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  • Words: 472
  • Pages: 1
NATIONAL COALITION GOVERNMENT UNION OF BURMA 77 South Washington Street, Suite 308, Rockville, MD 20850

Press Release

Tel: (301) 424-4810 Fax (301) 424-4812

November 11, 2008

NCGUB Welcomes US Nomination of Special Representative for Burma The National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma warmly welcomes President Bush's nomination of Professor Michael J Green as the Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma with the Rank of Ambassador. The nomination is timely as it comes at a time when there is an urgent need for the international community to coordinate efforts to bring an end to the brutal persecution of politicians and democracy activists as evident by the very recent jailing of defense lawyers and sentencing of 88 Generation Student leaders, monks, and other dissidents up to 65 years' imprisonment. We are convinced that Mr Green's experience in international affairs, his in-depth knowledge about Burma, and his willingness to work with the international community, including the European Union and particularly neighboring countries to Burma, will help bring about a diplomatic breakthrough for change in Burma. U Bo Hla-Tint, elected representative and member of the National League for Democracy, said, "Prof Green's position that the United States and regional countries should work together on the basis of meaningful benchmarks that the Burmese generals should meet, including the unconditional release of Aung San Suu Kyi, the full participation of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and other democratic and ethnic parties in a constitutional process". Such stated goals by Prof Green are not only the same objectives that the NLD leadership has been pursuing but also what the neighboring countries to Burma also support as stated in the Presidential Statement of the last ASEM summit meeting in China when they urged the Burmese generals "to conduct closer cooperation with the UN" and "engage all stakeholders in an inclusive political process in order to achieve national reconciliation and economic and social development". The participating nations also called for the lifting of "restrictions placed on political parties and early further release of those under detention". The NCGUB believes that a coordinated international effort with time-bound benchmarks set and incentives offered for irreversible progresses made will inevitably help create conditions for the United Nations to play a more effective role to bring about political change and national reconciliation in Burma. We are very grateful that the issue of Burma has been raised by the leaders of the United States at a time when the country is facing pressing issues like the economic and financial crisis. We, nevertheless, look forward to the Senate holding a confirmation hearing for Prof Green as soon as possible in order to enhance US diplomatic engagement in the region in response to the deteriorating situation in Burma. ooo

The NCGUB is constituted and endorsed by representatives elected in the 1990 elections in Burma

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