National Graduate Caucus Of The Canadian Federation Of Students Thursday,

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MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27, 2008 to Sunday, November 30. 2008

CALL TO ORDER - Thursday, November 27, 2008 12.02pm National Graduate Caucus Chairperson Graham G. Cox called the meeting to order.


ROLL CALL OF MEMBER LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS Local 03 Local 21 Local 09 Local 101 Local 96 Local 102 Local 78 Local 62 Local 32 Local 11 0 Local 39

University of British Columbia Students' Union-Okanagan University of Calgary Graduate Students' Association University of Regina Students' Union University of Saskatchewan Graduate Students' Association University of Manitoba Graduate Students' Association Brock University Graduate Students' Association Carleton University Graduate Students' Association University of Guelph Graduate Students' Association Lakehead University Student Union Laurentian University Graduate Students' Association McMaster University Graduate Students' Association

Present Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Present Present Absent Absent Absent

Local 94 University of Otlawa Graduate Students' Association des atudiant-e-s diploma-e-s Local 27 Queen's University Society of Graduate and Professional Students Local 24 Ryerson Students' Union

Absent Present

Local 85 Saint Paul University Students' Association Local 19 University of Toronto Graduate Students' Union Trent Graduate Student Association· Local 47 University of Western Ontario Society of Graduate Students Local 56 Wilfrid Laurier University Graduate Students' Association Local 48 University of Windsor Graduate Student Society Local 84 York University Graduate Students' Association Local 83 Concordia University Graduate Students' Association Local 79 Post-Graduate Students' Society of McGill University Local 67 University of New Brunswick Graduate Students' Association Local 70 University of Prince Edward Island Graduate Student Association Dalhousie Association of Graduate Students· Local 34 Mount Saint Vincent University Students' Union Local 100 Graduate Students' Union of the Memorial University of Newfoundland

Absent Present Absent Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Absent Absent Present


• Prospective members




MOTION Local 78/Local 94 Be it resolved that the agenda for the May 2008 meeting of the National Graduate Caucus be adopted.




MOTION Local 78/Local 94 Be it resolved that the agenda be amended to move item four to just before adjournment.



MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27,2008 to Sunday, November 30,2008


WELCOMING REMARKS AND INTRODUCTIONS National Graduate Caucus Chair, Graham Cox welcomed the delegates to the meeting. G. Cox noted that there was information and materials produced by the Caucus Executive at the back of the room for delegates to pick-up including three campaign packages for locals. G. Cox noted that there would be an event that evening for graduate locals. G. Cox highlighted some of the main campaigns of the Caucus including copyright and open access; intellectual property; postresidency fees. G. Cox expressed a hope that the remaining Manual of Best Practices would be collected and/or filled out over the course of the meeting. Local 94 Delegate Federico Carvajal asked how many locals had turned in manual of best practices. G. Cox said about half of locals had turned them in.


SELECTION OF REPRESENTATIVES FOR PLENARY SUB-COMMITTEES Standing Resolution 1, Section 2, Committee Composition states that: "Each caucus, constituency group and provincial component shall have the right to select one voting member to sit on each standing general meeting committee." The Caucus will select representatives for each of the following plenary sub-committees: BUdget Committee; Organisational and Services Development Committee; and Policy Review and Development Committee.


MOTION Local 19/Local 84 Be it resolved that J. Wood (Local 62) and B. Taylor (Local 48) represent the NGC at the Budget Committee.




MOTION Local 94/Local 62

Be it resolved that G. West (Local 19), T. AI-Geddaway (Local 48) and Heather Finn (Local 78) represent the NGC at the Organisational and Services Development Committee.




MOTION Local 94/Local 67 Be it resolved that Meghan Gallant (Local 19) and A. Massecar (Local 62) represent the NGC at the Policy Review and Development Committee.




REVIEW OF MOTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Motions N15, N13, and N03 were flagged for consideration by the NGC prior to the subcommittee meetings. S. Suliman (19) noted she is against N15 as it is logistically problematic, diversity will be undermined; every single local is present at opening and closing plenary.

MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27,2008 to Sunday, November 30,2008

2008/11 :06

MOTION Local 94/Local 67 Be it resolved that the NGC committee delegates vote to defeat N15.

Local 94 delegate Carvajal noted that plenary subcommittees often have a diversity of views that does not always get expressed in plenary. Local 19 delegate Rose DaCosta agreed that representatives should recommend defeat of this motion, and highlighted that students of colour will also be recommending defeat. She further highlighted that the motion fails to acknowledge what the constituency groups are supposed to do: including diverse voices and perspectives ultimately making our positions stronger.



Local 47 delegate Dechene provided some background on N03, indicating it was based on an administration policy at the University of Western Ontario. Both the university administration and Local 47 felt there was a need for consistency across the Tri-Council maternity and paternity leave policies. Local 19 delegate Gallant highlighted two things: first, this is an important issue because maternity and paternity leave policies often poorly defined and are major issues in TA unions as well. Sometimes it is 2 months for Teaching Assistants at the University of Toronto, but not consistent across the university, it seems to depend on departments, so very important issue worth discussing. However, she would like to know what policies are being highlighted in contrast with university unions. She said the NGC ought to have break-out groups to discuss what kinds of policies it ought to support based on ideas and experience, not on an external report from another organisation or body. G. Cox said that the Caucus can circulate document and report on mat leave for this evening and save discussion for then. This motion going to campaigns and probably will not be discussed this evening, so we should be good to discuss it later tonight. Carvajal started the discussion on N13 by indicating that academic freedom was important. He said government programming to fund certain films is being threatened when the films are not in agreement with public policies. Censorship is clearly an issue here, especially when we consider that creative arts programs are dependent on this funding. We need to take a stance as NGC: He recommend we pass this motion. Local 78 delegate N. Hauch said this is general censorship, and there is a social conservative component is underlying this policy. It also challenges academic freedom.


MOTION Local 94/Local 24 Be it resolved that the National Graduate Caucus committee delegates vote in favour of N13.



Federation Communications Officer Ben Lewis said that Bill C-10 is a big package of changes and this part is only one aspect of it. Local 24 delegate J. Bagnall said it is important for Caucus to support motion N12 as it links to the privatization of campuses as well. Critical work that gets people thinking is threatened with these funding cuts, so the NGC ought to make sure it get this funding back to support artists and get work out into public.


MOTION Local 24/Local 19 Be it resolved that the National Graduate Caucus committee delegates vote in favour of N12.

MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27,2008 to Sunday, November 30,2008 --





Local 67 delegate Neil Cole said a resolution to discussions of motion N14 was problematic as we do not know when the minority government will fail and this could incapacitate the National Executive (NE) to be able to respond to campaign Suliman said that the motion seems quite insulting to National Executive and that elections are called very quickly without much notice and the NE has to be able to respond and cannot necessarily wait for a national general meeting.

2008/11 :09

MOTION Local 19/Local 100 Be it resolved that the National Graduate Caucus committee delegates vote to defeat N14.

Hauch said they supported the motion to defeat as the motion also seems to suggest the NE has to get approval for every single action it takes between general meetings. This is not only inefficient he said, but would make all strategies public. He said that the NE exists to carry out this work on member locals' behalf between meetings.

Carvajal said they supported motion to defeat as the NE works very hard to be involved in federal elections and campaigns. The strategy was very good during the last federal election but elections are often planned hastily; if this passes, the NE cannot do anything should an election be called and NE not be able to move forward without approval. National Graduate Caucus National Executive Representative Melanee Thomas indicated that, as member of the National Executive, delegates could ask her questions or for information about elections planning and strategising. She said the nature of last election was such that information was only released after platforms were released-as in the case of the Conservative Party's in the most recent federal election, when the platform was not released until the last week of the campaign. Local 100 delegate Matt Fuchs said that NE information and campaign materials were very informative and useful and he supports the motion to defeat this motion.



