Neuroscience Conscious And Subconscious Impulses Basal Ganglia Cerebellum

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The Science of Permanent Self-Motivation Notes Written and Edited by DOUG BENCH Bonus Section: The 55 Most Important Neuroscience Lessons for Success 1 Annotated Bibliography Allen, David. Getting Things Done, Viking Press. (2001) Many times we read books on how to overcome procrastination, that are nothing more then compilations of ideas that appeal only to the emotions. These books are not very successful in helping people get over what we call procrastination. This book is different. David Allen takes a much more brain science and neuroscience approach to overcoming procrastination. He realizes that it is a problem that is inherent to brain neuron patterns. The problem is more than just emotions. Therefore, his solutions to these problems clearly use principles of science based upon how our brain functions. As you can imagine then if, if there is just one book you need to read about getting things done, it should probably be this book. In is very clear. He sets up a formula that is based on neuroscience principles, and you apply that principle in what the author calls a work flow diagram. If you compare this book with other books on procrastination, such as the book by Resa Emmetts, for example, this book is much more likely to appeal to you as a scientist. Her book only tells you that you need to overcome certain emotional hang ups, but nothing that helps you to do this based upon how our brain works. If there is any negative in the David Allen book, it's that he occasionally will compare the brain to the workings of a computer. As you know, we try to avoid this comparison. For example, he indicates that you should try to clear your RAM memory, and store the information in your long term memory. You need to be careful with this. You have read elsewhere, we do not believe that your brain works like a computer. The brain is much more advanced

than that. But for the purposes of helping you with the ‘how’ and ‘why’ your brain can overcome procrastination, then this book’s information will be helpful to you. Amen, Daniel G., M.D. Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Three Rivers Press (1998) a. Brain-image research: SPECT(Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) b. The deep limbic system is the bonding and mood control center of the brain. Ifit is off-kilter, people struggle with moodiness and negativity. Book tells how certain smells and clear thinking soothe this part of the brain and why spending time with positive people is essential to deep limbic health. c. The deep limbic system is about the size of a walnut! But/and all of its functions are critical for survival and human behavior. d. The DLS also affects motivation and drive! And is the relay station for impulses that process smell. e. Rx for good DLS health: 1. Kill the ANTS: Automatic Negative Thoughts 2 Every thought you have sends electrical and chemical signals throughout your brain! Thoughts have actual physical properties. They are rea (use in brochure). They have significant influence on every cell in your body!!!! Whenyour mind/brain is burdened with many negative thoughts it affects your DLS causing physical problems. Teaching yourself to control and direct thoughts in a positive way is one of the most effective ways to feel better!! P 57+ Step one: Realize your thoughts are real physical things!! Step Two: Notice how negative thoughts affect your body! Step three: Ditto positive thoughts!

Step four: Notice how your body reacts to every thought you have! Step five: Bad thoughts are powerful pollution, and don't always tell the truth! Step Six: TALK BACK TO ANTS! You can train your thoughts to be positive and hopeful. You must notice your thoughts and talk back to them!! When a negative thought goes unchallenged, it is believed and the body reacts to it. When you correct negative thoughts, you take away their power over you! 2. Exterminate the ANTS: feed your anteater; listen for them not to them; write them down…talk back to them…and then tear them up!! (P 61 to 64 list common ants we hear! 3. Surround yourself with people who provide positive bonding! Negative people's ANTS are contagious! One of the reasons people feel so good at a positive-thinking seminar is because they surround themselves with a room full of people who are all reaffirming the best in one another. When you spend a lot of time with someone you bond with them and this affects the DLS 4. Develop and build people skills: It has been proven that enhancing emotional bonds between people will help heal the limbic system (see p 71 for list of skills) 5. Recognize the importance of physical contact. 6. Surround yourself with great smells: smells affect moods!! 7. Try physical exercise: it can be very healing to the DLS: exercise releases endorphins, that induce a sense of well-being-the DLS has many endorphin receptors (see list of exercise benefits p 79)

Basal Ganglia surrounds the DLS and are involved with integrating thoughts, feelings and movements, AND they modulate motivation and feelings of emotion, FEAR Rx for the BG: 1. Kill the fortune-telling ANTS. (See four steps p 98) 2. Used deep breathing and guided imagery 3. Think about the 'Prom people" rule--18/40/60--P 105 The Prefrontal Cortex - the most evolved part of the brain. Supervisor of executive functions. (P 113)!!!!!! It also is the part of the brain that helps 3 you learn from mistakes! And focus on important information while filtering out less significant thoughts and sensations. Rx for the PFC: 1. Develop and maintain clear focus! One Page Miracle. Focus on goals ….in writing…what you want and not what you don't want. And what you like and not what you don't like!! Get organized and get excited!! "Shape behavior practice" for coaching: see p 140!!!!!! Anthony, Dr. Robert. Advanced Formula for Total Success, Berkley Publishing Company (1988) a. The person that you are is always perfect; what you, as that person do, is not always perfect. You cannot fail as a person! b. It all starts with self-talk. Self-talk is the constant conversation that you carry on with yourself, as you perceive what you think you see, feel and hear. It is “three-dimensional” thought; that is, made up of words, pictures and emotion. We build and modify our self-image with our self-talk, using words that trigger pictures that evoke emotion. c. Our self-image is an accumulation of all thoughts, attitudes and opinions we have perceived and stored about ourselves since childhood. It is the subconscious picture that we have been recording for years. This picture controls how we think and how we perform.

d. Once we vividly imagine an experience, it is recorded in our subconscious and we are stuck with it until we make a conscious choice to displace it. If you choose to make a change in your self-image, you can use self-talk and visualization to create a new picture that will the changes that you desire!! All meaningful change and all lasting change starts FIRST in mind or imagination and THEN works its way outward into reality. Every statement we make h as an effect on our subconscious, so we have to be careful about what you say about YOU. Other people can hand you THEIR OPINIONS about you, but what YOU THINK about you is what determines your self-image. e. THE SUBCONSCIOUS DOESN’T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. The impact of building a positive self-image is powerful, because our self-image stored in the subconscious as reality! Our subconscious believes the information it stores is true WHETHER IT IS TRUE OR NOT! If someone calls you stupid, it makes an original recording on your subconscious. Every time you replay that experience, as to your sub, it is happening all over again because your sub does not know the difference between real or imagined experience! (Go to science research to prove it!) Every time we replay it we record it as REAL over and over again…as if happening anew again and again!! I am stupid!! I am STUPID!! As these accumulate, they bring about patterns of belief! (Go to research and brain-facts). We have not been victimized by the thoughts of others, but WE have repeated them and WE have MADE by repetition, a part of our “belief system”!! Thereafter we will act out these beliefs. Thus we live a self-fulfilling prophecy. 4 f. Your self-image controls how you perform. You always act like you see yourself. You cannot act otherwise!! You may try to act otherwise, but you will have to work very hard to override your subconscious picture of reality! How to change this?? Change your self-image. How? It starts with self-talk. Never: That’s the way I am” “I’ll never have any money” “I’ll never lose weight” CHANGE TO “That’s NOT the way I am!” “That’s not the way things happen to me!” “The next time I will change this”.

g. Our subconscious always makes sure our image of reality comes true!! It works to keep us from going insane. We first, therefore, need to listen to our self-talk…what are we saying? And then first change our self-talk and selfimage BEFORE we change or take ACTION!! Seeing is not believing!! Believing is SEEING!! Be an unrealistic goal setter. Our brain (and us) does not behave in accordance with the truth, but in accordance with the truth, as you perceive it to be! h. When you buy (or look for after deciding) a new car like none you’ve had before, you start seeing that car everywhere now!! WHY? Because your brain has just ‘learned’ that it’s now important to you. It now has value for you! THEREFORE, you CAN apply this to whatever goal you give value and make important to you! As soon as you know what you are looking for. The information will become apparent to you; .your subconscious will work overtime to find it and satisfy you!! i. Your subconscious will achieve anything that you believe! Visualization is applied imagination. Visualization is the process of taking a thought and keeping it long enough so that the mental picture we create evokes an emotional response. The emotion causes conviction and conviction causes reality! GO TO THE RESEARCH AND PROVE IT!! THOUGHT PLUS EMOTION CREATES CONVICTION..AND CONVICTION CREATES REALITY!! Affirmations are induced autosuggestions! Talking yourself into the 3-4 week reality! Your note cards! This works on the theory of displacement…not negative erasures! We just need to have dominant thoughts over unworkable ones. When you put a glass of dirty water under a faucet and start running clean water in, eventually the clean water displaces all of the dirty water. Affirmation + visualization (imagery) + emotion = success Your affirmation must be: 1. Positive! Not in the negative form 2. It must be personal 3. It must be present tense 4. Written in an achieving manner

5. Must not make comparisons 6. Must use action words 7. Must use words that trigger emotion 8. Must be specific 9. Must be believable 10. Must be secret (see chapter 7) 5 j. Give up hope and take ACTION. We all have a desire to reach our potential. But no one has or ever will reach their potential! It’s impossible. Therefore, the most important thing is the TRIP, the JOURNEY, not the destination. A goal is only an excuse to play the game!! Give up beliefs about the way things ‘should be’…Think about what you would like to see happen; that way your subconscious won’t feel threatened by change. The name of the game is results. k. The difference in successful and unsuccessful people is how they handle change. Successful people have anxiety too, but they are not immobilized by it. Unsuccessful people are immobilized by change; successful people re-channel it into creativity. l. Successful people. You can’t improve your ‘self’. You can’t improve WHO you are, but you CAN improve your performance! You will make mistakes! So what! All you have to do is make corrections! Successful people are people who are constantly busy doing things that they don’t know how to do for sure. And it is an adventure for them! They don’t know what’s around the bend, all they know is that they are committed to the path and will do whatever has to be done to get to the next level or step, and so on and so on. Unsuccessful people are intimidated and immobilized by the fear of discovering that they are in error or are making a mistake. Make a decision one and for all, not to be one of those people. Look at the failures in your life and NOTICE that you were more concerned with being right, looking good, and not making a mistake, and protecting yourself, than you were with making a correction. It can’t be done…you must fail to get success…you will be off

course 95% of the time on the way to your greatest achievements!! So give up hope of not making a mistake. Pray for them, anticipate with excitement your next mistake or failure, ‘cause once you et it and make the correction, you are one more step, that much closer to SUCCESS. Arendal, Laura. The Emotional Brain, Topic Library. (May 2000) This is an excellent explanation of what occurs when you undergo any of the three primary emotions. These are the three emotions that appear to be hard wired over the generations of evolution. They are reaction, anger, secondary emotions, which are a product of cognitive thoughts, and background emotions which really are the most important emotions that arise from your intuitive level of the cortex. This research results give a very clear explanation of the role of the amygdala and the basal ganglia in controlling your reactions, your emotional reactions, to visualizing a snake for example and is also very helpful in understanding the need to comply with Science for Success Technique No. 7 which is ”Trust the Darkness”. Your very best emotional responses do come from this intuitive level. This article is available at in the Library section. 6 Arnot, Robert, M.D. The Biology of Success, Little, Brown and Company (2000) Man-o-man, from this title, and who wrote this, I thought it was going to be my best find! Unfortunately this is not the case! Although I may be able to use a little from Part One to stretch the topic of ‘science’, but it is not what I expected. Part Two is much better! BUT, his bibliography is fantastic and I should use MUCH of it! 1. He says success is driven by a Positive mental energy

b. Positive thoughts (one out of two isn’t bad!) 2. On page xv in the intro he recognizes all the recent science research on how the brain works, and how we can manipulate the brain for good (change it) PART ONE 3. In very first chapter he goes wrong…and says that moods are important…ugh…Only good thing in this chap is that you need to build yourself a “creative space” to build and harbor success thoughts! And with this he includes aroma therapy..p 27..which is good!! 4. The best of this crap is about music and its positive effect…see p 39 for “music and the biology of success” 5. Step 5 is also good exercise or the “biology of playing hard” and its science effect on us! See p 66+ 6. Page 91: the human species does not respond well to change! This is due to slow evolution!! DWB theory…Therefore change it! And speed up evolution!! With all of your generations!! 7. Don’t have a great day….Make it a great day!! 8. Screw moods! Become a dedicated Oscar-winning actor!! PART TWO 9. It isn’t so much positive thinking that’s needed as it is to INTERCEPT Negative thoughts!! This is called cognitive therapy! And it has been research proven that cognitive therapy…does truly change the brain!!!

10 SEE 3STAR example on p 146-147 and USE IT!! 11 See attached copy of Six Steps to build a pattern of positive thought 12. Optimists have better chemistry to fight disease. P 151. 13. Once you change your explanatory style from pessimistic to optimistic, research suggests that the change is permanent!! See p 154 and 155. 14. ALSO NOTE: I should do research on why right handed persons live an average of 9 yrs longer than left handed persons. I wonder if left handed frustrations lead to pessimistic habits in left-handed individuals? Are left handed individuals more pessimistic? 7 15. The biology/SCIENCE of Being in the moment! Bottom of page 159!!! 16. Get in the moment? How? ACT! Out Loud!! 17. That stuff I wrote about with Ken Griffey Jr and “playing not to lose” are in this book and called “EMOTIONAL BROADCASTING”!! See p 178-179 And you must train your emotions and create a neural team and surround yourself with success!! 18 Show scientific effects of prayer….Show it based on if god real, and if god not real and have a class discussion on this!!! 19 Create a BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS! P 203…find the story within yourself! 20. How do you live your story? There are ten stages p 206- 210!!!!!!

Blaydes, Jean. “Thinking on your Feet: Kinesthetic Strategies for Teaching Core Academics”, Learning Brain Expo, The Brain Store, (2002) Bragdon, Allen D. and Gamon, David, Ph.D. Use It Or Lose It, Allen D. Bragdon Publishers, Inc. (2000) 1. Might be of more use if and when we develop our seniors seminars 2. Has some elementary tests to determine amount of memory loss and mental lapses in the elderly. 3. See research results on professors at Berkeley page 40 4. Section III discusses common cognitive problems that are not Alzheimer’s and part IV is how to prevent and reverse cognitive decline! 5. NOTE: There are several conditioning exercises in back of book that are usable!!! Bragdon, Allen D. and Gamon, David, Ph.D. Brains that Work a Little Bit Differently, Brainwaves Books (2000) 1. Not real good for us, but does have some important definitions and statements. 2. ADHD: page 14, 16- the role of the neurotransmitter dopamine 3. Alcoholism is covered and the brain’s desire-action-reward loop is pictured on p 29 [GOOD drawing to put in HANDOUTS11] 4. Also discussed: Autism; Déjà vu; Dyslexia; Left-handedness (see p 73); Perfect pitch; Photographic Memory; Bragdon, Allen D. Exercises for the Whole Brain, Allen D. Bragdon Publishers, Inc. (1999) 8 1. This is not so much a textbook as it is a puzzle book.

2. Neuron-builders to stimulate and entertain your visual, math, and executive-planning skills! 3. See introduction page re: stop brain aging and improve creativity and visualization! Grow new pattern connections. Use it or lose it! 4. Published by “Brain Wave Books” Check out their web site at Brinkman, Dr. Rick and Kirschner, Dr. Rick. Dealing With People You Can’t Stand, McGraw-Hill, Inc. (1994) Probably out of my niche, but some things fit negative people. 1. Lists ten categories of bad people: The Tank; the sniper; the grenade; the know-it-all; the think-they-know it-all; the yes person; the maybe person; the nothing person; the no person; and the whiner!! (These are all defined and explained in the last half of the book!! Also listed in each of those chapters is an ACTION-PLAN for each type of bad people!! AND MORE!!! Each chapter there has a segment called “Great moments in Difficult People History” which gives real world examples of how these types and people-problems can be solved!!! Great if we do this type of niche-seminar!! 2. The desire to contribute to others and be appreciated for it is one of the most powerful motivational forces known! 3. Characteristics with philosophies: Get it done; Get it right; get along; get appreciated!!! 4. To get the best out of people, you have to develop 2 skills: blending and Redirecting p 38-39 which evolves into: Blend; Backtrack; Clarify; Summarize; and Confirm!! P 47 5. Best of all though is to: Identify positive intent; identify highly valued (higher) criteria p 53 6. USE the research example on p 64-65 about Chicago teachers and students!!! It says it all!! About expectations and perceptions! Pygmalion Power!!! Bristol, Claude M. The Magic of Believing, Simon & Schuster (1948) a. I did not read this book, but on a scan did not see anything usable. However, if we run short of ANECDOTES, review this book for

some usable ones Bryant, Theodore, MSW. Self-Discipline in 10 Days, HUB Publishing (1999) 9 1. You must practice becoming consciously aware of your self-defeating chatter (self-talk) 2. Neanderthal man has you by the attitude! Your brain will search for reasons to support negative attitudes. That’s the way the brain works! It has to! It is an automatic system. It does not weigh evidence and then evaluate your claim; it simply believes what you tell it and then finds reasons to prove you right, even if you are wrong. Then it begins to match your attitude and behavior to whatever you have told it 3. Being out of your comfort zone is very good news AND REQUIRED when you are growing as a person and reaching success. 4. Five poisons: cynicism, negativism, defeatism, escapism, delayism 5. Action oriented self-talk must be: positive, specific, and present tense! (It can occur subconsciously [OSU]} sometimes negativism wins a battle in the subconscious, that we don’t even know is taking place! 6. THEREFORE you must turn up the volume on your subconscious selftalk that is positive, specific, and present tense…THIS SIMPLE CONCEPT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!! 7. Subconscious only hears what’s present tense (Neanderthal) and then directs your inner resources toward carrying out this message by sending messages out to your motor functions, emotions, and other members of your physical and psychological network! THEREFORE you will feel compelled from head to toe to carry out the message!! 8. Subconscious responds to only one message at a time…repeat it over and over and over again…you will feel it physically. P 37

9. Watch your language: use “I choose” p 39 10. Self-discipline is the skill to direct our imagination, will power and all various parts of our personality pulling in the same direction! It’s the process of psychological self-management! 11. We have spent so much of our lives being disciplined by others we have not developed the nerve pathways (necessary skills) to discipline ourselves. [Nerve pathways are overgrown] 12. Do not try to get rid of your fears, only reduce their influence on our behavior. 13. A person cannot be a failure. Use fear of failure as a stepping stone, not a tombstone! 14. Refuse to link failure with self-esteem! 15 Many of us only feel comfortable in the presence of SAMENESS 16. You must visualize BEFORE you take action: every day for a week or two BEFORE you start…see yourself doing it…hear yourself…smell it… Every time you practice before you go into action stage, you gain selfdiscipline support from your subconscious and weaken isms ability to stall your action!!! 17 Visualization will enlist your subconscious mind to help you accomplish ALL the steps in your project. Even while and when you are 10 sleeping or not aware of its supportive activity. This is what helps make it permanent!!! 18. Perfectionism weakens perseverance! So let go of it! Perseverance produces more achievements than talent, smarts or luck combined

19. Practice not being perfect [send several mediocre letters to friends p. 102 20. YOU CANNOT ACHIEVE WITHOUT DISCOMFORT: EXPECT IT, ACCEPT IT, And GET EXCITED WHEN YOU FEEL IT! BUT DO NOT INFLATE IT IN YOUR HEAD! Without discomfort, you will not accomplish even the simplest task! 21. Affirmations are like vitamins for the mind…written are best. They provide you with simple and easy self-motivation that works on a very deep level!!! 22. Write them 3 ways page 112 and then turn them into vitamins p 114- 115 23. Choose to change! In little ways at first; come up with some examples to force yourself to do like change seats at a seminar…different route to work etc. 24 “Something terrible will happen” is your Neanderthal man talking and is REQUIRED, get used to it and change YOUR EVOLUTION!! Brynie, Faith. The Physical Brain, Blackbirch Press, Inc. (2001) 1. The cortex is the center of thought, expression, decision-making, and purpose. It directs behavior that makes humans unique: tool making, language, and planning for the future. 2. Graphic picture of brain. P 7 3. Once motor skills are learned, they can be performed without conscious effort: the Cerebellum takes over. 4. The limbic system is essential for memory and the center for emotion. 5. Use page 19 for neurotransmitter ‘lock and key’ idea 6. Types of neurotransmitters-NAMED: p 21 7. Use page 23 for example of how brain works with PUPPY LOVE! 8. Everything you’ve ever done—everything that has ever happened to you is stored in your memory!

