Ncc Tor

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 520
  • Pages: 3
ART GOLD MAGHREB NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCES I. Establishment and composition 1. The National Coordination Committee (NCC) is a forum established at national level in a spirit of genuine dialogue and participation. The permanents members of NCC are the representatives of the following institutions: A Leading Ministry, Strategic ministries and National Authorities for the local development (Interior, Foreign Affairs, Planning, Social Affairs, Employment, Tourism, Environment, etc.) A representative of the private sector A representative of University A representative of Civil Society /NGO The Governors of the Sha’abiyat involved in the programme The NCC is established by official decision of the government. The executive Secretariat is entrusted to GOLD Focal Point. The Presidency is entrusted to the Leading Ministry of the initiative. The President and the Secretary ensure regular contacts with the Working groups, at the GOLD regions level. According to the agenda, le NCC can decide to invite at the meetings representatives coming from other ministries, organizations or international donors, local authorities of the GOLD regions, as well as representatives of private sector and Civil Society. The list of members of NCC, once that its composition has been officially retained, must be nominative, in order to ensure the work continuity and coherence.

2 II. MANDATE To orient and follow-up the general program strategy, the NCC will ensure: The cohesion and the coordination of GOLD activities with national priorities and strategies. The respect of national standards, legislations and rules To supervise the preparation and the implementation of GOLD work plans, with UNDP assistance, the NCC: Accepts the specific terms of reference for the establishment and operating mechanisms of Local Working Groups at Sha’abiyat level Revises and harmonizes the work plans of GOLD regions forwarded by the Local Working Groups (LWG) to ensure their coherence with national policies. Advises LWG, if necessary, on how to control the program activities flow and accepts the possible changes to the local work plans. Ensures the right mechanisms to guarantee the continuity and the sustainability of the ART GOLD strategies. The NCC will be responsible for the contacts with other national and international institutions as well as with concerned development programs. In particular: it coordinates the activities of decentralized co-operation and checks that decentralized co-operation programs are coherent with one another, at the regional level It identifies the Libyan experiences, institutions and human resources to participate in the international networks activities, in particular the International Network to Fight against Social Exclusion, the International Network of Local Economic Development Agencies, always within the GOLD framework. III. OPERATING MECHANISMS  The NCC is chaired by a representative of the Leading Ministry. The secretariat is provided by the ART GOLD MAGHREB PROGRAMME. The NCC meets once a month. An agenda will be prepared in advance and distributed to all its members by the Secretariat. Each meeting of the

3 NCC will be properly documented and the minutes will be sent to all its members. The decisions of the NCC will be taken by consensus. The leading national partner provides the NCC with a meeting room and the necessary equipment. The NCC further determines all other relevant procedures.

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