New Hampshire Bar Association Internet Investigative Research Mcle Seminar

  • May 2020
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Registration for LIVE program only. To register for half day or full day webcast go to nhbacle. To receive the book The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet for the webcast, please sign up by August 27th.

“I received an abundance of useful and practical information that would have taken me years to discover on my own.”

 Early Bird Full Day Registration *$225 (prepaid &

“The seminar was interactive and therefore more entertaining than most. The speakers have actually visited the Web sites and give their opinion of them (user friendly, informative, cost, etc.). I also liked the stories related by the speakers.”

Amount Due: $

“Thank you for throwing in a little humor – I enjoyed your seminar.”

register by August 7sh)

 *$250 Full Day (paid registrations after August 7sh) *Price includesThe Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet book by Carole Levitt & Mark Rosch, refreshments and lunch.

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Concord, NH 03301

“A wealth of information—really shows how much is available for little or no money.”

The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet Registration Form

The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet:

Early Bird Deadline ~ August 7th! Space is limited!

Here’s what other attendees had to say about the Cybersleuth Program!

Super Search Engine Strategies and Investigative Research Strategies for the Legal Professional

Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. NH Bar Seminar Room, Concord 5.5 NHMCLE Credits


3 Digit Code

“I had no idea the web was so extensive – thanks for the tour!”

Cancellations made before August 1, 2009 will receive a refund minus a $25 administrative fee. After August 1, 2009 cancellations will be charged a $50 administrative fee.

5 Ways to register! Mail:

We expect this program to sell out! REGISTER TODAY!

Phone: Fax: Email: Website:

New Hampshire Bar Association CLE 2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300 Concord, NH 03301 603-715-EASY 603-224-3729 [email protected]

New Hampshire Bar Association 2 Pillsbury Street, Suite 300 Concord, NH 03301


The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet

Exp. Date

Carole Levitt & Mark Rosch

3 Options! 1. Attend full day in person 2. View half day via webcast 3. View the full day via webcast Supporting Members of the Legal Profession & Their Service to the Public and Justice System

The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet Why You Should Attend Learn how the Internet is changing the way attorneys need to research in order to competently represent their clients — and to avoid ethical or malpractice issues! A lawyer’s research involves much more than just finding cases and statutes. Whether you’re a transactional lawyer looking for information on a company, a consumer attorney tracking down a defective product, a matrimonial attorney searching for a spouse’s assets, or a litigator looking for a missing witness, the Internet can be an indispensable source of information. Nationally recognized Internet trainers will show you how to find and use specific Web sites to unearth factual and investigative information FREE (or at low cost!) on the Net. Learn how to be your own cybersleuth!

All attendees will receive a copy of the speakers’ 300-page book The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet (a $59.95 value)!

10th Edition

Super Search Engine Strategies for the Legal Professional (Morning)

Do lawyers have a duty to Google? In a recent decision, the court was incredulous that plaintiff failed to “google” the missing defendant as part of his due diligence process and upheld the defendant’s claim of insufficient service of process. Effective Internet searching may now need to become part of every lawyer’s due diligence routine. At this seminar, attendees will learn the best research strategies (including advanced search features at Google and other search engines) that will assist them in meeting their research obligations. “The standard of care imposing liability on lawyers for legal malpractice is changing owing to the increasing use of computers. Internet accessibility is about to profoundly change our research obligations…” ABA GP Solo Newsletter.

Super Search Engine Strategies: Mastering Google and Beyond • • • • • • • • •

Identify and Use the Best Search Engines Sites, Secrets and Shortcuts Revealed Develop Super Search Strategies Key into Google’s “Advanced Search” Menu Tips on Using Search Engines for Investigative Research Fundamental Distinctions Between the “Visible” and “Invisible” Web Locate Information from the “Invisible” Web Tools to Search “Smarter not Harder” Uncover Ways to Find Deleted Web Pages

Investigative Research Strategies for the Legal Professional

The ABA’s most recent Technology Survey found that while nearly 90% of attorneys used the Internet “to research news or current events,” less than half were using the public records or company background information, both of which are freely available on the Internet.

Learn How to Search Like a Private Investigator (Afternoon)

• Develop Internet Investigative Search Strategies • Learn to Extract Background Information from Dockets • Unearth Bankruptcies • Mine the Web for Missing People • Glean Private or Personal Information from Blogs and Usenet Postings • Identify Low Cost Investigative Databases to… • Discover Addresses (Home and E-mail) • Find Phone Numbers (Even Cellular) • Locate Someone’s Aliases and Employer’s Name

How to Access Expensive Databases–For Free–to Find • • • • •

About the speakers Carole Levitt, Esq. has over 20 years of combined experience in the legal field as a California attorney, Internet trainer, law librarian and legal research and writing Professor. She was the “Computer Counselor” columnist for the Los Angeles Lawyer magazine. Ms. Levitt received her J.D. from The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, graduating with distinction, and was a member of the school’s law review. Ms. Levitt serves on the ABA’s Law Practice Management Executive Council and the section’s Publishing Board.

Factual Information Background Information Full-text Newspaper and Magazine Articles Press Releases and, more…

Discover Quick and Easy Methods to Access Background Information from Public Records & Publicly Available Data • • • • • • • • •

Online Telephone/Address Directories Death Records Birthdays Social Security Numbers Real Property Records Criminal Records Political Persuasion Expert Witnesses S.E.C. Filings

Learn Why Social Network Sites are Becoming the Latest & Greatest Investigative Tool

• Find out How to Dig Up “Dirt” about the Opposition • Uncover Information to Attack a Witness’ Credibility • Seek out the Smoking Gun • Obtain Useful Background Information about Potential Clients, Potential Hires, and the Opposition

Carole Levitt and Mark Rosch are co-authors of an ABA published book, The Lawyer’s Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet

Mark Rosch is the developer and manager of Internet for Lawyers’ (IFL) website and online education services. He is the editor of IFL’s newsletter, The Internet Legal Research Update. Mr. Rosch authors numerous articles about law office technology for Law Technology News, Los Angeles Lawyer, Law Practice, FindLaw. com and the Los Angeles Daily Journal among other publications. He graduated from Tulane University, in New Orleans. Mr. Rosch serves on the ABA’s Law Practice Management Education Board.

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