Nathan Connelly Iraq

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Vol. XXXVIII • No. 1 • January 18, 2007 NEW BAPTIST COVENANT January 30-Febuary 1 Atlanta, GA; Georgia World Congress Center

Plenary Session Schedule and Speakers Wednesday, January 30; 7:00-9:30 pm William Shaw and Jimmy Carter Thursday, January 31; 9:00-11:30 am Tony Campolo and Marian Wright Edleman Thursday, January 31; 7:00-9:30 pm Julie Pennington-Russell and John Grisham Friday, February 1; 9:00-11:30 am Joel Gregory and Lindsey Graham Friday, February 1; 7:00-9:30 pm Charles G. Adams and Bill Clinton Wednesday Night at the NBC On Wednesday night, January 30, we’re taking a break from our regular activities so that as many FBC folks as possible can attend the opening night session at the GA World Congress Center. Childcare will be available at the church that night by reservation. *On Friday February 1, our own David Gushee will lead two break-out sessions on peacemaking at 2:30 & 3:45 pm

Musical “Note” from Ryan ♫ Julie shared some letters (Qs and As) in the last issue of The Outlook. Here are a few I received concerning music in 11:00am worship. Q. Dear Ryan: What’s wrong with our hymnal? Why in the world do we sing new, unfamiliar words to familiar tunes in worship? What’s wrong with the original words? And shouldn’t new words be sung to new tunes? Confused on Clairemont

This does bring up the question, “How is worship music chosen?” I strive to choose music that is: · Biblically and Theologically Sound · Liturgically Appropriate (suitable for the time, activity, and/ or focus) · Congregationally Appropriate · Musically Sound Peace,

A. Dear Confused: In addition to the wonderful hymn texts included in our hymnal, great new hymn texts continue to be written. Also, one hymnal will never be able to exhaust all areas of theology and prayer; so, from time to time we sing a new hymn. Now, to sing a new hymn text is not an attack on the familiar; it is an attempt to broaden our ways of response to God in worship. Singing new words to a familiar tune can allow us to give greater attention to the meaning of the hymn. What we sing is more important than the melody we sing. Q. Dear Music Guy: I like the hymns in the front of the hymnal and I’m sure that everyone else does too! So, why do we have to sing any hymn beyond number 126? Also, why do we have to sing those little praise songs? Musically Frustrated on the Front Pew Q. Dear Song Leader: Why do we have to sing those hymns in the front of the hymnal? There’s nothing like a good ole’ gospel hymn and I’m sure everyone agrees with me. Also, why do we have to sing those choruses anyway? Bound for Heaven on the Back Pew Q. Dear Worship Leader: I just love praise choruses. Everyone likes them. Can we sing more of them? Praising God from the Balcony A. Dear Musically Frustrated, Bound for Heaven, and Praising God: Serving in the music ministry can feel a bit like being responsible for the temperature in the sanctuary. No one temperature will please everyone. (Did I hear an “Amen” from Tom Borgo?) But that’s not the point of worship music! We are a congregation of diversity, and musical taste is no exception. I truly believe that “cooperating together” is an extremely essential attitude for healthy worship. Believe me, there are times when I don’t particularly “like” a song or hymn in worship. The next time you don’t particularly care for a song, try singing it for or with those who do like it. Join them in their praise as a support for them in their worship. We are to share one another’s burdens. Why not share one another’s musical tastes? Q. Dear Worship Music Minister: I recently joined First Baptist and I want to express my appreciation for the worship music. I love the songs we sing, but why don’t we sing “Will You Come and Follow Me” every Sunday? Refugee from Texas A. Dear Julie P-R, Good try, “Refugee from Texas,” but you always use the same “papyrus” font in your print outs. Before you came to FBC Decatur, Randall (Music Worship Leader at Calvary) warned me about this. I like “Will You Come and Follow Me” too, but…every Sunday?

