Nacirfa- Part Ii

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  • Words: 10,194
  • Pages: 19
Nacirfa Part II Elise H. Simpson

Picture: http://media.photobucket. com/image/ice+dragon/ba jadan2000/ice.jpg?o=48

Nacirfa Part II Elise H. Simpson

Nadia woke up covered in the sheets; she sighed and felt next to her for her fiancé, she thought smiling at the word. When he wasn’t there she opened her eyes and sat up wondering where he went. She heard the shower running and smiled sliding out of bed. She walked into the bathroom and slid the shower door open and stepped in. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his back. He smiled turning around and kissing her. “Trying to take a shower without me huh?” She laughed as he started washing her. “I didn’t want to wake you up, you looked so peaceful.” He smiled as she blushed. “Why do you watch me sleep?” She laughed washing his hair. “I don’t know, I just do.” He smiled kissing her forehead. She made a mental note to wake up before he did so she could watch him sleep. They finished showering and went downstairs to see what they could find for lunch. Nadia sighed as she watched him from across the table; he smiled at her taking her hand and holding it while they waited for lunch. The other servants smiled at their obvious display of affection. They felt so blessed that she was going to be the person in Matt’s life, and that he really truly loved her. They all did want the best for him. Meilyn sighed frustratingly as she walked through the dining room. “What’s the matter, Meilyn?” Nadia asked. “Christiana has stopped by about three times already today demanding to see you, sir. She hasn’t been very pleasant either.” She sighed wanting to punch the wall or something. That woman could be so rude! “Just don’t let her get to you; I know I wanted to trip her on her way out the other day.” Nadia laughed as Meilyn smiled at her. “You met Christiana?” Matt asked. “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, she stopped by she wanted you to know she was back in town or something.” She shrugged as who would’ve guessed Christiana burst into the dinning room followed by the two guards at the front door. “Well FINALLY! Where have you been?! And why the hell are you having lunch with a servant?!” She huffed looking at Nadia with disgust. How dare she be sitting at the same table as a prince? “Whoa, Christiana calm down. And what servant are you talking about?” He asked confused. Nadia was trying so hard to stifle her laughter. “That one right there, which we’re going to fire right now! She’s a disrespectful little bitch and I want her gone!” She said pointing a perfectly manicured finger at Nadia. Matt looked at Nadia and then back at Christiana and he started to get angry. He wasn’t going to let her come in here and call his beautiful fiancée a ‘disrespectful bitch’, like she had any room to talk. “Nadia? You think Nadia is a servant?” He asked laughing to try and stop himself from yelling at her. “Well isn’t she? I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a baroness like her before. Her hair’s too mangy and for one she’s obviously not the right color and just look at her clothes, she has to be a servant.” She huffed. Nadia gasped and put her hand to her mouth. She wasn’t the right color? What did that mean? How was she so different? What

was wrong with her? She could feel the tears coming to her eyes. Would everyone feel the way Christiana felt? Matt looked at Nadia and could see she was upset and the tears in her eyes. He would be damned if this bitch would come into their home and make her cry. How could she even think that about her? Christiana finally made him reach the boiling point. “She is the Princess of Nacirfa, Christiana and don’t you ever refer to my fiancé as anything lower than that. Now I want you to get the hell out of our home right now.” He said as the two guards grabbed her arms firmly and dragged her out of the dinning room. Fiancé? She thought. No! He couldn’t be actually marrying her! The letter her parents gave to her was true? No! Matt was supposed to be hers! She was supposed to be the next princess of Sparkle! It would be a cold day in hell before she let that little bitch from the south take her crown. Matt was so pissed they let Christiana through the doors. He would have to have a word with the guards manning the door. They were there for a fucking reason and they weren’t doing their damn job! “Is that what everyone will think? She asked feeling her tears roll down her cheeks, am I the wrong color to be a royal here?” She asked wiping away her tears but they wouldn’t stop falling. She was so angry with herself that she let Christiana make her this upset. “No, Nadia, don’t listen to what she said. That’s not what everyone will think; he said sitting down next to her and wiping her tears, she’s just a very ignorant person, honey. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the color of your skin.” He told her kissing her cheek and her temple. “Are you sure?” She asked looking at her hands. “Yes, I’m sure. Everyone will love you for being exotic. I love you for that. I wouldn’t have you any other way.” He told her taking her chin so he could look in her eyes. She smiled weakly and hugged him. “Thank you for standing up for me.” She whispered. “I’ll always fight for you…” He whispered back. They hugged for a while before their food was served. Nadia felt better about the situation and decided that she wouldn’t let Christiana get to her anymore. No one else seemed bothered that she was a royal and she was darker skinned so why should she care. “I’m going to have a talk with our door guards; I’ll be back in a little bit.” Matt told kissing her forehead as he got up from the table. “I’m going to go talk with your parents; I haven’t thanked them for this morning.” She smiled getting up as well. “Ok, I’ll come over there then when I’m done.” He smiled as they both left the dinning room. Matt went to the front door and Nadia went to the glass tunnel. Matt went over to the military quarters to have two guards watch the door while he sat down with the other two. “Your highness we are so very sorry about what happened.” Byron apologized as they sat in one of the conference rooms in the military quarters. “But you let someone in our home you know isn’t wanted. You’re there to protect us from unwanted visitors. Everyone got the memo about Christiana. I don’t understand what you were thinking?” He sighed. “She was very persuading, we told her she couldn’t pass and then…” Taylor said

