Naruto Reverse Rebirth'

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 4,176
  • Pages: 10
Naruto: Reverse Rebirth Alternate Story Line Chapter One: Reliving the past A 21 year old Naruto sighed as he stared into his cup of ramen. After he had taken the chunin exam for the second time and failed, Naruto resigned as a ninja of Leaf Village. Tsunade understood because the other village leaders would never allow him to go up in rank, Kakashi somewhat understood as did Iruka. After handing in his forehead protector, Naruto packed up and made plans to travel to Wave Country to start a new life. Sakura freaked when she found out and begged Naruto to stay, saying she couldn't lose him like she did Sasuke. If it had been a year ago Naruto would have agreed but he had gotten over her and moved on. On his way out he ran into Hinata, who also was trying to stop him. He silenced her however with a kiss and a promise that he would visit after he got settled in. Two years later he kept his promise and returned to the village a wealthy man. Naruto had started a armor and weapons design business which in a matter of weeks made him millions. He used that money to help bring Wave Country wealthy again, and because the village saw him as their savior they made him leader. Village hidden by the waves, Naruto's village. He had come here to live a simple life and now he was kage of a ninja village, a freakishly powerful ninja village at that. He had taken over Cloud and Mist village after the civil wars, promising them they would be far stronger with him then on their own. He also had a treaty with Sand Village due to Gaara, his former enemy. Now he had another problem to deal with, recently Tsunade was retiring from being Hokage and now the lower leaders of the village saw Wave Village as a threat. "Itachi, when did life get so hard?" Naruto asked his second in command. Itachi smiled, "this is what comes with power, we must all deal with it at some point in life" he replied. Now how Itachi ended up here was a shock, he just showed up one day and asked to join the village. Seeing how Naruto had fused with Kyuubi, Itachi's organization had no longer use for him. Naruto welcomed Itachi and also invited the other members to join him, this is the reason Leaf saw him as a threat. "You have a meeting with the repersentive of Snow Village and another with Sound in an hour" Deidara voiced as he entered the room, clad in his black cloak. "That snake thinks he can join my village after what he did?" Naruto said looking at the blonde missing nin, "let him come, it should be amusing to see" Deidara smirked. "Fine, he may come but if Sasuke sets foot in the village I want him captured and shipped to Leaf" Naruto replied. Leaf Village... "I don't care what you say Tsunade, that village is a threat and once the demon is strong enough he'll come here destroy us!" Sakura's mother yelled in the Hokage office. "He is not a demon, he is simply the vessel that controls the demon. Naruto will not attack the Leaf despite us not having

a treaty with him" Tsunade replied. "But he will surely want revenge against us for not allowing him to advance after the exams, we must attack now!" Kiba's father shot back. "You have no need to worry, I have sent someone there to speak with Naruto about a treaty" Tsunade replied back. "Who?" Boarder between Wave and Fire Country... "Your papers are in order, welcome to Wave Country, Hinata Hyuuga" Chapter Two: Offering and Accepting Walking down the path, Hinata passed several wave ninja's that bowed in respect. Shortly after Naruto left the Leaf, Hinata's father died of a heart attack. She became the clan leader despite the village leaders complaining about having a demon lover a clan leader. Hinata had abolished the Hyuuga curse seal and brought the main and branch familes together. When Tsunade asked her to travel to Wave to set up a treaty she jumped at the chance, leaving Neji in charge she packed up and was gone in an hour. She had grown up quite well, becoming a beautiful woman and a powerful ninja. She was however facing her own problems, the village leaders were trying to set her up to marry into another clan since having a female as a clan leader had never happened. Hinata had refused Shino and even Kiba who were forced to propose by their parents. Hinata had eyes for only one person, and Tsunade was the way she was going to get him. She approched the main gate, handing her papers to the guards, she was allowed inside. "Ms. Hyuuga, please follow us we shall escort you to Lord Naruto" the guard asked, motioning for Hinata to follow. As she walked through the village she could see children pretending to be ninja's, markets full of people, and smiling faces everywhere. She smiled seeing such wonderful things that her Naruto had caused, prehaps she would be able to smile like them too, someday soon. Upon reaching the 'castle' Hinata was shown into a well furished room along with a man dressed in a long black cloak. "Hello Hyuuga-sama, I am Deidara, Naruto-sama's third in command. He will be joining you shortly" he bowed, showing Hinata to a seat. "I wonder how much he's changed?" Sound Village... Sauske was pissed, no make that beyond pissed. After receiving a scroll from Wave Village, Orochimaru had ordered him to remain in sound, warning him he'd be captured and sent back to leaf if he even set foot in wave country. What really pissed him off was he discovered from Kabuto that Itachi was the second in command and the kage was that blonde dobe Naruto. It made his blood boil that the dead last was now a kage while he was a simple chunin. Orochimaru and Kabuto had already departed leaving Sasuke in charge of the village. He would have to plan what he ws going to do, he was sure he could beat Naruto despite his newly aquired

