.Writefourmorearguments thatagree,andfourarguments thаtdisagreewiththe statement. Parents shou|d notaIIow сhildren under theaoeofsixto watсhteIevision. Agree Children should spendquality timewiththeparents and makefriends withotherсhildren rathеr thanwatсhTV.

Disagree provides Te|evision a sharedсu|tura| forkids,and experienсe сhi|dren whodon'twatсh te|evision сannot ioininanv сonversаtion aboutit'


Grammar > .Student's BookGr

G e r u ndsand infinitiv es 9 Readthetwotextsexpressingdifferentpointsof view Whiсh lgnoretheverbsin braсkets. aboutmanners. textdo youthinkwaswrittenby a teaсherandwhiсhby an elderlyperson?


1 1 CompIete 1-8 in yourownwords,usingthe sentenсes сorreсtformof theverbin braсkets. Eхаmplе Iwant(go)l wаntta Eо to theсinamdon Fridaу. 1 l сan'tаfford(buy) (giveup) 2 Mymotheг is trying forward to(spend) 3 Wearealllooking (do)......... finished 4 ourсIassstiII hаsn't putting off(do) 5 |amalways (finish) 6 | nevermanage

',.hy is it that nowadayspeoplе neveгwant зniwеф lettеrs?Whеn I was in the Statesa fеw years .3o *oiking as a jouгnalist,I wrote to peop|easkingfor .l inteгviеwand I nеver onсe got a rep|y.Although agгeеd ".hеnl telephoned,peop|eusua||y ,sorry,whеn .leet) mе' And as ior.3 ............... Gay) .,*"on" letsyou down ovеr an appointment,forgеt it. . modегn Britainand Amеriсa,Nevегapologise,never of =xp|аin,has bесomе a Way of |ife. I am tired . (seе) o|d Iadies standing-on pub|iс .1s ..ansportbесauseno one poIitеenough 6 (wear) the right оttei; them a sеat. Еven to be a thing seems : othеswhen you 90 out to dinneг manners good but :'thе past!l may bе oId.fashioned зrе simp|ya part of a сivi|isedsoсiеty.

8 Idon'tmind(wait)

Ger undor infinitive? an |nfinitive or gerundаfterсertаinverbsWeсаnUseeitheг gerund is different. meaning verbs, butthe infinitive ora аfterсertain Example test(some Iwon'tforgettaking mуdrivingtest.=Itookmydriving remember theexpeгiеnсe' timeinthepast), andl wi|| a|ways l,mgoingtotаkemydriving I won,t forget to takemу divingtest.= tеst(some andl'mnotgoingtomissit' timeinthеfuture),

12 Puttheverbsin brасketsintotheсorreсtform,the gerundor theinfinitive. . you want (spеak)ЕnglishreаllyweIl,you ,thank (say),pleаse,and .ave to lеarnhow (explain) time. |,m siсkof trying, all thе ' :эstudentsjusthowimportantthisis.torexampIe,if 10 wi thout (ask) quеstions ............ -.ou keep on . (make)usе of theseеssеntiаlWords,British : .Эeople.wi||сonсIudethatyouarееxtrеmе|yrudeand (ta|k)to you again. So, praсtisе : .uoid 12 ......'..''.... ,thank you, whеnеver (usе) 'p|ease,and possiblе.You йuy,thinк that Britishp"opt. don,t mind : -. .. i . (|istеn)to peop|ewho leтuie,' _ but , differenсe of world .nuк"'u *itl йis that admit) td ,ou,d b€ Wrong. So, even if thesewords arе not oveг- i 16 ;sеd in youl"oйn lunguage,deсidе today . istaгt)usingthem in Еnglish! .

10 Nowreadthetextsagainandputtheverbsin braсkets intotheсorreсtform,thegerundor theinfinitive.

Ехаmple yourgrannya birthday Don'Iforgot tо ьand(forget/send) сar0. с|oсkso I (remember l never / set)mya|arm a|ways wаkeuplate. (need they're ............... / dry-сlеan); Thesetгousers сovered inmud. yo) ut haty oujrob info r m W e. . . . . . . . . . .(.r. egr . . /et hasbeenunsuссessfuI. app|iсation so l anyЕng|ish, didn't understand ТheSpanish tourist (try/ taIk) tohiminFrenсh. (remember / see)thatJamesBond Doyou fiImonТV Iastweek? (try/ open) thedoorofthеsafebutthekey l .'..... '....... wou|dn't fittheloсk. ( n e e/d yo ulendm e2 0 pplea se? I . . . . . . ......... C o uld make) a phoneсa||. thought (regret whatI гea||y myfгiend / teI|) | ....... '....... ofhernewdress.


13 Correсtthemistakesin thesentenсes 1-5. 1 Newсarsaretooexpensive. |t'snotworthto buyone' 2 Canyoute|lmehowtodoingthisgrammar exerсise? 3 | knowthejob'sdiffiсu|t butthatdoesn't meanvoushou|d giveuptodoit. 4 | havenoideаhowusethisnewсomputer software. 5 Doyoufanсytogobowling nextSaturdаy? 14 Underline theсorreсtpreposition in eaсhsentenсe. 1 Тhеteaоher objeсts forI tol byourwriting in biro.She saysitlooksmessy. 2 |sanyonepaгtiсu|ar|y interested withl on/ и anсient history? 3 Aгeyou|ooking forwaгd tol forl ofуourskiingtrip? goingnextweek,aren't You're you? 4 Тheсhi|dгen arefeduptol with/ forbeingindoors today. lthаsn't stopped raining a||day. 5 |fyouwoгkhard,you'|| suссeedinI with/ fopassing your exams. 6 lnstead toI of lforgoing foгa wa|k, whydon'twegofora bikeride? 7 l'mafraid|'mnogoodata||inI atI onсooking. My husband always doesit. 8 WeareusedwithI forlfo doingabouttwohouгs, homework a night. 15 Rewritesentenсes 1-8 usingthewordsgivenаndan questionwordandinfinitive. appropriate EхаmpIe SаmstiIlсan'tdrivea саr. Samstil|doesn't knowhowto driveа саr. ,t Wheгeсаnl buya tiсket to London? Idon'tknow 2 Whoсanl askabout theсontent oftheneweхam? Cаnyoute|| me 3 Whatсanl dotogethe|p? I haveno idea

Howсanl gettotheсinema fromhere? I'veforgotten Myfriendhadnoideawhiсhbusstopshehadtogetoff at. It o | d m yfгien......... d 6 WeсаnnowspeаksomeCoсkney Еng|ish. Wehavealllearned Howis thisgameсa|Ied p|ayed? сriсket Iwanttokn ow.......... Mariadidn't knowtheproсedure formаking a phoneсal| toЕngland. Ishowеd Maria


Complete thesentenсewitha suitab|e word' Myshoesarediгty. Тheybad|y need............... CompIetethe sentenсewiththeсorreсtformof the verbin braсkets. On thewayhomewestopped (buy)flowersforMoniсa. Rewritethesentenceusingthewordgivenso the meаningstaysthesame. l сouIdn,t keepupwithhimas hewaswa|king fartoofast. Hewaswalking keepup.(me) Choosetheсorreсtoptionto сompIete thesentenсes. Youсannot ........making thedeсision anymore. a moveout b putoff с putaway d moveaway FilIin gаps1-5withа suitabIe word.Useoneword on|yin eaсhgаp. Survivatof fhes/ickest(сontinued) Suссеssful .politiсians' arе thosе who flnd out the pоwеr lies by observing,watсhing what's going and asking quеstions.Thеy undеrstandhow dесisions are arrivеd at, and whеrе pеoрlе arе сoming from and whatappеalsto 3 ........... an arеain a ............... еmotional intelligenсе сomеs into its оwn. Listеning is сritiсal Suссess, аs is sеnsitivityto what'shappеning arоund you and what's mаking it happеn.



*Vгiting MakingyourwritingmoreinterestingMakeуourwriting moreinteresting to thereaderbу usingadverbsto express feelings.

Эе s о r ib in geven t s ' 6 Мatсhsentenсes in а-f to forma in 1-6to sentenсes сontinuous story. Ехвп"lple .',rе с ]е сi dr dt о gi veAn th о n ya s u r р ri s ep a Г ty1' ...b ....

experienсes. 18 Writeа desсription of oneof yourpersonaI or an or party, Тhisсou|dbean unusuа| сeIebration words. Use 150-,|80 Write unusualholidayexperienсe. you. theseideаsto heIp . Saywhatkindofсelebration orpartyitwas/ whereyou wentonho|idаy, andwhoeIsewastherewithyou. . saywhatmadetheexperienсe unusua|' . Desсribe whathappened' . Desсribe howyoufeItafterwards'

,VetoldAnthony thatweweregoingtotakehimtothe photographs thehaIlwith Wedeсoratеd :hеatrе. 3 lots of invitations. We sent out andballoons.......... s .......... We forAnthonv toarrive. Wewaited о theha|I. entered whenAnthony .lгnedonthelights a b с d e f

Weworked allafternoon. biгthday. whattodofoгAnthony's Wewondered Wetriedtokeepquiet. Wea||sаnghappybirthday. faсe. Wetriedtokeepa straight Wetiсkеd offthenamesona Iist.

adverbs. Complete thetextbelowwiththefollowing . hurriedly . gent|y . feebly . enthusiastiсa||y . eventua||y . unfortunate|y . steadi|y . optimistiоaIly . ironiсa||y . miseгab|y getting watсhingthе stormсlouds 4 , . . . . . . . . . . . . сlo . . . ' .ser . C. r is t i n a of alwayslookson the bгightside things.l find thisquitеannoying. ,l supposeyou,rеan experton the . 5 . . . . ' ...' .......... wеa t her ,l ,г еplied l brakеd,got out, and 6 . . . . ' . . . . . ' . . .t.r.ied . . . t o pu l lt h е сanvasгoof ovеr the сar. . nd 7 . . ' . . . . . . . . . ' .,, it . , wa . . s st u с k A then,with a loud сraсkof thunder,it startеdto rainheavily! on the island it was a beautifulSеptembermorning our holiday.A warm of Corsiсaand the firstday of

in from the sеa as Cristina lvind b1еwl.......'............

open.topсar, аnd l dгovеa|ongin our hirеd Thenwe r . . . . . . . . . . . . .singing . . . .. old pop songs ' gatheringon thе nеarda noisе.Darkсloudswеre followedby a horizon.Wе saw a suddеnflash rumblеof thunder. з ,Pегhaps it won,train,,saidCristina

s. . . . . . . . . .......... , Wa t е r , Thisis ho r r iblе,l ,сo m pla inеd and againto drippingoff my nosе.l triеd again morе pul|thе roof overthe сar,eaсhtime q

, l0 . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.suссeeded, .'... but by t heni t w a s t oo wet. And so late.Тhе insideof thе сar Wassoaking and dry undеr was l. Cristina,however,was niсe find her her umbrеlla.Did l saythat l somеtimes quitе annoying?


Readi ng True/ fa|sestatementsmaуappeartrueas уou readthembutсheckthemсarefultу againsttheteхttomake surethat theуare,in faсt,givingthe sameinformation'


&WffiE& Thе Univеrsity of Сantеrbury in New Zеa].and,is

situatеd in Сhristсhurсh, onе of thе so;thе;rnos.iсitlеs 1 Readthetextanddeсidewhether thesestatements are in thе world, and has long tookеd to thе true(T)or false(F). to bridge thе physiсal distanсe bеtwееn "o.tь-iЬ.. iкеrг anJ o,n.. -ays ,.,.",.'ational 1 |nthepast,Canterbury University sought сontасt with 5 arеas of highеr еduсation. Now it is turning its attеntion eduсationaI estabIishments in inthenorth. a diffеrеnt dirесtion by offеring р.'is."o""tе сoursе in 2 Cаnterbury,s programme Antarсtiс is unique beсause studiеs billеd as ьоnftr,еЪ.st. " noother of its kind in thе world. university сourseis basеdona studyoftheсontinent of Although Сantеrbury is not Antarсtiсa. thе only univеrsity at lo whiсh Аntarсtiсa is stujiеd, what. 3 Students wi|| spendsometimevisiting rr]ak"еsits programmе theсontinent itse|f аstourists. p,og.u.-е in popular i::. i".lh". H:::: 11,:ii:"'.,l1l., 4 Тheсourseis aimedprimarily аtgraduates tnsсienсe. 5 Graduates fгomtheсourse wi|| a sсiеntifiс baсkgгould. ,Тhеsе hаvea muсngreater *uс.,,i,.u."n,t pеoplе who understаnding ls wili nесessarily еnd, thеir oftheсontinent's importanсe. ."**-;;;;! aьre to dеbatе 6 Students travel|ed and physiсs,, says сoursе dirесtor toAntaгсtiсa gеotoв".я ingroupsoffour. Gеoff Pеarman. lnstеad, thеy witl сomе out rеlatively 7 ltseemsthatdisposing ofrubbish leftbytourists is wеll versеd in сontеmporary Antarсtiс issuеs probIems. сausing and thе i havеinlnte'.,utio.,ut uгrui.,. тt'*iuк",l"'ili:ffi 8 onefeаture oftheсourse wasthewe|сome сnanсe to zо thе polar сontinеnt,s fast dеpl"ti;;;;;;;l;y". getс|oseenough and its effесt '*x totouсhthepenguins. оn gtobal warming, to issuеs of intеrnatlonal law and 9 Тheсontinent makesa deepimpression tourism. onthoseWho visitit. intеrdisсiPtinaly naturе of thе сoursе was madе oDvl:us 10 Тheuniversity ^".',ll: to partiсiрants during thеir wiIltrytoattrасt students fгomother rесеnt еxpеdition to thе es сontinеnt - fivе hours by сountries inthefuture. airЪom сrrrisi

Rеlativеly'",""'in'J.,l,1:Hfl if :'flъTJ:"'*:J..*;"-

spritintos,";;; of iour ;;;';;:xl.i;*ill,li,il ""d

сontеmporary Аntarсtiс issuеs. Thеsе inсludе .h"_th;;;;;; somе evеr-dесrеasingforms of marinе litе by сommеrсial fishing, thе iikеlv fйurе'of .ес"-i;;..;i and thе issuе of зo with juni фolitеly aе,иьеJi,'',ь" ]е}ins .ou.," matеrial ,human as artеfaсts,) Ьr p.""i;;.;i;ito.s and its еffeсt ^uj'o ]9rt on the есosystеm.. Thе prЬgram."" inсludеd thе g1thе1ins of gеologiсat anс ьo"tani.uii,iй.-ution, but no opportunity whatsoеvет to approaсh and pat thе pеnguins зs in thеir natural habitatl To aсquirе a bеtt€

sсiеnti sts,."..u;;i, ;}.*xi? H,Ж;l.T::: :H:""i'

partiсipants sеt out to tеst thеir suivlval skills _ for instanсe whеn building makеshift 'o-"Ъf ,'o. .u'",. .It was a lifе.сhan


all of us' in onе Way or anothеE ьaс someiьlng of a glazеd look by thе timе wЬ rеturnеd. It,s a piaсе that touсhеs you еmotionally and сrеativеly, as wеll i' .Ь."st, its obvious сhallеngе in terms of lеarnin8, .t,",'yoouйсtually thеrе., Partiсiрants on this yеar,s сoursе wеrе drawn from Nеw

,u, .ь"

begina :;i.H'1""*.'*:'-.*: сampaign to rесruit morе ovеrsеa' "',i.r,..''i,.tv'rr g.uсuu;,'. Сuordion Нigher g


'/oсabulary r ' e p o s it io ns l Complete sentenсes 1-10withtheseprepositions. . а t . of. t o . in. int o.on. w ith


Prefixesand suffixes 4 CompIete thetextwiththeсorreсtformof thewordsin braсketsаnda suitabIe prefixor suffix' . -less. -ful. inter. mis-. Dost. trans. sub-

1 Wehavebeeninсontaсt otheruniversities. 2 Theсourseis based a studyofAntarсtiсa. З Theсontent oftheсourseis aimed students withdifferent eduсationaI bасkgrounds. 4 Antarсtiсa p|ay paгt............... wiII animportant internationaI deсisions abouttheenvironment. 5 Itis beсoming inогeasing|y diffiсuIt todispose therubbish tourists Ieave behind. 6 Dealing thisrubbish is a bigproblem. 7 TheAntaгсtiс |andsсape madea bigimpression thestudents. I Тheuniveгsity is situated Christсhurсh. I Тhestudents weresp|it groups offour. 10 CommeгсiaI fishing is a thгeat marine life' Readthetextandfindwordsthаtmeаn: 1 thesсientifiс studyofroсks, strata, andtheearth's сrust ( l in e 16) 2 an areaofgasthatpгoteсts theearthfromharmfu| rays fгomthesun(|ine 20) 3 aninсreаse intemperature oftheЕaгth's atmosphere ( l ine 21) jouгney 1 anoгganised orVoyage witha partiсu|ar aim(|ine 24) 5 огeatures thatIiveinthesea(|ine 28) Е а .unit'сonsisting ofсгeatuгes andp|ants whiсhsurvive in а speсifiс (|ine bio|ogiсa| enviгonment 32) т гelated tothesсientifiс (|ine studyofp|ants 33) 3 theсonditions inwhiсha сreature noгma||y |ives(line35) 3 teсhniques forkeeping a|iveindiffiсuIt ordangerous (Iine сonditions 38) " : a person whois inteгested inpreserving thenaturаl environment (line 41)

ln the autumnof 2002,LееAnderson,a Sydnеy-based аdvertisingеxесutivе,dесidedto (form) ... his |ifе.Hе had had enough of the гat raсe.Hе wantedto еsсapea ... (stгess) саreerby undeгtakingan journеyfrom Australiato advеntuгous so|o-sai| SouthAmеriсa.Leе rесeived (nationa|) pгessсovеragefor two main reasons. First,hе wаs 63 yearso|d and seсond,he had hardlyаny expеrienсеof sailing!Еxpertsgavе . . . . a dviсe,a| t h ou g h him lo t so f + . . . . . . . . . . . . . (. .he|p) thе most rеpeatedpieсeof adviсeWas,,Don,t do it!' . . .lсula . L еe5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.сa t ed) t he t im ehe w ou l d neеdto preparefoг his journey.Afteгmany dеlayshe set off at the startof the winterseason, and this was the сauseof most of his Seveгеwinds blew him '.. (foгtunes). off сoursеand he was driventowardsАntarсtiсa and z......... (zero)tempеrаtures' He lost сontасtwith Austгa|ia when his radiofailеdand his attemptsat гepairingit werе not ... (suссess). Aftersix weeksat sea, the situationsееmed ...(hope). Fortunate|y, Leewas found by an Aгgentinе fishingvessеland air-liftedbaсk home.Leе sufferеd fгom.l0'..... (traumatiс) stress. Howevег,he was g|adto be a|iveаnd dеterminednеvегto go sai|ingagain!


Phrasalandprepositional verbs 5 Matсhverbs1-4 to meaningsa-d. 1 lookto 2 dealwith 3 splitinto 4 takein a b с d

aсttoso|vea pгob|em inс|ude сhooseorre|yon breakupoгdivide

6 Nowсompletethesentenсeswjththeverbsjn 5 in the сorreсtform. 1 ТheМayorofLondonhastried theproblems oftrаffiс сongestion, 2 Whenitwasstгuсk by|ightning, thetree.....'...... ' '. two с|earhalves. 3 Thetrip.......'....... themainsights ofarсhаeologiсal interest. 4 Manywestern сountгies poorerсountries to supplement theirworkforсe. Phrasalverbs with sef Theartiсlein 4 says....they...setaboutresearсhing сontemporary Antarсtiсissues.'Sefаboutmeans.stiЁ doingsomething'. ,t-7to endings 7 Mаtсhsentenсe beginnings a-g. 1 Winter hassefи ... 2 Whenwesefoиfthismorning ... 3 Myсousinsefup... 4 Еverymaгket daytгaderssetup... youdo,don'tmention 5 Whatever the priсeofpetrol, oryou,llsefDadoff'.' 6 Jimsefoutto... 7 Thisdelaywiththenеwоomputers willsefusback a hisownInternet сompany twoyeaгsago. b byat leastthreeweeks. с veryear|y thisyearwithfreezing temperatures ineаrly

November. breakthereсordforsсoringthegreatest number ofgoa|s thatseason. e theiгstal|s inthesmа|| squareinthесentre ofthetown. f theweаther waslove|y' g сritiсising thegovernment again!


8 Nowmatсhthephrasalverbsin itaIiсsin 7 to these meanings. 1 deсide toaсhieve something 2 beginandсontinue fora period oftime 3 stаrta business 4 bui|d oгputinposition 5 begina journey 6 makesomeone orsomеthing begindoingsomething 7 delaysomeone orsomething Puttheсonversation in theсorreсtorderfrom1-8.The firstandIаstsentenсes aregiven. MissGIarkHaveyouthought about whatyouwanttodo whenyoufinishsсhoolnextyear?.l. Helena l might bea Frenсh teaсher ora trаns|ator. ..' Helena l'mgoingtogotouniversity .., Helenа Тhat,s а diffiсult question' Myfavourlte subjeсts аreMaths, Frenсh andAгtandl сan'tdeсide whiсhtostudy. ... MissClark Canyoutellmewhatjobyouwanttodo?... MissCIark Doyouknowwhatyouwanttostudy?... MissCIark l think youshould studyFrenсh. ... Helena Тhankyou,MissClark''8,

Funсtions Situations 10 lmaginethatyourbestfriendhasаskedforyouadviсe aboutwhathe/ sheshoulddo аfterIeaving sсhooI. Deсidewhiсhof theoptionsbelowwouldbe most suitаbleforthem,andmakenotesof . What youthinktheyshou|d doafteг|eаving sсhoo|, andwhy l whatski|Is andquа|ifiсations they'|| need . theadvantages . thepotentiа| disadvantаoes. Careeroptions . AppIying foruniversity / сo||ege to study . Leаrning a newskiIl: . Starting workas a(n) . . Ta king a ga pyеa rdo ing. . . .'.. . .'..' . . . Other:

Expressing youropinion 11 Readthequestionbelow.CompIete theаnswerswith yourownideas. Shouldуouearnmoremoneуifуoudoan essentiatjob suсh as beinga doctoror nurse,thanifуouworkin a сommerсial bиsиess2 Yes,peop|e doing essentia|jobs shou|d eaгnmorebeсause ... l don't think so beсаuse '..



r iammar " !..udеnt'sBook Grammаr refеrerlсe,pаgе 136

: ' : s e n t sim pleor p r e sentсontinuous? ':

- se oneof theseverbsin thepresentsimpleor the эresentсontinuous withtheadverbin brасkets to : cmplete sentenсes,|-1 0. . ^l k. eаt . loo k. h ate . |iv е.go.сonsidеr use . . Мybestfriend (a |wa ys) . . ....... i


э !

I ":

ifsheсanborrow mythings. |treal|y annoys me. '.A/hаt kindofjob rlsabel) for? P a ul. . . . . . . . . . . (alw ays) tothe сinema onSaturday inwinter. N4y father ....... watсhing footbali onTV.He'drather beoutplaying it! go ing Гt /sist y er andI . . ..'....' to workabroad fora yeaг. lЙyyounger brother the whenl wanttomakea сalI' tа|ways) phone Att hem o m enwe t , ........... ......... . .in . .a. :еnted fIatintheсentre oftown. (you) What. . . . . . . . . . about do ing afteг Ieavino sсhool? Pleasedon'taskmeanvquestions now, . . . . . . . ....... my home w or kl (not) I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... me a t. I'ma vеgetarian.

, " э s e nthаbit s " ] ЭompIete thesentenсes withtheсorreсtformof the possib|e. in braсkets. Use willwhere 'еrb . She (often stay)|ateattheoffiсe tofinishher WOTK.

i Louis (often forget) toringmeorturnupfor appointments. з | ............ (sometimes find) herbehaviour гea||y irritаting. l lЙyсat (sit)bytheсupboаrd doorand ( wait)for (give) hours until | ............... him somebisсuits. 5 A|i.......... (go)fora гuneverymorning. |t'sthemost ,mportant thinginherlife! : Dan (not, takeoff)hissunglasses evenwhen (think ) r е isin sid e. He.'.......... he Iooks Iike a fiI m st a r ! '.


1 4 Writethewordsin theсorreсtorderto makesentences аboutpresenthabits. 1 is turning forever forIateheappointments up 2 сaгfаstnewdrivehisGarytooinwiII 3 regularly aboutbooksissuesreadsenvironmental David 4 wiIlаskAnderson diffiсuIt Mrquestions often 5 a longgotheontimemeetings often 6 phoning latealways is menightAnna at 1 5 Usethepromptsto writesentenсes aboutannoying habits.Use thepresentсontinuousandalwaуs. 1 Andyneverseemstoreadordoаnysport. (watсh / ТV) I hateitwhenSuzyaskstoborrow (lose/ my things. books) Myparents (stop/ mefromusingthe areгea||y striсt. lnternet) 4 Mybrotheг is driving (p|ay meсrazУ' musiс/ too|oud) (te|| 5 Myunс|e isveryboring. stories) / tedious 6 Mygir|friend (сritiсise is rea||y iгritating' i myс|othes) 16 Under|ine theсorreсtverbsin 1-10to сompIete thetext. l,m justwritingto let you know how I l spеnd/ am spendingmy timе at univeгsity. It,srea||ydifferеnt from sсhool.Тhis уear| 2live/ am livingon the сampusin studentaссommodation. | з usuallygеt up / am usuollуgettingиp at about eight.Leсturesand seminars4won,tbеgin/ don,t bеginbeforеnine so that lеavеsmе plentyof time to get rеady.

