Ncbj September 2008

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rating Celeb ars 14 Ye ce rvi of Se

Vol. 14 No. 9 SEPTEMBER 2008

Published and Owned by Schaffner Publications, Inc.

INSIDE THIS MONTH What’s That You Said?.................2 Legal: FDIC Personal Accounts ........................5

An Update from the Port Clinton Mayor’s Office SUBMITTED BY MAYOR DEBBIE HYMORE-TESTER

As the new mayor of the City of Port Clinton, the first nine months have been a real whirlwind of support from not only citizens and businesses,

IT: Surfing Tips .....................15

Taxes: Overview of Various IRAs ...21

“The Business Voice of Erie, Huron, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca Counties”

Focus on Port Clinton

Retirement: Playing ‘Possum .......................9

Sales: Whose Shoes Are You Walking In?......19

Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Tiffin, OH 44883 Permit #88

but also city, county, state and federal government representatives, all pledging their assistance in getting Port Clinton onto a new path, moving forward into a brighter future. With this in mind, there are several things to do: One of the first objectives was the appointment of a new Safety Service Director. To accomplish this task, a selection committee was formed, and as a result, Mr. Robert Berner has taken on that position working with the city’s administration. Another objective was that of organization. Therefore, the Safety Service Director Rob Berner, Law Director George Wilber, Auditor Steve Benko, Council President Linda Hartlaub, staff members and supervisors are now meeting weekly in order to solve problems, to increase effectiveness and efficiency of city services, and

to continue exploring ways of attracting new development and jobs for Port Clinton. Restructuring city hall is part of this, so a Record’s Retention schedule for all the departments was created and has now been into place. New ideas and suggestions brought forward by the citizens, business men and women, city council members, the administrations, and other agencies, are being carefully reviewed. During our most meetings, the administration, elected officials and department heads discuss goals, visions, and action plans for this year’s and future department projects. Finally, the poor acoustics in city council chambers have been addressed by installing new ... continued on page 4


Main Street Port Clinton, formerly Historic Port Clinton, is a local non-profit organization started by residents of the community who were interested in the preservation and revitalization of downtown Port Clinton. Main Street Port Clinton (MSPC) is striving to protect, preserve, promote, and improve downtown Port Clinton as a vibrant center for businesses, entertainment, and cultural activities for residents of the community and visitors to the area. Main Street Port Clinton believes that revital-

We’re a proud member of the following:

ization is a comprehensive, incremental, selfhelp economic strategy that focuses on developing public-private partnerships to enhance community livability and job creation while maintaining the character and charm of downtown Port Clinton. MSPC has four active committees which have been extremely busy. We are working on a number of activities and projects to help make downtown Port Clinton an amazing place to live, Mayor Tester presented the check to Dr. work, and vacation. Thomas Rowe, President of MSPC and Main Street Port Clinton is pleased to Duane Myers, Ex-Officio Board Member ... continued on page 25

at the Stensen Foundation Ceremony in June.


Fostoria Area Chamber of Commerce

Marblehead Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

Oak Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce

Tiffin Area Chamber of Commerce

Bellevue Area Chamber of Commerce

Elmore Chamber of Commerce

Genoa Chamber of Commerce

Milan Chamber of Commerce

Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce

Vermilion Chamber of Commerce

Chamber of Commerce of Sandusky County

Erie County Chamber of Commerce

Huron Chamber of Commerce

Norwalk - Huron County Chamber of Commerce

Put-in-Bay Chamber of Commerce

Willard Area Chamber of Commerce


North Coast Business Journal

Commentary What's That You Said? Jeffrey H. Bryden, Editor Few things please a writer more than having a reader respond to their creation. While your favorable comments are received with greater glee than your negative responses - it's good to hear from you nonetheless. This month's column is dedicated to sharing some reader thoughts on editorials from recent NCBJ issues. In our June issue, I lamented on weak spelling and math skills evident in my junior-level college classes. I just finished reading your commentary "A Generation That Can't Spell or Make Change" and agree with you wholeheartedly. I have made the same comments over the past years when talking about finding good, qualified persons to hire, not necessarily for our business (as a good mechanic who spells poorly is

“The Business Voice of Erie, Huron, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca Counties”

205 S.E. Catawba Road, Suite G, Port Clinton, Ohio 43452 419-734-4838 • Fax 419-734-5382 Publisher Editor Director of Sales Production Manager Business Manager, CFO Layout & Graphic Design

Circulation Manager

JOHN SCHAFFNER JEFFREY H. BRYDEN [email protected] DAVE KAHLER [email protected] HEIDI RIFE [email protected] MARY TORREY [email protected] GINNY WISE [email protected] JENNIFER DAUBEL [email protected] BRUCE DINSE

North Coast Business Journal is owned and published monthly by Schaffner Publications, Inc., and is mailed free to chamber of commerce members in a five-county area: Erie, Huron, Ottawa, Sandusky, and Seneca counties. The editorial deadline is the 25th of each month, with the advertising deadline the end of each month. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the expressed, written consent of the Publishers. We welcome submissions from readers in the form of letters, articles or photographs, although we reserve the right to edit and condense any articles submitted. Submissions should be sent to the editor at the above address. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you would like an item returned. We prefer material (copy & photos) to be submitted electronically.

better than a bad mechanic who can spell), but you can see it in today's workplace. Sadly, your commentary won't be read by many who ought to read it. Too bad it's not posted in every classroom. Nice job. Douglas W. Foster, President Foster Chevrolet-Cadillac, Inc. Sandusky ***** Dear Editor, This spelling and grammar mess is a real problem. Here is an example. I am in the process of leasing a new office. The lease, prepared by a lawyer, has so many spelling and grammar errors that it is irritating to read. For instance, I am required to have a "commercial liability insurance policy shall include coverage's for ..." Here's another, "If an ant of Default shall occur, Lessor..." I wonder who the ant of Default is? Perhaps he belongs to the coverage. There are errors like this on almost every page of the lease. These are particularly funny because no spelling and grammar checker is going to find them. Merl Miller Financial Advisor ***** Dear Mr. Bryden, I enjoyed reading your commentary in the June 2008 issue of North Coast Business Journal. I couldn't agree with you more! Unfortunately, one of my favorite "hobbies" is circling typos in articles/ads that I read; they can be so aggravating. One of my favorites from a few years ago was in a caption for a Halloween picture in a local newspaper. It went something like this: "Little Sarah Covington dressed up like a WHICH".......aagghh!!!!!!!!!!! My husband and I owned and operated a pharmacy/gift store here in Clyde for 29 years. Teaching the clerks how I'd like them to make change was a challenge! I always made them start with the purchase price and count back the change to the amount the customer gave them. They always complained and said, "Why do we have to do that, when the register tells us how much to give back??"......and I said, "What if you put the wrong "tendered" amount into the register??"..."If you put $20.00 into the register instead of $2.00 that the customer gave you for a $1.75 purchase, you'd be giving them $18.25 back instead of $ .25!!". "Oh......." Good luck at your alma mater, professor! Name Withheld by Request Clyde, OH

In our August issue, my editorial suggested how Sales Promotion tools could give sales "...That Needed Shot of Adrenaline." Jeff: I think your recent commentary was mostly on the mark. Your final comments are good, but I would caution the use of coupons and incentives, except in the most extreme case like discontinued and/or damaged product. Your statement that we use incentives because the consumer likes them, only is true for about 50% of the market. The other 50% is looking for a business they can utilize as a trusted resource and know that the value is good and fair. As you know, there is an old advertising saying "perception is reality." When the I-Phone was introduced folks stood in line for hours, why? The perception of value and quality! There are plenty of examples like this. Your example that "nobody" pays retail for pizza, just emphasizes my point. The pizza industry has trained their customers to only buy the pizza with a coupon. Some pizza chains advertise that on certain days you can buy a buffet and get one free. Guess which day has all the business? I would think if the pizza were tasteful, presented well, and had good value, then the customer would buy the pizza. But no, we have to go into the cents off business, and tell our customers that our product is only worth what the coupon says it is worth. We are seeing a very similar thing happening right now in the auto industry. Rush out right now and you will get the biggest discount ever (Employee Pricing)! Will this incentive make me speed up my purchase? Perhaps, but at what cost to the dealer or auto industry? The next time I need an auto, I will just hang on to the one I am driving until the next big incentive comes along. It doesn't take long for the customer to figure out, that if I wait, the price or incentive will come along. What the retailer has done, is create the perception that the product is overpriced to begin with, so just wait awhile, it will go on sale. It is a vicious cycle, that quickly turns into a free for all, with no one winning, as the profit margins keep falling. By using incentives in this manner, we have trained our customers and future customers to "come on down" because the "price is right." But next time, maybe your competitors' price will be more right, and he will get your customer. Richard Hawkins Christian Broadcasting Thanks to these readers and others who have taken the time to call, write or e-mail their agreement and suggestions, and thanks even to those who might have disagreed with me. Please know, on behalf of all of us who write for the NCBJ, we appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you think - after all, we are writing to you!

Port Clinton City Schools: “Charting a Course for Success” design in preparation for life in the age of technology. Port Clinton Middle School is comprised of students in grades 6, 7 and 8. These students experience an interdisciplinary curriculum approach for students to learn a variety of practical methods involving the teaming process. This instructional process is designed to directly benefit students at the most critical stage of their academic, social, and emotional development. A core of teachers pool their resources, interests, expertise, and knowledge of students to jointly take responsibility for meeting student needs. This core group of teachers share the same students and planning time each day. The groups of students are referred to as “Fleets.” The philosophy of Port Clinton Middle School offers students and teachers a sense of belonging. Teaming provides successful experiences for every middle level student. Port Clinton High School students have the The foundation of educaopportunity to earn 24 college credits without tion in the Port Clinton City leaving the building through an expanded Post School District begins at the Secondary Educational Options Program. elementary level. The dis(Pictured from left to right Kristen Brahier and Nick Passabet taking a distance learning college trict has two elementary course at PCHS offered through a partnership schools separated by grade level to improve educational with BGSU Firelands. resources at each level. Students in grades 9-12 not only benefit Bataan Memorial Elementary School is the from classes in the core subjects but may primary building serving grades kinderchoose from a wide array of technology, garten through 2; Jefferson Elementary world language, field study programs, art, School is an intermediate building for chilmusic programs, and extracurricular activi- dren in grades 3 through 5. Both buildings ties to enhance their education experience. start the process of learning by offering PCHS is proud to be the only school district in Ottawa County to offer three music pro- Continued on page 13... grams: Band, Choir and Orchestra. These choices in academic programs maximize student achievement and prepare them for their future beyond high school. Port Clinton Middle School is now offering a basic Spanish Class for grade 8 students. As the education requirements become more stringent at the high school level, world language beginning in grade 8 allows these students the opportunity to take a wider array of classes once they reach high school. In 2008-09, middle school The foundation of education in the Port Clinton students will have a new City School District begins at the primary level. Industrial Technology labora- Here, Isaiah Rojas listens intently to his teacher tory to introduce the con- while working on writing skills. A variety of cepts of STEM (Science, programs at the elementary level place an Technology, Engineering, and emphasis on skills to improve achievement Math) and computer aided throughout each child’s education. The Port Clinton City School District is proudly charting a course for success with Port Clinton High School achieving the highest test scores in the tri-county area on the 2008 Ohio Graduation Test. PCHS students also now have an outstanding opportunity to earn college credits within the walls of Port Clinton High School. This year alone students can earn 24 hours of college credits without stepping onto a college campus!

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 3

4 SEPTEMBER 2008 North Coast Business Journal Phase I of our waste water treatment plant improvements has been completed. While we have had some setbacks with the construction, we are now proceeding with Phase 1A and Phase 2. Financing has been obtained for these improvements, and Past Mayor Tom Brown secured a third stag grant for the city in the amount of 1.2 million dollars. Phase I of the joint sewer project involving Camp Perry, Ottawa County, the State Adjutant General and the city has been substantially completed. Camp Perry and Willow Beach have been connected to the new sewer line, and Fenner Dunlop is connected to the city sewer system as well. These customers will provide a new revenue stream for the city to assist in the expenses of operating the sewer system. Revenue collected with the expansion to date is $108.222.85, total cost of the project is right under $6,000.000. Within the next month, Port Clinton’s Buckeye Blvd. Waterline Project will be completed. This was our Ohio Public Works Project the cost was almost $500.000 dollars. The Brooklyn Street Pump Station ($750,000), the Lakeshore Dr. Force Main ($695,000) and the Phase 1A/2 Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades ($2,300,000). Under the direction of Chief Thomas Blohm, serving the department for 25 years, Port Clinton residents and businesses enjoy the benefit of an effective, highly-visible department that is well-trained and quickly responsive, having made approximately 12,000 calls in the past year. The Cops-in-School program is a joint effort of funding among surrounding townships, with the schools and city

MAYOR ... continued from the cover communications among citizens, the administration, council members and employees. In the area of Economic Development, the community has mandated through the passage of Issue 10 the importance of moving forward with the development of Water Works Park and the downtown area. This mission and purpose remains clear as a long-term goal in providing a revenue stream for our city. Developers are proceeding with their plans of renovating the recently purchased Island House our Historic Hotel that was built in the 1800’s and just put on our National Historic registry in the form of “condotel” units and restaurants. They are opened their doors this pass month, with the restaurant coming soon. New owners of the Old City Hall have received over $600,000 of tax credit to help start the renovation of the property forming condominium and office space. The Master Walleye Circuit and FLW Tournaments were hosted by Port Clinton and Wal-Mart this year, an event that promises to bring in nationally-known champion fishermen/women from across the country while boosting our local economy. Recently an announcement was made by the Department of Homeland Security to add a station in Ottawa County with the creation of 65 jobs. Changes have been made to our City departments. The departments have been combined into one service department headed by Fred Bice; Tracy Colston is the supervisor of the dept.