9. Memories are fixed—scientists think—when pathways between neurons grow stronger. If a signal passes from an axon to a dendrite ONCE, it is more likely to do so again! 10. USE PAGE 32 as THIRD EXAMPLE of how subconscious can’t tell DIFFERENCE in real and imagined!! 11. PLASTICITY: THE BRAIN YOU HAVE TODAY IS NOT THE BRAIN YOU HAD YESTERDAY. It is not the brain you will have tomorrow. YOUR BRAIN CHANGES CONSTANTLY THRU OUT LIFE!! 12. The more a brain is used, more connections between neurons are formed. Butler, Gillian, Ph.D. and Hope, Tony, M.D. Managing Your Mind, Oxford University Press (1997) a. The guide to mental fitness requires two major principles: 1. Valuing yourself 2. Recognizing that you can change b. There are seven basic skills for mental fitness and mind management: (please note that this whole book really is not "brain/science oriented but rather it is crappy-cliché oriented!) 1. Managing yourself and your time 2. Facing the problem/not avoidance 3. Treating yourself right-reward yourself 4. Problem solving: a strategy for change 5. Keeping things in perspective: how you see things 6. Building self-confidence and self-esteem a. Practice b. Behave "as if" c. Zigzag to your goals!!!! d. Make the most of your mistakes and then ignore them. e. Limit the self-blame. f. Be kind to yourself 7. Learn how to relax

c. Have good relationships: Be fair; listen to your childhood voices; compromise! d. Their ideas to overcome fear and anxiety is garbage (chap 16 & 17) Buzan, Tony. Make the Most of Your Mind, Simon & Schuster (1984) a. The discovery of Professor Pyotr Anokhin a protégé of Pavlov: Your brain is made up of billions (he thought 10, but really 100) of neurons suction pads on an octopus. AND it is NOT the number of brain cells that you have that determines intelligence, BUT ‘something’ to do with those little protuberances. Then he found that each brain was a fantastic linking and interlinking of patterns formed by thousands of these protuberances on the many arms of each of the billions of brain cells. In the last year of his life, he calculated the number of connections and pathways that could be made by a normal brain, the number is staggering. It is a 1 followed by 10 million kilometers of zeros…on a standard size 12 typewriter. The number alone is 6.2 million miles long!!!!! b. Therefore the findings of Anokhin and Ornstein and others have confirmed that everyone’s brain has more potential than ever given credit for, and that most of the problems that we experience with the use of our brains, is not some fundamental inability, but because we have so 12 far not received enough information about ourselves and the way we work!!! For example: Chapter 7, p 111, the creativity test!! The paper clip test! See item (h) below. c. Up until 1970’s thought was that upper and lower brain functioned independently! NOT SO! We now know that the upper brain can program the lower brain and in so doing affect: physical health, athletic performance, mental ability, motivation, and will power, AND SUCCESS LEVELS!!!! d. How can you apply this knowledge to your own life?!?!

1. Positive thinking. Advanced forms of positive thinking can be used to program positive results, via positive autosuggestion, self-hypnosis, meditation, visualization, and self-programming. e. Further, research done by Dr/Professor Mark Rosenzweig, has clearly shown that if a brain is stimulated, no matter what the age, it will physically grow more protuberances on each brain cell’s tentacles, and that these protuberances will increase the total number of connections within the brain. f. Even if we lose 10,000 brain cells a day from the time we are born, we start with so many, that by the time we are 80 years old, we have lost LESS THAN 3% of our brain cells! g. The complexity of all of the phone systems in every country of the world, ALL of them…are equivalent to the complexity in a part of the human brain, the size of an ordinary garden pea!!! We have only begun to realize we are just on the threshold of discovering the brains extraordinary abilities! h. There is now evidence that our brain possibly retains ALL information that has ever been inputted into it in you lifetime…in exact, minute detail! (see Evidence #1-10 on p 38+) (also see happy child info) i. We are taught that creativity is for those more intelligent than us, and that creativity is for the more successful, and we have been doing our thinking in a box!!! Time after time after time!!! The key word here is your perception of the word “uses”. We are trained to think in ordinary boxes…. Now that you know the unbelievable capacity of the brain step out of that box, think of the far out applications. The connections, the thousands of connections: i.e. Associations see and copy p 113, 114, 115…and practice-practicepractice going outside the box (the last few chapters have exercises for numerics and logic) Capioppo, J.T., Klein, D.J et al “The Psychophysiology of Emotions.” Handbook for Emotions, Guilford (1993)

Cahill, Larry. Human Memory, Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store, (2002) 13 This was a presentation at the Brain Exposition in San Diego, California, in January of this year(2002). To review of notes from this live presentation, you may obtain them directly from Doug Bench, by sending me and e-mail. Dr. Cahill presented information and research findings that clearly indicate that memory is effected by the emotional state of the individual during the time they are creating this memory. The amygdala of the brain very clearly controls the release of emotions in the brain, based on the pattern of neuron impulses that pass through the amygdala. The research shows that the greater the emotional state that you are in, the greater will be the release of neurotransmitters and hormones by the amygdala. That is a release of hormones triggered by the amygdala not released from the amygdala. After Dr. Cahill's presentation, I went to the front of the room and ask him the following question. Would it be possible for students or others who are trying to learn new things, be able to create a self-induced artificial emotional state that would cause the release of more of these neurotransmitters in such a way, that if they then practiced learning the information that they were trying to memorize or trying to achieve, would their level of learning be greater because of this induced emotional state? Would it be more likely that they would be successful at mastering this new material or new task? Dr. Cahill responded after careful minutes of silence, that there is no reason why this would not work. Please note, that it has been proven, and Dr. Cahill mentioned in the conference, that the neurotransmitters that the amygdala causes to be released, act as a fertilizer to increase the number of growing DSPs. That the dendrite spiny protrusions are greatly increased in numbers and their connections are much stronger than in non-emotional states of creation. Therefore, this creates the probability that you'll remember things much longer, and much more clearly, and will be able to recall much better, when you are in this very high emotional state.

However, it must be noted that if you are at extremely high levels of emotion in negative emotional categories, it will act as deterrence to increased cognitive ability. Those emotions are anger, stress, anxiety, and high levels of fear. Cahill, Larry; Prins, B.; Weber, M.; and McGaugh, J.L. “Beta-adrenergic Activation and Memory for Emotional Events”, Nature 371, 702-4, (1994) This is the written published research findings from Dr. Cahill as presented at the Brain Exposition. They are attainable from us, and are obtainable from the magazine entitled “Nature”. Please contact us for the date and volume of the proper issue of that magazine. Caine, Geoffrey; Caine, Renate Nummela; Crowell, Sam. Mind Shifts, Zephyr Press (1999) 14 1. One of the most exciting recent science findings is that the number and strength of neuron connections are influenced by experience, a phenomenon called plasticity. 2. The search for meaning in the brain—occurs through patterning (connecting things that are related in space and time) 3. Emotions are critical to patterning! 4. Why is art important to science? Because we need to perceive, observe and to work with intuition. Engineer told me in class today that at Continuing Education seminars every answer he ever came up with to a problem or challenge came from intuition and usually NOT while he was thinking about solving that problem!!! 5. Use Chapter 13-p155+ on the ‘unconscious processes!!’ USE THE PERCEPTION PICTURES!!!

Caine, Renate Nummela; and Caine Geoffrey. Making Connections, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company (1994) 1. There are about 100 billion neutrons, or nerve cells in the brain, and in a single human brain the number of possible interconnections between these cells is greater than the number of atoms in the universe. 2. WE ARE GIVEN AS OUR BIRTHRIGHT, A STRADIVARIUS AND WE COME TO PLAY IT LIKE A PLASTIC FIDDLE. 3. Every complex event embeds information in the brain and links what is being learned to the rest of the learner’s current experiences, past knowledge, and future behavior! 4. Our memories actually alter our brain: plasticity! First spoken by a Harvard professor/MD in early ‘70s and he was laughed at….now totally known to be true! P 27 5. The Principles of Brain-Based Learning are listed and explained in chapter 7 p 87+ 6. Tic-tac-toe example p 102-104 7. We learn and perform best in a state of relaxed alertness. Calvin, William H. and Ojemann, George A., M.D. Inside The Brain,, Inc. (2000) This book reads more like a novel then it does a text for the understanding of what goes on inside the brain. It is written from the standpoint of pathology as well. For example he does discuss the location in the brains that controls certain bodily functions, and where you would look in the brain if there is a defect in those functions. Therefore it’s not very relevant to our investigations. However, the book does contain some very interesting diagrams and drawings regarding the growth of the number of D S P connections over the

first few years of a child's life. But the book would be of much more interest to a student in 15 neurosurgery studies, rather than for those of us who are studying and searching for the science of success. This book is not recommended reading. Canfield, Jack; Hansen, Mark Victor; and Hewitt, Les. The Power of Focus, Health Communications, Inc. (2000) Well, I suppose, from the multimillion sellers, of Chicken Soup for the Soul, you would expect better. This, and many other books, sure gives me hope!! Especially with all the syrupy stuff in the front from the Certified Speaking Professional and CPAEs that say this book is great! 1. More than 90% of people who attend short-term seminars see no improvement in their lives (they don’t take the time to implement what they have ‘learned’) so says the souls on page xx of intro!! 2. Your everyday habits will determine your future. If you persist at developing a new behavior, eventually it becomes AUTOMATIC! 3. Example p 4 if the wife asks you to pick something up on the way home from work, it’s not uncommon to totally forget because you’re programmed (automatic)(subconscious) to take the same way home every night! 4. The great news is that you can reprogram yourself any time you choose to do so! 5. After you have formed a new habit (21-30 days straight) after 21 experiences with that new habit, its harder NOT to do it than to do it (Benchism: Bad Habits are good!) 6. Up to 90% of our normal behavior is based on habits; quality is not an act; it’s a habit!

7. Your outward behavior is the truth; but your inner perception of your behavior is often an illusion. Your habits and beliefs systems are a product of your environment! 8. Priorities and Procrastination: 4-ds: Dump it, Delegate it, Defer it, Do it! Page 45 (Look for David Allen book on this) If you've got a frog to swallow, don’t look at it too long; and if you've got more than one, eat the big one first! 9. USE the CUTE notes on p 60 about what kids have learned! 10. Top Ten List for GOALS: They must be YOURS; MEANINGFUL; SPECIFIC; MEASURABLE; FLEXIBLE (written in pencil) CHALLENGING AND EXCITING; WELL-BALANCED; REALISTIC (There are no unrealistic goals, only unrealistic time frames!); SUPPORTED! 11. These two pages are GREAT: p 74-75 (see attached) Your List and how to tourney bracket prioritize your list! 12. Master Plan: 1 review goal checklist 2 set 101 goals and prioritize by importance 3 Create a picture book 4. Use an ideas book 5 visualize, think, reflect, and review 6. DEVELOP MENTORS AND MASTERMIND GROUPS! 13. For balanced goals see 7 categories p 82 14. B-ALERT Blueprint; Action; Learning see example p 103; Exercise; Relax; Think!!! If you realized how powerful your thoughts were (scientifically) you would never think (finish) a negative thought!! 16 15. Say NO to TOXIC people! P 127 Do I Like, Trust, and Respect them??? 16. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us! STEP INTO YOUR FEAR p 162!!! Everything you want is on the other side of fear

17. It is critical that you understand one thing—confidence grows by doing, not by thinking! Self-steam is much more important than self-esteem! The road to self-esteem and confidence is paved with daily/weekly/tiny victories 18. The world responds to those who ask! If your not moving closer to what you want, you probably aren’t doing enough asking! 19. Seven ways to boost your business by ASKING p 189 - 205 AND this includes HOW to ask! 20. HAVE TO’S = pressure; CHOOSE TO’S = power 21. See consistency circle p 225 22. All broken relationships can be traced to broken agreements. Integrity and trust are based on keeping your agreements. When you make others feel good about themselves, they will LIKE you. 23. See p 258-260 for how to get success (art link letter etc) 24. Book has a GOOD BIBLIOGRAPHY!! Canfield, Jack; Hansen, Mark Victor; and Hewitt, Les. The Power of Focus, Health Communications, Inc. (2000) Capacchione, Lucia, Ph.D., ATR. Visioning, Penguin Putnam, Inc. (2000) Carnegie, Dale. How to Win Friends and Influence People, Simon & Schuster (1964) An absolute classic! This book was first written in 1936. Therefore, when writing this book, Dale Carnegie certainly didn't know the difference between a synapse and an axon. But we have included it in our bibliography for several reasons. Number one, in our Science for Success Techniques (#2), we teach how to stomp out all automatic negative thoughts and then turn them into positive ones.

A part of this is that certainly your brain neuron patterns are influenced by interactions with people. Dale Carnegie says when dealing with people you must do so from a very positive approach. We certainly agree with that. But most importantly, if you have previously read this book, and if it is sitting on your shelf gathering dust, pull it off and read it again after you have gained a very strong understanding of how the brain physiologically works. After you know how we scientifically form our work habits, and you read this book again, you will be amazed at how much clearer Dale Carnegie's ideas are in his book now referred to the neuroscience research. It is amazing, and a much better read now than it was when I first read it over 35 years ago. This books still has as much meaning now and significance now as it did 60 years ago. His techniques make very good scientific sense, and will certainly help you form the appropriate neuron connections to help you influence people and reach the top. Nobody gets to the level of total success without the help of others and Mr. Carnegie's book can help you get to that level. Carter, Rita. Mapping the Mind, University of California Press. (2000) You will sometimes hear and read in some of our recommended books, the term mind mapping. What they are referring to is neuroanatomy. Today, with all of the functional imaging technological equipment, looking at a live brain, neuroscientists are now able to attribute certain activities and bodily functions and certain thoughts and feelings to taking place in certain parts of the brain. The author writes from more of a journalist perspective then a scientist perspective, and therefore it may be more attractive to the lay reader or the general reader. However, she sometimes as a result oversimplifies certain scientific functions of the brain. But I think because of its novelistic tone, I found it impossible to put this book down, and I read the entire book in one setting. When I finished, I came away with a very very warm and fuzzy feeling about the unbelievable power and capacity of the human brain! And that is a very very good feeling.

I was especially impressed with her use of several sensory illusions that she placed in many of the chapters. These illusions were much fun to use in our seminars with our students and helped explain how our brain processes information. Also her book contains short essays from some other very famous brain research author's, such as Joseph LuDeaux, William Calvin and others. A good fun book to read. Carter-Scott, Cherie, Ph.D. If Success Is A Game, These Are the Rules, Broadway Books (2000) We picked up this book obviously because of its title which includes the word “Success”. As I went through the book, I found many motivational clichés, and many non-scientific approaches in trying to help people reach success. The author uses 10 rules for your journey toward success. (at least the author believes you never really reach success, but rather the journey itself is success) Her 10 rules each had at least 10 clichés in them, and her actions that you should take are not very clear within those rules. For example, she says that wanting success is the first step towards obtaining it. Wow! There is some real news for you! I found therefore, very little useful information, with the possible exception that we agree with her, you must set goals for your journey toward success. And you can't possibly reach success without first finding your passion and making that your major goal. Chandler, Steve. 17 Lies That Are Holding You Back & The Truth That Will Set You Free, Renaissance Books (2000) 1. People lie about their limits: Roger Bannister was the first sub-4:00 mile, people feared that human body wasn’t constructed to run the mile under 4:00…until he did…. then dozens more did it w/I 2 yrs…NOW sixty year olds are bettering earlier gold medal times set by those in their 20s!! 2. WHY? Because humans are learning to expand their minds while the body merely follows!! Some say this is because of better vitamins, training, and nutrition…. BUT that doesn’t explain it!! BECAUSE the same improvement

has not happened with racehorses!! Over the same period of time, horses have also had better training, and nutrition; they’ve even had controlled breeding. Yet no such astounding improvements in the times of racehorses’ speed records have occurred. 3. WHY? Human beings are finding greater and greater power within their minds!!!! 4. Two kinds of people, those who say “I failed at that” and those that say, “I’m a failure”…. no person can be a failure!! 5. Whatever your age, your upbringing, or your education, what you’re made of is mostly unused potential. 6. FOR WIEGHT-LOSS AND CONTROL: We secretly try to keep our body fat the same and our metabolic set point constant! You must then (p 53) consciously override that, long enough, until a new set point is established (30 days) “We live into our picture of ourselves” 7. Not enough t-i-m-e, is spelled lack of p=u=r=p=o=s=e! Use General Custer exp. for winning by lining up our problems one at a time! P 76 8. Very good stuff on Lie # 6: Nothing succeeds like failure!!! If you want to double your success rate double your failure rate!! It is the FEAR of failure, and the FEAR of losing that hurts us, not failure. Use here the John Cooper example at Ohio State, and others: playing not to lose!!! P 84 9. As if hurting yourself is always a bad thing…. BULL, how else do you think a baby learns to walk!!! TO WORRY IS TO PRAY FOR WHAT YOU DON’T WANT”. To worry is because you’re in the habit of worrying! 10. Don’t be addicted to being a victim! P 102-103

11. To the brain, perception IS reality, therefore gently confirm by repetition, a new habit until it sets in and begins confirming itself, w/o any effort from me! P 111 12. Lie # 10 - I wrote in the book “Use this whole chapter! It is powerful!! (People really upset me) I was right! It is terrific 13. Lie “It’s a shame we didn’t catch that on video”, is really about living in the past, to keep ourselves out of action, and exploring the uncertain beauty of what is right in front of us!! 14. That’s just the way I am lie is treated by physiological proof of the contrary, but this book relates it to our lie that if someone else changes, we say the secondary lie: someone or something changed them…. not the truth, which is they changed themselves!! P 174 15. Can use very emotional ending to this module by using the quotes in back of book a. The universe is leaving us clues p 232-234 b. How do we stop the deception? Nelson Mandela quote p 235 Chandler, Steven. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Career Press (2001) This is one of my favorite books! Has many of the 100 ways that are very good. Will need to reread book to pick and chose some of them. 1. You have no personality. You don’t have a fixed personality. That is a myth! We have the “power of continuous creation”(plasticity) THEREFORE: There are no optimistic or pessimistic personalities; there are only single individual “choices” for optimistic or pessimistic thoughts. And I should take this even further; with the science facts are these choices even voluntary? Or are they science-based unless we take and seize control of our thoughts (see # 11 p 36-38 its fantastic!!!) 2. You must create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true! 3. Use #3 “Tell yourself a true lie!”

