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  • Words: 3,355
  • Pages: 33
BTO.ONE Unveiling the new science of Marketing without marketing

How neuromarketing

better powers your ROI and inspires

timeless sustainability All rights reserved © 2009





NEW MARKETING FRONTIER Neuromarketing research turns grey matter ‘CLEAR’ Why do people who prefer the taste of Pepsi loyally buy Coke? Will the Catwoman movie make you want to see the film? And are women subconsciously drawn to the sight of a bikini-clad model hawking beer on television? Neuro scientists and top researchers have untangled advertising mysteries of neuromarketing, a new spin on market research that focuses on those seeking revolutionary technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that gazes directly into the customer behavioral and attitudinal scientific findings. While traditional marketing is still using old-age demographic equations to target audiences, Neuromarketing proves these methods no longer relevant and emphasizes Psycho-graphic layer processing: consumer’s attitudinal and behavioral morphogenesis. 2

While traditional marketing still considers people targets, Neuromarketing has humanized and erased the term ‘target’ and reshaped the process to connect with people on an emotional level to win their hearts and minds.

Get intimate with your brain DEMONSTRATION Take your brain to the gym for a moment In the next image you will be asked to pronounce the color not the word. You will experience something that you probably never thought possible. This test will demonstrate the left brain - right brain conflict and its effect on your purchasing behavior

Take the test now: see next page

You have just experienced the left brain - right brain conflict. The question is if the left and the right brain are in such conflict who then decided to buy?


Let us understand that the major motivational circuit of our actions is the quest for pleasure and satisfaction. While the emotional brain loves to max-up the credit card, the rational one insists on thinking of saving for retirement. While the closet is full of pairs of shoes that go with every dress, more often than not, she finds herself buying an extra pair just in case. While his cell phone is still working, he is emotionally wanting the latest model.

Neuromarketing is psyho-analyzing our cerebral activity, understanding the results from the sphere of emotions, sensations, rational and even consciousness and translating them into valuable marketing guidelines.

Ah he understands me! The main driving force to a rewarding interpersonal or organization relationship is TRUST and CONNECTION. In other words, being on the same values platform.

Trust can only settle in if integrity, intent and CREDIBILITY become the pistons that drive the engine of the relationship forward. At this point the door of TRUST yields to productivity and long-term success. How does it work from the brain’s perspective? The following visual will give a firsthand look at the brain under the microscope:


As you can see, the reptilian brain a.k.a. the Primitive brain is the kingdom of Nucleus Acumens in plain English: the zone of merits and rewards, the survival reactor. The primitive says: your pretty brand may get you to the door but it will not guarantee you a chair at my table. The primitive is all about You muddle with your brand value you lose everything.

value merits.


Does this sound familiar? If the answer is yes, do you know why we say it? In the next segment we’ll share with you from a neuro-scientific perspective why we use this term.



We won’t go deep in this analysis, but we’d reserve it for when you require an in depth presentation. But we can tell you this, not having the precise image that reflects the consumer’s value system and connects both the left and the right brain hemispheres to it, will be treated as non credible. In the previous image, take a look at the red dot in the middle, you’ll notice that it is connected to the emotional hemisphere of the brain while the prefrontal cortex (rational) is in the outer layer of the brain. Studies have proven that before the act of purchase is activated, the pleasure zone of the brain reacts 500 milliseconds before the rational zone. The putamen is the pleasure zone that releases dopamine into the blood (related to the sensation of pleasure) before the act of purchase.


It is no wonder that our impulses can lead us on various wild sprees of spending. And it is no wonder that banks gladly offer you credits cards because they are well aware of the human pleasure-based spending behavior.


The purchasing act: Decoding the brain buying stimuli:


The reptilian brain is self-centered He reacts only in contrast situations i.e. noise/silence He only understands basic elements He only concentrates on the beginning and the end He’s quite visual (the optical nerves transport 25 times more information than the audible). 6) He’s very emotional.


The corporate identity: (the logo memory test) 1- Let us introduce: John smith John Smith: 2 names John and Smith

2- Let us introduce: John Edward William Wayne Smith 5 names John, Edward, William, Wayne Smith

3- Let us introduce: John Edward William Wayne Bernard Smith 6 names John, Edward, William, Wayne, Bernard Smith

4- Let us introduce: John Edward William Smith 4 names John, Edward, William Smith

5- Let us introduce: John Edward William Wayne Bernard Kaycee

Smith 7 names John, Edward, William, Wayne, Bernard Kaycee Smith



Alert: DO NOT look at the next page and answer the following question What are all the names listed in #3 of the previous page Please take a few moments to think and then look at the next page for the answer

If you respected the previous , the answer is:

You’re unable to remember. Why are you unable to remember?

Introducing the Hippocampus also called the LTM (long term memory)

Let us get intimate with our Hippocampus: Our memory stock room Since you were unable to remember the 6 names, let me explain why. You’re not alone, anyone else would have also failed the same test and here is why: 11

Humans, as well as animals, when confronted with organizing objects into a hierarchy, and are forced to prioritize a given set of objects simultaneously, their hippocampus (human long term memory) cannot yield attention to two or more at objects once. It is normal for the human brain to be unable to remember a set of six names previously read.