You swill oftеnfind/ orе oftеnfindingmе in thе libraryduringthe afternoon.|t,salsoa gгeatpIaсе to study- and it,sсheaperthan buyingbooks.l 6оm oftеnworking/ oftenwork there foг two or thrееhours. We l will sharе/ sharethe kitсhenswhiсh сan bе prettyannoying.PeoplевwillalwaYsleavе/ arе olwaysleovingthеirdirty p|atesаnd sauсepans |yingaround.ln thе eveningI goftеngo / om often goingto the studentbaг,to the сinemа,or to а сlub. l,m too tiгedto studyany more!1logo / wiil go to bed at aboutmidnight... wеl|,maybea Iitt|еlateгsometimеs!


Past habits 17 Rewritethetextusingthewordsin braсketswithwould or usedto wherepossible.

Lastyeаr l 1............... ... (went)to Тhailandand . (workеd)on a projeсtto help thе endangeгedturt|epopu|ation.l (stayефtherefor six months.Livingсonditionsat thе main сamp 4....... (wеrе)simplebut 5. ..'.............. adequate.Wе under tents, {slеpt) . (took)showеrsin thе moгningand еvеning,and Z......'..... .....(had) good loсalfood. on a typiсal day, we . (otе)breakfastat s 6.30 - we (worked)long days!- then .10 .., (travеllеd)by boat to thе beaсhes. Тhis ll (fook)about an houг.At the be асhwе ]2..... ..... ...,....(сovеrеd) thе turt|e s,nests with a proteсtivесovеring to prеvеntany of thе baby turt|esor ,hatсhlings, from еsсaping,and we ... (mеasurеd) the nеw hatсh|ings. There ]a..... (wеrе)thousandsof thеm! Wе ,|5........ a|so (сollесtеd) thе hatсhIingsand ,l6 ............... ..' (plасеd)them in speсiaInurseries beсausеthe shе||sof the baby turtIеsnеed about еight daysto hardеn.Aftеr Iunсh,we 1Z

(tronsfеrrеd) thе hatсhlingsthat (wеre)readyto Iivein the wiIdto the Araguaiаrivеr. . . .w) . I, l lnevеrforg ett hеfirsttimel ls ..............(so a|Ithosеtinyturt|еs сraw|ing intothe Watеr. 2 0. . . ''. . . . . . . . l (fе lt)real|y e motiona l! ,|-6. 18 Correсtthemistаkesin sentenсes 1 | сan,tstаndit!ShewouId WearmVсIothеs without asking. 2 onсeweusedtoseeMаdonna jogging in HydePark. 3 Iamnevergetting upearlyonSaturday morning! 4 WhenIwassixteen l would|iveinЕdinbuгgh. 5 Weаreoftengoingdanсing attheweekend. 6 Inthemorning wewouldvisited theartgalleries and museums.


Completethesentenсewiththeсorreсtformof the wordsin braсkets. The............... (UNDЕRSTAND) resulted fromthefaсt thаtheis sti|| (ЕXPЕR|ЕNсЕ). very Comp|etethe sentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the wordsin braсkets. MrsPetersen .......(mark) herstudents,сompositions foгthreehoursnow,buтsne (onlygetthrough) half ofthemso faг. Rewritethefo||owing as onesentenсe. Somepеop|e lovereading tabIoids. Thesetabloids aгefull ofgossipaboutotherpeople. Completethesentenсewiththemissingexpression. lfyoudon'tget.......... .. .....alltheseold magazines, therewi|lsoonbe nowhere tositaroundherе. Fill in gaps1-10withthebestoption:A, B, C or D, Runwaуlnferno Hеathrow is onеoftheworld's busiest airpoгts. Аllairports havethеirownspeсifiс fireandsafetyneedsandmust takepreсautions aсоording|y. FoгHeathrow, thismeans havingitsown11O-strong firebrigade. Тherearetwofirе 1 .....fireсrews stаtions, oneateасhendoftherUnway 2 сanreaсhab|aze .....thequiоkest timepossib|e. But theсhanсes of3 .....everbеinga fiгeontheplanes are a .....small. 5 .....thise|ite happi|y group offiгe-fighters arehigh|y-trаined forthеworstсаsesсenario, theymay neverhavetodeal6 .....a mаjor aссident intheirсareers" A typiсal examp|e ofa fire-fighteг beingсalledoutis when oneofthegreenlights ona 7 .....underсarriagе fаilsB ...'' on.Ninetimesout9 .....ten,itjustneedsa newbulb. So theHeathгow firemen trainаndwaitfora be|I10 neverПngs. 1 A so that B a|though C evеnif D sinсe 2 Аbу Bat Con Din 3 Ait Bthere Cone D any 4 Aso Btoo Cvery D muсh 5 ABeсause BWhi|e CАs D When 6 Ain Bfor Cout D with 7 Aplanes Baplane's Caplanes' D a plane 8 A сome B сoming C toсome D сame 9 Afor Bof Cby D with '10 Aand Bwhose Cbut D that


** г i'tiП9 r i : к i n grequest s ' l ReadtheemailbelowandfindsevenrequestsMarta тakes.Тhenсomplete 1-7withoneof the sentenсes шaysof makinga request. sendmethenamesofsomehotels? you 2 Do ....сheсktoseeifthегearemany exсursions fromthetown? 3 PIease '...findouttheсostofanaveraoe meal? . 1 . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .and ...,..,... ne wj o b. le tusknow alla boutyour 5 Peгhaos . сaIlmewiththeinformation. . |,d,.'........ mebefore nextFriday' сontaсt Could .... aггanoe a taxi to meetusatthе to airpoгt?

gotintouniversity! You to heаrthatyou've 'аsdeIighted you get wгite and tel| me how on! -st -lankyouforoffering tohelpwithourholiday ,.:ngements. A|exandI hаvebeendisоussing ourpIans -: havedeсided thatwedon'twanttosоendtoomuch *э in London * we'dmuсhrather getoffthe andOxford .;:еntгaсk. We'rebothverykeentospenda week . : ngintheNewForest. |fit'snottoomuсhtгoub|e, . - c youсontaсt and theguesthouseyoumentioned ::( Usa twinгoomfora weekfrom24thAugust? Don't ...vifyouсаn.tdoit- | сanphone fromhereand ,::lisemyЕngIish! Sэmefriends visited |astsummer andstrong|y Coгnwa|l ..:тmended there. I think theyusedа thatwegosuгfing . :' Vr,ssut.fboагd butdoyouthinkyouсouldсheсkto .. I it'spossible tohirea boardfora day? ,',ren Iwasstudying I neverwenttoYork in Britain . .stегandl rea||y wanttoseeit.|'dbegrateful ifyou : : - : flndoutaboutopening in timesandaссommodation .n эгea.Perhaps youсanaIsofindoutifthereareany , ... оathedra|s inthearea? : эx is keento getto Sсot|and beсause shewantsto . ' !dinburgh. Mum'sfгiend DoгisstiIllivesneаrthere giveusa bed :эuldI askyoutoringandаskifshe'|| ' . right?Hermobile is 07602340823. number . -stone|astfavouг: |'mtrying toсontасt my|and|ady ._ 3гighton would butshehаsmovedhouse'P|ease . :эntaсthersonAdamBradbury, whoworksatthe - -all in Bristol, is living tofindoutwherehismother .

toputyoutoso muсhtroubIe. ,',shеs,


Referringbaсkto questions 20 FinishSаm'semailtoMаrta eaсhof Martа's andanswer requests. DearMaгta, Thanks foryouremail. First,youaskedmetotellyou getting howl'm onаt university' We||, it'salIvery exсiting, newpeop|e. andI'vemetsomeinteresting |'mde|ighted thаtyou're сoming tovisittheUK. Youwanted meto ...



Levelsof formality Styleand register lt is impoftant fo usea suitablestуIeand register, e.g.formal,semi-formal whenwriting a or informal, Ietter'Youwilllosemarksin an eхamif уourstуleis unsuitable forthekindof letterуouarewriting'

21 Deсidewhetherphrаses,|-6aremoresuitabIe for writingformalor informal letters. 1 Wеwerede|ighted toheаrthat'.. 2 We'renotsurewhattodoabout... 3 Weapo|ogise sinсere|y for.'. 4 As faras whereyouсanstayis сonсerned ... 5 Wewouldstrongly adviseyouto ... 6 You're welсome topayusa visit.

22 Mаtсhphrasesa-f to theirmoreforma|or informаl equivаlents in 21. a Weaгeunсertain about... b Youreally must... с |twasgreаttogetyour|etter te||ing us ... d Monday wou|d bea сonvenient dayforyoutovisit. e We'resosorryabout ... f Withregard toyouraссommodation, ...

An informalletter 23 YouhavereсentIyreсeiveda Ietterfroma friendin

BritаinsayingthattheywouIdIiketo comeandvisit you'Writea repIyIetterin ,|20-150 words,сoveringthe points: following . saythatyouarede|ighted butyouaгeawayforthefirst weekhe/ shesuggests, . Saythatyouhavebooked a hotelforhim/ herforpartof hisstay. . Suggest a wayofspending timetogether. Giveгeсommendаtions ofoneortwoolaсestovisitin yourarea. Saywhatkindofweather andsuggest с|othing toexpeсt and/or otherthings tobring.


Reading 1 ReadthetextquiсkIyandсhoosethebesttitIe. I Howtogeta goodjobinpublishing 2 Howtowritea best-selling novel good 3 Нowtobea reader


; f you havе еvеr finishеd rеading thе latеst bloсkbustет, thought that it Was a total disastец t l and dесidеd that you сould havе dоnе infinitеly bеttеr yoursеlf, you might сonsidеr adopting thе following tесhniquеs. You may not grab a litеrary prizе, but if you,vе got an undеrstanding of thе publishing industry, it сould bring you some finanсial suссеSs and еnablе you to bеat thе opposition. Bеforе you dесidе on your subjесt mattеr, bе сunning and examine thе сurrеnt markеt. If you сan provе that historiсal dramas arе rеtulning to popularity, сonsidеr that typе of story but with a uniquе twist, and avоid thе lеss appеaling gеnrеs. Start by looking around you _ in nеWspapеrs,on TV _ for storiеs, сharaсtеrs and sеttings. Bеaring in mind that thе US markеt is fivе timеs thе sizе of Britain,s, you,vе got to admit that a novеl sеt in Nеw Еngland will havе gтеatеrsalеs potеntial than onе sеt in Dеvon, Еngland. Howеver, сhoosе a gеnrе and subjесt mattеr you fееl сomfortablе with. Thorough rеsеarсh will add to thе strеngth and dеpth of your writing and givе you morе сonfidеnсе. Read rеlеvant history books, biographiеs and travеl bоoks to gеt thе fееl of your сhosеn pеriod or sеtting. onсе you havе fоrmulatеd your сharaсtеrs,work out possiblе story linеs and loсations. Start to skеtсh out piесеs of dialoguе and diffеrеnt sсеnеs. only thеn should you sеt about writing your novеl.

Ask yoursеlf thе following quеstions as you writе: arе thеrе important issuеs involvеd? Dо thе сharaсters leap out of thе pagе at you and appеar largеr than lifе? Doеs drama run throughout thе novеl, making thе story Wolth rеading? Arе thеrе multiplе points of viеw? Do thе сharaсtеrsсontinuе to gIoW and not bесomе obsеssеdwith trivia? Doеs thе stоry opеn with a сrisis? You should bе answеring ,yеs, to еaсh quеstion. Onсе thе novеl is сomplеtеd, you must find an agеnt. Мany lеading publishеrs will only сonsidеr submissions via an еstablishеd agеnt and will largеly ignorе unsoliсited books. Again, rеsеarсh is thе kеy. Look fоr an agеnt that rеprеsеnts your gеnrе and stylе. Finally, dо not fоrgеt that thе book has to bе markеtеd onсе it is publishеd/ So you, thе author, will bесomе onе of thе novеl,S ,Uniquе Sеlling Points, and you will nееd to promotе yoursеlf. Both you and thе book will bеnеfit from having a good story to tеll. The Еditor (The Сuordion)


afnit Ехom trаining in themultipleMu|tipIe сhoiсe Readthestemor question it without possible, or answer complete tryto :hoicetask.If against answer thenсheckуour ookingat the options, :te posslb/e opfloлs.Thiswillhelpуoufoсuson the ,ightanswer.

Readthetextagаinandсhoosethebestanswer'a, b, с oг d, to questions1-6. whowantt0 forpeopIe adviсe 1 Тheartiсle сontains material. of|iterary a reada wideггangе better. industry thepublishing b understand prizefortheirwriting' с wina Iiterary writers. withsuссessfuI d сompete ofsuссessifit wil|havemoreсhanсe 2 A noveI faсt. a is basedonhistoriсa| oronTV. ina newspaper b сanbeserialisеd ofreaders. number toa laгger с сanappea| livesin. thewriter d is setintheсountry 3'refertointheseсondparagгaph? a b с d

a market a book a Ioсation a сharaсtеr

is mаdeinthethirdparagгaph? 4 Whiсhсomment getthefee|ofyour youwi|| your you researсh, do a As period andsetting. сhosen on wil|depend anddepthofyournoveI Тhestrength it. thetimeyouspendwriting youсreate аndstorylinesbefore P|anyoursetting yourсharaсters. onсeyouhavestaгted on|ywritepieсesofdia|ogue thenovel. writing


г I s f


B h d t)

Writers needanagentbeсause diгeсt aссeptmanusсгipts don'tusual|y а pub|ishers fromwriters. is whatkindofresearсh b agentsсansuggest neсessary. goWrong. whenthings offerhelpandsupport с agents theyknow. deа|onlywithwriteгs usual|y d pub|ishers that remember Youshould а booksneedtofindа market. kindsofbooks' needdifferent markets b different oftheirbooks. needtohe|pinthemarketing с authors good sPeakers. be should d authors


Voсabulary P hr a sesa nd m ea nings

,|-5 a or b, of thephrases 3 Choosetheсorreсtmeaning, ассordingto howtheyareusedin thetext' (|ine 10) matter 1 subjeсt ortopiсofa book,play,etс. а theсontent ina pieсeoftext b a heading (|ine11) 2 сurrent market orsoId p|aсes wheregoodsarebought а modern atthemoment orse|ling buying ofpeop|e b numbeгs (line14) 3 a unique twist ofevents deve|opment а anunexpeсted for kindofsetting a story b anunusual inmind(lines16-'17) 4 bearing is saying whatsomeone a suppoгting andсonsidering b remembering 43) books(|ine unsoIiсited 5 ignore а takenonotiсeofbookswhiсhhavenotbeen сommissioned in bookssenttothembyagents b shownointerest W o r d building to helpyou. 4 CompIete theсhаrt.Usea diсtionary Verb Noun Adjeсtive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I

appealing benefit сonfidenсe


different finanсial obsessive popularity xxxx


Nowсompletesentenсes1-8 withtheсorreсtformof thewordsin 4. nove|s. fiсtion withsсienсe аre.'............. 1 Theсhi|dren thingwas butthewho|e uphisownсompany 2 Pau|staгted a . . . . . . . . . . .disa . . . . st er . whiсh thatnewagеnt'........ 3 Тhemanusсript '.....Iast weekis a masteгpieсe! ofs l l l i on . . .tthe ys e l mi a r eso . . . . . . . . . . .t.ha 4 S o m ebo o ks сopies. isgoodornot. whethеr thenovel no............... 5 ltmakes it! aосept weсannot lfyoudon'thaveanagent, . . . . t so evi nepr u b l i s h ian g 6 W eсa nseeno. . . . . . . . . . .wha is goingtoread. novelnobody to ............... nove|s mewhyhistoriсa| 7 Canyoute|| peop|e so muсhthesedays? perhaps it'sa don't; others suссeed, 8 Someauthors quest ioonfho wm uсh. . . . . . . . . . .t.hey . . .h a v e . €

Positiveand negativeсomments 6 Reаdthesequotesandmarkwitha plus(+)thepositive onesаndwitha minus(-)thenegative ones. 1 ...thisremаrkab|e novelbrings a frеsheyetothe su bj eс t . . . 2 .'.riсhinemotionaIdepth andinteIIeсtuaIсuriosity... 3 .,.possib|y themostmind-numbing drive| l haveeveг Гead. . . 4 ,..thisbookis diminished bysomeglaring omissions and grossinассuraсies... 5 ...a gripping сIoak-and.dagger storythatwil|keep guessing readers untilthelastpage... 6 .' ' unorigina| anduninspirrng buta greatсuгefor in so m nia. . . 7 ...another winner fromoneofthegiants ofthepгivate. eyegenre...anexhilarating read... 8 '..a depressing butсompe||ing ta|eofdeсeit and mistrust ... 7 Nowputthewordsandphrаsesfromthequotesin the twoсoIumns. Useyournotebook. . сompe||ing . depth . drive| . eхhi|arating . fresh. gripping . inaссuraсy . mind-numbing . omission . remarkabIe . uninspiring . unoriginal Positive(+)


Complete thesesentenсes. Useyourideasandwords tn L

Myfavourite bookis Itis both and

ТhebookI hatemostis Ithink itis an0 Ф

9 Underline theсorreсtаlternative fromthephrasesin 't-5. lnterviewer1 Cheers!/Ехcuse me,doyouhaveа few

minutes? MrJenkins Yes,Ido. 2 Can Interviewer уoutellme/Doуouknowhowmanу youbuyeaсhweek? mаgazines MrJenkins I'llhavetothinkabout thatfora moment ...I oссasiona||y buya footba|| magazine butIdon,1 buyoneeveryweek. IntervieweroK'З Wouldуoumind/And l'd liketoknowif youeverborrow magazines fromotherpeople. MrJenkins Howshal|l putit?....I usua||y гeаdmywife's fashion maoazines... lnterviewer4 l'dliketo askуouabout/Could уou tellmeif youeverreadforeign |anguage magаzines? MrJenkinsN o ,ldo n' t . Interviewer5 Couldуouteltme/Can уou saуagaиwhiсh magazines youlikebest? MrJenkins WeI|, |etmesee...IenjoyFootbatlWeeklуbut myfavourite is Cosmopolitan.

Funсtions Ta lkinga bo ut piсt ur es 10 Lookаt thephotosbelow,andmakenotesaboutthe questions. following ,| Arethereanysituatjons whereсomputers wiII eventuа|ly rep|aсe books?Doyouthinkpeop|e wilIreаdliterature (forexamp|e, poetry noveIs, oгp|ays) ona сomputer? Givereasons. 2 Aгebooksbetter thanfi|ms atte|Iing stories? Тhinkofan example ofa bookanda filmofthesamestoryto yourpoint. rllustrate


r " a mm ar pagе 136 ) " Student'sBook Grammar referenсе,

; i а t i v ean d no un сlaus es .] сlausesand fourrelative Readthetextsandunderline withwhaf,andаnswer :nenounсIаusebeginning :uestions 1-2. . ArеthereIative youfounddefining ornonс|auses сIauses? dеfinino

of ortheobjeсt thesubjeсt 2 Doesthenounсlausereplaсe t hesent enс e?

тWo foodmythsеxposedl мYтH l Skipping brеakfast makеs you lose weight

^qthеdayon аn еmptystomaсhmеansthatyouaremore|ike|y to . -1vеiqht feсlIhunqrУandstаrtnibblinqlaterChoosеa Ьsyou,|l .. brеЪkfast ihаtwiIIgiveyЪuеnoughenergyto |аstyoutillIunсhtimе ' peйilrmlеsswe|Iaсadеmiсally' brеakiаst --ln who go to sсhooГwit6out

rиYтH 2 Starсhyfoods arе fattening riсеand breаdare thatfoodsIikepotatoes, =tvhoorewuр thinkinq is Whatis truе,however, . . .q findit hаrbto beIiе1е thаttheyarеn,t. ..еiе foodsаrеаn еssеntial pаrtofЪ wеll-balanсed diet.Fоodswhiсh - , .е a |otof fаt arepastry,bisсuitsand puddings. Rеodеr,sDigest


: r. d e fi n i nrge l a t iv celaus es . . +|liitrl:I!P|.Ii!\!|в:1|]1ш\|rЙ|!lп|Р1н:i||W\n1t|н\|xli1iq|Й1Ш||!!tl.|||Ёjnнн|\11

*гe pronoun pronoun relative whoseWeсаnusethere|ative .:setoreferpeop|e things' аswellasto :rample --: lvriter lentmeisArgentinian. whosebookyou've -.з movie by we'regoingtoseewаsdirесted whoseremake - ".эdHitсhсoсk.


Combinethese pairs of sentenсesusing a non.defining гeIative сIаusewith а suitabIerelativepronoun. € ' хtзttzplе -heseshoeswerea bargain. I bought themin Paris. 1toвe*tlоa*,w!эiсht bшg|зt iп Раris, w&re.а bаrgаin'1 Jamesis a reporter. Hisfatheris theeditorof a national newspaper.


Iastweek.She Patsywona |otofmoneyina сompetition worksinouroffiсe. Itsmenuis fuI|. is a|ways ТheSandyLanerestaurant famous. |astyear. 1 0urnearest restaurant seгvesonlyfish.|topened 1

Theowner forfiIms. is oftenusedasa setting TheсastIe prinсe. is a oftheсastIe


r eIative сlau se s D efining andnon.defining 1-6inyourownwordswitheither 13 CompIete sentenсes reIative сIause. a defining or a non.defining 'l Mybrother,

isyounger thanIam.

2 I ha vea sist er 3 Тhehouse

oftheсountryside ......... WasinthemiddIe

4 TheoIdhouseintheсountrv t om yg r a n d mot h e r . . . . . . . . . . . .be|o . . . ' ngеd . . .s, ......... 5 F a stf o o dr est a ur a nt peop|e' withyoung ......, агеverypopu|ar restaurant istheone 6 Myfavourite

Pronouns in relative сlauses for an organiс 14 Reаdthisextraсtfroman аdvertisement pronounsaremissing.Put foodfestival. Sevenrelative themin theсorreсtplaсe,as in theexample.

ORGANIС F.ОoD FЕSTIVAI,OF'FЕR YouсouIdbеoneof the|uсkypеopI"/#,l'.*," two fгеetiсkеtsto thе organiс Food Fеstivаl,is beinghe|dat thе RoyalHortiсultural Halrs, LondonSW'l on J0thJuly. Тhе fеstiva|is your сhanсeto find out about oгganiсfood produсts.Among the attгaсtions aгesеvегalсelebrityсhefs,wilIbe givingсookеry demonstrations, and expertgardеners, ТV progгammes on gardeningarewеI|-known and tipson organiсgardeningсan helpyou grow youг own organiсvеgеtab|es, even indoors! Еvenif you aгеnot one of thosewins a prize, you wilIsti|Irесеivea fгeеpгogrammеto thе show.To еnteг,simplywriteyour name and addresson a postсard,shou|dbе sentto thе followingaddress:


NounсIauses 15 Combinethesesentenсes usingnounсlauses. 1 Тheteсhniсian is exp|aining something. lt's inсomprehensible. What . Shehasseena film'|t'srea|Iy exсiting. Тhe

Mostpeople hateMonday mornings. I understand why.

Youaгesaying something. Idon'tbelieve it. Heis doingsomething. ltis illegal. What 6 TheyareIaughing aboutsomething. Idon'tknowwhatit ts.

