Nature Doctor Notes Part 1

  • November 2019
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1 Notes from Lecture Our History – can be divided into 3 main areas: 1. Beginning  19th century  Info 1st from Sumerians – 5000 years ago  Attempt at being scientific  Folklore – magic/myth – belief there was a greater intelligence  Hippocrates 400 BC  Paracelsus 1500  Jean Jack Roussou – “back to nature” 2. 19th Century Europe – Nature cure pioneers – used water, air, sunlight, herbs, diet. Taught people how to farm and treat themselves… 3. People who came to the US from Europe:  Henry Lindlar  Benedict Lust – founder of Naturopathic Medicine  Both healed by water treatment 

We are ahead of our time! Continue to live on the cutting edge…

Where did Naturopathic Medicine Come from?  Earliest civilizations – Sumerian and Mesopotamian – 5000 years ago  Ancient Chinese civilization thriving then as well  Incredibly advanced  Sumerians – invention of printing, cylinder seal (hard rock with imprint in reverse)  Recording crops, measuring fields and prices  Advanced math – base figure of 60 – superior to our current system! 1st known mathematical system. The Sumerians developed the dozen – bakery, calendar  They know how to work with metal and petroleum products  Conducted brain surgery  Throw away assumption of linear development of humans  There are aboriginals in-tuned with the land happening at the same time as advanced civilizations o Rise and fall o Reverted to simple ways of life o Characteristic development of cultures  People in these high civilization populated by members from other beings – other plants, universes – brought information to earth o Manifestation of Jesus Christ? Knowledge of agriculture, wheels, boats, machinery – sudden increase in the level of technology  History of our planet is COMPLEX and NOT LINEAR progression – learning from apes is only part of the story. People/aliens from other realms.  Cyrius – pair of stars related to earth – two helices – dog star  Many mysteries, we must look at everything because: 1. Clients you meet will have memories of these things – past, origins. Dreams of living in those times. You must know what they’re thinking so you can treat them. 2. Any study of Naturopathic Medicine assumes linear progression. Medicine began and advanced. There are always people who seek a higher way of life – peace and harmony. Go to simpler cultures for guidance. Nature Doctors – looking at decaying civilizations and took an aboriginal solution (non materialistic)  Things used to be moved/built out of consciousness (eg the pyramids)  We don’t have any answers

2 How do we know something is true? You set the parameters! Leave out a majority of info from the universe – need to open the doors of perceptions  Reductionists mechanize – weigh, measure, repeatable, logical framework  Religious dogma and philosophy – also limiting  Holists see a mystical thread connecting everything – chi, vital force, spirit – want to find solutions that are truly healing to the person, country and planet  Sustainable planet – depends on changing the human nature of the reductionistic way of thinking. Trying to change mainstream paradigm.  Need a sense – healing means being less harmful for the environment  We have always had reductionism & holism, fundamentalism & open-mindedness, compassion & selfishness Facts: 1. Earliest civilizations: Sumerian or Mesopotamian  Believed sickness was manifestation of devils  Magic was medicine  Used plant remedies – 2500 BC – herbal, hibiscus tea for menstrual problems (anti-estrogenic properties) 2. Ancient Egyptian Civilizations  IMHOTEP – physician to someone who build a pyramid  Astrologer, magician, healer. See these together a lot! 3. 1700 BC – much had been written down – Ebers Papyrus  listed medical prescriptions after 1800BC  5/6 were botanicals, 1/6 were minerals/animal products (similar ratio with TCM)  describes symptoms, preparation & administration of remedies  they worshipped Gods – real gods – parallel other civilizations  Osiris – God of vegetation, twin sister Isis – people would pray to these gods for disease  Thoth – inventor of language, writing, formulation of prescriptions 4. Ancient China – same time  Yellow Emperors Treaties of Medicine – 2800BC  Many herbals  How did they figure out the remedies? Combination of reductionist sense and holistic intuition. Had magicians  “seers” 5. India – don’t know which one was more advanced  Rig Veda – sacred book which contains info – some medical – Ayurvedic Medicine 

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Within these: magicians, seers, “back to nature” Human nature and healing

Nature Doctors Notes – Nature Cure Pioneers (From Nature Doctors) Introduction  Nature cure was a system for treating diseases with natural agents such as water, air, diet, herbs and sunshine – developed in 19th century Europe  Naturopathy was the combination of nature cure and homeopathy, spinal manipulation and other natural therapies – developed in early 20th century America  Naturopathic medicine is the application of the principles of naturopathy within the context of modern scientific knowledge that has evolved in the last ½ century  Nature doctor is a term that describes all 3 of these practitioners

