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SYNOPSIS 1. Title: “Purchase Intentions of millennials shoppers towards online fashion stores”

2. Introduction: Internet has changed the way consumer shops and buys products. A large number of players enter the online business not just to sell products but also to convey, communicate and to take valuable feedback from the consumers. On the other hand, consumer not only shops online but they also compare the prices and after sale service they will receive when they make a purchase decision. Purchase Intention is the willingness of consumers to buy a certain product or services. It’s a dependent variable that relies on several factors such as:  Attributes of products  Expected benefits  Aspiration value  Trust worthy recommendation  Emotional attachment Therefore online purchase intention is a very crucial topic. When we think about a consumer segment who buys online, the first ones to strike our minds are millennials. Millennials in India have not been more researched upon. They are now the ultimate decision makers. They make it either by themselves or by the influence of those who they think are trustworthy to bank upon.

3. Objective of the study: The main purpose of this study is to first bring out the factors which directly influence the millennials shopper to purchase from an online retailer and how attitude influence the purchase intention of millennial. The other objectives of the study are:   

To study the influence of peer group on online purchase intention of millennial To examine the extent to which risk plays a role while purchasing online To also see how crucial role trust plays when millennials shop online

In Indian context it’s very important to understand why do millennials shop online and what makes them shop online because till date there are many such people who don’t shop online because of various factors but then there these millennials who do shop online, this study would bring out all those factors which influence these millennials to shop from online retail store

4. Motivation: a) Millennials shoppers on world economy are arguably the most powerful consumer groups who have access to all that which is available right at the finger tip. They are studies which focus on millennials shoppers:  Ethical value which states that do they really believe in ethics and value the same  Difference in purchase of millennials and their previous generation which they have more access and they believe more in brand and product rather than relationship with retailers  For millennials brand matters and that is what they look first when they decide to shop  And they are also the one who don’t get influence by advertising to that extent b) There are few studies which have explored the purchase intention of millennials shopper who shop online which say that:  Millennials live their online and they often shop online for their fashion needs since they have knowledge, intelligence and good decision making power  Millennials believe more in brand name and that what makes them buy a product and price being the least important factor  They are the ones who love to buy which so much available at their arsenal millennials have disposable income and they go shopping very often c) Indian millennials who are the major part of our country who have not been studied much on but they are few study which states their intention of shopping online for fashion needs:  College going millennials are the one who majorly shop online for all their fashion needs but then they are those who still don’t shop online as they believe in the touch and feel factor before shopping  Benefit and security are one of the few dimension which play a very vital role in the purchase decision making of shopping online for the millennials The above mention are the few studies made on millennials and online fashion shopping apart from this, this study would also examines few other dimensions such as peer group influence and their role on purchase decision making, trust towards online fashion retailer and risk associated with online shopping.

5. Review of literature: The millennials also known as the Generation Y consumers. Millennials are those who are born after 1982 or currently are in the age group of 24-34 years and who account for nearly 34% of the population (economic times). The further of online seem to be very high has majority of these millennials spent lot of time online. They have a disposable income and are the major influencer of their family purchase decision making. The online retailers look at millennials has a prospective consumer segment because for millennials internet is primary source of information and they do trust it. Review of retailing: Ambujakshi (2017) conducted a study to have a better understanding of how youth get influenced by advertising and found that Majority of the youth agree that advertising does influence them in their buying behavior were on the other hand they feel advertising should be more creative and effective Dr. Renuka Sharma, Dr. Kiran Mehta, Shashank Sharma (2014) did a research to understand the online buying behavior of consumers in India and to provide useful information to marketing professional to develop a better and effective strategy and results stated that the young Indian consumer are being addicted to online shopping but research still states the e-tail stores are not fully developed and a lot needs to be changed to make it more effective Ms. Dipti Jain, Ms. Sonia Goswami, Ms. ShipraBhutani (2014) The main purpose of their study was to understandthe impact of perceived risk, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use factors on online shopping behavior of consumers and found that Only one facto r perceived risk significantly affected online shopping behavior of young consumers CherukuriJayasankara Prasad, AnkisettiRamachandraAryasri (2013)with an objective to enable retailer to segment their market and marketing strategy which would be helpful to meet their retail needs found that shoppers' age, gender, occupation, education, monthly household income, family size and distance travelled to store have significant association with retail format choice decisions. ParomitaGoswami, Mridula S. Mishra (2009) was done with an objective of understanding whether Indian consumer would like to shift from shopping to large organized retailers from the traditional kirana stores for groceries and results found was customer relationship with traditional stores was found to be positive apart from the fact that they have less offering and are poor on cleanliness

