Naomi Flyer

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 220
  • Pages: 1
Naomi Ageofdog:2y ear s Br eedofDog:Si ber i anHus k yEy ec ol or :bl ue Goodwi t hot herdogs?Yes Goodwi t hcat s?unk nown Goodwi t hki ds?y es Ener gyLevel ?hi gh Naomi i sar eal l ys weetdog.Atf i r s t ,s hewasabi tmout hy ,butwet el l her" nobi t es " s hehasl ear nedt hats hes houl dn' tdot hat .Shei sv er ywel l behav edi nt hehous e, noc ount er s ur f i ngs of arorc hewi ngont hi ngs .Shei sgr eatwi t ht heot herdogs , l ov est opl ay .Shewal k sf ai r l yni c eonl eas h,al i t t l epul l i ngbutwi t hagent l et ugon l eas h,s hes et t l esdown.Sher i desgr eati nt hec ar ,j us tl ooki ngoutt hewi ndow. Shei sgr eatwi t hc ommands ,k nowss i t ,paw,ands he' l l begf orwat erandt r eat s. She' l l mak eani c eaddi t i ont oaf ami l ywhohasanot herdogands he' l l needhernew f ami l yt ok eepwor k i ngwi t hheront hemout hi nes s ,whi c hI ' ms ur es he' l l s howi nt he begi nni ng.

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