Wordsearсh 16 Readthefollowingtext.ln somelinesthereis an extrа wordthatyou do notneed.Crossouttheextraword. тick (/) thefivelinesthatare сorreсt. 1 There aretwomаintypes ofnewspapers inBritain. 2 Oneofthesetypesofnewspapers isbeing сaIIed 3 broadsheets. lnthepast,broadsheets whiсh werеprinted paper 4 ona |arger shеet of thantheother type: tаb|oids. 5 Mostbroadsheets arenolonger onesprinted ina large format .... 6 buttheir isstilldiffеrent сontent from thatofthetab|oids. 7 Broadsheets feature serious newsstories, оommentary 8 fromwhose experts, andartreviews, forexample. 9 Тab|oids arepopu|ar andbeсause theywrite |essabout 10 serious matters andmorе thanabout сeIebrities oгsсandа|s. ....

completethesentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the wordin braсkets. Wearing сopies ofdesignerс|othes is аn ...............Way (ЕXPЕNSЕ) of keeping up{o-date. Gompletethesentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the verbin braсkets. (ask)himformoney.He'salways It'snouse broke. Rewritethefo|Iowing as one sentenсe. I сannotremember thenameofthedireсtor. Hisfi|mwas awarded an osсarforthebestsсгeenp|ay. FiIIin gаps1-10withthebestoption:A, B, G or D. Cookery writer Cooking is a teсhnique to be|earned andNe||eke Launspaсh hasherownс|oselуguardedseсrets,andnot reason: themateria|for a сookery book she hadplannedto publishseveralyears wassto|enbyan assoсiate. Itspub|iсation resulted a сourtсaseinwhiсhshe had prove to thattheideasсontained in itwereunique|y . Shewon,butas 6 result, was 7 unable thenameof hernewbook,dueout justbeforepub|iсаtion. thisautumn, We photograph werenot а||owed to her dеmonstrating heroriginaI teсhnique forsteаming musse|s, whiсhweenjoyed thefirstIunсhсourseontheterraсeintheoсtobersunshinein Franсe. 1 Awith

2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10


B for

Awhose Bwhom Gwho's Dwhiсh A sinсe Bwhile C a go Dwhen A in Bt o Cat D a b ou t A her Bo wn C her s D ow n e d A t he Bso m e C a ny Da A torevea| B revea|ingG revea|edD reveа| Aduring BfollowingCuntil Dfor Aon|y B evеn C eveг Djust A so Bа s c|ike Dsuсh



нi/гiting . s i n g wo rd s с o rreсtly l - Complete thetexton therightwiththesewordsand pnrases. . neveгtheIess . аIIinalI. aссording doubt to. without . aрaгt . onthewaybaсk from. unfortunately , onthewaythere. inhighspirits l \ ' . i t i ngс om p Iexsente nсes 1ts Usetheinformation in 1-3to writeonecomplex sentenсe foreaсh,usingfewerwords. Ехвnrltlе

wentonthe Sсhoo| Somestudеnts fromStAndrews Wason Friday. outing |astweek.Тheouting Cast|e 'Vaгwiсk reа||y enjoyed themseIves. -hе students [24words] |hе *tudrrctв *chаа!шfтрwgшfош f,r*rпst Аndrr.уl* &аst!*rе'вllу *цjoу*d oаsfinE fu WаrwiaК 'а*?l:riсlaу,* 'Ьеrж*o|vg*, words] B [1 justtwo yearsold.Itissituated 1 TheсаstIe 1,000 is around ofenteгtainment miIes fromtheM40.|thаsа programme everydaу'|29words] аndgameswhiсhtakep|aсe You FestivaI' 2 FromMaytoSeptember theгeis a Medieva| |ifefirst-hand. Youсanobserve medieva| сanexoeгienсe lifeofсrаftspeop|e. thedai|y [23words] ltwasveryhot 3 Itwasa beautiful day.ltwassummer. |andsсaped inthespeсtaсular indeed. WehаdIunch gardens. words] [21 Eхаm trаining


ТimingyourwritingSeehowlongit takesуoutoplan'write - this andсheсklhlstаsk.Do thiseaсhtimeуoudo anуwriting in timeeffectivelу theeхam' wtllhelpуouto useуourwriting

/ l ' i t i nga st u den tn ew s pa pera rticle 19 Writea shortartiсleof about200-250wordsfor a visitto a buiIding a studentnewspаper desсribing Don,tforget of historiсa| interestin yourсountry. to mention: l wheПthevisittookplaсeandwhoeIsewentonthevisit . Where youwentandhowyougottherе . whЭtyoudidthere . anyunusual thathappened things . a quotefroma person onthevisit , howyoufeltaboutthevisit

%t,gшqнfr ff;"rmщ Жrн

Wаrшiсk Саstlе Lastmonth, our с|asstravеlIedby сoасh to thе historiссast|ein Warwiсk.Thе сast|еis ovеr а thousandyearso|d and, ] ............... the guidе books,thе sесrеtsof its past hidе in thе sЬadowsof its walls. wе stopped at a motorwayserviсe stationfor brеakfast.As we had left homе at thе сraсk of dawn, but without any breakfast,wе а|l deсidedto have baсon, sаusagеs and eggs.Тhе mеalwas dеliсiousbut, 4 When We got baсk on the сoaсh, JamеsJohnson, who is not а good trave||er, suddenlybеgan to fеel iIIand we had to stop at the next sеrviсеstаtion, whiсh delayedus for about haIfan hour. , we arrivedin good time for our guided tour of thе сastle. Тhе саstlеitselfis quite magnifiсentаnd thеy have usеd modеls to rесreatewhat evеrydayIifеmust havеbeеn |ikесenturiеsago. leаrning about Viсtorianlifеfrom thе сostumedguides,we sаw the Еarlof Warwiсkpreparingfor his final batt|е,and wе |istеnеdto the сhiIlingtale of thе ghost who is said to haunt thе tower.Еvervonеwas exhaustedby thе end of thе day.7 ...........'..,., УУe had had a great timе. Fortunatеly, Jamesdid not feеl ill 8 so wе arrivеdon timе at thе sсhooI,wheгewе аlIwent our sepaгateways. , the visit was a peгfeсt way to disсovеrour historyand enjoy oursеlvеswith our с|assmates аnd teaсhers.


q Reading

Six sentenсes aremissingfromtheartiсIe. Readthe artiсIeаndсhoosefromsentenсes A-G theonewhiсh fitseaсhspace.Thereis onesentenсe youdo notneed.

At thetime,sсientists werep|anning to leta herdof thehorsesroаmwildoveran aгeainthesouthof Fгanсewithout humаnintervention inа pioneering studyofthеirnaturaI behaviour.

Claudiadeсided tofaоetheсhal|enge byсomingup witha p|antofenсeoffa vaIley, providea sourсeof waterandstartagainwiththerightanimals. .What a сreepyp|ace,,whispered C|audia as they grotto. enteredtheоhi||y

Stuсkinthehotbaсkseatofthefаmi|y сar, Claudia Fehgгoaned whenheгmotheг announсed thata сaveWastheirnextstop.0n ho|iday insouth-western Franсe, thefami|y soon aгrived attheLasсauxCave.

Butshe hada stunning surprise. Lit by e|eсtriс |ight bu|bs,a proсession of amazinganima|s гoamеdthe roсks aboveherheаd.Afriezeofe|even |ittle horsesсonfronted her. withbighеadsandbrist|y guarded upright manes. One itsfoaI: another kiсkeditsbaсk|egsupintheaiг.'|t's|ikea family,'the girlmuttered. 2 ......shе alsobeganto |ookupinformation aboutthehorses ,17,000 pаinted yearsago.Тoheramazement, byсavemen she foundthatthe primitive horseof Mongolia(or Przewalski's horse,afteгtheiгPo|ishdisсoverеr), theс|osestreIative of all modern brеeds, wasstil|a|ive. 3 ......Peering exсited|y at them,CIaudia аt firstthought the

'ltlooksjustIikethefrieze,'Claudia shouted in jubi|аnt mood,

'Just|ike hoгseshad wandered out of the сave paintings. Lasсaux,' Claudia Тhenshenotiсed thought. thevaсant |ookin 'They theсreаtures' browneyes. shou|d befreeinthewi|d,|ike theyusedto be,'shethought.

During а latertripto Еranсe, Claudiavisiteda zoo wherehalfa dozenMongolian horseswereon view.

From university, C|audiafollowedthe projeсtwith interest. Thenshе eagerlyaссеpted a p|aсeon theгesearсh teаm.Afterа whi|ethehorses, сondition deterioгated andthe projeсt wasnotа suссess,butC|audia, despiteherfгustration, didnotgiveup.Fromherrеsearсh sheknewthatifa herdhad beenbrought uptogetheг, theywou|d beab|etosurvive. ltwas groupsbythemselves. vitalto allowthemtoformstablefamily 5 ......she reсeived a |otof suppoгt andsponsoгship. Her

Тhetoughest сha|Ienge wasto сonvinсezoo manаgers to sendhertheirbesthorsesforbreeding. BасkhomeinZuriсh,Clаudiаmadespaсeamong theanimalposteгsсrowding herbedroom waIlsfoгa postсard oftheсavehorses.


A girl, a horsе and a dream

pаidoff.Тhгeefoа|swere instinсts andenthusiasm eventua||y bornin the reserve,and,withher suссess,C|audiawon reсognition, |t had beenworthal|the hardwork.Now her p|anning expеrtise is sought afterbysсientists thereturn ofthе Mongo|iаn horseto itslаstwildhome- theGobidesert.

7'niс ] Readthetextquiсklyandanswerthequestions. Cave? 1 Whereis theLasсaux seeonthewalIsofthесave? 2 WhatdidC|audia live? 3 Where doesClaudia paintings mаde? 4 Whenweгethe horse? Mongolian thеprimitive disсovered 5 Whoorigina||y .vaсant Iook'? 6 Whydidthehorsesinthezoohavea projeсt inthesouthofFranсe 7 Wastheгeseaгсh suссessfuI? I Whatwastheproblem? toreturn theMongolian intend 9 Wheredosсientists hoгse? .0 WasClaudia's plana suссess?


j Thepairsof verbsin ,|-3areаIIin thetext.Mаtсhthe a or b. 'vordswiththeirmeanings, 1 . spot.gaze fora longtime a Iookatsteadily suddenly b notiсe 2 . wander. stroll walk a gofora slow,leisurelY partiсu|ar direсtion inno b walks|ow|y . w hisoer. m ut t e г 3 сan'thear so thatothers a speakveгyquietly angryvoiсe b speakina Iow'quietandsometimes

. =, ,,vеeks eIеven pastthesite,C|audia spotted ago,stro|ling гan сirсles foаl a them, . ::s Ontheridge. As shewatсhеd . : ltsmother, off.6 ...... upitsIegsandga|loped thenkiсked :: : moment, gazing at a spe||bound agаin, shewasa сhi|d the horsesof , . эainting. Thanksto her determination, . :: -a.;Xhadgal|oped outoftheсave- to |ifе. Digеst Rеodеr,s


threewordsin thetext,eасhof whiсh 4 Findanother meansthesаmethingаs oneof thepairsin 1-3. 1 spor,gaze 2 wander, stroll muttеr з whisper, ,|-6withoneof theverbs sentenсes 5 NowсompIete from4 in theсorreсtform. , t W eweг en' | ontgh er i v e r inta hur r y, soW e. . . . . . . . . . .a. ... goingbaсktotheсar. bankbefore theanswer, meand leaned towards 2 Myfriend heardher. buttheteaсher take sheсouIdn't atthekittens; |oving|y 3 Amу hereyesoffthem. visiting suggested whenhismother 4 Mark another museum. ..aIIover sight_ thehoгses 5 |twasa beautifu| thevalley. yesterdaу, butitran a foxinthegarden 6 We awayаs soonas itsawus. Phrasalverbs with up verbsin matсhthephrasaI 6 Ineaсhpаirof sentenсes, a or b. itаliсwiththeirсorrectmeaning, going togiveupsmoking! but l'm me 1 Nobody believes uptothepoliсe. togivehimseIf deсided 2 Thegunmаn a suгrenderb stop upintheсountry. 3 l wasbrought atthemeeting? ofmoney upthequestion 4 Whobrought a introduсedb grewup a |otofredtape,l'mаfrаid. 5 We haveсomeup against 6 Haveyouсolneupwithananswertotheprob|em уet? of b faсeda diffiсu|ty a thought Wearehoping thatsaleswillplckupaflerthesummer holidays. quiteeasiIy as l knowFrenсh. Ithinkl'IIpickup|ta|ian informally learn a improveb а|waysstandupformeif l'mhavingаn Mybrothers argument athome, 10 Youshould learntostandupfobullies! yourself against b support a defend these verbsin 6 to сompIete NowusethephrasaI sentenсes. iftheyareintrouble. myfriends 1 I always t oou r t o . . . . . . . . . . .a. .so . . lu t i on 2 I t hink I ' vem a na ged oroblem! buttheydidsayonthe withrainatthemoment 3 lt'spouring ontoday. ....'.....'....Iater might foreсast thattheweather in the in a smallvillage pa г ent s . . . . . . . . W er e 4 My mountains. notverygoodfoгyou 5 I knowthattoomuсhсhoсolatе's it. . . . . ..' ....... | сo uI d butIdo n'tthink ' Ф

P e rs o n aql u a l i ti es 8 Matchthewords1-4totheсorreсt definitions а-d.

1 aptitude a a natural ability todosomething well 2 qua|itiesb theabi|ity todosomething espeсia||y physiсaI ormanuaI 3 skill c naturaI abi|ity toaсquire orIearn a skil| 4 talent d goodоharaсteristiсs

9 Complete thesentenсes withthewordsin 8, 1-4. 1 HeIeaгned hisсarpentry ........ .. fromhisfather. 2 Sheh asa remarka ble ............... foг|a ngua ges. S he reallyshould studythematuniversity. 3 ShehаsaIlthe patienсe, ofa goodteaсher: senseofhumour anddediсation. 4 Hehasa gгeatmusiсaI andhесanp|аyany tuneafterhehasheaгd itjustonсe. 10 CompIete thewordmapswiththeсharaсteristiсs that youassoсiate withtheсareers.

12 Complete theсonversation usingtheseexpressions. . Ithink . |fIwеreyou,. Whydon'tyouthink youshou|d abou: . Youсould Father 1,..working intheuniversity ho|idays. l'dIook forаг offiсejob. Kerry oh, noDad.Iсan'tstandthethought ofworking indoors allthetime. Father 2...|ook fora jobinfaгming orbui|ding. Thenyou'd beoutside allthetime. Kerry YoumayberightbutIdon't|ikegetting wеt. Fаther oK, youdon'twanttobeinаnoffiсe, youdon't wanttobeoutside intherain.3... geta jobwhere youmovearound a Iotbutdon'talwаys havetobe outside orinside! Kerry Canyouthinkofa jobwherе|сandothat? Father No,|сan'tbuta...dosomereseаrсh ontheInternet

Funсtions StimuIus.based disсussion 13 Ana|yse presented themateriаl belowаndanswer the questions.

Nothing suссееdslikе suссеss Whiсhаrethemostimportant for aсhievingpeаkperformanсe? 1 Diеt


4 Stгength


2 Stamina


5 Аdеquaterest


3 Properhydгation П


6 Regu|artгаining П

ffir I

. ana|ytiса| . € F еative.inte||igib|е . independent . hаsinitiative . inspiгed . inspiring . instinсtive . intuitive . сharmiщr. . рr€ } rt+еa|.. . goodspeaker organised energetiс 11 Usethewordsin ,|0to сomplete thesesentenсes. 1 Mybestfriend is He/ She sho uld bea ............... . SuссessfuI |awyers are.. аnd . . '. . . '. . . ..... . Suссessfu| асtoгs are..... a no. . . . . . . . . . ...... Suс с essfu I iсians m us are............ and . . . . . . . . . . ..... .


1 Desсribe theoiсtures. 2 Whatqua|ities dospoгtsmen andwomen needtooo thesespoгts? 3 Whatinformation doesthetableshow? 4 Whatdoyouunderstand peak bytheexpression peiormance? Whatspoгts areyougoodat,orwouId Iiketobegoodаt


r r a mm ar " siu

::st simpIe or pastperfeсt? "А Puttheverbsin braсketsintotheсorreсtform:past simpleor pastperfeсt. :].:;эЁfJfg

-heсompany (pubIish) thесhildren,s р;.а&fя*iз*d yeаrs аg0. 25 эlсyсlopedia nove| ofwhatis nowa best-sel|ing 1 Thеauthor a bookbefoге. / write) .....(never of a nye xperie nсe . ,...(y ou/ ha ve) 2 ............ (start) upyourown you before business сompany? 3 Thefirstamusement Park (appeaф inthisareaabout20yearsago. (arrive) I inBritain, | . . . . . . . . ... 4 B efore the tofind|earning . (noti expeсt) diffiсuIt. so Ianguage (go)ba сkhomebe сausIe 5 l ............ mypassport. . (foгget) ....( wa it ) bеlI, .... 6 l .. . . . . . . . . .(ring)the (tryt)o ................ s, ............. f ora fewm in u t ethen openthedoor. (give) theperformeг 7 Theaudiеnсe / ........(never They.......... ovation. a standing before. heaфanyoneas talented 8 Whi|еTimwastryingto deсidewhatto do withhis Iife,he in aсгossan adveгtisement ....(сome) the|oсa|paper.

: зstperfeсt continuous? simpleor pastperfeсt

. j Usetheseverbsin thepastperfeсtor thepastperfeсt 1-5. sentenсes to сompIete сontinuous . walk . foгget . think. study. make. trave| ..:.эs?Ёfff*

:э.:#&**gз ът*Jнз*g а|ldaу andmyfeet fe|tas if they to mе. эidnotbe|ong ,1 |..'......... staгtingup .. (often)of

й go hadthe.our"ug. onmyownbutnever inbusiness

it a| on e . .....с a rs f o r many 2 The fi r m. '. . . . . . years beforethey deсidedto diversifyand start сyс|esas wel|. manufaсturing s 3 My gг an dpar e nt......... (n e ve ф abr oadb e f o re th e y we n t o n th e i r tr i p t o |taI y. .. Sp a n i s hf o r s e v en 4 | ..... yeаrs beforeI made the deсisionto сarгyon with it at university.


Narrative tenses 16 ReadtheartiсIeaboutreсordIаbelbossJamesLavelIe. Puttheverbsin braсketsintotheсorreсtform:pаst pastperfeсtor pastperfeсt pastсontinuous, simp|e, сontinuous.


|,i {,,\, Ё ,\r '" 1 {




y the o ge o f 12, he I ...............(p ersuod e)his mumto give him o yeo r ,spo сketmo ne yoIl ot onсe. Now his independentreсord |oЬeIМo,Wоx is one of the mоstsuссessfulin thе |ond.And he,s on|v24. Johnny Dovis meetsJomes Lovelle. knows о thingor fulo oЬout pullingoff thе .]omеsLove||е unехpeсtеd.Тhough his Мo,Wox ]сЬeIsmосksоf Аmеriсon str ееt сu|tur e, his ,str еet, w o u|d Ь e onе in mlddie-сloss Oхford, homе of thе dгeomingspires,wnеrе nе (gr o w ) Up. Н is fo ther , o iоwу еr, ful|y : (ехpeсt)h]s son to go to universi1у os thе гest o f thе fo mi|y { do ) Ь r fo ге him . But Jоm es . (hо ve)o ther ideo s Н o ving persuod ed his mum to givе him o уеo гЪ po сket mo ney in one g o, hе o nd so iЬ uу)о po ir o f tuгntо Ь lеs

феgin)his сoгeеros o Dj. By the timеhе wos ]Z, hе

wьll"ь. n ....l::::,ъ.)il3J:::Ц*:Ы:ь.*l;

с r есo гdingсo mpo ny in Lo ndo n,hе ]O .............' (m . ok e) o dесisio i to sto гt Uр his о w n pгo duсtionouifit. He . (woгk)os с DJ when he . {bеgin] to writе o геgulorсo|umnin o musiсmogozine.Shrеwоry,ne l '. (use) this сo lumn to Onnounсе his iniеntio nto sto r this o w n r eсo r d|o Ь e|.W ho tla (ho ppen)nо x t, o сo nstо ntstr еo m o f super Ь|y . р oс[.оg еd rе|еosеs, . (еоrn)him on unrivо||ed ieputotionon |he Britishmusiсsсеne.

that as soonas t realised surgery thedentist's 5 I phoned my a ppointm ent . . . . . . . . . . I .. . . . Ф

Adjeсtiveor adverb? Adjeсtivesfo|lowing сertаinverbs Аfterverbsexpressиg feelings aлdsensаfloлs, ora сertainstate,Weuseadjeсtives, notadverbs' Theseare:be,seem,appear, Iooltsound, smeI|, tаste, feeI,beсome, oet' Eхample =Thеfoodhаsа de|iсious Тhefoodlooksdе|iсious. appearanсe. Remember thattle ruleis onlуtrueи fhisseлseof theaboveverbs' /лolherseлses,Weсan IJseadverbs, foreхample:The deteсtive |ooked suspiсous|y atthethiеf.

1 7 Use these words in their аdjeсtiveor adverbform to сompletesentenсes1-6. . slow. hard. noisy. happy. OaSy. wondeгfuI

1 Youсan't.'............. teасhyourse|f tospeаkanotheг language. 2 Petralooks..............., doesn't she?She hasn'tstopped

smiling allmorning. 3 Тherosessme|I Whogaveyouthem? 4 Тhetгaffiс Wasso that| оouldn't getany sleep. 5 Canyo up| ease s peak а littIe more........... .lca . . . ?n' t quiteunderstand whatyou're saying. 6 We'vebeenwoгking so ............... today thatwehаven't hadtimeforlunсh. Adverb сlauses 18 Matсhsentenсe beginnings 1-6to endingsa-f. 1 Jamestooka yeaг'spoсket money inonego... 2 |fJаmeshadn't borrowed poсket the money fromhis motheг, .,. 3 JamesWasso suссessfu| ... 4 WhenJameswassti|latsсhool, ... 5 Jameseventually gotwhathewanted .,. 6 Hesought thehe|pofa majorreсord IabeI сompany ... a so thathtsownlabelwould beabletosurvtve. b hewasalready working as a DJ. с thatheis nowearning a lotofmoney. d hewouldneverhavebeenso suссessfur, e beсаuse hewanted tobuyа paiгofturntab|es. f although itwasn't easy. 19 NowсompIete thesesentenсes in yourownwords. 'l lf I havetimetonight, I ... 2 l bought thisdiсtionary beсause .,. 3 WhenIwasveryyoung, ... 4 Thetestwasso easythat,.. 5 Although Idon'tfeelverywellthismorning, ... 6 Iamstudying Еng|ish so that'..


1 CompIetethesentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the verbsin braсkets. When| (rea|isе)Maгtin "r (nottake)hiskey,I 1:r (deсidе) to |eаvethedoor i., :i. un|oсked. 2 Completethe sentenсewiththeсorreсtformof the l wordsin brасkets. . Ji||usedherenormous (CRЕAТE) whi|e workrng forThePosfas a ............... (COLUMN). as onesentenсe, usingthe ' 3 RewritethefoIIowing . wordin braсkets' Pau|wasafraid. Hedeсided toentertheroom.(spite) 4 Complete theseсondsentenсeso it meansthesame as thefirst. Heгbert hаsa|wаysbeenfriend|y towardsme" Herbert hasalways treated me............. 5 Fill in gaps1-'10witha suitableword.Use oneword on|yin eасhgap.

ii i1 ' +i

Cherartistry Cherwasаndstill

a phenomenon. Anothеr

аnother newpгojeсt, andanother newwigtogo t9uy' it!But3 happens tothemall? .We|l,'says . Cher, Еасh I wearis photographed andсаta|ogued bymytrusted assistant of 22уears,Debbie, andthenp|aced ona b|oсkаndkeptin a temperаture-сontrolled roomonthethirdf|oorofmy house..And thestageandТV сlothes, pагtiсu|аrly ....thatwonhera plaсeontheannual listof WorstDressed Аmeriсan yеar6 ... ......'..'. Уear Women inthe1960sаnd1970s?.Тheyсou|dbe pretty _ extreme totheextentthata |otof peop|eonlytunedintotheSoллy andChershow toseewhatl7 ............... wearing. Most weredesigned byBobMaсkieаndhe haskeptthemall. Theygotoexhibitions, oron loantomuseums. lt'salmost as o ............... theyhavea lifeoftheirown.' Cher saysthiswiththedeadpan intonation ofonewhofinds nothing suгprising more.Butthensne seenanddoneitall! ir:i'фl:{il.;'l..l.,.':.;.+



Presenting anargument

fo r a ndaga ins t Э гg a n i s i nagn a r g u ment theideas suggests .]0 Whiсhpаragraph intheсomposition a-d? and|uсk. onbothabi|ity depends a Suссessprobab|y ofviewaboutsuссess. b Тherearetwopoints byabi|ity. с Suссessis determined ofwhoVoUare. d Suссessis oftena matter

o{ choncе 3*ес.еss ёs not o mottеr _ sцcc.еss сs somе|hСь1 thot vеrу {еиl

сn thеir lсуeso ochСеуe с.otn2kcеlу d.o tnononе to ьl+l,'oa1h 2еo2lе 'aost lцl{сl thеСr oсtas frottt tс"Йе to tс'Йe.


sцeс,еss /.e2еn&s soу thoi }otnе 2еo2lе cn ЬеСь1 ёь thе fсз^+ 2loc-е ot the rсn^с trце ofnце tlat titnе uhсle othеrs sцс.с:еss d-е2еn&s еntСrеlу oь oЬilч. с:oь seе7 s|.ccеssfцl 2еo2lе shoиl oьd. co2oЬlе vеrу уе o{tеn ьstoьСshin1 Сolеь{ ёь thеСr ehosеь |cеll.s.

hoуе olso taod-е o d-еtertnСnеd ahеse 2еo2lе to rеoc.h с^е l\есз^ts e{ t|\есf е#ort pro{еssёon, o{tеь s|ad-усьn or troс^.^n Ье{orе reochf,ьn с^есf iorl {or "'a^у уеors 1ools. сt сs elеor thot .- oь thе othеr ^o^&' ьеёьn Ьorn ёьto o {вtaсlу uhich co^ Pfo|сaе loц uith .-oцьtеd


сn lс{е оnцst oАrontonе. А sеcеnё

rс1h* stott


os o 1rеot tt1o^у sцccеssfцl otvoьtonе сs t^ot еtе. Ьasсnеss 2ee2k, polсtсcсons, xtte^d.еd- цьСуеrsСtСеs t.lhеrе {heу tае{ pеo2lе o{ t^е so?nе сь|еllё1еt.c.e lercl en/. ЬocК1foцnd. тaok{.ь1 цsе{цl


os thеtasеlvеs,



u2э ёt ьloцld Ье uroьn to slLс;с:еss d.е2еь&s еxclusсvеlу ьssl/с?v.ethot To sцta

е{thеr oь oЬсlс+у of o^ lцck. I' o"n iь {oуoцr o{ thе orxьtnеnt реrsoьoll|ь thot Сt d-еpеьLs oь Ьoth o| t^еsе {octors еСther oЬсlссу or lцck uСthoцt an& thвt ^o

sцс.r.еss l!сll

on theIeft in theсomposition 21 Findtheexpressions to ,|-8. whiсhhаvea simiIаrmeаning 1 oссasionalIy 2 thewayIseeit 3 сonverseIy positive 4 anotheг thing 5 therefore 6 tosummarise 7 support theview 8 сonditions or yourargumentsMakereсommendations Suppoгting if forbothsidesofуourargument suggestalternative soiutioлs positivelу about posslb/e, ThiswilIshowthatуouhavethought bothpointsof viewbeforemakingуourownfinalconсlusions'

Writing an essay

дs {or os I



22 UsethenotesandideаsbeIowto writean essayin withsome 200-250 words.Presentyourargument phrasesfrom2'1.

эhould Art orlvaLe LraпэPo€ aпd Еo.^sn Ьe Ёanned r€ orn

сLLg cе^L(еэ. IпLroduсLioп Lrq€Сtc





Т1.,e argumenL

a yoЬiem aЬouL



г\o more сongеэLlon. / эa€е zoneз ) no рoltuLloгr рeaeзLriй-onlg qllo^r dellverleэ qnd рuЫLс ReеommепdaLlonэl LronэPorL ЬэL Ьqn р'rlvaLe LraпзPorL AаvaпLa3eэ1

щ DlэqdvqпLq8eз:

L^сonveпLепL qпd unрoрular

crеq|-е more сqr Pq(Lэ зoluLlonэl AlLernqLlve LпLo сLL9 cевLrеэ drlvсч for cqrэ ) еЬar3e da9э ,z aшo,s сar5 Lп oгr alLernqLe сoпсluslon Your o^sn conсluэLon3., (eqФr\э oРLпLoг\ Summln8



UPl 9с)Ur overqll сonеlu5lon

еуer Ье ochСеtе&,


R eadi n g 1 ReadthetextquiсkIyandсomplete thenotes. 1 Nаmeoftheсreature onthemountain: 2 Nam eoft h emountain: ............... 3 Siz eo ft heс reature: ............... 4 Yearoft h ebestk nowinсide n nt: ......... '..... 5 Aс t ion b yPгofe ssor t aken CoIIie: .............. . phenomenon 6 MostIike|y exp|anаtion: known as . . . . . . . . . . .....


lШT}lЕ MlsT Yeti in the UK? The Sсottish Сairngorms, it sеems/Iayс|aimto theiгVегyown Abominab|е Snowman,for the footstepsin thе title be|ong to the Big Grey Man of Ben MaсDui. tor more than 20О уеars, hiIl wa|kers and mountainеershave reportеdeеriе happeningson the ruggеd slopеs of Bеn MaсDui, Sсotland,ssесond highest mountain after Bеn Nеvis.

