Ncssmtocollege Lesson1

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 475
  • Pages: 22
Naviance and Your College Curricula Lesson One Residential Education

Introductions We are going to introduce ourselves and we ask that you introduce yourselves and share the following information: 1. 2.

One superpower/one strength One thing you hope to gain from this class

Class Commitments 1.

Be open-minded to all institutions, pathways, etc.


Because we are in a group setting, we can’t assure confidentiality, but we ask that you honor and keep each other’s information within the class.


Be respectful and kind to one another.

Course Overview Please go to Canvas for the syllabus and list of modules

Course Schedule March 4th

Naviance and Your College Criteria

March 11th March 18th

College Curricula and College Basics Finding the Right College for You

March 25th

Essays and Short Answer Questions

April 1st

Understanding How Colleges Select Students

April 8th

The Common App and Other Applications

April 15th

The Common App Personal Essay and Longer Essays

Spring Break April 29th

Financial Aid and Scholarships

May 6th

Interviews and College Visits

May 13th


Class Policies 1.

If you have questions about specific colleges, please reach out to your individual assigned counselor.


You are expected to adhere to all of NCSSM’s academic honesty policies in this course. All work presented should be your own, original work, and include proper citations where appropriate.


Class expectations for work submission: mostly through Canvas in Word, Excel, or PDF. Please bring your laptops to class every week.


You are expected to do work in order to prepare for class each week. This may involve reading materials, watching videos, collecting information, or preparing ungraded assignments. Failure to prepare for class will negatively impact your grade.


Late work: 5% deduction per day the assignment is late. Please talk to us in advance if you need extensions.

Assessment Class Participation


Class Preparation


College Timeline


Self Assessment


Essay Draft


College Attributes Activity Please take out a sheet of blank paper

College Attributes Activity, Step 1

List the top 10 attributes that are most important to YOU in a college.

College Attributes Activity, Step 2

Now, mark an * next to 3 on the list that are your least important.

College Attributes Activity, Step 3

Next, put a checkmark least important to you.

next to the next 3 items that are

College Attributes, Final Step

At this point you should have 4 items remaining… Turn to a partner and share which one is the most important to you and why.

Introduction to Naviance Please go to to the Naviance login.

Login issues? Go through

Logins are your ncssm email address.

Reset your password on the login page:

Opening Page

College Section

College Statistics & Data

Career Section

About Me Section

My Planner Section

And more! We will explore Naviance more each week during our lessons.

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