Local 48 delegate T. AI-Geddaway wondered why motion N11 discussion bulk purchasing was presented at this meeting, and did not understand what the purpose is of it was. Even if a local does not put the name in, the CFS logo in on materials and usually the local number on it anyway. Gallant indicated that some of the locals do not want CFS but would rather only have local information on it. She thought the CFS logo should be on it if using the service and member locals should be proud of the eco-friendly nature of many of the services. Carvajal thought it was a good motion, and noted that it comes from a local that did not have a history of using CFS services. It is important that the CFS individual members should know where there services and materials come from-it is about awareness; the motion only encourages it does not require. Local 94 started this year to include all CFS and local info on materials and it seems to help raise awareness and promote CFS.

Lewis was involved in graphics and design of all the different local designs on materials. Many locals were putting university logos, but not even student union info on the materials. The idea that the Federation should be encouraging members and locals of what the Federation is, and the services it offers. Local 62 delegate J. Wood wondered why the Federation needed a motion for this if it only encourages rather than mandates. AI-Geddaway said he still did not understand as even if a local does not print the CFS name on materials, does not it already come with CFS logo on it.

MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27,2008 to Sunday, November 30,2008

Suliman provided a background: a local requested that CFS logo not be on aT-shirt produced through the bulk purchasing service. This motion seems to be in response to the idea that a local use a service, but then hide the service source. Lewis clarified that the CFS name and logo is not necessarily on materials. It used to be that labels were sewn onto T-shirts, but pens and water botlles do not necessarily have the CFS logo. Da Costa said that if bulk purchasing is a good idea and locals use it, we should be proud to advertise its source. It is not actually fair that we would not give credit to this bulk purchasing program. It would be good to make the motion wording stronger and actually require the CFS logo on goods. MOTION:


MOTION Local 19/Local 67 Be it resolved that motion N11 be amended to read: "CFS be identified on all materials produced through the bulk purchasing program. n

Carvajal said that bilingualism is important, so the name should be bilingual. Fuchs argued that, coming from distinct province it might be good for provincial offices to also include their information on materials. Carvajal asked if the NE can mandate or even recommend things to provincial offices. He thought it was up to the provincial offices to decide on what they would do with something like this. G.Cox indicated that any recommendation or mandate from the national organization would be out of order. Gallant asked, on a point of order, what the voting procedure was. G. Cox clarified it was one local, one vote.




MOTION Local 94/Local 110 Be it resolved that the meeting recess until this evening, Thursday, November 27, 2008.



The meeting recessed.

CALL BACK TO ORDER-Thursday, November 27,2008 National Graduate Caucus Chair Graham Cox called the meeting to order.


REPORT ON CAUCUS ACTIVITIES BY THE CAUCUS EXECUTIVE Caucus Chairperson Graham Cox and Caucus National Executive Representative Melanee Thomas provided a brief report of the last meeting of the Canadian Association of Graduate Studies (CAGS). Key issues discussed included post-doctoral taxation and restrictions on graduate student travel for research and field work due to Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) safety ratings. G. Cox reviewed all the NGC-related campaigns documents. Local 96 delegate Aaron Bonar noted that electronic versions of all documents would be very useful for distribution

MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27,2008 to Sunday, November 30,2008

Local 33 delegate M. Thorogood asked if the Public Risk/Private Gains document was available online. G. Cox indicated that all documents are available Online. Any local interested in broader distribution of documents can request them from the National Office.