Dipanjan Kumar Dey, Ankur Srivastava (2017) conducted a study to understand the shopping perspective of young consumers who buy from different value dimension such as fun, social interaction, novelty and outside appreciation, for which results said that the impulsive buying intentions of young consumers are positively associated with all the dimension of hedonic shopping value with time and money having a positive relationship AnushaSreeram, AnkitKesharwani, Sneha Desai (2017)explored to see if technology, visual appeal, product prototype and self-expression have a major influence on purchase behavior of online grocery buying intention through attitude and pleasure, they found that Product assortment had a significant impact and it supports the notion of one stop solution as a major reason of buying grocery online PurvaKansal(2014)examined the relationship between online privacy concerns and how does consumer react and to understand their major concerns of shopping online and found that there was a correlation between consumer’s online privacy and their behavior and companies need to invest in recovery strategies Yun Jung Lee, Alan J. Dubinsky (2017)with an intention to understand if the consumers who buy online have a desire of having a interaction with salesperson on ecommerce website found thate-tailers can increase customer satisfaction by implementing effective customer-based information (e.g. customer reviews) and e-contact features (e.g. live chatting with a salesperson). Johan Hagberg, MalinSundstrom, NiklasEgels-Zandén (2016)analyzed the phenomenon of the digitalization of retailing by developing a conceptual framework that can be used to further delineate current transformations of the retailer-consumer interface and result stated that digitalization transforms in a number of ways such as factor of exchange, communication, price and participation of consumers and retailers

Review of consumer behavior: Toby C.Y. Yip, Kara Chan, Evon Poon (2012)researched to understand the common attributes of a physical retail outlet which young consumers favor and also to find out the hard and soft aspect in the retailing mix which would appeal to this young consumers and result found that food outlet and apparel retailers were the one which attracted the young consumers more mainly due to quality and service Varsha Jain, Mika Takayanagi, Edward Carl Malthouse (2014)with an objective to understand the effects of show window on female consumers and how the manager can use to encourage and attract them to make a purchase found that five components of the show window: social, hedonic, informational, image and “feel-good” factors influence female consumers

Archana Singh, NehajoanPanackal , Ravi TejaBommireddipalli , Adya Sharma (2016)analyzed those factor which influence young consumers buying behavior when the purchase using technology from e-retailers and found the youth quotient and digital media were the most important factors Marylyn Carrigan, Ahmad Attalla (2012)examined if consumer really care about ethical behavior and also to identify the effects of good and bad ethical conduct on consumer purchase behavior, results said that there was no much difference between both the groups and they felt if a person if clever enough in setting up company and make huge profit while providing good quality product and employment opportunity its fair enough Md. Abbas Ali ,Venkat Ram Raj Thumiki and Naseer Khan (2012)focused on understanding factors that affect the rural purchase of FMCG in south India and also analyzed the factor which influence these rural consumers to buy these good and specifically the see if the trust factor influenced them and found that influence of retailer emerged as the most significant factor which influence the rural consumers to buy and they also feel FMCG contribute to their lifestyle Prof.Raghuram.J, RuchikaMahajan, AayushPoddar (2015)with an objective to understand the effects of sexual advertising on consumers buying decision specifically on young consumers and do they go ahead a make a purchase decision based on the influence of advertisement found that sexual advertisement had no effect on customer buying decision and there is no such strong need for sexual advertising Olga Ampuero, Natalia Vila (2006) to understand the perception that a consumer has on product packing with an objective of achieving the desired position in the consumers mind found that consumers have harmonious perception towards packaging and designers needs to be guided to meet consumer’s expectation Shruti Gupta, Denise T. Ogden (2009)with a purpose was to understand the attitude of consumers towards environmental friendly product; this was based on social dilemma theory and reference group theory to explain the attitude behavior inconsistency in environmental consumerism found that that trust, expectation of others and cooperation were the significant factor which differentiate green and non-green buyers

Niraj Kumar, Subhajyoti Ray (2018)did a researchto understand the consumption pattern and attitudes on young consumer towards soft drink when compared to diet and fresh fruit juice, results stated that Indian youth prefer diet drink and fruit juice more than regular soft drink and they only consume on a special occasion