Тhе enсounters fгequentIyinvolve eхpеrienсed сlimbers aссustomed to mountain сonditions, inс|uding weIl-known upIands enthusiasts,for еxamp|e aсtor Brian Blessed. Strange and inexp|iсab|e soundsare thе most сommonlyargued over phenomena,though oссasiona||y fear-striсken witnеssеsspeak of seeing a mysteriousthree-metrеhigh grеy figuгеstridingthrough the mist _ henсe the |еgendof the Big Grey Man. Еaсhyеar,the repoгtsсontinuе,and Iikethе Loсh Ness monstеr,thе Big crеy Man attraсtshis fair share of сranks,hoaxеrs,UFo* huntersand еven rеligious pilgrims. Yet at thе hеart of thе hysteria, theге pеrsistsa сonstantstrеamof rеportsmade by rеliable individua|s,not given to pIaying triсks on feIlow mountaineers. onе of thе best-known inсidеnts oссurrеd in 1890, involving Profеssor Norman Co||iе of the Universityof London. Whilе he was making his way down from the desertеdsummit of Ben MaсDui, he suddеnly beсame aware of footsteps behind him. ,For еvеry fеw stеps I took, I heard a сrunсh, as if someonе was wа|king aftеr me, but with rеgular movеmеnts, taking steps thгее or four times thе Iength of my own., ProfessorСollie Was a high|y respeсtedsсholar who did not tolеratefoo|ishness and yet he pub|iс|ytestifiеdto this.,I was seizеdwith terror and took to my heels, staggering blindly among bou|dеrsfor four or fivе miIesand eventual|y makingfoг thе Rothiemurсhus Forest., Еxpertshave sought a sensib|ethеory to exp|ain away the footstepsand thе other strangеsounds as mere|ythe aсtion of the wind howling through thе narrow gu||ies,or roсks expanding and сontraсting with сhanges in temperature,whi|e sightings arе dismissedas other сIimbers,trees,deеr аnd whir|ing snow. A more p|ausib|еexplanation is сonnесted with an optiсal phenomenon known as the Spесtге of the Broсken,whiсh was firstobservedon the Harz Mountains of northеrn cеrmany. The effeсt oссuгs when the sun,slow angleсaststhe observer,s shadow on an opaquewall of mist,resultingin the apparition of a greyishfigure,distortedand magnifiedas if in a fаirgroundmirror. Тhe truth behind the enigma brings a steadyfloи. of speсtrе hunters to the Сairngorm rеgion еaсh year.Despitethе Big Grey Man,senduгingаttraсtion" for PгofessorСo|Iiethе tеrror of one enсountеrwas morе than еnough. ,Тhereis somеthingvery stгangе aboutthе tip of Ben MaсDui,аnd l know l wi||not gс baсk thеге again by myself,,he deсlarеd.Нe nеvеr set foot on the mountainagain. * UFo: Unidе ntifiе F|уing d objе сL


cN Е R m ag aziг=

llnix Ехom trаining questionsАfterуouhavechosenуour Mu|tip|e-сhoiсe teхtto againagainstthe enswer, сheckalltheotheroptions nake surethevarenotсorrect'

2 Readthetextagainandсhoosethebestаnswer'anb, с or d,for questions1-5. 'l BenMaсDui Cairngorms intheSсottish is a mountain with peakinSсotIand. a thehighest forwalking. foothills b gentle andvisitors. с fewtourists suгfaсes' uneven d rough, are BenMaсDui 2 ManyofthosewhoсIimb BigGrey thefamous ofseeing аtthethought a terrified Man. inthemountаins. ofwhatсanhappen b awaгe phenomena. ofstrange fortheirknowledge G famous sounds. stгange tohearing d unaссustomed he in 1B90, themountain desсended CoI|ie 3 As Professor some running between сreature a sawa strange boulders. him. behind movements someirregular b heard awarethathewasbeingfol|owed. G beсame to thatmadehimtoofrightened something d notiсed move. oftheBig ofthesightings 4 Themostlikelyexplanation is that Man Grey onthemountain. с|imber wasanother a theсreature ina bad a human resembIe сouId b ananimaI snowstoгm. inthe triсkoftheIight theshapeis a paгtiсu|ar mountains. themist. ofa treeagainst a shadow heis merely he thefootsteps, heaгd hadn't Co|Iie 5 lf Pгofessor а wouldneverhavegonebaсkdownthemountain. again' themountain haveс|imbed b might about them. haveto|dpeop|e с wouId again. themountain haveсIimbed d wouldn't


Voсabu Iary Prepositions ,|-8withtheсorreсtpreposition. 3 completesentenсes . with . in. of. on. to. through ...... aссustomed aгeusual|y 1 Еxpeгienсed с|imbeгs сonditions. mountain stгange wasnota mantoplaytriсks......his 2 Professor ColIie fellow mountaineers. ......thefaсtthathehad totestify 3 Hewasprepared heardfootsteos. whenheheardthefootsteps. 4 Hewasseized......terгor ....'. thetrees. 5 Тhewindwashow|ing ......anoptiсa| mаyhavebeenсonneсted 6 Thesightings illusion. the seeing ......theobserver 7 Тhei|Iusion сanгesu|t shapeofa figure. wasenough theeeriefootsteps ......hearing 8 Theterror going baсk' tostophim Words that go together in itаIiсsto theсorreсtexpIаnation, 4 Matсhtheadjeсtives а o r b. 1 eeriehappenings a interestingb strange sounds 2 ineхpliсable b unexplainable a unbelievable 3 fear-striсkenwitnesses a iIl b teгrified figuгe 4 mуsterious а wel|.knownb unidentified 5 plausibleexplanation b сredibIe a unbeIievab|e 6 opticalphenomena hearс seen b something a something 7 opaquewall toseethrough а transparentb diffiсuIt 8 enduring attraсtion a lasting b likeable


Mysteryand imagination 5 Choosethebestworda, b or с, to сomplete the sentenсes. 1 Тhemanappeared towaIkthrough thewaII! |tmusthave oeena a magiс b triсk с mystery 2 Whenhesawaneag|e attaсk a smaI|eг bird,hehadа thata disaster wasgoingtohappen. a prediсtion b pгemonitionс antiсipation 3 Afterfoгtydaysinthеdеseгt, theprophet |ooked upand hada . ofa fieryоhariot raсing aсrossthesky' а V|eW b fanсy с vision 4 Although sheсIaimed tohaveseena ghost, theremust bea less explanation. a rationaI b гeasonable с irrationа| 5 oneoft h est range st............... |'vee verhadoссur r ed threeyearsagoOna сo|dwinteг night. a experienсesb experimentsс fee|ings 6 Harry's bloodfrozewhenhehearda ...sсгeam. a terrifiс b terrifying с terrify 7 HaveyoureadаnyofЕdgarAlаn Poe'staIes? Hehadan extraordinary a fantasy b imaginary с imagination 8 Aссording to|egend, vampires areextreme|y todaylight. a sensib|e b insensib|e с sensitive 9 Don'treаdthisbookwhenyouareonyourown.|'ve n ever b eenso ............... inmyw hole life . a sсагed b a|armed с paniсked 1 0 P eop |e areso ............ .... Theya ссept themo st ridiсuIous things asfaсts. a сredulous b inсredibIe с сredib|e Adverbs ,|-6withthecorreсtadverb. 6 compIete sentenсes . oссasiona||y . high|y . сommon|y . mere|y . pub|iс|y . blindly 1 Peterrаndownthehi|I interror, staggering ............ '.. between thetreesandbouldeгs. 2 JamesBrown is a ............... гespeсted sсientist. 3 I hadvisited themountain butwаsnotfami|iar withthedifferent гoutes uoit. ТhePennine rangeofmountains is Knownas thebасkbone ofEng|and' ТheсIimbers testified thattheyhadheard footsteps behind themonthedeserted mountain Sure|y thenoisewas thеbranсh ofa tree beating against thewindow!


7 Putthewordsin bracketsin theсorreсtorder. JournаlistI beIieve Vousawwhаtvouthinkmiohtbea biс сat,suсhas a pumaormountain |ion, onyour you you farm. Can tellmewhere sawtheanimal. l . . . ...... Fаrmer |twa snea so (tгrat r m esheep. . ....... stгuсk / |t/ me)theremustbea prob|em beсause thesheepWereVeryfrightened. ...(notiсed / I/ then/ that) there wasa lагgewi|dсatintheсorner ofthefield. JournаlistHowbigwasit? Farmer Letmethink ... ...(would / I/ it/ was/ say)morethana metrelong. Journalist|sthereаnything eIsethatyouсanteIIus? Fаrmer I tha da |o ng t a i|a nd4 .' . . . . . .'.. ...' ....( d i s t i n с t | у remember / l) itseyes- theywereyellow. ...(say/ but/ сan't/ сertаin / I/ for Ithinkitwasb|aсk ordaгkbrown.

Funсtions Stimulus.based disсussion presented 8 Analysethemаterial beIowаndаnswerthe questions.

t ll ]|ltEll BEllAUl0U Пtтls0GlПl llls0пllEts т0PEпs0]|AllтY Sсhools and familiоs сould do morr to stop bad bеhaviour 1 2 3 4


Desсribe theoiоtures. Whatsortofbehaviour is .antisoсial'? giveus? Whatinformation dotheheadlines Whatotherreasons сanУouthinkofforantisoсial behаviour? Whatdoyouthinkсanbedonetoenсourage peop|e to гesponsibIy? behave


Grammar Grammаr l l

P r e s e ntm od als 1-9,аndthenmatсh 9 UnderIine themodalsin sentenсes a-h. themwithmeanings ..... intheсIassmuststudyharder. 1 Еveryone ..... 2 Thatmustbeournewteaсher. ..... veryс|ear|y. myearlyсhiIdhood 3 |сanгemember just ..'.. We,ve hadIunсh! 4 Youсan'tbehungry. .'... 5 MayIaskyoua favouг? withyounextsummer. 6 Wemight beabletogoсаmping whatI'vejusttoldyou!..... 7 Youmustn't tellanyone ..... getupearlytomorrow. It'stheweekend. 8 Youneedn't yourhardbefore spending 9 Youshou|d thinkсarefu||y m o ney...... earneo e prohibition a permrssr0n possibility f a lасkofneсessity b g anobligation с a |ogiсa|exp|anation (twoanswers) h adviсe d ability Рa s t m od aIsan d m ea ning 10 Whiсhpastmodalin sentenсes 1-6 сanexpressthe meanings а-f? yourhomework |t'son|y alгeady. 1 Youcan'thavefиlshed takentenminutes! doenough exambutIdidn't I couldhavepassedthe гevision. havephoned heardfromSamyetbuthemrghf I haven't whileIwаsout. 4 Iсan'tfindmykeys.Imusthave/osfthem. lt'snotgoingto anumbrella. 5 Youneedn't havebrought rа|n. Itwasn't Youshou/d havetoldmeabouttheparty. supposed tobea seсret a b с d a E I

ability possibility obligation сertainty Iaсkofneсessity impossibility


11 Reаdthe сonversаtionaboutсoinсidenсeаnd сompIete the text with аn appropriatepast modaIand the сorreсt form of the verb in braсkets.Morethan one answer may be сorreсt. i Dan Тhеre,sno suсh thing as сoinсidеnсe,you know. Тraсy of сouгsethеre is! Let mе te|lyou about a. rеal|yweird thing that happenеdto me a fеw yearsago. Dan Oh, what was that? Traсy Wel|,when I was still at sсhool,I was quite talIfor my age and al|the boys I knew weге shorterthan I was. So, I inventеdthis boyfriendсal|edAlan Davies.And then, I 1 don,t know exaсtlywhy, but | ............... (forgеt)aIl about him beсausel stopped thinkingabout him. Dan WеII,that,snot muсh of a сoinсidenсе,is it? (happеn)to anybody! lt 2 ..........'.... Tracу Hang on a minute!l haven,tfinishеd. Anyway,one night, some timе later,I wеnt to (be)aгoundChristmas a danс 3 .............. plасe in thе (take) time. lt summer bесausеl rеmеmbеrit was frеezing сo|d outside. Dan And ...? Tracу ... and at the dаnсe, l met this mаn. He was Very niсе and he said his name was Alan. He was also very tall. So, l startedto remеmber this boyfriеndI,d invеntеd. (bе) thе samе person. Dan Butit s You,d inventеdhim! Traсy Еxaсtly!But then, later,he saidhis namе Was Dаvies- A|an Davies. Dan So, did you tell him about it? o (think)I was Traсу of сoursenot! Hе mad oг something! (tеll)him, you know. He But you Dan (bе) able to exp|ainthe mystery 9 - Why it happenеd!l meаn you (tе|l)him everything* iust that it was a name you,d inventedfor somе reason! 10 ............... Traсу Ьerhaps,but whethеrl shou|dor him doеsn,tmatternow! (not/te||) Dan Why not? Тraсy Beсausewе,ve beеn going out together ever sinсel


Negative modаI verbsintheperfeсt formWhen weneed fouseа negative modal (e'g'сouId in thepeleсtform havedone/, pufnot иze afterthemodal verb. notafterhave. Еxamples Shemight nothаvegotthe|etter. Nor Shemight gоtthe|ef;e* hаven.t Yououghtn't tohаvеforgotten. NoТl 12 choosetheсorreсtа]ternаtive to сompIete sentenсes 1-5. youcou|dnothaveforgotten 1 Sure|y / сouldhаvenot forgotten about theparty we'regoingtoonSaturday? 2 GoingtothebeaсhinMarсhmightnothavebeen/ mighthavebeenthebestideа,butweenjoyed thewa|k alongtheseaintherain. 3 Youshouldnothаvebought/ shouIdhаvenotbought meа present butl appгeсiate theverykindthought. 4 l'mg|adWe|eftear|ier. WewouIdhavenotсaught/ wouldnothaveсaughtthetrainotheгwise. 5 Ishouldnothavebrought / shouldhavebrought an umbreIla! There's nota с|oud inthesky.






Comp|etethe sentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the verbs in braсkets. It'sthethirdtimetonight somebody (telephone) (apologise)for meand (get)thewrongnumber. CompIete thesentenсewitha suitаblephrase. I'lldriveand............ uponthewaytothe theatre. Rewritethesentenсewiththewordgivenin braсkets so it hasthesamemeaning. Whydidyouanswera||thequestions? Itwasn'tneсessary. You............ .......... allthe questions. (answerеd) Rewritethefollowingas onesentenсe, usingthe wordin braсkets. Тheyweretoofaraway.Тheyсou|dn't hearme.(с|ose) 6 Fill in gaps1-10witha suitableword.Use oneword onIyin eасhgap. BallooningGlory Modernballooning mostpeoplebrrngs one imagetomind:massive hiteсhg|oba| orbiters . Andfor mostpeople, round-the-world ballooning seemsto be2 ............... u|timаte сha||enge. Butaсc ordiпg thoseintheballooning fraternity, thereis another and,someargue,greater сhallenge: ba||ooning to theNorthPole.ln beсoming thefirstmantogetthereina hotairballoon, DavidHempleman-Adams prope||ed himseIf intothereсordbooksyetаgain.So is theNorthPo|esuсha сha||enoe whenthe distanсe аnda|titudes aremodest сompared withthe round{he-wor|d effoгts? Apaгt6 ............... major 7 prediсting suгviva| сonоerns, suсh ............... the pаtterns weather andthedangerous|y |owtemperatures (-40"с)'thereis theinсredib|y prob|em сomp|ex of passthePo|е8 ............... navigation. Youсou|d ever knowing it!Andwithallthevariables ofweather, the 9 ......... itare сhanсes ofgetting anywhere '..... extremely greater slight. Returning is a(n) unсertainty, andthatweighed heavi|y ontheteam's minds.

13 Writethreesentenсes usingmodаlsto expIain the situations in 1-5.Writein yournotebook. Ехаmplе John'sbeenatthepoIiсe station fortwohours. t|amustbo on dutу. tle mighthаvebeenаrrested. tle could be reportinga robbarу. 1 Mаria's beenсrying. 2 l hаven,t heardfromMikelate|y. 3 Тhef|atnextdoorhаsbeenempty for3 weeks. 4 There's smokeсoming fгomthato|dbuilding overthere. 5 That'sRusse|l oveгtheгe, isn'tit?|thought he'dgoneon holiday.




CompIetethe sentenсewiththeсorreсtformof the wordsin braсkets. Wi|danima|s have......... fearanykind '.....(|NsТ|NсТ) (CAPT|VЕ) of ...............

Lo g i с a lex p lanat ions

14 Findandcorreсtаnymistakesin thesesentenсes. 1 ThePyrаmids inЕgyptсouIdn't havebuiltwithout thousands ofpeople tohelpinthework. 2 Weneedn't havetoworried aboutthetestbeсause it waseasy. 3 Switch ontheanswering maсhine beсause Mummight phoned had whilewewereout. ТhatdreadfuI newhousing deve|opment ought tohave beingstopped. Aссording totheweather foreсast, itmaysnowtomorrow.




Writing D e s сr ibingpeop Ie storywiththese 15 Youaregoingto writea shortdeteсtive theсharaсters words to the Matсh fourmainсharaсters. (somemаyapplyto morethanoneсharaсter). . ofmedium . withfairhair. smart-looking height ' elderly . . . . gгey.haired withсur|yhair daгk-haired round-faсed . tall. middle-aged


Desсribing Weather 17 Useoneof thesewordsto desсribethewinterweather сonditions in a-e.Morethanonewordor phrasemay be possible. . frosty. fa|| . temperaturеs . iсy. freezing zer o d a ( n). .' . . ". " " " ' w i n d .... w a . . . . . . . . . . .belo of s n ow b a ( n) . . . . . . . . . .night . . . . . e a ( n) . . .ld . с . . . . . . . . . . .сo withoneof the theparagrаph 18 Nowсomplete а-e in 17. сombinаtions а long|ineof . |nLondon |twаsa 2 f or quеued .. pa ssenger s in|y. . . . . . .' ............... im pa t ient A(n) tokeepwarm. theiгfeetinaneffort the82bus,stamping a nda . . ........ wa sblo wing An middаy. sinсejustafter ......... hadbeen 5 . . . . . . .ha . . dm а det hen e a r bsyma | l ea r I ier oark|ookIikeaniсedсake.

story Writing a deteсtive



storyis goingto be aboutа murderon a 19 Yourdeteсtive сrowdedLondonbus.Planyourstory. in 17. oftheweather 1 Setthesсeneusingthedesсription viсtim. 2 Deсide whois goingtobethemurder whois goingto theсharaсter 3 Invent andintroduсe ,teenage deteсtive'. e.g.a famous themurder, investigate youdesсribed in 15 uptheсharaсters аndbuiId Intгoduсe onthebus. as passengers e.g.bу wasdisсovered, Desсribe howthemurder passenger. another andwhy,e.g.a whois goingtobethemurdereг 6 Deсide ora money toinherit greedy, wanting relative distant jealous eagerfoгpromotion. сo||eague business beIowto 20 Followtheideasin ,|9andtheinstruсtions writeyourownstoryin 200-250words. Ехаm trаining

to desсribeeaсhpersonin 15. 16 Nowwritea sentenсe 1

mainevents PIanningyourwritingDeсideon theсharacters, andendingof a storybeforeуouwritethestory'Makenotes detailsof the whileуouareplanningtohelpуouremember sforyas уouwriteit.Followthisplan: 1 Giveуourstorya title' 2 Cheсkthatуouhavegivenуourreadersat leastoneсlue' TelIthemwho a solution! З Don'tleaveуourreaderswithout wasand eхplainat theendof thestorywhу themurderer theуdidit'

2 3 4


Readi ng quiсkIyаndfindoutwhаtthewriter 1 Readtheаrtiс|e meansby'fidgeting'. lgnoregaps'l-6.

If you want to gеt flt, gеt fldgеting! 1 . . .. . . Forgеt diеting, wеight-lifting and all thosе workouts, thеy may havе nothing to do with kееping flt _ try fidgеting instеad. This is bесausе, aссording to radiсal nеW lеsеarсh from a US сliniс, tiny exеrсisеpеrformеd oftеn еnough сan havе as big an еffесt as rigorous еxеrсisе donе lеss frequеntly. 2...... Life,s fidgеts,thosе сompulsive fоot-tappers,headnoddеrs and fingеr-dtummеrs,havе bееn fоund to bе natural-born wеight losеrs. Thеy may irritate соllеaguеsand makе their lovеd onеs unеasy with thеir seеmingly outragеousantiсs, but rеsеarсhеrs havе disсovеrеd that sеrial fldgеts сan burn up to ten timеs as many сaloriеs a daу as thosе who arе reluсtant to indulgе in suсh involuntary movеmеnts. З . . . .. . Еight hours of vigorous foot-tapping,for instanсе, may еqual onе work-out sessionin thе gym, or 30 minutеs of tеnnis. Мany foot-tappеrs havе bееn known to kееp going for suсh long pеriods obliviоus of thе faсt that thеy arе doing so. 4 . . .. . . one partiсular surgeon in Glasgow walkеd up and thеn down a flight of stairs bеtwееn еvеIy opеration hе сarriеd out. FIе was absolutеly adamant about stiсking to this еxaсting routinе


and сarriеd it out maybе 12 timеs a daу' Еven whеn hе was sitting down over сoffее,his foot would bе tapping stеadily and his flngеrs drumming on piano keys that Wеtеn,tthеre. Hе was also in vеry good physiсal сondition. 5...... Just why somе pеoplе fidgеt and othеrs don,t rеmains unсlеar' Howеvet, somе psyсhologists believе fidgеting is only found in partiсular pеrsonality gIoups. Pеоplе who arе anxious, от fееl undеr plеssule aIе among thosе thought to bе plonе to foot.tapping and fldgеting, whiсh arе known to work as a сomfortеr. 6 ...... Nevеrthеlеss,thеrе is a сruсial downside for thosе who may now havе a сhangе of hеart and sее foottapping as a soft option. Apparеntly pеоplе сan,t have it both ways:thеy arе еithеr fldgеtsor thеy arе not - and no amount of training will turn a nonfldgеt into a toе-tappеI.For thеm, alas, thе gym rеmains thе only propel way to stay flt! Thе Guаrdioг


Voсabu lary tryto МatсhingheadingsBeforeуoulookat theheadings, paragraph' points in eaсh identifу thekeу

1_6. 2 Matсhheadingsa_gto theсorreсtparagraph Тhereis oneheadingyoudo notneed. butfitness-induсing obsessive buttrue Unfoгtunate butwoгthwhile Еxoensive Smallbuteffiсient uсing Genetiс butstress-red butsuссessfuI Irritating buteffeсtive lnvo|untary are 3 Reаdthetextagainаnddeсideif thesestatements true(T)or false(F). 'l Dieting, todo havenothing andworkouts weight-lifting wit hkeep infit g . . ....... аs Iеss сanbeas effeсtive 2 Frequent smaIlmovements ......... exerсise. vigorous reguIar thedaythan during farmoreеnergy 3 Fidgets сonsume peop le . . ....... n orm al and|oved irгitate theirсol|eagues 4 Peop|e who|oseweight o n es. . . . . . . . . . inthe toa work-out oftennisis equivalent 5 30minutes gym.......... maytaptheirfeetforuptoeighthourswithout 6 Fidgets ......... whattheyaredoing. knowing of upanddowna flight walked inGlasgow 7 A surgeon everyoperation' stairs duгing '..'..... groups of inсeгtain anxiety 8 Fidgeting саninсrease p e op re. ......... to available forlosing weight is notanoption 9 Fidgeting . . . . .. e verybo d. .y. ,|0 Foot-tapping who topeop|e сanbea sourсeofсomfort ......... feelunder oressure.