CAMPAIGNS AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONS DISCUSSION G. Cox opened the post-residency fees campaign discussion. He said post-residency fees are tuition fees levied on graduate students who have completed coursework and are the in writing stage of their degree. He said that the Caucus have posters for schools whose post-residency fees are being threatened, or for those schools that have full fees but want to pressure the administration to have them reduced. Pledge forms are also available. G. Cox also noted that poster and pledge forms constitute the basic campaign kit for locals. Local 78 delegate N. Hauch said that the specific language to be used is under discussion, for example "losing" versus "reintroducing" etc., based on the context of individual campuses. G Cox indicated that the new posters reflect new language that takes that discussion into account. Local 56 delegate D. Adams asked what a university's rational was for maintaining high fees for graduate students once they had completed their course work.

Local 94 delegate Federico Carvajal said that universities have increasingly become oriented to revenue seeking, and that their bottom line was paramount. Hauch mentioned that post-residency fees have a domino effect: once one university eliminates them, others will follow. Local 19 delegate Greg West mentioned that Local 19 is working hard on this issue. Their Dean of Graduate Studies suggests higher tuition encourages students to leave and graduate. Local 47 delegate Kai Pisters said that Western graduate students have guaranteed funding for 4 years, so the universities argument is that paying fees after 4 years encourages people to leave. Local 78 delegate Heather Finn said it was different at Carleton, as their Dean acknowledges the issue but suggests there is an issue of solidarity with other schools. This keeps them from changing fee structure and reinstating post-residency fees. Local 19 delegate Rose Da Costa said that it is important to note that in Ontario there are no post-residency fees because of the Ontario provincial government's lack of investment in universities. She said meetings a few years ago indicate that there used to be support for postresidency fees, but that U of T seems to stand alone. De Costa said students there have hope and there has been limited movement. Adams said he was concerned about post-residency fees being an issue during a recession. He asked if there was going to be campaigning at provincial level, given the already large underfunding at schools. Carvajal argued post-residency fees needs to be addressed as such, not same issue as tuition fees. In all cases, it requires more funding from government. Locals have to be part of putting pressure on government. The student movement needs one institution to move on this, and then others will follow. G. Cox said whistleblower posters are available, locals should let us know if people want more.

CFS-Ontario Researcher James Beaton highlighted Chris Radzminski's case. He said Chris' M.Sc. thesis on research on water issues was plagiarised and that industry sponsors were involved in his research. Beaton noted that Radzminski saw research misconduct happening and tried to pursue university-level resolutions and had limited luck so he asked the Federation for help. James said the Federation went to NSERC and tried to pursue legal action but the courts ruled that NSERC acted appropriately, demonstrating that in Canada there is no legal

MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27,2008 to Sunday, November 30,2008

recourse for whistleblowers or oversight for research misconduct. Beaton said a few years ago there was an initiative that attempted to pursue the establishment of a national oversight body like in the US and that the whistleblower campaign comes out of this background and seeks to get locals involved in information dissemination and raising awareness. Adams asked if there was money available for court cases. G Cox indicated there is, but that people will not come forward without whistleblower protection. G. Cox said that the Intellectual Property rights campaign needs more information from locals in order to move forward. The copyright campaign is also underway. There is information and materials out on that, but there has been a limited reception among locals in terms of implementation. G. Cox indicated that there are also open access information and fact sheets available. G Cox asked the assembled members how the Caucus should proceed with the copyright campaign. Local 79 delegate Adrian Kaats indicated that, after significant time and effort, he finally got in McGill's intellectual property information to the NGC executive. A copyright event was held at Local 79: Brett Gaylor came in for a radio panel. In spite of this, people not very engaged in the subject. Kaats indicated he thought that maybe a larger campaign on privatization might draw people in, and has been working on this with the CFS-Quebec office. Local 24 delegate J. Bagnall wanted to have an openlfree lunch to get people out to events on these subjects, and was hoping to invite some speakers. He noted it is hard to get grads out to do anything. He thought a national tour with experts would be good. Carvajal indicated that campus involvement is hard because copyright is a dry subject, but the film today (RIP: A Remix Manifesto) was awesome and would be a great segue into this kind of discussion. G. Cox said the executive can put together a list of speakers. Kaats indicated a large list of speakers on a variety of topics would be helpful. Thomas said the best way to kick-start this list on campaigns would be for locals who have conducted such events to send the executive any information on speakers they have had, including feedback on the calibre and quality of those speakers.