Archana Kumar, Youn‐Kyung Kim, Lou Pelton (2009)examined the purchase intention of young consumer towards US retail brand versus a local brand available in the market and found that emotional value was found to be an important factor which influences young consumers towards both US and local brand on other hand young consumer were attracted to US brand because of perceived quality which was influenced by clothing interest Review of millennial shopper: DenniArli, FandyTjiptono, HariLasmono, DudiAnandya(2002) studied that Millennials on world economies are arguably the most powerful consumer group and the least religious generation. Hence this paper investigated as in how this Millennials view the world from an ethical and religious and found that millennial ethics remain constant over a period of time and they understand the boundary between legal and illegal behavior but were unsure that their religiousness affected their purchase behavior GuvenOrdun (2015)said that Millennial they love to buy they are open minded, social, innovative, confident, motivated and smart from an optimistic view. Every generation has its own characteristic either affected by changes in the world or they change the world. With a huge amount of information at fingertip would create the new demands and results found that Brand loyalty is associated with millennial purchasing behavior and brand, fit, quality, advertisement and variety are main factors of their decision making.

AndersParment (2013)says that baby boomers and generation y consumer who have a lot in difference when it comes to shopping and retailer involvement where on one hand baby boomer go with retailer trust and other hand generation y rely more on product than retailer. They found that baby boomers value in store service higher than generation Y. And baby boomers buying process starts from choosing the product were as baby boomer go with retailer consumer trust. NaserValaei, S.R. Nikhashemi (2017)“Brand matters” the phrase in which generation Y believes in today with media and technology impact generation Y either dress to fit in the circle of their peer group or to articulate self-identity. The purpose of this paper is to find out the factor which influence the Gen-Y attitude and purchase intention towards fashion apparels. They found that Brand, style, price and social identity and the most influential factor of Gen-Y consumers purchase intention for fashion apparels. Self-identity and country of origin have no impact of their buying behavior.

Dawn B. Valentine, Thomas L. Powers (2013) in their research said that Gen-Y the generation which is heavily influenced by technology and internet and they went a step ahead to identify the psychographic profile of this market segment which aims at providing a segment characterization of Gen-Y. They found that Gen-Y had high resources which is action oriented and has media habits. Jessica Hill, Hyun‐Hwa Lee (2012) said that Gen-Y consumer often get confused due to conflicting marketing messages to understand the difference between sustainability and environmental concern specific to apparel industry. They had an argue to understand consumer’s actual knowledge and sentiments both in general and apparel industry. They concluded saying that a low level of knowledge of understanding principle of sustainability and adverse effect on apparel industry. A need of more educative marketing campaign is a must. Allie S. Grotts, Tricia Widner Johnson (2013) they develop a paper with an objective to fill a gap in the existing literature by examining if handbag can be used as an status symbol because female do believe that handbag does add an value to their outlook. By which they found that Handbags are used as status symbol for millennial female consumers. S Lissitsa (2016)examined the comparison of internet access of Gen-X and Gen-Y consumer over the last decade to understand which generation does more of online shopping. It was found that Gen-X percentage of online buying is more in electronic and furniture compared to gen-Y. But Gen-Y is considered to be more attractive to online shopping. David Lingelbach, Anthony Patino, Dennis A. Pitta (2012)Startups are the talk of town were a new entrepreneur begins the journey. Their paper was developed to understand how marketing emerges in startups founded by the member of millennial generation found that A four‐stage cycle model of entrepreneurial marketing by Millennials is developed, consisting of enabling through resource scarcity, bonding through social media, new product introduction through incremental stealth, and replicating through variation, selection, and retention. Enrique Murillo (2017)studied to measure the negative bias and advertising value perceived by Millennials on local product and services from their smart phones and found that, a substantial bias against sponsored results was found were in 28.2% report clicking on the most relevant result.