We need your support... It will take our Team 2 1/2 days of travel to actually get to the UHDP. Along the way they will pick up at least 2 and possibly 4 translators that will be working with the team all during the week. These translators are Christian Thai friends that have worked with us over the years in the mission effort. Each day the team will setup a medical screening site and mini pharmacy. Our doctors, Mike Norman and Phil Holt, last year examined over 400 people in 4 days at 8 sites. Begin now to pray for this major mission effort, for our team, for the missionaries, for the translators, and for the Palaung People we will be working with. Also... Our team needs bottles of Tylenol (any count size) to take with them as part of their pharmaceutical supply list. If you would like to help, please bring new, boxed and sealed, bottles of Tylenol to the church office. We will have a collection box available and designated for Thailand Mission Assignment supplies.

Rob Nash Preaching January 27 Rob Nash, Global Missions Coordinator for Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and former interim pastor at First Baptist Decatur, will bring the message in both worship services on Sunday morning, January 27. Continuing our current sermon series, Rob’s message is titled Upside Down Church: Turn the Great Commission on its Ear. Rob is passionate about the gospel and about helping churches to be part of God’s worldwide enterprise. "The engagement of local congregations in global missions is one of the great seismic shifts among evangelicals in the last decade," he says. Rob is married to Guyeth and they have two children, Lindsay and Douglas. They are members of First Baptist Church in Rome, GA.

Congregational Life Mission Ministry Retreat The Mission Ministry Team will have a retreat February 9 from 9:00 am—1:00 pm. The meeting will be here at the church. Women on Mission Our next meeting of Women on Mission is February 12. Leadership will meet at 10:00 am, groups will meet at 10:30 am and the program will be at 11:00 am. Carolyn Bishop will be our speaker. Fitness Boot Camp to start Monday, January 21 Our classes are specifically designed to boost your metabolism, improve your mood and energy levels, and help you look great in 2008. Our camp incorporates cutting edge fitness concepts including plyometrics, variable heart rate training, and back protecting core training to ensure fast results and lasting success. Our first session will start on Monday morning, January 21, at 6:30 am and last for about one hour. Bootcamp will meet four times a week (M, T, Th, F) for four weeks. The cost for the bootcamp is only $200.00 and you can register online at You can also contact Kurt Varney in the church office with your questions or to register. Ash Wednesday, Feb. 6 On Feb. 6, we will have a supper for everyone at 5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall and an Ash Wednesday Worship Gathering (for children grade 4 – adults) in the sanctuary beginning at 6:45pm. In addition, an Ash Wednesday experience for children (up through grade 3) will be held in the chapel at 6:45pm. Upcoming Wednesday Night Series— “The Six Hottest Moral Issues of Our Time” Dr. David Gushee, the Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at McAfee School of Theology, will be leading our Wednesday Night discussions starting February 27 through April 9. Issues to be discussed are war, marriage and divorce, ecology, euthanasia, reproductive technologies and terrorism and torture. Don’t miss this exciting new series starting at 6:30pm each Wednesday! Thank you, Cindy! Cindy Marshall, who has been our Business and Finance Manager for over 4 years, has accepted a new position elsewhere. Her last day on staff was December 31. We are grateful for Cindy’s work and ministry at our church and wish her the best. As we adjust to this change we are fortunate that Beth Thompson, who has been working on a part time basis in the Finance office, and Nancy Norman, who has agreed to help on an interim basis, are available to manage the accounting, budget, check book, and record keeping for the church. Our church Personnel Committee is already in the process of searching for the right person to fill this staff vacancy. Last Call for Alaska! Young at Heart is sponsoring a cruise to Alaska in August (leaving August 10) and we would love to have you go! We have 30 folks signed up already. If you are interested, please see Bill Neal as soon as possible. Information about the trip is available in the Church Office. The Senior Care Ministry Team needs you! The Senior Care Ministry Team makes social visits, assists with transportation, remembers people with cards and gifts, takes communion to shut-ins, and does a host of other things to let those who can no longer come to church know that they are still a valuable member of the FBC family. We can always use more volunteers and would welcome those who want to attend one of our meetings to find out more. The team meets the second Wednesday of each month, 4:30 P.M. in the First Floor Conference Room. For more information contact Bill Neal at 404-213-5445. Soldier Boxes to Iraq We are happy to report that 76 gift boxes were sent to our soldiers. Thanks to all of you who gave money, items, postage, and/or time to support our soldiers in combat with FBC Decatur love at Christmas!

