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  • Words: 1,560
  • Pages: 4
PEACE! NOTHING CAN JUSTIFY FURTHER BLOODSHED!! "But what makes these 'experts' preach their opinion and call it truth?" asked the inquirer. "Is it an inheritance of humankind to do this, or is it merely something they gain satisfaction from?" "Apart from consciousness," answered the Buddha, "no absolute truths exist. False reasoning declares one view to be true and another view wrong. It is delight in their dearly held opinions that makes them assert that anyone who disagrees is bound to come to a bad end. But no true seeker becomes embroiled in all this. Pass by peacefully and go a stainless way, free from theories, lusts and dogmas." -Majjhima Nikaya From "Buddha Speaks," edited by Anne Bancroft, 2000. Reprinted by arrangement with Shambhala Publications, Boston,

Some of the most celebrated “Pacifists”/Spiritual Leaders/Peace-lovers the world has ever known have spoken about the importance of PEACE ON EARTH, and I quote, beginning with the DALAI LAMA: “Anger or hatred is like a fisherman’s hook. It is very important for us to ensure that we are not caught by it.” FIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS ON A REMOTE ISLAND CAN CREATE RENEWABLE ENERGY USING BONES…CONVERT SEA WATER INTO PURE DISTILLED WATER USING SOLAR ENERGY…THE DEVELOPING WORLD CAN INVITE MR. BILL GATES TO VISIT THE POOREST OF THE POOR… OR, INVITE A LARGER NUMBER OF FOREIGN JOURNALISTS TO CAPTURE LACKADAISICAL ATTITUDES… AND CINEMA CAN GO ON PORTRAYING INCREASING AMOUNTS OF SEX AND VIOLENCE, THEREBY ADDING TO THE ALREADY-EXISTING CRIME-RATES…. BUT…NOTHING, I SAY NOTHING, CAN JUSTIFY THE WAR ON IRAQ… Let us begin on this premise: that the major factors in youth frustration are less likely to be religious fundamentalism and ethnic sentiment, and are more likely to be CHILD POVERTY, raunchy nationalism, poor leadership and bad regimes, among others… Every year, 11 million children die of preventable diseases… And others either go hungry or miss out on school… Food for Thought Really? Actually, what kind of a World is it that we are passing on to our Children? A World filled with war, violence, deep perversions, murder, mayhem, looting, arson, sexual assault, plunder and child abuse including paedophilia. Before you read on, please beware that what you are about to read might shock you… We are talking about war on Iraq.

BUT “WAR WOULD HAVE DEVASTATING HUMAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES”, SAYS GREENPEACE. The last Gulf War killed two hundred thousand people. Many of the war’s survivors were left hungry, diseased and dying. The war left in its wake as well damage to the immediate environment years after it ended. Could we afford to have another war? GREENPEACE further opines, “WAR IS AN INEFFECTIVE WAY TO DEAL WITH WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION… There is a need for global disarmament…that must be achieved through peaceful diplomatic negotiations…”And, as Nelson Mandela has said, and, as we all understand, an attack on Iraq would be clearly motivated by President George W. Bush’s desire to gain control of Iraq’s oil reserves. FURTHER, THIS WAR WOULD BE ILLEGAL AND WOULD SET A DANGEROUS PRECEDENT. Even Henry Kissinger argues that “the notion of justified pre-emption runs counter to modern international law, which sanctions the use of force in self-defense only against actual, not potential threats.” Finally, it should be noted that IT IS HYPOCRITICAL TO SINGLE OUT IRAQ. Other countries such as India, Pakistan and Israel, all possess weapons of Mass Destruction… So, first of all, there are the grave humanitarian consequences of potential military intervention on civilians, and these might lead to serious humanitarian crises. Moreover, a military strike on Iraq cannot be justified. Millions of Iraqis are highly vulnerable to any military action, which could increase civilian suffering and fuel regional instability. Up to 16 million people already rely on a fragile system of food aid for their survival. OXFAM, a leading international NGO, has assessed that over 15 million people of Iraq’s 22 million people are already on World Food Program (WFP) rations- a consequence of the last war, over 10 years of Sanctions, and the policies of the Iraqi Government- there are huge risks to millions, especially, vulnerable groups such as children, and the Elderly. “Air strikes”, as during the last Gulf War, pose a grave risk- of targeting and destroying power stations. If that happened, the Iraqi Water and Sanitation system, which depends on electricity, would collapse, leaving millions of people vulnerable to diseases and epidemics, malnutrition and child mortality. Other serious consequences might include possible internal displacement and even refugee movements of over 1.62 million people, as well as major political destabilization in the region. According to Oxfam International Executive-director, Mr. Jeremy Hobbs, “This could be from huge refugee movements but also from the anger that is already evident in many parts of the region, whether in the Middle East or in countries with significant Moslem populations such as India…” Perhaps, the only solution is to negotiate through the United Nations. “…We cannot see…how such an attack could be waged without violating international humanitarian law”, says Director of Oxfam Great Britain, Barbara Stocking. Here, there are three major considerations: (i) War could lead to an increase in the suffering of ordinary people in Iraq and the rest of the Middle East; (ii) It would be likely to aggravate instability in the region, and hinder progress towards a just solution of the IsraeliPalestinian Conflict; and, (iii) It would diminish respect for international humanitarian law- and of the role of the UN as the genuine voice of world opinion. We are again talking about war on Iraq. But, pray you, what about innocent civilians in Iraq? What have they done to deserve this? And, WHAT IF THE REVERSE WERE TO HAPPEN? WHAT IF, IRAQ AND /OR SOMEONE ELSE WERE TO “INVADE THE UNITED STATES”, despite its mammoth