trailing off because of the menacing look Byron was giving him. “And then what?” “Then she just pushed passes us and we ran in after her and then she made it to you first.” Byron shrugged not knowing what else to say. Matt sighed; he knew there was something else involved he wasn’t stupid. “How much did she pay you?” He sighed he really didn’t want to fire them, but if they accepted anything from her he was going to have to let them go. Being a traitor to the kingdom no matter how small it was was not tolerated, especially from guards. “A thousand each…” Taylor sighed. “I hate to do this but you two are fired…I want you gone by tomorrow morning. I’m really sorry but I can’t have two guards manning my door letting anyone in for a price.” He told them. “We understand.” They nodded. “I really did enjoy having you two with us.” He said shaking their hands. “Thank you.” They said as Matt left. He was so aggravated! Now he was going to have to pick two new guards for the door and that meant they would be down two more soldiers and they were already getting short on military. This meant he would have to hold military training for the kingdom again. He couldn’t believe they actually took her money! He wanted to punch something. Where was the fucking loyalty in this kingdom?! He walked back to his quarters and went to his parents’ quarters. He found Nadia and his mother and father sitting in the living room in front of the fire. He calmed down a little when he saw Nadia’s smiling face. She was so beautiful, he thought, walking over to sit next to her. “Hi, is everything ok?” Nadia asked as he sat down. She could tell he was upset about something. “Yeah, everything’s fine.” He smiled kissing her forehead. “We were just talking about the ball were going to have at the end of the week so we can introduce Nadia to the kingdom.” Carol smiled at her son and his beautiful fiancé. She absolutely loved them together. “That’s a really good idea; we should invite Cameron and his wife. You’ll like them.” Matt smiled entwining his fingers with Nadia’s. “Why don’t you two have dinner here tonight? We haven’t had dinner together yet.” Philip asked. “Sure.” Nadia smiled. They continued to talk about the ball until dinner was served. Nadia was really excited about having this extravaganza and she was going to invite her parents. She was so excited she would be able to see them again. While they ate dinner Nadia noticed Matt wasn’t exactly participating in the conversation, he just kind of played around with his food. She put her hand on his leg and rubbed it gently to try and get his attention. He just looked at her and smiled a little, but she knew something was troubling him. She would get it out of him. After dinner Nadia and Matt walked back to their quarters hand in hand. They weren’t really saying much, mainly because Matt’s mind was elsewhere. He didn’t know when he was going to start training for the military or when he was going to find two new guards. He didn’t want to take two soldiers from their troop and have them stand at the door for the rest of their lives. He knew they all hated the door man job and he hated putting people there but they had to.

“Matt, sweetie, what’s the matter?” Nadia asked as they walked into their foyer. “Nothing.” He sighed as she pulled him to sit down on a couch in front of their fire place. “Don’t lie to me, tell me what’s wrong; maybe I can help you.” She said running her fingers through his hair. He sighed putting his head on her shoulder and hugging her. He didn’t think having to fire those two guards would stress him out this much, but he never had to fire anyone for technically being traitors and he didn’t know what to do about the situation. He didn’t really want to talk about it, but he knew he should. “I had to fire our two guards at the door.” He sighed. “What? Why?” She asked never hearing of any guards being fired before. “Because they took money from Christiana and that’s how she was able to get in. I had to let them go, what if it was something more serious and they let the person in. I couldn’t risk having them there anymore.” He explained to her. She nodded still running her fingers through his hair trying to get him to relax. “I understand, so why are you so stressed, babe?” She asked kissing his forehead. He kind of liked having her cuddle him and make him relax. “Because now I have to find two new guards and none of the soldiers like that job and I’m going to have to start a military training because our military is getting short on men and that takes time and I don’t know, it’s just unnecessary stress right now.” He sighed. “I can help you with the training so you won’t have to do it alone. I can get everything organized for the village so they know when and where the training will be and all of that. I did that at home so it would be no problem. If that’ll help take some stress off of you?” She said as he looked at her and smiled. She was one amazing princess, he thought. He forgot she could help with things like this. “I would love for you to help me. We could start training next week. I’m so glad I have you. You just made my life ten times easier.” He smiled kissing her softly on the lips. She smiled glad she could finally do something else other than renovate the castle. “Well I’m glad, so you feel better now?” She asked. “Yeah, I do thank you.” He smiled. “Good, come on let’s go to bed. I’m tired.” She smiled as he got up taking her with him. Matt stayed up most of the night just watching Nadia sleep. He just couldn’t believe he was going to have someone like her in his life forever. He’s never had anyone, well any woman, well…mainly Christiana, never offered to help him with any of his issues with his work. He never told her he needed help but it would’ve been nice for her to see that he did need help. He sighed, kissing Nadia’s forehead, he couldn’t compare Christiana and Nadia they were two different people and he was so thankful for that. “Go to sleep, babe.” He heard Nadia mumble kissing his neck and drifting back off to sleep. He smiled wondering how she knew he was still awake, he figured she was right. He put his head up to hers and closed his eyes and fell asleep. Nadia woke up to the sun streaming in her face. She sighed missing the warm sun in her kingdom. She turned over and smiled when she realized Matt was still sleeping. She watched how he slept soundly, how his lips kind of pouted. She smiled tracing his cheek and his lips and his nose. She fell in love with him all over again; she could watch him sleep for hours. Now she knew why Matt probably liked to watch her sleep. She ran her fingers through his hair and was so tempted to kiss his lips, but she resisted. She