Community Hospice Care

contributing by percentages in each area. Officer Edmonds watches the safety of our school children, while also becoming a mentor to many of them. The Port Clinton Volunteer Fire Department, led by Chief Kent Johnson, is held in high regard throughout the community. Receiving the Flag Ship Award from the Port Clinton City Schools, these firefighters have continued their constant involvement with the pre-schools, churches and School Advisory Board. With the passage of the Fire Levy, this department has become more financially secure and able to function with a part-time Chief and volunteer staff putting in over 3,500 hours of volunteer time. Fred Bice, department head for the street department, and Councilman John Folger, streets, sidewalks, and alleys committee chair, understand the continuing need for obvious repairs in these areas. Therefore, a list has been composed creating an inventory of the condition of all streets which will be re-evaluated after this year’s spring-thaw in order to prioritize and reassess. The finance committee, chaired by Councilwoman Val Culver, must allocate the funds necessary for such repairs, and will be seeking addition grants to expand this program. We have also started with the city’s resurfacing program: 3,500 square feet of road repairs, 18 catch basin replacement and repairs, 350square feet concrete repairs, 1,800 square feet of mill and fill and 1,200 square feet of widen and over lay The Laurel and Second St project was Ottawa County’s first TIF (tax increment financing).

MAYOR ... continued on page 10

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North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 5

Legal FDIC-Personal Accounts By Jeffrey Roth, Partner, Roth and Bacon Last month's article was about FDIC insurance and revocable trusts. This month, we will discuss the Government insurance protection of individual accounts, joint accounts, payable on death accounts and Individual Retirement Accounts. Protection is granted based on ownership and/or stated beneficiaries. Most of the same rules apply but again, it takes the manual in hand to insure that your accounts are fully and correctly protected. SINGLE ACCOUNTS Single accounts are accounts that are held by one person in their individual name. The total insured in any one banking institution is $100,000.00. This would include checking, savings, money market, Christmas club, Certificate of deposits, NOW accounts or any form of those listed. All of these accounts are added together and considered one for insurance purposes. It has nothing to do with the number of accounts but rather the ownership of the accounts. Included in this category are any business accounts that are held in a "doing business as" nature. The account is separate only if it is a corporation or totally separate entity and has its own identification number, otherwise it is included in the above account totals. If the account is determined to have two owners such as a husband and wife then it would be considered as one half in each person's account totals. If it is determined that the wife or other person is just a signatory then it has only one owner and qualifies for the single $100,000.00 total. Deposits held by a partnership or corporation are insured only to $100,000.00 no matter how many partners or shareholders. Again, you must make a conscience decision as to how many banks to use and separate the business activities. If an account is held in a fiduciary capacity with a separate identification number then it would be held under the decedent account category and be separately insured. JOINT ACCOUNTS This is an account owned by two or more individuals. This would include Joint with right of survivor, Tenants by the entirety or Tenants in common. Each person may have a total of $100,000.00 in any one banking institution. Each owner is considered to have an equal ownership interest unless clearly stated otherwise. If there are three owners then each has a one third ownership. Each co-owner must have signed the signature card. The use of the social security number is not relevant for insurance protection qualification.

If the person has ownership in several joint accounts you must add his ownership in all accounts and he will be entitled to a total of $100,000.00. Bob and Mary $120,000.00 Bob insured $ 60,000.00 Bob and son Joe $ 50,000.00 Bob insured $ 25,000.00 Bob and grandsons Jim and John $ 90,000.00 Bob insured $ 30,000.00 Total $260,000.00 Insured $100,000.00 Bob is uninsured for $10,000.00; Mary is insured for $60,000.00; Joe is insured for $25,000.00; Jim & John are each insured for $30,000.00; if they have no other accounts in that bank totally over $100,000.00. The use of and/or can complicate the computation. Bob or Mary or John are three owners while Bob or Mary and Bob could be considered as two owners since it can be interpreted that Mary and Bob must both sign as one owner. It is important to be consistent. Review the signature card. Many times the teller prepares the card and does not follow the FDIC rules or ask the right questions. It is important to remember that there are qualified and nonqualified beneficiaries. The list was set forth in last month's article but it is important to remember. PAYABLE ON DEATH ACCOUNTS (Informal revocable trust accounts) An account with a beneficiary that is not a standard revocable trust is insured up to $100,000.00 per owner for each qualified beneficiary. One must know the correct rules to guarantee protection. It is important to remember that children and grandchildren are qualified beneficiaries while aunts, nieces, nephews, and cousins do not qualify. If you have an account payable on death to your father it is insured for you and the beneficiary. If the account is payable to your fatherin-law, it is insured for you but the father-in-law will not be counted as a qualifying beneficiary. The following is an example of how a portion is not protected for non-qualifying beneficiaries. Bob and Mary each have a separate POD account for Bob's parents in the amount of $150,000.00. Each parent is a qualified beneficiary of Bob and the account is insured for $150,000.00 ($75,000.00 each). Mary's account is $150,000.00. The in-laws do not qualify as proper beneficiaries of Mary. The account is only insured for $100,000.00 as the total protection is for Mary as the owner. The additional $50,000.00 is not protected. It must also be remembered that if someone dies it can change the protection. If Bob died then the only protection of all of the accounts would be $100,000.00, the amount for Mary as an individual. The $200,000.00 would not be insured since one owner died and the in-laws are not qualify-

ing beneficiaries. Mary would have six months from Bob's death to correct this situation. INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS This is an account that is owned and directed by you and not the plan administrator. This includes, IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401(k), Keogh plan, simplified Employed Pension Accounts, and all 457 accounts. All self directed funds owned by the same person are added together and protected up to $250,000.00 in each banking institution. It is irrelevant how many beneficiaries are listed. The only determination is $250,000.00 for each owner in each banking institution. Remember, this relates only to money accounts in an insured bank. This has nothing to do with stock. If an individual has seven different accounts ranging from $20,000.00 to $100,000.00 and many beneficiaries listed such as children and grandchildren only a total of $250,000.00 is covered and the balance is uninsured. A special thanks to Cheryl Wieber of the Huntington Bank for suggesting this topic. Many bank depositors are concerned about the protection of their funds. Be sure to ask a qualified employee to verity that your funds are protected to their fullest extent. Jeff Roth is a partner with Forrest Bacon and David Bacon of the firm ROTH and BACON with offices in Port Clinton, Upper Sandusky and Marion, Ohio. Mr. Roth is also licensed and practices in Florida. His practice is limited to wealth strategy planning and elder law in both states. Nothing in this article is intended for, nor should be relied upon as individual legal advice. The purpose of this article is to help educate the public on concepts of law as they pertain to estate and business planning. Jeff Roth can be reached at [email protected] (telephone: 419732-9994) copyright@Jeffrey P. Roth 2008.

6 SEPTEMBER 2008 North Coast Business Journal

Lake Erie Business Park Making Progress It has been a busy year at the Lake Erie Business Park, the home of some of Ottawa County’s most exciting economic development initiatives. Since purchasing the former Erie Industrial Park in December 2005, owners James McKinney and David Fahrbach have worked diligently to revitalize the site and attract new businesses. “We’re trying to do all that we can to be competitive in today’s marketplace,” said McKinney. “It is definitely a challenge, but I think our efforts are beginning to bear fruit. In addition to offering good manufacturing space at very affordable rates we can also offer several other unique advantages.” One of those advantages is renewable alternative energy. The installation of a 60-panel solar array on the roof of the site’s 756,000 square foot facility was completed in August. The 13.4 kW array is expected to produce approximately 14,900 kWh of electricity per year, which will moderate power costs for any business interested in occupying the 42,000 square feet of vacant space beneath the array. “With energy prices on the rise, today’s companies want to be able to have more control over their electric bills,” said Fahrbach. “The existence of solar panels will help them do that. They’ll also be able to say that their products are made with green energy, which can give their products an edge.” Solar is not the only alternative energy initiative underway at the park. The team erected a 60-meter tower in September 2007 to gather wind speed data, and the results have been very encouraging, according to consultant

Steve Benko, who assists McKinney and Fahrbach. “In short, the site has some of the best wind resources in Ohio,” said Benko. “Once we’ve gathered a year’s worth of data we’ll be able to compare it to historical data from other locations and calculate how much power a turbine at the site would likely produce.” “At some point we’d like to get a turbine installed,” said McKinney. “It could provide green energy to our manufacturing facilities and serve a spinning billboard that would attract investment to the park, potentially from companies that make component parts for turbines, gear boxes, blades, and towers.” The team has been very aggressive in promoting the Ottawa County site to manufacturing companies from across the nation and around the world. Benko attended the Renewable Energy World Conference in Las Vegas in February while McKinney and Fahrbach represented the park at the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference in Washington D.C. in March. McKinney and Benko joined over 8,000 businesspeople at the American Wind Energy Association’s WINDPOWER 2008 Conference and Trade Show in Houston in June and Benko promoted the site at the American Coalition of Ethanol’s Ethanol Conference and Trade Show in Omaha in August. “We’ve gotten on the radar of a lot of businesses who never would have considered us because they didn’t know we existed,” said McKinney. “When we tell them about all of the assets our site and our local community have to offer, they begin to show real interest.”

Another asset that will soon be available at the Lake Erie Business park is a rail “transload” terminal. The terminal, which will be operated by R. Good Logistics of Camden, Ohio, will offer onsite and area businesses convenient access to Norfolk & Southern’s rail line. Companies will be able to transfer raw materials and finished goods from rail to truck and vice versa. According to Fahrbach, the presence of an experienced third party logistics provider can help improve the bottom line of many area businesses. “A truck loaded with twenty tons of goods gets seven miles per gallon of diesel fuel,” said Fahrbach. “Via rail, that same gallon can transport twenty tons of goods 436 miles. Given today’s high fuel prices, it is easy to see that using rail can substantially reduce your transportation costs.” New Century Systems joined the list of companies with a presence at the park with the installation of a 20,000 square foot “Envirodome” at the site’s entrance off of State Route 2. The unique air-supported, energy efficient structure has a variety of potential applications, everything from disaster relief to specialty agriculture to warehousing. The start-up company is testing their prototype so that it can be modified and improved. “We think it is important to support new and growing businesses,” said McKinney. “One day they might make a permanent home right here at the Lake Erie Business Park.” The site’s business development efforts coincide with ongoing upgrades of the property. The team has renovated several of the site’s existing facilities and has demolished ten obsolete buildings to make room for new construction adjacent to the park’s two rail spurs. McKinney and Fahrbach hope that a state grant through Ohio’s Job Ready Sites Program will accelerate their efforts to modernize the park’s facilities and upgrade its transportation and utility infrastructure. 57 applicants are competing for $30 million. “We’re scheduled to give a full presentation to the Ohio Department of Development next week,” said McKinney. “We hope they’ll appreciate our efforts to date and make an investment to help bring jobs to Ottawa County.”

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 7

Port Clinton City Council The North Coast Business Journal asked several Port Clinton City Council members to share some insight into some of the important committee work going on every day. Here are submissions by two of them. COUNCILMAN JIM HANSON

As the Parks and Rec committee chair from City Council, I should like to let you, the public, know about our city’s parks. The City of Port Clinton has nine parks available to the citizens of Port Clinton for various types of activities and events. The city’s mayor and administration realize the importance that our parks have taken on with the costs of gasoline and the economy affecting the public and tourists in selecting destinations. The city can and must upgrade and maintain our parks and provide various groups, citizens and service organizations with a place to schedule events. With the extensive marketing tools that are available for park users, by expanding their announcement /publicity for their event, it should contribute to success.

great deal of use and it’s equipped with lights for night games. Continuing our walk, we come to the roller skating facility where you can try out your skills on in-line skates. Lastly is an area called the Derby Pond; a good place to hold kids’ fishing derbies or, in the winter, to ice-skate. One great feature of this is Lake Erie, which borders the north edge of the park. This feature combined with the river makes for a great walking tour of the facility. Moving further to the East along Perry Street, we come to our largest park, Lakeview Park. On the north side of Perry Street is the city beach. To the south of Perry is a very large park. This park has a shelter house where families can have reunions and groups can have activities. Also, there is a very large playground area with various pieces of equipment for children’s use. A big thanks goes to the Port Clinton Rotary Club for this playground equipment and their generosity. These are just three of the parks available. Contact the City of Port Clinton for information and scheduling of your events or family reunions. COUNCILMAN MIKE SNIDER

One example of our park network is the Veterans Park located by the Post Office and Coffee Express Coffee Shop. This park offers you a chance to “Buy a Brick to memorialize your loved one” by getting his or her name and unit engraved on the brick. You can contact Port Clinton’s American Legion for information if you would like to do this for someone. Ceremonies are held at the park to honor our fallen heroes. The Memorial Day parade is a great example of the community getting together for the parade and activities at the park. Bring your lunch and relax while you reflect on those who gave their all to make our country a great nation. The next park I should like to bring to your attention is Waterworks Park. This park is large. The west edge borders the Portage River-a great place to observe the Jet Express coming and going and all the pleasure craft sailing in and out of their marinas located on the river. Purchase a carryout lunch from a local restaurant, take it to the park looking out over the river’s traffic, and enjoy a relaxing lunch hour. Walking through this park, you see an area dedicated to the Erie Dearie fishing lure —promoting the sport of fishing which helps the economy of the area. Next, is a fountain with seating, and nearby is a cannon from the War of Lake Erie, a good place to take pictures. Next to this is a well-equipped playground that the family can enjoy. North towards the lake is a softball diamond that gets a

of sirens and pause in thought for those suffering. What many in our community do not witness is the dedication and desire required to respond to the call for help. First hand observations of how the hours, days, weeks and years of training for ‘the unthinkable’ results in a life saved, property protected or unsafe setting secured really puts the value of our area emergency services in to perspective. What is most impressive about our area emergency services is how well they work together. The uniforms and badges our area Fire, EMS and law enforcement wear distinguish them from one another. However, their actions demonstrate that they are all of one mindset. Quite often their actions are so well planned and practiced that an almost unspoken coordination is enacted to achieve their goal. The only way this activity can be orchestrated in such a professional manner is through excellent leadership with clear goals as well as a clear understanding that everyone responding has someone watching their back for the unknown. Sleep well tonight as you can be assured that your Fire, EMS and Police services are there when you need them and will perform their duties at the highest level of professionalism and character.