Review of Theory of Reasoned Action: Torben Hansen, Jan Møller Jensen, Hans StubbeSolgaard (2004) with an objective to test the two consumer behavior theories the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior in predicting consumer online grocery buying intention said that both theories provide an acceptable fit to the data.Consumers’ attitude toward online grocery shopping was the most important predictor of online grocery buying intentions. Their finding supported the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior Noor AfzainizaAfendi, Farah LinaAzizan, Aflah Isa Darami (2014)their study was done to determine the factors that influence the purchase intention of Halal products among consumers at selected supermarkets around perlis with help of theory of reasoned action and they found that attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavior have positive impact on purchase intention IcekAjzen (2015)the author compared the multi-attribute and subjective expected utility models popular in research onconsumer behavior to the approach offered by the theory of planed behavior.The intention is based on attitude, subjective norm, and perceivedbehavioral control with respect to the behavior; andthese factors are determined, respectively, by behavioral,normative, and control beliefs. He found that theory of planned behavior can help predict and explain consumer intentions and behavior. The TPB goes beyondproduct attributes – the focus of the multi-attribute and subjective expectedutility models – to consider not only attitudes toward choice alternatives butalso the influence of perceived social norms and behavioral control. Bipul Kumar (2012) he examined that the purchasing behaviour for environmentally sustainable products using the framework of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. It investigates thedeterminants of the purchase intention for environmentally sustainable productsleading to the purchase behaviour and the findings said that the attitude was the most important determinant of the purchase intention for environmentally sustainable products in this study. MadawaAbeywickrama Jana Vasickova (2014)their purpose wasto investigate the impact of message content and flow experience on attitude towards mobile advertising, as well as to investigate what effects do attitudes toward mobile advertising have on customers purchase intention. Customers’ attitudes towards mobile advertising and its interrelation with consumer purchase intentions and found that celebrity has no significant impact on purchase intention of consumers towards mobile Jeanette Nikdavoodi (2012)with an objective to understand the potential influences of consumer innovativeness in conjunction with attitude and subjective norm on new cosmetic purchasing intentions found that positive influence of this variable on cosmetic consumers’ intention to purchase new cosmetic products

SudiyantiSudiyanti (2009)study investigated the applicability of the Theory of Planned Behavior in predictingwomen consumers on their intention towards purchasing green food products based on attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavior and difficulty variables and the results stated that out of all the variables Subjective Norm was found to be the most considerably factor in predicting purchase intention. SupanatChuchinprakarn (2011)study was carried out with the objectives of studying the behavior of Internet users and the effectsof key factors on the intention to shop online. Thetheory of reasoned action (TRA) was employed todevelop the conceptual framework and found that trust, confidence in using a credit card,subjective norm, and past behavior, had significanteffects on the on-line shopping intentions LiewChee Kit and Elizabeth Lim Qui P’ng (2014)the study was to understand the influence of product placement in television and movies and its effectiveness on millennial consumers and results stated that the belief and attitude of an individual towards product placement plays a very important role and mainly its affects purchase intention Eun-Kyong Choi, Bobbi Crill Padgett, Deborah Fowler and Ben K. Goh (2011)proposed tostudy whatdetermine the purchase intentions for any U.S. fast-food restaurant meal by Generation Y Chinese consumers, (b) to validate the Theory of Theory of plannedbehavior (TPB) in Asian culture, and (c) to determine if acculturation could enhance the validityof the TPB.

ZaidiOussamaChihab, BenhabibAbderrezzak (2016) the objective of their research was to study the influence of brand image, social and functional values along with the past purchase behavior based on the purchase intention towards luxury perfumes using theory of reasoned action. Their study just applied theory of reasoned action to study the purchase intention of luxury perfumes and to provide significant data to managers TsetsegsaikhanJargalsaikhan; AnastasijaKorotina (2016) their research attempted to determine customer’s attitudes towards micro celebrities,promotion done by them, and their influencing factors, as well as the influence of micro-celebrities on customers purchase decision making process and found that consumers’ attitude towards micro celebritiesas mostly positive. The main influencing factor that defined the positiveattitude was trustworthiness of the micro-celebrity SeyedNasirKetabi, BahramRanjbarian, Azarnoush Ansari (2014)the purpose of their study was to investigate factors which affect online purchase intention. In this regard, providing a conceptual framework, the effect of some factors including subjective norms, behavioral control, attitude, friend’s role (social influence) and perceived credibility on

online purchase intention and results said that subjective norms, behavioral control, attitude, social influence, and credibility affect online shopping directly. Roberta Capitello, Lara Agnoli, Diego Begalli (2014)with an aim to gain a better understanding of the wine consumption behaviour by the Italian Generation Y. The theory of planned behaviour as formulated by Ajzen (1991) is applied to evaluate the cognitive factors determining the decision-making process in wine choice found that. The TPB framework showed a good correlation between behaviour and behavioral intention. Attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control influence the intention to consume wine with almost equal power Tyra Bateman Andy Phippen (2016)with an aim to understandthe perspectives of the millennial generation and their ethical behaviour found that many millennials behave ‘unethically’ as they are ‘unaware’. This is supported by the observation that millennial consumers perceived the concepts of ‘ethical’ and ‘unethical’ to be significantly frustrating and challenging to define and therefore cannot behave accordingly