kissed his forehead and slid out of his arms. She went into the bathroom and started the shower; she figured he would get up soon. Matt woke up and stretched feeling next to him for Nadia. When he didn’t feel her his eyes shot open and he sat up wondering where his lovely fiancé could’ve gone off to. He smiled when he heard the water running; he slipped out of bed and went into the shower. He was getting used to this showering together thing. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck and made a trail to her cheek. “You left me.” He mumbled into her hair. “I knew you’d find me.” She smiled turning around and kissing him sweetly. He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her deeply. She wasn’t prepared for something this passionate in the morning she just put her hands on his chest and went with the flow. “Whoa…what was that for?” She breathed into his lips. “For being you.” He smiled kissing her softly. They cleaned up in the shower and Nadia went over to the main quarters to start planning for the ball with Carol. Matt came over as well and had a talk with his dad about the troops. Nadia and Carol were lost to the world when they were in planning mode. Matt tried to get them to come to lunch but they just waved them off. “I don’t get how they can be that into it…” Matt sighed shaking his head at his mother and fiancé. They watched them from the dining room in the living room going on and on about what it should look like. “Well get used to it, Nadia isn’t going to pay very much attention to you until the ball is all planned.” Philip sighed. “Are you serious?!” Matt asked as Philip nodded chuckling a bit. And Philip was right Nadia and Carol did not pay attention to either of their lovers until the night before the day of the ball. Matt was starting to feel a little neglected. Nadia didn’t even sleep in their quarters; she slept over in the main quarters with his mom! They slept in the living room still trying to figure everything out. At about three o’clock in the morning, Saturday morning, practically the day of the ball. Nadia trudged down the hall to her quarters. She dragged herself up the stairs to her room where her Matt was sleeping. Oh how she missed sleeping in their bed in his arms. She swore she had a permanent crick in her neck and back. She was so glad everything was settled for the ball. She almost ran to the bed when she saw Matt sleeping. She kicked off her shoes and slid in bed next to him and wrapped her arms around him. Matt smiled when he felt her arms around him. He turned over and pulled her closer to him. “I get my fiancé back now?” He smiled kissing her hair and her forehead. “Matt I’m so, so tired. I never want to plan one of those again. Just hold me forever.” She sighed curling in his arms. He held her tight and rubbed her back soothingly. “Just go to sleep, sweetheart. You’ll feel better about it tomorrow. You can sleep until its time for the ball if you need to, ok?” He told her as she nodded and she was off in dreamland. The next morning, well afternoon, Matt walked back into their room for the fourth time that morning and afternoon to see if Nadia was awake yet. Nadia was running around the room in a stressful fit. There were clothes flying everywhere and Nadia muttering and rambling about something. Matt was almost at loss for words. He immediately stopped her on her rummaging through the closet.

“Honey, what’s the matter?” He asked trying not to laugh at her pitiful face. “I’m a Princess.” She said through an onset of tears. Matt went over to the bed and sat her down and kneeled in front of her still wondering what the problem was. “Yes, I know you’re a Princess.” He nodded wiping a few of her tears away. “I’m a Princess who has nothing to wear to her own ball!” She cried and that’s when Matt had to laugh. She just looked so ridiculously adorable that he couldn’t keep it in. “It’s not funny.” She mumbled wiping her tears. “Nadia, baby, what makes you think you have nothing to wear?” He asked kissing her cheek. “I don’t have any of my other gowns and I forgot to go shopping when we were planning. I’m not going, I can’t do this.” She sighed putting her head down. “Well aren’t you lucky you have someone like me.” He smiled kissing her forehead. “What do you mean?” She asked looking up at him through teary eyes. “Come with me.” He smiled taking her hand and getting up. They walked to the bedroom at the end of the hall Matt took her to the closet and opened the doors to reveal four new gowns she’d never seen before. There was a red one, a white one, a royal blue one, and a rust orange one. Nadia looked at the dresses, then back at Matt and a new set of tears came to her eyes. “I don’t deserve you.” She cried hugging him tight. “Of course you deserve me, love.” He laughed kissing her hair. “When did you do this?” She asked looking back at the dresses. “One day when you and Mom were busy planning. I figured you would forget, so being the thoughtful man I am I went and bought you gowns. I didn’t know which ones you would like so I just kind of went by what I would like to see you in.” He smiled as she laughed. “Well they’re all beautiful.” She smiled up at him. “I’m glad you like them, now start trying them on, you’ve only got the rest of the afternoon to get ready. I know I probably won’t get to see you until the actual ball now so…I love you and if you do need me or anything I’ll be in the main quarters.” He smiled kissing her softly. “I love you too. I’ll see you tonight.” She smiled kissing him again before he left her to her dresses. It took Nadia, like Matt said, the rest of the afternoon to get ready. It was so hard for her to decide what she wanted to wear. She chose the white dress; she thought it was fitting since they were going to announce that she and Matt were getting married. It had long angled sleeves that were cut at her shoulder so her arm was bare but the fabric lay at the back to give it affect. The breast of the dress had diamond sequins right across the bust to give her a shining affect. The dress had a fairly long trail and diamond sequins were sporadically places all over the dress. She wore a diamond choker, and long dangled diamond earrings in the shape of sparkles. Layla helped her with her hair; she put half of it up in a bunch of curls and twists and let the other half down in curls around her shoulders. “Oh Nadia you look wonderful but you’re missing something.” Carol smiled as she walked in Nadia’s room holding a blue velvet box. “What am I missing?” She asked as Carol smiled and opened the box to reveal a