The State of Emergency From the dinner table with family, from a night of welldeserved slumber, from aisle #3 at the supermarket, from the baseball field behind the high school and many other parts of the City of Port Clinton the sound is easily recognizable. One long beep followed by a pattern of shorter beeps and then these words; “Attention Port Clinton Fire and North Central EMS. You are requested to ...” Those twelve words have the remarkable ability to stop time and activity as well as rapidly increase heart rates for many brave men and “At the Clyde Clinic, women in our community. I walk right in, say hello, Men and women who serve their community in different get my blood drawn and uniforms responding to a call I’m out the door.” of duty not for personal glory but the personal satisfaction that comes with a job well “Saving gas is done in service to their neighbors, friends, strangers just a bonus.” and even their own family members in need. - Robert Dietze, Clyde Resident Often hours, days and w i t h Ruth Davis, Medical Assistant weeks will pass with relatively little call for assistance. However, these periods of tranquility are punctuated with the seconds of terror, as this usually quiet town is abuzz with the sound of first responders moving in to action. Most of us do not live our Clyde Lab Hours: lives in close proximity to M - Th 8am - 4pm the area’s first responders. Friday 8am - 3:30 pm We observe them from a distance with silent admiration. 402 W. McPherson Hwy. • Clyde, Ohio • 419.483.4040 Ext. 4285 We hear the distant clatter

My Test - My Hospital - My CHOICE

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8 SEPTEMBER 2008 North Coast Business Journal


Every year in late April phones at the region’s Visitor Bureaus and at many tourism attractions in the area begin ringing at a steadily increasing rate. As usual, most of the callers are people planning to visit the area. They are looking for lodging, wanting to know what discounts are available, and what is new in the area for them to see. All questions we expect to hear as people plan their trips. This year a large number of calls were also coming in from the media, and at a level not seen in this area for quite some time. Television and radio stations, newspapers, and magazines from across Ohio were calling asking the same big question...”how do you think the high fuel prices and slowing economy will impact tourism this year?” In answering this question I had the benefit of knowing about some of the creative concepts that were in the works for the Lake Erie Shores & Islands summer advertising campaign. I also knew where the ads were to be placed and who they were being directed toward. This plus data gathered by talking with tourism industry friends and reading articles in trade publications allowed me the confidence to answer that despite higher fuel costs and a downturn in the economy we expected an overall strong summer tourism season. Now that we have reached September and can look back I am pleased to report that what we anticipated did occur and there is evidence that many businesses in our region

had a very good summer season and perhaps actually benefitted from the slower economy. The two Lake Erie Shores & Islands Welcome Centers (Route 250 in Sandusky and Route 53 in Port Clinton) have seen no decrease in the number of visitors coming through the doors and response to advertising and website activity is up from last year. We are fortunate that Ohio is located within a few hours’ drive from many major population centers and much of our marketing was targeted to these places, primarily Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Dayton, Pittsburgh, and Windsor/Detroit. The message these people saw and heard was that “a trip to the shore and the great variety of attractions they are seeking is a lot closer than they think”. There was no need to get on a plane or make a lengthy multi-state drive... just hop in the car and in a couple of hours you will be here. Our marketing also was tailored based on an anticipated trend of shorter trips. People were still going to travel but in a slower economy they might stay for only two or three nights instead of a week. A variety of itineraries were created that grouped experiences into a “Day 1, Day 2, Day 3” scenario. Shortly after the Lake Erie Shores & Islands campaign was released we found that the state of

Ohio’s Association Executives Meet in Sandusky CONTRIBUTED




Last month, the Ohio Society of Association Executives (OSAE) held their annual conference at Kalahari Waterpark Resort. This event attracted nearly 200 meeting/event planners and businesses that provide service to this market. The conference featured educational sessions, nationally known keynote speakers and opportunities to experience other Lake Erie Shores & Islands area destinations during off-site tours. The Village of Put-in-Bay took center stage on one evening when attendees were treated to a tropical-themed waterfront dinner as well as a tour of the island’s many meeting and event venues.

Ohio’s tourism campaign was also playing up the “minivacation” and their messages melded nicely with ours. We can’t say that all businesses experienced the level of visitation they were hoping for and even those that did have a good summer probably wish they could have done better. What we can say is that this part of Ohio is without a doubt an area that provides visitors with an experience that transports them much further away than the two or three hours it took to get here. As we move toward 2009 we will again be looking at the economy, travel trends, what our tourism business partners are offering, and other factors to create a marketing plan aligned with current events. For more details on marketing of the Lake Erie Shores & Islands call or stop by one of the two regional Welcome Centers - East/Sandusky: 800-255-3743 or West/Port Clinton: 800-441-1271.

Live Learning Event Highlights September Schedule Motivational speaker Scott Brown will present “Create a Culture of Service in Your Business” Sept. 19 at the Sandusky County Job Store. Brown spoke to a packed house at Terra Community College earlier this summer. Based on Brown’s Six Essentials of Service, this session will provide attendees with the information and education to profoundly impact the way to provide service to internal and external customers. Registration is $15 per person and includes a continental breakfast. For more information, or to register, call 419-559-2255. Deadline is Sept. 11. The Northcoast Jobs Connection and Seneca One Stop system offers numerous services and resources for those looking for work and employers with jobs to fill. Seminars are free and open to anyone in the community. The seminars are also available to be customized for employers and delivered on site. For more information, call 419-559-2239. The area seminar dates in September are: At the Ottawa County Community Resource Centre, 8043 W. SR. 163, Oak Harbor Sept. 12 - 9 a.m. to noon - “Employment Follow-Up.” Discuss the proper follow-up techniques after getting a job offer. Learn about appropriate correspondence and communication techniques. Examine child care and transportation issues and options. Address the employer side of hiring and following instructions.

Sept. 18 - 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. - “Get a Job or a Better Job, POD.” Learn how to prepare for and conduct a successful job search. This session includes a review of unemployment services provided by the state, information about other community resources and a free lunch. Sept. 25 - 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. - “Individual Resume Writing Assistance.” Work one-on-one with a specialist and produce a good resume before you leave. By appointment only through the Job Store. Job Store officials are asking that people who are interested in these workshops should register by emailing Carol Guice at [email protected] or by calling her at 419-307-1189. For more information on the Job Stores, log onto Or in Ottawa County, call the Job Store at 800-665-1677 or 419-898-3688, ext. 270 or call Denise Ventrone at 419-898-6242 at the Community Improvement Corporation. Funding is provided through a collaboration of 23 partner organizations in Erie, Huron, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca counties through the Workforce Investment Act, under contract with Terra Community College. The Job Store is located at 8043 W. State Route 163, Oak Harbor and is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. All basic services are free of charge.

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 9

Retirement and Estate Planning

Playing 'Possum Douglas Gildenmeister, Senior Vice President, Investments Retirement Plan Consultant The Gildenmeister Wealth Management Group of Raymond James & Associates, Inc. Here's a way to save taxes by simply "playing 'possum." No, I don't mean that there's some tax benefit in wandering out at night into the middle of a well-traveled highway. Actually, I'm referring to the 'possum's defense mechanism of "playing dead". The use of a "qualified disclaimer" can be useful in keeping the IRS from feasting on your family's wealth. A qualified disclaimer is a device that can be used in post-mortem estate planning. Although it does seem like an oxymoron, post-mortem estate planning is not only possible, it is often beneficial. Traditionally, a disclaimer was a device under state law that permitted the recipient of a gift, the heir to an estate, or the beneficiary of a trust to renounce his/her gift, inheritance or share of the trust. The state statute would provide a mechanism for individuals (called "disclaimants") to avoid receiving an unwanted benefit. Typically, the statutes provide that the person making the disclaimer is considered to have predeceased the transferor. The property disclaimed then goes to whomever would receive the property given the prior "death" of the disclaimant. Why in the world would anyone refuse a gift or bequest? Well, generally because they don't need it and the person who would receive the gift if they were deceased does. For

example, Fred and Wilma have three children. Fred and Wilma have all the money they will ever need. In fact, they have a whale of an estate tax problem. Two of their children live comfortable, though modest, middle class lifestyles. Their third child, Dino, is a highly successful entrepreneur who has accumulated a large estate of his own. Dino, who was single, passed away in an offshore power boat race. Under state law, Fred and Wilma are to receive the estate. They elect to "play possum" and disclaim their interest knowing that Dino's estate will automatically be shared by their other two children. These are the requirements for a "qualified disclaimer" under federal tax rules: 1) it must be irrevocable and unqualified, 2) it must be in writing, 3) the writing must be received by the transferor or his/her legal representative, 4) this receipt must come no more than 9 months after the transfer is made (or, if later, 9 months after the disclaimant turns 21), 5) the disclaimer must be made before any benefits of the gift are accepted, and 6) the interest must pass to another without any direction by the disclaimant. The disclaimant may refuse all or a fractional interest in the items transferred. A disclaimer may be useful in minimizing estate taxes. For example, assume Harry and Wanda have a combined estate of $3 million and two children, Sam and Diane. Of this amount, $1,500,000 is owned by Harry individually. Harry had a simple, "I love you" will that left everything to Wanda upon his death in 2004. Wanda can use the disclaimer rules to renounce $1,500,000 of the assets left to her under the will. These assets will then go to Sam and Diane, thus saving about $705,000 in estate taxes at her death. Note, that a disclaimer generally cannot be used to renounce property received as a surviving joint owner. However, the disclaimed property may be transferred into a trust in which the disclaimant has an income interest as long as the disclaimant did not create the income interest. Of course, this brief article is no substitute for a careful consideration of all the advantages and disadvantages of this matter in light of your unique personal circumstances. Before implementing any significant tax or financial planning strategy, contact your financial planner, attorney or tax advisor as appropriate. This material was prepared by Raymond James for use by Doug Gildenmeister, Senior Vice President, Investments of Raymond James & Associates, Member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC or Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC.


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10 SEPTEMBER 2008 North Coast Business Journal

The Past, Present, and Future of Camp Perry SUBMITTED



In 1906 the Camp Perry Training Site was founded by Adjutant General Ammon B. Critchfield. The National Rifle and Pistol Matches have been held at the camp since1907. The first National Matches were held in Creedmoor, New York in 1873 hosted by the National Rifle Association (NRA). In 1908, the site was officially named Camp Perry in honor of Oliver Hazard Perry, the victorious commander of the American Fleet in the Battle of Lake Erie during the War of 1812. In 1941 Camp Perry was a Reception Center for Ohio National Guard Soldiers and from 1943-1945 it was an Italian and German Prisoner of War Camp. Camp Perry was fully operational with a Fire Department, Theater, Chapel, Barbershop, Post Office, Telegraph Office, Telephone Exchange, Photographers Studio, Dry Cleaners, Military Outfitters, Mess Hall, Commissary, Boxing Ring, Athletic Field, Club House, and so much more. The original Club House was built in 1907 and was used as a private guest house and meeting place. The current club house, now called the Lodging and Convention Center, was completed in 1996 in the same location, and cost approximately $2.4 million. This is an ideal place for holding workshops, conferences, wedding receptions and business meetings in rooms that accommodate groups of people from ten to five hundred. Internet access is also available. For all-week conferences, there is lodging available, such as single rooms, suites, cottages, and the new RV and tent camping area located within walking distance of

the Center. The kitchen of the conference center can provide accommodation to any caterer for a variety of events, large or small. The beautiful Camp Perry beach, located just outside of the Lodging and Convention Center, is ideal for a multitude of outdoor gatherings. There also are several electrical outlets directly on the beach for user convenience. The newest addition to the training site is the Joint Use Facility (JUF) which was constructed in the summer of 2008. The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) and the Ohio National Guard combined their funds to build this remarkable state of the art system. The facility contains an 80 point air rifle and pistol range. There are two 10 point engagement skills trainer (EST) ranges, but is capable of expansion to two 15 point ranges. The EST is used for simulated military marksmanship training. The computerized system replicates actual battle environments such as urban warfare. Different weapons are used depending on the required scenario. It also has the capability of simulated night firing. The air rifle and pistol ranges accommodate Sporter air rifles/pistols which fire up to 450 feet per second. These weapons run from approximately $200-$300 each. The ranges also use precision air rifles/pistols which fire 600-700 feet per second. These start at about $2600. The targets are made in Norway by MEGAlink. They are controlled by motors that adjust them into the prone, kneeling or standing positions. All of the targets have four microphones in them for scoring purposes. When the pellet strikes the target, the paper sends sound waves to the microphones allowing them to judge where the pellet hit within a hundredth of a millimeter. This system is identical to the systems used in the Olympics. Camp Perry’s future is looking very bright. The post will be undergoing several construction projects. Improving the quality of the housing on post is one of the main objectives

of the commander. The several hundred huts that are disintegrating will be removed and replaced with five one hundred person barracks in the next five years. The last of the old remaining cottages by the beach will all be demolished as well. There will be a total of 28 new cottages available for military and civilian use in place of them. The original shooters mess hall that was destroyed in the 1998 tornado is scheduled to be rebuilt. The building will replicate the original and will be re-dedicated to Medal of Honor Recipient Private First Class Joseph J. Cicchetti. Range improvements are also in Camp Perry’s future. The equipment on Rodriguez Range is dated 1917. All of the lifters for the targets will be operational and the electric and drainage will be repaired. The collapsing walls behind the targets will be repaired as well. Camp Perry Training Site has made a sizable impact on many lives throughout the past one hundred two years. The staff, competitors and soldiers that utilize the facilities would like to express their gratitude, and thank the surrounding communities for their continued support in keeping this amazing history alive.