4. Get the book Brain Building by Marilyn Vos Savant 5. #9 p 34 is a fantastic example of self-steam instead of self-esteem!! Affirmations are good, BUT we believe the truth faster than we believe false affirmations. Therefore the best way to change your belief system is to change the truth about you. Here he suggests if you’re not a good finisher (in your mind) change that…Start keeping tract of “things I’ve finished” Give yourself easy jobs to finish! 6. TAKE ACTING LESSONS p 48 You can motivate yourself, by ACTING like a motivated person 6. Run toward your fear…. there is something great on the other side! 7. Keep thinking!! Excellent example of forcing your brain to go down OTHER, ALTERNATIVE pattern pathways! P 113 8. Use the 5% solution…that’s it! That’s all it takes is 5% more than others do…. Keep thinking!!! P 155 9. Learn VISIONEERING p 159 10. Definitely use No 82, No 93, and No 100 11. And don’t forget to reread this book one night to check for other very good ones….to be related to science! Chartrand, Tanya. MysteryMoods and Perplexing Performance: Consequences of Succeeding and Failing at a Nonconscious Goal. Research manuscript submitted for publication. The Ohio 20 State University (available from the author: [email protected]. (2001) Chudler, Eric. Myths About the Brain: 10 Percent and Counting. Topic Library. (2000) This can be found in the brain connection library on line. This is very much worth reading. There is a lot of talk in some of the text that we recommend and have included in our bibliography, that indicate human beings have never used 100% of their brains capacity. In fact usually we will see something that indicates that man has never used more than 10 percent of his brain’s capacity. This author takes that myth and tries to explain it. Or more correctly he attempts to destroy that myth by explaining that we always are using 100 percent of our brain’s capacity. Otherwise we would be dead! Wow!

That's really good news. But you should read this book anyway, because it's a good example of just how stupid some people that have a Ph.D. degree can be. When people talk about human beings never using a very large percentage of their brain’s capacity, they are referring to the brain’s ENORMOUS capacity to form a new connections of neurons. And this is very true! No human being has ever formed anywhere near 10% of their brains capacity for neuron connections. What this Ph.D. is talking about, is that we constantly use 100 percent of the brain tissue that we currently have. This of course is true, but certainly is not what those of us are referring to when we talk about the brain’s tremendous capacity to do new things. We all have the tremendous capacity to form millions and millions and millions of new connections in our brain. Once we form these new connections, our brain, of course will use all of them. Be sure to call me, Dr. Chudler, when you reach your maximum! [See next book entry!!] Cooper, Robert K. The Other 90%, Crown Publishing Group (2001) Professor Cooper lists 4 keystones to the other 90%: 1. Trust - means building and sustaining exceptional relationships 2. Energy - increasing your call, effectiveness under pressure 3. Farsightedness - creating the future 4. Nerve - exceeding expectations, which lead you back in the circle that trust, is on 1. If everyone else is doing it - DON'T Page 7 - a powerful part of the brain called the amygdala wants that world to run on routine not change - located within the limbic system, which is an ancient area of the mind that deals with the way we deal, perceive and respond to the world. The amygdala relentlessly urges you to favor the familiar and routine - it craves control and safety, which at times can be vital. The amygdala's instincts evolved over thousands of years - we overreact to the negative because that's how our brains evolved - unfortunate. Unless you choose to consciously override this brain tendency you are consigned to

repeating the past for the rest of your life - human nature. When you establish a habit of asking yourself 2 questions - what did you do last week, what will you do this week, as an integral part of your life, it can change your approach to everything you do. Chapter 2 - we've got 3 brains - head, heart, abdomen Page 18, 19 - very good - majority of brain has traits that were learned in the Stone age as hunters, gatherers and that's why we're so negative, because of danger. If you have a great day with one not so great incident, that's the one thing you'll remember about your day. Your reticular activating system when it's given the choice always interprets thing negatively. The limbic system is the seat of emotion in our brain. The limbic system functions 80,000 times faster than the thinking brain, cerebral cortex. Thinking is last, not first and foremost. Why are we so easily swayed by other people? When we get all pumped up at a motivational seminar, p 24, we talk to one negative person, rumors and gossip, they get amplified! (Normal behavior for us from the Stone Age) We've got to change our own evolution. Competitive thoughts can interfere with the best performance - nobody has to lose in order for you to win, p 29. Chapter 4 - Be a Lighthouse, Not a Weathervane - be a guiding light for people in bad weather, don't tell them about the bad weather. Chapter 5 - Dare to Trust! - Leadership quality. When communicating with your employees, sit down, people feel rushed when they're standing. Seated talks are much more effective on our brains. (P 49,50) Give recognition and honor to the greatness in others; don't forget to make other people feel important. Personalize your comments; individualize your remarks for members of a group. That's how you make them feel important. Every week use handwritten notes to acknowledge the efforts of others. Page 88 - New research has confirmed an older study always found compelling: in 1960 a researcher interviewed 1,500 business school students

and classified them into 2 categories; those in it for the money (1,245 members) - those who were going to use their degree to do something they cared deeply about (255 members) - 20 years later, 101 of them were millionaires - all but one of those millionaires came from the 255 people that pursued what they love to do! Page 90 - emotional story about Art Tatum, learning to play piano Let Your Life Speak! Page 124 - 7 things to find a balance in your life Chapter 13 - Align your life with your biggest dreams Page 168 - we must bypass the brain's tendency to focus on the negative and the small - relate that to research about us still being in the Neanderthal stage. At least once a day, switch from the microscope to the telescope. Page 173 - to be a genius, recapture your childhood. Page 187 - Nearly everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world - a huge DO NOT! Hardiness is developed, not found - we're not persistent and tough going in it's something we develop, along with calmness under pressure! You've got to develop the skin of a rhino and the soul of an angel - don't take things personally! It's all about perception. Keep challenging your edges. Climb a different mountain - stretch your comfort zone. Be a relentless architect of the untapped possibilities of human beings. If you do that your path has a purpose that's long beyond where it leads. Covey, Stephen R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Simon & Schuster (1990) Crook, Thomas H. III, Ph.D. and Adderly, Brenda. The Memory Cure, Simon & Schuster (1998) 1. Our limbic system is the area of the brain most responsible for our emotional expressions. 2. One key part of the limbic system is the hypothalamus: it directs those emotional reactions that have to do with survival (the fight or flight syndrome)

3. There are SIX reasons why our memory weakens with age IF left unattended (p 32) 4. See also ‘patterns’ p 33 5. Even better news is that the researchers have found that dendrites can grow new protrusions or spines in response to new experiences, and exercising the mind actually improves our physical capacity for memory! 6. See-messages” p 35 and p 36 and wow on p 37 7. WOW: a piece of brain the size of a grain of rice contains about 1 million nerve cells, 10 billion synapses, and 20 miles of axons. Millions of signals flash thru the brain at any given moment of time. 8. When a new piece of information comes along, it embeds itself in our memory by changing the pattern of the electrical impulses that transport that new piece of information thru our neurons. Long-term memory storage therefore, involves the growth of new synaptic connections between neurons. 9 EXAMPLES!!! Writing wrong year on checks in early January! 10 CHANNEL OPENING: ATTITUDE AND EXERCISES TO READY YOUR BRAIN FOR LEARNING AND CHANGE (changing chairs at a seminar) 11. Draw a two-inch line on a piece of paper without changing the line in any way or folding the paper, make the line shorter!! 12. We need stress in our lives! Cypert, Samuel A.; Believe and Achieve, Avon Books (1991) a. W Clement Stone has 17 Principles of Success, listed herein on p. xiv. Many CEO’s were surveyed and asked to list these in order of most important: a positive mental attitude. b. Definiteness of Purpose was number two, and teamwork (corp. setting) was number three. c. You can’t conceive of how high ‘up’ is, except for the limitations of your own mind! Meaning, once you decide how high it is that you want to go, that is how high you WILL go (no higher) p xviii

d. PMA is a powerful force that will allow you to reach any goal; the secret is control (over your thoughts); and it must be practiced at every waking minute! e. Definiteness of purpose is more than goals, it is the overall career objective; goals are steps along the way, and you must go the extra mile; and learn from every adversity, that has seeds of a greater success. f. Enthusiasm is your fuel; it is the ‘state of mind’ that inspires and arouses one to action; and it is contagious and affects everyone with whom an enthused person comes in contact!! g. THEREFORE, if you don’t have it GET AROUND those that do!! h. Must lie to yourself if necessary and develop a pleasing personality and know how to NETWORK AT THE HIGHEST ORDER (use my anecdote of the black box and the attorney whose son had broken his leg, at JCrt hearing, and then gave me 120,000.00 fee case!! i. “Creative vision” - Imagination/visualization is the workshop of the mind j. Habits empower you to free your conscious mind to focus on success, when you train your subconscious. To control all other activity. k. Also p 22 has good language re: subconscious works 24/7 l. Our measure of success that we achieve in our lifetime---personal professional, financial, or otherwise will be governed more by our attitude than by any other single factor!!!! m. Going the extra mile can become a habit!!! If you do more than you’re paid for, you will be paid soon enough, for more than you do! n. Success and all that goes with it gravitates towards the person who does not accept temp setbacks and adversity as PERMANENT FAILURE! o. 12 rules of good leadership: p 83 p. How to become enthusiastic? ACT IT!!! P 95-98 for rules on how!! q. The secret of success is that that person has made a habit of doing things that failures will not do! r. ‘Mastermind Alliance for business teams or groups…see p 163.

s. Great quote from Clement Stone, “one problem with self-help books is too often they tell you WHAT to do….but they DON’T tell you HOW or WHY!!!!! P 183 t. Page 194-105 shows how to generate ideas and turn into reality u. Might want to re-read Ch 18 on universal law. v. With a self-help speech/seminar/book…there is no conclusion…YOU write the conclusion Czerner, Thomas B., M.D. What Makes You Tick?, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (2001) The author of this book is a clinical ophthalmologist at the University of California School of Medicine. I was excited by the title of this book, and hoping that it would give a very clear indication of how the brain functions, and help us gain scientific foundations for our students to obtain permanent self-motivation skills. However, the author is apparently a frustrated romantic novelist. He goes overboard in his efforts to make his scientific background and information translate to language that we the lay person can understand. However, it remains a fascinating look at how our brain functions, and why we do the things we do. And after all, what we are most interested in are those books that give us the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of our brain. Therefore, it’s worth reading. And in particular Chapter 10 that explains the strengthening of synaptic connections with use of those neuron patterns. When an impulse arrives at a synapse, while levels of neurotransmitters are high as a result of a previous firing of that neuron, a release and buildup of calcium occurs which causes a release of more of neurotransmitters, into that synaptic connections, which produces a stronger signal and a stronger connection. This folks, is what we call learning, and is very much a natural source for your amazing mental capacities. Reading this will help you see the tremendous possibilities that you have from a neuron scientific point of view. Therefore from that perspective it is a good book to read over and over again.

Damasio, Antonio R. The Scientific American Book of the Brain, The Lyons Press (1999) 1. Visualizing the mind - the ability now to actually do a modern brain image of our brain during thought stems from the development and imaging technology that during the past few years has seen Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) coupled with powerful computers that can now capture in real time, images of the actual physiology associated with the thought processes in the brain while we are thinking. 2. These techniques show how specific regions of the brain light up when activities, such as reading, are performed and also show how supporting cells organize and coordinate these tasks. 3. Computed Tomography takes advantage of the fact that different tissues of the brain absorb varying amounts of x-ray energy. 4. It is the blood flow to the brain that provides the signals detected by functional MRI and PET when resting neurons become active, blood flow to them increases and an MRI detects these changes in oxygen level. PET relies on the increase delivery of radioactive injected water, which diffuses out of the vessels to reach all parts of the brain that are in activity. Damasio, Antonio R. The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness. Harcourt Brace. (1999) Deaton, Dennis R. The Book on Mind Management, MMI Publishing (1999) Deckers, Lambert. Motivation—Biological, Psychological, And Environmental, Allyn & Bacon (2001) This is a psychology textbook used in some of the finest universities. It is an upper level course textbook. It is very expensive, and therefore not one that I would recommend that you buy. However, I must tell you that some of the information contained in that book is extremely beneficial to our

understanding of how we obtain intrinsic levels of motivation. Therefore, you may want to go the library and check this book out. If you can't find this book, please e-mail me and, I will send you a copy of the table contents and might consider lending it to you, if you're willing to put up your firstborn as collateral. Chapter 10 specifically is very good, regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Chapter 11 is the best chapter in the book, it is entitled “Goal Motivation”, and finally a very good chapter on the role of emotions in motivation, is Chapter 17. Please note also, this book has one of the best and most extensive bibliographies on the science of motivation research I have ever seen. Make that “on the science of self motivation”. Yes it's even better than mine! If you are interested, e-mail me, and for a small charge I will photocopy the nearly 50 pages of that bibliography and send it to you! Desilet, John. Beginning to Connect Brain Research for the Gifted and Talented. Learning Brain Expo, The Brain Store. (2002) This was a presentation at the Brain Expo in San Diego. This is a research paper presented by Dr. Desilet. He presented information that indicated there is now a better understanding of the connection between the positive emotional support and enriched environments that seem to be available to those children who evolved to a gifted status. Previously of course, it was believed that some child prodigies were born genetically with those skills. But today the new research shows that this is not the case, but rather most evidence shows that the genetic predisposition is only minor and that the enriched environment including such things as positive emotional support, high levels of sensory stimulation, a stress free atmosphere, a high level of positive social interaction, and active participation, (all of which are science indicators for the formation of permanent neuron connections formations), create so-called “gifted” performers!. Donovan, Jim. This is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal, Bovan Publishing Group (1999)

Oh if only a dollar for each pop-psych cliché! 1. “Trying on Success” Go ahead and do things that will give you a glimpse of the more affluent lifestyle to come (test drive that Mercedes.) 2. Children are more enthusiastic, because they live in the present! Yep! That’s it! Dowling, John E. Creating Mind, W. W. Norton & Company (1998) a. Now believe there are between 100 and 1000 billion neurons in each human brain…more than there are stars in the Milky Way!! b. Has the best pictures and explanations of the structure of neurons and synapses. (Chapter 2) c. Reticular formation neurons exert their effects on virtually all parts of the brain. d. The cerebral cortex alone has about 10 billion neurons (out of 100-1000 billion) (1% to 10%) e. DO WE SEE WITH OUR EYES or OUR MIND?? (See picture on p 118 and on p 120) f. The maturing brain. P 135+ gives ALL of us great hope and excitement!! For certain regions of the brain, especially ones concerned with higher neural processing, substantial neuronal modification and synaptic PLASTICITY can continue throughout life…Harvard experiments prove that substantial remodeling of the brain circuitry can occur. g. P 159 Stephen Kosslyn of Harvard, has shown that when we form a mental image of something (like Snoopy the dog for example with his floppy ears) the visual areas of the occipital cortex are more active, as though we are actually seeing snoopy or a picture of snoopy!!! h. P 163 we have more vivid memories of events that evoke a strong emotional response!! i. We usually think of strong emotions as interfering with rational behavior; but they also trigger in us a plan of action! j. THE FUTURE? Certainly our increased understanding of brain mechanisms will have enormous impact on how humans conduct their affairs!

Dozier, R. Fear Itself: The Origin and Nature of the Powerful Emotion That Shapes Our Lives and Our World. St Martin’s Press. (1998) Dryden, Gordon and Vos, Dr. Jeannette. The Learning Revolution, The Learning Web (1999) [not done] Durand, Dave. Perpetual Motivation, ProBalance, Inc. (2000) a. Another ho-hum book with weathered clichés, including the authors formulas for success: Motivation = the pursuit of life’s perfect balance + influence + creativity + sense of humor, minus Runaway self-esteem. Pleeezzzzze explain??? b. Has some good sayings in it “If we use a mirror for our windshield, sooner or later we will crash” p 43 is a good quote! c. The six balance points for Life: p 52 to get a balance in your life! d. Try to be a man not of success, but of value. Have Integrity Based Influence (IBI) p 99. There are seven (7) traits of IBI people, p 104. Dyer. Dr. Wayne W. Your Erroneous Zones, HarperCollins Publishers (1995) You are the sum total of your choices. 25 questions to ask yourself, page 6&7 You alone control what enters your head as a thought – if you don’t control your thoughts, who does? Only you control your thinking. You cannot have a feeling which is an emotion without first having a thought. Take away your brain and your ability to feel is wiped out. A feeling is a physical reaction to a thought. A cry, blush, increase in heart rate – first signal from you thought center. People do not make you unhappy; you make yourself unhappy by your thoughts. To be a happy healthy person, you’ve got to think differently. If you’re going to have new thinking it requires awareness of the old thinking. A thought becomes a belief when you’ve worked on it repeatedly. If you still believe that you do not choose to be unhappy try to imagine this: every time you became unhappy you were subjected to a severe painful

electrical shock. How long would you continue to hold onto unhappy feelings if that happened? Your brain has enough storage capacity to accept 10 new facts every 10 seconds of your life. 100 trillion words (capacity of brain) If you are growing you are alive, if you are not growing you might as well be dead. Page 32 – example, if you were told at gunpoint that you had to learn to run a mile under 4 ½ minutes in one year of else I’m going to kill you, you would learn to do that within a year. In order to master you must repeat – repetition, repetition, repetition… You need to work on loving yourself – good self-image, do not need other people’s approval. Approval in itself is not unhealthy – approval seeking is an erroneous zone when it becomes a need instead of a want. We are constantly bombarded with messages encouraging us to seek approval (page 73) We now know that with plasticity of the brain there are 4 neurotic senses that you cannot use again – that’s just me; I’ve always been that way; I can’t help it; that’s just the way I am; that’s my nature. Page 96 list – 10 typical I AM categories Two of the most useless emotions are guilt and worry. Eliminate guilt (page 125) - keeping a guilt journal Explore the unknown, only the insecure strive for security. You must be spontaneous and be open to new experiences. Page 155 – nothing fails like success, because you do not learn anything from success, you only learn from failure. With failure we learn to treasure success. It’s the journey that’s important!! Page 170 – internal vs. external locus (?) of control. You can automatically go into the top 25% of people if you’ve learned to internalize control, if you assign responsibility for your emotional state in all of your present moments

to someone or something external to yourself you are like 75% of the people. You only come in the top 25% if you take responsibility for how you feel squarely on your won shoulders. You’ve got to get rid of external thinking. You can never find fulfillment if you persist in permitting yourself to be controlled by external forces. All blame is a total waste of time. Blame will never change you. Chapter 8 – Justice Trap; fairness is an external concept, a way of avoiding taking charge of your own life. Decide what you really want then set about devising strategies for getting it, independent of what anyone in the world wants or does. Jealously is a demand for justice sideshow!! Page 208, 209 – list of things for which you can demand justice Page 213 – strategies for giving up the feudal insistence for justice. Your emotional life is independent of what anyone else thinks or says. Page 229 – techniques for ousting procrastination behavior (229 – 232) “You are treated the way you teach others to treat you!!!” Page 275 – Portrait of a Person Who Has Eliminated All Erroneous Zones; look at that for look at perfect person! Don Hudson, NSA Convention – “a dog on a hunt don’t know he’s got fleas” Dyer, Dr. Wayne W. You’ll See It When You Believe It ,Avon Books (1990) This is the second book by Dr. Dyer that we have reviewed. The other book is ABOVE. That book was good, this book is even better. Several chapters in this book are excellent! Chapter 2 entitled “Thought”, provides an excellent explanation for the ‘how’ and ‘why’ and the necessity for visualizations, and the four principles that affect your ability to create effective visualizations. Great stuff! If you read only that chapter the book is worth the price. The first half of the book is very good, but the last few chapters get a little too carried away into the depths of outer space for me. Here are the four principles for effective visualization: number one-your actions always come from your images; number two-your visualization must be in the present tense; number three-you must be willing to do whatever it

takes until your visualization turns into reality; and number four-you must realize there is no such thing as failures you cannot fail you can only produce negative results not fail . Edelman, Gerald, et al. A Universe of Consciousness: How Matter Becomes Imagination. Basic Books. (2000) Eiffert, Steven D. Cross-Train Your Brain, AMA Publications (1999) 1. You cannot train your brain, until you understand how it functions. You have to be aware of the way you think 2. By the time we are 40, we are expressing less than two % of the measurable creativity that we demonstrated as young children. 3. What makes you creative: page 5 4. How we became NOT creative page 25-27 5. How to change: BIG WOW page 29!!!!! Your brain is always seeking patterns learned from previous experiences or activities or thoughts; and projecting them into new situations! 6. Number of negative messages per day to positive 6 out of 7!! Page 37 7. How to change to positive!!!! Page 42-46 Change perspective-change expectation-visualize!!!!! Very good examples of creative visualization!! Page 78 8. Negative evolution. Very good example of limbic system explanation page 80-82 9 Trust the Darkness! Very good explanation of intuition and other ways of gathering information. HOT TIP page 102!!! BETTER EXPLANATION is on pages 108-109 on the INTUITIVE MIND!! Also see citation p 110 and also do exercise page 119 See also meditation exercise page 142 and 144 10 Maybe want to get some hollusions and do this in class!!! Page 147 11 Also may want to use a “playful atmosphere! See page 158-159 12 Absolutely do “context Shifting exercise page 160-161 13. See question for audience on page 179 and ask mine! 14 NOTHING CHANGES THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE MORE THAN THE QUALITY OF YOUR THINKING…..Steve Eiffert

