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  • Words: 1,734
  • Pages: 21
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Nanotechnology 


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Introduction Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology has enormous potential to change society and it involves manipulation of objects on the atomic level.

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The products will be build on every atom that are stronger,smarter,cheapter,cleaner,and more precise. Nanotechnology is the art and science of manipulating matter at the nanoscale to create new and unique materials and products

Origins of Nanotechnology Noble prize winner Richard Feynman first conceived the idea of molecular manufacturing in his 1959 speech, “There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom."

• • Richard Feynman was the first scientist to suggest that devices and materials could someday be fabricated to atomic specifications • • In 1986, K. Eric Drexler wrote "Engines of Creation" and introduced the term nanotechnology from there Scientific research really expanded over the last decade Richard Feynman


C a rb o n N a n o tu b e C N T is a tu b u la r fo rm o f ca rb o n w ith d ia m e te r a s sm a ll as 1 nm . Le n g th : fe w n m to m icro n s. C N T is co n fig u ra tio n a lly e q u iva le n t to a tw o d im e n sio n a l g ra p h e n e sh e e t ro lle d in to a tu b e .

C N T exh ib its extra o rd in a ry m e ch a n ica l p ro p e rtie s: Yo u n g ’ s m o d u lu s o ve r 1 Te ra Pa sca l, a s stiff a s d ia m o n d , a n d te n sile stre n g th ~ 2 0 0 G Pa . C N T ca n b e m e ta llic o r se m ico n d u ctin g , d e p e n d in g o n ch ira lity.

CN T P ro p e rtie s  T h e stro n g e st a n d m o st flexib le m o le cu la r m a te ria l b e ca u se o f C -C co va le n t b o n d in g a n d se a m le ss h exa g o n a l n e tw o rk a rch ite ctu re  Yo u n g ’ s m o d u lu s o f o ve r 1 T Pa vs 7 0 G Pa fo r A lu m in u m , 7 0 0 G PA fo r C -fib e r - stre n g th to w e ig h t ra tio 5 0 0 tim e > for Al; sim ila r im p ro ve m e n ts o ve r ste e la n d tita n iu m ; o n e o rd e r o f m a g n itu d e im p ro ve m e n t o ve r g ra p h ite / e p oxy  M a xim u m stra in ~ 1 0 % m u ch h ig h e r th a n a n y m a te ria l  T h e rm a lco n d u ctivity ~ 3 0 0 0 W / m K in

CN T P ro p e rtie s E le ctrica lco n d u ctivity si( x cont o rd e rs o f.m) a g n itu d e h ig h e r

 th a n co p p e r

 C a n b e m e ta llic o r se m ico n d u ctin g d e p e n d in g o n ch ira lity - ‘ tunable ’ bandgap - e le ctro n ic p ro p e rtie s ca n b e ta ilo re d th ro u g h a p p lica tio n o f exte rn a lm a g n e tic fie ld , a p p lica tio n o f m e ch a n ica l d e fo rm a tio n …  V e ry h ig h cu rre n t ca rryin g ca p a city  E xce lle n t fie ld e m itte r; h ig h a sp e ct ra tio a n d sm a lltip ra d iu s o f cu rva tu re a re id e a lfo r fie ld e m issio n

CNT Applications : Electronics  C N T q u a n tu m w ire in te rco n n e cts  D io d e s a n d tra n sisto rs fo r co m p u tin g  C a p a cito rs  D a ta S to ra g e  Fie ld e m itte rs fo r in stru m e n ta tio n  Fla t p a n e ld isp la ys

Challenges    

Control of diameter, chirality Doping, contacts Novel architectures (not CMOS based!) Development of inexpensive manufacturing processes

CNT Applications : Structural , Mechanical

 High strength composites

 Cables, tethers, beams

 Multifunctional materials

 Functionalize and use as polymer back bone - plastics with enhanced properties like “blow molded steel”

 Heat exchangers, radiators, thermal barriers, cryotanks

 Radiation shielding

 Filter membranes, supports

 Body armor, space suits

Challenges -

Control of properties, characterization Dispersion of CNT homogeneously in host materials Large scale production Application development

CNT Synthesis 

CNT has been grown by laser ablation (pioneering at Rice) and carbon arc process (NEC, Japan) - early 90s. SWNT, high purity, purification methods

 CVD is ideal for patterned growth (electronics, sensor applications) Well known technique from microelectronics Hydrocarbon feedstock Growth needs catalyst (transition metal) Multiwall tubes at 500-800° deg. C. Numerous parameters influence CNT growth

Quantum dot Issues:

Primary designs require extremely low temperatures Possible room-temperature designs would require 10nm features Material fabrication is not on Benefits: silicon 

Potential Solutions:

New material solutions Improved III-V compound semiconductors 

Reduce number of transistors per circuit function New opportunities for innovative designs Enhanced security 

Nanowires Issues: Research applications with dimensions below 20nm Manufacturing processes rely on fabrication in “forms” Large scale, ordered fabrication is not available Potential Solutions Benefits: Development of new processes Unique electrical and optical based on ongoing research properties Additional efforts in related Building units for devices Wire diameter change results in materials Improved processes/equipment band gap changes, which implies customizable effects



Nanotechnology Applications

Advantages Of Nanotechnology • Medical Advantages

– – End of Illnesses (I.e. Cancer, heart disease) – Universal immunity (I.e. aids, flu) – Body Sculpting (I.e. change your appearance) – Stop the aging Process – Painless Child births – 

• Industrial Advantages

– – Computers a billion times faster and a million times smaller – Automatic Pollution Cleanup – Manufacturing at almost no cost

Advantages Of Nanotechnology – Cont. • Other advantages 

– Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry – Materials Producers – Usage Superior Education – in Textiles Industries

Disadvantages Of Nanotechnology ◆ ◆ ◆ 

Loss of jobs (manufacturing, farming, etc) Diamonds become worthless

Atomic weapons more accessible and destructive

Health Issues

Environmental Issues

Future of Nanotechnology • Nanotechnology will redesign the future of several technologies, products and markets. • Scientists and engineers can now work with materials at the atomic level to create stain-proof fabrics, scratch-resistant paints, more efficient fuel cells and batteries • Experts says that nanotechnology will likely create the next generation of billionaires and reshape global business • Industry Analysts Predict Revenues from Products Incorporating Nanotechnology to Reach Close to $3 Trillion US Within 10 Years • Making invisibility possible •

co n cl u sio n  N a n o te ch n o lo g y is a n e n a b lin g te ch n o lo g y th a t w illim p a ct e le ctro n ics a n d co m p u tin g , m a te ria ls a n d m a n u fa ctu rin g , e n e rg y , tra n sp o rta tio n ….  T h e fie ld is in te rd iscip lin a ry b u t e ve ryth in g sta rts w ith m a te ria lscie n ce . C h a lle n g e s in clu d e : - N o ve lsyn th e sis te ch n iq u e s - C h a ra cte riza tio n o f n a n o sca le p ro p e rtie s - La rg e sca le p ro d u ctio n o f m a te ria ls - A p p lica tio n d e ve lo p m e n t  O p p o rtu n itie s a n d re w a rd s a re g re a t a n d h e n ce , tre m e n d o u s w o rld w id e in te re st  In te g ra tio n o f th is e m e rg in g fie ld in to e n g in e e rin g a n d scie n ce cu rricu lu m is im p o rta n t to p re p a re th e fu tu re

Sources • • • • • • http://www.


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