6. Research gap: Gap 1: Researchers have found out a lot about consumers and their online shopping behavior but a little has been researched upon millennials shopper. In addition if they have found the purchase intention of millennial shopper towards online retailer but in Indian context not much is researched upon Gap 2: there have been few studies which focus on purchase intention of consumer considering few dimensions such as risk, ease of use and peer group influence would this be applicable on millennials and do they match with non-millennial consumers Gap 3: Research has soon studies largely on urban consumers but they are very less study which focus on rural consumers in India and if there are research, then those research focus mainly on consumer durable but there is not much on online shopping for fashion Gap 4: There was time when consumers used to get influence either by advertising or a celebrity in the advertising but things have changed now. Do millennials get influenced by advertising or a celebrity used is to be looked upon because a few researches says that advertising doesn’t have much impact on today’s consumers

7. Methodology Research question: what are the factors which influence millennials towards online fashion retailer? And what impact each factor has on them? Statement of research problem: the purpose of this project is to identify the factors which would influence the millennial consumers towards online fashion retailers. This study aims to answer the following question:    

Does risk play a role in the purchase intention of millennials towards online fashion risk Peer group have an influence on decision making of millennials? Does trust play a very important factor when millennials shop online? What influence the attitude of millennials towards online fashion shopping?

Scope of research This research would be carried out in Bengaluru urban were majority millennial are tech savvy and are the ones who do online fashion shopping on a regular basis. This study would further help the marketers and online fashion retailers to understand the purchase intention of millennials, what attracts these millennials and what else can be done to attract those who still don’t make a purchase from online Research design The most common forms of research studies related to marketing are: exploratory research, and descriptive research. For this study exploratory research design would be used to understand the factor which influence the millennials towards online fashion shopping  

The research will be administered in person Data will be collected both through primary and secondary  Primary through questionnaire  Secondary through internet Target group would be millennials from the age group of 18-34

Sampling design Type of sampling: for this study judgmental sampling would be used based on knowledge and opinion. Sample Size: Pilot Study 30 respondents Field study of 100 respondents Sampling frame: the questionnaire will be distribute to millennials those who are working professional in Bengaluru Sampling item: questionnaire based on likert’s scale with 21 questions

Conceptual framework: Theory of reasoned action: According to this model, behavior is determined by a person’s intention to behave To understand intention, we also need to measure the subjective norms that influence an individual’s intention to act A subjective norm can be measured directly by assessing a consumer’s feelings as to what relevant others (family, friends, coworkers) would think of the action contemplated PERCEIVED USEFULLNESS





Source: Syed Muhammad Umair, Hafiz Muhammad Bilal, 2014 Journal of Sociological Research Vol. 5, No. 1

In the above model 1. Attitude or behavioral belief: •Perceived usefulness •Perceived ease of the use •Perceived risk 2. Subjective norm •Peer group opinion 3. Control Belief •Trust Attitude towards online shopping: A positive or a negative emotion of a person (millennial consumer) which has a favorable or unfavorable response to external stimulus, it acts as an indicator of a person towards any object. Attitude is the factor on basis of which one may make a decision of purchase Perceived usefulness: This was defined by Fred Davis as "the degree to which a person believes that using a specific system would improve his job performance (Davis 1989). Looking ahead toelectronic purchases, PU is the customer perception that online shopping or performance willbe enhanced. In online shopping it acts as a key factor for acceptance and it’s a efficiency with which consumer can shop online Perceived ease of use: It refers to a degree by which very minimal or less effort is used that is both intellectual and physical efforts. It has an effect on attitude towards online shopping. The ease of use will determine how millennials attitude towards purchase intention of online shopping Perceived risk: It’s a unpredictable result which a consumer would perceive in his mind like sharing personal information and their attitude as to how they feel and other would look at them if them make a decision of making online purchase Peer group influence: A group of people on whom millennials bank upon plays a very influential role on purchase intention towards online fashion shopping and has a direct impact Trust: One of the factors which directly impact millennials intention towards online shopping plays a very vital role in their decision making with a small inclusion of risk. Trust factors may be their interest on website and with dealings of online retailers