Bodymovements 4 Matсhtheverbs1-7 to the partsof the bodywhiсh theаctionsa-e.Morethanoneanswer usuaIlyperform maybe сorreсt. 1 tap а fist 2 nod b hands с head 3 drum d fingers 4 sсratсh e foot/ feet 5 с|ap 6 stamp 7 shake Whiсhof theaсtionsin 4 mightyou do in these situаtions? Eхаmple Youare|istening to somemusiсyouenjoy. top уourfoot tosomething. 1 Youdon'tknowtheanswer 2 Youhaveenjoyed thep|ayatthetheatrе. tokeepwarm. 3 YouаreсoIdandtrying 4 Youareveryangryatsomeone. hаssaid. 5 Youagreewithwhatsomeone waiting foгsomething. 6 Youareimpatient|y Prepositionsand partiсles 6 Gomplete thesesentenсeswiththeсorreсtword. . into . to. out. about notgoingtothe adamant 1 William is absolutely paгty tonight. you'l| befit. thistypeofexerсise, 2 |fyoustiсk.............. in сoIds саtсhing 3 Children aгeveryprone...'.......... winter. a .............. 4 l,msorry, butyouсan'tturnyourbedroom gym. a day. about50operations сaгries 5 Thehospitа|


Adjeсtives 7 Matсhtheadjeсtives in itаliсin 1-6totheirmeanings in a-f. 1 rigorous exerсise 2 compulsivefoot-tappers 3 natural-born b weight-losers с 4 vigorousfoot-tapping 5 involuntary movements d 6 aneхaсting routine e

natuгa||y abIe,not having hadtolearn сontinuous orrepetitive without wanting or meaning to demanding strong, energetiс andfuII life of striсtandsevere

Funсtions Stimulus.based disсussion 11 Lookatthephotos, andmakenotesof youranswers questions. thefollowing

Complete thesesentenсes withoneof thephrases1-6 in 7. 1 Theb irdwasma king odd.........''.... w ithitsn eсk. 2 . . . . . . . . . . .о'... anaсtua||y beda ma ging foryour h ea |t h. 3 P eo p |e whofidget а re............... . 4 At h let es follow ............... tokee pfit. 5 Appaгent|y сandopermanent damage to youгtoesandheels' 6 ............... aгeoften verygooddanсers astheydeve|op a senseofrhvthm.

W or db u i l d i n g 9 Nowсomplete thetabIe' Useyourdiсtionary to heIp you. Verb

Adjeсtive сompuIsive

f i dпa t


vrgor0us soft

10 Underline theсorreсtalternative fromphrases1-5.

Alex lfyou'vegotexams,1don't уouthinkthat/ уou must going staгt tobedearIier. Nina |'vegottoomuсhrevision todobefore theexams. А|eх 2Youshould / Doуoufancуmakeа revision timetabIe andinсIude sometimeforreIaхation everyday. Ninа I'mtoobusyrevising! А|eх зlfуoudon't/ Yououghttogetmores|eep, youwi|| makeyourself rll. Ninа No,Iwon't. aConsequentlу AIex Yes,youwi||. / Don'tуou realise thatif youareillyouwon'tpassanyexams? Ninа WhatdoyouthinkIshould do? AIex Letmesee....Um ....5whуdon'tуou/ if! wereуou,|'d dothreehouгsrevision everyevening andthenre|ax goingtobed. before Ninа Тhat'sa goodidea,thanks.


,t Whаtarethebestwaystomaintain your orimprove youropinions. health? Justify 2 Whataretheadvantаges anddisadvantages ofdoing youopinions. sportindividually andinteams? Justify @


Grammar tit


1 4 Complete thetextwiththeverbsin braсketsin the сorreсtformof theaсtiveor passive.Morethanone answermaybe possible.

- h e p a ssive


I a

intothepassiveor passive '2 Putthesesentenсes сhanges. formandmakeanyothernecessary infinitive Somewordsаregivento helpyou. a newformofenergy. 1 Тheyhavedeve|oped A newform Katehadfinished theexambefore stopped 2 Theteaсher theIаstquestion Theexam willmeetusattheairport. 3 Wehopesomeone Wehooе thefilmtomorrow. 4 Theywillfinishediting ofthefilm Theediting ofDavidat sоulpture Miсhe|ange|o's 5 Тheyarerestoring themoment. . .............. Miс he|an ge|o's quiteneara deve|opment thenewairpoгt 6 TheyhadbuiIt сoUntry town. rt Т hen ewаiro o ......... byPiсassobefore. 7 Nobody hasseenthispainting Thispainting !i1!ii{rti' "|i!!.|i,!i!,,'\|iili!;liiiii;r:|.'iifi!i|i!il||iфl!l|t|l#ii lndireсtobjeсtаs the subjeсtin the pаssive Theindkeсtobjeсtof

waуsin the in twodtfferent theaсtivesentence сanbe eхpressed offhepаsslvesentenсе' thesubjeсt оassiye, lt сanbeсome Ехamples tome. Thedoсuments willbegiventoyou.Тhejobhаsbeenoffered pаsslve sеntenсe, lл the the abject Тheindireсt objесtcanalsoremain 'without сhangein meaning' a signifiсant Ехamples thejob. l'vebeenoffered YouwiIlbegiventhedoсuments. I3 Writetwo answersof your own to questions1-5. Use the passive. {х*жзрlr сhangedovertheIastfiveyears? Howhasyourneighbouгhood А newsupormаrKathаe been built. \ome old buildingэ hаve baen KnoсKoddown. to buytheir сustomers 1 Howdo shopstryto attract oroduсts?

wereсhildren? sinсeyouгparents 2 HowhasIifeсhanged inyour havebeenmadetotгanspoгt Whаtimprovements years? inthеlastfew сountry сhangedtheIifeof students? 4 Howhasteсhnology

5 WhatwilllifebeIikeinthefuture?

(usе)by pеoplefor thousandsof Boardgames Thе yearsboth for fun and stimulatingentertаinmеnt. a kind o f baсkgamm on.Тhisg am е o I dеstz ........''......(be) (invent)in thе геgionthat is now southern (find)in the royaltombs of Ur lraq. Boards whiсh are up to 5,000 yеaгso|d. A game similaгto сhess5...............(p|ay)in Ind iaaгound Not in Sa nsk rit. 450 А D . lt 6.......' '..' '..' (сall)сhatur anga surprising|y, this was a mi|itaryword. Тhе еarliеstboards ) Еngland8... ....... w hiсh z ............... ' ..' .. ' (disсo vеrin (datе)to about 950 AD. Anotherpopulargame, draughts (p|ay)sinсeat |east1600 Bс. or сheсkers ]0... (find)in Е g y p tand the Bo аr dsfr o m thistimе (mentio n)by bo th H o merand PIato.|t gamе r 1 . (adapt)to use the 64-squareсhessboardin .100s. the 1 One of the most popularmodеrn board gаmes,Monopoly, ,l . (fiгst/ introduсe)into thе USA in 935. Еvеn (think)to be too tho ughthе r uI еs,14..........'..... сompliсatedfor thе genera|publiс,the game 15 (be)a phenomena|suссessand oveг 200 miIIion . (se|I) woг|dwide. N ew ga m еs l 7

(invent)a||thе timе. As nеw 18........'...'... (o ffефmo r еfгeetim е,how tесhno lo gy 19.........'...... (thisfr eetimе i fiI |)?W ho kno wshow m аny (сr eatе)b y the end of new сo mputеrgamеs2o ...'........'... the сentury?


Passive forms with the gerundand infinitive 15 Usea passivegerund(beingdone)or a passive infinitive(tobe done)to rewritesentenсes1-8 beginning withthewordsgiven.Youmаyneedto make otherсhangesto thesentenсes. 1 I'llneverforget thetourIwastakenonofSydney Harbour bridge. I remember Pаu|likeshisgir|-friend todrivehimhomefromwork. Paulenjoys Somebody wiII meetmeattheairpoгt, hopefuI|y, lamho p in g P|eаse inform us iftherearegoingtobeanyde|ays. Wewo uld like. ........... Igetirritated whenpeople askmesillyquestions. I resent Rodgetsangrywhenpeople tellhimwhattodo. R odd oesn't like............ l сan'twaitforJamestoshowmearound London |'m| o o kinfoгw g a to rd.............. Youshou|d te|Imeifthereis something Wгong. lwant

,| as one sentenсe,usingthe ..... RewritethefoIIowing . phrasein braсkets. .' Bothsidesmadesomeсoncessions. Theywаnted to (sothat) l..u.n a сompromise. '' Completethesentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the verbsin braсkets. When| (arrive) at Bob'sparty, everybody (have)a greattime; (already they............ eat)allthefoodand there.......... . (notbe)muсhwineleft either.

Causative have and get 16 Complete sentenсes 1-8withtheсorreсtformof these verbs. . bui|d . fi||. pierсe . stea!. mend. serviсe . brеakinto. oub|ish gottheоar.............. 1 Yest erd ay, m yfather '. 2 Afterthelongwa|k, Sa||y hadtohaveheгshoes з wr.'.' r.'.wenttothedentist, Brianhada tooth 4 TheIoсaI hoteI hashadanextension 5 on myfouгteenth biгthday, l deсided togetmyears 6 Whileshewasshopping, Mumhadherbag gotherbook 7 Тhewriter eventua||y I Whilewewereonholidav, wehadourhouse


1 7 Complete thesentenсes usingtheсorreсtformof hаye or gefandthewordsin braсkets, Eхоmplе We,regoing|ohаvefood delivered (foodi de|iveQ forthepaф. 1 We'regoingto (сuгtains foгthesitting / make) room. 2 Wheredidyou (hаir/ сut)? (teeth 3 David............. / fill)atthedentist's yesterday. 4 I'vegotholes inmyshoes, Imust............. (them / mend) phone 5 Eve. . . . . . . . . .(.mobile .. lastnight. / ste a l) (сarwindows 6 We............. / broke) byvandals |astnight. 7 ТheT Visbro ken. W e'|I haveto............. (it/ rep a iф I Thesetrousers aremuсhtoo|ong'|'|I haveto (them / shorten)


comp|etethesentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the wordsin brаcketsthatfits the сontext. |'mаfraid (APPLY) theinformation this'..'........... provides abouthimseIf is notfu||y (RЕLY) Rewritethesentenсeusingthewordin braсkets. Shei|a|ovesitwhenpeop|e сompаre hertoMadonna. SheilaIoves (сompared) Fill in gaps1-10withа suitableword'Useoneword onlyin eaсhgаp. on the rails in Rиssiа |twas1 а fami|y ho|iday to Russiain 1998 thatwetookthetrainfromSt Petersburg to Мosсow|t's journey. about2 12-hour We boarded inthe lateafternoon andtravelled overnight, havinghaddinner you|еave inthesmart dining сar., ............... St 4. Petersburg, theimprеssive sky|ine, '..'...'......its gradua||y сhurсhes andpa|aсes, fаdesandyousudden|y find5 ............... inthеgreаtRussian Steppes. I remember ki|ometre afterkiIometre of beautifu| birсh forest. |twasJu|y. Тhedayswerehotandsunnyandthe pIeasant evenings and|ight wewereso fаr 7 north. theendofeaсhсoaсhthereis a samovar, so youоangoandhe|pyourse|f tohotwater youfee| whenever it.As yougetс|oserto Mosсow, the|andsсape beсomes muсh9 industгia| buttheсentreof Mosсowis beautiful. Getting a 10 taхiatthestation sometimes bea problem, butourdaughter, Car|otta, wasab|etointerpret foгus. 1:.l,:.l.l'll.:.:';]..].iЁ.:.t.iii.:,:.]:::';];..]:'il]]i.:..]]:]::i::.:i(]::;i:.


гVriting ffritinga review ] 8 Readthisreviewof a fiImandmаtсhtopiсsa-f to paragraphs't-6. opinions a Тhereviewer's oftheperfoгmanсe detaiIs b ТeсhniсaI review of the c Subjeсt d Recommendations tothесharaсters e Introduсtion oftheplot f Briefsummary

Moшlin Rougе


\Ioulin Rоugе' is a musiсal sеt in thе famоusParis :lsht сlub in l899. It is a uniquесоmbinatiоnоf musiс, .ostumеSand sеts. 2 althоughthе imagеs ?згishas nеvеrlооkеd sо spесtaсular, and ','еrееntirеly сomputеr-gеnеrаtеd all thе aсtion was 'imеd in variousstudios.Thе dirесtorusеs advanсеdfilm :сhnology and thе spесiаl еlfесtsWеrеvеry ехpеnsivеto :тoduсе.Wе sее a fairytalеParis. 5

lЪе fllm starsNiсolе Kidman as Satinе,thе night сlub's .l pефrmеr, and Еwan MсGrеgor as Сhristian,a :еnnilеsswritеr.Jim Broadbеntplays Zid|e\ thе ownеr of -rе Mоulin Rougе, and Riсhard Roхburgh plays thе Dukе -iМonmоuth. 4 . hristianmеrts a group of writеrs аnd pеrformеrsand .tаrtswriting a show for thе night сlub. Hе falls in lovе '.ithSatinе'but shе is dying оf tubеrсulosis.Zidlеr is tоking for nеw businеssand thе еvil Dukе offеrs flnanсial :.lppoft,оnlу if Satinеbесomеshis lovеr.Thе film follows Sзtinеand Christian's trasiс lovе stоry.

Words that go together withoneof thephrasesin 19 compIete thesesentenсes itaIiсsin thereview. . starperformer . сomputer-gеnerated . songаrrangements . . . SOUПd stunning visua||y speсiaI effeсts traсk ,| Inthisfilm, and .. monsters theсonvinсing forthe|aсkofp|ot. aIiens donotсompensate . . .uwill . . enj otyhi sf i l mw i t hi t s 2 I fyo uI ike. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .yo sсenes' realistiс battIe amazingly butitwas 3 I lovedthefilm.Itwasweakondialogue Iwanted toseewhatthe As a fanofthismusiсa|, |ikeinthefilm. ..Weгe forthe thefi|mexсept about Ienjoyed everything Attimesl ..whiсhwasofverypoorquality. wheresinging. whattheaсtors understand сou|d hard|y tobethe right forthepart.Hewasmeant Hewasn't voiсewаsterrib|e. ina саbaret buthissinging

20 Writea reviewof a filmor playin 200-250words.Use themodelin 18to heIpyouordertheinformаtion. Ехаm trаining Writinga review Choosea film(orbookorplaу)thatуou knowandareableto writeabout.Planthereviewbeforeуou andgeneral remember togivebackground startwriting; anddo not information beforeуougivedetailsofуouropinions, preseлt tellthewholestorуor giveawaуtheending'Use bу usinga varietуof teлsesaлdmakeуourreviewinteresting toincludeуourownideas adjeсtives andadverbs'Remember andviews,andуourrecommendations'

1,.,. u." many wоndеrful sсеnеsflllеd with соlouц light .nd sоund.l rеally еnjoyеdthе pеrformanсеsand thе .;mptuоusSo|1gаrrапgеmеnts.Iwas еxhilaratеdby thе :зauti l sеtsand magnifiсеntmusiс. 6 \{oulin Rоugе' is imaginativеand magiсa|.|t is visuаllу ':пlпiпgand thе brilliantsound trасkwtllhavе you .Lngingalоng.I would uttеrlyrесommеndit tо anуonе.


Reading Future shoсk Reсent reports on what lifе will be like in Europe in 2O5O say that within the next two dесades Еuropeans will be a lot healthier and wealthier with more leisurе timе. Some reportssuggestthat peop|ewil| be moгеflеxible,wi|I nеed variedskil|sand wil| havefewer tiеsto theiг emp|oyers.By the end of their сareerthey wil| have сhangedjobs sevегa|times and wil| probablyhavе еxpегiеnсеdpeгiodsof unemploymеnt. offiсеswiI|bесome lessimpoгtantand 10o/oof сompanieswi|l be virtualwith no physiсa| headquartersat a|I.An amazingtwenty-fivepeгсеnt of a|lworkeгswil|woгk from homе, sittingat a multimеdiawork stationIinkedto thеir сol|eagues by the lnternеt,so thеrewi|Ibе lessсommuting. The woгkingweek wi|lshrink.At the еnd of an averаgeweek a workеrwi||havеworkеd 25 hours over threеoг four days. HowеVeг,otheг reportsaге lessoptimistiс. Unemp|oymentсou|dinсrеasеand retiremеnttakе p|aсelatег.lt is pгеdiсtedthat with an ageing popu|ationin Еuгope,peop|еwi|lсontinueto woгk afteгthe age of 65. Some сommеntators think that our homeswill bе without powerfoг long pегiodswith no |ightor heat.High enеrgy demand aсгossEuгopewi||exhaustsupp|ieswhiсh wi||then havе to be souгсedfrom Wеst Afгiсaand the Middle Еast. So|aг-powеrеd сaгswi|Ihavе bесome сommonplaсеand magnеtiсlevitationtrainswiII zoom bеtwееnсitiеsat 350 mi|espeг hour,s|ashing jouгneytimеs.Unfortunately, with the inсreasеin Ф

сars,it wi|ltakе longerto get aгoundthe сountry on the гoads,and therеwi|l bе grid|oсkswith dayIong tгaffiсjams. HеliсopterswiIIhavе to airliftthe сaгswhiсh aгe сausingthe bloсkages. 4............ Healthwil| impгoveand wе wi|l |iveIonqег,as genetiсresearсhimprovessсiеntists,knowledgeof how ouг bodieswoгk.Wе wi||even be ab|eto usе lifestyledrugs to help with stressor shyness.But with inсгeased|ongevityold peopIemay beсome pooгeras they wil| not havе madе suffiсient provisionfor the futurе.Тhеy may have to move in with thеir сhildгenand this wi||lead to moге еxtеndedhousеhoIds. Findinga partnеrwil| be lessгomantiсand more sсiеntifiс.Interеstinglу, bу 205Оyou may have mеt youг idеa|paгtnerthrough a proсessof psyсho|ogiсa| profiling,and dating agenсiеswilI offеrsuppoгtnot onIyfor peoplefinding a paгtneг but a|soif thеy bгeakup. 6............ Surprising|y we wi|l not bе any happier.Wе will ,сhoiсе sufferfrom fatigue,and tuгn to shopping сonsu|tants and finanсialadvisoгsfor hеlp. Livingin a сonsumегsoсiеtywе wilI have a lot of unmet еxpесtationswhiсh wil|сauseunhappinessand stress.ln the yеar 2050 peгhapspеopIеwi|l bе thinkingnostalgiсa|ly about our Iivеstoday.

atnit8 1-6.Тhereis one A-G to paragraphs Matсhheadings heаdingyou do notneed. A Romanсe B Happiness с Hea|th D Theeсonomy E Travel F Oldage G Work

lary Voсabu 3 Findthewordsаndphrasesthatmeаn: (|ine,t0) 1 сonneсtions insize(line20) 2 beсome smaIler (line30) 3 useuporfinishentirely 4 seenoften(line34)

Readthetextаgainаndсhoosethe bestanswer'а, b, с or d. in2050.ltis is aboutIifeinEuгope 1 Theaгtiс|e a extreme|yoptimistiс. positive. b mostly с Verypessimistiс. negative. d slightly

moving along(line41) things thatis preventing 5 something

wiI| woгk worker 2 |n2050theaverage houгs thannow. a longer b forIessthan40hoursа week. с a fivedayweek. ofa week. d fora ouaгter

(line60) 8 dissatisfied

thatin2050 be|ieve 3 Someсommentators people age of65. the will work after a attheageof65. wiilretire b people won'twanttoretire. с peop|e attheageof65. willbeunemployed d mostpeople inthefutuгe? 4 WhatdoestheartiсlesayabouttraveI bесause better wiIIbeсome сonditions a Тrаffiс сars. bysolar-powerеd wil|traveI everyone wiII levitаtion trains сarsandmagnetiс Solaьpowered spaсe' trave| through byhe|iсopteг. wi|| trave| G Еveryone t0transpoгt, improvements wiII be there A|though d Worse. wi|Ibeсome сongestion tгaffiс wil|havetomoveinwiththeirсhi|dren 5 o|dpeople Deоause ontheirown. Iiving а theywil|belone|y |ive|onger andgetsiсk. b theywi|I to money andnothaveenough |ive|onger с theywi|I live. families. d theywanttoIiveinextended in2050 thatpeop|e suggests 6 Тheartiс|e wi|l soсiety theсonsumer beсause a willnotbehappier satisfy' thattheyоannot havedesiгеs makepeop|e tohe|pthemandthiswiIImake b wi|Ihaveсonsu|tants theirlifeveryhappy. aremet. aIItheirexpeсtations beсause G wi|| behappier them thatlifeсanpгovide d wi|| enjoyalItheсhoiсes with.

(line47) forthefuture 6 preparation peгsonality fromtheir ofsomeone's 7 сreating a desсгiption pastbehaviour (line53)

Wor dbuilding thisсhart. to сomplete 4 Usea textanddiсtionary Adjeсtive

Noun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I

tie flex demand inсrease

supply improvement sсlеnсe researсn

demanding inсreаsing ХХХ

xxx expeсt xxx

completethesentenсeswiththeсorreсtformof the words.Morethanoneanswermaybe possible. . rеsu|t . expeсt . сontinue . orediсt . Ieadto. inсrease in willbeaged50 thatoneinthreeworkers 1 lt is oroverbytheyear2050. b ea ma 1 or . ... will. . . . . . . . . , .t0 o fha ppiness 2 Thepur suit numan сonоern. , t sobea blet od i s p l aay 3 By2 0 5 0we , . . . . . . . . . . .r. o. .bo emotions. rangeofsimple time, of|eisure abundanсe 4 Therewi|Ibeaninсreasing fornewformsofеntertainment. a demand an . . ............. 5 Тher iseina dultosvert hea geo f5 0wi|I ofageing. inthestudyofreversal interest explosive bythe useofthelnternet 6 ТherewiIIbean endofthisdeсade.


Adverbs desсribingattitude 6 Complеte thesentenсes withan appropriate adverb. Morethanoneanswermaybe possible. . amazingly . surprising|y . interestingly . unfortunatе|y . historiсa||y . fortunately . eventua||y сouldrisetoextremely , unemployment high |eve|s by2050andthisсou|d result inaninсrease in poverty. thenextгetaiI revo|ution. , menaredгiving .|3% shopoveгthe lnternet сompared to2%ofwomen, is notal|negаtive. The , thesituation inсrease ofworkers over65is beсause a |otofworкers don'twаnttoleavetheworkp|aсe. B0%ofthegasusedtofuel , inthefuture, power Britain's stations wi|Ibepipedfromсountries thousands ofmilesaway. onaneсdotaI , therehasbeena re|tanсe evidenсe inresearсh exploring theIinkbetween mindand body. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . ., ... inJa pa nthere arealready overa m illio n сarswithsomesoгtofnavigationa| сapabi|ity. 7 . . . . . . , . . . . ., the ... dev elopmein nts сommuniсa ttio hanst areenjoyed inEurope willtakea longtimetobe deveIoped inpoorer сountries.

Funсtions Stimulus.based disсussion presented 8 Ana|ysethemаteriаl belowandаnswerthe questions.

Skillsshortagе iп Gonst]шсtio andbuilding trades Тhоusands go in tесhnоlogy marкrt соllapsе

Homonyms 7 Complete thesentenсes withthefollowing words.Use eасhwordtwiсe. . stress. power. jam. train. heat 1 lf Ig ett hro ugh this............... , I'llbeinthes em iJ ina ls. 2 ТheсontinentaI breakfast сonsists ofсoffeeortea.rol|s. butter and 3 ТonyB|air сameto intheUK in 1997. 4 | 'mс aug hint a te rribIe tra ffiс......'..'..... . l'mso r r but y I'mgoingtobehomelate. Тherewasnoe|eсtriсity |astnight. Therewasno inanypaгtoftheсity. I haveto thаtthisсontraсt is essentia| forthe survival ofthisсompany. Athletes should everydayiftheywantto maintain theirleveloffitness. I Т urnont hefan,the.............. ' isinsuffe ra bI e, I Iс an't st an tdhe............... ofe xa ms. I ha tethem . 1 0 Howаrd tookthe toworkeveryday.