Ellis, Keith. The Magic Lamp, Random House, Inc. (1994) Cause and Effect: One must first do more than you’re being paid, to make yourself worth more than you’re being paid! The ‘cause’ must always come first!! Once it does you can always count on the effect! Lock on. 2. Act 3. Manage your progress. 4. Persist To get whatever you want in life, you only have to set in motion the appropriate cause, and the effect will take care of itself. 1. Teaching how to brainstorm. Page 5+ 2. VERY GOOD: procedure to determine your top priorities. P 8 – 11 31 3. Page 19 Finding your ‘purpose’ “It’s not what you achieve that brings you joy; it’s the person you must become in order to achieve it! 4. You don’t get what you want from life; you get what you are! 5. Chapter 4 Eleven steps in goal selection; see attached 6. Chapter 5 The Plan: List the steps; arrange in order of most sense; then break into smaller steps (outline) UNTIL you create steps so small they appear inviting to you!! WOW!! Then set deadlines; milestones; scheduling; and DO NOT FORGET: PROGRESS REPORTS---WRITTEN!! 7. Focus on the smallest step you can think of! The secret is to make that first step so simple, so unintimidating, that you give yourself no reason to resist it! See LIE example p 48 8. New habits = 30 days, and you cannot skip even one! If you do not have to start over!! 9. Visualization – internal practice: foul shot example p 53, use exercises p 54-55 to see how this really works!! PREMEMORIES 10. AFFIRMATIONS – using all the senses! See attached p 58-59 11. Positive thinking – is not about trying to fool yourself; it is about acknowledging that there are both a positive and a negative side to every circumstance and we, solely, have the total ultimate power, to dwell on one or the other. We can choose the cloud or the silver lining! 12. Affirmations on the other hand are a way to practice a new way of thinking…a new thinking habit!

13. Discomfort is good (out of comfort zone) the process of change itself is uncomfortable (changing seats in seminars) BUT, that’s not a symptom of something wrong, it’s a symptom of something right!! It’s called Growth! 14. P 69-70 There are two kinds of time: vertical time and horizontal time. Vertical = hours in one day devoted to a project; horizontal = command of entire lifetime. Which do you think is more powerful?? See attached p 70. 15. Even ordinary effort over time yields extraordinary results! 16. To do list: Important vs. urgent!! Separate list into 4 categories p 88 and jar with big rocks – full etc. Moral is always room to do more (squeeze in) NO. Moral is, there will be no room for big rocks unless you put them in first!! 17. Problem solving: see attached p 100-101. Give it to your subconscious!!! 18. 5 step strategy to get a ‘yes’ p 106-110 and never accept a NO!! (#5) 19. The world calls it luck! I call it focus p 118. 20. Very good example of what I was talking about re: procrastination!! P 123 sometimes we NEED to and it is very GOOD! 21. Chapter 18 gives me another science topic from physics called “entropy” – the tendency of everything in the world to deteriorate! 22. Think of your attitude as a skill…not an emotion! So don’t worry about feeling positive…concentrate on acting positive and thinking positive. Don’t worry about how you feel, worry about what you do and what you think!!!! ******** 23. Fear: concentrate on the execution and not the result!! Putting…pitching, etc. 24. The myth of self-discipline. Success flows from passion, not selfdiscipline. Successful people do what they need to do whether they like it or not. That’s self-discipline…EXCEPTIONALLY successful people do what they need to do because they love it!! That’s PASSION!! 25. MJUST see attached p 154-155. Fall in love with the cause, and the effect will take care of itself! 26. Play the pauses! Know when to quit. That’s right! Quit!! See p 157, and 160 (relate to 440 race)

27. And don’t forget what I’ve teaching in class to Continuing Education students. Anticipate your success and plan for it!!! P 162-163 Emmetts, Resa. The Procrastinator’s Handbook: The Art of Getting it Done Now This book is filled with clichés. The book does not really give any scientific basis for helping you overcome procrastination. This is probably not the kind of book that will help our students. There is no neuroscience explanation at all in this book. For example, as one of the projects in the book it simply asks you to list the five things you are currently putting off in your life. Then she asks you to list the fears that are holding you back on these items. Then the book simply tells you that you need to overcome these fears. Wow! What terrifically good news. Then the book stops. It gives you no further information on how to change permanently those neuron patterns, nor how to overcome those fears, nor the basis of those fears. Not recommend. Farndon, John. The Big Book of the Brain, NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group (2000) 1. The pituitary gland (straight back from between the eyes, controls the release of chemicals called hormones. 2. See page 14 for good drawing of what a nerve cell (neuron) looks like 3. Page 16-17 has good explanation. Of neurotransmitters and the lock and key concept of how different types of signals (thoughts) only go one direction or route, even though many nerves are interconnected (“pass it on”) 4. We drive and see to drive or ride a bike mostly with our subconscious mind. Inside your brain, a bundle of nerves called the “superior colliculus” is constantly monitoring the signals coming from your eyes!!!!!!!! It makes you dodge instantly of someone swerves into your path!!! 5. Dreams are mentioned on page 40-41, as possible indications of your subconscious. Fortgang, Laura Berman. Take Yourself To The Top, Warner Books, Inc. (1998)

Written by a ‘coach’ who works with many clients as a Coach, and does most via the telephone! Title implies she might explain how to become YOUR OWN coach—self-coached—as it were; similar to self-motivated, but I did not find material in text to correlate to that unfortunately. But may be able to use some of the things in book, if we go to a ‘coaching’ seminar or consulting module in the future. 1. To reach success, you may need to fire some people in your life. That is, fire people emotional! You will no longer be investing in them or in your relationship with them! 2 You are what you tolerate! 3. Your fantastic subconscious knowledge, I.Q., and experience are only available to those who are willing to hear it! Three keys to developing your intuition: create daily silent time; know how to frame your question or concern; Trust your intuitions message (answer) AND learn how to distinguish intuition from fear! (Anything loud, jarring, or upsetting from your subconscious, is fear…if your intuition needs to send you a warning, it will do it in a gentle way.. 4. Do not lay it off as coincidence; there is no such thing p 36-37 5. Set up your 135 plan!! (1 yr., 3 yr., 5yr) 6. Managing your time: see attachments for steps and method 7. Also see attached for list of NEEDS 8. Operate your mouth on a seven second delay! 9. Reread Chapter 10 p 140 regarding How to chase your reams, yet deal with what is real: Banking on a miracle! 10 YOUR INSIDE TEN: In your personal ‘community’, you will want to grow a circle around you of ten people you can count on! They bring out your best; and they are generous with you! 11. Create and STAY IN TOUCH with your frontline 20(defined on p 180) these are the ones who bring in business simply because they believe in you! 12 Fifteen ways to SERVE PEOPLE p 183-184 # 13-make people more important than anything else! 14-Keep your promises-15. Send people a note or card when they are down.

Gabriel, Gerald. What is Emotional Intelligence? www.brainconnection.comm. Topic Library. (May 2000) Glynn, Ian. An Anatomy of Thought, Oxford University Press (1999) 34 Not done Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books (1995) Goleman, Daniel. Working With Emotional Intelligence, Bantam Books (1998) Not done Goleman, Daniel. Vital Lies, Simple Truths, Simon & Schuster (1985) 1. Title had such good potential too! But no content-“The Psychology of self-deception [MAY WANT TO USE THIS TITLE OR VARIATION!] 2. Titles of use: Why dimmed attention soothes pain (see my own thesis) Mental pain makes cognitive static (ditto) Machinery of mind! Anxiety is stress out of place! 3. Only good stuff I found: page 117+ on forgetting and forgetting we have forgotten—Explains how and why we: Repression; Rationalization: Denial; Projection; sublimation; and Selective inattention!! Re-read these 4. VERY GOOD AND MUST RE-READ-FINAL 10 PAGES P 241-251 ON “THE VIRTUES OF SELF-DECEPTION AND VITAL LIES AND SIMPLE TRUTHS!!!!!! Greenberger, Dennis, Ph.D. Padesky, Christine A., Ph.D. Mind Over Mood, The Guilford Press (1995) a. Whenever we experience a mood, there is a thought connected with it, which helps define the mood. “Mood/Thought Connection” But this guys got it in the wrong order! Your thought causes the mood, NOT vise versa!! (And

then on p 23, he tells us that positive thinking is not the answer!! I love this guy! b. THEN he goes on to explain how you should monitor and record on paper each (and identify) each of your moods!! Talk about stupidity empowering your moody side and telling your subconscious to BE moody!!!! c. Would only use this book as an example of BAD information, and LACK of BRAIN Knowledge. And this author is a PhD!! a. Picture on p 38 of what we would look like if we were proportional to the space in the cortex devoted to each body part b. If we took a piece of the brain, the size of a match head alone, there could be up to one billion connections on that surface. c. Research found (p117) that the number of connections in the brain had increased only in the animals in the enriched environment, not in those from the ordinary cages. d. It appears then therefore, that sheer numbers of neurons are NOT as important as the connections between them in the brain, and these connections are highly changeable, not just in the developmental brain but also in adulthood!!! Specific experiences will enhance the connectivity in highly specific neuronal circuits. e. Memory (p 133) is somehow associated with the overlapping circuits of neurons, and the more emotional the memory experience, the more overlapping circuits we have (are formed) f. If explicit memory for events and facts depend s on an initial dialogue between the cortex and certain subcortical structures, perhaps this same arrangement could also apply to the laying down of skills and habits: implicit memory!! g. Mystifying mysterious issue: We know that some people can remember (have memory) of events ninety yrs ago; but by then every molecule in their body has been turned over many times… so how are the memories sustained??? How do neurons register more or less permanent change as a result of experience???? Attempted answer p 142-144.

Greenfield, Susan A. The Private Life of the Brain. Wiley. (2000) Haebig, Jeff, Ph.D. Body-Brain Branches, Wellness Quest (2001) Hannaford, Carla, Ph.D. Smart Moves, Great Ocean Publishers (1995) Hay, Louise L. 101 Power Thoughts, Hay House (1995) (Audio Cassette) Helmstetter, Shad, Ph.D. What To Say—When You Talk to Yourself, Simon & Schuster, Inc. (1982) Read not written…GREAT BOOK Hill, Napoleon. Keys to Success, Penguin Books (1994) 1. The greatest benefit of definiteness of purpose is that it opens your mind to the quality known as faith. YES quality! It makes your mind positive and frees it from the limitations of doubt, discouragement, indecision, and procrastination. 2. Any dominating idea, plan or goal held in your conscious mind thru repeated effort and emotionalization by a burning desire is taken over by the subconscious and acted upon. This repeated exposure of the subconscious to the IMAGE of your desire is crucial… You must work at the process repeatedly until you have transferred the EXACT image you want. 3. Don’t be afraid to work yourself up emotionally. The intensity with which you impress your subconscious with a picture of your plan, DIRECTLY affects the speed with which the subconscious will go to work to attract the picture’s physical counterpart by inspiring you to make the right steps Your mastermind alliance must be like thinking. 4. There are ten basic motives why people will help you from sex to selfexpression to wealth: see page 18. 5. PMA includes: faith, integrity, hope, optimism, courage, initiative, generosity, tolerance, tact, kindliness, and good common sense! 6. FAITH IS THE ESSENCE OF EVERY GREAT ACHIEVEMENT!!!!! 7. Emotions are essential, BUT there are 7 negative emotions as well as 7 positive ones!! See attached list page 40 8. Your mind attracts anything it dwells upon! Most people go thru life thinking about the things they DON”T want to happen, and they probably experience every one of them!

9. Be a 2% club member: Most people just go thru life wishing for things… no power to shape anything (70%) Some people develop their wishes into desires. They want the same thing constantly, but that is the end of their commitment and effort (10%) Some people turn these w and d into hope (they dare to imagine that they might get what they seek (8%) Some people turn this into belief: they actually expect what they want will actually happen (6%) Some transform this belief into a burning desire, which develops into faith (4%) FINALLY, a very few take this faith and make a plan to get what they want and then take ACTION! (2%) 10. Enthusiasm is the fuel that drives things forward! 11. ACT enthusiastic (lie!) and keep a log. For a month: write down the circumstances that inspire you and the manifestations of that enthusiasm. 12. WARNING: If you have to resort to enthusiasm boosters frequently, something is wrong! You have strayed from your vision, and maybe you got the wrong one…Get a vision check=up!! 13. Since the only things you can totally control are your thoughts, your success depends on the strength and quality of your controlled habits! 14. ALL OF YOUR EFFORTS TO IMPRESS YOUR DEFINITE MAJOR PURPOSE ON YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS, WORK TO STIMULATE YOUR CREATIVE IMAGINATION. Creative imagination has its base in the subconscious. It is the medium thru which you recognize new ideas. 15. Sex is your most precious and constructive drive; it is also the most easily debased. Sex is behind all creative forces that advance human destiny. Why? Because the desire for sex causes us to work to please others, and out of that work spring kindness and the understanding of others

Hill, Napoleon. Think & Grow Rich, Ballantine Books (1960) a. Thoughts are real things!! b. “I will never stop because a man said ‘no’!!” Darby mine anecdote! c. Many times success will have come…just ONE STEP beyond where defeat has overtaken you! d. Success comes to those who become success conscious…Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious e. Another weakness in far too many people is the habit of measuring everything, and everyone, by their own impressions and beliefs!! (Bannister) f. See page 29 for 1937 words that describe 2001 ideas on neuro-science and success!!!!!! g. A burning desire is the starting point of all achievement! A goal!! h. How to turn desire into gold: page 35-36 i. SECOND step is faith or belief!! (Use LIE evidence here to show how easy this is!!!) See p 50 and 53-54 for techniques! j. THIRD step: autosuggestion==influencing the subconscious! k. FOURTH step: special knowledge and FIFTH step is imagination: technique to exercise your imagination: page 91 l. SIXTH step is organized planning, which MUST include making plans to replace those that fail!!! m. For business groups: “the major attributes of leadership” and the ten most causes of failure in leadership: pages 105 to 109 n. 31 causes of failure: pages 120-126 o. Procrastination mastery is SEVENTH step, and is caused usually by not knowing what you really want!! p. Persistence training and personal persistence inventory!!! P 157-159 q. Persistence technique: p 162 r. “Power of Ten” applied back to Hill in 1937...multiply brain power: p 170 s. Chapter 11 tells we need to practice “sex transmutation” for success!! 38 t. Re Read and USE chapters 12-13-14 on SUBCONSCIOUS---THE BRAIN---THE SIXTH SENSE!!! u. Chapter 15 lists the six basic fears: page 222

Horton, Cody. Consciously Creating Wealth, Higher Self Workshops (1996) Sounds like it should/could be a good source book. Unfortunately, it is not science based. That I will have to do!!!! 1. Imagination is more important than knowledge-A. Einstein 2. We must think FROM and not OF what we want in life. The rich man and poor man and thief, all are experiencing reality FROM what they have imagined for themselves! 3. Reality is a picture of your expectations. 4. Does have some good exercises, such as the article about yourself on p 13 and p 31 at the end of each chapter 5. Your thoughts create your reality!! Consciousness is the only reality. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OUTSIDE OF YOU CREATES THE CIRCUMSTANCES YOU PRESENTLY FIND YOURSELF IN!!!!! 6. Our experiences are created by what we EXPECT to see. You are programmed to expect the worst. So you must consciously change that program!! Go away from external justifications and look within!! 7. F-E-A-R False evidence appearing real! When you are “in fear”, you generate the energy needed to eventually bring whatever you fear into your reality experience: THEREFORE: Never act or make important decisions when you feel you are in fear, hurried, frustrated, angry, undecided, or in a negative state of consciousness! Wait until you have time to center yourself! Never make a decision based on fear! (Does not apply to those times when physiologically motivated to make a spontaneous or automatic response) 8. Use ALL of your senses when creating good memories! 9. You walk through whatever you think! 10. Words on p75 and 76 can be used to program your subconscious, similar to research being done by Ohio State lady. 11. “Rewrite” the past in your imagination!!! Your thoughts are in the present and they can rewrite the past!