MAYOR ... continued from page 4 Tracy Colston supervises the cemetery department, and with the help of local resident Dana Alvarez, a citizens’ volunteer group has been formed to help city employees beautify and maintain the cemeteries. The Veterans’ Circle has been completed with the exception of the new monument and black stone for ground cover. Most of the $25, 000.00 was donated by various organizations and capital improvement money from the city. The recycling program has relocated behind the Fire Station which allows the cemetery more area to plot new grave sites. Under the leadership of Tracy Colston, a shade system was installed late last fall in Lakeview Park. Working to improve that area, this department will continue to assist the Friends of Lakeview Park with their projects. A goal for 2008 is to create more senior citizen programs, while continuing to work in partnership with the Port Clinton City Schools and Marauder

Hospital in the implementation of local activities for adults and children. Spring’s senior fishing trip was a very cold, wet and only 8 fish caught on the boat, looking forward to better weather next year. In the tax department, Jeff Bugbee continues to be active working to contact and to bring in non-filers. Thanks to the efforts of the Law Director George Wilber, there is now a payment agreement for delinquent taxpayers to sign. Even though adhering to the payment schedule each year is important, there are some exceptions made as long as the tax payer faithfully makes restitution each month. As Mayor, I realize there are many challenges. But there are also many more new opportunities for all of us to grow along with our community. Port Clinton is a great place to live and to visit. Working together will make Port Clinton a destination.... Not only for others but mostly for its citizens.

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 11

Rebirth of Harbor Light Landing Shopping Center on Track

Historic 1886 Island House Hotel is Now Open for Business

It has been over a year since Port Clinton Sleep Inn LTD bought the Shopping Center. After many improvements the shopping center is on track. New stores Include Glow Worm Mini Golf, Golden I Jewelry, Casa Las Palmas Mexican Restaurant, Clemons Boats, Bodinbalance 24 Hour Fitness, Thomas Kinkade Signature Gallery, Kiwi Bay Gift Shop, The Church of T r u t h Ministries, Northern O h i o Medical Specialists, D o c t o r Jessica L Crow, and Verizon Wireless Premium Retailer. The rebirth Celebration was officially held in late August of this year. The celebration included a Rock Concert sponsored by the Church of Truth Ministries, free hot dogs, a live remote from Eagle 99, Jungle

It started as an exercise in Real Estate says Realtor Larry Freedman of Re/Max Lake Shore Realty. And ended up being a labor of love for the former Island House Hotel. Freedman showed the closed hotel to Real Estate Developer Scott Prephan in early 2007, with an idea of restoring the hotel and then selling each of the 39 rooms as commercial hotel condos. The hotel would remain a hotel and would be managed by a Hotel Management Company. A “Condotel” is a deeded commercial condo. Investors can use the hotel unit as a condo or they can put their unit into a rental pool for income. The Condotel idea came from a project in Florida that Freedman had researched. After many meetings and discussions, the hotel was purchased in April 2008. Scott Prephan brought in investor Ken MacLaren of MacLaren Management and began restoring the hotel room by room. The plan was to restore the 1886 historic hotel and have it open for the Memorial Day Weekend. Once renovations began, many road blocks became apparent. Issues with the 122 year old building began to show up. The history of the Island House is as diverse as its age, as it played host to presidents, celebrities, and many other fascinating and influential people. The Memorial Day weekend came and went without the hotel opening, the 4th of July came and went and the hotel still was not ready. Then on July 31st, the hotel was ready to open the doors to the public. Every

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Sep 13: Opening Night, Sandusky State Theatre (SST), 107 Columbus Avenue, 8:00 p.m. Sep 14: Opening Night, Norwalk Ernsthausen Performing Arts Center (NEPAC), 350 Shady Lane, 4:00 p.m. Dec 7: Family Holiday Concert (SST), 7:00 p.m. Jan 31: Family Discovery Concert, Adams Jr. High, Sandusky, 11:00 a.m. Jan 31: Family Discovery Concert (NEPAC), 4:00 p.m. Mar 21: Now That's Italian! (SST), 8:00 p.m. Apr 25: Scotland Meets Shakespeare (NEPAC) 8:00 p.m. Apr 26: Scotland Meets Shakespeare (SST), 7:30 p.m. BOX OFFICE: 419-626-1950 or 877-626-1950



room that was ready, rented out that first weekend. The second weekend was a complete sell out too. Many buyers who had reserved their condotel rooms began to close. The idea of owning a piece of Port Clinton’s history and being able to use the hotel as their weekend getaway in Port Clinton was very appealing. Since this is the first Downtown project in many years, all eyes are on the Island House Hotel. Two more investors have jumped on the Island House “band wagon.” Restaurant owners Larry Williams of Bowling Green and Tom Hutchinson were ready to invest in the former dining room and kitchen. At press time, two new restaurants were planned to open on Labor Day Weekend. One is to be a Sports Bar and the other will be a full service restaurant offering catered events in the two large banquet facilities located in the historic dining room. Weddings, conferences, seminars, and full service event planning is all in the future plans for the Island House. Breakfast, lunch, and fine dining with hand cut steaks will be the signature for the New Island House Restaurant. Now that the Island House is Open what is next for Downtown? Freedman stated that other investors have contacted him and are interested in Port Clinton’s downtown so stay tuned to the North Coast Business Journal for further details.

For premier musical and visual arts instruction, choose The FSO School of the Arts: 419-621-4800


Island Petting Zoo, Custom Hot Rod and Classic Car show, and the opening of the new Harbor Light Landing Play Gym and entertainment Area. Prizes were given out to participants in the Car Show. The developer states it still has room for businesses or offices to expand. The Shopping center changed its image from an outlet center to a multiuse center in 2007. Realtor L a r r y Freedman of Re/Max Lake Shore Realty is handling the lease options, and stated that space is available from 1000 sq ft to 8000 sq ft. The center has many options from a fixed rent to a custom built out lease. Future plans include a Coffee Shop, Beauty Shop, Medical, and Professional offices. ssym m d n

Check our website! to learn more!


North Coast Business Journal

Chamber Calendar Bellevue Area Chamber of Commerce September 13- 27

September 25

Farmers Markets 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Community Conversations & Coffee 7 - 8:00 am Fostoria Country Club

Erie County Chamber of Commerce

Genoa Area Chamber of Commerce

September 12

September 9

September 16

September 26

Seminar: Thriving in a Recession Presented by Andy Birol. Castaway Bay Ballroom Second Annual Multi-Member Business After Hours 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Kalahari

September 20

"Healthy Families Act" Workshop by Kula Lynch 7:30 a.m., at Kalahari. No cost, but reservations are necessary 419.625.6421

October 2 Power Marketing Seminar 8-10 a.m. (Breakfast @ 7:30 a.m.) Fostoria Country Club.

September 11

Third Annual Street Fair 9:00am to 4:00p.m.

October 11

Business After Hours 5:00 to 7:00 pm The Keeper's House and Marblehead Bank The Keeper's House Directors Meeting - 7:30 Otterbein North Shore

Board Meeting 8:30 am, Chamber

Business After Hours 5:00 to 7:00 pm Hosted: Huntington Bank

September 16

Annual Golf Outing CIC

October 2

Downtown Committee Meeting Noon, Chamber

Membership Committee, 8am at Kaiser-Wells Pharmacy

September 25

Fall Finale Golf Outing, Eagle Creek Golf Club, 1:30pm shotgun Employer's Practices Committee, 8am, Chamber office

October 2

Program Committee, 8am, Chamber office

October 9

Board of Directors, 4pm, Chamber office


Monte Carlo Night, Huron Co. Fairgrounds

Oak Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce

For Commercial & Industrial Use

September 25

Wipers can be picked up in 5-lb. bags at these SBA Goodwill Retail Locations:

October 11-12 Annual Apple Festival 30th Anniversary

Fremont Norwalk Willard

New London Port Clinton

OR We can arrange delivery of palletized bulk wipers. CHALLENGED BY RISING MANUFACTURING COSTS? We can help with: Light Assembly Packaging Sorting Sanding & Lots More!

Candidate's Night Elks Lodge 7 p.m.

Sandusky County Chamber of Commerce

Great Prices - Volume Discounts - Bulk Deliveries

Bellevue Huron Sandusky

Business After Hours Catawba Mini Storage October 9

Lighthouse Festival 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Disposable Cloth Wipers

September 15

Board of Directors, 4pm, Chamber office September 24

September 18

Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce

Norwalk-Huron County Chamber of Commerce

Marblehead Peninsula Chamber of Commerce

Fostoria Area Chamber of Commerce September 10

Business After Hours 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Open Houses at Downtown Genoa Businesses Participants TBA

October 16

Lakeside at Wesley Lodge Lighthouse Tours and festivities at The Keeper's House

Business After Hours Riverview Industries 5-7pm

October 16

Board Meeting

October 23

Business After Hours Heintz Realty, Hair Illusions & Oak Harbor Chamber held combined offices.

September 11 Business After Hours Sandco Industries 1101 Castalia Road 5 to 7 p.m. September 19

Annual Chamber Foundation Golf Outing Fremont Country Club

September 25

"iDecide" 2008 Candidates Forum Tech Center 7 p.m., Cedar St.

Tiffin Area Chamber of Commerce September 8

Small Business Basics Seminar, Chamber Offices

September 18

Business After Hours, Community Hospice, 5pm, RSVP: 419-447-4141

October 8

Small Business Basics Seminar, Chamber Offices

Willard Area Chamber of Commerce September 14

Hispanic Heritage Festival Daily Dipper Downtown

September 25 Business After Hours Hillside Acres-5-7p.m.

For more information or to place an order call


Wiper sales support SBA Goodwill employment programs for the disabled and disadvantaged in Erie, Huron, Ottawa and Sandusky Counties.

To advertise in The North Coast Business Journal, contact Dave at 419-734-4838 or fax 419-734-5382.

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 13

Ottawa County...Together We Can! While many areas of the country are feeling the pinch from a down economy and high gas prices, Ottawa County and the Port Clinton area have tried to capitalize. The north coast of Ohio, primarily Ottawa County, is located a short drive from a substantial portion of the population of the entire nation. Because of this short distance, many people have decided to stay close to home and vacation right here in Ottawa County. The Ottawa County Visitors Bureau and Erie County Visitors Bureau along with the Ottawa County Chambers of Commerce have been advertising and pushing the north coast as a great place to vacation and relax. From the Marblehead Lighthouse to Schedel Estate in Elmore to the Erie Islands, Ottawa County offers attractions to fit any budget and some of the nation’s most beautiful beaches and sunsets.

Downtown Port Clinton has started to see some rejuvenation with the re-opening of the Historic Island House Hotel. Downtown Elmore is alive with antique stores, Lakeside and Marblehead are booming with retail outlets, and Oak Harbor has a large agricultural and vacation area. While tourism is still a main focus of business in Ottawa County, several manufacturing facilities have also been growing. Fenner-Dunlop in Port Clinton and Brush Wellman in Elmore have both recently announced expansion projects. The Ottawa County Chambers represent local businesses at the Cleveland Boat Show, Kalahari Home Show and many local events throughout the year. In January the joint chambers will begin distributing the first-ever joint chamber directory. This directory will help area visitors with one local directory.

The Ottawa County Chambers have also just graduated their third class in the Service Excellence Experience (SEE). This is a customer service-based training for any business in Ottawa County and graduation shows a business’s commitment to service for their customers. Each year a SEE Certified Business must attend continuing education and pass a mystery shop. To-date there are 29 See Certified Businesses in Ottawa County with approximately 10 more in class to be certified. Through all of these joint efforts, The Port Clinton, Marblehead Peninsula, Oak Harbor, Genoa, and Elmore Chambers of Commerce along with the Ottawa County Visitors Bureau have worked together to help area businesses grow and prosper. In Ottawa County...together, we can and will.

Port Clinton City Schools ... continued from page 3 interesting and creative curriculum for our students. Grade level buildings allow for increased teacher collaboration, a team approach to education and concentration on the specific educational needs of students by grade level. Classes at Port Clinton Elementary Schools average 20.1 students per teacher offering an intimate learning environment for children in the beginning stages of their educational career. Due to the district’s belief that the greatest impact on student achievement starts with the youngest students, an additional grade 1 classroom was added this year. With smaller class sizes at the primary level more individualized instruction in reading can take place, thus improving

achievement throughout the child’s education. Art, Music, and Physical Education are part of the weekly routine in each elementary school and taught by specialists with additional programs for reading intervention, special education, and talented & gifted students. Informative assemblies, field trips and use of the Distance Learning Centers in each building, all enhance each child’s experience at Port Clinton Elementary Schools. Yes, students and staff of the Port Clinton City School District are Proudly Charting a Course for Success as education in the district continues to evolve in order to prepare students, not just for their education, but for life!

Regional Business News is just a “click” away

14 SEPTEMBER 2008 North Coast Business Journal

Monroeville: “Best Little Town by a Dam Site”

The Village of Monroeville in Huron County has seen an exceptionally busy year in 2008. After entering into an agreement with a local government consulting firm, the Village Council actively participated in a SWOT analysis, identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the community, and developing a strategic plan. Establishing their priorities, which includes economic and industrial growth, maintaining and operating the Village’s utilities for growth, downtown revitalization and renovation, capital improvement planning, satisfying Village finances, and construction of a new municipal building among them, Council and the Village Administrator moved forward with establishing a retention and expansion program. Local businesses were visited, and the R&E team spoke with management about the strengths and weaknesses of their individual business. Establishing a local industrial roundtable is now being considered to utilize the feedback and guidance from industrial, commercial and residential owners in the economic development areas.