Hypothesis  Null hypothesis: millennial perceived usefulness of online fashion shopping will not have a positive influence on the attitude towards online shopping Alternative hypothesis: millennial perceived usefulness of online fashion shopping will have a positive influence on the attitude towards online shopping  Null hypothesis: millennial perceived ease of use of online fashion shopping will not have a positive influence on the attitude towards online shopping Alternative hypothesis: millennial perceived ease of use of online fashion shopping will have a positive influence on the attitude towards online shopping  Null hypothesis: perceived risk towards online shopping does not have a negative influence on attitude towards online shopping Alternative hypothesis: perceived risk towards online shopping will have a negative influence on attitude towards online shopping  Null hypothesis: when making a purchase decision, peer group opinion does not have a positive influence on shopping intention of millennials Alternative hypothesis: when making a purchase decision, peer group opinion has a positive influence on shopping intention of millennials  Null hypothesis: millennials trust on online fashion shopping is not positively related to purchase intention Alternative millennials trust on online fashion shopping is positively related to purchase intention

8. Limitation Firstly, research would be done a basis of convenient sampling of millennial consumer to participate and test the proposed framework of online purchase intention towards online fashion retailers. The focused group would be a limited demographic group and not generalized to other group of population Secondly, the study is focusing only on online fashion retailers and thus may not be applicable to other products available online

9. References Denni Arli, FandyTjiptono, HariLasmono, DudiAnandya 2002 Do consumer ethics and consumer religiousness evolve across time? Insights from Millennia’s in Indonesia Young Consumers GuvenOrdun 2015 Millennial (Gen Y) Consumer Behavior, Their Shopping Preferences and Perceptual Maps Associated With Brand Loyalty Canadian Social Science AndersParment 2013 implications for retailing

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The Impact Of Attitude, Subjective Norm, And Consumer Innovativeness On International Marketing and Brand Management

LiewChee Kit and Elizabeth Lim Qui P’ng 2014 The Effectiveness of Product Placement: The Influence of Product Placement towards Consumer Behavior of the Millennial Generation International Journal of Social Science and Humanity Noor AfzainizaAfendi, Farah LinaAzizan, Aflah Isa Darami 2014 Determinants of Halal Purchase Intention: Case in Perlis International Journal of Business and Social Research Roberta Capitello, Lara Agnoli, Diego Begalli 2014 Understanding the wine consumption behaviour of Generation Y in Italy academy of wine business research SeyedNasirKetabi, BahramRanjbarian, Azarnoush Ansari 2014 Analysis of the Effective Factors on Online Purchase Intention through Theory of Planned Behavior International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences SudiyantiSudiyanti 2009 Predicting Women Purchase Intention For Green Food Products in Indonesia AURA - Agder University Research SupanatChuchinprakarn 2011 Application of the Theory of Reasoned Action to On-line Shopping intention Knowledge Center E-paper Bangkok University Torben HANSEN, Jan Møller JENSEN, Hans Stubbe SOLGAARD 2004 Consumer Online Grocery Buying Intention: A TRA Versus A TPB Approach International Journal of Information Management TsetsegsaikhanJargalsaikhan; AnastasijaKorotina2016 their influence on consumers’ purchasing decisions

Attitudes towards Instagram micro-celebrities and Jönköping International Business School

Tyra Bateman Andy Phippen 2016 How Ethical Are the Millennial Generation? A Study into Consumer Perception of Influence, Awareness and Responsibility of Ethical Behaviour. Journal of Research Studies in Business & Management ZaidiOussamaChihab, BenhabibAbderrezzak 2016 Factors affecting Consumer Purchase Intention of Luxury Perfumes in Algeria: A case study of Consumers in the Twin Cities of Tlemcen and SidiBel Abbes Journal of Research in Marketing

Reliability Statistics: Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha Based on Cronbach's



Items .748

N of Items .769


Cronbach's Aplha is .748; Result indicates a high level of internal consistency for our scale with this specific sample.

KMO and Bartlett's Test:

KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. Bartlett's Test of Sphericity

Approx. Chi-Square

.527 473.972





The KMO and Bartlett’s test states that sampling adequacy should be close than 0.5 for a satisfactory factor analysis to proceed and the above test of sampling adequacy shows 0.527 which is satisfactory Communalities Initial










































































Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Component


% of Variance

Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Cumulative %


% of Variance

Cumulative %





















































































































Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

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