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  • Words: 16,811
  • Pages: 35
Alreso By: Elise H. Simpson

Aries walked to school dreading the idea of sitting through another six hours of books, teachers, and the students. She hated school, it wasn’t so much the material it was the idea that she had to get up early, go sit through information that she could grasp in a matter of minutes, let alone she was the outcast of the school. She didn’t have any friends and she could care less. Half the time she felt like she wasn’t even supposed to be on this Earth. She always felt like she never belonged with her classmates or her family. She loved her family but it was as if she wasn’t really apart of them. She already knew she didn’t belong with them; she was adopted. She had a chocolate complexion while her family had a vanilla one. She didn’t care, she didn’t know anything else, but usually even weird adoptive children tend to feel as though they belonged in their adoptive family. She didn’t even feel that. Life was weird, she sighed walking up the steps to her high school. Her first period class was gym. She was awesome at gym it was the only class she actually enjoyed. It was also the only class people actually accepted her as a normal person. She was very competitive; most of the girls though it was weird but the guys thought it was refreshing so since the popular guys found it cool so did all the other popular girls. She was one of them, in gym class that is. It was volleyball season in gym, which was Aries’ favorite sport in gym. As she was busy spiking the ball countless times at her opponents and enjoying them running away from her balls; she spotted a young man walk into the gym and started talking with the teachers. He had short dark brown hair, it looked almost black, with a few caramel and blond highlights streaked through his hair, he had tan skin with a very nice build. Not too skinny, not too buff, he was just right. She quickly looked away from him when he looked over at her. She could feel his stare on her as she tried to forget him standing off to the side. He was going to be just like any other good-looking guy in school. Completely look her over, and then the popular cheerleader types would swoop down on him like vultures. She wouldn’t even waste her time. Stupid jerk, she thought spiking the ball with all her might and hitting the girl across

from her in the face. She didn’t even feel bad when she went down crying. “Sorry.” She mumbled. “Jesus, Aries. This is just gym class!” The girl screamed at her holding her face as the teachers ran over to see if she was alright. “Whoops.” She sighed. “Well great now we need another player.” One of the guys sighed frustrated. “Um, Leo, I know this is your first day but would you mind?” Mr. Spiro, the gym teacher, asked the new young man who was still standing off to the side looking at Aries with a smirk on his face. “Sure, I have no problem.” He smiled a sexy grin and Aries could hear all the girls swoon. Good God, she thought, great another jocky jerk for our school. “Awesome, it’s our serve dude.” Another guy smiled as Leo joined their team. This guy looked like a pretty boy, probably couldn’t even hit a good spike, Aries thought smirking at him. She spiked the ball over the net once the ball was in play and to her surprise he hit her spike back. She didn’t like that, or the way he just kept smiling at her. She felt the urge to growl at him and could feel her blood temperature rising. Smug bastard, She thought. The game turned into a spike match between Aries and Leo. Neither one giving up; Aries would return his spikes enjoying the fact that she had a challenge and Leo wouldn’t let any of her spikes go un hit. For a while everyone just stopped playing and watched the two go back and forth as if they were in their own world. Luckily the bell rang just as the two jumped for the ball at the same time. “Alright you two, class is finished you can finish this tomorrow.” Mr. Spiro laughed as they collided at the net. “Nice game.” He smiled as Aries smirked and walked away from him to the locker room. Leo stood there staring after her not even trying to wipe the smile off his face. Aries quickly changed and put her headphones in her ears and walked to her next class. She didn’t talk to anyone and no one bothered to talk to her. Gym was over, the rest of school went back to normal. Her classes always went by in a blur; she sat in the back listening to music half paying attention. The teachers never bothered her because she did her work, she just didn’t feel the need to pay attention. She sighed when the bell rang and trudged down the hall to the cafeteria. She hated eating lunch with her classmates. They were so annoying. So loud and obnoxious, couldn’t anyone have a civilized talk with one another. “Gonna go sit in your little corner, weirdo?” Tyler, one of her fellow obnoxious, jock classmates laughed pushing by her as he walked to his table full of jocks and preps and cheerleaders. Aries flipped him off and walked to her usual spot in the cafeteria, a corner