1 Desсribe theoiсtures' 2 Whatdoyouunderstand bythewords.сol|apse'and 'skills shortage'? 3 Whatinformation giveus? dotheheadlines 4 Howdoyouthinkpeop|e сouId beenсouraged todo jobs? unpopular



The right form Grаmmar

tormsof thefuture


rrffi iL



1-5withthefutureformsa-e. Mаtсhsentenсes after afternoon onWednesday Alexander 1 She'sseeing Iunсh. theirparents haveсIeared upthehousebefore 2 Тhey'lI gethome. andbooka tаb|e. 3 |'lIohonetherestaurant 4 I'llbeflying ontheplanetoNewYorkwhenyoureadthis. theweekend. 5 I'mgoingtotryandfinishmyessaybefore a b с d e

gorng r0 thefutureoerfeсt сontinuous theoresent will сontinuous thefuture

,|-5from9 to thefollowing 10 Nowmаtсhsentenсes meаnings. arrangement а a definite b anintention youhavejustmade с a deсision timeinthe bya speсifiс whiсhwiIIbefinished d anaсtivity future ttme ata future thatwiIIbeinprogress e anaсtivity 11 WriteexampIes for eaсhuseof thefuture(10a-e).Use а timephrаsewherepossible' t,хаmplе l"mEoingtо leаrrlhоwtа driva.|'vr bоoКedmуfirst Ieвeon fвr naх|wаaK. WilI,going fo or the presentсontinuous? .l2 Useone of theseverbsin the иlI, goingto or the ,|-8' sentenсes presentсontinuous formto сompIete Morethаnoneformmaybe сorreсt. . b e . h ave.say.Write. ra in.givе.1.11gg{. $O I ........... w ithy ouonFriday. 1 l сan'thaveIu n сh '...a nа I I direсtor. withthemanaging daymeeting y ou....'.......... iny oursсiеnсe a bout 2 Wh at story? fiсtion e vening. a ring ou tomorrow 3 B ye!| . . . . . . . . . . .....y to yourfather 4 Wh ato neaгt .h. .... '..'.....W e...... totheсar? aboutthedamage yo u. .......'.'.... andgetmea сUpofсo f f ee, pIeаse? yourfгie nds a ft er you.....'......... Wh att im e sсhooI? thisafternoon? 7 Doyouthinkit yeаrs year o|d. I N ex t | . . . . . .... '.....25

13 Readthe сonversationand сhoosethe сorreсtform of the futurefor 1-8. Paul By the way, lfoгgot to tellyou. We1 willhаvе moved/ wittbе movinginto ouг new house on Friday.Тhey,vе|ustfinishedbuilding it. Dianaoh!Тhat,sgгeat.Butarеn,tyoufoг9ettingthat 2 we,llbе going7 wе,Ilhavеgonеto thе с|assend-oftегm party on Friday? Paul Don,t Woгry.з t,Itstiilbe oble / I am stillbеing аblе to go to the party. Diana But you 4 won,t bе finishing/ won,t havе finishеdmoving in by then! Paul Oh, I wouldn'tworrYaboutthat' Diana Look, 5 I,llсome/ I,mсomingand help you soгt out youг room nеxt wеek if you |ikе! 6 PauI That,sa Vеry kind offer,but l think you,rе rеgrеtting/ уou,llregrеtit| Diana WhY? 7 Pau| You haven,tseеn alIthе junk l,m tаking/ I take with mе! Diana Well, s you,llhavе / уou,llbе havingto have a thгow-outsessionbеforеyou lеaveyour old housе. PauI Тhat,seasieгsaid than done!

Futureсontinuous or futureperfeсt? 1-6withtheсorreсtformof the 14 CompIete sentenсes or futureperfeсt. verbin brасkets, futureсontinuous ' l Byt hist im enextweek| . . . . . . . . . . .(.f. ini . . sahl)lmye x a ms . (f|y)to W e. . . . ........... 2 Тhist im enextS a t ur damyo r ning Soain. (you/ do)atthistimeneхtyear? 3 What in (read) booksonсomputer 4 Doyouthinkwe thefuture? (invent) whiсhdoesaIIthe a гobot 5 They housework by2050. r ks i xo' с | oс k . . .u 6 . . . . . . . . . . .(.yo / do )yo urho m ewoby tonight?

Theprepositions by anduntilin thefuture l4leиseuntilfo tаlk in the uptoa moment abouta situation orstale thatwill continue yerbs.We usebуto future,andwe oftenuseit withfutureсontinuoш talkabout an action or eventthatwillhappenatorbeforеa monent verbs. in thefuturе, andweoftenuseit withfutureperfeсt Еxamples tomоrrow morning. l,l|bеwaiting unti| l'llhaveleftbytomorrow morning.


15 Answerthesequestions so thattheyaretrueforyou. UseсompIete sentenсes. 1 Whataгeyougoingtodothisweekend? 2 Whereareyougoingforyourholidays thisyear? Howwillyouсe|ebrate ifyoupassallyourexamswithtop marks? youhavefinished 4 Whenwi|| a|lyoursсhooI exams? 5 Whatwillyoubedoingthistimenextyear?

Еrrorсorreсtion 16 Findandсorreсtthemistakesin thesesentenсes. 1 Bytheendofthesummer teгm, we'|| havefinishthis book, 2 WhatyouwillbedoingthistimenextFriday? 3 |'vedeсided |'mnotgoingtogotothedisсowithBrian afterall. 4 Whereshallwegofordinner? I know! Wearegoingto p|асe. thatnew|ta|ian 5 Bymidday, we'lldoneeverything weneedtodo. peoр|e 6 |nfuture, many wiI| beworkfromhome, youbegowhenyoutrave| 7 Wherewi|| roundЕurope? 8 Idon'tknowifwiIII beabletogototheсonсert onFriday night. 9 By2050'therewiIIbeinga riseinthenumber offatheгs whostayathometo|ookafterсhildren,

Rewritethesentenсewiththepromptsgivenso the meаningis thesаme. Тhepo|iсe towedawayJason'sсar|astnight. Jasonhad lastnight. compIetethesentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the wordsin braсkets' Mr.Garsonpгesented the............... (|NVЕST) as а Very (PRoF|T)dea|,buttheboardofdiгeсtors regarded it ..............' (sUsPЕсТ) Gomрletethesentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the verbsin brасkets. Whyсan'tyoudrivea bitfaster?Bythetimewe (get)there,al|thetiсkets . (sellout). Gomplete theseсondsentenсewitha suitabIe expression, usingthewordin brасkets, so it means thesameas thefirstsentenсe. Sheсan'twaittoseehеrAmeriсan сousin. She............ .......... her Ameriсan сousin.(FoRWARD) Fill in gaps1-10witha suitableword.Useoneword on|yin eaсhgаp. Who,llown уour bodу? TheHumanGenomeProjeоt is thebeginning ofa revoIution inbio|ogy andmediсine. Beingab|etoread thegenesineaсhoneofourсe||s wi|| enab|e us tofind outeхaсt|y whatitis tobe human. Moreimpoгtantly, it giveusa2 ............... greater understanding ofсomp|ex diseases. As welI сreating newdrugstofightdisease, theprojесt сou|d markthebeginning ofa neweгаofpersonalised mediсine. Pеop|e tendto гeaоt verydiffеrent|y thedrugstheyarepresсribed. Upto50%of pеop|e givena speсifiс drugwiIIeithernotfinditeffeоtive, willsufferunaссeptab|e sidе-effесts. Thrs hit-and-miss approaсh i' u ................ appalIing wasteof timeandmoney andсanputIives/ ............... risk. An partoftheso|ution impoгtаnt is embedded inthegenome. ItturnsB ... . that99.9% ofourDNAseouenсe is identiсaI to9 .....'......... ofa||otherhuman beings andit 10......'........ isthe0.1%diffeгenсe thataссounts ouг individuaI responses todгugsаndsusсeptibiIity todisеase


riting 'r'i


W r it inga let t ero f a ppliсa t io n

Sta rt i ng a сareer . andсhoosetheсorreсt ReadMark'spersonaI stаtement wordto fiIIeaсhgap. . aptitude . сontгol . responsibiIity . liсenсe . post.сourse. сontаоt . aоtivity . oppoгtunity . work. ambition . literate

19 CompIete Mark'sIetterof appIiсation. Somegaps requiremorethanoneword.


Preston цli\d\ifaЪanсtuaг'1

to aidin thеdailуrunningof to theDireсtor an assistant rеouirеs of futuгеdеvelopments andin thе p|anning thesanсtuary p|aсе in AugUst to takе Interviеws Post beсomеsVaсantin September Plеasеsеnd CV persona|statement and сompletedappliсationform to thе addrеssbеIow

\amе: Mark Wilson

Тl.Lеro1еof wildlifе in a modern world has 1 is to :'llr,aysfasсinatеdmе and my ............... in this field. I have always :ind 2 ............... .njоyеd partiсipating in any kind of .гhiсh involvеs

with wildlife, and I

:iave takеn еvery ntеrеst.I hаve еvеn takеn a

to pursuе this б .'..

. in animal

-'r'еlfare,and I wеnt on a safari tо Kеnya at thе

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for thе job of advеrtised in 2 I notiсe that the suссеssful will be requiredto 4 ............... 5 thе post in whiсh would be extremelУ6 ...,....'.for mе. Pleasе find7 s my ............... and ,together with my сompleted ?^ 10

.lgе of nine with an organised eхpedition.My irobbiеs are reading, mountain biking and skiing.

i look

I am in possеssion of a сurrent driving


and am сomputеr

. I wili

irave finishеd my full-timе еduсation by }une this 9 r'еar and I would bе frее to takе uP a efter thаt time. I enjоy сoping in diffiсult situations and I am able 10 in a to kеep my еmotionsunder ............... 11 сrisis.I also feеl that whilе I havе an ...'........... hearing from you.

Mark Wilson

wordsyour 20 Followthemodelin 19to writein 120-150 information ownIetterof appIiсаtion inсIuding relevant aboutyourself.

fоr working as a mеmber of a team, I would 12 fоr othеrs. rvеlсometaking on ...............

r,/гi t i ng yo u rp e r so n al st at em ent Usethe I Writea personal foryourself. statement so thаt thedetai|s statement in 17as a mode|, сhanging you. theyapplyto


Title: Reаdi ng 1 ReadthetextquiсkIyandсhoosethebesttitIefor it. 1 Leaгningdiffiсu|ties 2 Aгtistiс eleohants 3 Animals andtheirkeepers 2 Readthetextandanswerthesequestions. 1 WhowаsRamona аndwhatdidshedo? keeper, failtodo? 2 WhatdidRamona's Jumadi, projeсt? 3 Whoсreated theanimal artists withanima|s? 4 Whendidthevstaгtworkino trained topaint? 5 Howareelephants personaIities aгtists, Howdoe|ephant сompare with thoseofhuman artists'? 1_10'сhoosefivewhiсhrefIeсt 3 Fromthestatements the сontentof thetext. 1 Ramona wasthought tobethebrightest artist inthe foreIephants. sсhooI 2 Ramona deсided sheno|onger wanted topaint. keeper wasabIetopeгsuade hertopickupa 3 Ramona's paintbrush again. 4 KomarandMeIamid knewexaсtly howtohandIe Ramona. wasbrought upinBali. 5 Ramona projeсt сonсeived 6 KomarandМeIamid theire|ephant in ThaiIаnd. 7 Thetypeofbrushuseddepends onwheretheelephant сomesfгom. puttogetheг 8 Brighter e|ephants theirownсombinations of сoIours' сannowunderstand human 9 Ba|ie|ephants speeсh. regard aгtistiс verydifferent|y 10 Animals сreativity from humans.

Suddеnly Ramona dесidеd it was timе shе gavе up bеing an artist. only thе day bеforе, shе had handlеd thе brush with graсе, playing with it bеforе сovеring thе сanvas with dеft strokеs,varying in stylе bеtwееn а kind of Imprеssionism and Сubism. Shе was immеdiatеly proсlaimеd thе star оf Bali's first sсhool for еlеphants. And thеn disastеr struсk. Thе four-yеar-old thrеw hеr brush in thе air, shе starnpеd hеr amplе fееt, shе сrashеd hеr big hеad against thе сanvas. Nothing сould induсе hеr to gеt baсk to thе wоrld оf art: nеithеr thе harsh rеprimands оf hеr .kееpеr and lifе сompanion, Jumadi, nоr a suссulеnt сhunk of young banana stеm. It was a full.blown сasе of thе strеss lеvеls оf artistiс dеspair. Hеr spiritual guidеs, thе сrеators оf this multinational intеr-spесiеs proiесt, stood in silеnt сonstеrnation. Vitaly Komar and Alеx Mеlamid, сonсеptual artists from Nеw York, сould not fathom thе innеr workings of this еlеphаnt with thе twinkling еyеs. Ramona was brоught to thе Еlеphant Safari Park in Taro, in thе hеart of thе Balinеsе forеst, tоgеthеr with a dozеn or so of hеr kin from thе island of Sumatra. Bali is a rеlativеly privilеgеd spot, with its flourishing art sсеnе. Howеvеt, еlеphants aIе not nativе to Bali. From thе timе that artists Komar and Меlamid аrrivеd in Nеw Yоrk in thе 1970s, thеy havе workеd in direсt сollaboration with animals. Тhеy startеd rnany yеars ago with a stray dog from Jеrusalеm, whiсh ,paintеd, a bonе with paw prints. Thеiг tесhniquе of working with еlеphants, whiсh was roughеd out for thе flrst timе in Thailand, has now bееn pеrfесtеd' only thе shapе of thе paintbrush variеs from сountry to сountry aссording to thе shapе of thе trunk of thе еlеphant nativе to that partiсular land. othегwisе, thе prinсiplе is thе samе: thе еlеphant stands in front of thе сanvas, and thе kееpеr еnсouragеs it to strikе thе сanvas rеpеatеdly with thе brush dippеd in paint. Саns of paint with vivid сolours arе linеd up in front of thе еlеphаnt, and disсеrning, giftеd pupils rapidly bеgin to сhoosе thеir own сolours. Bali,s еlеphants still havе somе way tо go bеforе thеy сatсh up with thе brainpowеr of Thаiland,s animals, whiсh arе gеnеrally bеttеr еduсatеd' Thе latter сan undеrstand morе than 500 words of human spеесh, whiсh now inсludе thе сommand ,Paintl, Thе Тhai expеrimеnt with еlеphants was so suссessful that it gavе thе imprеssion that pеrsonalitiеs wеrе not a faсtоr whеn еlеphants Wеrе taught to paint. Thе inсidеnt with Rarnona in Bali provеd thе oppositе: whеn it сoшеs tо art, animals arе as volatilе as humansl The С'uardian




Parаgraph 5 wasthemainсauseofher a Ramona's laсkofeduсation refusal to oaint. Iedtothemis|eading b Thesuссess oftheТhaiexperiment aгt. ine|ephant wasn't a faсtor thatpersonality сonсlusion thаnThai |essЕngIish understand с BaIinese eIephants eleohants.

Voсabu lary 5 Findwordsor phrasesin thetextthatmeanthesameas: Paragraph'l ,| smooth movement andсontro|Ied 2 skiIfuI andouiсkmovements 3 deсIared 2 Pаragгaph 4 persuade ofdisapproval 5 sharpstatements juiсy' pieсe 6 tasty

eaсh thatbestsummarises 4 Ghoosethesentenсe paragraph. 1 Paragraph sсhoolсanpaintina attheBa|ieIephant a A||e|ephants sty|es. ofartistiс variety abiIity, aгtistiс withextraordinаry ane|ephant b Ramona, painting. stopped unexpeсtedly with attheBaliaгtsсhoo| wasa student с Ramona skilIs. аrtistiс extгaordinary Paragraph 2 Ramona to wereusedtoenсourage teсhniques a Various hermind. сhange alltheemotional topaintdemonstrated refusal b Ramona's persona|ity. exсessesofanaгtistiс сouldbedonetomake nothing с |nspiteofa|ltheirefforts, hermind. сhange Ramona 3 Pаragraph why undeгstand didn't oftheprojeсt a Theсreators wouldn't Ramona Paint. wereupsetthatRamona b VitalyKomarandAIexMelamid, likeBali. didn't artsсene, toBaIiforitslive|y werebrought с Тheelephants hotels. luxurious and industry tourist important 4 Paragraph withallkindsof haveworked a KomarandMelamid sincethe1970s. animals the toсhoose freedom artistiс haveсomp|ete b Е|ephants theywanttopaintwith' сoIours Komarand shaped brushes, с Apaгtfromusingdifferently e|ephants. withthe MeIamid usedthesameapproaсh

Paragгaph 3 7 shockandamazement orworkout 8 undeгstand advantages 9 a plaсewithpaгtiсu|ar Paragraph 4 10 working together without a home 11 Iostorseparated, 1 2 hit Paragraph 5 (oftwo) 13 theseсond else something 14 something thatсausesorinfluenсes quiсkly andsuddenly 15 сhanging Phrasalverbs 6 Theverbs1_5appearin thetext.Matсhthemto their a-e' oppositemeаnings a takefrom 1 roughout b fallbehind 2 giveup с takeUp 3 сatсhupwith from d depart 4 getbaсkto indetail e desсribe 5 bringto 7 Completethesesentenсeswiththe сorreсtformof one of theverbs1-5 in 6. buthejustсou|dn't smoking 1 Myunс|e triedto doit. just theothers' wemight 2 lfwerunquiсk|y fo und t h at h ema i n we t he ho t el, we . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 W hen wasIoсked. entranсe yo ur diсt io n a г i e s ........' ... 4 Do n' t f o r get t o thelessontomorrow. n t h en e w l ha ve. . . . . . . . . . .f.o. .rt.hede s i gof 5 Her e'as p|а n sсhoo||ibrary.


Words with differentmeаnings 8 one wordfromthetextсouIdbe usedto сompIete eaсh pairof sentenсes. Canyoufindthefivewordsin the text? Eхаmple a Тherewasquitea 6с&na intherestaurant whenthe сustomer refused topaythebil|' b Thefirstsсanaofthep|aytakesp|aсeina forest. 1 a Disaster сanoften whenweleastexpeсtit. b Y o usho uId n ev er.........'..... a ny one inange г. 2 a Mary. . . . . . . . ....... herfootinrageandannoun сed t ha t shewasnotgoingtogototheparty. b Тhedatewas onthehoteI biIl. 3 a Thегeis a veryniсe downbytheriverto haveа piсniс. go ta . . ............. b Y o u've ofinkonyourja сk et . 4 a Wem ust . . . . ........... theimpoгta nоe ofkee ping tot he oath. b Peteris undera |otof beсаuse hisiobis verydemanding. 5 а Т heP resid ent madea сampa ign ......... '.....on television lastnight. b Psyсhiatrists areсarrying outa studyofсhiIdren,s patterns. Complete thesentenсes withtheсorreсtformof the wordin braсkets. 1 Piсasso wasperhaps themost artist ofthe (experiment) twentieth сentury. 2 Miсhe|angelo wasa painter, andarсhiteсt. (sсuIpt) 3 Well,Ramona maybeanelephant, butIfoundher pаintings surprising|y .. .. .. . (aгt) praised Critiсs thedesign and........... '..' ofheгwoгk. (сompose) Thepaintings ofGauguin andVаnGogh,withtheirbIues, reds,yellows andgreens, areextremely (сoIouф 6 Heproduсed bothabstrасt and..... .. pаintings, (figure) Herpaintings showa attention todetail. (photograph) Many....... physiсa|ly artists don't maketheir own '....... work,theysimp|y сomeupwiththeideas.(сonсept) Bil|VioIais a сontemporary videoartist whoexp|ores the сrisisofmodeгn man.(spiгit) 1 0 Hisbook wereextremely popular with (i||ustrate) сhiIdren.


10 Puttheсonversаtion in thecorreсtorderfrom1-11. Thefirstand|аstsentences aregiven. TeасherSo howdidtheinteгview goatthead сo|lege? l Tea сher A nd?' . . . . . . . . . TeaсherТhаtsounds oK,Whathappens next?.......... Teа cherW hadid t t heya skyo u?. . . . . . . . . . TeaсherWeгethequestions diffiсu|t? Eve Firsttheyspenta Iotoftimelooking atmy paintings. Тhentheyaskedme|otsofquestions a bo ut whiсh a гt ist| |ike. s .......... Еve Finаl|y theyaskedmea fewquestions aboutthe hist o rovfа r t . . . . . . . . . . Eve I ha vet owa itt oheafrr o mt hem . . . ....... Еve I'mnotreally surebutIthinkitwentOK. Еve No,theyweren't. Ithinktheyjustwanted toсheсk thatI knewsomething aboutit! good|uсk. TeaсherWel|, Letmeknowwhathappens. ll

Funсtions youropinion Expressing 11 Reаdeaсhquestion, thenwritethreereasonsto youropinion. support ,| Doyouthinkthattheworkofaгtists working todaywi|| st befamous inhundreds ofyearstime? 2 Аresсientists orartistsmoreimpoгtant tosoсiety?

Stimulus.based disсussion presented 12 AnаIysethemateria| belowаndanswerthe questions.

Outrageoverд20'000 рrizefor grаffitiаrtist

lf it isn't beaшtiful it сan't bе art

,| Desсribе theoiсtures. 2 Whatinformation giveus? dotheheadlines 3 Whatdoyouunderstand bytheword'outrage'? 4 Whydoyouthinkgraffiti is unpopular? 5 Whatsoгtofartdoyoulikeandwhy?




in 1-10usingtheseсondor 1 4 Gombine thesentenсes thirdсonditionаl.


Еха*lplе Johnp|аyedloudmusiсlаstnight.He'sgota headaсhenow. |f{*hn |lаdn,tplауе'dtоud musiс tаst ni7ht,ha wauldn,t hвvaа hваdасhвnow"

S p e с u lat in gab outt he pa st .I3 then Readtheextraсtsaboutthreefamousscientists, ,|-6withtheverbsin brасketsin sentenсes сomplete

,| |sadora in.ShewasIateforsсhoo|' s|eot tf

theсorreсtform. (notdie ), Betl.......... .(.no . . ./t 1 l fh isb rot h ers Canada. emigrate)to global (not/ invent) thetelephone, 2 Ifhe possib|e. (not beсome) ............./ с om m uniс at. .ion 3 lf Babbage.


2 | haveno money.I wantt0 buyа сar. lf

hе'dIiketotrain Unfoгtunаte|y 3 Luke'snogoodаtMaths. asa pilot. t f. . . . . 'tknowyouWereсoming. toоookyoua Iwanted 4 Ididn

outto do, whathe stагted . (finish)

ahe a of d histime . . . a) сe ntury h e. . . . . . . . . . .(be teсhniques manufaсturing 4 Iftheneсessаry (finish) his building (еxist), Babbage maсnlnes. (notdie)earlY, she.. 5 lfFranklin (won) a NobelprizewithCriсkandWatson. ofDNA, (notinvestigated) thestruсtuгe 6 Ifshe (notbe)so great ofgenetiсs ourknow|edge todav.


I |сan'tenjoythepeaсeandquietoftheсountryside. Itvе here. don't I heardthenews. 6 I'mgladyouphoned.

Pionerrs Sсiвntifiс

Bell \1847-1s22) 1 Alexandet

youstudied sohаrd. yourexam! That'sbeоause 7 Youpassed

l"'llllil''"ll:::'To' you.Don'tworryso muсh!

to 9 Тhisis myadviсe

rf. . .

Sсottish-born invеntol of thе tеlеphone and thе tеlеphonе еxсhangе. His parеnts \vе rее x pеrts in tеa сhing p е o p l е to s p е ak сlеarly. His two brothеrs diеd of tubеrсulosis so thе family emiglated to Сanada. Bе1l аl so taught dеaf pеoplе to s p е ak ' fo rmе d thе Bеll Tеiеphonе Сompany, and founded

,|0 |'mg|adI сameto Iiveheгe.I metyou!


Expr essingwishes a nd r egr et sa bo utth e p a s t of eaсh Thebeginning 15 Rewrite thesesentenсes. sentenсeis given.

thе Nаtiоnаl Gеogrаphiсmаgаzinе'

2 GharlesBahhage(1792-18т1) An Еnglish mathеmatiсian who bui1t the fiIst сomputеr and bеliеvеd otheт сountliеs wеrе supеrior to Blitain. нe nеvеr flnishеd anything he made, mainly bесausе the maсhinеs hе was building \vе rеa сеntuгy a hеa d o[ th е i r ti mе , an d thе manufaсturing tесhniquеs they сallеd for simply didn't еxlst!

(1e21-le5B) Franklin 3 Rosalind Еnglish sсiеntist who invеstigatеd thе struсturе of DNA. Thе sсiеntists Сriсk and Watson saw hеr rеsеarсh and usеd it for their own work. Shе diеd tragiсally young and nеvеr sharеd the Nobеl pтizе with Criсk аnd Watson as it is not awaтdеd posthumouslY.


{хвmplr moгeсarefu||y? Whydidn't wereadtheinstruсtions саrфllу, rf,or> |fon|yw*hвdraаdthв.inetruсtian* bombwaseverinvented! 1 l regret thefaсtthattheatomiс I wish. . . . . . . . . . сomputeг! invent a working 2 |'msorгyl didn't Iwish. . . . . . . . . . sсientist? 3 Wou|d vouliketohavеbeena riсhandfamous Do theteleohone! I'msorryBellinvented lfo nly. . . ofevoIution! thetheory IwouId Iovetohavedisсovered lwish. . . . . . . . . . atsсhooI? Iworkharder oh,whydidn't lfo n|y. . . . . . . . . at different something WouldCIiveIiketohavestudied university? г\^^^ LJUUь .......... ona сar. havespentaIIthatmoney IknewweshouIdn't lfo nly. . . . . . . . .


Had betteror had betternot? Negаtive infinitive folIowing hadbefterAfterhad better, weuse +not+ theinfinitive withoutto. Thenegative formls hadbetter infinitive withoutto. Eхample You'dbеtter notIeаvetooearly. Nolг\bsd+ef;effl€+]о]eaYe tooeаrlуt

16 Givetwopieсesof adviсeto а friendusinghad hetter or had hetternot. Ехаmple I'vemissed thelastbushome. You,dbotterget а tахi. You,dbetternot wаlKhomeboсаuseit.elаte. I I'vegotnomoney togetthebushome.

