Nephron Portion Reabsorbed Secreted Mechanisms Of Reabsorption Apical Basal/

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 235
  • Pages: 1
Nephron Portion

Proximal Tubule

Loop of Henle • Thin Descending



Mechanisms of Reabsorption Apical Basal/ Lateral

Na+, Cl-, HCO3-, K+, H2O, Glucose, aa’s

H+, Organic acids and bases

-Na/H exchanger -Bicarb buffer system

H2O Only


-Reabsorption 2° to cortical medullary urea gradient

Thin Ascending

Na+ (passive)


Thick Ascending

Na+, Cl-, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3-


-Na/K ATPase -HCO3diffusion

Major Characteristics

-65% H2O, Na+, K+, Urea reabsorbed -100% glucose, aa, protein reabsorbed -H2O passively follows Na+ – Isosmotic reabsorption -Concentrates tubular fluid

-Na/K ATPase -K+ channel -Cl- channel

-Impermeable to H2O -Dilutes tubular fluid -Impermeable to H2O -Dilutes tubular fluid -Na/K/2Cl cotransporter major transporter ~20% NaCl reabsorbed – inhibited by furosemide

-NaCl transporter

-Na/K ATPase -Cl- channel

-Impermeable to H2O, Urea -NaCl transporter inhibited by thiazides

-ENaC channel -K+ channel (secretion)

-Na/K ATPase -Cl- channel

-EnaC blocked by Amiloride - Na/K ATPase regulated by Aldosterone – Aldosterone inhibited by spironolactone -Permeable to H2O only in presence of ADH -Permeable to H2O in presence of ADH -Permeable to Urea -Can actively secrete H+

-Na/K/2Cl cotransporter -Na/H exchanger -Lumen +potential drives paracellular reabsorption Na+,K+,Mg2+,Ca 2+





Early Distal Tubule

Na , Cl , Ca , Mg

Late Distal Tubule and Cortical Collecting Duct • Principal Cells

Na+, Cl-


H2O (+ADH only), HCO3-, K+ Na+, Cl-, Urea, HCO3-, H2O (+ADH only)


Intercalated Cells

Medullary Collecting Duct


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