in the back. She sat down, put her headphones on and opened a book she was reading. It only took her about two minutes to forget where she was and pretend she was somewhere she belonged. When Leo walked into the cafeteria it was as if everyone’s head turned towards him and stared. For the girls he was unlike any teenage male they had ever seen. He was absolutely gorgeous. His beautiful tan skin, that dark hair and his amber eyes were breathtaking. The guys saw him as another one of their sports buddies. He was immediately accepted. Tyler quickly called him over to the popular table and Leo smiled kindly and accepted. “Hey man, I’m Tyler, this is Darren, Ciara, Landon, Halena, Chris, and Megan.” Tyler smiled as Leo took a seat next to Ciara and him. “Hi guys, I’m Leo. It’s nice to meet you.” He smiled scanning the rest of the table of the people he wasn’t introduced to. He was kind of hoping he would see the girl from his gym class in there. “So where you from?” Ciara asked scooting a little closer to him. He just smiled at her obvious attempt at flirting with him. “I’m from Scotland.” He smiled. “Ah, so that’s where that accent comes from.” Landon smiled. “So what brings you here?” Chris asked. “Parents moved.” He said distracted as he scanned the cafeteria for the gym class girl. He finally spotted her in the corner reading a book. He was about to get up to talk to her but realized he didn’t even know her name. “Hey, who’s that over there?” He asked as they all turned to look at Aries. “Oh, that’s Aries. She’s weird.” Tyler laughed. “Yeah, Ciara laughed slipping her arm through his, she’s totally weird. She doesn’t talk to anyone and I heard she’s like witch or something. You don’t want to be seen with her.” Leo looked down at Ciara with pure disgust. What kind of person says that about anyone? “I think I can make that decision for myself.” He said shrugging her off his arm and walking over to Aries. “Whoa, can you believe this guy?” Darren laughed as they watched him. “War and Peace, huh? That’s a pretty serious book don’t you think Aries?” He smiled. Aries just kept reading her book not even giving him the time of day. “Hello?” He asked and received no response. He leaned over and pulled one of her headphones out of her ear. She looked up at him and for a split second he could’ve swore her eyes turned red. “Hi.” He smiled as she smirked closing her book. She stood up and walked away from him leaving the cafeteria. He stared after her and smiled. Perfect, he thought. He was all smiles when he walked back to his table. “Well that was rude of her.” Megan smirked.

“Not really, I did disturb her reading.” He shrugged letting out a small chuckle. “I still say she’s a freak.” Chris laughed and Leo could feel his blood boiling at their thoughts about her. It wasn’t right. Who the hell did he think he was? Aries thought as she stormed out of the cafeteria. Just because he was the new hot guy at school did not give him the right to speak to me, or bother me. Didn’t he get the memo from the prep tools that I was not to be messed with? She thought fuming her way to the library to finish her lunch in peace. Aries sat in the library thinking she was going to get some kind of peace but all she could think about was that Leo guy. Did he think it was funny? Was it a dare to come and talk to her? That kind of hurt her but she brushed it off. She would be out of here in a few hours. She hated school, she thought slamming her book closed and walking to her next class. Aries thanked her lucky stars that she didn’t see Mr. Leo in any of the rest of her classes. She was a free bird able to keep to herself. She was at her locker stuffing her backpack with books for homework when she felt someone staring at her. She looked up into the most peculiar amber eyes she’d ever seen. For a second she was completely drawn to them, but then she realized they belonged to Leo. “Hi, I never got to introduce myself to you. I’m Leo.” He smiled down at her. “That’s nice.” She said closing her locker and started walking away but he grabbed her arm. “Aren’t you going to introduce yourself to me?” He laughed. “No.” She said walking away. Damn, he thought as he watched her leave the building, she was tough. He liked it. She wasn’t going to walk away from him so easily. He smiled and left after her. “Mom, I’m home!” Aries called as she walked in setting her backpack by the door. “Hey, honey! I’m in the kitchen.” Her mother, Lana, called to her as Aries walked in the kitchen to find her mother pulling out a sheet of cookies from the oven. “Ohhh cookies, what’s the occasion? Did Dad get a raise? Erick ace a test?” She asked sitting at stool. “We have new neighbors!” Her mother exclaimed happily. “Exciting.” “Yep and you are going to walk these over to them.” She smiled. ‘What? Why do I have to do it?” She whined. “Because I’m cooking dinner and maybe they have a daughter you can be best friends with. I’m tired of you being so sociably unacceptable. It’s not fair.” She said. “Aww Mom I’m ok.” She laughed. “You’re still taking the cookies. Here.” She said putting the