Monroeville has its own water, sewer and electric services to offer the community. These utilities give Monroeville the ability to be highly competitive with its neighbors and the region, in addition to its Ideal location which is in the close proximity of two airports, a railway line, Ohio interstates, and Lake Erie. The Village is currently facing US and Ohio EPA mandates to resolve infiltration/inflow (I&I) problems within the next five years. Council has identified this as an immediate action issue, and the Water/Wastewater Department has been diligently working on performing I&I tests to identify problem areas. The construction of an equalization basin has been discussed, and an application for financial assistance from the Ohio Public Works Commission has recently been submitted for the potential rehabilitation of the wastewater treatment plant. Council has acknowledged the necessity of creating a storm water utility and is now considering legislation for that utility fund. Establishing a rate structure , as well as rules and regulations for that utility, are in process. A positive aspect for downtown Monroeville is the historic architecture of its buildings. Revitalization of the downtown area to fully take advantage of these features has been discussed at length, and preliminary engineering data has been compiled for downtown lighting and landscaping. The proposed construction of a new municipal building in the downtown area will enable various public bodies a common place to hold their meetings, as well as providing easier access to the public of its Administrative Offices and Police Department. Funding has been set aside for the past several years for this project, and a Bond Anticipation

Note just closed for the preliminary costs and final construction of the building. Monroeville is proud to have Venture Packaging, with Berry Plastics as its parent company, as its largest employer. Venture Packaging manufactures plastic containers for many of the food items on the market today , such as potato and macaroni salad containers and five-gallon ice cream containers. Also among its largest employers are Midway, Inc., Janotta & Herner, and Underground Utilities. The Village Administrator has been working on creating a Community Reinvestment Area (CRA). Council must pass legislation designating a CRA, acknowledging areas in which housing facilities (or historic structures) are located and new housing construction and repair of existing facilities or structures are discouraged. Property owners can receive tax incentives for investing in real property improvements, and permits, while municipalities can encourage revitalization. This remains to be a work in progress. Monroeville’s Dam Festival realized a successful event this past June. Established for the third weekend of every June, this year’s third annual Festival saw the comeback of mud volleyball, as well as the addition of several bounce houses and new vendors. The Dam Festival Committee has high expectations for their 2009 event, where new events and attractions will be featured. The Shade Tree Commission is proud to announce the Monroeville has been named a Tree City USA for the second straight year. The Commission, in a joint effort with Council, recently purchased eight sidewalk planters for the

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North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 15

Information Technology Surfing Tips 2008 By Don Knaur Very few things change as rapidly as the Internet. Even though most sites change often, some sites have been able to stay ahead of their competitors. New sites pop-up on a regular basis and provide innovative approaches to information that can make our lives easier or better. Half of the sites described here are older sites, while the other sites were developed for Internet Explorer 6.0. In other words, they are newer than Windows XP Service Pack 2. One of the oldest and still one of the best sites is This Web Search site has been around for over twelve years. It is not the site to use to find a large volume of responses. However, if you want to find a specific company, product or Web Site, it will find it for you quickly and accurately without having to sift through pages of responses. Technically, it is not a search engine; it just queries the top twelve search engines (Google, Yahoo, Ask, etc.) and gives you their top ten responses. It returns these responses almost instantly and will also allow you to search an exact phrase along with the normal search options. Another site in its second decade, that most computer techs love and use extensively, is This is the site to find and download device drivers that have been lost. For those of you that are not familiar with the term, a

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device driver is software that acts as an interpreter between your PC and a Modem, Video card, Sound Card or other device. Driversguide has hundreds of thousands of these files available. It also has some very efficient search options to help you find the right file. Along with the name and location of each file, users' feed back files are posted that allow you to quickly evaluate the file. It is a free site for those that only need it rarely, but, as a professional who needs it often, I have no problem paying their low annual fee that allows me frequent use of the site. The final veteran site I'm recommending is, which has been around for quite a few years, but is more important today than ever. It tracks the gas prices in the United States and Canada. It will allow you to look up the gas prices by State or Province and then by metropolitan area, city or type of station, i.e. Flying J, Speedway or Shell. When prices are changing rapidly, you can even limit your search to prices reported in the past four, eight or twelve hours, so that you have a realistic idea of what is happening. Caution: since this site depends on user input to keep it up to date, you may find multiple listings for Service Stations and also multiple prices. That is why the time stamp is an important feature. A newer site that has become very helpful is, a one-stop source for downloading all of the best free security programs. From this site, you can quickly and easily download the latest versions of programs such as AVG Anti-virus, Spybot Search & Destroy, AdAware Anti-Spyware and Ccleaner. Actually, the software downloads faster from this site than it does from the developers' sites. This site also includes utility and browser software, such as Adobe Reader, Firefox, FlashPlayer and Windows Media Player. Another fairly new site called is a good site to visit, if you like to eat out. This site offers specially discounted coupons for hundreds of restaurants. Warning: read the restrictions on coupon use before purchasing. Even if you don't purchase a coupon, the site provides you access to each restaurant's menu SURFING TIPS 2008... continued on page 23

16 SEPTEMBER 2008 North Coast Business Journal


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North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 17


North Coast Business Journal

Ottawa County Chambers Focht Construction Completes Transportation Building Sponsor S.E.E. maintenance garage is supplied by our maintenance Customer Service Program Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) is the county’s public transit system, providing over 85,000 rides per year. In addition to providing this service, it delivers over 34,000 meals per year to county seniors. It also repairs and maintains 154 vehicles for sixteen different agencies throughout Northwest Ohio. The vehicles range from law enforcement cruisers to 40-fooot Blue Bird buses. Bill Lowe, OCTA director, states “Our new facility is 11,830 square feet and houses both our administrative and maintenance operations. The facility is very unique in that the fuel we use to heat our

May 2006

Saw my daughter get her bachelor’s degree.

operation. Our shop has a hydronic, under floor, heating system. In very basic terms, heated water is circulated through the tubes within the eight inch thick concrete floor. The water is heated by a boiler that is 100% fueled by waste oil collected during vehicle preventive maintenance and repair services.” He adds “Our new facility has a total of five maintenance bays and a wash bay. There are three short bays used to service smaller vehicles and two long bays for buses. Our garage has a parts storage area and a shop between the short and long bays to reduce walking time. The space above the shop and parts storage area gives us the ability to expand by approximately 2,500 square feet.”

December 2007

My abdomen suddenly became enlarged.

Customer Service is sometimes the only thing that gives a business the competitive edge. It is paramount to success! Realizing this, Chambers in Ottawa County will once again sponsor a program for member companies. Their mission: “Implement a standard in Customer Service in Ottawa County through an established certification process with a recognized trademark.” They encourage area businesses to call soon and not miss out on this opportunity to be one of the premier S.E.E. Certified businesses in Ottawa County! Grant money for up to 50% of the cost may be available. For details call the coordinating Chamber, Port Clinton, and speak to Jan Hackett. 419-734-5503

December 2007

Diagnosed with ovarian cancer and treated at Magruder Hospital.

SEE Training Dates: September 23, October 14, October 28 and November 11, 2008 Times: 8:00 am - 11:30 am Location: Ottawa County Resource Centre Session 1: Customer Service is Inside Out: Understanding the Customer Session 2: Modeling Excellence: Customer Service for Managers, Part 1 Session 3: Modeling Excellence: Customer Service for Managers, Part 2 Session 4: Customer Loyalty/Review Session

May 2008

Watched my daughter get her master’s degree.

The gift of time,compliments ofMagruder’s expert cancer care. The diagnosis of ovarian cancer wasn’t the first time Carol Favorite had heard the “C” word. She had already beaten colon cancer with the help of Magruder Hospital. Now a resident of Toledo, Carol made the extra drive to Magruder for her cancer care. “I’d do it again because of the way they treat you. I can’t even put into words how wonderful they are.” That’s how it is at Magruder, where cancer patients receive some very precious gifts: health, hope and time.

It’s how we care

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 19

Sales Whose Shoes Are You Walking In? By Roger Bostdorff Selling is not about you, selling is about your prospect. When you leave a voicemail does it many times sound like this, "let me tell you a little about my company" or "let me tell you a little about my product"? Your prospect cares about neither your company nor your product but rather they care about solving their business problems. For someone to be successful in sales they need to be able to walk in the shoes of their prospect. They need to be able to visualize the issues, problems and challenges that this company might be experiencing. For example, if you are calling on a construction company and you have sold your solution to another construction company, what problem did your solution solve or improve? How about the wholesale distributor that you sold your solution to, what benefits did they derive from your solution? How about the manufacturer? If you know why these customers bought, then you know some potential hot buttons to grab the attention of your new prospect. You also add credibility to your story that you can help them because you have already helped other companies in their industry. Industry expertise and experience goes a long way in opening doors and getting the business. By the way, you noticed that I referenced your "solution" not your "product or service." If you are selling a product or service then you are selling a commodity that may be available by multiple product or service companies. However, if you are selling a solution you are selling the capability to solve your customer's problems, issues or challenges. You are helping that customer improve their quality, cut their cost, improve their customer service, etc. Sometimes this is simply a state of mind or attitude. What you have to sell may not change but how you position it with your customer will change the perception and importance of your product/service...your SOLUTION!! Voice mail in sales unfortunately is very prevalent, so let me ask you, which voice mail is going to get your attention if you were the prospect? Which voice mail has a higher probability of a return call? 1. I called because I wanted to tell you about our company 2. I called because I wanted to tell you about our products 3. I called because I have been working with several contractors/distributors/manufacturers (pick an industry) in the area to solve their _(blank)______ problem. We have been able to solve this challenge with our _ _(blank)______ solution. Some of you are asking yourself, "What problem or issue did I solve when I sold that copier, service contract, etc. to the XYZ Company? First, if your answer is they needed a faster copier then I am not communicating effectively. If that is the case the follow-on question is why? What business problem did they need to solve? Secondly, if you have to ask that question then you also need to re-evaluate your sales approach to determine if you are really taking an approach to solve your customer's challenges or if you are simply taking the order? I heard a neat saying a long time ago and I am going to modify it slightly for sales. "Your customer cares how much you know when they know how much you care." Don't just sell your product or service but rather care enough about your customer to help them solve their problems with your solution. Why not walk in their shoes for a while? Roger Bostdorff is the President of B2B Sales Boost, LLC. He spent over 30 years with IBM in sales and sales management. B2B Sales Boost is a consulting company helping organizations improve their sales and overall business processes. You can find more about B2B Sales Boost on the web at or calling 419-351-4347. If you would like to receive the B2B Sales Boost Newsletter please send an email to [email protected]



North Coast Business Journal

Mercy Welcomes Last and First The new Mercy Hospital of Tiffin is now open and serving the community from its new location at 45 St. Lawrence Drive in Tiffin, according to Bernie Steinmetz, Manager of Development & Public Relations. Patients were moved to the new hospital Sunday, July 27, 2008, which was the final day of a move process that began eight days earlier. "Our move from our previous location at 485 West Market Street to the new one went very smoothly," Anne Zimmerman, Chief The last patient admitted to the old hospital -Jane Nursing Officer, said. "We Cooley. Standing left to right: Anne Zimmerman, Dale had great cooperation with Thornton, and Teri Henry. our local EMS and our staff in assuring that safety and confidentiality St. Lawrence Drive was Miley Sophia Helmstetter. Miley's mother, Ashley Poppewere top priorities for our patients." The occasion marked a number of first and Helmstetter, was in labor when transported lasts for Mercy Hospital of Tiffin. The last via ambulance from the old hospital to the baby born at the hospital opened in 1913 was new. Ashley and her husband, Dominic Alysa Jane Jameson, daughter of Tom and Helmstetter, received their first view of the Jane Jameson of Tiffin. Alysa was born at 4:52 new hospital the day of their daughter's birth, a.m. at the old hospital, thus becoming the after having been admitted to the old hospital. Miley was born at 6:03 p.m. on July 27, final baby born at the 95-year old facility. The first baby born at the new hospital on the day of the patient move, thus becoming

the very first baby born in the hospital's new Family Birthing Center. The Helmstetters also reside in Tiffin. Both families received a special engraved gift commemorating the event, along with a $100 Tiffin Area Chamber of Commerce Gift Certificate, to celebrate their special event. The gifts were presented by Dale Thornton, President & CEO; Zimmerman; and Sue Sanford, Manager of the The first patient admitted to the new Mercy Hospital of Family Birthing Center. Mercy also recognized the Tiffin -Fred Haudenshild. Standing left to right: Teri last patient admitted to the Henry, Nurse Manager, Inpatient Nursing: Dale old hospital and the first Thornton; and Anne Zimmerman. patient admitted to the new our ability to continue to fulfill the Mission hospital. Jane Cooley of Tiffin was admitted set forth by Catherine McAuley, the to the hospital on West Market Street, trans- foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, and Mother ported and discharged from the newly Mary Bernardine McMullen, our first adminopened hospital. The first patient admitted istrator. to the new Mercy Hospital of Tiffin on July Thornton was delighted to welcome the 27 was another Tiffin resident, Fred first baby and new patients to the new hospiHaudenshild. Both patients received an tal. engraved gift commemorating them as the "We were very pleased to welcome our last last and first patients, respectively, along with baby at the previous hospital as well as our a $100 Tiffin Area Chamber of Commerce last patient admitted, to close out a wonderGift Certificate. Thornton, Zimmerman and ful era of healthcare provided at 485 West Teri Henry, Manager of Inpatient Services, Market Street," he said. "We were also proud presented these gifts. to open a new era of healthcare for Tiffin and "The original Mercy Hospital of Tiffin Seneca County on July 27 by welcoming the served our community with high first baby born at 45 St. Lawrence Drive as quality healthcare in the tradi- well as our very first patient. We look forward tion of the Sisters of Mercy for to many more years serving our community 95 years," Steinmetz said. "Now from a campus that we believe will enhance we are excited to be able to con- our city and county through the provision of tinue to offer these high quality quality healthcare delivered in a compassionservices through a beautiful, ate manner." modern facility that enhances

First baby born in new hospital-Miley Sophia Helmstetter with her mother, Ashley M. Poppe-Helmstetter. Standing left to right: Sue Sanford, Miley’s father, Dominic Helmstetter, Anne Zimmerman, and Dale Thornton.

Last baby born at old hospital - Alysa Jameson held by her mother, Jane Jameson. Left to right standing: Anne Zimmerman, Chief Nursing Officer; Dale Thornton, President & CEO; Alysa’s father, Tom Jameson; and Sue Sanford, Nurse Manager, Family Birthing Center.

