Nasa 154088main Marssociety Horowitz

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  • Words: 1,120
  • Pages: 17
NASA Exploration Systems Mission Directorate

Mars Society Conference Scott “Doc” Horowitz August August 4, 4, 2006 2006

A Bold Vision for Space Exploration The Fundamental Goal of This Vision is to Advance U.S. Scientific, Security, and Economic Interest Through a Robust Space Exploration Program

• Implement Implement aa sustained sustained and and affordable affordable human human and and robotic robotic program program to to explore explore the the solar solar system system and and beyond beyond

• Extend Extend human human presence presence across across the the solar solar system, system, starting starting with with aa human human return return to to the the Moon Moon by by the the year year 2020, 2020, in in preparation preparation for for human human exploration exploration of of Mars Mars and and other other destinations; destinations;

• Develop Develop the the innovative innovative technologies, technologies, knowledge, knowledge, and both to to explore explore and and to to support support and infrastructures infrastructures both decisions decisions about about the the destinations destinations for for human human exploration; exploration; and and

• Promote Promote international international and and commercial commercial participation participation in in exploration exploration to to further further U.S. U.S. scientific, scientific, security, security, and and economic economic interests. interests. 2

The Moon - the 1st Step to Mars and Beyond…. • Extending operational experience in a hostile planetary environment

• Developing capabilities needed for opening the space frontier

• Preparing for human exploration of Mars • Science operations and discovery • Enabling international, commercial and scientific goals for the development and use of the moon

Next Step in Fulfilling Our Destiny As Explorers 3

2005 -- The Year of Transportation Architecture Definition and Refinement


Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV)

• Command Module • Service Module • Launch Abort System • Ongoing Analysis

Human Missions to Mars – consideration in the CEV architecture 5

Launch Vehicles

• Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV) – ARES I

• Cargo Launch Vehicle (CaLV) – ARES V

• Earth Departure Stage

Human Mission to Mars – consideration as part of the decision to use HLLV 6

2006 -- What We Do When We Get There


What is a ‘Global Exploration Strategy’?

• Kicked off in April 06 with a workshop • A strategy for exploration with an initial focus on the Moon, that encompasses the interests of many participants including International space agencies, academia, and commercial investors

• Not a definition of ‘how’ we will explore - but “what” and “why”.

• A blueprint of exploration objectives. • A plan that identifies the time-phasing of the accomplishment of enabling and interdependent objectives 8

Breadth of Review Participants conducting a review of the global exploration strategy include:

• •

International Space Agencies (14)

• • • • • •

Lunar Commerce Roundtable

Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) Special Action Team led by Jeff Taylor and Steve Mackwell

NASA Field Centers ESMD Lunar Architecture Team Space Enterprise Council Mars Exploration Planning and Analysis Group (MEPAG) Other


Exploration Strategy Themes Core Core Themes Themes ::

• Use Use the the Moon Moon to to prepare prepare for for future future human human and and robotic robotic missions missions to to Mars Mars and and other other destinations destinations

• Pursue Pursue scientific scientific activities activities to to address address fundamental fundamental questions questions about about the the solar solar system, system, the the universe, universe, and and our our place place in in them them

• Extend Extend sustained sustained human human presence presence to to the the moon moon to to enable enable eventual eventual settlement settlement Crosscutting Crosscutting Themes Themes ::

• Expand Expand Earth’s Earth’s economic economic sphere sphere to to encompass encompass the the Moon Moon and and pursue pursue lunar lunar activities activities with with direct direct benefits benefits to to life life on on Earth Earth

• Strengthen Strengthen existing existing and and create create new new global global partnerships partnerships

• Engage, Engage, inspire, inspire, and and educate educate the the public public 10

Getting Ready for Mars

• The lunar program will help prepare for human missions to Mars – Life Support – Human Health Hazards – Infrastructure – Space/Surface Operations


Getting Ready for Mars

• Closed Closed Loop Loop Life Life Support Support Systems Systems will will be be required required to to reduce reduce the the mass mass of of consumables consumables needed needed for for aa Mars Mars mission. mission.

• Currently Currently on on ISS, ISS, only only condensate condensate is is recycled, recycled, with with urine urine being being discarded. discarded.

• Future Future systems systems on on ISS ISS will will recover recover water water from from urine, urine, closing closing the the ECLS ECLS loop loop more more completely, completely, demonstrating demonstrating this this vital vital capability capability


Getting Ready for Mars: Human Research Program

• Reduce Reduce spaceflight spaceflight risks risks to to humans, humans, focused focused on on the the highest highest risks risks to to crew crew health health and and performance performance during during exploration exploration missions missions

• Enable Enable development development of of human human spaceflight spaceflight medical medical and and human human factors factors standards standards

• Development Development and and validation validation of of technologies technologies that that serve serve to to reduce reduce medical medical risks risks associated associated with with human human spaceflight. spaceflight.


Getting Ready for Mars

NASA is developing and testing new surface EVA suit technologies and investigating how robotic systems can interact with humans to increase EVA productivity

Desert Rats testing


Getting Ready for Mars • Energy is key to the exploration of the Moon and Mars

• While some goals can be accomplished on the Moon using solar power, Mars would require the high-power and reliability of nuclear fission to support human exploration

• In the near-term, NASA is focusing on retiring technical risks related to development of fission surface power systems, and program reformulation including development of program strategies and draft technology plans

• In the longer-term, nuclear powered propulsion system development to support the human exploration of Mars will become more of a priority 15

Summary • The Vision for Space Exploration provides clear objectives for NASA: – Complete ISS – Retire Shuttle by 2010 – Fly new vehicle by 2014 – Return to the Moon by 2020 – Prepare for Mars and Beyond

• The Earth to LEO part of the transportation architecture is complete – Ares I, Ares V, CEV – 1stst Advanced Development Flight Test of the Ares 1 in 33 months

• The first draft of the Global Strategy and Lunar architecture will be completed this December



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