size? President George W. Bush called it “War”, but I should say that there is a difference between the term “War” and the events of 9/11. 9/11, undoubtedly, was a horrific thing to happen, it should never have happened, and should never again happen. It involved the loss of innocent people. I DO INDEED CONDEMN 9/11. BUT WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER. I will not say much beyond this, except for the fact that Iraqi Children (as well as all others likely to be affected by this War) will grow up on a diet of obscene hatred in the event that there should be War…CHILDREN CANNOT FORGET THE HORRORS OF WAR??? And, Iraq’s Children, her “INNOCENT FLOWERS”, ARE SIMPLY NO EXCEPTION TO THE RULE. The Pope has asked Catholics to fast for the cause of Peace (Feb. 23, 2003, the Vatican City, AP) in the light of impending war against Iraq. He has said that he is worried a U.S.led war against Iraq could unsettle the entire Middle East. He has denounced war as a way to resolve the conflict. “We Christians in particular are called upon to be sentinels of peace,” John Paul said, calling on Catholics to dedicate their fasting on Ash Wednesday, March 5, for the cause of peace. On that day, the Pope said, faithful will pray for “the conversion of hearts and the long-range vision of just decisions to resolve disputes with adequate and peaceful means.” He also reiterated that the fast is an “expression of penitence for the hate and violence which pollute human relations.” We MUST learn to FORGIVE. FORGIVENESS can be the most long-lasting “War” on EVIL…” In fact, there are people who believe we shouldn’t torture suspected terrorists. Dr. Orlando Tizon, himself a survivor of torture, and now Assistant Director of the Washington, D.C.-based “Torture Abolition and Survivors Support Coalition International”, feels that we can’t possibly practice the terrorism that is torture in order to fight terrorism…This, he further adds, would run in contravention to the UN Convention against Torture which was adopted in 1986 and signed by the U.S. and hundred other nations. Every man (or woman) is entitled to certain basic rights, and acting contrary to international law, human rights, and democracy, according to Tizon, would mean “winning one battle, but not winning the war…” I should add here, that torture would further, be unjust to our children, our future… I wish to wind up with what one group of Canadian, American, and other “Christian Peacemaker Team Volunteers” posted in Iraq has to say (Monday, Mar 17, 2003), “…we write to clarify our presence…We accompany civilians who are suffering, largely due to the combined effects of the U.N. sanctions and the Gulf War…We have [visited] important humanitarian sites because of relationships we have built with people, and because of the death that sanctions has caused them, and because of the horror that would be caused by the further attacks…We are convinced that…non-violence is more lifesustaining than violence…friendship is more sustainable than enmity…” They further go on to point out that war is criminal, and that they will respond non-violently and respectfully to all people, including those with whom they disagree or even those who use violence against them. Finally, they say “…we hope for peace for all of us and for all of our children…”

I personally feel, as do many others like Peggy Gish, one of the volunteers, “it is especially important that people of conscience and faith act strongly and boldly to declare a gospel of peace…or we lose our very soul…” “LOVE WHOLEHEARTEDLY” should be our motto.

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