cookies in a basket and handing them to Aries. “Fine.” She grumbled hoping off of the stool. She trudged to the house next door and sighed as she knocked on the door. She nearly puked when the door opened. “Oh you have got to be kidding me!” She sighed as the person in front of her beamed. It was none other than Mr. Leo. This was just perfect, they thought. “Well hello, Aries. What brings you here? You stalking me already?” He laughed as she shoved the basket of cookies at him. “I’m your freaking neighbor. My mom baked these.” She grumbled as he took the basket. “They smell yummy, want to come in and have one with me?” He asked. “No I really“Who’s at the door, Leo?” She heard a big burly Scottish man ask as he walked up next to his son. He had curly brown hair and the same amber eyes as his son. He looked down at her and smiled. Aries smiled back at his father, he looked nicer than Leo she thought. Leo’s heart nearly fell out of his chest at the sight of her smile. “Dad, this is Aries, she’s our next door neighbor and one of my classmates.” He smiled. “Well hello Aries, I’m Leo’s Dad it’s nice to meet you.” He smiled holding out his hand. “Nice to meet you too, Leo’s Dad.” She smiled shaking his hand as he laughed. “I like this one, you can call me Sagittarius or you can just call me Sage.” He laughed. “Alright, Sage, well I better get home. Hope you guys enjoy the“Who’s at the door, honey!” Aries heard a smaller more feminine voice call from inside. “Hello, dear.” An older woman, Aries figured was Leo’s mother, she had long dark black hair and amber eyes as well. She smiled at Aries and looked between Sage and Leo for an explanation. “Oh, mom this is Aries. She’s a classmate and our neighbor.” Leo smiled. “Hello, Aries. I’m Leo’s mother Venus it’s so nice to meet you. You know we home schooled Leo before we moved here. So it’s nice to know he’s made a friend already. Would you like to come in for dinner?” She asked. Aries couldn’t help but love his parents. They seemed like amazing people. What happened to their son then, why did he seem like such a jerk? “Oh thank you, but no I should really get home. Enjoy the cookies.” She smiled. “Thank you, see you at school, Aries.” Leo smiled and her smile immediately faded. “Yeah.” She said walking away.

“Would you look at that, She lives right next door.” Sage laughed as they closed the door. “You guys planned this didn’t you?” Leo asked. “Now why would we do something like that?” Venus laughed. “She hates me. Do you see the way she looks at me? But I can’t help being in love with her.” He sighed. Aries walked back home and slammed the door when she came in. Her mother peeked her head out of the kitchen just in time to see her daughter storming up to her room. Aries slammed her door and flopped down on her bed. He was her NEIGHBOR! Why God why? She stared at the ceiling and wondered why it bothered her so much that he was near her. There wasn’t any guy in the school who ever approached her, why did he? Wasn’t he informed she was the weird one, the off limits girl? She knew he had to know, but it was almost comforting that somehow he didn’t care and he still approached her. She felt herself smiling a small smile. Maybe he wasn’t like the rest of the people at her school? She thought about it for a minute, it would only be a matter of time before he was. Her smile faded and she felt under her bed for her journal and began writing. The next morning Aries bounded out of her house calling her goodbyes to her parents and her little brother as she started her journey to school. She liked walking to school, her parents bought her a car but she never used it for school. She liked the challenge of getting to school the hard way, plus it cleared her head before she had to endure hell. “Good morning, Aries, would you like a ride?” Leo asked as he too walked out of his house. “No.” She said putting her headphones in her ears. “It’s a pretty long walk, or are you driving?” He asked. “I’m walking.” “Care if I join you?” He asked as she sighed yanking her headphones out of ears. “Did you not get the memo yesterday? Usually people like you don’t talk to me. I’m the weird freaky, witch girl and you are the hot jock type. We have two different groups and we don’t talk to each other. You get it?” She said as he stood there smiling at her. “You think I’m hot?” He asked as he saw her try to hide her bashful smile. “Whatever.” She said walking away but he grabbed her arm. “I know how you categorize me, but what if I told you I was nothing like that?” “I would say prove it. If you dare.” She smirked. Leo could never let a challenge go unanswered and he wasn’t about to let this one go. This one would be extremely easy. “I would love to. How about you let me take you to school?” Aries had to see this. He had no idea what awaited him at school if he took