The Corporate logo TAKE A LOOK AT THESE COMPANIES CORPORATE ID EVOLUTION Why do companies change their logos? Why do they re-brand? Here is a cohesive reason. Follow the process till the end and it will become clear how a logo design is more of a methodological process than just a personal decorating project.



Have you noticed anything in all previous corporate logo evolution? Take a look at all of their final logo design outcomes


And take a look at the following logos together

What do they all have in common? I’m sure your answer is: they’re


Market leaders corporate logos involve a methodological design process. Their logos are based on the famous credibility-based formula by Saulbass. We can all agree that these corporations are capable of hiring top graphic designers to produce elaborate, three dimensional logos with special effects, yet they did not.


The credibility-based formula, takes into account one objective only: immediate recognition and long-term memorability.

The long term memory under the microscope

You probably noticed print ad, radio spots and TV commercials campaigns Noticed the frequency of their appearance? When companies insist on frequency is because, in order for the long term memory to retain the information effectively, the neuronal stimulates and creates connection with other nervous cells in the brain. The more the neurons are stimulated, the more they multiply the points of contact. The neurons and the implicated connections points in the LTM begin to create web of circuits to end up with a well synchronized cerebral map. To remember is to recreate one of these neuronal maps stored in the hippocampus


The Corporate Logo Credibility-Based Principles

Company managers, large and small, can now assess the power of their logo by using a relatively new basis for judgment: If the company logo is credibilitybased it will have power to influence company messages in the minds of company stakeholders. We know how effective credible people are, but now credibility principles apply to company logos. When a company speaks, it must be considered a credible source. Many studies in interpersonal communication (people to people) conclude that if the source is competent, reliable, and forward thinking the message will be more readily accepted by the receiver. Competent, reliable and forward thinking make up the components of being credible in interpersonal communication. In short, a person high in the dimensions of competent, reliable and forward thinking will be more credible, and therefore, more influential. Again, these are the three prongs of being credible. Likewise, a company high in dimensions of expert, trustworthy and forward-thinking will be credible and, therefore, more influential. (Note the similarity of words.) This is because people relate to companies the same way they relate to people. These are brand-customer relationships.

Take a look at these credibility-based logo design examples by B-to-one


Logo 1:

When placed next to the leader, we get this:


Logo 2::

When placed next to the leader, we get this:

Does your logo conform to these principles? If it does not, let us give revitalize your corporate identity and give it a new credibility-based face-lift. Call us today or visit our Website for more information:


CREATIVE V.S PROFITS: Why creative thinking doesn’t cut It? Creative vision and flashes of inspiration are all very nice, but they are worse than useless unless you actually do something with your ideas. We all do plenty of lateral thinking every day, but nothing much comes of it. What separates real creators from daydreaming amateurs is their keenness to roll up their sleeves and get on with the hard work of creativity paired with

productivity. So we’ve replaced ‘lateral thinking’ with Lateral Action. And if you stay with us on this journey, we’ll offer you some solid practical proof to will translate creative visions into profitable reality. Another reason we emphasize action is that things have changed since the time of Michelangelo, even since the heyday of Amis and Levitt. Great artists have always been good at getting things done. Some of them, such as Shakespeare and Hogarth, were also excellent entrepreneurs. But these days there’s a lot more pressure on artists and creatives to be businesslike and professional, not just in their working habits but in how they (whisper it) sell themselves and their work.

1- ADVERTISING BAPTIZE YOUR STRATEGY WITH NEUROMARKETING: Today’s advertising is a bit like playing make-believe and our society's values are being corrupted by advertising's insistence on the equation. In a world of visual pollution with bad intent, the last thing you want to do is:


While advertisers still drive over exhausted and depreciated advertising Vehicles, neuromarketing insists on leveraging growth and sustainability via Value-driven and customer-centric and ethical advertising methodology. Trust ethical professionals to focus on your ROI not their awards. Neuromarketing had baptized today’s advertising and marketing intent so you can have that peace of mind…


and ….


THE NEW DISCIPLINE The future is NO LONGER about selling but knowing the audience from the inside and connecting the brand with their value system. It's all about TRUST: Trust had become the only horse power that sets the buying wheel in motion. Today, advertising is a journey, and not an end state of utopia. It's about optimizing the

impact, and creating value via the process and the provision of communications support. In the rising racket of global choice and competition, brands are the most effective way of cutting through the noise to reach people's hearts and minds.

IT'S NOT CREATIVE IF IT DOESN'T SELL In today's ferocious advertising jungle, you miss te target, you miss the boat. it's about the critical link between advertising and marketing goals versus advertising that simply entertains or wins awards while it's costing you your arms and your legs. What's the point of 30 or 60 seconds of entertainment if consumers can't remember what the ad was about a few seconds later? What does this ad sell? What brand?



This revolutionary technique has reshaped visual communication design principles. We can now predict customers visual attention using artificial intelligence algorithm technology.

