New York City Bar Internet Search Strategies Mcle

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,008
  • Pages: 2

•Identify & Use the Best Search Engines •Develop Super Search Engine Strategies •Explore Meta-Search Sites •Key into Google’s “Advanced Search” Menu

September 15, 2009 / 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Do lawyers have a “duty to google”? In a recent decision the court was incredulous that the plaintiff failed to “google” the missing defendant as part of his due diligence process and upheld the defendant’s claim of insufficient service of process. Effective Internet searching may now need to become part of every lawyer’s due diligence routine. At this seminar, attendees will learn the best search engine strategies (including advanced search features at Google and other search engines) that will assist them in meeting their research obligations. These search engine strategies also serve as essential building blocks for conducting effective research at other websites.




Fundamental Distinctions Between the “Visible” & the “Invisible”Web •Locate Information from the “Invisible”Web •Tools to Search “Smarter not Harder” •Uncover Ways to Find Deleted Web Pages

Find out how the internet really works: •Identify and use the best search engines •Develop super search engine strategies •Explore meta-search sites •Key into Google’s “advanced search” menu •Identify fundamental distinctions between the “visible”and the “invisible”Web •Locate information from the “invisible”Web •Tools to search “smarter not harder” •Uncover ways to find deleted web pages Special Feature: Attendees will receive a copy of Carole Levitt and Mark Rosch’s recently revised 330-page book, The Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet (IFL Press, 2009)—A $59.95 VALUE! The same book is used for both Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet programs, and attendees of both programs will receive one book.

Program Co-Instructors Carole Levitt President Internet For Lawyers

Mark Rosch Vice President Internet For Lawyers

Co-Authors of: The Lawyer’s Guide to Fact Finding on the Internet (American Bar Association, 2006) & The Cybersleuth's Guide to the Internet (IFL Press, 2009)

If you attend both Cybersleuth’s Guide to the Internet seminars, the afternoon program, Investigative Research Strategies, will cost only $156 Member & $244 Nonmember (a 20% discount)!

New York & California Credit: 3.0 credits in professional practice. This live program provides transitional/non-transitional credit to all attorneys. Illinois Credit: 2.75 general MCLE credits.

THE CYBERSLEUTH’S GUIDE TO THE INTERNET SUPER SEARCH ENGINE STRATEGIES FOR THE LEGAL PROFESSIONAL September 15, 2009 / 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Live Program (includes materials):  $195 Member  $305 Nonmember Walk-in Registration (includes materials):  $220 Member  $330 Nonmember CDs (includes materials):  $335 Member  $405 Nonmember

ve DVDs (includes materials): Recei f f  $445 Member  $535 Nonmember o % 20 n o o tern Materials Only (no CLE credit): the af when  $59.95 Member  $59.95 Nonmember m a progr ttend a you Yes! Register me for both live programs, in total: both!  $351 Member

 $549 Nonmember


Please check if you are interested in receiving California and/or Illinois CLE credit. Please note the credit for Illinois differs from New York & California.  California


Name __________________________________________________________________________ Firm ___________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________ Floor/Suite _______ City ________________________ State _____ Zip ________ E-mail _________________________ Phone _____________________________________ Fax __________________________________ Please specify your area of practice _______________________________________________________

 Enclosed is my check for ______________, payable to the Association of the Bar.  AMEX Card Number __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ Exp. Date _____________  Visa  MC

Card Number __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Exp. Date ________

Amount to charge ______________ Signature _____________________________________________ How did you hear about this program? Please check one:  Email  Web  Mail  Other (please specify)___________________________

Registration Information Program Location: All programs are held at: New York City Bar 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036 To Register: Call (212) 382-6663 or fax (212) 869-4451; mail registration form to the City Bar Center for CLE, 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036, or register online at Advance registration is advised. An additional fee of $25 will be charged for “walk-in” registrations—those received later than 3:00 p.m. one business day prior to the program. Scholarships & Discounts: Financial scholarships are available; please call (212) 382-6663 for an application.All applications must be submitted three weeks prior to the program. 50% discounts off of member and non-member prices are available for government and public interest attorneys, students, and academics. A 20% discount off of Member and Non-member prices are available for firms and corporations that register four or more people for a combination of programs or video replays. *Non-legal professionals receive the Member Rate. Cancellations & Refunds: For live programs and video replays, refunds and program credits are available provided cancellation is made in writing and received by the City Bar Center prior to the program.A $35 administrative fee will be charged for all refunds.The cancellation fee will be deducted directly from the refund. For program credits no administrative fee will be charged. Program credits must be used within one year of the original program date. Cancellations must be in writing and faxed to the City Bar Center at (212) 869-4451. Refunds and program credits are not available for the purchase of CDs, DVDs, course materials or online programs. Please allow 3–5 weeks for delivery of CDs, DVDs and course materials. International orders will be sent by traceable means,and an additional charge for shipping will be named by the recipient. CLE certificates: Certificates for attending a program are given out and signed by a CLE staff member at the end of the program. You are responsible for keeping a copy of the CLE certificate for your own records.An administrative fee of $15 will be charged for replacement CLE certificates. All information is subject to change. All programs and products are sponsored by the CLE Committee, Lisa M. Stenson Desamours, Chair.

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