rank. "He's always been a dobe, I'll win easily" Wave Village... "Sorry to keep you Hinata-chan" Naruto smiled as he entered the room. Hinata jumped out of her seat and into his arms, holding him with all the strengh she had. "Damn Hinata when did you get so strong?" Naruto laughed hugging her back. "Sorry, I just haven't seen you in so long, I missed you" she smiled kissing him on the cheek. "So what brings you to my village Hinata?" Naruto asked taking a seat. "Striaght to business I see, well I am here to present a scroll containing a treaty between Wave and Leaf" Hinata spoke handing over said scroll. "Seems the old hag is trying to smooth things over huh? Well let's see this treaty" Naruto voiced. Scanning over the treaty Naruto's eye twitched slightly before smiling brightly. "Deidara, get Itachi in here now!" Leaf Village... "WHAT!" screamed the clan members at the announcment from Tsunade. "Yes, that is the conditions of the treaty. Neji you have an objection to this?" she asked. "No Hokage-sama, in fact I'm sure Hinata will be overjoyed about this turn of events" Neji replied in his usual calm tone. "But Hokage-sama you can't allow that demon to have one this villages most powerful assests!" the head of Inuzuka clan voiced. "Regardless what you believe, this is what is best for the village. This meeting is over" Wave Village... "They offered you me?!" Hinata's voice screamed throughout all of wave. Apparently though she was overjoyed to be with Naruto she was pissed she was offered without her consent. "Itachi prehaps it would be best if you sent a scroll to Leaf, voicing Hinata's anger to the council" Naruto voiced, slowly backing away from the pissed off Hyuuga. "No, no its just I'm a bit angry of be offered without being told. I should thank Tsunade-sama when I return" Hinata smiled. "I shall make arrangments for the wedding, Naruto-sama" Deidara voiced as he left the room. "Sound will be arriving soon, would you like me to attend?" Itachi asked the new couple. "Yes, I feel safer with you being there. Also have someone get some formal clothing for Hinata-koi" naruto smiled as Hinata blushed. "As you wish" Itachi left leaving Hinata and him alone. "I've always wanted to do this" Naruto smiled and he embraced her, planting a kiss on her lips. "You get better every time Naruto-koi" Hinata smiled. Chapter Three: The Fox and The Snake Marching into the main chamber Naruto held a glint in his eyes along with Hinata as they came face to face with Orochimaru and Kabuto. "Greeting Naruto-kun, it is nice to see you again" Kabuto bowed to the kage. "It is nice to see you as well, now that we are not enemies fighting against each other" Naruto smiled motioning for them to sit. "You are aware of why we are here Naruto-sama?" Orochimaru asked, showing his respect for once. "I am aware of why you are

here Orochimaru, S-class missing ninja of Leaf Village and leader of the Sound" Naruto voiced in his I-am-kage-fear-me-voice. "Orochimaru-sama, let me make one thing clear to you" Naruto added as Kabuto and Orochimaru leaned forward. "This is not Leaf Village and I am not loyal to them" Naruto smiled. At this Kabuto smiled as did Orochimaru, "shall we talk about a treaty then, Naruto-sama?" Sound Village... "MUST KILL ITACHI, MUST KILL ITACHI!" Leaf Village... "Hokage-sama according to our spies around Wave Village, Orochimaru along with Kabuto entered an hour ago" an Anbu ninja with a hawk mask spoke. "If I know Naruto he shall come up with something brilliant to do with that snake bastard, Orochimaru tried to kill him. There is no way in the nine layers of hell Naruto would side with the Sound Village!" Wave Village... "So we are agreed then? If I allow Kabuto to teach his medical jutsu and the forbidden jutsu's I've created to you and your fellow ninja then you shall aid us should we go to war with hidden leaf?" Orochimaru asked. "Agreed, provided that you not harm Tsunade, Kakashi, Iruka, and Neji when you attack" Naruto replied. "Then this treaty is approved" Kabuto smiled. Sound Village... "MUST KILL ITACHI, MUST KILL ITACHI!" Out skirts of Leaf Village... "Why do I get the feeling something really bad just happened?" Neji said as hugged his wife Tenten. Training Grounds... "Something horrible has happened, if it wasn't for this book I'd go check" Kakashi spoke turning the page of his little orange book. Ninja Academy... "I wish this feeling of something bad is gonna happen would go away, its making it hard to scare the children" Iruka sighed. Wave Village...