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 21

Taxes Overview of the Various Types of IRAs Available By: Jeff Rosengarten, CPA PAYNE, NICKLES AND COMPANY At one time, there was relatively little confusion about IRAs because there was only one type available. Now, however, IRAs have proliferated-there's the regular IRA, which may be funded with deductible and/or nondeductible contributions, Roth IRA, SEP-IRA, and SIMPLE IRA. Some of these IRAs are similar, but others have little in common. To compound the confusion, some IRAs are known by different names. For example, a non-Roth retirement-savings IRA sometimes is called a traditional IRA. What do all these IRAs have in common? They can help you and your family save significant amounts for retirement on a tax-favored basis. Here's an overview of the different types of IRAs available today. Traditional IRAs Traditional IRAs can be funded with deductible and nondeductible contributions. Deductible IRA contributions. You can make an annual deductible contribution to an IRA if: (1) you (and your spouse) are not an active participant in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, or (2) you (or your spouse) are an active participant in an employer plan, and your modified adjusted gross income (AGI) doesn't exceed certain levels that vary from year-to-year by filing status. For example, in 2008, if you are a joint return filer covered by an employer plan, your deductible IRA contribution phases out over $85,000 to $105,000 of modified AGI. If you're single or a head of household in 2008, the phaseout range is $53,000 to $63,000. For a married filing separately, the phaseout range is $0 to $10,000 (for all years). In 2008, if you are not an active participant in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, but your spouse is, your deductible IRA contribution phases out with modified AGI of between $159,000 and $169,000. Deductible IRA contributions reduce your current tax bill, and earnings within the IRA are tax-deferred. However, every dollar you take out is taxed in full (and subject to a 10% penalty if you withdraw money before age 59 1/2, unless one of several exceptions apply). You must begin making minimum withdrawals by April 1 of the year following the year you attain age 70 1/2. Nondeductible IRA contributions. You can make an annual nondeductible IRA contri-

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bution without regard to your coverage by an employer plan and without regard to your AGI. The earnings in a nondeductible IRA are tax-deferred within the IRA, but are taxed on distribution (and subject to a 10% penalty if you withdraw money before age 59 1/2, unless one of several exceptions apply). You must begin making minimum withdrawals by April 1 of the year following the year you attain age 70 1/2. Nondeductible contributions aren't taxed when they are withdrawn. If you've made deductible and nondeductible IRA contributions, a portion of each IRA distribution is treated as coming from nontaxable IRA contributions (and the rest is taxed). If you can't make a deductible contribution to a traditional IRA, you should contribute (if eligible) to a Roth IRA instead of making a nondeductible contribution to a traditional IRA. That's because the Roth IRA offers a better package of tax benefits than you'd get by making a nondeductible contribution to a traditional IRA. Deductible and nondeductible IRA limits. The maximum annual IRA contribution (deductible or nondeductible, or a combination) is $5,000 for 2008 ($6,000 if you are age 50 or over in 2008). Additionally, your IRA contribution for a year (deductible or not) can't exceed the amount of your compensation includible in income for that year. Deductible and nondeductible IRA contributions can't be made once you attain age 70. IRAs often are referred to as "traditional IRAs" (or "regular IRAs") to distinguish them from Roth IRAs. Roth IRAs. You can make an annual contribution to a Roth IRA if your AGI doesn't exceed certain levels that vary by filing status. For example, in 2008, if you are a joint return filer, the maximum annual Roth IRA contribution phases out between $159,000 and $169,000 of modified AGI ($101,000 to $116,000 for single taxpayers). Annual contributions to Roth IRAs can be made up to the amount that would be allowed as a contribution to a traditional IRA, reduced by the amount you contribute for the year to non-Roth IRAs, but not reduced by contributions to a SEP IRA or SIMPLE IRA (see below). For example, if you don't contribute to a traditional IRA in 2008, you can contribute up to $5,000 to a Roth IRA for that year ($6,000 if you are age 50 or older in 2008). Roth IRA contributions aren't deductible. However, earnings are tax-deferred within the Roth IRA and (unlike a traditional IRA) are tax-free if paid out (1) after a five-year period that begins with the first year for which you made a contribution to a Roth IRA, and (2) once you reach age 59 1/2, or upon death or disability, or (up to $10,000 lifetime) for first-time home-buyer expenses of you, your spouse, child, grandchild, or ancestor. And if a Roth IRA payout doesn't meet these dual conditions, you're treated as first withdrawing nontaxable Roth IRA contributions; the balance (representing earnings) is taxed and is subject to a 10% penalty for pre-age-59 withdrawals, unless one of several exceptions apply. Thus, for example, if you contribute $6,000 over the years to Roth IRAs and withdraw $9,000 at age 55 to buy a boat, only $3,000 is taxed (and is subject to the 10% penalty). You can make Roth IRA contributions even after you attain age 70 (if you have sufficient compensation income), and you do not have to take minimum distributions from a Roth IRA after you attain that age. That makes Roth IRAs an excellent wealth-building vehicle for your family. OVERVIEW continued on page 24

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North Coast Business Journal

Terra and State Theatre's Partnership Will Benefit Students

From left, Michael Shirtz, Thomas Kazmierzcak III and John Cipiti pose at the Sandusky State Theatre's box office. A new school year is bringing many new and exciting opportunities to music and arts students at Terra Community College. This fall begins a unique partnership between Terra's Department of Music, Arts, and Humanities and the historic Sandusky State Theatre. The renowned State Theatre located in downtown Sandusky will be joining with the college to create a series of educational and performance opportunities for students majoring in music and the arts at Terra. Students earning degrees in music business, music technology, performance and music education will be provided internships and field experience through the State Theatre in the following areas: music business, box office management, arts management, stage management, music and theater education, performance, recording, lighting and sound, and set design.

Additional internships in marketing, business, and hospitality management will also be available. "This truly is a great addition to our studies and offerings at Terra," said Michael Shirtz, coordinator for the Department of Music, Arts, and Humanities at Terra. "Literally, our students can earn an associate or transfer degree at Terra and use the State Theatre as their classroom." Terra's music and arts programs have grown quickly in the past eight years to include quality education and opportunities at affordable prices to students and community participants throughout Erie, Huron, Ottawa, Sandusky and Seneca counties. Terra, which is home to a state-of-the-art recording studio, offers degrees and courses in music and the performing arts, presents several student-produced concert series, and presents eleven vocal and instrumental ensembles, now will add another experience to further the education of its students. "Students at Terra now have a great advantage to receive the best kind of training for their careers," said John Cipiti, Terra's Director of Music Studies. "Real hands-on, professional experience." State Theatre officials, like Thomas Kazmierzcak III, the theatre's new executive director, also see the benefits. "This is an excellent opportunity to promote professional theater and educational opportunities in the arts," said Kazmierzcak, who serves on Terra's Advisory Board for Music and Performing Arts and will be working closely with Terra's students in this partnership. "Working with these students is a great way to build our future theater and music professionals." This partnership also brings with it the development of a new performance series called Terra at The State. Terra's ensembles will present a series of concerts with the State Theatre. Terra at The State will include a Veterans Music Festival commemorating and honoring America's brave servicemen and women on Saturday, Nov. 8. This festival will pay tribute to veterans in a gala evening performance called "Salute to Heroes" with the Terra Choral Society and Chamber Arts Orchestra. Also music of World War II will be highlighted by the Terra Thunder Jazz Band and vocal group State of the Arts in an afternoon Stage Door Canteen and a World War II swing dance following the gala concert. Other programs featured in Terra at The State are a dinner and discussion with Michael Thomas, writer from SNL and 30 Rock on Dec. 5; a New Year's Eve concert celebrated in "Vienna Fashion" on Dec 31; and a Tribute to Leonard Bernstein on April 17. For more information, contact the Department of Music, Arts and Humanities at Terra Community College at 419-559-2233.

FTMC Diabetes Education: A New Way to Live A Monroeville resident has gained a new outlook on life thanks to the Certified Diabetes Education program at Fisher-Titus Medical Center. When Bob Zinn's physician, Dr. Jeffrey Harwood of New London Family Practice referred Zinn to FTMC's Certified Diabetes Education program, Zinn didn't want to answer any questions when asked about his health in February 2007. Instead, he let his wife do all the talking to the Diabetes Educators. Zinn was overweight, a condition that possibly contributed to the development, progression and diagnosis of diabetes. Because of the diabetes, Zinn was told he needed to make some lifestyle changes. Stubborn at first, Zinn was unsure of what to expect in the coming months. He did know that he was going to have a hard time and that he would need encouragement. That is when FTMC's Diabetes Education Team stepped up to help. Registered Nurse Brandi Roeder and Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Tracy Stadler both played key roles in helping Zinn. "Those ladies helped me out so much," said Zinn. The education ranged from self-monitoring of blood glucose and modifying eating behaviors to including more physical activities in his daily life. The hard work from Zinn and encouragement from Roeder and Stadler led to Zinn losing over 100 pounds in 17 months. "Mr. Zinn did the hard part," Stadler said. "We just gave him the tools he needed." Zinn's self-motivation comes from the belt he wears. When he

first started losing weight the belt was notched in the last hole. Since then, Zinn has added new notches to his belt as his waistline has dwindled. Although 12 new notches have been added to his belt, Zinn has no intention of getting a new belt anytime soon. "People always ask me when I'm going to get a new belt and I tell them I'm not getting one until I lose as much weight as I want to," said Zinn emphatically. Another self-motivator is a winter jacket, now too big, that wraps around him and almost reaches his side. He also recently bought some new shorts which were a smaller size than he had anticipated. Instead of eating just once a day Zinn started eating three balanced meals a day and learned he could survive without eating as much as he did before. Zinn also needed to cut down on his "sweets" intake. Zinn said in the past year his only indulgence has been two small pieces of birthday cake. The benefits of a healthier lifestyle have paid off for Zinn. The weight loss has helped make everything easier for Zinn including his job. Most of Zinn's exercise comes from walking while at work. With changes in Zinn's life and attitude, he is looking at life differently saying, "My whole body is feeling better." FTMC Diabetes Education Classes are designed for individuals interested in learning more about diabetes management. Class participation is by physician referral only. FTMC's Diabetes Education Classes are recognized by the American Diabetes Association. For more information on FTMC's Diabetes Education Program, call 419-660-2596.

Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Tracy Stadler (left) and Registered Nurse Brandi Roeder (right) of Fisher-Titus Medical Center's Diabetes Education Program recently talk to patient Bob Zinn (center) of Monroeville. Zinn, who went through the Diabetes Education program in early 2007, has found a healthier lifestyle and lost over 100 pounds in the process.

Hoty Builders Announces Completion of Verizon Wireless Project Hoty Builders, L.L.C. has recently completed the construction of a new Verizon Wireless store in Medina, Ohio. The 3,800 square foot unit, located at 1231 North Court Street, is now open. Hoty Builders has completed several locations for Verizon Wireless. Hoty Builders and its affiliated companies have been constructing and renovating commercial projects for over 30 years. Their experience encompasses a wide variety of ventures from shopping centers and free-standing buildings to office buildings and marinas. SURFING TIPS 2008... continued from page 15

along with its address and telephone number. It is much easier to check out the menu from your home or motel room than it is to drive to the restaurant. I have found several good restaurants this way, as well as rejecting a few that were a little too pricey for me. The final surfing trip tip site is both useful and fun to play with. To use this site, you need to be running Windows XP or Vista with plenty of RAM and a good Video Card as it is a very high overhead (literally) site. Check out, a program that shows you satellite images from all over the world. They are constantly improving this site and are providing more street views of neighborhoods every day. This site allows you to pick an area of the world and then Zoom-in on it until you can see the details you want. The picture quality is excellent; however, I would not try to use it to inspect my roof. While surfing the Internet, you can wipe out because of the amount of Malware, Spyware and Viruses that's increasing daily. Just keep your Anti-virus and Anti-spyware software up to date and remember the Internet is still a wondrous place to surf. I am always searching for new and interesting article topics. I would appreciate any suggestions you have for topics. Please E-mail these suggestions or requests for information to [email protected] or call me at 419-448-8020 and I will use as many of them as possible. Don is the CWO (Chief Working Officer) of Help-Desk, Ohio, a complete computer service center, located in Suite A of the Courtlee Interiors' Building, 2499 W. Market in Tiffin. Don has a degree in Computer Programming from Tiffin University and has been an Information Technology Professional for over 20 years. He started Help-Desk, Ohio in the spring of 1996 and opened his shop in March 2001. Don welcomes calls for advice or information at 419-448-8020.