gorgeous white gold tiara with three tiers and diamonds encrusted throughout it. “Your tiara, darling.” She smiled putting it on top of her head. Nadia wanted to start crying she really looked like she belonged here. She and Carol looked in the mirror with awe, she looked absolutely amazing. “You’re going to make a wonderful daughter and princess.” Carol smiled hugging her and kissing her cheek. “Thank you.” She said tears coming to her eyes. “Oh, Nadia don’t cry. You’ll mess up your make up.” Carol laughed wiping her tear. “I know I just can’t help it.” She laughed. “Alright, chin up. I’ll see you in a few. I’ll be in the ballroom. When you get there the guards will know what to do ok?” Carol smiled. “Yeah, I’ll see you in a few.” She smiled hugging her as she left. Nadia sat looking in the mirror for a few more minutes. She couldn’t wait to see Matt; she wanted to dance with him all night. She sighed smiling at herself one more time before getting up. Layla walked with her to the ballroom, Nadia held her hand she was starting to get nervous for the reaction of the kingdom. She really hoped they approved of her. “Nadia, you look wonderful and you’re going to be fine.” Layla smiled hugging her as they stood in front of the ballroom entrance. “Thank you.” She smiled as the two guards standing at the door smiled at her and opened the doors. Matt and his parents and Nadia’s parents were all waiting patiently for Nadia to make her way to the ball room. The ball wasn’t going to start until she made her appearance. Matt was laughing in his mind; he knew she was going to take forever to get ready. “That Nadia, she takes forever to get ready. I know where she gets that from.” Alex laughed. “Oh shut up.” Nala laughed hitting his shoulder playfully as the lights in the ballroom dimmed and a spotlight went to the staircase and Nadia stood there in her gorgeous gown. “I present The Crown Princess of Nacirfa Nadia Le Matise, daughter of King Alexander and Queen Nala.” The doorman announced as she slowly made her decent. Everyone was speechless, she looked so beautiful. Tears were in Nala’s eyes as she looked at her beautiful daughter in her full royal garb. She was so tempted to run up to her and give her a hug and kiss her. Matt was floored, he was truly speechless. He was going to marry the most beautiful princess in the whole entire world. She looked absolutely gorgeous; he was rooted to his seat until his father firmly nudged him in the side to get him out of his trance. He almost forgot he was supposed to greet her in the middle of the dance floor. “Thanks.” He mumbled as he got up and walked down from the throne and walked swiftly through the center of the crowd and met Nadia in the middle of the floor. He took her hand and kissed it as she curtsied traditionally. Everyone applauded and the music began. Of course, it was customary for the Prince and Princess to start the dancing of the evening. “You look so beautiful.” Matt whispered kissing her ear as she blushed. “I did it all for you.” She whispered back as he blushed.

“I love you…” He smiled wanting to kiss her so bad, but he knew it was impolite to kiss your lover in the company of the kingdom. “I love you too.” She sighed as they danced and other couples came on to the dance floor. Nadia’s parents danced near her and Matt and Nadia couldn’t help but smile at them. “You look so beautiful, you’ve just grown up. Oh I miss you so much!” Nala said breaking away from Alex and crushing Nadia with a hug. “I miss you too Mom. Thank you so much for this.” She whispered as her mother kissed her forehead. “You’re welcome.” She whispered back pushing her back to Matt. Nadia laughed as Matt twirled her around. She couldn’t have been happier. Her parents were there, her soon to be parents were there, and most importantly the love of her life was in her arms. She sighed and caught a glimpse of someone and just stopped. “What’s the matter, sweetie?” Matt asked he could see the tears in her eyes welling up as she ran away from him. He was so confused watched her run away. “Minerva!” Nadia said crushing another girl with her complexion and long brown hair wearing a gold dress with a hug. “Nadia?!” The girl screamed. “Oh my God, where have you been?! You left me when I was eight and I never saw you again.” She cried hugging her for dear life. “I know, my parents made me go to Princess training and then I spent the rest of my time with Cameron and then I got married.” She laughed as Matt and another gentleman walked over to the girls. “You know Princess Minerva?” Matt asked as Nadia looked up at him. “Or course I know her, she’s my cousin.” She smiled. “Well this works out great doesn’t it?” The other gentleman laughed “This is Prince Cameron of Shine, he’s my baby or husband whichever you want to use.” Minerva laughed as Cameron kissed her cheek. “He’s also been my best friend since I was five. This is Princess Nadia of Nacirfa she’s about to be my wife, she’s already my baby.” Matt laughed as Nadia blushed. He was so glad that Nadia knew his wife. He was afraid she wouldn’t get along with them. “Well it’s nice to meet you Nadia.” Cameron smiled kissing her hand. “It’s nice to meet you too.” She smiled. The four of them stood there and talked about the wedding and how they should hook up and have dinner and go out with each other and spend some vacation time with each other. Nadia was so glad she had her best friend back. Minerva was honestly, the only friend she had. They met when she was eight one summer and they were cousins who became best friends who were inseparable like sisters. Minerva never came back that summer and this was the first time they’ve seen each other in ten years. Minerva was two years older than Nadia so she had to start her journey of becoming a princess a lot earlier than she did. “I have to use the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.” Nadia smiled. “Okay, don’t be too long.” Matt smiled kissing her cheek as she walked away. “She’s grown up so much. She used to be such a wild child.” Minerva smiled as Matt laughed. “She still is. I’ve never see someone with all the energy she has.” He smiled. “But you love her don’t you?” Cameron asked.