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Basic tenet of the Hippocratic school was the vis medicatrix naturae (not just naturopathy) – Hippocrates (460-377) is often considered the earliest predecessor of naturopathic physicians (not everyone agrees…he also originated bleeding practice) Hippocrates – Greek – 468-377 BC (Notes from lecture) o First do no harm o 1st to set down scientific system – 1st as Western, modern, physicians o dropped magic, very scientific o body faced challenges – physical ones o “Father of Medicine” – he was many people o his body of work “Corpus Hippocraticum” o very interested in vis medicatrix naturae – created it o “let your good be your medicine, your medicine be your food” o evoked Gods in the Panthenon o Hippocratic oath o On one hand, very naturopathic ALSO developed the bleeding practice to control fever/inflammation (killed many people) o Used 400 different drugs o 2 schools: school of Coc and school of CNIDOS o Coc: vitalistic, empirical, holistic, observation: listen, touch, feel, hear – ND philosophy o CNIDOS: rationalistic, analytical, mechanistic, protocol – Allopathic medicine o Hippocrates so broad – everyone can find something that touches them o Physician coined – “nature” o Disturb any organ = disturb whole person Maimonides (1135-1204) – downplayed drugs and argued that diet, exercise, and mental outlook were the key elements for attaining health, his book The Preservation of Youth is pure nature cure – “overeating is like a deadly poison” Maimonides – 1135-1204 CE (Notes from Lecture) o Great Jewish philosopher, scholar, physician – from the Middle East o Holistic – believed in positive thinking – best thing was to raise spirits o Employ music, gay stories, people who cheer o Downplayed drugs/surgery o Diet, exercise & mental outlook were KEY o Very successful – court physician o Book – preservation of youth – nature cure – pure water, nature, sunshine, good food o Don’t treat with medicine – either wrong or right and cause body to lag behind – interfere with nature Paracelsus (1493-1541) – real name Theophrastus, adopted Paracelsus because it meant “better than Celsus.” Burned books because he didn’t believe in merely accepting ancient doctrines: “The patients are your textbook, the sickbed is your study.” 1st physician to take up Hippocrates’ neglected concept of the healing power of nature: “mumia cures all wounds” (mumia = life power inherent in the flesh). Insisted on keeping wounds clean. Paracelsus also introduced chemical drugs!! “the art of medicine is rooted in the heart” Paracelsus – 1493-1541 (Notes from Lecture) o Practicing “one upmanship” – Celcus was the greatest physician

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Lived between God of universe (closed) and renaissance (everything open for discussion) Very arrogant – publicly burned books – did it as symbolism to not accept ancient doctrines Don’t believe anything you read – observe “the patients are your textbooks, the sickbed is your study” Galen worked for Roman army & believed this too – listen Paracelsus believed you should use your gut feelings Learn from everyone – he was well traveled His word for healing power of nature was MUMIA – life power inherent in flesh If you prevent infection, nature will cure Not a nature doctor – introduced chemical drugs – lead, antimony, arsenic – used heavy metals and killed many people. Mercury was used to a high degree – disfigured, sickened “the art of medicine is rooted in the heart” complicated guy!

Hufeland (1782-1836), not a predecessor but a shining example of a truly holistic physician in the best Hippocratic tradition – open mind to homeopathy and water cure. Concern for public health  had the first morgue built in Germany so people wouldn’t be buried alive. The Art of Prolonging Human Life – VERY successful book of his – 2nd only to Kneipp’s My Water Cure. Coined the term “macrobiotics” to describe the art of prolonging life. Hufeland – 1762-1836 (Notes from Lecture) o Associated with philosophy/poets o Lectures on art of prolonging life – concern for public health – developed first morgue o Smallpox quarantine o Used his brain – compassionate o Royal physician – king of Prussia o Wrote books – experience – healing power of nature was most important o “all curse of disease are caused by nature – medical art is the pathway to nature” o fan of mineral springs, water cure o coined term ‘macrobiotics’ – to describe the art of prolonging life o also spiritual, energetics o elements are spirits of life o mental health and management of stress Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) – “return to nature!” – the true spiritual father of the nature cure movement: “everything is good as it leaves the hands of the Author of things; everything degenerates in the hands of man.” The only useful part of medicine is hygiene. With his “naturism” Rousseau supplied the ideological basis for nature cure. 3 essential elements which characterized the nature cure movement: 1. A strongly emotional attitude toward nature which can be defined as “naturism” 2. A theory of health, disease, treatment and cure which we know as nature cure of naturopathy 3. A preference for certain treatment methods which are considered natural (physiotherapy) such as the application of water, light, air, movement, diet, etc. “return to nature” and you will live a happy healthy life Jean Jaques Rousseau – 1712-1778 (Notes from Lecture)