her to school. She so loved a challenge and couldn’t resist. “Alright, pretty boy. Let’s see if you can handle it.” She said as he smiled. When they arrived at school, Aries fully expected him to park in the back of the parking lot and he would want to sneak into the school, but he proved her way wrong. He parked in the front of the school and they walked in the front doors with everyone gawking at them. “You, my friend, are going to be completely ostracized.” She laughed as he walked her to her locker. “Yeah, he sighed, but it’s worth it.” He smiled kissing her cheek and walked away. She blushed and held her cheek as she watched him walk away. What was going on here? “What do you think you’re doing with Leo, freak?” Ciara snorted slamming Aries locker shut. “I put a spell on him and forced him to take me to school. Better watch out I might put a spell on you too.” She smirked and walked away. “She’s so weird! We have to tell Leo not to hang out with her anymore, it’s too dangerous and he’s too gorgeous to be seen with her.” Ciara said to her clan. “You are so right.” Halena nodded. As Leo was changing for gym class Tyler and Darren walked over to his locker and sat down on the bench looking at him oddly. “What’s up guys?” He asked. “What were you doing with the freak, man? That’s serious popularity suicide.” Tyler laughed. “I’m supposed to care about popularity because…?” He asked not really understanding the point of it. “That’s how you get the ladies. Have you ever been to high school?” Darren laughed. “Actually no, I was home schooled until now.” He smiled closing his locker and walking out to the gym. It was his only class with Aries and he wasn’t about to spoil it. He saw her waiting at the volleyball net in her black spandex shorts and white tank top. Her long curly black hair was in a ponytail and she looked fierce. She was gorgeous, he thought. “Ready for me to beat you?” He asked as she smirked. “Sure, pretty boy. But I was hitting all the spikes yesterday.” She laughed and his heart did a flip. “You better get ready today then.” He laughed. “It’s your serve, freak.” Tyler laughed chucking the ball at Aries. Leo wanted so badly to catch the ball and chuck it right back at him. Aries saw the expression if disgust and anger on his face her heart did a flip. Was he really angry that Tyler would say that to her? “Don’t worry pretty boy, I’m used to it.” She said as he smiled. “Doesn’t mean that’s what you are.” He said as she blushed.