“More than anything, she makes me feel…I don’t know how to explain it.” He sighed. “Whole…like you couldn’t feel the same way with anyone else?” Minerva asked as Cameron took her hand and smiled at her with love. “Yes, exactly.” He smiled. Nadia was fixing her make-up and her crown and looking herself over in the mirror before going back out on the dance floor. She went to open the door and realized it locked behind her. She tried banging on the door hoping someone would hear her and unlock it, but the music was too loud, even if she screamed no one would hear her. “It’s no use, Nadia…” She heard someone laugh from one of the bathrooms. “Who’s there?” She asked turning around and the bathroom stall opened. Nadia gasped as Christiana walked out wearing a long jade green gown with diamonds speckled all over it. The woman could dress, Nadia had to admit. “Hello, darling, I’ll be taking over now. Matt was supposed to be mine anyway before you came into the picture.” She said grabbing for Nadia’s crown but Nadia smacked her hand away and slapped her in the face. She turned around and tried the door again but it wasn’t working. “You little bitch!” Christiana yelled grabbing hold of her hair and yanking her backwards. Nadia let out a scream and elbowed her in the ribs to let her go. She fell to the floor and Nadia was once again going for the door to try and kick it open or use a hair pin to get out. “Byron! Get her!” Christiana yelled as a big burly man came from another stall towards Nadia. She recognized him as one of the door guards. She tried to punch him but he caught her fist and twisted it behind her back and held her to him. He was a lot stronger than she figured him to be, probably why he was placed at their door. “Well now, as I was saying…I’m going to take over now.” Christiana smiled taking the crown off her head and taking the ring off her finger. That angered Nadia more than her taking her crown. “You’ll never get away with this, bitch.” Nadia said coldly spitting in Christiana’s face. She immediately slapped her hard, Nadia’s head rolled to one side from the strength of it. “Oh I will get away with this, she huffed wiping the spit off of her face, do something with her, I don’t care what just get her out of my site.” She said haughtily as she used the key to unlock the bathroom door and left. “Well you’re all mine now aren’t you.” Byron said tying her wrists tightly behind her back with rough rope that tore into her skin. “You don’t have to do this, just let me go, and I’ll spare you the consequences.” Nadia tried to bargain with him as he put a gag in her mouth and tied the rough string around it. “If you hadn’t come along, Christiana would’ve married Matt and then I was going to become the military chief with the help of Christiana!” He said angrily lifting the many skirts of Nadia’s dress, she tried kicking him but he grabbed her legs firmly and tied them up with the rope as well. “But no, Matt had to go and fall in love with you. You stupid bitch, you ruined everything!” He yelled lifting her over his shoulder and walking the opposite direction of the door. Nadia couldn’t believe this was happening. She was getting kidnapped in her

own castle. He took her through one of the stalls and through a secret door that seemed to lead down to a dungeon of some sort. As they descended the steps she could hear water which only meant they were definitely under the castle near the moat water. She tried looking behind her and she saw an open cage that was held up by a metal chain to the ceiling. Nadia panicked knowing he was going to put her in there. She started squirming in his arms and she lifted her arms over her head and punched him in the back forcefully. “Princess you are getting on my last nerve!” He yelled producing a knife and stabbing her painfully in the stomach with it. She let out a painful scream as he threw her into the cage jarring her wound even more. He closed and locked the top and used his sword to cut the chain and the cage fell into the water and started sinking. “Good bye Princess.” He laughed walking back up the stairs and leaving her to die. Nadia calmed herself down she knew how to hold her breath for a long time, it would be harder with her wound but she could do it. She started working her wrists out of her binds, once her hands were free she went to her feet and then finally took her hair pin out and started working on the lock of the cage. The water was already over her head but she knew she could get out of here. “Nadia’s been gone for a long time, I hope she’s ok. I’m going to go check on her.” Matt said having the strangest feeling something was wrong. Minerva smiled and stopped Matt before he could walk away. “You worry too much; I’ll go check on her. She’s probably just fixing her hair or something.” She laughed walking to the bathroom. When she walked in the bathroom it was empty, there wasn’t even a trace of Nadia ever being in there. She thought that was odd, they didn’t even see her come out and she knew she would’ve come back to Matt. Maybe Matt was right maybe there was something wrong. Minerva’s heart started pounding, where was her cousin? She ran out of the bathroom and ran into Devonte. “Hey Princess are you alright?” He asked. “I’m fine, but I can’t find Nadia have you seen her?” She asked a little panic in her voice. “No I haven’t. Was she supposed to be in the bathroom?” He asked getting into his military mode. “Yes, and she never came back out.” Minerva said as Devonte nodded. “I’ll get her other guards to look for her. Go tell Matt what’s going on.” He said rushing away to round up the other guards. Minerva quickly went back over to Matt to tell him what was going on. “Matt, we need to make the announcement soon, it’s almost midnight. Where’s Nadia?” Philip asked. “She just went to the bathroom. She’ll be back.” He smiled but in the back of his mind he knew she was not coming back and his heart was racing he needed to find her. “Alright, well come to the throne when she comes back.” He smiled patting his back. “Matt there’s- Minerva started but someone snaked their arms around Matt’s waist who was oddly wearing Nadia’s engagement ring. For a second Minerva thought it was Nadia but she wasn’t wearing gloves and she wasn’t wearing a green dress. “Was he just talking about me?” Christiana purred walking around Matt her hand still on his chest exposing Nadia’s ring. Matt’s heart was pounding in his chest he was so angry and worried. Why was Christiana wearing Nadia’s ring AND her crown?! Where