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philosopher, artist

o went to extreme – only was to be healthy was to be one with nature – living in nature, being naked – NATURISM

o return to nature – spiritual father of the nature cure movement o

substitute nature for God!

The European Nature Cure Pioneers Vincent Priessnitz (1779-1852) Foundations of Nature Cure  born a peasant and never went to med school  born in a small village in the Czech Republic, youngest of 5 children. Had to quit school to manage the family farm after an older brother, who was to take over the farm, died of brain fever, and his father went blind in grief.  Was taught by farmers how to cure cows with water. Injured a lot, so practiced the healing powers of cold water on himself. Made the “Priessnitz compress” because he couldn’t keep his wrist under the pump while he did his chores – in medical dictionaries today  Run over by a horse-drawn wagon carrying a heavy load of wood when he was 17, surgeon said injuries were incurable, he used his own water techniques and was doing chores in 10 days  Started making house calls free of charge.  Three doctors incited the authorities against Priessnitz, since his success was diminishing their practices. According to Lust “Even in Priessnitz’ day, there was a jealous medical profession”  Frequently arrested and tried for illegal practice of medicine, acquitted because he was only using water  By trial, error, and astute observation he invented new ways to use cold water against disease  The Austrian government endorsed his practice, saying that he should enjoy the same privileges as medical doctors, and henceforward no one should ever harass him. The government even built new roads to allow access to his establishments  Could read but writing skills were limited – people learned by observation  Never used hot water; thought it was debilitating  “a genius in the art of individual treatment”, “is not to treat the disease, but the patient”  he would immediately tell a patient whether or not he could cure him (just by looking at his skin and eyes), and frequently rejected patients for treatment  valued healing crisis and fresh air: “if I had no water, I could cure with air!”  “to use the water cure, a person must have force of will”  Treated over 40,000 patients, only 45 died – many people traveled long distances to be cured  Successful with syphilis and smallpox, the infectious diseases of the day  Married to Sophie, had 8 children, very religious man  In 1847 Priessnitz was weakened by overwork and collapsed with scarlet fever. Died of failure of the left lung, liver, and kidneys (probably due to his teenage injuries)  Josef Schindler succeeded Priessnitz and continued his methods for 40 years  Priessnitz name was a household word throughout Europe, and hundreds of water cure institutions were established  Paved the way for the Nature Cure movement from Europe to America: Kneipp, Lust, Lindlahr – he popularized natural treatments throughout the western world  He was rich not due to his fees but from gifts from his patients  Johann Schroth – was Preissnitz’ Rival: Moist Heat, Thirst and Fasting Cure  Vincent Preissnitz – 1799-1852 (From lecture)

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1st of European nature Drs to use hydrotherapy (1st to be successful) established water cure centers cities were unhealthy, people were quickly invigorated with cold water originator of nature cure and cold water – imitating aboriginals and animals since the beginning of time rival – JOHANN SCROTH 1798-1856 – great believer of hot water – steam – never as successful as Preissnitz we use alternating hot and cold