Howard, Pierce J., Ph.D. The Owner’s Manual for The Brain, Bard Press (2000) Page 40,41 - within each synapse hundreds of receptors on the dendrite side wait for the proper chemical to be exuded from its dedicated axon. These chemicals are called ligands. They make up chemicals known as neurotransmitters, peptides and steroids. Only 1 type of receptor can admit its dedicated ligand. Lock and key type system. Only an endorphin can attach to an endorphin receptor; i.e., dopamine would bounce off of it. Page 41 - Fig. 2.3 - brain process at a glance Each neuron in the brain is connected to hundreds of other neurons by anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 synapses. 32 million years to count the synapses in the cerebral cortex alone. Ligands either are excitation or inhibition creators. List of some neuro-transmitters: 1. Norepinephrine/noradrenaline - helps establish new synapses associated with learning and memory. 2. Calpinpaine - serves as cleanser when released by calcium into synaptic gap 3. Endorphins - the morphine within the brain, tranquilize and analgesic 4. Serotonin - low levels are associated with depression while increased levels are associated with sleep and relaxation 5. GABA - gamma aminobutyic acid - inhibitor, low levels increased with low levels of serotonin, people can become violent and aggressive **** There is scientific evidence that talking in and of itself promotes positive emotions, therefore if you know people who need cheering up, get them engaged in conversation either actively or passively and it will cause them to emit and promote positive emotions. Chapter 3 - p 52 - 54 List and explain all of the machinery of science in medicine that we now have to study the brain, PET, SPE, CT, MRI, etc. Page 96 - whenever the limbic system and cerebral cortex have to compete for scant supplies of glucose the limbic system always wins. Starving the

cerebral cortex and making emotional behavior dominant (the limbic system in control) and pushing rational behavior into the background. Page 114 -caffeine usually produces feelings of energy and motivation, however caffeine/coffee has a dark side, see p 114 Page 117 - continued use of marijuana scientifically has been shown to cause or result in amotivational syndrome, which is the lethargic, self-defeating behavior resulting in loss of interest in work, school, abandonment of longterm goals and plans and the loss of pleasure in normal activities. We should maximize the use of 'natural highs' such as aerobic exercise and laughter. Page 118 - our brain uses 25% of all oxygen brought into out bodies. Nicotine interrupts the flow of oxygen to the brain particularly to the right hemisphere of the brain. This resulting oxygen deprivation is accompanied by decreased metabolism of sugar, which translates into sluggish and faulty memory, ineffective problem solving and lower mental output in general. Page 148 - regard your dreams as forms of 'brain storming'. Page 351 - the word 'emotion' comes from Latin which means 'to move', closely related to the word motivation - an action towards a goal, therefore, to the degree I am motivated I am pursuing a goal - to the degree that I'm emotional I'm perceiving either a threat to my goal (negative emotion) or significant progress towards my goal (positive emotion). Page 352 - 19.2 - a model for emotions: 1. Event 2. Your perception of the event 3. Your appraisal of the pursued event 4. Filtering of the appraisal (status of your body) 5. Your reaction to the appraisal Page 354 - rational decision making and planning cannot occur without access to the emotions - emotions are necessary for reasoning to occur. Topic 19.9 - page 370 - never confuse emotions with moods Page 377 - difference between being motivated and unmotivated

Photo copy page 378 and 379 - attach to this book bullet - use in any presentation on motivation Page 382 - look at book 'Learned Optimism' Page 385 - one of the best tools for changing pessimistic to optimistic is having positive expectation. Page 388 - defines fear and distinguishes between fear and anxiety Page 391- what we have to do to relieve stress and stressors that create this release of chemicals from our prehistoric days (fight or flight) List of 15 different things Page 425 and 426 - number 7 - very good if working with management people in corporations - evolutionary psychology Page 437 - the speed of habituation is associated with the threshold of the peripheral nervous system. Page 512 - topic 24.11 - lists some applications for a public speaker to develop their prestige as a public speaker Figure 25.1, p 528 - may be useful in future, process of memory formation chart Part 9 of this book - p 648, The Brain in the Workplace - working smarter Page 656- topic 32.2 - empowerment, extrinsic vs. intrinsic rewards, consensus of current thinking is that motivation revolves around who sets a course of action - external or internal? Internal motivators are developed when people participate in goal setting and problem solving as opposed to letting others set their goals and make their decisions and solve their problems. Page 662 - table 32.2 - 6 methods for communicating expectations - deals with Pygmalion effect or 'self-fulfilling prophecy' Page 663- item #4, states 'in many situations one positive person can turn an entire team around - the opposite is also true' Page 687- negative ions are essential for high energy and positive mood highest around moving water, storms, and oceans. (Write it Down, Make it Happen)

Part 9 deals with the workplace - develop into a whole module into the science of the most productive workplace, design, lighting, etc. Page 741 - topic 36.4 - the ecstasy of prayer, effects of prayer - shows clearly scientifically a positive effect with the use of prayer. Amen and amen!! Hutson, Don; Crouch, Chris; Lucas, George. The Contented Achiever, Black Pants Publishing (2001) 1. When you don’t consider money, you make the right choice, and the right choice always leads to money! Relate to Harvard or Yale study done in 196080 AND 1980 to 2000 1250 graduates 945($) vs. 255(love)= 101 millionaires 100=love 2. Success model: A clear vision of what you desire; An accurate assessment of your reality; An action plan that will move you from your current reality to your vision 3. BE EMOTIONAL. Invest your daily time on activities that create positive internal emotions (self-actualization! 4. Sometimes your beliefs need glasses (corrective lens), when you’re not seeing too straight! 5. 5 Never underestimate the power of self-talk!!! 6. The quickest way to change someone else is to change something about YOU! When you are attacking someone else---look in the mirror! You may be attacking them for something you don’t like about yourself. Hyman, Steven. U. S. House of Representatives: Briefing on the BrainBody Connection. National Institute of Mental Health. November 5, 1997 Israel, Richard; Whitten, Helen; and Shaffran, Cliff. Your Mind at Work, Kogan Page Limited (2000) 1. Check into other books written by author in intro page viii 2. Need for corp. personnel to gain self-knowledge. And therefore raise team capabilities and whole-brain potential

3. Preface says in a way what I say: the more you know about yourself, you will think more creatively, learn faster, be a better communicator, and raise your personal value!! It’ll raise your thinking power by giving you an understanding of how your brain works!! 4. Just like driving becomes a habit and therefore automatic and by the subconscious; your habits resulting from your belief systems affect the way you think, learn, and communicate and YET you can be TOTALLY unaware of these silent forces at work!! 5. You have approximately 40,000 thoughts a day and the majority are negative. You also repeat about 60% from the previous day so you repeat what you thought about yesterday…day after day! Ask yourself: Is my thinking resulting in the quality of life I desire? 6. So if you want to install a mental filter, you must FIRST become AWARE of your thinking patterns!! 7. Thoughts like beliefs can become automatic…The more often you have that thought, the more likely it is to become a habit and develop into an unconscious thought pattern (negative) Thoughts become habits as the connection between cells strengthens. Each time you repeat a thought it is more likely to become a habit! The more often you have a thought, the more easily the message passes from one cell to another. But remember, it works both ways!! So change your negatives immediately into something that is more supportive of your goals/vision. 8. Book has some very good ‘workshop’ type self-analysis quizzes, etc to use with Corp clients!! 9. Good description of the Chemistry of stress! Page 108+ 10 Good chapter on meetings! How and why!! P 170+ Jeffers, Susan, Ph.D. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, Ballantine Books (1987) a. “All you have to do to diminish your fear is to develop more

trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way!” You ARE still alive aren’t you! b. The only way to get rid of the fear of doing something is to go out and do it! c. As long as you are GROWING, fear will never go away. It is a necessary product of growth. d. Best science one of all Part 3: p 33 Fear is not the problem! From Pain to Power! e. Seven ways to reclaim your power p 67 f. It is amazingly empowering to have the support of a strong, motivated and inspirational group of people!!! g. OOPS! Model p 127 . Jeffries, Rosiland. 101 Recognition Secrets, Performance Enhancement Group Publishing (1996) People will go the extra mile when they feel appreciated. For example, when they feel good about themselves. So make them feel good about themselves by showing appreciation and recognition! Most employees are starved for ‘thank-you’s” The American educational system has traditionally emphasized errors by marking them in bright red. Meanwhile, correct answers go unmarked--seemingly unrecognized. Same in business, we call them in to the office when things have gone wrong! THIS IS NORMAL EVOLUTION!! Recognition is the right kind of attention as well as a powerful motivator. THEREFORE a self-motivator needs to learn self-recognition!! Use childhood and adult anecdote here of always setting pretend competition and fantasy goals and games (folding so many papers before train gets here, etc. Recognition is unlike compensation—recognition is EMOTION BASED. Therefore it will leave a much more LASTING IMPRESSION (P 5 AND SEE ALSO ‘WHY’ ON P 8-9 and characteristics on p 11) Many good examples in text: We praise them to success! P 19

Praising all alike is praising none!! Starting on p 69 the author explains what employees want and is a good section for a review, if your seminar is with management people on how to use recognition with their employees! Jensen, Eric. Completing the Puzzle, The Brain Store, Inc. (1997) Jensen, Eric. Brain-Based Learning, The Brain Store, Inc., (2000) Johnson, Debbie. Think Yourself Thin, HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. (1996) (Audio Cassette) Kagan, Spencer. Multiple Intelligences: Strategies, Vision and Myths. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002) Kahn, Adam. Self-Help Stuff That Works, You Me Works (1999) This is a good book, filled with anecdotal styles articles (117 of them) These articles are divided into 3 topic-groups: Attitude, Work, and People. Although most are not niche-specific, some are very usable, and I have marked those with an”S4S” and did some highlighting. A. Attitude 1. Optimism: p 9 Optimism and health and t cells: p 13 2. NLP: p 23 3. Weight-loss and quit-smoking persistence: p 30 4. You can’t STOP negative thoughts: p 38 and + thoughts p 43 5. Feelings, perception and the adrenaline shot experiment p57 6. Worry and health p 60 7. ABSOLUTELY USE “Fighting Spirit” example (optimist) p 64 8 A simple way to change how you feel: ACT; Win the Oscar! P 80 9 Why ask Why, what you need is “HOW!” p 114 10. See summary list of Attitude Principles p 125 B. Work 1 page 151 cute!! Page 158: use

2. Spirit of competition! P182 3. Teaching self-help: p 208 4. BEST IN BOOK: Unnatural Acts: p 223 The Evolution of being negative thinkers!!! Its natural!!! 5. Work Principles p 235 C. People 1. Who to complain to: p 252 2. Good quotes p 255, 265, 281, 298, 308,309, 338 3. Act your way to respect p 268 4. Use “We’re Family” example p 299 5. Doug needs to PERSONALLY use p 311-312 6. How to get what you want from others: p 317 7. Self-confidence vs. self-consciousness: 323 8. Right makes might!! GOOD! Use it re subconscious!! P 334 9. People principles p 345+ Keller, Jeff. Attitude is Everything, INTI Publishing & Resource Books, Inc. (1999) a. Many, many statements in this book are examples of what I do not want to teach! It gives cliché after cliché that I might want to use as examples of motivation that doesn't last (we don't know "WHY?") P 30, 31, 32, 33, 38. Finally, on p 39 an answer to "why." Again, p 55, a good one. P 66, on the call with fake food poisoning, example. b. The "why" shows up again on p 90 c. Fear, and facing it p 101 and putting under pressure and pitching under pressure: concentrate on the execution!!!! Come up with and write the "Scientific "WHY" Doug. P 102 d. Networking gets results quicker: Lesson 12, p 118 Klauser, Henriette Anne. Write It Down, Make It Happen, Scribner (2000) a. The RAS and the blue Honda story! P 33 and 34

b. If you are not sure what you want as a goal, get up early every day for 3 weeks and start writing for 15 minutes and don't reread what you've written. Your subconscious will tell/let you know what you want! P 48 c. Bad news: When your subconscious sends you your answers (ideas), they go into your short-term memory, THEREFORE YOU MUST HAVE WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES, A RECORDER OR MEANS OF WRITING DOWN ALL OF THESE IDEAS IMMEDIATELY!! It is not a question of getting these answers or opportunities; it is a question of noticing them and then recording them!!! Have a brain suggestion box. d. Not only do you have to write what you want (goals)…but also you must visualize what life will be like when (not if) you have them!! Write this down too! Rehearse it!!! e. Write down your fears too! So they are the real size and not made larger by "powers of ten" rule. f. You must move beyond the outcome and look toward the outcome of the outcome!!! AND WHY you want what you want p 116-121 g. Chapter 16: Resistance has meaning and Chapter 20 Handling Breakdowns Knaus, Dr. William J. Do It Now!, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., (1998) Well, as you can see, there are not many marks in this book! This means that I feel that it is filled with dung…crap…poop…and Shinola. But, the book has been a big help, because it has helped bring me to the realization that there is no such thing as procrastination, or that it doesn’t matter…WE HAVE TO PROCRASTINATE...we can’t possibly get every thing done that we THINK we NEED (want) to do... What’s wrong is how we choose those things to put off!!! We should then do one of two things. Just breakdown your ABCDE ‘to-do’ list that we learn in a subsequent BB into smaller and smaller steps until you can take action simply by falling-forward or falling-down!

OR we learn how to properly evaluate and recognize important priorities (is that a redundant oxi-moron??) So that we get the important (selfactualization fulfilling) tasks done first and then screw the word and fear of procrastination!! Example of stupid advice in this book: see p 35! Just use the S4S Techniques and procrastination disappears!! ***** Best line in the whole book: “There are no failures, only experimenting to learn what works and what doesn’t work, and where you can improve! He even got the pattern for change wrong: Awareness…Actualization… Action!, not what he says on p 68 Perfectionism and Fear of Failure are overcome by: PPMA, and A A A IF YOU HAVE PROM=PEOPLE PROBLEMS: Dealing with approval problems: See GREAT fun ideas on page 121 that you can do to overcome them!!!!! (Two different color shoes for a day etc.!! Learning DELAYED GRATIFICATION skills: p 132 for exercises!! Koch, Christof. Debunking the Digital Brain. Scientific American. (February 1997) Kohn, Alfie. Punished by Rewards, Houghton Mifflin Company (1999) Kotulak, Ronald. Inside the Brain, Andrews McMeel Publishing (1997) a. Good graphic of brain cell: p 14 b. The POWER of PLASTICITY and the ABSOLUTE PROOF that lying to your subconscious brain, will train your brain to physically change itself and create a new reality!!!!!! P 22-25 Phantom limb experiment. c. Other plasticity: up IQ and reduce retardation p 49-51 d. FABULOUS QUOTES: p 130-131 + “Anything you learned two years ago is already old information! e. Even MORE Fabulous quote on how our capacity can change and new protrusions squiggle out and form new connections “Learning” p 141

f. Chapter 13: How we can improve memory; some good procedure science talk. Langreth, Robert. “Viagra for the Brain,” Forbes (February 4, 2002) Lapp, Danielle C. Don’t Forget, Perseus Books (1995) The wish to SUCCEED is diffuse and general. The will to succeed is concentrated and specific. The wish to succeed means that we repeat a thing again and again hoping for something to happen. The will to succeed means that we dig down and analyze... So, the will to succeed means an intelligent and persistent search for the conditions of improvement, and an intelligent and persistent concentration upon them! Many good examples and exercises on developing better memory in this book! Also good exercises on visualization practice and development! (See chapter 5 and p 84-86 1. Chapter 2, p 27, the neurochemical model and physiological model of how memory works! (See p 37-38) 2. Attention; concentration; organization! 3. P 125 talks about association, which makes me think of a good exercise to have class do to show how neuron patterns work by meeting threshold firing level (trigger). Use state capitals for two groups…first, no hint; second, first letter 4. Absentmindedness - habits diminishes the conscious attention with which our acts are performed!! 5. Have you got a one-track mind? 6. Bibliography is OLD! Lawrence, James. Brain Research: From the Lab to the Classroom. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002) LeDoux, Joseph. The Emotional Brain, Simon & Schuster (1996) LeDoux, Joseph. Synaptic Self – How Our Brains Become Who We Are, Viking (2002) Leviton, Richard. Brain Builders, Prentice Hall (1995)

Maister, David H. Practice What You Preach, Simon & Schuster (2001) 1. This is an excellent guide for me IF we go into Corp coaching or manager training on how to get the most from your employees!!! 2. Very good statistics, and one on one explanations and very, very good lists toward the back of the book. 3 Also they recommend, ‘do not reduce training benefits or classes when profits are down!!!’ 4. See the attached “The Causal Model” p 79 Mason, John L. An Enemy Called Average, Insight International (1990) Mason, John L. Let Go of Whatever Makes You Stop, Insight International (1994) a. Both of these short books contain 52 “nuggets” or single topics that John develops with very good word usage and quotable lines. In fact, way too many to right down here. However I should keep the books handy and make a “card file” of the phrases used therein when I go to do the final draft of any speech or of a book, use some of these phrases b. For example: “What is important is not whether a person is busy, but whether he is ‘progressing’. It is a question of activity versus accomplishment!”. For example: “You will find that when all of your reasons are defensive, your cause almost never succeeds!” Mazziotta, John. Revolutionary new Eyes on the Brain. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store (2002) Mazziotta, John. Imaging and Increased Brain Potential. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002) Maxwell, John C. Failing Forward, Thomas Nelson Publishers (2000) Turn mistakes into stepping-stones to success!! 1. The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure! 2. Good Quotes: p 5, 22, 38, 51 77, 106, 115, 181, 183, 184 3. It is impossible to erase failure!! P 7 see attached list

“failing backward vs. failing forward” 4. Failure is not: list p 13, 7 abilities needed to fail forward p 27 5. Warning signs of past breakdowns: p 78 6. IN SCIENCE, mistakes ALWAYS precede the truth!!!!! P 118 7. The fairness trap!!! P 129 8. Best in Book: Teaching the “hows”!! P 141+ 9 THE TOP TEN REASONS WHY PEOPLE FAIL: P 154 10 Chapter 16 has a life story of Famous Dave, which is good as an example because the author, as he tells the story, lists each of the 15 steps in failing forward, as they come up in the story!! See attached for list of 15 steps!! Mayer, Jeffrey J. Success Is a Journey, McGraw-Hill (2001) 1. Boy, sometimes you think WOW! I’ve finally found it! A really good book! Just look at that title! And then you make the mistake of opening it! Ugh! Not nearly what we wanted! 2. Nevertheless, we can use this as an example of the old clichéd CRAP!! 3. Want an example of ugliness: look at p 14-18! 4. Always Read with a pen in your hand! 5. Find a job that you love to do, and you will never work another day in your life!! 6. Always date your papers p 74!!!!!!!!!! 7. FOUND a couple good things: Put a higher value on your time and you’ll spend it differently!! See page 94 and 95. You are worth $600.00/hour, so put a $10 bill on the wall with your clock to remind you that you are worth $10.00 a minute!!!8. Only really good stuff is near the end of book. McCrone, John. Going Inside, Fromm International (2001) McGaugh, J.L.; Cahill, L; Parent, M.B.; Mesches, M. H.; Coleman-Mesches, K. and Salinas, J.A. Plasticity in the Central Nervous System: Learning and Memory, Erlbaum (1995)

McGaugh, J.L.; Introini-Collison, I.B.; Cahill, L.F.; Castellano, C: Lalmaz, C.; Parent, M.B.; and Williams, C.L. Behavioral Brain Research (1993) Merzenich, Michael. Making the Connection Between Science and Learning. Topic Library. (November 2000) Merzenich, Michael. A Novel Neuroscience-based Training for Rapidly Improved Skills. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002) MIT NEWS. MIT Researchers identify a molecule that may give the adult brain more learning power… issue: (October 25, 2000) MIT NEWS. MIT Researcher finds that part of brain used for hearing can learn to ‘see’… issue: (April 19, 2000) MIT NEWS. MIT researcher sees first evidence that learned behaviors change the brain…issue: (November 25, 1999) MIT NEWS. Mit researcher has found evidence in the brain for why it’s hard to make and break habits…issues: (October 20, 1999) & (December 28, 1999) MIT Tech Talk. Nedivi studies the importance of ongoing neural connections… issue: (May 31, 2000) Morrison, Philip and Morrison, Phylis. Powers of Ten, Scientific American Library (1982) Murphy, Joseph, Ph.D. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Reward Books (2000) Intro - p XIII; Miracles will begin happening to you when you begin to use the power of your subconscious mind. Your habitual thinking and imagery mold fashion and create your destiny. As a person thinketh in their nonconscious mind, so are they! Scientific prayer is a harmonious interaction of the conscious and nonconscious levels of mind scientifically directed toward a specific purpose. It is not the thing that is believed in that brings an answer to a one's prayers; prayers are answered when a person's nonconscious mind responds to the mental picture or thought in her/her mind. The law of life, law of belief. Most miracle working power found in the universe is the power of the nonconscious mind.

Never finish a negative statement, reverse it immediately! Never say can’t, don't, not - your subconscious mind will follow the order and will make it true!! Change your thoughts, change your destiny!! Your conscious mind is the reasoning mind; your subconscious mind does not reason things out. Does not engage in proving whether thoughts are good/bad, true/false. Will accept any suggestion no matter how false! Suggestions of other people have no power over you - the power lies in the power you give them over you. Affirmations to subconscious mind - do at night, continues throughout sleep. Your subconscious mind is 5/6 of the power of your mind, brain. Willpower, desires are in your conscious brain, imagination is subconscious. Only 1 emotion is the cause of the lack of wealth - "envy." Chapter 11 - there are 3 vital steps to success: 1. Find out the thing you love to do, and then do it 2. Specialize in some particular branch of work then strive to excel in it. Find your niche 3. Your desire must not be selfish Page 123 - subconscious mind as partner in success Neural network of brain easily is proved to be active during sleep. Only cerebral cortex becomes nonconscious and nonfunctional. Chapter 14 - Subconscious mind and marital problems Chapter 15 - Subconscious mind and habits True and lasting happiness will come into your life the day you get the clear realization that you can overcome any weakness. Chapter 18- How Your Subconscious Removes Mental Blocks - sometimes referred to as second nature. If an old habit path or track carries you into trouble you can consciously form a new path to freedom or sobriety or whatever it is, by using the new path until it becomes "second nature".