"Now Orochimaru-sama, I shall show you to your room for the remainder of your stay" Deidara voiced showing the two guests out of the room. Giving a nice guy pose to Naruto Deidara left, leaving Hinata and him alone. "Now Hinata-koi where were we before this meeting?" Naruto smiled, lifting up Hinata and slamming her onto the table. "Oh Naruto-koi, ravish me now!" Sound Village... "MUST KILL ITACHI, MUST KILL ITACHI" Leaf Village... "As you know, Orochimaru has been seen entering Wave Village several hours ago. Since we can not confirm nor deny that Naruto has made a treaty with him or not" Tsunade voiced to the village council. "Prehaps offering Hinata was the best thing for the village, if this much time has passed then made he will not take revenge on us" Shikamaru's mother voiced. "I told you all that despite having so much power Naruto would not raise his hand against us" Tsunade smiled. Wave Village... Hinata smiled as she huggled up against Naruto. Apparently Naruto had a freakishly high amount of stamina and after three hours he had finally worn himself out. It had been amazing, they had made love in nearly every room of the entire castle until they reached the gardens where they currently were snuggling together. Itachi had been angry though when they burst into the hot springs, forcing every single ninja out from their relaxing time. "I love you Naruto-koi" she spoke softly as she snuggled closer to keep warm. Ever since Naruto and Kyuubi fused together Naruto had developed 'kitsune' features. His wisker marks were more define, his ears slightly pointed, his fingernails were claw like, of yeah he had nine red tails he kept hidden with genjutsu. When he showed his true form to Hinata she responded by screaming kawaii and glomping him causing the entire castle to shake when they hit the ground. It really made her feel special that Naruto trusted her with his secret, the only other people who knew were Itachi and Gaara. They were planning to be married at the end of the month in front of all wave country. Soon she would be known as Hinata Uzumaki, the wife of the most powerful kage of all the ninja villages. The very thought made her smile brighten even more. Sound Village... MUST KILL ITACHI, MUST KILL ITACHI!" Leaf Village... Tsunade sighed as she shifted through a huge pile of paper work. The stupid council had wanted to declare war on wave despite no threats against them had been made. She took a swig of her sake and sighed again, Gaara would be arriving soon to discus matters concerning the Sands

treaty with wave. "I need a drink" Chapter Four: Forbidden Arts After Hinata to their room, Naruto was in his private study writing in a large scroll. Itachi stood against the wall, Kabuto next to him. "This is the forbidden scroll of wave village?" Kabuto asked, eyeing the large parchment. "Yes Kabuto-san, this contains every forbidden art I have created since I became kage" Naruto replied. "As per our treaty, I will allow you and Orochimaru to have a copy of this scroll as long as you provide a copy of your forbidden scroll" "I shall send word to my village and have the sound four deliver it then" Kabuto bowed and left the room. "Are you sure we can trust Orochimaru?" Itachi asked. "Of course not, but I learned along time ago that people always have value, Orochimaru's value is just higher then others" Naruto smiled evily. "What are you planning Naruto-kun?" Itachi asked. "Oh nothing, just a little surprise for the sound and leaf" Taking out a smaller scroll Naruto handed it to Itachi, "make sure this gets to Tsunade, get Deidara to deliver it" Sound Village... "What do you mean your giving him a copy of the forbidden scroll?!" Sasuke screamed at Orochimaru. "That is our deal Sasuke-kun, we shall provide copies of our forbidden scrolls to each other" he smiled at the thought of learning new forbidden techniques. "But your handing them to Itachi damn it!" Sasuke shouted back. "I know how you feel Sasuke, but this is for the greater good for my village and the destruction of the leaf" Orochimaru replied back. "What ever, I'm out of here, I've got training to do" Outside Sound Village... High in the trees the figure smiled as she watched Sasuke flee the village. Running a hand through her blonde hair she spoke into a small mic on her collar. "Naruto-kun, this is Temari. Your plan worked, Sauske has fled the sound". "I knew he would now, follow and observe for now" Naruto's voice replied. "Copy and out" Temari smirked before vanishing. Wave Village... "It seems your plan is coming together quite nicely Naruto-kun" Deidara voiced as he entered the room. "Yes soon I shall not only rule sound village but leaf village too" Naruto laughed. Hinata smiled at her love seeing him so happy. "Hinata-koi, how is our spy in the leaf village council?" Naruto asked, "he is fine, his last report spoke of how the council believes you would not take revenge upon them" she smiled. "Then everything is prefect for now, Itachi you know what to do" "As you wish Naruto-kun" Itachi replied leaving the room. "Kabuto-san, you are my most skilled spy, for your help against Orochimaru I shall give you what you desire" naruto smiled pulling

