Nesa Art|works 2008 Consultation & Evaluation Report

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,811
  • Pages: 9

Art|works Creative Community Festival 2008, Radstock. Consultation and Evaluation report.

Contents Introduction Festival Visitor Consultation. (page 2) Stall holder, Artists and Activity leaders (Contributors) feedback. (page 7) Town centre and 'Passerby' consultation. (page 10)

Introduction This project had two primary aims: To invite feedback of the visitors and contributors to the festival which can help the festival to evolve in the future & To stimulate a culture of consultation and feedback as part of the festival experience. In order to meet the aims various methods were used: 100 people were interviewed with a traditional 'clipboard' questionnaire. This group included visitors to the festival interviewed at the various festival locations (70) and a number of people (30) in the immediate vacinity of the festival who were either on-route to or from the festival locations or who had no intention of visiting the festival, ie. ‘passersby’. Many, but not all, of the contributing Artists , Activity Leaders and Stall-holders were encouraged to give feedback through face to face discussion, feedback sheet and email contact in the week after the festival. A video project was completed which involved invited festival visitors to interview each other, asking questions intended to generate feedback of the festival and to encourage an ongoing culture of ownership and feedback of the festival in the community. The video was designed as an 'event' at the festival that both encouraged spectators to engage in the 'clipboard' interviews and to 'send signals' that part of the festival experience is sharing your own thoughts & impressions of the festival with others; making 'every one a contributor'. The findings/video project are intended to be published online in order to continue the consultation culture of the festival. The findings of the various interviews produce some information/opinion that could be very readily fedback into the festival organisation and planning for the future. Further, through interpretation now or through further investigation in the future there are also some interesting, perhaps revelatory findings that could benefit the wider Radstock community in the future.

Festival Visitor Consultation. 'Clipboard' interviews undertaken by two people wandering about the various festival locations. 70 interviews were conducted.

Q. Where have you come from today? Radstock Midsomer Norton Timsbury

75% 12% 4%

Chilcompton Bath Writhlington

4% 2% 4%

Q. How did you hear about the festival by word of mouth from a flyer from a poster through school through toddler group came upon it

38% 23% 21% 6% 5% 7%

Q. Were you here last year? Yes




Q. How does it compare with last year? "similar but more stuff” "more people” "It's better than last year"

53% 26%


Q. What good things have you seen or done today? Generalised comments most commonly given from highest to lowest... "craft stuff" "everything" "dancing" "general atmosphere" "music" "food" "painting bags" "juggler" "big blue bus" "the cuts" "children singing" "good amusements for kids" "It's very child orientated"

Q. Have you spoken to anyone new? Yes


No 47%

Q. Have you seen or done anything new today? Yes




>>Q. If“Yes" what? Generalised comments most commonly given from highest to lowest... Juggling Stone carving Music groups The kids danced The bike trail

Q. Have you been surprised by anything today - good or bad? Yes




>>Q. If “Yes” what has surprised you? Generalised comments most commonly given from highest to lowest... "Amount of stuff" "It is better than expected" "The weather" "How pleasant it is" "that its happened" "that it is better than last year" "the community spirit is great" "the skate park"

Q. Has the festival given you any good ideas? Yes




>>Q. If "Yes" what? Generalised comments most commonly given from highest to lowest... "things for kids to do at home" "to join club/activities through the year" Other comments... "to join scouts" "Radstock needs a drama group" "made me think"

Q. Have you got / picked up any contact information for the things you have seen today? Yes




Other comments... "more information about the groups is needed”

Q. How do you normally get information about local events or groups? Newspapers


Friends Flyers/posters School Free newspapers

21% 27% 12% 4%

Q. Is the festival a positive thing for the area? Yes




>>Q. If "YES" Why? Generalised comments most commonly given from highest to lowest... "The kids like it" "sense of community" "it's social" "because nesa does good work" "brings community together" "encourages youngsters" "the area need more for all age groups" "the area needs more for adults and children"

Q. Can you suggest anything to improve the festival in the future? Generalised comments most commonly given from highest to lowest... "No...nothing" "more advertising" "a display or map so you can find things and know where you are" "sign posting" "things for the 16-20 age group" "make it longer" "more music" "sessions for adults" "more for adults"