MOTION Local 94/Local 100 Be it resolved that the meeting recess until Saturday, November 29,2008.

2008/11:12 9.


REVIEW OF CAUCUS FINANCES Caucus Deputy Chair Amy Cox provided the caucus with an update of NGC finances. A. Cox highlighted that the campaign finances are where the caucus anticipated they would be: the media fee was for press releases on the newswire. Other expenses included post-residency fee research, some travel to CAGS and delegate fees and G. Cox and Thomas went on behalf of the Caucus. Communications is higher than anticipated due to a high volume of conference calls. Membership development includes the generic graduate student handbooks and other initiatives that are done annually. The executive has revised the May 2009 travel pool for three people just in case. Local 79 delegate Adrian Kaats asked if the Caucus expected to be on target this year with respect to expenses. A. Cox said that there is no reason that the Caucus would not fulfil the financial plans for expenses. Kaats indicated an unused $33K, which is a third of the annual bUdget, based on May

MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27, 2008 to Sunday, November 30, 2008

discussion. G Cox indicated that the budget for the NGC comes from a certain proportion of membership fees from locals, and that surpluses and deficits do not carry forward. There are a number of things that are not reflected in the financial statement that reflects NGC work (research, office staff, printing, etc). G Cox said that the Caucus is under budget is not because work is not being undertaken; it has to do with the spending priorities of the NGC. If those priorities require those funds, then they will be used, but if not, there is no reason to use the full amount for the sake of using the money. G Cox noted that the Caucus would be addressing campaigns later in the agenda, so some new spending on campaigns will likely come up. Local 96 delegate Aaron Glen asked further that, given that it is consistent that we do not spend between thirty and forty thousand dollars consistently, if the caucus expects to be under-budget again. In terms of dollars, that money could be spent on a graduate issues researcher for the caucus. Given that the Caucus spends money on democratically-determined priorities, he asked if there has been a discussion with the national executive about a researcher. Local 56 delegate D. Adams asked about executive honouraria. G. Cox indicated the honoraria was about $4,600 per year. Local 94 delegate Federico Carvajal commented that the statement made about changing the national office staffing structure is flawed. He said if the NGC thinks a researcher would be beneficial, a motion could be tabled. G Cox indicated that there has been no specific shortfall of research requested by the Caucus. There is information that has been requested from graduate member locals that has been slow to come in; without that broader mandate, having a researcher is not necessarily the answer to producing more campaigns at the local level. Local 96 delegate A. Bonar asked for clarification. G. Cox (NGC) indicated that many things would have to happen prior to a researcher being hired. There have been discussions, they are ongoing at the National Executive level, there are broader hiring priorities within the organisation, and the Caucus executive is undertaking research and can do more. He said that if the load becomes too mUCh, then the Caucus should re-evaluate human resource needs. Local 78 delegate Hauch indicated that this issue had been dealt with at the May meeting; given how recent that was and that there is no new development, the focus should be on new business. Local 19 delegate Sarah Suliman expressed a desire to not repeat the discussion from May, and expressed discomfort creating new funds and then deciding what to do with them. She said that it was better to decide priorities and take finances from there. M. Fuchs (100) expressed shock at the honoraria level and asked what the executive weekly hours worked were. The Caucus executive members generally indicated they do not count hours. Thorogood indicated that the research opportunities that could arise would be new campaigns and evaluating existing campaigns, and suggested that member locals could promote those avenues for research within graduate programs themselves. Adams asked about the honoraria, clarifying that three executive members get the honoraria, and asked if it was attached to something specific, such as hours per week. G. Cox indicated that there is no hourly total, but requirements are associated more with responsibilities such as meeting attendance. Beaton highlighted that, with respect to research, having been a National researcher and now with the Ontario office, he works with the Caucus issues regularly, and this is not reflected in the research line item for the Caucus, even though it was done for the Caucus. Beaton said the line item reflects a research division that does not really exist in the Federation. Local 62 delegate A. Rivera commented that, on the honoraria, for those who volunteer their

MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27, 2008 to Sunday, November 30, 2008

time that it is important that the NGC, place the proper value on the work that is being done. He said value is displayed by dollar amounts, it should be just remuneration. He indicated there should be a model for how the NGC can appropriately value the time and work of executive work. He argued that member locals cannot make argument that time is valuable when we do not value it with funds.


ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION Caucus members will provide a local-by-Iocal update on the status of implementation of Federation campaigns and services.

2008/11 :13

MOTION Local 79/Local 19 Be it resolved that universities be lobbied to make up the difference in take home pay that post-doctoral scholars ("post-docs") will lose under the new CRA tax regulations via wage increases from their respective universities; BIFRT the CRA be lobbied to delay its change to taxation policy for post-docs in order to allow universities time to arrange for proper replacement funding to postdocs and to enable appropriate consultations regarding its implications for postdocs; BIFRT coalition partners be sought to develop a communication strategy on the issue of post-docs rights to a fair wage that advocates a fair and workable longterm approach to post-doctoral funding.

Kaats motivated that the root of this issue seems to be funding for post-docs. If they are paid better, then taxing them will not be an issue. Massecar asked how this is different than what NGC has been doing. Local 27 Delegate Mark Rosner said it was his understanding that post-docs are no longer treated as students but instead as employees.

Local 19 delegate Gallant indicated that Quebec post-docs are called different things than postdocs in other provinces and this could be some of the difficulty. She further elaborated that the NGC has had conversations in the past about whether or not post-docs are one thing or another and how they are classified. Rosner indicated that, in the past universities have at times given the post-docs an option of what they want to be considered. Carvajal said this issue came up at the last CAGS meeting, and that the there seems to be no clear consensus yet from post-docs how they want to be classified. He argued that, simply because the government changes its policy does not necessarily mean that the NGC should follow the government. The NGC is mostly comprised of graduate students and it has to be careful of what we suggest they should be called without their input. Local 78 delegate Finn said McMaster post-docs recently unionized and are negotiating their first agreement. There are some differences among post-docs in terms of their classification. The NGC should be careful because they are workers and maybe losing or calling them students is not a beneficial thing, but rather they need to decide for themselves. Local 78 delegate Hauch acknowledged there are many questions in terms of post-docs: what are the implications of money, taxing, titles, etc. We need to get some research on this issue. Coming to any conclusions too quickly without enough information will not be helpful. G.Cox said that the NGC has been discussing the issue and communicating with unions and other organizations. It was discussed a little during the CAGS meeting. The role the NGC have played so far has been consultative. And this motion would enable us to act on a few things and pressure the government



MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27,2008 to Sunday, November 30,2008


MOTION Local 79/Local 24 Be it resolved that packages to be distributed to locals to help implement campaigns.

Local 84 delegate K. Holloway said that it was a good idea to prepare a package to help implement campaigns, but that member locals should be careful not to overburden the executive. The motion reads this should be compiled by the NGC and member locals all need to participate in its production, circulate information to the NGC listserv, and work together. Kaats agreed, and said the motion is supposed to encourage locals to be involved, but since the Caucus cannot technically have a motion requiring member locals to do something, the motion is really supposed to spark that sort of engagement.




MOTION Local 79/Local 100 Be it resolved that all surveys be editable and, where possible, documents be produced using open source software.