Neergaard, Lauran. Targeted Mental Training Can Help Children Overcome Learning Disabilities. Neuro News (October 16, 2001) Nelson, Bob. 1001 Ways to Reward Employees, Workman Publishing (1994) Praise and personal gestures motivate workers! To bring out the best thinking and initiative in each person requires treating employees more as partners, not as subordinates NOTE: This author also wrote, Delegation: The power of Letting Go Empowering Employees Thru Delegation Important caveats contained in the Introduction Follow the Table of Contents for over a thousand reward actual examples used by various companies in the 3 major categories: Informal Rewards; Awards for Specific Achievement and Acts; Formal Rewards. There also follows a very good Appendix with info on reward Cos. Etc. Author has a web site: Norem, Julie K., Ph.D. The Positive Power of Negative Thinking, Basic Books (2001) Pinker, Steven. How the Mind Works, W.W. Norton & Company (1997) a. For our purpose, focus, and goals, this is nearly a totally worthless book of 600 pages. It does contain some curiously interesting eye Illusions, etc, but that’s about it. What a waste of trees! Pryor, Karen. Don’t Shoot the Dog, Bantam Books (1999) a. Reinforcement is better than reward. And positive reinforcement can even work on you!! b. Do not dilute the power of reinforcement by false or meaningless praise, it is soon resented, even by tiny children, and loses any power to reinforce! c. Excellent example of positive reinforcement is on p 31, with all the friends that call Annette! d. May want to use the SHAPING GAME in long day or two seminars (p 52-53)

Pulos, Lee, Ph.D. The Power of Visualization, Simon & Schuster (1994) (Audio Cassette) Pycha, Anne. Why Practice Makes Perfect. Topic Library (August, 2000) Ranpura, Ashish. Weightlifting for the Mind: Enriched Environments and Cortical Plasticity. Topic Library. (2001) Ray, James A. The Science of Success, SunArk Press (1999) Unfortunately this book was not as good as I thought it was going to be based on its title, but does have some things we can call upon: Page 19 - "a purpose is always more compelling than a goal" Page 23 - look at highlights in chapter summaries Take offense at: you don't need to understand the details of the laws and principles, just put them into action. Do agree however with this: you must be clear exactly on what it is you want, not what you don't want. 7 Laws of the Universe: 1. Energy is always in a state of motion 2. Everything vibrates - the law of vibration. All thoughts, etc. The law of attraction is a subset to the law of vibration, says things that vibrate at similar frequencies attract each other. You will be attracted to and will attract those things that which you focus on. What you think about you will bring about (coaching not to win, Ken Griffey, Jr., etc) If you spend 90% of your time focusing on what you don't want - guess what?!?!?! 3. The law of relativity - everything is relative to everything else relationships are everything then. Everything is due to relationships. Nothing in this world that has meaning in and of itself, it only has the meaning that we give it in relation to other things. If you want to change your life you have to change your attitude of relativity - change your thermostat up or down in comparison to the meaning you give things - that will change things.

4. Page 31 - law of polarity - nothing can exist without its opposite existing. If you're going to hate somebody there has to be love existing somewhere. Failure must be accompanied by the seeds of success. If something is awful then the possibility must exist for it to also be awesome. 5. Page 32 - ask anyone who has every succeeded how they succeeded and they will tell you by failing enough, a lot. If something swings to the right it must eventually swing to the left. Everything in existence is involved in 'the dance'. 6. Anything that is a cause is actually the effect of something that came before it. (Bottom p 33) 7. Bottom p 41 - defines paradigm; sum total of all our beliefs, values, identity, expectations, attitudes, habits, decisions, opinions and thought patterns. Change your paradigm and change your life. Change the path through the jungle of your brain. In your conscious brain you choose your own thoughts, but your subconscious functions in every cell of your body and those are nonconscious thoughts (some crap) Page 52 - definition of subconscious: ability to sensor or reject information immediately and automatically. Page 53 - Thoughts go to feelings go to actions equal results. Your conscious mind is your gardener, your subconscious mind will grow the seeds that you planted and produce results that exactly reflect the kinds of thoughts that you planted. Yee haw!!! Page 57 - change your life - cut your new path. This new paradigm you must make it as real, specific and comprehensive as you can, i.e., write it down, etc. Think in unlimiting ways, use present tense, make it emotional, can't use negatives - must be positive! State what you want, not what you don't want. Start living your new paradigm and it will happen.

Page 67 - Vision - your mental picture of the life you want to live. Only you can create your vision. Combination of what you want to be, what you want to do, what you want to have. Page 69, 70- Repeat of vision stuff #4 - make your vision emotional subconscious can't distinguish between something that is happening and something that is vividly imagined. Page 73 - emotion needs to be the fuel that drives you toward your vision. You must fall in love with your vision. Use visualization techniques. Emotion drives you into action. If you bought a watch that costs more that $40.00, you didn't buy it because it was functional or rational, you bought it because of the way it makes you feel (I love you Doug). We take actions based on emotions. Even if you think you are rational and reasonable you make decisions based upon how emotionally strong you feel something is reasonable or rational. Page 77- your nonconscious never sleeps - the last thought you think about before drifting off to sleep is what you give your subconscious to work on all night long. Page 91 - 55-60% of what we communicate is conveyed through our body, tonality accounts for 38%, and words account for a mere 7%. Master communicators send the same message to all 3 levels (con, subconscious & physical - they're in total synergy when they speak) Winners always give 10 times more in value than what they expect in return (tell contractors) Chart on p 115 Page 122, 123 - accountability (Erroneous Zone book) Only when you are willing to be accountable for everything in your life can you be responsible to change or control your life. Page 125 - being persistent - get into 3% clubs - weeds grow on their own, but beautiful flowers take nurturing and commitment. Repetition is the first law of learning. Never leave the site of setting a goal without taking some action towards that goal within 24 hours. (Powers of 10)

Reivich, Karen, Ph.D.; Jaycox, Lisa, Ph.D., and Gillham, Jane, Ph.D. The Optimistic Child, HarperCollins Publishers (1996) Restak, Richard, M.D. All in Your Head: New Research Shows that What you Thought About the Aging Brain is all Wrong! Modern Maturity (AARP) (January 5, 2002) Restak, Richard, M.D. The Secret Life of the Brain ,The Dana Press and Joseph Henry Press (2001) Restak, Richard, M.D. The Brain Has A Mind of Its Own, Crown Publishers, Inc. (1991) Richardson, Cheryl. Take Time for Your Life, Random House Books (1998) 1. Seems to be cliché filled, but I’ve copied the chapter modules AND made of copy of the “life wheel” that I used in some CE classes. 2. Chart on page 57 shows how to chart and track time. 3. Also, author is a personal coach, therefore if I have any one-on-one students who need to “take action” in specific areas, I can come back to this book to check author’s methods to do so. 4. Also I must reread the section on “running on adrenaline” and Kicking the Adrenaline habit” p 143+…sounds good! Rogers, Spence. Useful Connections: The Brain, Motivation and Achievement. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002) Rose, Colin and Nicholl, Malcolm J. Accelerated Learning For The 21st Century, Dell Publishing (1997) Schacter, Daniel L. and Scarry, Elaine Memory, Brain, and Belief, Harvard University Press (2000) 1. Contains a series of writings on the above topic by various authors. Three areas of Topics: a. Cognitive, Neurological, and Pathological Perspectives/ b. Conscious and Nonconscious Aspects of Memory and Belief; From Social Judgments to Brain Mechanisms c. Memory and Belief in Autobiographical Recall and Autobiography.

2. Just as memories are shaped by beliefs, so too are beliefs shaped by memories. In a phenomenon known as the illusory truth effect, for instance mere repetition of a statement can lead to increases in the strength of one’s belief that the statement is true (for example see research of Begg, Anas, and Farinacci, 1992. 3. Related research exploring nonconscious influences of past experiences on current thought and behavior, known in cognitive psychology as implicit memory, has shown that recent experiences can implicitly influence social judgments and beliefs!!!! Such phenomenon suggests that our beliefs about the world may be more malleable than previously suggested. 4. Also, research of Ross, Wilson, & Nelson, show that “a pervasive phenomenon of human memory” is that current beliefs can shape and sometimes distort recollections of past events!! P. 7 5. P 24 We find it extremely unlikely that beliefs are represented in the brain as sentence-like data structures. Beliefs are ubiquitous guides and influences on our every action...and waking reaction, but they are not the familiar items of dailoy phenomenology. We are unaware of our beliefs for the most part. We just act on them!!!! 6. P 38 Memories initially, are constructed from perceptions, thoughts, beliefs, and goals acting/active together at the time. Subsequently they are reconstructed, often differently, in the context of different goals and different activated information, and may be embellished or otherwise changed by additional perceptions or reflective process. 7. Knowing the source of information is an important element in judging the accuracy or veridicality of that information---it matters if we have seen something with our own eyes or heard it third hand or dreamed or fantasized it, or saw it on the news or in a movie BUT the source of information typically is not something stored as a prepositional tag along with our memories, beliefs, and knowledge. RATHER WE INFER SOURCE!!!

8. P 45 In constructive memory research, it was shown that thinking about events maintains the vividness of memories, and that thinking about IMAGINED events can have the same impact on vividness ratings as thinking about real events... So much so that if you practiced/rehearsed imagined events, the vividness of these memories would begin to approximate that of memories of real events!!! 9. PHANTOM LIMB RESEARCH...P 98+ SEE ATTACHED 10. The Limbic System is concerned mainly with the perception, experience, and expressions of emotions. The gateway to the limbic system is the Amygdala. Thus the visual centers of the brain in the temporal lobes send their information to the amygdala, which assesses the emotional significance of the incoming visual input, then transmits it to other limbic structures where these emotions are “experienced” 11. Prior knowledge in perceptual experience enables the sensory input to be organized, recognized, interpreted and understood! P117 12. The best of intentions do not and cannot override the unfolding of unconscious processes, for the triggers of automatic thought, feeling, and behavior live and breathe outside conscious awareness and control!!!! P 14243 13. Memory is strengthened by increasing the number of divergent associations...You must elaborate the lines of associates to express memories across many circumstances. 14. There are no specific storage areas of the brain for memories Schaffhausen, Joanna. Fear Conditioning: How the Brain Learns about Danger. topic library (October 4, 2001) Schaffhausen, Joanna. The Pleasure Principle: Connections between Reward and Learning. Topic library. (November 2000) Schwartz, Jeffrey M., M.D. Brain Lock, HarperCollins Publishers (1997)

Book on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and what you can do in 4 steps, to overcome… Reread if we go in this direction later. It does say that we clearly now for first time have scientific proof that we can make chemical changes occur in the brain without evasive drugs! Schwartz, David J., Ph.D. The Magic of Thinking Big, Simon & Schuster (1987) First read 30 years ago – changed life at that time Life is too short to be little! The ‘how to do it’ will always come to the person who believes that he can do it. Belief – strong belief triggers the mind of figuring ways and means and howto’s. Believing you can succeed makes others place confidence in you. Belief is the thermostat that regulates what we accomplish in life. Be a trained director of your own laboratory and do what every scientist does, observe and experiment – Why is John so successful; why is Tom just getting by? Listen to them, look at them, conduct experiments with them to see how strongly belief matters – take notes!! Successful people don’t make excuses – they internalize responsibility. Page 37 – Attitude is Thought Management Action cures fear – indecision, inaction, procrastination fertilizes fear (10x’s rule) Hesitation magnifies and enlarges fear. How to overcome fear – put positive thoughts in your memory bank – and withdraw only positive thoughts from your memory bank. Overcoming fear and procrastination: 1. Sit in the front 2. Practice making eye contact 3. Walk 25% faster in everything you do 4. Practice speaking up

5. Smile big – good test, try to feel defeated and smile big at the same time – impossible. A big smile gives you confidence, rolls away worry, etc. How do you think big – to think big you must use words and phrases which produce big positive mental images in your mind. Use big, positive, cheerful words and phrases. Use bright, cheerful, favorable words to describe people and how you feel. Use positive words to encourage others, use positive words to outline plans to others. Don’t look at things as they are, look at them as they can be – visualization adds value to everything. A big thinker always visualizes what can be done in the future, not stuck in the present. Successful public speakers have 2 things in common: they have something to say and they have a burning desire for other people to hear it. If you believe something is impossible, your subconscious mind goes to work for you to find ways to prove it for you – but when you believe, really believe that something can be done – your mind goes to work for you and helps you find ways to do it. Page 87 – a great example of why not everyone thinks big nor can think big – because of traditional thinking. Average people have always resented progress and that goes back to our reptilian brain, our non-cortex brain. It’s a requirement that we had for 30, 50, 70,000 years. Big, successful thinking people monopolize the listening, small people monopolize the talking. Act important, it helps you think important! Don’t forget, The Magic of Thinking Big tells you how to do your 60-second commercial on a 4x6 index card (p 114) which relates to talking it into the mirror, which relates to the power of the subconscious – which is what we’re dealing with. Experts are now agreeing that the person you are today, your personality, your ambitions, your present status in life are largely, if not all, a result of your psychological environment. Experts agree now that the person you will be, 1, 5, 10 years from now, depends almost entirely on your future environment, so you’re going to have to change your environment – (use on rats (Owner’s Manual of the Brain).

Get rid of the negators (crocodiles). The most important keys to life and success are on p 140,141. The first thing you have to do is to grow the “You Are Important Attitude” – what does that mean? You must make everyone around you feel important. People will do more for you, feel more for you, respect and admire you more when you make them feel important themselves. One of the keys to life! Goes without saying – if you make others feel important it makes you feel more important too. 1. Practice calling people by their names, get their names. 2. Don’t hog the glory – invest in others the glory 3. Practice appreciation for others Chapter 9 – Page 151 Success depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want is the support of other people, so make people like Randy Gage, Marcia Snow, and Les Brown feel important – how can I help them? Page 153 – 10 things to do to make others feel important, more on 155 and 156 – get them down. “How you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win” Pages 180,181 – Grow the Action Habit – 8 things to practice! You must set goals and then you must surrender to your goals. When you surrender to your goals they become an active part of your subconscious and if they’re a part of your subconscious, how does your subconscious respond – AUTOMATICALLY! How wonderful! You don’t have to do it on your own, it happens automatically. Notice all successful people; notice how they are totally devoted to their goals and objectives. Their whole life is integrated around a purpose – surrender to your goal – really surrender to it. Page 204 – One Step at a Time Story of Eric Severide (used in past – reread) relates to self-actualization. Page 212 – 4 very good leadership principles (developed into exercises on 216 and 217)

Seligman, Martin E.P., Ph. D. Learned Optimism: How To Change Your Mind And Your Life, Simon and Schuster Inc. (1998) a. Just in the last 5 yrs has Psychiatry, MDs developed a new treatment for depression: Programs of learned optimism. b. What if the traditional view of the components of success were wrong? What if there where a third component-optimism? And what if it could be scientifically explained and permanently acquired!!!!! c. 48 question Optimism test! For 1x, 2x p 33 PLUS analysis thereafter d. 20-question depression test. Page 59 e. What are the costs of pessimism: list of 7, p 113 f. Test your children’s optimism 48 questions p 117 g. Rating your child’s depression p 138-140 h. EXCELLENT anecdotal story re National league teams and quotes and how this rated them for optimism and success the next yr!! Re-read and use this, probably if longer than keynote!! i. Guidelines for using optimism: p 208-209 j. “Disputation” Learning to argue with yourself! P 220-228 k. The Optimistic business organization: Use for Business clients, all of chapter 14!!!! Shepherd, Gordon. The Synaptic Organization of the Brain. Oxford University Press (1997) Silva, Jose. The Silva Mind Control Method, Simon and Schuster (1977) a. When you connect a real event with a desirable one that you imagine…you will see what becomes of the imagined one. If you operate according to some very simple laws, the imagined event WILL BECOME REAL: 1. You must DESIRE that event to take; 2. You must BELIEVE the event can take place; 3. You must EXPECT the event to take place; 4. You cannot create a problem (p 36)

b. Your Words Have power (p 58) (really it is not your words, but your pictures/visualizations that have power) Use this example of how a LEMON visualization exercise actually creates a smell and salivation Simon, Seymour. Muscles, HarperCollins Publishers (1998) Use this book only if and when we do a module on the unbelievable capacity of the human body. Simon, Seymour. The Brain: Our Nervous System, Morrow Junior Books (1997) 1. Scientists are using new machines-various kinds of scanners, which change x-ray photos into computer code to make clear, colorful enhanced graphics of what’s going on inside the brain. 2. Each second, millions of signals pass through your brain, carrying all kinds of messages. 3. Your brain, with 100 billion neurons, has over ten times that many glial cells. Glial cells do not carry messages. They support the neurons by supplying nutrients and other chemicals, repairing the brain after injury, and attacking invading bacteria. 4. A bundle of neurons is called a nerve. 5. Nerves don’t touch one another, so a message must leap across a tiny gap between nerves, called a synapse, which is about 1/millionth of an inch thick, and is kind of a living switch. 6. The cerebral cortex is made up of 10 to 14 billion of your brain’s neurons. 7. Actual memories “seem” to be stored in the chemicals found in nerve cells. ONE theory is that a memory or thinking causes a relay of impulses (electrical and chemical) that creates a change in the cell’s internal chemistry, called RNA…But scientists are JUST beginning to find out where and how memories are stored and thinking occurs. 8. Scientists use electroencephalographs (EEG); CAT scans; MRI; and PECT: Positron emission computer tomography (with radioactive tracers in blood sugar to show different levels of stimulation in the brain. Smith, Timothy J., M.D. Renewal, The Anti—Aging Revolution, Rodale Press (1998)

1. The theory is that on a program of anti-oxidants and controlling ‘free radicals’ we might live the true genetic programmed life expectancy of 120 years. 2. There are three components: diet, supplements, and exercise 3. “You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known and exist, before it is generally received and practiced upon” 4. See pages 41-44, for the big three explained. 5. Use and re-read this book if we do the senior seminars: For example, Chapter 12, page 137, discusses ‘how to prevent cancer’…by diet! 6. But they’ll want you to give up ALL meats!! 7. Chapter 29: Age-proofing your brain: smart pills and Neuronutrients 8. Read chapter 34 on melatonin and get some! P 403 9. Elevated endorphins explain why physical exercise relieves depression, lowers anxiety levels and increases self-esteem!! P 453 10. Also see the implementation section and the epilogue in the back for MUCH GOOD INFO!!! Sommer, Bobbe, Ph.D. and Falstein, Mark. Psycho-Cybernetics 2000, Prentice Hall (1993) Sylver, Marshall. Passion, Profit & Power, Simon & Schuster (1995) It's not that good of a book. "Nothing has any power except the power that you give to it" - no one can make you sad, happy, excited or angry unless you give him or her that power over your life. Only give that power to people and things that support you in getting what you want. "It is impossible to think something and not have it affect your physical world in some way" Page 40 - Rules of the mind "Even if you could never fix what's wrong in your life, what is it that's keeping you from creating everything that you want in your life. You don't need to fix everything in your life to create everything that you want in your life." When you change your habits, you change who you are - when you

change who you believe you are you will automatically change your habits. Regardless of who you are and what you have done with your life, the number of people that will show up for your funeral is largely dependent upon the weather. Chapter 8 - 7 Strategies of Passionate Relationships 1. Be in love with yourself first, etc. Never fall in love with someone's potential - you can't build a reputation on what you're going to do. General theme of book - picks topics, gives speech, etc. Reprograms subconscious. What genetic differences are there between people who have money and those who do not? Successful people are good communicators, successful people know that money if first made in their minds before it's in their bank accounts, create relationships, etc. Create your own journey or become a part of someone else. Page 160 - List of 20 people you could meet with who could give you information that could benefit your life. (People who've already accomplished what you want, etc.) Page 171 - the reason ineffective people take so long to make decisions is that they're afraid they'll make the wrong decision - any decision they make they think is wrong. Successful people don't have that problem - they know they can make a decision and if it's the wrong one they'll learn from it and make another one. The key is 'fall forward fast' Chapter 23 - 179: Wealthy people do what they love! The best way out of a job you don't like is to do a great job at it. Wealthy people know the score you've got the keep score to know if you're winning. Wealthy people handle stress differently that a lot of us do. Wealthy people persist and take immediate action. Chapter 28 - You've got to have the power to be unique, to do more than you're paid to do. Be unique!