“Yeah, whatever.” She said throwing the ball to one of her teammates to serve. Once again their game was turned into a spiking battle between Aries and Leo. It was as if no one else was on the court they were spiking the ball back and forth each trying to out do the other. Aries found it quite refreshing that someone could keep up with her in the game for once. “Good game.” Leo smiled as the bell rang as Aries nodded walking away from him. He was getting to her. He smiled as he watched her walk away to the locker rooms. “Look man, we’re going to have to help you out with this high school thing.” Tyler laughed as they walked down the hall to their next classes. “What do you mean?” Leo asked. “Ok, it’s alright to talk to Aries in gym because she’s actually really good at everything, but after that she goes back to being the freak. The people who you should be talking to are me, Darren, Ciara, Chris and Megan. Anyone on the football team, the cheerleaders, the soccer team and the lacrosse team are all cool. No drama weirdoes, or science people. They’re off limits and uncool.” Tyler explained as Ciara smiled walking up to them. “I don’t understand why it matters?” He asked. “Because you don’t want to ruin your reputation. You’re already the hot new guy. Don’t ruin it by becoming the freak’s boyfriend. That’s just ridiculous.” Ciara laughed and Leo thought his ears would bleed from the horrible sound. “So I can’t hang out with Aries?” He laughed. “No, why would you want to? She’s a witch.” Ciara said disgusted that he would even ask that question. “Why do you say that about her?” He asked as they sat down in their class. “Well when we were little Tyler invited her to his birthday party and she lit everything on fire and nearly killed us all. It was very scary. Ever since then she’s been the freak. I haven’t seen her do anything crazy lately but I’m sure she can.” Ciara explained and Leo smiled. “She really set everything on fire?” He asked feeling his heart skip a few beats. She was still the same, he thought. “Yes, she tried to kill us all.” Tyler smirked. “That’s impressive.” He mumbled. Aries was debating whether or not she wanted to go into the cafeteria. She didn’t want Leo to sit with her or pay any attention to her. She wasn’t sure she could handle the attention she was going to get from the Tyler clan. She was perfectly fine with the way things were. She couldn’t eat in the library, she wasn’t allowed off school grounds, so she sighed and decided to sneak in the cafeteria and hide in a different corner hoping he wouldn’t see her. Maybe he wouldn’t

even come near her after he got the ear full from his new friends. They would surely forbid him to sit with her. She felt her heart clench at the thought. As much as she didn’t want him to come near her, the more it hurt at the thought that he wouldn’t. She quickly put her headphones on and pulled out her lunch bag and her War and Peace novel. Leo was a little upset when he didn’t see Aries in the cafeteria. He didn’t want to sit with the Tyler crew. They had too many rules and he wanted to talk to Aries about her fire incident. He sighed and started walking towards Tyler’s table when he spotted Aries in a different corner of the cafeteria. He smiled and walked over to her. He took off one of her headphones and smiled when she looked up at him. “You hiding from me?” He asked sitting down next to her. “I was trying to. You’re really pushing your luck with popularity.” She smirked closing her book. “Haven’t you noticed I don’t care?” He laughed. “And I wonder why is that?” “Why should I?” “Someone as gorgeous as you should feel compelled to surround themselves around more people like you.” She said and he could see the fire in her eyes and he melted. “What makes you think I’m not?” He said and she could feel herself blushing. She quickly put her book in her bag. “I need to go.” She said getting up to leave but he touched her arm and she looked down at him. “Stop running from me. I’m not out to get you. I’m not trying to hurt you. Please sit.” He said calmly caressing her arm and her knees nearly buckled under her. “I“Please.” He said as she sighed sitting back down. “What do you want from me then?” She asked. “I just want to talk. To get to know you.” He smiled never removing his hand from her arm. “Ok.” She nodded. “I hear you lit Tyler’s house on fire.” He smiled and she yanked her arm away from him. “You came over here to ask me about that?” She asked standing up her eyes blazing. “Aries, it’s not what you think. I’m not trying to pick on you.” He said trying to take her hand to calm her down. “What? Did they dare you or something? Was that what this morning was about too? You take the freaky girl to school and then you’ll be one of them?” She asked feeling her anger boil over. Leo could see her eyes changing to a fiery red. There were sparks forming around her and he knew she had hit her boiling point. She must really like him if he could get her so riled like this. For a second he was flattered, but realized there were a lot of people in the cafeteria and if

