Nectar Of Instruction Daily Part3

  • October 2019
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08/10/08 That is Lord Chaitanya’s particular approach, extraordinary generosity. So this is the underlying principle of this whole verse, most magnanimous

generosity of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, that is the underlying principle that in all areas one has to give, one has to give in charity one has to you know receive in charity, that means appreciative, ‘oh how nice’(Maharaja enthusiastically speaks)…………..(Maharaja now pessimistically speaks) ‘oh you both those, oh god’….no.. ‘Oh nice you brought shoes’(Maharaja enthusiastically says) ‘Oh very nice, they are so nice’… appreciate. Appreciate the good intentions of someone then also wear it, wear that out of reciprocation, this is all part of generosity of reciprocating and appreciating, allowing others to enter in one’s life and appreciating them, that is all part of being generous, generosity is there in receiving, if one is also receiving in appreciation, real appreciation and trying to appreciate that is generosity, if you receive in a miserly way and you think well, ‘You could have asked me first what I like” “You know I mean you just give me something without asking, what is this’ that’s miserly, generosity means to not accept like that so therefore the underlying principle is this ‘Maha Vadanyaya…’ being magnanimous, very magnanimous, magnanimous reveal our mind in confidence, trust, we are generous we are trusting yes ok Oh I’ll show my weakness, yes, and I’ll try and take your advice, like this, this

spirit of being very magnanimous is in the foreground, Lord Chaitanya’s Movement is like that , it conquers from person to person, it is a movement that, it’s not spreading in numbers.

There was a time when newsletters were published with bhakta points, there were book points and bhakta points and so many bhakta points, so many new bhaktas made and in England they had a whole bhakta making machine, they were having like bhakta points, you got a bhakta point once someone was shaved up, shika and everything or ladies in a sari or a tilaka and the whole thing, then you got a bhakta point, very good,

but that’s not really what we are after, we have to conquer people’s hearts because this movement is going from person to person, it is a movement, the spreading of the sankirtana movement to every town and village, it means by conquering the hearts of the people in every town and village to a point that they are feeling “Yeah, this is wonderful” that they say that “this is an amazing thing, this devotional service , Yes, I want more of this” So the success of this movement depends on how we reach people’s hearts and then you can speak of real success not that people get sweeped up in some

euphoria, you know, The Gauranga Bhajan band in former Yugoslavia they were doing big when it was still Yugoslavia and they would like swing out with a rope of acrowd of 30000 people and spring back and ‘weeeeeeeeeew’

Hysterical and people joined ‘Wow, this is too far out!’ This is too far out swinging on the rope but that in its self, these are stunts, you know, these are stunts that can also be done by some popstars, he can also swing out on the rope, this is not the real substance, yet the real substance.. maybe these stunts are nice but beyond it has to follow the real substance.

Its when there are loving exchanges amongst the Vaishnavas are experienced that

we decide, it solidifies, now I’ll stay, now I’m going to do it, just philosophical conviction alone it’s not enough, one may be convinced by philosophy of Bhagavada Gita but still it’s very difficult to live it if there’s not loving exchanges of the vaishnavas so to make it possible. If the vaishnavas treat us too mean then we might be inclined to take a break, ‘You know I’m going to take a vacation from all this for a while, it’s too much’ . So it’s our duty if…sometimes they say many people leave this movement because they feel mistreated, many people after some time if they leave the association of devotees leave because they feel mistreated, so they say,…whether it’s true or not, but they were many who felt like that. I guess whether they were mistreated or not is not the point, maybe they just felt like that, maybe they were oversensitive…. Some people you say ‘Boo’ and they like cry for three weeks, it’s like what can be done, but still it is our challenge to improve, if one person leaves we should feel that somewhere we failed somewhere we share the responsibility, somehow or other we didn’t conquer that person, somehow or other we didn’t have a relationship with this person, that’s one way of looking at it. Anyway these are some thoughts, maybe theoretical, and it helps to have such thoughts in the back of one’s mind. Maybe it’s not

always so possible on the practical plane. We’ll implement that but if we keep that in our mind we may actually be able to improve the atmosphere because that’s what we have, we are not the movement of the far out buildings, even when we have some big castle or something, most cases its pretty run down and the doors are falling off…I’m going to one tomorrow (crowd laughs) You see nice place, old aristocratic building with a big tower, yeah they have the money to fix it up. So we are not famous in that way, they are amazing buildings in the world that are being maintained. So you can go to India to Udaipur and stay in this palace, in this lake go with this boat and you are there and its just like this amazing palace, you can just imagine you are some maha-Raja or some maha-Rani in India for three days. At a top dollar and that you can do.

And there are such places where you can spend three months of salary in just three nights and just act as if you are rich for a moment, it’s possible to go to 5star hotels……We are not famous for efficiency , sometimes

they call organisation,



I don’t know. I’ve never noticed it, I don’t know what we are but one thing …is, devotees, so one thing we should have, loving exchages, that is our only credit, that’s the one thing we have otherwise if devotees are not friendly you sort of sneak in the temple to steal some prasadam (Crowd Laughs) then you get out of there…so we must have loving exchanges amongst the vaishnavas. Right, comments ..questions?… Devotee asks question “ Maharaja You were talking about Balance, I have a question about that, how do we know if we’re in balance…?” Maharaja: I think that although we have these three factors, that we have to keep it balanced…I guess we also have to assign priority to them …we have mission, bhajan, personal well being, maybe, maybe that’s the real priority because we are part of Lord Chaitanya’s movement and so Lord Chaitanya desires it like that

so there is priority in between the three.. personal well being as you say it is noticeable but also sometimes you get sick and it takes a while to get over it and then it can slow you down considerably. But alright, it’s true we can easily detect our body and mind when there are needs. I think we should use everyday, make sure that our bhajan, I rather use the word Bhajan than saddhana because bhajan shows more of an element of absorbtion so sadhana means like I am doing my duty I’m doing it religiously, but bhajan is more like you get absorbed in hearing and chanting and in a devotional mood. If that’s not there in your day, know that day is burning up reserves…. contd tomo

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