Sebastian Kneipp (1824-1897) The World’s Most Famous Nature Doctor  born in Stefansried, a tiny Bavarian hamlet. Son of a weaver – grew up in poverty  he desired to become a priest from the earliest age  too poor to afford further professional medical help (he had TB when he was young), Kneipp treated himself with cold water, snuck out to nude nocturnal river bathe  started healing parishioners but his bishop forbade healing – couldn’t help it – sent to a tiny, remote and poverty-stricken village as punishment  Kneipps’s treatment methods were distinguished by 2 things: individualization and gentleness  Utilized wraps, compresses, packs, baths and steamings, but his major contribution to hydrotherapy was the discovery of the healing power of the cold gush or pour – affusion to a specific part of the anatomy  Established “a world industry for health underwear, porous clothing (wool only) and footwear”  His mother was an experienced herbalist, so Kneipp was the first to introduce herbalism into nature cure – criticized at first  his first book My Water Cure – was an instant international best-seller – he wrote in a down-to-earth style which spoke directly to the hearts and minds of common people  “going barefoot” was among his favourite means to prevent disease  His books made him even more popular – saw 200 patients per day  Gifted writer and born lecturer  Treated all his patients for free (support from congregation, gifts, and book royalties)  Treated everyone equally and had no desire for money, major philanthropist. He was a priest 1st and foremost. The only time he traveled for a patient was to treat the pope. Did not want to be a physician (wanted a physician to release him of his heavy burden to treat)!  Died as penniless as when he entered the world. Tumor on his bladder – self treated it. 6,000 people followed his funeral procession.  Influence of Kneipp still in tact, largely due to the activities of the Kneipp Association, which has been promoting Knepp therapies since 1890  There are dozens of Kneipp health resorts and spas in Germany today – even Kneipp museum.  Inspired Benedict Lust and Henry Lindlahr to become naturopaths – because he cured them!  Kneipp fared well in his conflicts with authorities but also faced strong criticism from other quarters. People believed he should credit Priessnitz as the originator of his system. Priessnitz’s therapy was harsher  Sebastian Kneipp (Father) (Notes from Class)  Clergyman/priest  Practiced water cure and saved lives of Henry Lindlar and Benedict Lust (western founders)  Bavarian, son of weaver, very poor

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Caught TB – Drs gave up on him – was to die of consumption Read a book by Hahn – The Healing Power of Fresh Water – began to practice and turn his health around – immersed in ice water Convinced of power of cold water – developed system – became healer and pries Cured people of cholera Bishop forbade him to treat – he could not leave those in need – didn’t listen Bishop sent him to village of Worishofen – Village swelled – healing ability so great people were drawn there. He also taught agriculture, formed an orphanage, schools, applied healing to animals Believed disease originated in deranged blood – poor circulation or toxic – water improved circulation Added herbs Treatment gentle, individual, observer Knew reducing stress accelerated healing Cold was his preferred temperature – gentler treatment applied to small area of the body Worked all day without a break Saw 3-4 people at a time People loved him – obeyed him promptly and unquestionably Inspiration Giant of a man – unbelievable capacity for work – treated for free Brought down by his rivals – jealous people

Henry Lindlar’s Nature Cure:  Fearlessly engaged the medical profession. He didn’t agree with their limited perspective, but realized they had beneficial things to offer. Employed them in his clinic to arrive at medical diagnosis so he could use nature cure to restore them to health  Begins his book by responding to a letter written by a person who was concerned that medicine was a mis-mash of mixing viewpoints and controversy. Need to understand the general fundamental principles of health and life  Lindlar responded: what is truth? The more one hears and reads, the less one knows.  Accept that there are some universal principles that are in the energetic realm of consciousness. They must exist. Everything in nature, health, disease, cure, birth and death are subject to law and order. A higher order – universal or divine consciousness.  Allopathy admits it doesn’t know these principles. Self-confessedly full of doubts, errors, and confusion.  Any efforts made to characterize symptoms is denying the fact that there is an individual possessing the symptoms. They all arrive at the symptoms in different ways – need to address the journey  Nature Cure is too simple to understand! Do the things that are simple and common sense – means that it is right. Mystics say: life is simple. Once you understand the universal law, everything else becomes understandable.  What is nature cure? System of person building in harmony with the constructive principles of nature in the physical, mental, moral, spiritual…realms. Constructive = principle which builds up, improves, repairs. Destructive is the opposite.  Concepts of enlightenment and immortality don’t crop up in the media, but they are examples for us to give us an idea of what is possible.  What is normal? Average, mean – not really. It is harmonic to the life purposes of the individual.  What is the primary cause of disease? Violation of nature’s laws.  What is the effect of violation of nature’s laws on the physical realm 1) Lowered vitality


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2) Abnormal composition of blood and lymph 3) Accumulation of waste matter, morbid materials and poisons Healing crisis is an acute reaction toward better health. Cure is the readjustment from abnormal to normal functioning Vis medicatrix naturae: primary force of all forces coming from the source of all power. Animates the entire universe – expression of the divine will. It is intelligent energy. It has but one source, the will and intention of the creator.

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