Kaats motivated that he filled out the Manual Best Practices before, but have no hard copy on file that he can just update yearly. If there is an editable version, then it encourages member locals to update their surveys yearly. Local 48 delegate B. Taylor asked why there has not been editable forms earlier, or are there drawbacks to having editable electronic versions. Campaigns and Government Relations Coordinator I. Boyko indicated that the Federation is moving in this direction but there is not really any issue. Local 24 delegate J. Bagnall asked if the motion permits hard copies. Kaats indicated that nothing prevents locals from hitting print. T. AI-Geddaway had some concerns about passing on information. Local 62 delegate A. Massecar indicated that he had had trouble in the past finding good open source software. He asked Kaats if he could recommend or help member locals find good software. H. Finn indicated she thought she might be misunderstanding the point, and asked if there were issues with editable versions resulting in more errors.

A. Kaats repeated that soft copies can easily result in hard copies. Anyone can always print the documents and keep them around and pass them on. What the NGC is missing is the soft version that allows the Caucus to have these things into the future. PDF forms also allow similar functionality. Kaats indicated that, as far as open source software goes, he could help others find software. F. Carvajal asked about the wording on the open source portion of the motion, particularly if the clause mandating the executive or Federation staff to use free software was going to hinder their ability to do the work. Local 19 delegate S. Suliman said that if the office already has purchased software, then she had no problem with the office using proprietary software.


MOTION TO DIVIDE Local 621Local 56 Be it resolved the motion be divided.



MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27, 2008 to Sunday, November 30, 2008

2008/11 :15a

MOTION Local 79/Local 100 Be it resolved that all future surveys be editable electronically.

Local 62 delegate J. Wood asked if a motion was necessary. A. Massecar indicated that the NGC could have spent this time discussing something more

pertinent to our Locals.

2008/11 :15a

CARRIED Abstention: Local 78

2008/11 :15b

MOTION Local 79/Local 100 Be it resolved that all documents be produced using open source software where applicable.


MOTION TO TABLE 2008/11 :15b Local 94/Local 3 Be it resolved that Motion 2008/11 :15b be tabled.




UPDATES FROM PLENARY SUBCOMMITTEES Caucus representatives on each plenary sub-committee will reported on the deliberations of the sub-committees. Local 62 delegate J. Wood reported that, at the budget committee, there were no amendments and the budget was approved. Local 78 delegate H. Finn reported that an amendment was proposed to bulk purchasing motion, but it was changed back to encourage not require. And then it passed. N15 was defeated.

Local 48 delegate T. AI-Geddaway reported that N01 was amended back to 5%. A. Massecar reported that, at National Policy and Student Rights subcommittee, everything passed. A few minor changes but general spirit of them all stayed the same. F. Carvajal reported that, at Campaigns Forum, the break-out discussions on a variety of subjects. The privatization break-out group noted that food services is a big issue on campuses and how they are being owned and run by corporations. Also discussed the creation of a porthole for CFS members to exchange information. Local 67 delegate C. Butts reported that the report on the copyright group was confusing. We talked about the tour of R.I.P. Film and how important of an issue this is. We want locals to go back and promote and talk about this issue in preparation of the tour. Creating posters using quotes from all kinds of famous people from the past and present tracing their sources is a great idea. I. Boyko reported that the group on federal funding discussed the campaign for a dedicated transfer, and highlighted this campaign is a bit more obscure so we need to do some more awareness raising before we can move into mobilization. H. Finn reported that the Canadian Labour Congress is organizing demonstrations against the Harper budget update, and suggested members contact the CLC if they are interested in getting involved in this. Local 56 delgate D. Adams reported that the sustainability group discussed what everyone is doing on this issue. The sustainability group concluded there are three main areas to focus on: "no bottled water" campaign; energy and its uses; transportation; and trying to work towards the

MINUTES National Graduate Caucus of the Canadian Federation of Students Thursday, November 27,2008 to Sunday, November 30,2008

free/student U-Pass; also ideas on rooftops gardens, bike co-ops. J. Bagnall (24) asked what the issue was with the energy campaign, as it was not clear. D. Adams (56) indicated it was not a major focus and there were some examples of local implementation mentioned. 14.



MOTION Local 27/Local 24 Be it resolved that the meeting be adjourned.



11 :27 the meeting adjourned.

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