Prayer Concerns as of January 15, 2008 Sympathy To: ▪ The family of George Hibbert ▪ Eleanor Wilson on the death of her 9 month old greatgranddaughter, Charlotte Humphrey. Thanks be to God! ▪ Jackson Lee Adair has gone home from the hospital. He is the son of John and Anita Adair. ▪Nathan Connelly is home safely from service in Iraq.

Tithes & Offerings

A Celebration of Gifts 2007 Ministry Action Plan We are still in the process of compiling our final numbers for 2007. As soon as these are available we will publish them in “The Outlook.” Below are our preliminary numbers. Preliminary Offerings: December 2007:...............$210,686 2007 YTD:....................$1,214,788 “Years of Opportunity 2007-09” Campaign Given to Date:..............$ 7,896,526 Bank Loan Balance:........$ 325,299 FBC Fndtn. Balance: ......$ 180,000

Wednesday Dinner Menus January 23 Fried Chicken, Potato Salad, Italian Cut Green Beans, Salad Bar, Yeast Rolls and Apple Pie Kid’s Menu Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Yeast Rolls and Cookies January 30 Meat Loaf, Mashed Potatoes w/ Brown Gravy, Sweet Peas, Salad Bar, Buttermilk Biscuits and Peach Cobbler Kid’s Menu Sloppy Joes, French Fries, Corn and Fruit Cocktail

Youth Sp•t The annual youth yard sale is less than six months away. It is a really big undertaking for the youth and the entire church. I continue to be amazed at how God has blessed us through this sale. Not only with great receipts but also by allowing us to meet members of the community, learn the value of team work, get to know the church body better, and also by allowing us to be involved in numerous mission initiatives each year. As we prepare for this year’s sale I want to encourage you all to keep us in your prayers and keep the donations coming. We need donations of all kinds from cars to china. We are happy to come to your house and pick your items up when you are ready. Please call Kurt Varney in the church office with your questions or to schedule a pickup. (404)373-1653 The youth group meets each week for prayer, study, song, worship, and fun.

Our weekly schedule is:

Fresh Start Worship at 9:00 am in Fellowship Hall Breakfast and Sunday School at 10:00 am in the Activities Center Sanctuary Worship at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary Youth Ensemble at 5:30 pm in the Choir Suite Rotisserie at 6:00 pm in the Activities Center Wednesdays: Half-Time for Youth at 6:30 pm in the Activities Center Sundays:

Kid’s Zone Cross Roads Kids (1st-5th grade) - February Bible Study is titled Isaiah: Fulfilling the Prophecy. This will be lead by Julia Bryant, Shellie Johnson and Lisa Wilson. On Sunday afternoons in February from 12:30-2:00 pm, Nu Thang, a class for children who are new Christians will begin. Please call the church office to sign-up. Noah’s Knowers (birth-K) - Extended Session Schedule: Odd Months (Jan., March, May, July, Sept. and Nov.) 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday Herndon Bigbie Turk Anand Williams Kennedy Smith Fisher Minor Palmer Mwangura Parker Visser Milton Edmonds Madden

Even Months (Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. and Dec.) 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday Hinkle Castleberry Stanford Eargle Carter Clay Hayes Perry Salcedo Warshauer Fewell R. Leeth Hamrick Jones Duke Henderson

*Thanks to the Verdery Class for volunteering to be our 5th Sunday Team. If you are interested in serving on one of these teams or being a sub please give Debbie a call (404-373-1653) or email her at [email protected]. The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur, Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family. Main Office......................................404-373-1653 Finance.............................................404-370-7694 First School ......................................404-370-7688 Activities ..........................................404-373-2442 FAX ..................................................404-370-7692 Counseling Center ...........................404-874-8909 Debbie Britt ............................. cell: 678-414-0399 Ryan Forbes.............................cell: 404-273-6678 Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684 Kurt Varney.............................. cell: 404-219-3920 Bob Williamson ....................... cell: 770-633-4651 Computer Connections: Website— E-Mail—[email protected]

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church, 308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

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