Q. Is there anything you could say is "bad" about the festival? Generalised comments most commonly given from highest to lowest... "No, not really" "signs" "sign posting" "more for adults" "not enough for 16-20 year olds" "not enough people"

Q. Do you consider yourself to be a creative person? Yes




Q. Do you think Radstock is a creative place?





Other comments... "It is Improving"

Q. What types of creative or arts activities do you take part in through the year? Generalised comments most commonly given from highest to lowest... "The kids do things" "I go to see live music" Attend college or adult classes Other comments... Drama in Midsomer Norton The Radstock Action Group "Seen things going on like the arts project at the top of the hill"

Stall holder, Artists and Activity leaders (Contributors) feedback. This consultation process was initiated at the beginning of the festival by a simple sheet being given out. Contributors were asked to give feedback on their individual experience of the festival by using a simple PLUS, MINUS & INTERESTING system. That is, by listing their experiences as either one which they felt was a positive(+)experience or a negative (-) experience or an interesting experience (?), that is an observation which they felt was important but with no immediate context to quantify it. The sheet had space for the contributors to write down their thoughts throughout the afternoon; when they had time. Contributors were encouraged to be as vague or individual a perspective as they wished, no comment being more or less important to the feedback process. The feedback sheets were collected in at the close of the festival and arrangements were made to contact the contributors again via email for a follow-up. Whilst many of contributors were approached not all responded either to the sheet or to later email contact. It is felt that a fair cross section of contributors were found perhaps with the exception of a food vendor, participating school group and one of the fair ride owners. A teacher from one of the contributing school groups was interviewed as part of the People to People Video Relay. These opinions are intended to be made anonymous for publication. PLUS experiences A””


lots of different activities

met new people

made some positive new connections C”” had a good day met new people discovered the variety of skills in the community made some positive new connections better than expected D””


met potential new members and a new leader

met new people made important connections with her new Parish

F”” Very good atmosphere, the weather really helped. Good that children were centre of activity so that grandparents & parents could relax. G””


It's good that the workshops are free.

Pass on my congratulations to the organisors.

MINUS experiences A””


Things are spread out too far

Not discovered anything new about the community Has not informed own practice Too busy working to see anything Would like to see something for adults

I”” Uncertainty waiting for public to show up. D”” The design of the flyer is very unclear and not striking. H””


Some peoaple were not sure where the green field was Leaflets could be better dispensed at the festival or possibly better signage. Could stall holders have a drink brought round to them becasue they are normally too busy to leave stall.


We could have had a better/busier spot.

INTERESTING experiences and opinions A””



Maybe more activities at each location Get local schools more involved Would like to have seen more art activities that people could be involved in

The event was unsuprising and similar to last year

Did not have as many people as it appeared other stalls had. Will improve the wording of the pubicity so the activity idea is clear.

D”” Visitors were slow to appear early on. Perhaps the location and parking led people to visit here last. Not sure what was going on elsewhere. H”” their G””

Could stall holders have a drink brought round to them becasue they are normally too busy to leave stall.

Already planning what activities to offer next year.

Town centre and 'Passerby' consultation In order to gain a better context in which to view the feedback given by both the festival interviews a number of similar interviews were conducted with people either away from the festival locations or passing by the festival locations and seemingly not engaging. The interview was different to that used in the Festival Visitor consultation although some questions were the same. Like the Festival Visitor consultation, the interviews were conducted 'Clipboard' style by two interviewers wandering. The locations covered included amongst others the area around Radstock Museum/WireWorld, Front & Back of Radco, the various bus stops around the centre. 30 interviews were conducted.

Q. Do you know what the flags and banners flying around the centre for? Yes




Q. Did you know there was a festival in the town today? Yes






Q. Have you seen this flyer? Yes 69%

>>Q. If you knew about the festival where did you hear about it? Poster/Board Flyer Word of mouth Local paper

34% 17% 29% 11% 9%

Q. Are you interested in going to the festival? Yes I'm not interested It's not for me Too late to go

53% 30% 9% 8%

>>Q. Might you have gone if you had know about it earlier? Yes




Q. Is the festival a positive thing for the area? Yes




Q. Do you consider yourself to be a creative person? Yes




Q. Do you think Radstock is a creative place? Yes




Q. What types of creative or artistic activities or groups do you take part in?

none local college classes music kids stuff sort of

32% 22%

15% 9% 8% 14%

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