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  • Words: 1,108
  • Pages: 4
Name ________________________

Class _______ Date_______

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (10 points) 1. A: ………………………….(you/see) Mary recently? 2. B: No, I ……………………(not/talk) to her since last month. 3. A: Why …………………….(Mary/taste) the milk? 4. B: It ……………………..…(smell) strange. 5. She thinks it ………….....(go off). 6. I …………………………....(finish) my project by this time next week. 7. I wish I …………………….(not/spend) all the money last night. 8. Tom ………………………..(travel) to Spain this time next summer. 9. I ……………………………(wash) my hair when you called me. 10. He told me he ……………(wait) for three hours before his flight was announced 2. Translate the following text into Romanian (10p) The clock in the living room has just struck two, but I'm still awake. Wide awake. Usually I'm a good sleeper, but not tonight. I can't stop thinking about that girl. I've got to write down what happened. It was this evening around seven thirty, as I was on my way home from college. I was waiting for the connection at Willesden Junction. As usual at that time of night, there was only one train to Watford every twenty minutes, and the platform was crowded. Most of the people looked pretty familiar, the kind of people who stand on the same platform at the same time every day; ordinary people going about their ordinary life. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Choose the right synonym: Frightening: a. terrifying b. shocking c. petrifying d. appalling Edge: a. border b. bank c. boundary d. extremity Diet: a. provisions b. food c. grubs d. edibles

4. Read the following text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits in each gap (10 x 1p = 10p) Many of the roads in the Snowdonia area are extremely 1 _________________ and tourist cars cause traffic jams. Some farmers and local merchants 2 ________ that they make it difficult for them to do their work as car parks full up during 3 _________________periods and many visitors cause obstructions by parking across gateways etc.. In addition, in the summer, thousands of people use the 4 _______________ of footpaths across Snowdon and its foothills. Often the grassy 5 _________________is worn away, leaving rough stone or mud. This makes the path hard to see, and it can be dangerous to walk on. Repairing the paths can be very expensive, particularly higher up where 6 _________________ is difficult. Nevertheless, the appeal of areas of natural 7 ________________to visitors has led to the growth of many organizations dedicated to reducing or balancing these 8 __________________ . Many parts of the country now operate conservation schemes, supported by voluntary contributions. In some 9 ____________________ , tourist operators have set up their own organizations and put back money into the community by making 10 ___________________ to local conservation projects.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A - thin A - decide A - busy A - connection A - level A - admission A - love A - drawbacks A - locations A - fees

B - narrow B - explain B - important B - organization B - surface B - entry B - adoration B - victories B - landscapes B - donations

C - slim C - complain C - economic C - union C - height C - permission C - beauty C - defeats C - country sides C - fines

D - slender D - choose D - tiring D - network D - exterior D - access D - shine D - occupations D - scenes Dcompensations

II. Read the text below and do the tasks that follow. He was a lad of eighteen when he dropped into London, with no money and no connections except the address of a cousin who was supposed to work at a confectioner’s. When he went to the pastry shop, however, he found that the cousin had gone to America. Anton Rosicky tramped the streets for several days sleeping in doorways and on the Embankment, until he was in utter despair. He knew no English, and the sound of the strange language all about him confused him. By chance he met a poor German tailor who had learned his trade in Vienna and could speak a little Czech. This tailor, Lifschnitz, didn’t much need an apprentice but he was sorry for the boy and took him for no wages but his keep and what he could pick up. Anton had, however, a place to sleep. The tailor’s family lived upstairs in three rooms: a kitchen, a bedroom where Lifschnitz and his wife and five children slept, and a living-room. Two corners of this living-room were curtained off for lodgers; in one Rosicky slept on an old horsehair sofa, with a feather quilt to wrap himself in. The other corner was rented to a dirty boy, who was studying the violin. He actually practiced there. Rosicky used to think he would never get out of there, never get a clean shirt to his back again. What would he do, he wondered, when his clothes actually dropped to pieces and the worn cloth wouldn’t hold patches any longer. 1. For each question choose the correct letter A, B, C or D (5 x 2p= 10p) 1. Anton Rosicky’s native language was: A. English B. German C. Czech D. Italian 2. Anton tramped the streets for several days because A. B. C. D.

his cousin had rejected him. he knew no one in the city. he was in utter despair. his family had dropped him.

3. The German tailor he met A. rented him a room. B. found lodgings for him in the city.

C. accommodated him in his flat. D. gave him a bed in the basement. 4. In the tailor’s house, Rosicky A. B. C. D.

felt happy because he liked children. had a room to himself near one of the corners of the living-room. shared the corners of the living-room with a student. practiced the violin in the room.

5. Anton Rosicky A. B. C. D.

worried about his future and thought the situation was hopeless. didn’t mind being dirty. thought it was a wonder his clothes didn’t fall to pieces. wanted to go back to his country to have clean shirts again.

III WRITING(50 points) This is part of a letter you got from your English pen-friend. I feel very lonely in my new neighbourhood. I have no friends and I am really depressed. Any advice? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

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