was she?! What did she do with his fiancé?! Matt grabbed her wrist and pushed her away from him. “Where’s Nadia?” He asked menacingly as everyone stopped dancing and turn towards the two of them. “I wouldn’t get so angry so fast, darling. She’s in a place that only I know and will be revealed to you once you agree to marry me.” She smiled calmly. He wanted to hurt her. This was the first time he’s ever been so angry at one woman and he wanted to literally break the wrist he held in his hand. “No. I’ll never marry you. Guards!” Matt yelled as five guards made their way through the crowd and surrounded Matt and Christiana. By now his parents and Nadia’s parents were behind him trying to figure out what to do. “Well then I guess you’ll never find your lovely, Nadia.” She shrugged knowing he wouldn’t be able to send her away so easily. Matt grimaced and threw her hand down back to her side. What the hell was he supposed to do? Nadia could be fucking any where. He would never agree to marry her. “You will tell us where Nadia is right this instant, young lady.” Alex voice boomed. Christiana shuttered a little her composure faltering for just a second. “Not unless he agrees to marry me, it’s a cruel situation isn’t it? You should’ve just stayed with me and left that bitch in the south.” She smiled. Matt thought he was going to throw up his head was whirling. Nadia freed herself from the cage and managed to get out of the freezing cold water. For the time being she lost feeling from her wound, she tried to hold pressure to it to stop the bleeding but it was still flowing out. She rested for a few minutes on the floor of the dungeon before slowly getting up and making her way up the stairs to the bathroom. When she reached that door it was locked, she screamed in frustration and turned back to look down at all the stairs she just climbed. She tried taking a deep breath and walked back down the stairs. There wasn’t another door in the dungeon. She figured the water had to lead somewhere so she jumped back in the water and swam to the end. Her dress was starting to weigh her down towards the end of the tunnel she was swimming through; she thought she was going to drown, she didn’t have much strength to keep going and then she saw the light from the moon outside. This lifted her spirits and she finally swam out of the tunnel to the back of the castle in the lake in the middle of the gardens. She tiredly lifted her body out of the water and on the icy banks of the lake. “What are you going to do, Nadia could be hurting…” Christiana smiled and Matt grabbed her arms out of fear and anger. “What did you do to her?!” He asked shaking her and gripping her arms painfully. “Marry me.” Was all she said keeping that sickening smile on her face as if this was all a stupid joke. Matt wanted to slap her and he would’ve if Nala didn’t touch his shoulder calmly. “Matt…just do as she says, we’ll find Nadia.” She told him calmly. The way she said it seemed to calm Matt down a little. If he just agreed they would find Nadia. “Fine, I’ll marry you.” He sighed dejectedly as Christiana beamed. “Kiss me.” She said as Matt looked at her in alarm. “No! I agreed to marry you, now you tell me where the fuck Nadia is!” He yelled surprising everyone with his outburst. Christiana almost faltered but she put her smile back on her face.

“Not until you kiss me.” She said as Matt looked at her and then at his parents and Nadia’s parents they seemed to nod for him to do it. He couldn’t do this, it wasn’t right. He’s kissed her before but that was different, it wasn’t like this. He couldn’t, but he had to. “Fine.” He sighed leaning down to kiss her but she stopped him. “Not just any kiss…I want you to kiss me the way you kiss Nadia. I want it to be real.” She’s really lost her damn mind! Matt thought as he just stared at her. Nadia could see the doors to the ball room. She could see everyone crowded around. She was going to make it. She could feel herself starting to lose consciousness but she wouldn’t let herself give out now. Her ears started ringing as she made her way up the steps to the doors; her vision was blurred as she tried the handle of the door. “Nadia!” Jeff called from across the garden. Her guards finally found her and started running towards her. “She’s fucking hurt.” Brett said angrily as they followed the trail of blood she was leaving in the snow. Nadia’s bloody hands slipped all over the door handle as she managed to get it open. She could barely make out Matt and Christiana in the middle of the clearing of the dance floor. She had to tell him what she was trying to do but her strength was failing her and her dizziness came over her, her vision was finally giving out and the ringing in her ears was overwhelming. “Matt!” She managed to get out before everything went black. He heard her say his name. His head shot over to the side door of the ballroom and he saw her wet dress stained with blood standing at the door way. He pushed Christiana into the guards behind her and ran to Nadia as she started to faint but luckily her guards managed to get to the door and catch her before she hit the ground. He quickly picked her up out of Jeff’s arms and started running towards the medical wing. Everything was a blur to him at this point. No one else mattered in that big ballroom. Nadia came to while he was rushing her to the med wing; she looked up at him and wanted to say something. “Matt…” She coughed out trying to take a breath of air as she put her hand on his chest and tried to grip the material there. “Shh, Nadia it’s okay, everything’s going to be ok.” He told her soothingly as he continued to run down the hallways. A few tears slid down her cheeks as she fell unconscious again, her hand slipping from his chest. He managed to get her to the wing a few minutes later. He was so numb as one of the nurses made him sit down in the waiting area, telling him that he had to let them work on her and he did all he could. He was stained with her blood. It was all over his shirt from where her stomach was bleeding and where she grabbed his chest. He sat on one of the couches with unshed tears in his eyes; he kept replaying what happened in the ballroom over and over again. She just left his side to go to the bathroom. He knew something was wrong, he should’ve been there, and he should’ve been able to protect her. He sighed putting his head in his hands. He figured his parents and Nadia’s parents were taking care of Christiana and the rest of the party in the ballroom. Nala was the first to come into the waiting room. She sat down next to Matt and rubbed his back. Then the other parents started to come in and sat around him not really saying anything. There was nothing they could say to make the situation any better. Nadia’s guards came into the waiting room as well and guarded the