she kept this up a lot of people would get hurt. “No that’s not what it was. Please Aries, calm down before you hurt people.” He said standing up trying to get her to relax. “Before I hurt people?! What about when people hurt me?! What? That’s ok? It’s ok to hurt Aries the fucking freak!” She screamed and he could hear her sizzle. That was the wrong thing to say. “Aries…Don’t.” He said one last attempt to calm her down. Her eyes were fire as she stared at him in rage. “Fuck you.” She said as she burst into flames. Leo could hear everyone’s screams as they began to feel the heat from her. Leo sighed and put his hand out creating a force field of light around himself and Aries. He quickly threw himself over Aries to put her fire out. His body against hers startled her and her flames dispersed and she fainted in his arms. He picked her up and kept the force field around them so no one could see him jump through the ceiling window. Once they left the building the light faded and Aries and Leo were nowhere to be found. “She killed him and herself!” Ciara screamed as the whole school went into pandemonium. Leo quickly ran to his car and strapped Aries in and sped back home. This was all his fault he never should’ve brought that up about Tyler. He knew she could have a short temper but he didn’t think she would blaze like that, so quickly. And what a blaze she had, his heart was doing flips at the way her power enticed him. She didn’t have very much practice at controlling it but that was to be expected. He looked over at her and took her hand and brought it to his lips. He just hoped she wasn’t too upset with him after this. He decided it would be better for her if he left her in her own home. He put her over his shoulder and jumped to her bedroom window. He carefully climbed inside and laid her down in her bed. He smiled at the red and orange decorations and Aries and Leo zodiac symbols that were entwined in a zodiac mural on her wall. She had an Aries ram and a Leo lion on her night stand as well. He smiled and found some paper on her desk. He quickly wrote a note to her sat it on her nightstand. He left before she woke up. He had to tell his parents what happened. “Aries! Aries!” Aries woke up to her mother screaming for her in a panic as she raced up the stairs and burst through her door. “Oh God, what happened are you alright? The school called me and said they couldn’t find you and they thought you were dead!” Her mother said hugging her for dear life. “I don’t know what happened. I can’t remember. One minute I was talking with Leo and then I blacked out.” She said feeling tears come to her eyes. She knew something bad happened. “It doesn’t matter it’s ok as long as you’re alright and no one was hurt this time.” Her mother sighed kissing her head and getting up. Aries nodded and half smiled. It was always ok as long as no one else

got hurt, but what about when she was hurt. She laid back down and spotted a letter lying on her nightstand. She quickly picked it up and started reading the note from Leo. She threw off her covers and ran downstairs. “Mom I have to go next door!” She called running out the door to Leo’s house. Before she even made it to the door it was opening. Leo ran off the steps and gathered her in a hug that she was not expecting but it felt so nice she felt herself wrapping her arms around his waist. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” He asked kissing her hair. “I can’t remember what happened.” She said as she began to cry. “It’s alright. Come on I’ll explain what happened.” He said as they walked to his backyard to the hammock swinging near the edge of the yard near the small creek that ran behind their houses. He helped her onto the hammock and climbed in after her. “So what happened?” She sniffled, wiping her tears. Oddly, she felt comfortable laying so close to him like this. “Well we were talking, and I stupidly asked you about how you lit Tyler’s house on fire and you got really angry with me and you had every right to. I tried to calm you down but I couldn’t get you to relax, I failed to do that and you burst into flames. Luckily no one was hurt and I brought you home.” He explained and Aries began to cry again. “I was afraid that’s what happened. It’s a good thing no one was hurt. Thanks for telling me.” She sighed wiping her tears and starting to get up, but he tightened his arms around her. “Where are you going? Stop trying to act like you weren’t hurt by the incident.” He said as she started crying again. He actually knew she was hurt. “It never matters if I’m hurt or not. It’s always about other people if I hurt them. But no one ever cares when I get hurt, like I’m just supposed to take it or something. I mean I never meant to light Tyler’s birthday party on fire. I didn’t even know what happened. I didn’t even know what I was or why I could burst into flames. I knew I was different but I never needed people calling me a freak or a witch to rub it in. I hate who I am.” She cried and Leo’s heart broke seeing her so upset. “Aries don’t hate who you are. So you’re not like your classmates. It doesn’t matter.” He said wiping her tears. “You wouldn’t understand what it’s like to be different, what it’s like to be something that no one else is. All you have to be is the jock, you have it so easy.” She sighed. “I don’t know what it’s like to be different and something no one else is?” He laughed closing his eyes and Aries felt a large furry paw around her shoulder and the loud purr of a cat. She looked up to see a lion’s face staring down at her. She jumped up her eyes bulging out of her head. Lying next to her was a full-grown lion. It nuzzled her face and licked her cheek. She laughed and pet its mane. She looked at its

