Networking Skill Test

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 680
  • Pages: 6
You have chosen to take "Networking Skills Test" of 20 questions to be answered. All the questions are of 1 mark each. Once you got finish the test, total score will be shown. You can record your score to SiliconIndia account which will get added to your profile. 1. What keystroke will terminate setup mode? Ctrl+Z Ctrl+C Ctrl+^ Ctrl+Shift+^ 2. What does SDLC mean in Networking protocol ? Software Data Link Control Synchronous Data Link Control Software development life cycle Synchronous data development cycle This question is contributed by Pramila Halder 3. The data link layer is used for Providing a well-defined service interface to the network layer Dealing with transmission errors Regulating the flow of data so that slow receivers are not swamped All This question is contributed by Salma Khatun 4. ________ act as a central transmitter and receiver in wireless local area network Access Nodes Access Points

Access Hubs None of the above This question is contributed by Eshani Despande 5. Baseband transmission may be defined as the transmission of a signal over a link: by means of wires. at a different band of frequencies. without any change in frequency which is relatively short. 6. LAN stands for___________. Littile-area network. local area network. Long area network. Largest area network. This question is contributed by Anusua Mishra 7. The network computer that contains the hard drives, printers, and other resources that are shared with other network computers is called a _________, Client Mainframe Server Hub This question is contributed by Indira De 8. Router works on --------layers Network Physical Session

Transport This question is contributed by Matin Ahmed 9. how many type of OSI model layers? 6 7 8 9 This question is contributed by som dutt 10. The Message type ‘HELLO’ in OSPF message means To find out the neighbours in the network To login to the network To connect to another network place None of the above This question is contributed by Mahua Dutta 11. A receiving host has failed to receive all of the segments that it should acknowledge. What can the host do to improve the reliability of this communication session? Send Restart Decrease decreasing the window size. Increase the windown size 12. FDM in Networking stands for Frequency Division Multiplexing Frequency Distirbution Multiplexing Frequency Division Methods

Frequency Distribution Methods This question is contributed by Gayetri Sharma 13. Which of the following is not true about the difference of B-ISDN as compared to ISDN? .B-ISDN provides for communication services with very high bit rate requirements such as digital television B-ISDN uses optical fibre cable whereas ISDN makes us of the existing infrastructure. B-ISDN uses only packet switching whereas ISDN does not perform packet switching. The bit rate for ISDN is prespecified unlike B-ISDN 14. The technique of temporarily delaying outgoing acknowledgements so that they can be hooked onto the next outgoing data frame is known as correcting piggybacking Sliding None of the above This question is contributed by Sobha Desai 15. what is rip hop count value? 10 20 15 17

This question is contributed by som dutt 16. Clients are the computers used by ______ users for everyday work. Individual Group System None This question is contributed by Mallika Singh 17. Which layer 4 protocol is used for a Telnet connection? IP TCP TCP/IP ICMP 18. A router: forwards a packet to all outgoing links, except the link upon which the packet originated. forwards a packet to the next free outgoing link. forwards a packet to all outgoing links. determines on which outgoing link a packet is to be forwarded. 19. A file is downloaded to a home computer using a 56 kbps modem connected to an Internet Service Provider. If the download completes in 2 minutes, estimate the maximum size of data downloaded 336 Kbit 6.72 Mbit 13.44 Mbit 26.88 Mbit 20. The Service(s) offered by the Data layer are/is

Acknowledged connectionless service Unacknowledged connectionless service Acknowledged connection-orient ed service All

ANSWERS: A, C, D, B, C, B, C, A, B, A, C, A, C, B, C, A, B, D, B, D.

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