out a scroll. "This is Orochimaru's most forbidden jutsu, the immortal jutsu?" Kabuto asked taking the scroll. "Yes, and I shall have your new body here soon, it won't take long for Itachi to capture him" Leaf Village... Sighing as she shifted through another pile of paperwork, Tsunade jumped in shock when a figure flew in through the window. "Hey there" Deidara smiled with a small wave. "What are you doing here, Deidara missing ninja?" Tsunade questioned, her fist ready to beat the crap out of him. "I am here with a message from naruto-sama" Deidara smiled handing over a scroll. Taking said scroll Tsunade read it and went wide eyed. "Naruto's really going to do that?!" Sound Boarder... Sauske knew he was being followed, he felt the unual chakra several meters back but it wasn't making any move to stop him from leaving the village. Stopping at a large oak tree he waited for the pursuer to come closer but soon stopped when he heard that dreaded voice. "Hello little brother" Going wide eyed he looked back to so Itachi standing there clad in his black cloak, sharingan wirling. "ITACHI!" Sasuke charged, rage blinding him to his brothers actions. Itachi sighed dodging easly from every bow his younger brother threw at him, when would Sasuke learn that rage and hate weren't the way to beat him? He sighed again as he say Sasuke's arm glowing with intense chakra, the sound of a thousand birds filling the air. "Cidori!" Susake yelled driving the glowing arm into Itachi's chest. For several moments silence filled the air, all that could be heard was the sounds of Sasuke's breathing. POOF! "A SHADOW CLONE!" Sasuke realized as he got punched from behind. Hitting the ground Sasuke spat up blood as he saw Itachi standing there with his eyes closed. "Foolish little brother, why are you so weak?" He taunted and got the reaction he wanted. Rage returned to Sasuke and he charged again only to get a fist slammed into his gut. "You weren't worth killing then and you still aren't now, little brother" Itachi smirked as Sasuke hit the ground, groaning in pain. "Give up, you have wasted nearly all of your chakra with a single attack and you were blinded by rage. You truely are a fool" Itachi voiced as he knocked Sasuke upside the head with a charka enhanced fist, knocking him out cold. "Why Naruto-kun would want you I will never understand. You may have been his rival but now you are no match for him, you truely are a worthless uchiha" Itachi voiced, slinging Sasuke over his shoulder and vanishing. Nearby Temari smiled, "Naruto-kun, Sasuke has been captured. The mission is complete"