amber eyes and she smiled. Leo was different like her, but what were they? He quickly retuned to his human form and smiled up at her. “So you see you’re not the only one who’s different.” He smiled. “But what are we?” She asked. “We are reincarnations of the Zodiac. My father is Sagittarius, my mother is the Goddess Venus, I’m Leo and you are Aries. Your mother was the Goddess Athena and your father was Aquarius.” He smiled. “You knew my parents?” “Yes.” He said. “What were they like?” She asked as Leo pulled her down to lie next to him again. “Well I only met them once, when I met you, but my parents were very good friends with them.” He said kissing her hair. “We met before?” “Yes, I mean we were pretty young. You were just a baby and I was one, but I still remember you in your crib. You had red hair then.” He said running his fingers through her hair. “I dye my hair black. It’s red. I dye it every morning because it comes out at night.” She said as he laughed. “Why would you dye your hair?” He asked as she looked up at him. “Do you know how weird it is for a black girl to have natural red hair? Everyone thinks I dyed it when I go natural.” She huffed. “But you have the most gorgeous red hair. It’s like fire. Will you wear it natural for me?” He asked. “For you? What is this? What’s going on?” She laughed. “Haven’t you read about Aries and Leo?” He asked nuzzling his face in her hair kissing her temple. She’s read about the two Zodiacs Aries and Leo since she could read. She knew all about how they were meant for one another, yet they were always competitive, and challenged one another constantly, but never failed to keep each other happy. “Yes I know all about Leo and Aries, so is that the only reason you’re attracted to me? Because you have to be?” She asked as he laughed. “You’re are so damn pessimistic. Do you know since the day I met you in your crib I have waited to be with you? I fell in love with you that day before I even knew what love was. I have never been with anyone because I didn’t want to betray you.” He smiled as Aries blushed. “I don’t know what to say.” “Say you’ll wear your hair natural for me and we’ll start slow by getting to know each other.” He said as she smiled. “I can do that.” She said kissing his chin. “Ah, the guys at your school are so completely stupid to pass you up, but lucky for me I don’t have to fight anyone to get you.” He smiled

as she laughed. “I’m going to get so much shit for dating you.” “I’m worth it.” He smiled. “I’m starting to believe that.” She smiled as they laid there in a comfortable silence. Aries loved the way she fit into his arms as if she was always supposed to be there. Leo ran his fingers through her hair and massaged the back of her neck as they swung gently in the breeze. Aries felt herself dozing off to sleep and she was content to do so. “Look at them out there, Sage. It’s so cute! Leo has waited so long for this.” Venus smiled watching the two budding lovers from their patio window. “I know, dear, but it’s not going to be easy for them. Should we tell her what happened to her parents and what’s after us?” He asked wrapping his arms around his wife’s waist. “I’m not so sure we should do that yet. Let’s let them have their romance without any complications for a while. We were allowed that, it’s only fair they have it too.” She smiled up at him but Sage wasn’t so convinced. “Yes, love, I know that but we don’t have that much time.” He sighed. “We just got here, Sage, everything will be alright for a while.” She smiled kissing his cheek. Leo was content to watch her sleep on his chest. This was all he’s ever wanted was to be with her. It only took them seventeen years to find her and he knew there was something his parents weren’t telling him. Something was going to happen. It was why for the past few years they had been everywhere searching for Aries. At first he thought it was because they could see how unhappy he was without her, but then he overheard their strained upset conversations with each other about the urgency of finding her. He sighed kissing her forehead, he just hoped whatever it was they were going to be able to stay together, he didn’t know if he could handle leaving her. He heard her stomach grumbled and heard her laugh. “Are you hungry?” He chuckled. “Well I didn’t get to eat lunch since you so rudely interrupted me and made me cause a fire.” She said as he blushed. “I’m sorry about that, he laughed, would you like to stay for dinner?” “I would love to, but I need tell my mom first.” She said. “Why don’t I go with you, I’d like to meet your mom.” He smiled. “Um, ok.” She smiled getting up Leo following her. He took her hand as they walked over to Aries’ house. She was blushing the whole time he was holding her hand. “Mom?” She called out as they walked into the foyer. “Yes, honey we’re in the dining room are you going to eat?” She