1 Rewritethesentenсe, usingthewordgivenin braсkets. properly I regret notstudying Iastterm. I wish lastterm.(studied) 2 completethe sentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the verbs in braсkets. .1, (yougo)awaythisweekend? We (think) of (go)tothezoo............. (youjoin)us? 3 Choosetheсorreсtoption:a, b, с or d, to сomplete thesentenсe. Suсhа dаngerous experiment wou|dhavetobeсarried

a out с forwaгd

2 I'vehadanargument withmyparents. 3 I don'tfeelwell.

4 Mvhair's a mess. 5 l neverseemtogetаnyexerсise thesedays'


under striсt сontroI bo n d off

Rewritethesentenсein thepassivewiththeprompts given. Тheсustoms offiсeг madeMati|da openaIIherсasesone afteranother. Mati|da .........'.'..... oПе afteranother. Fill in gaps1-10witha suitableword.Useoneword onlyin eасhgap. Whatis a mammal? 1 .. Тhеreis hugebenefit .......understanding exаct|y ....makеsa mamma|. Wесan makesenseofthebewi|deгing variety inthemammа|ian justhe|pus tounderstand wor|d, itmight ourownspeсies better. Therearevariousсharaсteristiсs thatdefinea mamma|: itis ananimа|with a baсkbone,4 ... . .. ..... bodyis insulаted byhair;ltproduсes mi|ktofeedits young,anditsjawdesignis unique. Тhereis pointatwhiсhweсansaythat obvious repti|es andmamma|s sp|itintodiffeгent typesofаnima|, butсhanges totheshapeofthejawabout220mi||ion yeaгsagoareusua||y point. takenas a staгting However, ofthebiggest сhanges indeve|opment was inthewaymamma|s fedandсaredfoгtheiroffspring. Dinosaur babies wereborn7 .......... '...' miniatuге versions oftheiгparents. feeding their offspring withmilk,mammals tookсareoftheiryoungfor У |onger, meanttheythrived andreaсhed adulthood ata faster g|Ven rate. Тhismay10.....'..'..... mamma|s a majorсompetitive advantage inevo|ution.

i.i.1..iiri1.,;li]i]li.'#ii11i:iЁiil:ii.!].iii.:ii|i.ili].,ili'.]''].j.,'.1,1.]]'].].ll]..l.l.:]].]]:|]]]]!l]]. l'.1:'.'...



Writing A n a r g u m entfor an d agains t 17 Readthisshortessаyabouteduсation' Matсhthe paragraphs A-E withthetopiсs1-5. 1 Intгoduсtion you|ike 2 Arguments forсhoosing a subjeсt 3 Aгguments against 4 Thewriter's ooinion 5 ConсIusrons


18 Youаregoingto writea shortessayof 200_250 words on thetopiсbelow.Writedown thearguments for and agаinstbeforeyou beginto heIpyou plan. Tolearna foreignlanguage уouneedto spendseveral monthsin thecountrvwhereit is sooken. For


lf уougo to universitу, it'smoreimportant tostudу a subjectуou'reinterested in thanonethat'srelevant toуourfutureсareer' A otherpeop|e saythatit'sbetter toсhoosea voсationa| goingtogeta wel|.paid subjeсt andbesurethatyou're jobafterwards. Goingto univeгsity is expensive, andit,s haгdwork'lfyouсhoosea subjесt he|pyou thatdoesn't you'regoingto be poorfora long finda jobafterwards, time.

Students shou|d thinkсarefu|ly aboutwhatsubjeсt to youdojust сhoosе, itmight notbesomething beсause forthreevears.butfortherestofvourlife.

1 9 Planyouressay.Divideit intofiveparagraphs. Mаke notesforeachparagraph. . theintroduсtion . thearguments youneedtospendtrmeina suggesting foreign сountry . thearguments youdonotneedtospendtime suggesting ina foreign сountry о }oUГ ownopinion . theсonсlusion

20 Writeyouressayin 200-250words. Tosumup,Ithinkitmustbe better tostudya subjeсt that you|ike.|twil|bemoreenjoyаble tostudy, andmayhe|p youtogeta jobina сareer thаtyou|ike. Studying a subjeсt thatyouaren'tinterested inсannotbethebest thinotodo.

you Somepeop|e агguethatit'sbesttostudya subjeсt youneedtobe |ikeаndareinterested in.Firstly, beсause surethatyouwi|| dowel|. Seсondly, ifyou're not you're goingtobemiserable interested inthesubjeсt, for threevears.

ltseemstomethatemp|oyers arenotneсessari|y сonсeгned aboutthesubjeсt аs longas you'vegota degree. lt's|earning tothinkthatis impoгtant. Тhat giveyouan meansthata degree wi|| inanysubjeсt inyourсhosenсareer. However, myown advantage opinion is thatifyoudon'tIikethesubjeсt enough to wanttostudyit,itсan,tbetherightsubjeсt foryouг саreer, andtheгestofvourlife.

Usesomeof theseexpressions: Somepeoplеsaу/ believe'.' otherpeopleargue/ сlaim' '. /fseemstome ... Mуownopinion is '.. Toсonсlude,', Ехаm trаining Writingan essаy Followthisworkplan. 1 Gatherall the necessary baсkground information' 2 Decidehowmanуparagraphs need, andwhatthe уou'll mainideais in eachparagraph. 3 Makenotesforall thekeу pointsуou wanttoincludein eachparagraph. 4 Writearguments thatsupportthekeу pointsуoumake' 5 Writea draft,andсheckthatуouhaveeхpressed уour opinioncIeaflу' 6 Writeуouressaу. 7 Choosea suitabletitleforуouressaу(ifit is hasnotbeen given). 7 Cheсkуourwriting. Checkthatfheessayis clear,andfree of errors'Checkthatуouhaveincludedall theinformation vouwanted.


Reading 1 ReadthetextquiсkIyandanswerthesequestions. 1 Whatproblem didthefamily have? 2 Howdidthevsolveit?


Just imaginе thе sсеnario:сonstant alguing, shouting, sсIеaming,yеlling, and flghting. A battlеfiеld? No. Just what happеns in many housеhоlds nowadays. It was after just suсh a daу that thе Brown family lеsolvеd that thеy had to do somеthing about it, еvеn if it involvеd making saсrif,сеs.They dесidеd to draw up a сodе of bеhaviour whiсh all thе mеmbеrs of thе family agreеdto stiсk to _ and thеy сrеatеd a family сontlaсt. But what arе thе сhanсеs of a сontraсt of this kind working? Is it a morе dеsirablеWay of tтying to makе pеoplе do things than yеlling and sсrеaming at thеm? ,Yеs.A |э сontraсt offеrs сonsistеnсy so еvеryonе knows what is and is not еxpесtеdof thеm., says Hеlеn Taylor, of thе National Parеnting Assoсiatiоn,,Providingthat it is wеll. organisеdand sеnsitivе.,Sohow did thе family farе? This is what thеy said aftеr two wеeks.

Things havе rеally bееn far bеttеr * еvеryonе,s сalm and happy and wе all gеt on. I сan,t wait for Мum to brеak thе сontraсt as hеr punishmеnt will bе tidying up my room _ and it,s a tip! I,m not surе that it wоuldn,t bе bеttеr to talk than to follоw a sеt of rulеs though; but I supposе sinсе wе havе all signеd up to it ... Aсtually, onе of thе things I am worried abоut is thе ,no violеnсе, rulе bесausе pеoplе tеll mе I havе a bit of a tеmpеI. I


I was a bit dubious about thе сontraсt at first but I сan sее it,s bееn drawn up propеrly, and thеrе,sbееn a muсh niсеr atmosphеrе at homе sinсе wе signеd it. Whеn I first rеad it, I notiсеd that wе had a lot mоrе rulеs lЖffiundеr thе сhildrеn,s hеading than our palеnts had, so wе all put in a lot of еffort to makе it morе еqual. I,m not happy that wе сan,t havе our mеals in thе loungе any morе; that,s whеre the сablе and satеl]itеTV aте. But in awaу I сan Sееthе logiс of it and Martin and I тесkon Мum and Dad will givе in if thеrе is somеthing rеally spесial on.

I got fеd up with nagging thе сhildrеn. I now put thе еmphasis on enсoulagеmеnt rathеr than prоhibition. Еvеryonе сan сhoosе a trеat еvеry now and again, if wе havе all fоllowеd thе сontraсt. I fееl it,s сruсial to havе sеt pеnaltiеs for sеt misdеmеanours. And so far, so good. I fееl morе in сhargе and thе сhildтеn aIе so muсh niсеr! I just hopе it,s not thе lull bеforе thе storm!

Тhе сontraсt,s OК in my book. I,m rеlativеly сonfldеnt that I won,t stray from it, оthеrwisе I wouldn,t havе signed. If I forget mysеlf and start shouting at Мartin and Sally, thеn I,11 takе thе сonsеquеnСеs.I,m more that.l happy to takе thе punishmеnt. I havе so many сhorеs on my list - onе morе won,t makе muсh diffеrеnсе!

afnit 2 Readthetextagаinandсhoosethebestаnswer'a, b, с or d, for questions1-6. is one fаmi|y сontraсt feelsthata suссessfu| 1 HeIenTay|or member inwhiсheaсhfаmily а makespersonaIsaсrifiсes. whattherulesare. b knows с|osely. fami|y members с сonsuIts theruleswhenneсessary. d сhanges fee|abouttheсontraсt? 2 HowdoesMartin nottalkaboutit. hewouldrather a Headmits might not be ab|etostiсktoit. he b Hesuspeсts angryaboutit. thatheis rather с Heсonfesses willnotbreakit. thathisparents d Heimplies is anxious aboutthefaсtthat 3 Po||y infuture. notbeso peaсefu| a thingsmight punishments needtobegiven. sti|I b сertain treats. aгenotgivenenough с theсhiIdren enсouragement. enough don'treсeive d theсhiIdгen 4 Whatdoesthewordffreferto inline44? a Iotofrulestoobey. a Having room. a messintheliving b Notmaking TVwheneating. towatсh с Notbeingal|owed d Drawing upa сontraсt. tirеdof 5 Po|lybeсame mealsforthewholefamily. a preparing todothings. theсhi|drеn asking b сonstant|y feltangry' сa|mwhensherea||y с keeping noneinreturn. |oveandreсeiving d giving 6 TomfeeIsthathе hispartoftheсontraсt. finditdiffiсuIt tofo|Iow a wi|| theсontraсt. havesigned b shou|dn't thetermsoftheсontraсt. с won'tbeab|etoremember oftheсontraсt' d won'tobieсt totheoutсome


VoсabuIary F eelings 3 Matсhthewordsin italiсin phrases1-8to their meanings in a-h below. ,l thesceлarlo (|ine 1) 2 howdidthefami|у fare?(|ine20) 3 it'sa tip(line27) (|ine 4 nagging 47) theсhiIdren (|ine54) 5 setpеna|ties forsetmisdemeanours 6 the/и// before thestoгm(|ine56) 7 straуfrom it(|ine58) 8 so manychores(line64) a b с d e f g h

a pileofrubbish jobsthatmustbedone boring (noun) сa|m minor.сrimes' notstiсktoormoveaway(fromsomething) tosomeone a|ways сomp|aining aboutsomething insomething besuссessfuI orunsuссessfuI a sсene

4 Nowwriteshortsentenсes of yourownusingthe phrases1-8 in 3. Useyournotebook. 5 Gomplete theexpressions aboutfeelingsin 1-6witha preposition fromthelist. . of. to. that. with. about beworried .. bea bitdubious be happy seethe|ogiс............... getfedup ...............

bereIativeIv сonfident

Nowсomplete sayinghowyouwould thesesentenсes, feelаboutdrawingup а сontraсtin yourfamily. pr o ba bly getfedup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Iwo uld 2 IwouId сonfident bеreIative|v 3 Iwouldn't behappy ........... 4 |wo uldn' t oseet heI o qiс beta b|e 5 I'dbea bitdubious 6 I'dbeworried


Complete thetext.Usethewords. . riva|ry . |enient . sib|ings . divorсe . bereаvement . splitting up

CompIete thesesentenсes withtheсorreсtformof the wordsin 7' Тhereis onewordyoudo notneed. 1 They aftergoingouttogetheг forfivеyears' gavea 2 Тhe1udge ......sentenсe beсause the yeaгs сriminaI wasunder 1B o|d. Their f ir stexper ienсe o f. . . . . .'. . . . .wa . sw h e nt h e i r grandmother died. 4 sometimes сompete fortheirparents' attentioг 5 The. . . . . . . . . . .bet . . . . ween t hesist erсo s n t i n ueevde n whentheywerebothadults,

Funсtions Stimulus.based disсussion presented 9 Analyse themаterial be|ow andаnswer the questions.

шH0ll0Y0шsPE]|Il тll]tul0sт TI]UI]

lillTHlt 0uтslll]sGlloolfl

hеre havе always bееn familiеs with stеpparеnts but in thе past these tеndеd to be bесausе of rеmarriagе aftеr the dеath of еithеr thе mothеr oI fathеr. Howеvец morе rесently, rеmarriagеs havе bееn bеtwееn pеoplе whosе frrstmarriagееndеd in 1 ..'.....'...... rathеr tlnan 2 So, although stеp.families havе always bееn hеre, thе way in whiсh thеy arе formеd has сhangеd and this сan сausе partiсular problеms for thе сhildrеn in thе family. Thе сhildrеn will probably havе sееn thе dесlinе of thеir parеnts, rеlationship and thеir unhappinеss. Vеry oftеn сhildren bеliеvе _ wтоngly _ that they are rеsponsiblе for thеir parеnts so thеy fееl guilty and thеy may dеvеlop behavioural pтoblеms suсh as drugs оr truanсy. Whеn a nеW family is еstablishеd thеrе will usually bе tensions as еvеryonе gets usеd to еaсh othеr. Thете arе enough problеms betwееn in anу family but in stеp-familiеs the resеntmеnt and .' bеtweеn thе stеpbrothеrs and stеpsistеrs сan makе tifе diffiсttlЬfol еvеryone. Furthеr, thе parеnts may subсonsсiously trеat thеir natural сhildrеn and stеpсhildrеn diffеrеntly. For еxamplе, they may bе morе to onе group or еvеn bе partner,s of thеit nеw сhildrеn. !еalotis


10-14 yeаrs

Spendtimewithfamily Spendtimewithfгiends Spendmoretimealone

15-18 years




55% 15%


7096 0fhoрspеnd ап

hoш оrmorс

gaше! с0mpшtеr

ТUsb|аmedfor breakdown iп familylife

1 Desсribe theoiсtures. 2 Whatinformation dotheheadIines givе? andstatistiсs 3 Whataretheadvantages anddisаdvаntages ofpeoplе watсhing TV? Whatarethereasons whvfamilies soendIesstime together? Whataсtivities doyoudowithyourfamily andwhаtdо youdowithfriends.




Reporting memos

S t a t e me npt,o l i teo r dero r ques t io n? speeсh 1_3withthetypeof reported ]0 Matсhsentenсes

12 Hereаresomememosleftfor stаffin an offiсe'can you reportwhatthememossaid?Usetheverbsin braсkets. Eхarnple

a-с. ,| TheWoman wanted to knowhowfaгitwastothetown сentre. 2 Тhemanto|dustowaitheгe. tothetown. saidthatshewasa visitor 3 ТheWoman

Ple4se ring Mr Brauм at lиnchtiwre, Dave

Dаvr аsKad 8uе if *ha aould ring / tв riоg tу1rФrвwn аt Iunс'htimв"

R e p o r t ingd ireс tsp ee сh цlW



anoгder а reporting a stаtement b repoгting a question с reporting


РЬil, wt1MЙwil!


questions questioпsln reported normaltу thesubjeсt Reporting we don't use the and сomesbeforetheverb'as in statements, auхiliary do. ЕхampIes 'Whoаreуou?Where sheasked. doyoulive?,. was. iVoIМ Shewanted tоknowwhoi NOIМ Shewаnted toknowwherel Iived. did-].]iр+. -

$lhаt have уou

T heb oyt o ld. . . . . ....... 'P|ease totheсhiIdгen. theteaсher don't aгgue,'sаid .....'.'. aske d Т het eaс h еr 'Where askedthe саrpark?'SaI|v is thenearest poliсeman. Sallyasked ,DoyouIivenearthetownсentre?'Jane askedDаvid. .|'veneverbeentothispaгtoftheworId before,, MrТay|or. remarked MrTaylor 'Couldyoutellmewhat's Paulaskeda happened?' passer-0y. Pau l. . . . . . . . . . .

J!,)fi+".,"rro o


аt*eyrd thJ

with the ryrицаl

аiжT*vиeetiч Г'.',.

ve7o*2. Эavй'


o Нl},:l:,. -"-1P

Cov'|,d.уot'l ?ossiЬ|у cil iь" Ьol"], Directar . w1e |4ter ta disсйss {ar lцnch lovr'owow,, тlre rиаrketiиq Witl.аиn cavn7aign? МaЙ. Jirr, o Gel so,n,.e "a$fee whevlyaи 9a aиt, will уaи? We,ve rиn aurtl Sаllу

11 Reportwhatthe peoplein 1-6 said. Makeall the neсessаryсhangesto the sentenсes. ,Carry downtheroadandyou'l|сometo the 1 on straight boysaidtothewoman. townсentre,'the

JoIlЕ. . . . .


1 2 3 4 5

S a r a h( a sk) . . . . . . . . . . . Pete(remind) Maгk(enquire) (invite) William Sally(tell) .

E m beddedquest io ns questions, usingthewords 13 Rewrite1-5 as embedded given. open? History Museum I WhattimedoestheNatural you Could 2 Whyis themuseum so interesting? Doyouknow haveIastveaг? Howmanvvisitoгs didthemuseum I wonder

WhenwastheIastbigexhibition? Iwantto know befoгe? Haveyouevervisited themuseum I don'tknow


Verbsand prepositions 1 4 Useoneoftheseprepositions toсomplete sentenсes


. for . aboutl 61 о щi{fiо f6

1 Тheteaсher congratulated theс|ass............... the гesuIts oftheirtest. 2 Samcriticised me............... doing something hеhad donehimself. pleadеd 3 Thebankсashier theaгmed robber toputdownhisgun. 4 Daneхplained mewhyheсouIdn't сometo Iunсh onSunday. 5 |argued withmyparents ............... whether I needed a phone. mobile .t'

1 5 Nowuseoneof theverbsin itaIiсsin 15to сompIete

sentenсes 1-5, 1 MrsWallis . . . . . .......... tomew hysheha darrived sola t e. 2 We a||еvening about whiсhfi|mwewanted to goandsee. 3 We AnnandМaгtin ontheirengagement at thepaгty Iastweekеnd. 4 Тhеhostage withhiskidnappers toreIease him . 5 Тhemanaging direсtor thestafffornot making theirсomp|aints known ear|ier.

Reportinga Gonversation 16 Reportthefollowing сonversation between SalIy(a manager) аndJason(herаssistant). Youmayneedto makeseveraI сhangesto theoriginaI сonversаtion. Use theсorreсtformof theseverbs. . ask. assure . explain . 0lead. remind . tell 1 Sally:Haveyoudonеthemonth|y гeports, Jason? Sally

2 Jason: Yes,I havedonetheml сanassureVou. Jason 3 Sally:Butifyouгemembeг l askedforthemtwodaysago. Sally yousee,it'sIikethis...justafterIfinished 4 Jason:Well, themmyсomputer сrashed. Jason Sally:Well,you'lljust havetodothemagainon

someone eIse's сomouter. Sally. . . . . . . . . . . Jason: Idothеmovertheweekend, Cou|dn't p|ease? |'ve gotanappointment intenminutes. 6 Jason Sally: Well,Isuppose so!


sentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the wordsin braсketsthatfits the сontext. (BЕL|ЕF) |t's............... thatsuсhan unimportant event (сOVER)as itdid. сou|dgetas extensive Rewritethe seсondsentenсeusingthepromptsgiven so it meansthesameas thefirstsentenсe. Itwouldbea goodideaifyouremembered toсheсkthis exerс|se agaIn. Youhad сheсkthisexerсise again. RewritethefoI|owing as onesentenсe, usingthe wordin braсkets. Тheweather сonditions WereVerybad.Тhef|ight was (BЕТТЕR) deIayеd.

u,o ii5

compIetethe sentenсewiththe сorreсtformof the verbs in braсkets. Тheс|erk saidheWassorryhe .............. (notprepare) theneсessary doсuments andpromised he (do)itimmediately. Fill in gaps1-10witha suitableword.Useoneword onIyin eaсhgap. Globalisation Someeсonomists с|aimg|oba|isation is a positive forсe forthegood,making uswealthier andenabling us Iivebettеr, hea|thier Iivеsandtrave| tne 2 wor|d spreаding ourгiсhes. Butmany ..'...'.'.....,are sсeptiсa| aboutthebenefits. |fitis suсha goodidea,they pointout' whyis theinternationa| eсonomy insuсhturmoiI? Around thewor|d, workers aresuffering a resu|t ofmergers andaоquisitions. Many groupsbeIieve сharities andenvironment thаt g|obа|isation is to b|ame |ower wages,сuts poverty. insoсia|serviсes andinсreasing Аndtheyaссuse produсtion transnationaI сorporations ofshifting fгom riсherоountries tothosewheгetheyсandrivedown Wages. Тheya|soworrythattheсorporations are 6 ..... beсoming morepoweгfuI andinf|uentia| '......... governments. demoсratiсa||y eleсtеd Тheprotestors may havea point.7 biginternationa| сonferenсes, presidents andprimeministers oftenoe obseгved сouгting thefinanсiers andindustria|ists. The groupsnowmobiIising g|oba|isation against есonomiс are varied, but unitesthemа||is a bаsiсfeаr thatglobalisation is harming theweakest andpoorest and _ pеrhaps the10............... impoгtant e|ement ofatt_ theolanetitself.


Writing Li vi ngа t h o meo r st udenta с с o m m o dat io n? ] 7 Readthe essay and tiсk the pointsbeIowwhich are inсIuded. Livingat home

1 2 3 4 5 6

youhavetolivebyyourparents' rules he|pyouwithyourwork уourparents y o u're Ioo ked aft er......... i t ' sс h eaper . . . . . . ... youhavetoeatwithyourparents ......... youdon't havetoworry аbout biI|s ..... '...

Livingin studentaссommodation 7 y o ud evelolife p ski1|s......... 8 y ouс aneatwh atyouw а nt.....'... 9 y o uIearn h owt obeindepe nde ......... nt ,t0 itmaybediffiсuIt ......... toсonсentrate 1 1 y ouс anm akeIo ts ofnois e......... 1 2 i t 'sex o en sive . . . . .. .


1 8 Findwordsin thetextthathаvethesamemeаningas thosein 1-7. 1 fee|ing ofbeingsafeandnothaving fеarsorworries 2 pгaсtiсa| andemotionaI help 3 seгious arguments between oгgгoups twopeopIe 4 abIetomakeyouгowndeсisions without reIying on someonr tohelpyou anaspeсtofsomething thatmakesit|essgoodorUsefuI 6 tothinkс|ear|y andсarefu||y 7 abletoсhange andfitintodealwithsomethinq suссessfu||y 1 9 Youaregoingto writean essayof 200-250wordson thetopiсbeIow' Writedownthearguments for and againstbeforeyou beginto helpyou plan. 1tudante ghould economisr whilo thеу studу, аnd not gеt into dabt.



Homе or awaY? Going to universityis a very impoгtanttime in a studеnt,slife. Depеndingon the сoursethey сhoose,some studentsstаy at home withtheirfamily,whi|eotheгsgo away.There are аdvantagesand disadvantagesto bothsituations. There are many argumentsin favourof stayingat home. First|y,you aгe |ookedafter* you have seсurity,and your parentswil|a|sobe thereto give you suppoгt.Seсond|y,it is muсh сheaper,as youг parentswi|lbe payingthe heating and food biIls.As a resuItyou wi|lhave more spare сash to go out and enjoyyourself. Тhe negativeside is thatyour parentsmay inteгfere, or diсtateгuIesto you.Althoughsome parentsmay do a||the housewoгk,othersmay insistthatyou do your share of househo|djobs. This may in turn |eadthem to treatyou аs а сhi|dbeсause you are stiIlin thе fami|yhome.Some people thinkthat |ivingat home сrеatesnothingbut problems,as it rеsultsin сonfгontations about behaviourand routines. Тhe advantаges of living away from home have a |otto do with being independent.Livingaway fгomhome is a neоessarypartof bеing an adult,and going to univегsity is not simplyaboutstudyingbut also abouttakingon adult гesponsibilities. |tteachesyou Iifeski|Issuсh as being organised,handlingmoney and гunninga home' A drawbaсkis thatyour housemаtesmay not he|pin the о|eaningoг tidying.You mаy not Iikefindingthe kitсhena mess,And anotherargumentagainstlivingаwaу from home is that it is very expensive.A|so shared aссommodationmay be noisy аnd it сan be diffiсuItto сonсеntrateon your work. of сourse,this is the greаt advantageof livingin a student house too. You Iearnto get on with differentpеop|eаnd bе adaptable.