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 23


North Coast Business Journal

Earlier Cancer Detection Made Possible with New PET/CT Technology More than 6 million people in the world will die from cancer this year, according to the World Health Organization. In the United States, one in three will be diagnosed with cancer in his or her lifetime. Detecting cancer at its earliest stages helps to better determine the best treatment for oncology patients. Fisher-Titus Medical Center has updated its PET diagnostic tool to include CT. The Discovery ST 16-slice PET/CT system integrates a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scanner with a 16-slice Computed Tomography (CT) scanner and provides physicians with more sensitivity, speed, resolution and diagnostic confidence when treating cancer Dr. Matthew Gutowicz Jr., patients. "For oncology patients, PET/CT is used to determine the exact location and stage of cancerous tissue and can prevent unnecessary surgery and biopsies and inappropriate treatment," said Dr. Matthew Gutowicz Jr., a boardcertified radiologist and FTMC's medical director of radiology. "PET/CT will have a major impact on our clinical evaluations of cancer patients, and in many cases will enable our physicians to begin treatment earlier and increase the odds for successful patient outcomes." PET/CT is an imaging procedure that provides physicians with information about the body's chemistry, cell function and exact location of disease. The precise images obtained with PET are not available with other technologies, such as CT, MRI or Xray alone. The difference lies in the ability of PET to study body function rather than giving radiological images of anatomy or body structure. The combination of the metabolic


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information from PET and the anatomic information from CT, places PET/CT at the forefront to cutting edge technology allowing physicians to more accurately stage and treat patient disease processes. Before having a PET/CT scan, the patient receives a dose of a radiopharmaceutical tracer containing substances that mimic those normally used in the body including water, sugars, proteins and oxygen. These tracers accumulate in diseased cells. During the scan, the tracers are detected by the system creating an image of the patient and highlighting any abnormal physiology. This image helps our physicians determine if disease is present, the location and extent of disease, and track how rapidly it is spreading. "The new PET/CT system is another example of FTMC's commitment to innovation and technology for early disease detection supporting physicians in improved diagnosis and treatment right here in Norwalk," said Dr. Raymond Lobins of North Coast Cancer Care who is a member of Fisher-Titus Medical Center's medical staff. FTMC Imaging Services Department's state-of-the-art testing includes a 64-slice CT scanner, MRI/Breast MRI, PET/CT Scanning, Nuclear Medicine Testing, Mammography/Computer-Aided Detection, Stereotactic Breast Biopsies and Brachytherapy. FTMC's Commission on Cancer (CoC) Approved Cancer Program, full consultative services are available from all medical disciplines involved in diagnosing and treating cancer. FTMC's state-of-the-art Cancer Care Center provides a highly qualified physicians, staff and technology to help patients through the diagnosis and treatment process. Approved by the American College of Surgeon's National Commission on Cancer Program since 1989, FTMC is among only one in four hospital cancer programs in the United States that receives this special accreditation. FTMC's Cancer Program earned eight out of a possible nine special commendations in its most recent accreditation survey. TAXES: OVERVIEW continued from page 21

You can "roll over" (or convert) a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA in a year that your AGI, as specially computed, doesn't exceed $100,000, but the amount taken out of the traditional IRA is treated for tax purposes as a regular withdrawal (but it's not subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty). (Beginning in 2010, the $100,000 AGI ceiling on conversions from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA will be removed.) SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs Small businesses that want to provide employees with a retirement plan, but keep administrative costs low, may be able to set up a SEP (simplified employee pension) or SIMPLE (savings incentive match plan for employees) plan. In either type of plan, contributions are made to IRA-type accounts in the employees' names. Annual contributions to these plans are controlled by special rules and aren't tied to the normal IRA

contribution limits. Distributions from a SEP IRA or SIMPLE IRA are subject to tax rules similar to those that apply to deductible IRAs. Income tax credit for contributions to IRAs If your adjusted gross income doesn't exceed specified levels, you may be entitled to a credit (saver's credit) against your income tax equal to a percentage of your contribution to any of the above IRAs. If you are entitled to the credit, you get it in addition to any deduction you may be entitled to for the same contribution. I recommend discussing these options and how they might apply to your individual situation with your tax professional. (Author's note: This article is not intended to offer professional tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor.)

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 25

MAIN STREET ... continued from the cover creation of downtown development and downtown market analysis. MSPC is working with City Administration and Council on the Tier 1 Community Development Block Grant. The funding Main Street Port Clinton received from Stensen will be the local match for funding from the State of Ohio. MSPC’s funding from Stensen together with the State funding will allow us to bring in a consultant to facilitate the planning work for the downtown. The planning activities will begin in early fall. The development plan will examine the development needs and assess the existing conditions of the downtown including land use, traffic/circulation, public spaces, streetscape and aesthetic quality. Goals and objectives and a vision/mission statement for the central business district will be derived from a series of meetings and community input. The market analysis will examine the details of the current overall economic, business, and service climate of downtown Port Clinton. Main Street Port Clinton wants to make sure that any new development, infill development, or rehabilitation maintains the character and charm of the existing buildings and structures. MSPC worked with administration and City Council earlier this year to make amendments to the Downtown Architectural District. The amendments included requiring the Board of Architectural Review to consider the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation when property owners want to alter the exterior of their buildings. By adding the Secretary of the Interior Standards to the City’s Code, we are now eligible to apply for additional grant opportunities. Main

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Street Port Clinton plays an active role in the City’s Architectural Board of Review. The Board meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 3pm, prior to the Planning Commission meeting. With the support of the Ottawa County Community Foundation, MSPC is creating a Treasure Hunt of 10 downtown architectural features of buildings located on Madison between Perry Street and Second Street and on Second Street between Monroe and Jefferson. The Architectural Treasure Hunt will be available at local businesses. We also will be working with the schools to have the Ohio History classes work the treasure hunt into their curriculum. The Architectural Treasure Hunt will get people walking the streets and learning to appreciate our fabulous downtown architecture. MSPC has been working with the Ottawa

County Historical Society to create oral histories of several buildings in downtown. It is our desire to learn the histories and interesting and unusual stories about each of these buildings. We plan to have open houses and invite the public to visit these spaces. We want to make the stories come alive. The buildings are 125 Madison Street (Mary’s Blossom Shoppe), 120 West Second Street (The Lion Theatre/Frederick Agency), and 105, 107, and 109 Madison Street (Hersberger Building). Please call 419/734-7600 for more information. Main Street Port Clinton and the Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce teamed together to create the Port Clinton Arts Council. The Port Clinton Arts Council recently hosted the second annual Appetite for the Arts. Approximately 300 people gathered on Friday, August 8 at the

Jet Express Warehouse in downtown Port Clinton for a sampling of local artists and their talents. Those who attended feasted their eyes on paintings and photographs from local artists, heard their favorite music from local musicians, and interacted with characters from local theatre groups. All while sampling sumptuous appetizers from local restaurants! Everyone had a fantastic time and the event was a huge success! Mark your calendar - the third annual Appetite for the Arts is scheduled for Friday, August 14, 2009. Lastly, I challenge everyone in Port Clinton and surrounding communities to get involved with Main Street Port Clinton. We are looking for fresh ideas and new faces. Call me, email me, or stop by the office. I can be reached by phone at 419/734-7600 or by email at [email protected].


North Coast Business Journal

Check Current Employees For Criminal Records? Be Careful Or Face The Consequences... The recent LA Times story on the discovery of current employees with criminal records, and the Los Angeles county supervisor’s suggestion to re-check 100,000 current employees for criminal records, brings up some surprising facts and issues surrounding criminal records and current employees. According to Robert Mather, CEO of, a California based pre-employment screening firm, that can screen up to 10,000 individual employee records a day, employers should take a moment to educate them prior to checking current employees for criminal records..” “It is imperative that employers, particularly in the state of California, take a moment and think through the possible scenarios and the “what ifs” prior to commencing the program.” Mather says he receives numerous calls or queries from employers each month regarding the issue of a current employee with a criminal record. “The most common scenario is that a coworker sees the employee on a sex offender website, the news or hears a rumor surrounding an arrest or conviction and tells the employer about it.” The employer’s desire is almost always to immediately discipline or terminate the person. “Common sense would seem to dictate that if you discover you have a current employee with a criminal record, you immediately take action and discipline or terminate their employment. I mean, it seems like a simple solution to a simple problem, right?” Mather asks. “Not so fast,” says Pam Devata of the national labor law firm Seyfarth Shaw. “Employers can get themselves into serious legal hot water if they do not have a cursory understanding of the laws surrounding employee background checks,” said Devata.

“Prior to initiating annual or other periodic checks on employees, employers should consider potential legal pitfalls.” “At the minimum, employers should ensure that they have a consent form for each and every employee, and, in some states, that a consent form is executed before each and every check. In California, for example, this is especially important given the applicable law and potentially large damages for failing to comply.” But the issues go much further than just having permission to check for a criminal record. According to Mather, twelve states bar an employer from using information that is older than seven years. “As incredible as it seems, in these states, if a convicted rapist, embezzler, child molester or other criminal is denied a job or you fire or demote the criminal because of this information, you are in violation of the law and can be sued.” California is one of the states that bars the usage or reporting of criminal record information prior to seven years for employment purposes. The twelve states that have 7 year limitations on reporting criminal information include: California, Colorado, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Texas and Washington. Even if the crime was within the 7 year reporting limitations, or if you operate or live outside these 12 states, several states require you to notify the employee of your decision to discipline or terminate their employment PRIOR to acting on the information. One company, LexisNexis, was one day off in reporting information to a potential employee and settled to pay $20.7 million dollars in a class action lawsuit. “Ohio based LexisNexis ran afoul of the federal law this

year when it allegedly failed to send notices to applicants and/or current employees before allowing employers to see the potential criminal record information (Williams v. LexisNexis Risk Management, Inc. Case No. 3:06cv241). The lawsuit also alleged that LexisNexis did not allow employees to easily dispute the criminal information, instead demanding that the employees/consumers fill out a form and supply two pieces of identification before proceeding with the reinvestigation. Although LexisNexis admitted to no wrongdoing, they did agree to settle for millions in the class action suit. Other interesting facts according to Mather: • In California, if you or your background check company use the Megan’s law website to check potential or current employees for sex offender status you are in violation of California Penal Code (Section 290.46(j)(2)) • In Nevada, the same applies to the state sex offender registry (Section179B.270 Nevada Revised Statutes) • If you use a third party to investigate a current employee who is not involved in a active investigation (sexual harassment, embezzlement etc) and you DO NOT get written permission, you are in violation of the Federal Fair Credit and Reporting act (Section 604(a)(2)) • If you do not allow the person to receive a free copy of your findings (in some cases prior to your decision) you can be sued under Cal. Civ. Code Sec. 1786.16 • California Department of Justice fingerprints do not find any records outside of the state of California, so a person convicted of a felony elsewhere will not show up unless you hire a firm to search all applicable courthouses • The average background check costs an employer between $25 and $125 depending on the range of information checked.

Building Capital Survey: CFOs Cite Greater Focus on Profitability in Last Five Years Finance executives have shifted their attention from corporate governance initiatives to the bottom line, a new survey suggests. One in four (25 percent) chief financial officers (CFOs) surveyed said the most significant change in their roles over the past five years is a greater focus on increasing profitability. One in five (20 percent) respondents indicated they are now interacting with colleagues in other departments more frequently. The survey was developed by Robert Half Management Resources, the premier provider of senior-level accounting and finance professionals on a project and interim basis, and conducted by an independent research firm. It was based on telephone interviews with more than 1,400 CFOs across the United States. CFOs were asked, “In which one of the following areas has the role of CFO changed most significantly over the last five years?” Their responses:

Greater focus on increasing profitability ...........................25% Increased interaction with other departments ....................20% Expanded leadership or management role ......................17% More strategic planning...............15% Increased focus on corporate governance initiatives ..............12% None/don’t know.........................10% Other/refused ................................1% 100% “Given today’s transitioning economy, CFOs are reprioritizing initiatives to drive profits and reduce expenses,” said Paul McDonald, executive director of Robert Half Management Resources. “Companies are looking to expand growth areas and minimize inefficiencies.” McDonald also noted that financial executives are working more closely with decision-makers throughout all levels of the company. “The accounting and finance functions play a prominent role in business; the CFO is in a unique

position to guide strategic planning and risk management decisions affecting diverse and wide-ranging areas of the business.” About the Survey The national study was developed by Robert Half Management Resources. It was conducted by an independent research firm and is based on more than 1,400 telephone interviews with CFOs from a random sample of U.S. companies with 20 or more employees. For the study to be statistically representative and ensure that companies from all segments are represented, the sample was stratified by geographic region and employee size. The results were then weighted to reflect the proper proportions of employee size within each region. About Robert Half Management Resources Robert Half Management Resources has more than 140 locations worldwide and offers online job search services at

MONROEVILLE... Continued from page 14 downtown area. Each planter features a Rose of Sharon in its center, surrounded by beautiful annuals and vines. The addition of these planters fits in well with the proposed revitalization of the downtown area. The Commission has worked diligently to prepare a Master tree list of all the Village’s trees. Their next step is to partner with a forester from ODNR to create a Master plan for tree planting, with the intention of planting trees on an annual basis and maintaining a pruning program that will aesthetically maintain and preserve the Village’s trees. Council recently contracted with Robert Schultz and Associates to create a new public records policy. All of the Village’s departments have assisted in revising their public records retention schedules, and the review of current public records has been ongoing. The Village does not take lightly its responsibility to preserve the public’s records, and is determined to simplify the retention or disposal procedures. The Administrative Offices are open Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30pm for public records requests. The Administration and its employees are proud to be part of a community that pulls together and works toward making this “Best Little Town by a Dam Site” just that.

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 27

New Name for FTMC Rehabilitation Center With the help of a local businessman, FisherTitus Medical Center's rehabilitation center has a new name. Through a donation by Ralph Walcher of North Fairfield, the center, which opened in 2006, has been named the Ralph and Alice Walcher Rehabilitation Center. Ralph Walcher, 92, founder of Walcher Orchards in North Fairfield, made a generous gift in support of community health care. At 65 acres, Walcher Orchards was the largest pickyour-own peach farm in the state of Ohio. Walcher made his contribution to Fisher-Titus in the form of a charitable gift annuity. In recognition of this generous support of Fisher-Titus Medical Center and the communities it serves, the Rehabilitation Center will be named in honor of Ralph and his late wife, Alice. As a charitable gift annuity, the donation provides Walcher with a guaranteed lifetime income. He receives a predetermined percentage of his gift back every year and a tax deduction on his income for 2008 and the next five years. More importantly, the donation recognizes Walcher for his service to a community that he has been a part of for nearly 65 years. Walcher moved with his brother from Cleveland to North Fairfield in 1943 and has been growing peaches there since 1944. His donation marks the latest chapter in the long history of philanthropy at Fisher-Titus that dates back more than 50 years. From the com-

munity support and the donations of the Fisher family in the late 1950s, to the generosity of families like the Raus and Whites today, Walcher joins a distinguished group of local citizens who recognize the importance of quality healthcare close to home. "How fitting that a family like the Walchers partner with the efforts of the medical center as both are known throughout the area for high quality and business standards," said Lorna Strayer, FTMC's vice president of business development. "The Walcher family is a wellknown and respected farming enterprise known throughout North Central Ohio for a solid work ethic, and quality produce which is cultivated in a family-centered environment." The 22,008 square foot Ralph and Alice Walcher Rehabilitation Center houses the physical therapy, occupational therapy, pediatric therapy, speech therapy and audiology departments. Among the center's many features are a state-of-the-art therapy pool, a spacious adult therapy gym and a separate pediatric therapy area with its own waiting room. However, one of the center's most important features is the broad range of available care for patients. "The vision for development of the rehabilitation services has been to extend programs from cradle to grave for anyone in the service area. Our support reaches out to newborns, school-aged children, adolescents and adults in a variety of

care settings," said Strayer. The Rehabilitation Center is part of FisherTitus's Phase II construction project that began in 2005 and was completed in September 2006. Currently, the rehabilitation department has 85 employees and sees an average of 3,600 outpatients each month. For more information about

the Ralph and Alice Walcher Rehabilitation Center and the services it offers, please contact Fisher-Titus Medical Center's Director of Rehabilitation Joyce Hill at (419) 668-8101, Ext. 6440 or visit FTMC's Web site at

Fisher-Titus Medical Center's Director of Rehabilitation Joyce Hill demonstrates to Ralph Walcher of North Fairfield and FTMC President Pat Martin a piece of equipment in the adult therapy gym. FTMC's Rehabilitation Center will soon be dedicated as the Ralph and Alice Walcher Rehabilitation Center in honor of a generous contribution that Walcher made to support community health care.