door, but mainly came in to make sure Nadia was alright. They waited over an hour to hear something from the doctors. Matt was beating himself up inside. He was never going to see her again; they were going to tell them she was dead from loss of blood and infection. It was going to be all his fault because he couldn’t save her and he wasn’t there to protect her. What could be taking them so long?! His mind screamed; he couldn’t take this anymore. He sighed again and he could feel his body start shaking from the nerves he was feeling. “You can see her now.” The doctor said as he walked out into the waiting room. Matt just stared up at the doctor not really believing a word he said. “Matt, go see her.” Alex said nudging him a little. “Ok.” He nodded getting up. He was feeling numb again as if this were a dream, she was really still alive? A nurse came to take him to her room and he just stood in the doorway for a few minutes. She was lying in the bed still unconscious. He slowly walked in and sat in the chair next to the bed. He took her hand and noticed the marks from the rope on her wrist. He felt his anger come back towards Christiana for hurting her like this as he kissed her hand. He ran his fingers through her hair and over her cheek and just listened to her breathe. She didn’t wake up even when everyone came in to see her. The doctor wasn’t sure when she would wake up, but he assured them that she was alright and she just needed to rest and she would come around. Matt would not leave her side. Everyone stayed in Nadia’s room for about two hours before going to get rest themselves. Matt couldn’t leave her and he wouldn’t. The only time he wasn’t was when his mother brought him clothes and forced him to get out of his blood stained ones. He was right back by her side, he ended up getting in bed with her just so he could hear her heart beat and make sure she was still breathing. He laid his head on her chest and wrapped his arms around her careful of her wound. He didn’t mean to but he fell asleep listening to her heart beat and her soft breathing. Nadia woke up in an unfamiliar room she’d never seen. She didn’t remember how she got to this place. She looked down on her chest and saw Matt sleeping there and memories of the night before came back to her. She was at the ball and then Christiana and Byron and the dungeon. He stabbed her and she saw Matt and then she couldn’t remember after that. She smiled figuring Matt brought her here. She ran her fingers through his hair and over his arm. He stirred and looked up at her and she smiled caressing his cheek and she could see the tears welling up in his eyes. “Nadia…” He said as he let the tears fall down his cheeks as he hugged her crying into her neck. Nadia has never seen him this upset before; he was shaking as he held her and just bawled into her neck. Nadia held him trying to comfort him and calm him down; he was starting to make her cry because he was so upset. “Shh, Matt it’s okay. I’m alright, I’m here. Please don’t cry.” She said holding him tight rubbing his back and kissing his forehead. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry….I should’ve been there…I should’ve been there and I wasn’t and you’re hurt. This is all my fault. I’m so sorry.” He cried brokenly and then Nadia started crying. He thought it was his fault? She didn’t want him to blame himself. “No, sweetie, it’s not your fault. It’s Byron and Christiana’s fault. You did all you could, baby. Please don’t blame yourself.” She told him kissing his forehead and his temple to get him to relax. He continued to cry and she just held him whispering comforting words to him and telling him how much she loved him. He finally calmed

down and stopped crying. He just lay in her arms and kissed her neck and her shoulder. He took a deep breath and finally looked up at her. She smiled at him and wiped away the last tears that feel from his eyes. “I’m sorry, for my break down.” He half smiled and Nadia laughed a little. “I would’ve done the same.” She smiled as he kissed her gently. Nadia sighed wrapping her arms around his neck. He could just make all the pain go away for her. “I love you.” He sighed leaving butterfly kisses on her lips. “I love you too.” She smiled as he situated himself so that she was lying on his chest so he wasn’t putting anymore pressure on her stomach like he thought he was. “Are you feeling any pain now?” He asked running his fingers through her hair. “Just a little, I haven’t tried to really move yet and I don’t think I should for a while.” She said wanted to turn over so she could hug his waist but didn’t want to irritate her injury. “Yeah, I think you’re right.” He sighed kissing the top of her head. She held on to his hand and played with his fingers and she closed her eyes again. “What happened to Christiana and Byron?” She asked. “Christiana was taken to prison, what do you mean Byron?” He asked looking down at her confused. “Byron was the one who put me in the cage and stabbed me.” She told him and he could feel all the anger coming back. “What cage? He was the one that hurt you?” Matt was trying to stay calm. He was going to kill Byron. “The cage in the dungeon, yea he did. Where did he go? They only caught Christiana?” Nadia asked starting to get nervous that Byron was still out there and he was still angry with her. “Yeah, we didn’t know she had an accomplice. I’m going to go tell a guard. I’ll be right back.” He said getting up but Nadia quickly grabbed his arm before he could leave. “No please don’t leave me.” She pleaded tears coming to her eyes. He looked back at her and smiled. “Nadia, it’s okay. You’re in the medical wing. Nothing’s going to happen; there are guards right outside your door. I’ll be right back I promise.” He smiled kissing her softly. He was right, guards were standing watch right outside. She was just being silly. “You’re right.” She smiled and let him go. He left the room and closed the door with a soft click. Nadia sighed and slowly tried to sit up. She was successful and it didn’t even hurt her that much. She sat there looking around the room. It was the first time she noticed all the flowers from the kingdom all over her room. She smiled, they really did like her! At least what they saw of her. Her eyes wandered over to the closet in the room; there was something amiss about it. The door was slightly ajar; she always had a problem with closets being open. It kind of unnerved her. She sighed laughing at herself there was nothing to be afraid of in here. Nadia closed her eyes and decided to take a little to nap. Nadia woke with a start when she couldn’t feel any air going to her lungs. She looked up into the darkest brown eyes she’d ever seen. She could feel the big burly hand around her neck and she immediately recognized the man as Byron. She started struggling and he only laughed. “Shh it’ll all be over soon.” He soothed as she continued to struggle trying to