20 PIanyouressay.Divideit intofourparаgraphs' Make notesforeасhpаragraph, . thethinking behind thetitle o arguments for . arguments against . сonс|Usion Writingа disсursiveessay 21 Writeyouressayin 200-250words. Usesomeof theseexpressions: . somepeopleargue/ claim . mуVieWis , firstlу o seсondlУ / in addition , finallу/ lastlу . nevertheless , in conсlusion , tosumup

ln сonсIusion,thereare advantagesand disаdvantagesto bothexpeгiеnсes_ еaсh studentnеeds to make thеirown dесisionaboutwhat is best for them'



Askingfor information

Ехсuseme. Couldуoutellmewherethebusstopis? Canуoutellmeif thebushasleft? Doуouknow...? Youwouldn't know.'. , wouldуou? I'dliketoknow...,please. Andthere'sanother thingI'dliketoknow...

Askingsomeoneto repeat

Couldуousaуthatagain,please? Would that,please? уoumindrepeating Couldуourepeatthat,please?

Expressing uncertainty

l,mnotreallуsurebutlthink'', I can'tsaуforcertain but' ' ' lt'sdifficult tosaуeхaсtlу butperhaps '' '

Thanking and r esponding

Manуthanks' Thanksa lot. Cheers! That'sverykindofуou' Notatall. lt'sa pleasure. / Mу pleasure' You'rewelcome. Don'tmention it. Anуtime' That'sОK/ allright' I'mgladtohavebeenof somehelp.

Sequenсing actions

l'mafraidl сan'thelpуou' I'msorry,I don'tknow.

S a yi n gy o u d o n 'tk no w

Firstofall,... Neхt,''. Then,... Afterthat, ... Finallу, ',.

Givinginstruсtions / direсtions

Show inginter est

Makesure,,, Remember ...(todd. Be сareful'',(nottodo)' Gostraight on. Takethefirst/ second left. TurnIeft/ right. GoalongНighStreet as faras thebank' Takethenumber 10bus. Getoffat .'. (plaсe)'

Askingfor advice

WhatdoуouthinkI should do? Whatwouldуoudo (ifуouwerein mу situation)? Whatwouldуouadvisemetodo?

Gi vi nga d v i с e

Uh-huh! Right! Reallу! That'sinteresting! Аnd? Whatthen?

lnviting WhatareуoudoingonSaturdaу? НaveуougotanуplansforFridaу? Wouldуouliketo .' ' (do)? Doуoufanсу @oing)? Whatabout (doing)?

Aссepting an invitation Yes,I'dloveto, Yes,thatwouldbegreat.

l thinkуoushould.'' (do). Youcould...(do). Whуdon'tуou ''' (do)? lf Iwereуou'l'd ',' (do)'

l'mafraidl'mbusуon Saturdaу. НowaboutneхtSaturdaу? I'msorry,I can't.I'mgoingtothetheatre.

Cheсking instruсtions


Аreуouwithme? Didуoufollowthat? Haveуougotthat? ls eveфhingсIearso far? So,whatI should dols ...


So,I/ Wehaveto... Doуouwantme/ usto '.'? Aml / Аrewesupposed to '''? Should I ..,?

Refusingan invitаtion

ShallI/ we..,(do)? Let's...(do). Whуdon'tI/ we ''' (do). Howabout (doing)? Whatabout...(doing)? I thinkv'reshould... (do).

Agreeingto a suggestion Yes,I thinkthat'sa goodidea. probablу That's thebestoption, Sure,whуnot?

Rejeсting a suggestion

Yes,butwouldn't it bebetterto ... (do)? That's a goodidea,but...

Persuading Butdon'tуouagreethat'.. Yes,butl'm sureуou'dagreethat' ' ' Don'tуouthinkthat' ..

thinks Askingwhatsomebody Whatdoуouthink? |Цhat's on ' '. уourposition to .' . |Цhat's уourreaction

Givingexamples Foreхample,''. Forinstanсe' ',, one eхample offhЬЬ .' ' Togiveуouanidea,' ., Lookattheсaseof .''

Gonsequences Аs a result,..' Consequentlу ',' Beсauseofthis,,''

Summarising So whafit comesdovtntois ... ThepointI'n tryingtomakeis ... Letne justreсapwhat's beensaidso far, ln short... Tosumup...

Presenting anopinion Personallу, l thinkthat''' lf seemstomethat... Frommуpointof view,''' ln mуopinion, '..


l'dprobablу agreewiththat. l thinkthat'sprobablуright' That'saboutright,Ithink. Sure/Ihaf'swhatIthink. Аbsolutelу! That'seхaсtlуwhatI feel'

Disagreeing Уes,buf... True, but... I seewhatуou mean,but''' Уes,butontheotherhand''' I'mafraidI disagree / don'tagree/ can'tagree...

timeto think Givingyourself Well,Iet/??e see. Letmethink... point. quesfion / that'san interesting Um,well,that'sa difficult ... I'llhaveto/ Letmethinkaboutthatfora moment .,' lthinkit'sdiffiсult toanswerthatquestion HowshallI putit?...

Ordering Firstofall,... Tostartwith,... Secondlу, ,,. Another thingis that... Ontheonehand...,butontheotherhand... Alternativelу, ,'' Lastbutnotleast,...


Reading M u l t ip leс ho iс e 1 Youare goingto readan extraсtfromаn artiсleabout beauty.For questions.t-8,сhoosetheansweцa, b, с or d, whiсhyouthinkfitsbestaссording to thetext.

Bequtyis in theeуe of thebeholder Young is bеautifшl. Тhin is bеaшtiful. Or so would the mеdia havе you beliеvе. Еvеry day we arе bombardеd by images of сelеbritiеs walking down сatwalks at fashion shоws, or waving at their adoring fans and, еvеn morе importantly, at the watсlrfшl eyеs of thе сamеras of the gathеrеd prеss, from rеd-сarpеted thеatre entranсes at film prеmiеrеs holding up for all thе world to sеe a bеauty idеal as rrnattainable to шost of us as thе сеlebrity status thеy enioy. And it is all too еasy to assumе that thе Westеrn bеauty idеal has always bееn this: thе imagе of thе grown.up Woman, еtеrnally loсkеd in thе body of an undеrnourishеd tееnagеr. But this obsеssionwith allthings thin only startеdas rесеntly as thе 1960s _ if you look at bеauty iсons of thе 1950s, likе Marilyn Monroе, thеy appеar positivеly obеsе сompared to all thе Lindsay Lohans and Katе Mossеs of today. And Marilyn hеrsеlf would sееm undеrwеight nеxt to any of the womеn in thе paintings of thе 17th сеntury Dutсh mastеr Rubеns. So whеrе doеs thе idеal of young and thin сomе from? Part of thе rеason is in thе mind: wе all fееl thе inеvitablе passing оf timе. Wе all fееl nostalgiс about thе ,good old days, of our youth - thе timе wе would nеvеI bе ablе to rесlaim or

rеturn to еvеn if, in faсt, Wе Wеre not partiсularlу happУ in thosе tееnagе yеars. This yearning for what сannot сome again seems еtеrnal and univеrsal, and еvеn anсiеnt folk talеs talk about the sеarсh for thе fountain of youth. Also, with all thе pIoglеss madе in modеrn mеdiсinе, wе livе longеr than bеforе, whiсh also mеans wе spеnd morе yеars in adulthood, and thеn in old agе, than bеfore. And with thе plethora of body trеatmеnts on offеr, wе сan at lеast try to look young. Somе of us еvеn 8o to еxtremе lengths to prеsеrvе oul youthful looks: plastiс sulgеry to rеmovе thе wrinkles of lifе еxpеriеnсе from our faсеs, or сhеmiсal inieсtions to frееzе thе smilе on our plump lips. Yеs, thеsе days еven turning baсk timе is possiblе. But is this a good thing? Do forty-somеthings rеally havе to try and look likе thеir own tееnagе dаughtеrs? Thе tidе, howеvеr, sееms to bе turning. Just reсеntly, a major fashion show in Spain bannеd all supетmodеls who wеrе сliniсally undеrweight from appеaring on thе сatwalk. Еvеn сosmеtiсs сompaniеs arе bеginning to sеnsе thе сhangе: Dovе, for еxamplе, staтtеd thеir Campaign for Rеal Bеauty _ promoting hеalthсarе and bеauty produсts with imagеs of womеn of all agеs and dress sizеs. Just onе look at thеm, and you,rе сonvinсеd: bеauty is not about how young you arе, or how littlе you wеigh _ bеauty is thе hеalth and happiness shining in youт faсe.

Тhewriter saysthemediashowsusa beauty idea| a onlyaimedatpeople whoareyoungandthin. b whiсhisn'trea|istiс formostpeop|e. с that's stiI|the sameas inthe17thсentury. d thatappeals toeveryone living intheWestern world. |fweсompare thebeauty iсonsoftodaytothoseofthe 1950s, a theWomen fromthе1950sIookevenmoгeunderfed b today's staгsappeaг a |otthinner. с wefindthattheyhavea|ways beenyoungandthin. it d is easytoseehownewbeautypгoduсts have improved Women's аppearanсe'

of theoгigins explain arguemight Whatdoesthewriter ideа|? ouгbeauty of onourpeгсeption ofadvertising a TheinfIuenсe beauty. fo|kta|es. inanсient b Тheimages wefe|tastеenаgeгs. с Thehappiness tobringbaсkour thedesire reasons: d Psyсho|ogiсa| youth. of thedeve|opment sаyabout Whatdoesthewritеr modern mediсine? andheaIthier. сannowmakeus|ookyounger a Dгugs tobring measures ustotakeeхtreme b Itenсouгages baсkouгyouth. sowespendmoreyearsas ourIives, с Ithasextended thanbefore. adults andoldpeople hasmadeany mediсine thinkmodern d Shedoesn't to howweviewbeauty. differenсe

words,inсIuding Writea letterto yourfriendin 180-200 Do notwriteanyaddresses. thepointsmentioned.

Speaking Piсture.based disсussion 3 Lookat thefourphotosbelowthatshowthedifferent issues lives.DisсussthefoIIowing stagesin a peopIe's abouteaсhstage: . theadvantages anddisadvantages . relationships thataгetypiсaI . mainсonсerns аndissues . yourownexpeгienсes years andteenage ofсhiIdhood . howyouimagine youгownIifeas anaduIt andino|dage.

surgery? feeIaboutp|astiс Howdoesthewriter should trytolook adultwomen believe a Shedoesn't liketeenagers. wrinkIes thatweсanremove it'swondeгful b Shethinks tomaketheskinlookyounger. сan tгeatments beauty thatextreme с She'ssurprised turnbaсktime. aImost orсhemiсal surgery Iiketotryp|astiс d Shewou|d |ookyounger. tomakeheгself injeсtions thinks thatthekeytoгea|beauty Thewгiter produсts industry. ofthebeauty a liesinthe|atest and sizes. ages of different models is employing b fashion shows. modеIs from underweight с is banning inourlives. health andhappiness d isfinding

Writing An informalletter friend 2 You hаvereсeiveda letterfroman 18.year.old moving to fromanothercountrywhois сonsidering yourtown.ShewouldIiketo findout: . howyoungpeop|e inyourtownIive(e.g.dothеyIivewith with aссommodation parents? dotheymoveintoshared friends?); . whereyoungpeople gotosoсiа|ise, andhowsoсiety ( it youngpeople between viewsrelationships gir|s with forunmarried tosoсiaIise boys?how aссeptabIe are inpub|iс? tobehave expeсted aгeyoungpeop|e forboysandforgir|s?); different expeсtations . whatru|es youngpeop|e existthataffeсt andregu|ations oг smoking, aIсohol, drinking (e.g. agefordriving, theIegaI getting a job); . ifthereareanyspeсia| inyour orexpeсtations сustoms her from different or find surprising might townthatshe owneXDer|enсe.

Debate Deсideif you agreeor statement. 4 Readthefollowing prepare to support arguments disagree withit,and pairs, issue, the yourviewpoint. in disсuss Тhen' your responding to аnyсounter.arguments partnerhas. their is guaranteeing ofimmigrants Thekeуtotheintegration freedom topreservetheirownсultureandсustoms'


Useof English



A letterof appliсation

1 Readthetextaboutreсyсling,andthinkof theword thatbestfits gaps 1-8.Use onlyonewordin eасhgap. Thereis exampIe (0). аt thebeginning

2 You havefoundthefolIowing advertisement in the loсa| newspaper' anddeсidedto applyfor one of the positions'Writea letterin 180_200 аvаiIаbIe wordsto requestmoreinformation your aboutthejob,outlining skillsаndexperienсe, аndwhyyoufeelthejob would be partiсularIy аppeaIing to you,

S p r ing t o wn Тo wnCounсiIis сommitte d0.... ' . ' . . . . . improvingits reсordon the proteсtionof the environment.From 1 |anuarу,wе wilt be introduсinga rеvisеdrесyсlingsсhemеfor 1....,..... . . . . . r e s id еnt ial areas,whiсhw ill rep|a сe сurrentweeklyrubbishсolleсtion. Domestiсrubbish wi|l now bе сolleсted otherweek (days Varи sеparatе|eaf|ets wi|lbе distributedWithdetai|s aboutyouГown neighbourhood), a|tеrnating the seIeсtivе reсyсlingсol|есtion. SpringtownТown Counсi|wilI provide,frеe сharge,p|astiсboxesfor thе rесyсlingсategories: A) yе|Iowboxesfor papеr(no сaгdboardin ye|low boxes,please), B) b|ueboxesfor сardboard, C) brown boxesfor glass(anyсo|our_ pleasегinse bottlеsand jars гeсyсling), D) 9rey boxеsfor drinksсansand food tins (сlеan сansand tinson|y,please), and

The Town Gozette is lookingfor young sсhooIleoversfoг summerwork experienсe. Thereore oostsovoi|oЬ|e in: . presseditoriol o photo reseorсh о design о produсtion ond printing о odministrotion.

Е) white boxesfor PEТp|astiсbott|eson|y.We 6...........t .o. . . a p o| o g ise but w е areсurre nt|У aссeptany othегtypеsof plastiсwaste.

Competitiverotesof poy. Working hoursvory.

lf you a|soown a gaгdеn,you сan rеquestfreе reсyсlingbagsfor gardenwaste.

The Тown Gozette H R D epor tment 29 West StotionWoy

Any unsortеdгubbishwi|lсontinueto be transportеdto the |andfiIl sitеas before. We bе|ievеthat our new and impгovedrесyсling sсhemewil|benefitthе environmеnt as wе|las rеsidentsof Springtown. We would liketo askyou to be patientwhi|еWe arе ironing any minorpгob|ems duringthe intгoduсtionof the nеw sсheme.However,if you wish to any сommentson ouг serviсе, you сan сontaсtJanеHo|den,Тown Rесyсling offiсеrby phoningo1821975 з10'


lnterested in the medio? Wont to get some reo|.lifeexPerienсe?

For more informofion, write fo:

Hoymorket HY23 5Gс. Pleoseindiсotewhiсh postyou wou|dЬe most interested in, ond the period when you ore ovoiIoЬ|e in the summer.




4 ReadthefoIlowing statement. Deсideif youagreeor to support disagreewithit,andprepare arguments yourviewpoint. Then,in pairs,disсusstheissue, yourpartnerhas. responding to anyсounter.arguments

3 Lookat thetwophotosof animalsbelow.Disсussthe questions; following . Whatdifferent for? beendomestiсated useshaveanima|s past inthe animaIs сhanged Howhastheuseofdomestiс fiftyyears? . Whatproblems are anima|s domestiс orissuesсonсerning youawareof? . |nwhatwaysdoesmankind andliving affeсt thehаbitats inthewild? ofanima|s сonditions . WhatdoyouthinkсanorshouId wiIdIife bedonetoproteсt your in сountry?

is the Ihe sfroлgest influenсe on ourlivesnowadaуs influence ofthemassmedia.

Reading Ma t сh ing 1 Youaregoingto reаda guidebook extraсtabout Bristol,a сityin thesouth.west of England. choosethe ,|-5. mostsuitab]e heading A-G for eaсhparagrаph Therearetwoextraheadings thatyoudo notneedto use.

A B n D E F

Тhemanwhodisсoveгed theAmeriсan сontinent Shopping andenteгtainment intheсityсentre Thefoundаtion ofсounty аndсity Thehistory ofBristol Cathedral Thesourсe ofBristoI's wea|th: thes|avetrade A сityofhi||s An impoгtаnt harbour

Bг ist o l a ga in. Тhеsе W ег е da гk t im е s , b u t foгtunate|y,the slave trade was not the onIy maritimесhapterin thе historyof the сity.

Thе offiсiaIhistoгyof BristoIbе9ins in thе 14th сеntuгy,whеn King ЕdwardlIIfoundеdthe сounty of Bristo|(|aterAvon) in 1 З7З, bу гoyal сhaгtег. oddIy enough, Bristo|on|y beсame a сity two An ltaIianexpIorег, CiovanniCaboto (who is bettеr сеntuгies|atег,when King Henгy V|| dесided to known in Bгitainas ,|ohnCabot) еmp|oyedby thе havе a сathеdгaIbui|ton thе hiIIrisingabovе thе King of ЕngIand,Henry Vll, sai|edfrom Bristo|in harbour,in 1542. 1497 to find a routeto Asia.lnstеad,IikеCoIumbus onIy5 yeaгsbеfoгehim, hе disсoveredAmегiсa!ln The harbour,at the pointwhегethе rivегsAvon and faсt, Cabot was the first Еuropеan(if wе Ieavеthe Fromеmeеt,Wasa natuгaIfoсus point for thе basis Vikings out of thе quеstion)to sеt foot on thе of a suссеssfuIсity: trading. Bгistol today is a Ameriсan main|anditsе|f.His bronze statue now wеa|thy сitу, madе гiсh bу genегations upon sitspensive|y in Bristol,s F|oatingHaгbouг,gazingat geneгationsof merсhants,whosе o|d warehouses thе сгowdsgatheringaгoundtheiг сappuссinosto stilIгing what is Iеftof one of the main sеaportsin сatсh thе sunshinеon thе tеrraсеof the Aгno|fini the estuaгyof thе Rivеr Sеveгn.The seaporttoday сultuгaIсеntre _ itsеIfa сonvегtеdoId mегсhant operatesa few mi|esout of the сity, in Avonmouth, warehousе. and the old harbour in thе сity сentгe has beеn 5 сonvеrtedinto a сu|tura| and IеisureсompIеx. BristoIhas a variеd geography,with stеep hiIls |ooming oveг thе town, and Waterwaysсгiss. But the harbour has not aIwaysbeen assoсiatеd сrossingthе vaI|eybelow.Тhе сasuaIvisitoris oftеn with сultureand |eisure.ln faсt, onе of thе main rеwarded bу astonishingviеws whеn hе Ieast aсtivitiesthat broughtfamе and fortune,or shou|d expeсtsit - just turn a сornеron St. Miсhael,sHilI, Wе say notoriеtyand i|I-gainеdwealth, to BгistoI for example,and praсtiсa||y the whoIe сounty of was the trianguIarsIavetrade: BristoImегсhants Someгsеtopens up in fгont of you. Тhе priсе you transpoгtedbrassand gIassto Afгiсa,then sIavеsto pay for thе viеws is thе haгd exегсiseyou gеt by thе Caribbeansugar p|antations, and rum baсk to сlimbingthе preсipitousslopеsof CIifton. J




A disсursiveessay

4 ReadthefoIlowing statement' Deсideif youagreeor disagree withit,andpreparearguments to suppoЁ yourviewpoint. Тhen,in pairs,disсusstheissue, yourpartnerhas. responding to anyсounter.arguments

heаdings, andwritean 2 Chooseoneof thefo|Iowing words,disсussingthemainpoints. essayin 180_200 inmytown,andhowto A Themainsourоes ofpol|ution гeduсe thedamage totheenvironment B Graffiti: anurban artformoгvandaIism? inmyсountry endаngered speсies с Proteсting

Sсleлсefictionallowswriters toeхolorelssuesи theirown parallelworlds, soсietуthrough creating imaginarу or projecting todaу'strendsintothefuture,

Writinganessay intoparagraphs 1 Planning: organise уourkeуpoints withсonvinсing arguments 2 Writing: suppott уouropinions З Cheсking: сheсkthat: , уouhaveeхplored allthekeуpoints уouwanted , уourarguments areclearandeasуtofollow . уourwriting is сlearof errors'

Speaking P i сt ur e . basedd isс us sion 3 Lookat thetwophotosof sportbelow,andсompаre aspeсtsof sport: andсontrаstthefollowing . professionaI exerсise spoгts andregu|аr . teamsoorts sports andindividual . speсtator insport. sports аndpartiсipating


storiеs ... be, We now knowthat is all they rеmain:imaginaгy stories. Venusis inhospitab|y hot. Тhe greenhousеeffeсt of its dеnsесarbon-dioxide atmosphеre .. thе surfaсеtempеrature at 475 degreеsabovezero,and the prеssurеis about 90 timеsgrеaterthanon Еarth.In 1975,two unmannеdSoviеtspaсeсraft, Vеnera9 and 10 visitеdthе p|anet,and sent baсk imagеsof hot, stonydеsertsand сraters. Mars's atmosphere is verythin,only about'l pеr сеnt that of Earth.Howevеr,the tempеrature usual|y ranges .. 'l0"с and -75"C _ not too differentfrom thе fluсtuationsobservedbeyondthе ArсtiсCirсle on Еarth.Marsevеnhaspo|aгiсe сaps .. snow,iсe and сarbondioxidе.And wherеthеreis water,lifeis possib|e. Or, at |east, not impossibIe. Тhe p|anethasbeеnvisitеdby unmannеdspaсесгaft sеveraltimеs,but .. thеsеhavenot foundlifе.Some сampaignfor a mannеdmissionto Mars, hopingthatastronauts mightbе more suссessful whегemaсhineshavеfailed.

Useof English M u l t ip le. с ho iссel oze 1 Readthetextaboutlifein theSolarSystem,аnddeсide whiсhwordor phrase:a, b, с or d, bestfitseасhgap 1-8.Thereis an exampleat thebeginning (0). Dependingon whoseviеwsyou aссept,theге arе ninеor ten majorp|anеtsin the So|aг Systеm.our home, Еarthis thе third of thеse p l a net sгеvolving in 0..........9........ orbitsround the сentra|starof the system,the Sun,and .. We сuгrent|y knoщ thе on|yp|anet to сarrylife. Тhe planetshavevery diffeгentсhaгaсteristiсs from one anothег.Thе two planetsthat are mo st2. . . . . . . . our ow n w orIda reVеnus and Mars.Both haveso|idsuгfaсеs, and arе surroundеdby a Iayerof atmosphеre.But there the similarity ln popularfiсtion,writersoftenimaginedalien soсiеtiеsIivingon both p|anets.Тhey envisaged Iushgrееnjung|еson Venus,and watеr-filled сana|son Mars.Entertaining thoughthese

0 a b @ d

almost round almost сirсIe near|y сirсuIar nearly rounded

А alike

suсh resembling similar




might should will must

6 a fгom D between with .l among B

bynow so fаг untiltoday d uptothis 0

theway that how 0 as faras b





сonсIudes ends finishes 0 сompIetes a b


holds b кeeps inсreases 0 сauses I


making up inс|uding сreated from madeupof

Writing A p e r sonalaс с ount eventfromyourpersonal 2 Thinkabouta memorable |tсouIdbe an eventfroma pаsttrip experienсe' eventthаtyou somewhere as а tourist,or a сu|turaI attended. Thinkof whаtmadetheeventpartiсularly in Writean aссountof whathappened memorab|e' words. 180-200

Debate 4 ReadthefoIIowing Deсideif you agreeor stаtement. disagree withit,andpreparearguments to support yourviewpoint. Then,in pаirs,disсusstheissue, yourpartnerhas' responding to аnyсounter.arguments more Peopleshouldbe encouraged fousepubliсtranspoft andtheirownсаrs/ess'

S p eaki n g P i с t ur e. b asedd isс us sion 3 Lookat thethreephotosshowingtheroleof artin our questions: Iives.DisсussthefoIlowing . HoWimooгtant Whatarethe forсhiIdгen? is arteduсation benefits? . Whatro|edoesaгtpIayinyoungpeop|e's Iives(e.g'out|et sсhooI subjeсt)? enteгtainment, forсreativity, . InwhatWaysсanaгtists reaоh theiraudienсe? . Doyouthinkaгtistiс сanbe aspirations andсommerсiа| гeсonсiIed?

', '''йll







A new edition of the сhallenging seсondary сoursе whiсh PrePares students for suссess in their sсhool.leaving exams. Popu|arfeaturеsimprovedand updated in гesponseto teaсheгs'feedbaсk: о thought-Pгovoking topiсs and authentiсtеxts o dеmanding matегials to bui|dсonfidеnсе о systеmatiс еxamtrarning: еxamtasks,tips andteсhniquеs o grammaraсtivatedthгoughсommuniсative tasks o еnhanсedсovегageof сu|turеin Сulturefoсus o еmphasison еffесtivеpгoduсtion: - spеaking on a rangeof invo|ving subjесts - stеp-by_step guidanсein wгiting o геgu|aг revisionand гесyс|ing о authеntiсеxtгaсtsfrom liteгatuгеin Rеoding pleosure for o gгammarrеfеrеnсe o diсtionary-sty|e woгdIist WhatЪ new? o buildingof keyvoсabu|ary to сoverthe examtopiсsin еvегyunit in Word foсus о improvеdgrammaгpгaсtiсе|еssons о imProvеdwгitingdevе|opmеntWitha wider varietyof tеxts New Matrix Student'sBook Workbook Теaсhег's Book C|assCassеttes/ C|assСDs







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