"Wonderful Temari-chan, now return to the village. I have a much better use for your talents" naruto smirked. "You want me to give you another massage right?" she giggled into the mic, "prehaps" Naruto's sly voice replied. "Copy, be there soon" Putting down the radio Naruto turned to Kabuto, "I've done my part of our deal and settle your part." "Yes Naruto-kun, the sound four and I shall kill Orochimaru and give you total control of Sound Village. Chapter Five: Betraying and Uniting Naruto smiled as he read the scroll from the leaf village council. They were pleading for Sasuke's safe return as well as a meeting between the two villages. Earlier Itachi had arrived and locked Sasuke away in the medical ward, Kabuto and the sound four left to destroy Orochimaru and capture his village. Hinata had left to go shopping for the wedding and Naruto was currently sitting in his office signing the hated paperwork. "Lucky for me I've got the shadow clone jutsu" he smiled as sixteen Naruto's were reading over various scroll and signing papers. At a knock Naruto dispelled his clones and sat back in his chair, "come in". A ninja wearing a bear mask walked in, "Naruto-sama, there is a ninja here to see you" Naruto laced his fingers together, "well where is this ninja from?", "Leaf Village" the ninja replied. 'Damn they are here earlier then expected' Naruto thought. "Very well, put him or her in the viewing chamber, I shall be there shortly" Sound Village... "Forgive me Orochimaru-sama, but this is to insure my survival" Kabuto spoke as he brought a chakra blade to his former leaders throat. "You'll pay for this Kabuto; I swear I will get my revenge on you!" Orochimaru spat. Not wanting to hear anymore, Kabuto ripped the blade across his throat, taking his head clean off. "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust" Wave Village, Viewing Chamber... Sakura paced nervously up and down the chamber. She couldn't believe she did this, leaving the village without permission just because she heard Sasuke was here. She really hoped Tsunade didn't find out that she left but the thought of seeing Sasuke and Naruto again was just too good to pass up. The door to the chamber opened and Sakura turned to see Naruto standing there, a smile on his face. "Hello Sakura-san" "Naruto!" she exclaimed throwing her arms around him in a hug. Laughing, Naruto hugged her back while spinning her around, "so Sakura what brings you to my village?" "Well I heard that Sasuke got captured by you and I wanted to see him" Sakura smiled, this brought a frown to Naruto's face. "I'm afraid I have to advise against that Sakura, you see I am currently being asked by your village for Sasuke's safe return" he explained "I see, you sure I couldn't just see if he's ok?" Sakura asked, her head tilted to the side in a cute

way. Sighing Naruto turned away from the pink haired shinobi, "fine just don't try to move him, Itachi did a real number on him" Medical Ward... Sasuke couldn't believe he got himself into this situation. He got the shit beat out of him by Itachi, captured by Naruto and what's worse he was going to be shipped back to Leaf Village. He had special bracelets on that prevented him from channeling chakra so he was powerless to do jutsu's. "This sucks" The door opened and the first thing Sasuke thought when he saw the pink hair was 'oh fuck' "SASUKE-KUN!" Sakura yelled as she charged him and got him in a death embrace, Naruto was laughing in the door way. "I was so worried about you Sasuke-kun, and just look at you. You looked like you tried to take on an entire village and lost" Sakura voiced in a worried tone. Sasuke rolled his eyes and Naruto struggled to stop laughing. "I think I'll leave you two alone, now don't do anything I wouldn't do" Naruto laughed, closing the door. Soon the sounds of muffled screams from Sasuke and the tearing of clothing could be heard. Sound Village... "We condemn Orochimaru's body to the earth, may god have mercy on his poor soul and forgive him of his many terrible sins" Kabuto voiced as the several ninja lowered the coffin into the ground. "So I take it your a preacher now Kabuto?" Itachi asked, "Well I have an act for it, I'm the only one that actually reads the bible in this village" Kabuto replied. "So you are going to take Naruto-sama up on his offer then?" Deidara asked, "of course, I want a new body and who better then Sasuke Uchiha's?" Kabuto questioned. "Hey man, it’s your choice, I've got nothing to so with it" Deidara waved as he walked off. "Things will be smoother once you sneak into Leaf Village disguised as Sasuke, Kabuto-san" Itachi smiled. Leaf Village... "So we are all agreed? For allowing Sasuke Uchiha's safe return we will allow a trading treaty with Wave for the raw materials we harbor?" Tsunade asked. "Agreed!" all the council members voiced. "Then Neji along with Ino, Kiba, and Kakashi shall retrieve Sasuke and get the treaty signed" Tsunade smiled. The said four left for the wave village. Several hours later... After ripping Sakura away from Sasuke, Kabuto prepared to transfer his soul into Sasuke's body. Sasuke was currently out cold and strapped to the bed, Itachi was assisting Kabuto with the transfer. Naruto and led Sakura away to take her shopping for his wedding. “Good bye foolish

little brother, may you suffer for all eternity is the firey pits of hell” Itachi voiced as Kabuto preformed the jutsu. The entire village (except Sakura) heard Sasuke’s cry of pain before the jutsu ended. Sasuke was no more and now Naruto had another spy for the Hidden Leaf Village.

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