scream. She was trying to grab for anything to help her and she finally found something sharp one of the nurses left a needle. She quickly stabbed Byron in the neck with it. “You little bitch!” He yelled as she screamed and scrambled out of the bed falling to the floor. Matt was talking with Nadia’s guards and the other guards that were at the ball. He was seeing if they saw Byron and that they needed to inform the other guards that he needed to be captured and brought to the prison. As they were discussing the possibilities of where he could be, they heard Nadia’s piercing scream from her room. “Shit!” They yelled running to her room. Nadia was scrambling to the door as Byron grabbed her ankle and pulled her back to him. She screamed again as he came down on her with a small dagger. The door burst open and Matt immediately grabbed one of the guards’ daggers and threw it at Byron hitting him in the shoulder. He dropped the dagger he was holding above Nadia’s head, she dodged it and got up stumbling to the door. “Get her out of here.” Matt said as he went after Byron. Darren picked Nadia up and rushed her out of the Medical wing. Nadia’s wound opened up and she started bleeding again. She held her stomach as Darren carried her to the main castle. He ran her to the main sitting area where her parents and Matt’s parents, along with Cameron and Minerva were sitting. They stood immediately when they saw Darren and Nadia’s bleeding form. “What happened?” Philip asked. “Byron somehow attacked her.” He said. Nadia could feel herself losing consciousness again. “Mom…” She said reaching for Nala as her father took her out of Darren’s arms. “It’s okay, Nadia. Just try to breathe.” Nala told her as they took her to a spare bedroom. They called a nurse over from the medical wing and he immediately patched Nadia up. “She’s fine, her wound just opened again, but she’ll be ok.” The nurse smiled at everyone. They all breathed a sigh of relief. Alex, Philip, and Cameron all went over to the medical wing to help with the situation. “Matt you need to have a nurse look at you, Nadia’s fine.” Devonte said as they followed behind Matt to the main castle. They took care of Byron and he was in custody of the prison. Matt and Byron really had it out and they both seemed to come out of it severely beaten up. Matt was losing a lot of blood from his side and his arm. “No, I need to make sure she’s okay. I just have to get to her.” He said weakly pushing them away from him as his father and Nadia’s father and Cameron came running down the glass tunnel towards them. “Will you please talk some sense into him, he needs to get checked out and get bandaged up.” Brett told the kings and prince. “Dad, I just have to…” He said swaying and falling into Philip as he passed out. “Right, how long has he been losing blood?” Philip asked picking his son up over his shoulder. He was still a very strong man for his age. He always made sure he was able to carry his son no matter how old he was. “A long time sir, he wouldn’t stop until he made sure Byron was behind bars and until he saw Nadia.” Jeff told him as he started carrying him to the medical wing. “He’s so stubborn, and he fought him without any armor on, he’s lucky to be

alive.” He sighed. That’s what he hated and admired about his son and what he knew would make him a great king. He would stop at nothing until justice was served. Philip laid Matt in another room in the medical wing and the doctors and nurses tended to him. They assured everyone he would be fine, he would just be weak for a few days. Nadia gasped sitting up in the middle of the night. Where was Matt? She had to find him. He wasn’t in her room and she hadn’t seen him since she was attacked. Was he alright?! She started to panic as she tried to figure out where she was exactly. She slowly slipped out of the bed she was in and walked to the door and peered out. She walked down the hall and figured she was in the main quarters. Where could he be? Maybe he was still in the medical wing. Tears came to her eyes, she knew he wasn’t ok. She knew if he was he would’ve been right by her side. She walked slowly down the hall down the glass tunnel. She had to hold on to the wall to take the pressure off her stomach. She needed to find him to slow her nerves down. She needed to know if he was alright. She made it to the doors of the medical wing and walked in. “Princess, are you alright?” A nurse asked her, she simply nodded and kept walking down the hall. She cringed when she passed the room she was in and saw the broken glass everywhere. She kept walking and opened the door two doors down. Somehow she knew he would be in there. Sure enough Matt was sleeping in the bed, she smiled letting out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding in. She walked over to the bed and slowly climbed in and put his arm around her while she laid on his chest and hugged him careful of his bandages. She sighed with content and fell asleep listening to his heartbeat. “Where’s Nadia?!” Nala screamed the next morning when she walked into the room her daughter was supposed to be in. “She’s not in there?” Carol asked running down the hall. “No, she’s not. She was here when I checked on her last night and now she’s gone.” Nala said feeling tears come to her eyes. “We have to find her!” Alex said as he came down the hall with Philip and Cameron and Minerva. The whole main quarters were in a frenzy looking all over for her. They asked all the guards if they’ve seen her and all replied with a no. They ran through the glass tunnel and started checking in Matt and Nadia’s quarters for her and couldn’t find her there. As they were running back through the glass tunnel one of the nurses was walking through back to the medical wing. “What’s going on?” She asked wondering what everyone was nervous about. “We’ve lost Nadia, if you hear anything let us know immediately.” Philip told her and she just smiled. “She’s in the medical wing with Matt.” She smiled as everyone looked at her confused. “How did she get there?” Minerva asked. “I saw her walk in there last night. I thought she was sleep walking honestly.” She laughed as everyone let out a long sigh and started laughing as they followed the nurse to the medical wing. Just as she said Matt and Nadia were sleeping in his room. “They are something else.” Alex laughed. “I’ve never seen a couple like them before. They’re worse than we are.” Cameron laughed as Minerva nodded. “Well at least they can’t be without each other.” Carol smiled realizing they made

a good choice getting them together. “I’m so glad though, I think they both need this. Okay, let’s let them sleep.” Nala smiled as she closed the door. They all walked away laughing and shaking their heads, they couldn’t believe they freaked out that bad. Matt woke up feeling something warm next to him. He opened his eyes and looked down at Nadia sleeping peacefully under his arm. He smiled putting his hand in her hair and just let it get tangled. He was so glad she was alright, he didn’t know how she knew where he was or how she even got here. He laid there watching her sleep and running his fingers through her hair. She stirred and woke up; she ran her hand up his chest to his face. She looked up at him and they just stared at each other not really needing to say anything. Nadia leaned up and kissed him not really caring that it hurt her little to move like that. He held the back of her neck his hand still tangled in her hair and deepening the kiss. Everything they wanted to say to each other was in that kiss, thank you, I’m glad you’re alright.

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