Page 198 - Wealthy people have plans instead of goals. When you take care of the little things the big things will take care of themselves. Broken window theory. Page 208 - power of persuasion and negotiation - write down that list! Page 215 - a way for people to adjust the way they think and react and to change. I know I don't know what to do, but if I did know what to do, what would I do? Then do it!! Page 235 - Elements of self-mastery: 1. Undying belief 2. Personal programming 3. Passion Phobias are a different kind of habit - an unsubstantiated fear that was programmed through emotion (244) Chapter 6 - 6 steps to forming diamond hard habits 1. Commit 2. Take action now 3. Know your outcome Page 259 - (write those rules down) 1. Use positive, not negative words and pictures Sprenger, Marilee. Learning and Memory: The Brain in Action. ASCD. (1999) Sprenger, Marilee. Motivation, Magic, and Memory. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002) Squire, L., Kandel, E. Memory: From Mind to Molecules. Scientific American Books (2001) Sylwester, Robert. A Celebration of Neurons, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (1995) This book was published by the Association for Supervision and Development located in Alexandria, VA. I should contact them to see if they have any educational science research that says that learning is more permanent and quicker if we learn not just the 'what' but the 'how' and 'why'.

1st chapter in this book, which is not underlined, in part talks about how scientists study the brain and how they do the scientific evidence examination. Pages 12-14 talk about brain imaging technology, PET, EEG, MRI's, etc., that should be included also. Page 19 of the book indicates that the process of evolution works by selection and not by instruction, in other words, the environment selects from among the built in options available to it, it doesn't modify (instruct) the competing organisms. Page 20-as an infant we're born capable of speaking any of the 3000 human languages that are on this planet, but we're not born proficient in anyone of them. Neurons will differentiate and interconnect, and the network for sound that isn’t in the local language may atrophy over time due to lack of use. Or what's caused neural pruning. We can see its results in the difficulty that older Japanese adults have with English. There's no sound of the 'l' or 'r' sound in the Japanese language, therefore, those neuron connections were pruned out when they were younger and therefore it's very difficult for an adult Japanese adult to make the American 'l' or 'r' sound. But, if the young Japanese learn the American language at a very young age before the natural pruning takes place they have no trouble with 'r' and 'l' whatsoever - very good example. I just found something new in this book on page 21 that deals with the phenomenon that I have discussed somewhere else, either verbally with Jan or maybe I have put it in writing - maybe I haven't yet - about the fact that evolutionary wise, biologically wise we are much slower at evolving than technology has evolved, i.e., cultural evolution has gone much faster than biological evolution and that's one of the reasons why people are mostly negative - because their brain was required to emphasize the negative, back when we had to be totally in control of the fight or flight hormones or we would die. Today we're forced to grapple with current social and environmental issues using a brain that biologically is 'way far behind' and was tuned in differently, tuned in to problems of 30,000 years ago, not today. When

physical dangers were signaled by rapid changes in the environment, not by gradually developing problems, i.e., pollution, overpopulation, etc. Page 20 gives us a definition of primary consciousness and higher order consciousness, p 22. I should definitely put those in the notes. Chapter 2, p 25 - our brain is made up of 100 billion neurons, as we know, and then 100's and 100's of billions of glial support cells that are organized at the cellular and systems level. Page 28 and 29 - Brain Cells and Chemical Messengers - our brain has to tightly control the chemical balance within its cells. A neuro-transmitter is a molecule that's released by neurons to transmit messages to other neuron cells and that chemical decision to send a message depends on whether the electrical current amount and type of input have reached the neuron's threshold for output. That threshold can be influenced by many things, one of which is use or disuse, and a neuron, a single neuron may interact with thousands of other cells, some of them quite far away in cellular terms. There are neuronal extensions in a cubic centimeter of brain tissue that would extend an astounding 400 miles if they were spread out in one line. Tiny web like spines, p 30, tiny web like spines may develop on dendrites during memory formation, increasing the number of receptors, therefore the amount of neurotransmitter information that can enter into that neuron at one time. These web, spine, and spider web like things that can add up to that figure, 6.2 million miles long - just the number. Page 33 - The information that neurons process is coded in the chemical molecules called neuro-transmitters and into the distribution patterns of the molecules. Molecules, of course, are formed from 2 or more atoms. These atoms in the brain are generally carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen - and between 10 and 30 atoms join to form the 20 different amino acids that are the building blocks of our brain's protein, hormones and neuro-transmitter molecules. The amino acids that make up a protein molecule are assembled in a linear sequence within a cell and this chain then twists itself into a characteristic

globular shape before leaving the cell to carry out its protein functions, i.e., the messages. The whole process takes a few minutes or a few seconds and the pattern of electronic properties that arise out of the molecule shape determines the effect it will have on cells and other molecules, i.e., thought and thinking processes. These 20 amino acids can create 100's of thousands of different protein molecules in the same manner that 26 letters of the alphabet can create an English language of 500 thousand or more words. The information in proteins, or words, is coded not into the amino acids or letters themselves, but into their sequence and the length of the chains. For example, neither 'd' nor 'o' carries useful verbal information by itself, but 'd-o' together creates the word 'do', a verb. Add a 'g' and the verb 'do' becomes 'dog'. Reverse the letters and 'dog' becomes 'god' - insert another 'o' and now 'god' becomes the adjective 'good', etc. When we read, we don't read the individual letters of the word; instead we perceive the shape of the entire word as a unit. Scientists have found already, and identified, more than 50 neurotransmitters, and they are probably going to discover many more in the future too. Neuro-transmitters carry out their various communicative functions at the synapse, the very narrow gap that separates the axon from the dendrites. The dendrite receptors contain receptors, protein molecules, that project through the dendrite membrane and if it's a good fit those neuro-transmitters transmit the message into that post-synaptic neuron through those fitted receptors. That chemical message through that twisting chain translates into an electrical impulse that readily opens and shuts channels as it travels along the axon of the next nerve. Neuro-transmitters are either classified as excitatory or inhibitory. Some increase and speed up, some slow down and decrease this transportation system.

Our 50 or so neuro-transmitters can be chemically classified into 3 types: amino acids, monoamines or peptides. Peptides modulate our broad range of pain and pleasure, thus they powerfully affect the decisions we make regarding motivation, i.e., approaching and retreating type behavior, such as drink water or urinate - agree or disagree- buy or sell - marry or divorce very important, neuro-transmitters. In effect if they are shipped in the body and brain levels of these molecules it allocates our emotional energy, what to do, when to do it and how much energy to use doing it. (Very important to our emotional and behavioral pattern) Page 38 and the top of p 39 talk about the problem that Dr. Carl talked about at the NSA convention, that is that our neuro-transmitters don't differentiate between physical and emotional danger. They can't tell the difference between contemporary stress and the stress we used to have 30,000 years ago, so if the stress is of an emotional nature and we don't resolve it physically, it can create severe emotional problems and turn into severe physical problems because we don't clear those toxins. You may want to look at p 38 and the top of p 39 because it talks about exercise and its positive effect of clearing these toxins and elevating endorphins, which is one of our hormones and neuro-transmitters that makes us feel good about ourselves in our social environment - extremely important neuro-transmitter! We have just found out in the last 3 years that our brains, these messages that travel via neural-transmitter - don't just travel down 1 path, they can flow down parallel processing systems! Many conscious and sub or non-conscious actions occur simultaneously - p 41. Example of meeting someone and can't remember name, the name comes via non-conscious process which continues to go on without direct order. Think of this distribution process in terms of the light bulbs that switch on to form many different words. Don't forget (p 43) we are not hardwired! We can easily change our programming. We can learn how to use rational processes to override our emotions if a situation requires us to do so. RAS integrates amounts and types of incoming messages that go to our conscious level of brain, part of limbic system - we tend to follow our feelings.

Thalamus and hypothalamus - (hypothalamus monitors internal regulatory systems, so it informs our brain of what's happening inside our bodies) (thalamus is a major relay center for incoming sensory information - outside our body) Cerebral cortex - heavy conscious thinking - 6 layer sheet of neuron tissue, makes up about 80 - 85% of our brain mass. Cortex receives, categorizes, and interprets sensory information, makes rational decisions, activates behavioral response Frontal lobe is larger than it needs to be - has to be more powerful, although very rarely does it have to handle the severe amount of thinking that is required, but it's like a furnace, it has to have it available. That's where we do our critical thinking. This general process we usually call intuition - common sense. Chapter 3, p 57 - limitations that control the amount of impulses that get into our brain - those limitations certainly make sense! Page 58 - sensory systems work through two distinct pathways - a fast system on which an object is located, and a much slower system that indicates what the object is. Relate that to our snake example - real and imagined. Page 68 - shifting back and forth between conscious and non-conscious, or automatic, movement. Frees our conscious brain from routine actions. Talking is a non-conscious activity!! Chapter 4 deals with how our brain determines what is important. Surveys internal and external environment to determine what's important on a nonconscious level. Our emotional and attentional mechanisms are ancient, they're quick and they're powerful - they evolved to rapidly size up and respond to imminent dangers in years gone by. Page 73 - how our emotional system is very quick in our subconscious while our rational process is not that quick. Quick emotional loading, but also perhaps lifesaving, is often triggered before we know very much, if anything, what is actually occurring.

Chapter 5 - how our brain remembers and forgets! Page 88, 89 - look at those re: formation of spines, etc. Page 90 - follows up on the above, see note, which gives us exact answer to 'how' - going to house in Xenia, Ohio - emotionally overwhelmed Page 96 - moving from nonconscious to conscious as we type, etc. When objects and events are registered by several senses, they can be stored in several interrelated memory networks at once, memory stored this way becomes more accessible and powerful than one stored in one way. Page 97 (bottom) - how a chance combination of similar characteristics, actions, emotions, etc., may be enough to trigger and call up the recall of the weak, factual memory you have of the thing. (Class reunions) Page 98 - memory networks must be constantly stimulated! Disintegration is called forgetting! Page 140-141 - 4 basic rules of the brain!!! Teitelbaum, Daniel. The Ultimate Guide to Mental Toughness, Demblin Communications, Inc. (1998) If you have a strong belief, then it will come true for you - but how do you get a strong belief? Comes from visualization - if you can see it, you will believe it!! Page 16 - 2 levels of subconscious brain, your deep subconscious that contains on file every memory, every thought you've ever had, in perfect recall. Also your local subconscious which contains current series of thoughts that get called up back and forth, etc. Page 21 - 6 Key Secrets to How Your Brain Operates 1. Your subconscious mind can't tell difference between real event and one that is vividly and emotionally imagined. Chapter 4 - p 43 - Triggering, the ability to vividly and emotionally call up what your goals are and to be thinking of those very emotionally when you do that. Page 61 - the limbic system, type that paragraph Page 62- can generate voluntarily the hormones that in turn create the emotion of confidence, these become your triggers - must be exact, specific

Page 102 - scientific triggering process - trigger, target, hormones, and emotion Page 106 - most powerful long-term effect on the brain Chapter 9 - best chapter - Power Talking-Raising Your Self-Belief Quickly Page 143 - when you talk to yourself and others about your long-term and short-term goals as if you have absolute confidence and total belief that you are going to achieve them, even if you don't believe it yet, you automatically begin to raise your internal level of belief that you can and will make them happen!!!! Continues through to p 150 NOTE: Re-read book, mark with highlighter, write another book bullet on mechanisms and triggers to get you into that high state where you can reprogram your subconscious Thompson, Jim. Positive Coaching, Ward Publishers (1995) Thorton, Jim. Total Recall: Why I’ll never again forget a face, name, or where I put the car keys. Modern Maturity (AARP) (January 5, 2002) Tolle, Echhart. The Power of Now, New World Library (2001) (Audio Cassette) Tracy, Brian. Maximum Achievement, Simon & Schuster (1995) Introduction contains buzzwords that people will get out of my seminars: more self-confident, happier, healthier, a greater sense of power, purpose, and self-direction! More positive, more focused, more able to achieve your goals, get along better with people, you’ll be more successful in your career, and just plain feel wonderful about yourself! Every chapter of Tracy’s book has an exercise at the end, for the students to do. 1. The seven ingredients to success defined: Peace of Mind; Health and Energy; Loving Relationships; Financial Success; Worthy Goals and Ideals; Personal Fulfillment; and Self-knowledge and Awareness. 2. Page 39-Your subconscious is your central processing unit, therefore your task is to reprogram it to the 7 laws of mental mastery: Control;

Causes and Effect; Belief; Expectations (see and use research on page 48-49 with teachers and student expectations); Attraction; Correspondence (you can tell what’s going on inside you, by looking at what’s going on around you!); and finally The Law of Equivalency: thoughts objectify themselves!!! In other words, your thoughts vividly imagined and repeated, charged with emotion, become your reality! 3. Page 61, + attitude comes from your expectations, which come from your beliefs AND YOUR BELIEFS COME FROM YOUR self-concept, which comes from your subconscious program, WHICH you have the POWER to change!!! P 65-67 4. Self-concept starts forming as a child; we as parents criticize our kids as much as 8 times as much as we praise them! P 76 gives a list of 7 elements to TRUE constructive criticism. 5. Self-concept is influenced by evolution disparity: negative habit patterns: for example fear of failure and fear of rejection are learned responses, therefore, we can unlearn it! 6 How do we program our brain/mind for success? a. Homeostasis (p 86)-explain with science! b. Psychosclerosis c. Power of suggestion (affirmation)(visualization d. The Law of Emotion!!! P 93 e. Mental power in 21(30)(25) days 7. Seven ways to control your mental life!! (Starts on p 96) a. Visualization: frequency-vividness-intensity-duration b. Affirmations: positive-present tense- and personal c. Verbalization: aloud-mirror-tape-video d. Acting Lessons: walk the walk and talk the talk e. Feed your Mind: read=listen-watch-learn f. Association: Get around like-thinking people g. Teach others: You become what you teach 8. Chapter 4 starting on page 111 is the most important part of book!! Use this whole chapter re: The Conscious Mind; The discovery of the

Subconscious mind (p 119) also use: a. The law of Subconscious Activity b. The law of Concentration c. The law of substitution d. The 5-step method to create the desired condition (p 122) e. Autogenic and heterogenic conditioning 9. Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement! Use 7 REASONS Why 97% of people do not set goals. P 144 10. The principles and rules of goal setting p 149-154 11. THE TWELVE-STEP SYSTEM: P 156-170!!!!! ***** 12. What the author calls the “superconscious” mind, is what we call the subconscious or nonconscious, and Chap. 6 gives all the rules on how to trust it for all answers based on all perfect memories, etc, including the superconscious solution 13. The most common negative emotions: doubt and fear; guilt and resentment; envy and jealousy; anger…Causes of negative emotions other than evolution p 208-209 14. Page 244: the theme song for seminar # 2 topic “lie your way to success” **** 15 Human relations: p 263 and 7 keys to better relationships: p 265 16. The last chapter in entitled, “The Power of Love” Tracy, Brian. Eat That Frog, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. (2001) 1. Do not confuse activity with accomplishment! 2. You are biologically designed, mentally and emotionally, in such a way, that task completion gives you a ‘positive’ feeling. When you complete a task you get a hormone-induced surge of energy, enthusiasm, and ‘selfesteem’ (by releasing endorphins in your brain!) 3. One of the important secrets of success is that you can actually develop a positive addiction to endorphins and the feelings that they trigger!!!

4. Think on paper! Focus…clarity…vagueness is procrastinations friend! Only 3% of adults have clear, written goals! (They accomplish 5-10 times as much as people of similar education and skill but no written goals! Chapter 1 gives the 7 steps for success! 5. Make a to-do list!! Every night!! Apply the 80/20-rule see attached p 2021 6. LEARN AND USE THE ABCDE METHOD!!! See attached p 32 33 7. Have everything completely laid out and ready to work in advance! This was you feel much more like getting on with the job! 8 “No one is Coming!” 9. Fully 95 % of your emotions, positive or negative, are determined by how you talk to yourself on a minute-by-minute basis. It is not what happens to you but the way that you interpret those things! 10. Great one!!! 80/20 rule: never share your problems or goals with others, ‘cause 80% don’t care about your problems anyway, and the other 20% are kind of glad that you’ve got them in the first place!! 11. page 86 and 87 choosing what to procrastinate on!! 12. As indicated in prior book, “slice and dice” the big task into bite-size nibbles!! Use Marion’s Pizza anecdote on this…never any left over if the pieces are small!!! And our hunger for self-actualization gets totally fat! (Or you can also Swiss cheese it) 13. See attached for all 21 rules listed p 109-113*******summary Van Fleet, James. Hidden Power: How to Unleash the Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Prentice Hall (1987) Example 1 - How subconscious learns (baby learning to eat) Example 2 - baseball player As you know, your subconscious can make no moral judgments; your conscious mind uses logic, deduction, and reasoning to draw its conclusions. The primary purpose of the subconscious mind is to achieve the goals and objectives that have been given to it by your conscious mind. Sometimes

knowingly given to it, sometimes not known to have been given to it. Ohio State research. Page 9 - all information stored in your non-cons mind is kept there forever even though there are times that your conscious mind can't seem to recall it. Page 15 - list of things to use to use your conscious mind to solve problems Page 28 - tremendous benefits to be gained by using your imagination Page 31 - fear technique Page 44 - how non-conscious mind memory can be improved concentrate on solution, not the problem (3 ft. putt - concentrate on stroke, not result) (If you want to overcome your fears, stop concentrating on fear for 30 days concentrate drastically on what it is you want, not your fears!) Page 48,49 - 6-step program to help you become successful - write it down No failure, no failure ideas, only bad results - act as if it were impossible to fail! How does a winner react in a critical situation - they take control immediately, take control, etc. Fall forward fast. Page 69 - how winners are always consistent in their actions Page 81 - never discuss your goals with anyone Find a need and fill it! Page 95 - 6 techniques you can use to fill people's needs Page 104 - overcoming fear - natural reaction to any unknown situation normal (Neanderthal guy) Page 105 - fear of failure - prom people's criticism - benefit you'll gain! Fear defeats more people than any other thing in the world. Page 107 - 4 techniques to get rid of fear: 1. Admit your fear 2. Analyze your fear 3. Take necessary action to get rid of fear Page 111 - (440 dash coaching method) Imagination or willpower - breaking bad habits - got to use imagination. Whenever imagination and willpower are in conflict with each other, imagination almost always wins (page 117) - when they're in agreement,

successful is always inevitable. Page 118, 119 - 5 techniques to be used on our bad habits. Page 121 - Get Rid of Procrastination Page 122, 123 - Making the right decision Willpower is not the key to success - imagination is. Willpower is from your conscious level of your brain - imagination is from your level 2 - 6 (subconscious) What good is willpower? Making the initial decision to change. Then let your imagination take over. Page 133, 134, 135 - how your subconscious can bring you good health (use all 3) Page 137 - scientific fact re: rheumatoid arthritis Chapter 12 - using subconscious in relationships!! How to praise people, how to pay attention to your significant other, make other people feel important, etc. (P 162) Chapter 13 - family relationships - praise, praise, praise If you want to memorize a short poem it take approximately 42 repetitions to make a permanent imprint in your subconscious mind - Gettysburg Address up to 500 repetitions - Repetition is a powerful factor in affecting the programming of your subconscious mind! Vaughan, Susan C., M.D. Half Empty, Half Full, Harcourt, Inc. (2000) 1. Same author as last book, except this time she numbers each research citation for each conclusion!! SEE BIBLIOGRAPHY! 2. Optimism is not inborn…It is the result of a particular series of mental machinations (processes) 3. It is clear from decades of research that how we see ourselves, the world around us, and the prospects for the future at a given moment is very much a product of our current emotional state!! 4. Her conclusion #1: Our modulating of the moods that color our inner world does not depend on our external circumstances!! Page 33 5. Being in the driver’s seat. See p 43-44 6. Very Important research finding page 50 and Citation!!!