HOW IS IT DONE? The artificial intelligence simulates human attention on objects and generates attention maps and eye fixations via its robotic/scientific research and its physiologic / neurological relationship to humans. In today's visual pollution, knowing your audience and understanding their behavior also mean understanding what simulates their attention to your advertising material or Website


VISUAL POLLUTION THAT WENT WRONG Take a look at this ad and ask yourself what do I see? The answer is: nothing and to prove it we ran this on cognitive task analysis take a look at what people saw: nothing


Let’s examine its emotional calibration and consumer’s eye behavior pattern: But before we that, here is a quick on conventional old advertising Formula called A I D A : (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). Advertisers say Give it an Attention grabber headline, throw a quick Interests in the sub head, garnish it with a copy that activates the Desire then watch the consumer take Action. Even this magical bullet that once was a hot fire cracker, Its undercoat has slowly corroded, overused then lost its shine in the eye of the consumer. Did you notice in the first ad:

the 56% discount?

You probably haven’t, to understand the retinal trajectory of any given ad, one must first understand the science behind the retinal imagery and the process that image go through before understanding how the brain reacts to the latter. If the image is deemed non credible the both brain spheres, the prefrontal cortex will Treat this image as non credible and therefore will not be stored in the LTM: long term memory. In this case when the trajectory was examined, we know prior to publishing the ad it will fail the performance metric test. Therefore money flushed won the toilet. And now imagine running the ad for several weeks. !

Giving the ad a face lift See bellow the new revitalized ad and its behavioral cognitive task analysis result difference: it will show a whole new perspective of the behavior pattern results. The following analysis clearly shows the attention of the consumer was


undeniably focused on the discount while in the previous version, the eye fixation were on anything but the discounts.



The Web Know your audience: You designed the site for them, how do you know what engages them, what appeals the them, what they dislike, what and what…. Know your audience; It’s the first Website rule. When we say know your audience, we don’t mean, their age, profession blab la, in neuromarketing that is irrelevant, what relevant is, is their behavior, we call also the psycho-graphic / techno-graphic characteristics.

Take a look at this valuable link: Users biggest Website pet peeves:

Welcome to the mother of all jungles: The Internet

56 million Websites, 7.5 billion Web pages… now imagine, only 5500 Web sites passed the performance metric test Shocking enough? Statistics show: 97.9 % are designers have little or no marketing skills and are considered as decorators only. Fewer than 2% are visual communicators.

Why creative thinking doesn’t always cut it? Unfortunately, many designers concentrate on winning awards, instead of focusing on the client’s objectives. Does this look familiar? That’s your money not mine yours. Now don’t get me wrong this is not just the designers fault, part of it in some cases the site’s owner’s lack of understanding of the main Web site objective.


Please take a moment to explore this link that will make you think twice before investing in a Website. You invest your hard earned dollars building a small business or a large corporation, yet when it comes to building a proper window that will give you

credible presence on the Web. You begin to question the designers, you know what you have every right to do so, as a user yourself, how many time you arrived to a main page of a Website and started rubbing your eyes and shaking your head? Many times right? Now think for a bit, since you’re not the only users surfing the Web, imagine another user landing on your own Website and starts shaking their heads and rubbing their eyes, one thing for sure, they won’t be giving you their money for that, do we agree? Life on the Web is always more real when you see it

through the eyes

of the consumer. When you visit the link mentioned above, you will realize the true reality facing all business people wishing to have a


presence on the Web. The reason we repeat the word credible since the beginning, it’s because we must reiterate the fact that you as a consumer will 29


never give your money to any when they show lack of In the mother of all jungles, credibility is the only driving force to taking action. So let us share with you what users see on a particular Website through artificial intelligence. You probably ask yourself how credible is artificial intelligence? Well, we always let people decide for themselves when they show true intent. in the next page you will experience first hand the power of artificial intelligence Through your own eyes, fair enough?

The test First, you must have sincere intent and respect the rules before participating in this test. You will be show an interface of a Website, then you’ll be asked to observe this page as of you’re a user arriving on the site, then after 5 seconds you’ll be asked to look away for one second. Then look at the results of your own behavioral pattern on the site in question Here it goes, see the interface in the next page.



Although, this interface is reduced in size, due to the space allocated, you can still go through with the test. Under normal circumstances the test is conducted on the actual dimensions of the interface.

When you’re ready, jump to the next page to see your own results


Cognitive task analysis results

As you can very well, you’re probably confirming your own behavior pattern on this site. It is our pleasure to explain in depth what happens when a user arrives on particular Website and what his/her intentions are when visiting your site. The behavior analysis indicates many things to us. Unfortunately we cannot provide all details of what you see.

Imagine, This technology today allows us to run any Website interface under the microscope to ensure

relevancy is not tempered with. Today when we

speak of relevancy we speak of the mother of all relevancies, the Web is about one only thing:

engage, today



Today, if Web designers do not respect the principles, your site will find itself buried in the deepest cyber rubbles, ignored with no chance of ever being used.

Rise to the new consumer The new consumer changed business practice forever Do you know why someone who buys Kraft food drives a gas guzzling 4x4? Empowered, informed and using the money in their pocket to make a point, not just a purchase, the consumer now, more than ever, calls the shots and

brands are no longer in





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