Ohio's Role in Freight Movement is Focus of TMACOG's 2008 Ohio Conference The 2008 Ohio Conference on Freight, September 15 through 17 at Toledo's SeaGate Convention Centre, will bring together some of the most influential and experienced people working in freight movement and logistics today. The Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG) has invited transportation planners and engineers, economic development agencies, construction and other business professionals, and elected officials to participate and hear from internationally known experts.

Kay Reiter, Executive Director of the Sandusky County Economic Development Corporation will make a presentation Tuesday, September 16 at 10:15 a.m. Her topic is the impact of transportation on economic development. Other highlights of the 2008 Ohio Conference on Freight: * Frederick C. Smith, Vice President of the Institute for 21st Century Energy, an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. His topic is "Securing America's Energy Future" * Mortimer Downey, former U.S. Deputy

Secretary of Transportation and current Chairman of PB Consult, Inc. Topic: "Federal Reauthorization: Will it Carry the Freight?" * President Paul Martin and CEO Bob Stevens from the Melford International Terminal will talk about logistics opportunities for Ohio presented by the Nova Scotia port and intermodal terminal. The 2008 Conference on Freight is presented by TMACOG in partnership with the National Association of Regional Councils. The ToledoLucas County Port Authority is the State Host

Sponsor. Additional support is provided by CSX, Eastman & Smith, Ltd., Parsons Brinckerhoff, HNTB, TranSystems, Ohio Association of Regional Councils, BP, Bowling Green State University, The Mannik & Smith Group, Inc., Ohio Rail Development Commission, University of Toledo Intermodal Transportation Institute, Midwest Terminals of Toledo, Ohio Contractors Association, Wilbur Smith Associates, Teamsters, CH2M Hill, and Ohio Trucking Association.

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North Coast Business Journal

Terra Among Organizations Receiving Ohio Latino Affairs Grants Terra Community College is among eight organizations statewide that are receiving grants from the Ohio Latino Affairs Commission. As a recipient of one of the 2008 Grassroots Initiative Mini-Grants, Terra will receive $10,000 to increase outreach efforts to reach Latino youth and increase their participation in higher education. The program involves grassroots efforts and collaboration among communities to attract, retain and graduate Hispanic Ohioans in the communities served by Terra. "We have worked hard to ensure the selected programs align as closely as possible to Governor Stickland's priorities in the areas of education, workforce and economic development, community participation and integration of all Ohioans into the fabric of our state," said Ezra Escudero, Executive Director of Latino Affairs. "These programs will open the door for greater cooperation and partnership between grassroots organizations, communities, educational institutions and community stakeholders." The selection process for the awards was accomplished in cooperation with community foundations in different regions. Expert evaluators reviewed close to 30 grant proposals. Mary Mc Cue, Director of Marketing, Public Relations and Enrollment Services, helped write the grant. She and her committee were pleased with the news. "My greatest concern with our Latino student population has been the retention rates. We have seen a decrease in the number of these students who continue on to the completion of a degree," Mc Cue said. "This grant will give us the resources to aid our Latino students in completing their college coursework on Terra's campus." The others receiving the grants were: Central State University, East End Community Center in Dayton, Youngstown State University, Casa Amiga at Tecumseh YMCA in New Carlisle, Servicio a la Familia in Cincinnati, Hispanic Business Association in Cleveland and The Salvation Army's Hispanic Soccer League in Cincinnati. The Ohio Latino Affairs Commission is a state government agency with a statu-

Representatives from the Ohio Latino Affairs Commission traveled to Terra Aug. 11 to present the grant. From left, Dr. Jerry Webster, Vice President of Student and Administrative Affairs at Terra; Mary Mc Cue, Director of Marketing, Public Relations and Enrollment Services at Terra; Bonnie Weaver, Outreach Specialist for Underserved Populations at Terra; Dr. Marsha Bordner, President of Terra; Ezra Escudero, Executive Director of Latino Affairs; Lilleana Calderon-Cavanaugh, Community Liaison; and Florentina Staigers, Policy Liaison Officer.

tory mandate to advise policy makers and elected officials on issues affecting Hispanic Ohioans, to connect the diverse Latino communities across the state, and to build the capacity of community organizations so they may better serve the fast-growing Latino population of Ohio.

Mercy Hospital of Willard Receives Grant Funding to Support Quality Improvement Mercy Hospital of Willard was one of 33 small and rural Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) across Ohio that each received $19,932 in state and federal grant funding, which it will use to support quality improvement efforts. "We have been very grateful to receive these funds for the past six years," says Bob Gospodarek, President and CEO of Mercy Hospital of Willard. "We have been able to apply for these funds since we became a Critical Access Hospital in 2002, and have been approved every year by the government." Mercy Willard is using its funds to purchase equipment and support staff education, training and re-certification. Equipment purchases will include: * A patient lift, an extra large wheelchair, and a bariatric patient chair in order to provide a safe environment for all patients and staff and to improve staff performance. * Two new outpatient safety scales for obtaining the correct weights of frail and elderly patients in the Emergency Department and outpatient clinic. * Fiber optic laryngoscopes for all the crash cart cardiopulmonary boxes to assist clinicians in rapid, clear, visualization of vocal cord and rapid intubation. * A new color-coded pediatric crash cart. Mercy Willard also will use the grant funds to ensure staff members receive the education and training required for obtaining/ maintaining certifications and to assist the Trauma Surgeon in maintaining Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) certification.

The federal and state grants are funded by the Ohio Small Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP) and the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (Flex) and are administered by the Foundation for Healthy Communities of the Ohio Hospital Association. Hospitals can use the funds for quality improvement projects, to help reduce medical errors, improve networking, to comply with requirements of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and to improve emergency medical services. Mercy Hospital of Willard is a community hospital committed to providing excellent health care services to its patients and families. Area residents benefit from excellence in personalized inpatient, outpatient, and emergency care. As a member of Mercy Health Partners, Mercy Willard is linked to a comprehensive range of primary and critical care health services including Life Flight. Mercy Health Partners is a not-for-profit health system in Northwest Ohio dedicated to improving the health of people in its communities with emphasis on its 150-year mission of caring for all in need. Mercy is composed of St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center, St. Charles Mercy Hospital, St. Anne Mercy Hospital, Mercy Children's, Hospital, Mercy Hospital of Tiffin, Mercy Hospital of Willard, Mercy Hospital of Defiance, St. Vincent & University Medical Center Life Flight, and Mercy College of Northwest Ohio. Please visit for additional information regarding Mercy Health Partners.

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 29

On The Move Dr. Murcek Elected New Administrator Chair of Osteopathic Board Named at Edgewood Manor Edgewood Manor is pleased to welcome Amie Gohlike, LNHA, as the facility's new administrator. Gohlike graduated from Oak Harbor High School and then went on to earn a BSBA is Health Care Administration and Personnel Management from Bowling Green State University. She has been a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator since 1995 and also holds a License for Life and Health Insurance since 2004. In 2003, Gohlike earned a Certification from the Disney Institute in Customer Service. She is a native of Port Clinton, daughter of Harold and Bonnie Wadsworth. She is very active in the Port Clinton Women's Club and is a Past President. She is also the current President of the Firelands College Advisory Board, currently residing in Port Clinton with her husband, George.

NOMS Healthcare is pleased to announce that Benjamin Murcek, D.O. was recently elected as Chairman of the American Osteopathic Board of Ophthalmology and Otolrhinolaryngology (AOBOO). The AOBOO is responsible for creating and administering the Board Certification examinations for the surgical specialties of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. Dr. Murcek has been a member of the AOBOOHNS since 1998. He will serve a two year term. The AOBOO is also responsible for the creation and administration of the specialty board recertification exams. Dr. Murcek is an ear, nose and throat specialist with NOMS Healthcare

U.S. Bank Honors JoAnn King For 25 Years of Service Get off your ASTEROID U.S. Bank in Northwest Ohio is honoring JoAnn King, vice president and relationship manager in U.S. Bank's commercial banking division, for her 25 years of service to the company. To mark the occasion, she received a specially designed, commemorative diamond anniversary stone pin. King began her banking career in 1983 as a part-time teller with Diamond Savings and Loan. She has served in various roles with U.S. Bank and its predecessors, and now works with business clients in Seneca, Sandusky, Ottawa and Erie Counties. A graduate of Tiffin University, she is active in the community as a Junior Achievement Board Member and classroom volunteer, Kiwanis Club member and K-Kids Administrator for the Ohio District Kiwanis as well as serves on the board of the Tiffin Area Chamber of Commerce and SIEDC. She resides in Tiffin with her husband David.

NCBJ in October: Focus on Sandusky

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North Coast Business Journal

On The Move Elizabeth Gabel, Certified Nurse Practitioner, Joins Practice

Laurie Flickinger Receives Westfield Insurance Service Award Laurie Flickinger of Flickinger Insurance recently was recognized for 25 years of professionalism and service excellence representing Westfield Insurance. A leading independent insurance agent, Flickinger has represented Westfield since 1983. "Westfield Insurance is represented by independent agents who are carefully selected for their commitment to providing clients with the best insurance advice and service. For a quarter century, Flickinger has teamed with Westfield to deliver on our promise of protection. We are proud to honor her on this service milestone," said Westfield Insurance President Roger McManus. Westfield presented Flickinger with a commemorative statuette to honor this milestone.

Old Fort Bank Appoints Blackburn VP Retail Banking President/CEO Michael Spragg of The Old Fort Banking Company is pleased to announce the promotion of Dee Blackburn to Vice President Retail Banking. "Dee has displayed exemplary service to Old Fort Bank. She continues to promote core values and insight while developing her staff to achieve a higher standard of service. Her leadership and commitment to the organization was recognized by this appointment." Spragg commented. In her new role she will oversee the management and administration of the bank's nine retail financial centers which will include product and service development. Prior to her appointment Blackburn served as the Clyde Financial Center Manager since it's opening in 2003. Last year she assumed additional office administration responsibilities. "I am honored to be given this opportunity. We have a great group of financial center managers and retail staff who are dedicated and committed to create a better banking experience for our clients." Blackburn commented. With over 28 years of community banking experience in various leadership roles she attended the Ohio Bankers League - Blythe School of Banking a two year banking program. She has been with Old Fort Bank for 6 years. Blackburn and her husband Darren reside in Clyde. The couple has a son Justin, a daughter -in-law Emily and this spring welcomed a granddaughter, Raegan.

Dr. Mary Wonderly is pleased to welcome Elizabeth Gabel, Certified Nurse Practitioner (C.N.P.) to her family medicine practice. Ms. Gabel will function as a family nurse practitioner and diabetes educator. Ms. Gabel graduated from the University of Toledo with her Master of Science degree in Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner. She worked at Memorial Hospital in Fremont for 25 years on 2-North and also served as a certified diabetes educator for the past 10 years. Ms. Gabel is also a certified medical-surgical nurse. Elizabeth is married to Mike Gabel of Fremont. They have been lifelong residents of Sandusky County and have three children, Jenny, Brad and Carrie.

Mercy Willard Hospital Foundation Debuts New Website The Mercy Willard Hospital Foundation has now made it easier for those wishing to make a donation by creating a new Foundation website and making the gift giving forms available online. "Creating the Foundation website and making donor forms available online was an easy decision," said Bob Gospodarek, President and CEO of Mercy Hospital of Willard. "More and more people are using the web in their everyday life and the website can give the community quick and easy access to see what the Foundation does and what they may be able to do to help." The Foundation website,, has many features that will allow the community, as well as anyone interested, to browse and find out more about what the Foundation actually does and in what ways they contribute to the hospital. On the website, users are able to see details about the fundraising events the Foundation plans, such as the annual golf outing in the summer and the Candlelight Ball in the winter. The users will also be able to sign up and pay the fees for the events online. The website has also made it easier to make a contribution to the Foundation with the forms posted online as well as listing the many different ways that people can make their contribution. People can print off their own gift

giving forms and send them in or they can simply make a donation online using a credit card. These services were all created with potential donors in mind and the Foundation hopes that the community will get a better understanding of what the Mercy Willard Hospital Foundation is all about. For more information about the Foundation website, please contact Audrey Ginter at 419964-5105. The Foundation is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to developing relationships and generating financial resources to support the mission of Mercy Hospital of Willard. Gifts made to the Foundation are tax deductible and are designated for capital expenditures and other donor designated projects. If you would like to consider making a donation or bequest to the hospital, contact the Foundation office or a board member to learn more about the benefits of planned giving and gift annuities. Mercy Willard Hospital Foundation Board members are: Mike Adelman, Dr. Chris Bohach, Melody Brooks, Marsha Danhoff, Lynn Detterman, Audrey Ginter, Bob Gospodarek, Dorothy Robey, Bud Schaffer, Alec Thornton, and Sister Rita Mary Wasserman. Richard Beal, Certified Financial Planner, assists the Foundation with charitable giving and financial planning.

North Coast Business Journal SEPTEMBER 2008 31


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