7. Martin Seligman research: “learned helplessness” p 52 8. TAKE HOME MESSAGE: p 56-57-58-59 S4S can make this difference!!!!!!! 9. Limbic lessons: amygdala: p 63-66 and how we need to whip EVOLUTION!!(Negative) 10 Self-esteem: see note on p 87 11. Change what you feel by changing how we think! P 150 12 HOW DO YOU ALTER YOUR THINKING: P 156-157-160-161-163167 13. RE-WRITE scenes in your mind p 183 14. way to change your thinking: movement and rhythm p 187 15 Don’t forget Good bibliography!!!! 4th Vaughan, Susan C., M.D. The Talking Cure, Henry Holt and Company (1997) 1. I wrote myself a reminder in the front of this book. I have to get some copies of PET SCANS and MRI SCANS to show to class!! 2. Substitute the work “talking” for the word “psychotherapy” in each quote! 3. Research evidence shows that talking literally changes the structure of the brain p4. It actually can alter the web of interconnecting neural cells, 4. The Doctor’s theory in this book, which she backs up with research citations! Biological connections between the neurons are literally strengthened or forged, weakened, or broken-ultimately rewired-through the process of Talk! When such rewiring occurs on a grand scale, through repeated experience and work on specific patterns, particular parts of the brain are permanently altered!!!! This is it! This is the basis for my whole program: Teaching Permanent SelfMotivation!!!! 5. See p 31 The association and limbic cortical systems contain the records of ALL of our unique experiences and feelings!

6. See p 34 Memories (specific) are not held in ONE neuron, but in a pattern (webs) of interlinking neurons distributed in the cortex. 7. See p 40-41 The brains memory of patterns and strengths of interconnections between neuron-web-patterns is “learning” All (p 41) the neurodes can do is add up all of the input received from other neurodes and to fire or not to fire, depending on whether the total input is greater than its ACTIVATION THRESHOLD!! 8 As our network is presented with version after version, the specific patterns of activation that occur, lead to specific alterations in the strength of the connection between various neurodes!!!! 9. P 46. Our job with teaching self-talk is to reach into your adult networks and disconnect those neurons that link negatives and sadness, and failure thoughts, etc!!!!! 10. If we change these patterns with self-talk, we literally alter the way feelings and ideas are interlinked in the mind! 11. See p 50…two distinct forms of modification that lead to different behaviors—two forms of learning: HABITUATION AND SENSITIZATION. 12. Habituation is a decreased response to a repeated harmless stimulus. BOTH ARE EXPLAINED ON P 60 AND 61 AND 62 VERY WELL!!! 13. P 68 What happens when we learn: We change the long-term efficacy of synaptic connections. We alter the effectiveness of already existing pathways by changing patterns of strength between neurons! 14. How long does it take? WEEKS! See p 69-70-71 15. Don’t forget bibliography in back of book for MY BIBLIO GIFT!! Waitley, Denis E., Ph.D. Being the Best, Simon and Schuster (1987) a. Happiness and Success is the journey, not the destination. b. What you see is who you’ll be!! c. FAILURE IS THE FERTILIZER OF SUCCESS!! d. You cannot break bad habits, but you can replace them with good ones!!!

e. The lesson of the Disney Marathon…Each runner in the Disney Marathon has a different “finish line.” Each has a different goal – a process of/for achievement, reaching an objective and creating the potential to move on to an even greater goal. f. Learn to live from the inside=out: 1. Make enthusiasm your daily habit 2. Make your self-talk affirmative 3. Don’t let negative people determine your self-worth 4. Force yourself to use a positive, affirmative vocabulary (habit) 5. The greatest communication skill is paying value to others. Get high on doing good! 6. It is not who or what you are that holds you back; rather, it is what you think you are not! g. It is not to take the road less traveled; it is to take the road BEST traveled!! Therefore, let your natural gifts be the key to fulfilling your potential for success. Find your natural gifts; what you really love! Develop them. Then use them to be the best you can!! h. List on how to break procrastinations hold: p 173-174 i. The anatomy of a habit: The Reticular Activating System. P 183+ explains how living near the airport becomes a habit, ¾ weeks j. Self-discipline does within while you do without. k. Page 194 gives list of % of sales quitters before the 5th (most successful) call!!! Ninety percent of salespersons quit before they get there. l. It is a myth to believe that a positive attitude is all that you need! You must also welcome and cherish failure, for it is the fertilizer of success! m. The two greatest fear-busters (failure) are knowledge and action!! n. Adaptability is the key! o. Real success comes in little pieces…day by day…

Waitley, Denis E., Ph.D The Psychology of Winning, Nightingale-Conant Corporation (1978) Wattles, Wallace D. The Science of Getting Rich, Life Success Productions (1996) Wenger, Win, Ph.D. and Poe, Richard. The Einstein Factor, Prima Publishing (1996) Wesson, Kenneth. Applying Brain Research Around the World. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002) Wesson, Kenneth. The Most Important Discoveries in Brain Research for Educators. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002) Wetzel, Kathryn, Ph.D.; and Harmeyer, Kathleen, M.S. Mind Games, Delmar Thomson Learning (2000) 1. Another book to review if we add senior seminars. This one looks good!! 2. It has a ‘Conclusion’ paragraph at the end of each chapter. 3. Chapter 2 has excellent description of brain formation and function as well as a description of the 7 intelligences. 4. Many helpful self-quizzes and games etc. 5. VERY GOOD>>>IF Whitaker, Julian, M.D. The Memory Solution, Avery Publishing Group (1999) Wolfe, Pat. Brain Research and Education: Fad or Foundation? Topic Library. (August 2001) Yager, Dexter R. Don’t Let Anybody Steal Your Dream, Internet Services Corporation (1978) An adventure into Narcissism, for the Dex-man. However, I could use some of the quotes as examples of tired clichés that need UPGRADING to 21st Century Science. Zola, Stuart. Brain-based Memory in the Classroom. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002) Zola, Stuart. A Maze of Myths About Memory. Learning Brain Expo. The Brain Store. (2002)

HERE ARE THE HOTTEST 55 SCIENTIFIC SUCCESS DISCOVERIES FROM EVERYTHING I’VE READ! Doug Bench 1. Every thought you have sends electrical and chemical signals throughout your brain! Thoughts have actual physical properties. They are real (use in brochure). They have significant influence on every cell in your body!!!! 2. One of the reasons people feel so good at a positive-thinking seminar is because they surround themselves with a room full of people who are all reaffirming the best in one another. 3. The person that you are is always perfect; what you, as that person do, is not always perfect. You cannot fail as a person! 4. Self-talk is the constant conversation that you carry on with yourself, as you perceive what you think you see, feel and hear. It is “three-dimensional” thought; that is, made up of words, pictures and emotion. 5. Once we vividly imagine an experience, it is recorded in our subconscious and we are stuck with it until we make a conscious choice to displace it. If you choose to make a change in your self-image, you can use self-talk and visualization to create a new picture that ‘will’ the changes that you desire!! All meaningful change and all lasting change starts FIRST in mind or imagination and THEN works its way outward into reality. 6. Successful people are people who are constantly busy doing things that they don’t know how to do for sure. 7. It isn’t so much positive thinking that’s needed as it is to INTERCEPT Negative thoughts!! This is called cognitive therapy! And it has been research proven that cognitive therapy…does truly change the brain!!! 8. Action oriented self-talk must be: positive, specific, and present tense! (It can occur subconsciously [OSU]) Sometimes negativism wins a battle in the subconscious, that we don’t even know is taking place! THEREFORE you must turn up the volume on your subconscious self-talk that is positive, specific, and present tense…THIS SIMPLE CONCEPT CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!

9. Do not try to get rid of your fears, only reduce their influence on our behavior 10. You must visualize BEFORE you take action: every day for a week or two BEFORE you start…see yourself doing it…hear yourself…smell it…Every time you practice before you go into action-stage, you gain self-discipline support from your subconscious and weaken ‘isms’ ability to stall your action!!! Visualization will enlist your subconscious mind to help you accomplish ALL the steps in your project. Even while & when you are sleeping or not aware of its supportive acts. This is what helps make it permanent!!! 11. “Something terrible will happen” is your Neanderthal man talking and is REQUIRED, get used to it and change YOUR EVOLUTION!! 12. If enuff time do paper clip exercises in class p111 of Tony Buzan book. 13. There is now evidence that our brain possibly retains ALL information that has ever been inputted into it in your lifetime…in exact, minute detail! 14. Now that you know the unbelievable capacity of the brain, step out of that box, think of the far out applications. The connections, the thousands of connections: i.e. associations! [see and copy p 113, 114, 115]…and practice-practice-practice going outside the box (the last few chapters have exercises for numerics and logic) 15. The search for meaning in the brain—occurs through patterning (connecting things that are related in space and time. 16. More than 90% of people who attend short-term seminars see no improvement in their lives (they don’t take the time to implement what they have ‘learned’) 17. Your everyday habits will determine your future. If you persist at developing a new behavior, eventually it becomes AUTOMATIC! If the wife asks you to pick something up on the way home from work, it’s not uncommon to totally forget, because you’re programmed (automatic) (subconscious) to take the same way home every night! The great news is that you can reprogram yourself any time you choose to do so! 18. Top Ten List for GOALS: They must be: YOURS, MEANINGFUL; SPECIFIC; MEASURABLE; FLEXIBLE(written in pencil)CHALLENGING AND EXCITING; WELLBALANCED; REALISTIC (There are no unrealistic goals, only unrealistic time frames!);SUPPORTED!

19. Over the same period of time, horses have also had better training, and nutrition; they’ve even had controlled breeding. Yet no such astounding improvements in the times of racehorses’ speed records have occurred. WHY? Human beings are finding greater and greater power within their minds!!!! 20. If you want to double your success rate double your failure rate!! It is the FEAR of failure, and the FEAR of losing that hurts us, not failure. 21. To the brain, perception IS reality, therefore gently confirm by repetition, a new habit until it sets in and begins confirming itself, w/o any effort from me! 22. We have the “power of continuous creation” (plasticity) THEREFORE: There are no optimistic or pessimistic personalities; there are only single individual “choices” for optimistic or pessimistic thoughts. 23. And I should take this even further; with the science facts are these choices even voluntary? Or are they science-based unless we take and seize control of our thoughts (see # 11 p 36-38 its fantastic!!!) You must create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true! “Tell yourself a true lie! 24. Keep thinking!! Excellent example of forcing your brain to go down OTHER, ALTERNATIVE pattern pathways! P 113 Use the 5% solution…that’s it! That’s all it takes is 5% more than others do…. Keep thinking!!! P 155 25. If everyone else is doing it - DON'T 26. A powerful part of the brain called the amygdala wants the world to run on routine- not change - located within the limbic system, which is an ancient area of the mind that deals with the way we deal, perceive and respond to the world. The amygdala relentlessly urges you to favor the familiar and routine - it craves control and safety, which at times can be vital. The amygdala's instincts evolved over thousands of years - we overreact to the negative because that's how our brains evolved - unfortunate. Unless you choose to consciously override this brain tendency you are consigned to repeating the past for the rest of your life - human nature. When you establish a habit of asking yourself 2 questions - what did you do last week, what will you do this week, as an integral part of your life, it can change your approach to everything you do. 27. Our evolution requires us to amplify negative thoughts and perceptions!

28. One key part of the limbic system is the hypothalamus: it directs those emotional reactions that have to do with survival (the fight or flight syndrome) 29. During the past few years we’ve seen Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) coupled with powerful computers that can now capture in real time, images of the actual physiology associated with the thought processes in the brain while we are thinking. These techniques show how specific regions of the brain light up when activities, such as reading, are performed and also show how supporting cells organize and coordinate these tasks. Computed Tomography takes advantage of the fact that different tissues of the brain absorb varying amounts of x-ray energy. 30. “Trying on Success” Go ahead and do things that will give you a glimpse of the more affluent lifestyle to come! (Go test drive that Mercedes.) Children are more enthusiastic, because they live in the present! 31. We now know that with plasticity of the brain there are 4 neurotic sentences that you cannot use again – “That’s just me”; “I’ve always been that way”; “I can’t help it; that’s just the way I am”; “that’s my nature”. Page 96 list – 10 typical “I AM” categories. You cannot train your brain, until you understand how it functions. You have to be aware of the way you think! By the time we are 40, we are expressing less than two % of the measurable creativity that we demonstrated as young children 32. How to change: BIG WOW page 29!!!!! Your brain is always seeking patterns learned from previous experiences or activities or thoughts; and projecting them into new situations! 33 Eifert: Cross-train your brain!!. How to change to positive!!!! Page 42-46 Change perspective-change expectation-visualize!!!!! Very good examples of creative visualization!! Page 78. Negative evolution. Very good example of limbic system explanation page 80-82. Trust the Darkness! Very good explanation of intuition and other ways of gathering information. HOT TIP page 102!!! BETTER EXPLANATION is on pages 108-109 on the INTUITIVE MIND!! Also see citation p 110 and also do exercise page 119 34. Even ordinary effort over time yields extraordinary results!

35. Think of your attitude as a skill…not an emotion! So don’t worry about feeling positive…concentrate on acting positive and thinking positive. Don’t worry about how you feel, worry about what you do and what you think!!!! ******** 35A. Fear: concentrate on the execution and not the result!! Putting…pitching, etc. 35B The myth of self-discipline. Success flows from passion, not self-discipline. Successful people do what they need to do whether they like it or not. That’s selfdiscipline…EXCEPTIONALLY successful people do what they need to do because they love it!! That’s PASSION!! 36. If we took a piece of the brain, the size of a match head alone, there could be up to one billion connections on that surface 37. It appears then therefore, that sheer numbers of neurons are NOT as important as the connections between them in the brain, and these connections are highly changeable, not just in the developmental brain but also in adulthood!!! Specific experiences will enhance the connectivity in highly specific neuronal circuits. Memory (p 133) is somehow associated with the overlapping circuits of neurons, and the more emotional the memory experience, the more overlapping circuits we have (are formed) 38. The quickest way to change someone else is to change something about YOU! When you are attacking someone else---look in the mirror! You may be attacking them for something you don’t like about yourself. 39. You have approximately 40,000 thoughts a day and the majority are negative. You also repeat about 60% from the previous day so you repeat what you thought about yesterday…day after day! Ask yourself: Is my thinking resulting in the quality of life I desire? 40. Bad news: When your subconscious sends you your answers (ideas), they go into your short-term memory, THEREFORE YOU MUST HAVE WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES, A RECORDER OR MEANS OF WRITING DOWN ALL OF THESE IDEAS IMMEDIATELY!! It is not a question of getting these answers or opportunities; it is a question of noticing them and then recording them!!! Have a brain suggestion box.

41. Realization that there is no such thing as procrastination, or that it doesn’t matter…WE HAVE TO PROCRASTINATE...we can’t possibly get every thing done that we THINK we NEED (want) to do... What’s wrong is how we choose those things to put off!!! 42. Kotulak Inside the Brain!!The POWER of PLASTICITY and the ABSOLUTE PROOF that lying to your subconscious brain, will train your brain to physically change itself and create a new reality!!!!!! P 22-25. Phantom limb experiment. 43. TOP TEN REASONS WHY PEOPLE FAIL: 44. Restak, Richard, M.D. All in Your Head: New Research Shows that What you Thought About the Aging Brain is all Wrong! Modern Maturity (AARP) (January 5, 2002) 45. It was shown that thinking about events maintains the vividness of memories, and that thinking about IMAGINED events can have the same impact on vividness ratings as thinking about real events... So much so that if you practiced/rehearsed imagined events, the vividness of these memories would begin to approximate that of memories of real events!!! PHANTOM LIMB RESEARCH...P 98+ 46. The ‘how to do it’ will always come to the person who believes that he can do it. Belief – strong belief triggers the mind for figuring ways and means and howto’s. Believing you can succeed makes others place confidence in you. 47. LEARNED OPTIMISM EXCELLENT anecdotal story re National league teams and quotes and how this rated them for optimism and success the next yr!! Re-read and use this, probably if longer than keynote!! 48. Your brain, with 100 billion neurons, has over ten times that many glial cells. Glial cells do not carry messages. They support the neurons by supplying nutrients and other chemicals, repairing the brain after injury, and attacking invading bacteria. 49. The cerebral cortex is made up of 10 to 14 billion of your brain’s neurons. 50. “You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known and exist, before it is generally received and practiced upon” 51. "It is impossible to think something and not have it affect your physical world in some way"

52. HOW DO YOU ALTER YOUR THINKING: P 156-157-160-161-163-167 RE-WRITE scenes in your mind p 18353. The Doctor’s theory in this book, which she backs up with research citations! Biological connections between the neurons are literally strengthened or forged, weakened, or broken-ultimately rewiredthrough the process of Talk! When such rewiring occurs on a grand scale, through repeated experience and work on specific patterns, particular parts of the brain are permanently altered!!!! 53. This is it! This is the basis for my whole program: Teaching Permanent Self-Motivation!!!! RE-READ #52 and #54 TEN TIMES!!!! 54. The brains memory of patterns and strengths of interconnections between neuron-web-patterns is “learning” All (p 41) the neurodes can do is add up all of the input received from other neurodes and to fire or not to fire, depending on whether the total input is greater than its ACTIVATION THRESHOLD!! As our network is presented with version after version, the specific patterns of activation that occur, lead to specific alterations in the strength of the connection between various neurodes!!!! P 46. Our job with teaching self-talk is to reach into your adult networks and disconnect those neurons that link negatives and sadness, and failure thoughts, etc!!!!! If we change these patterns with self-talk, we literally alter the way feelings and ideas are interlinked in the mind! HABITUATION AND SENSITIZATION. And Permanently alter the biological mechanisms of how we think. Thinking controls actions. Actions lead to Success, permanently! 55. YOUR SUCCESS STORY!

VIDEO SERIES Body Atlas. Discovery Videos (6 volumes) Body Story I. Discovery Videos (3 volumes) Body Story II. Discovery Videos (4 volumes) The Brain: Our Universe Within. Discovery Videos (3 volumes) The Human Animal. The Learning Channel Videos (6 volumes)

The Intimate Universe: The Human Body. BBC Videos. (4 volumes) The Secret Life of the Brain. PBS Documentary Videos (4 volumes) Ultimate Guide to the Human Body. Discovery videos. Understanding the Amazing Brain. The Learning Channel Video. RECOMMENDED WEBSITES 76 (The Age Page) (NOTE: Go to Yahoo search engine and do a search for: “The brain”) This will get you to hundreds of other brain-research sites!! RECOMMENDED JOURNALS Brain Research Review Scientific American Journal of Neuroscience Science Neuron Neuroscience

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