called back and Aries sighed. We. That meant he was going to have to meet her whole family. “Um no, actually I was invited to eat next door and I thought I would do that.” She said sheepishly as they walked into the dining room and her mother beamed at the sight of her daughter with the young man from next door. “Well hello, Aries who is this?” Her father, Alex asked. “Uh, well this is Leo, he lives next door we go to school together. Leo this is my Dad Alex and my mom Lana, and my little brother Erick.” Aries introduced everyone. “Hello, everyone. It’s nice to meet all of you. I hope you don’t mind me stealing Aries for dinner tonight?” He smiled as everyone just sat there smiling at him. It was the first time Aries had brought a friend home since elementary school and everyone was speechless. “No, no take her.” Erick said as he laughed. “Erick! Lana laughed, no dear it’s all right if she has dinner with you. You’re parents and ours should have coffee sometime. I’ve been meaning to get over there.” Lana smiled. “Sure I’ll let them know.” He smiled. “Ok, I’ll be back later.” Aries smiled. “Take your time!” Alex smiled as they walked out of the dining room. They all looked at each other and smiled. “Can you believe that? She made a friend!” Lana smiled. “I think she made more than a friend, Mom.” Erick laughed. “Yeah I’m going to have to have a talk with that boy.” Alex said but he was all too happy to see his daughter finally interacting with people. “You have a nice family.” Leo smiled as they walked back to his house. “You don’t think it’s weird?” She asked. “What? That they’re white and you’re black?” He asked as she nodded. “I’m a Zodiac, color has never mattered to me. They’re your surrogate parents. It’s doesn’t mean anything.” He smiled kissing her cheek. “I always felt funny about it, I mean I love them to death but I never really felt like I belonged.” She shrugged as he opened his door for her. She was impressed by all of the exotic items in their home. They had masks from Africa, a Scottish flag, plants were everywhere and small statues and figurines were scatter all over the place. “Hello, Aries.” Venus smiled as she and Sage walked into the foyer to greet her. “Hi.” She smiled. “You joining us for dinner?” Sage asked. “Yeah, I hope that’s alright.” She smiled. “Of course it is! You don’t ever have to feel unwelcome here. Leo

why don’t you show her around.” Venus smiled. “Sure.” He smiled taking her hand and walking up the stairs to the right of them. Aries was intrigued by all of the pictures hanging on the wall. She liked seeing Leo as he was growing up. He was so cute. They had pictures from all over. It made her sad that she never got to do this with her real parents. She missed them everyday. “Are you okay?” He asked noticing her longing look as she looked at all of the pictures in the hallways. “Yeah, I’m fine, I just miss my parents. I never got to know them, just wished I could’ve.” She half smiled. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be, she smiled, now where’s your room?” She asked as he blushed opening a door to their left. She walked in and was impressed by the large mural of the Zodiac and in the center was a lion and a ram with their foreheads touching. His walls were a mixture of golden yellow and red. He had a poster of the Scottish flag, and a few soccer posters. He had a shelf full of books and CDs, his bed was unmade, which made Aries smile, such a male. She went to his bookshelf and smiled to see he read almost everything she did. She picked up Pride and Prejudice and looked back at him. “Jane Austen? Really?” She smiled as he blushed. “It’s a really good book.” He said as she nodded. “I can tell, she said fingering the flimsy spine of the book, how many times have you read it?” “Just a few times, he laughed, have you read it?” He asked walking over to her sliding his arms around her waist. “No, I haven’t been able to get into Jane. I read a lot of Jane Eyre, and right now I’m reading War and Peace, which is not working out, it’s so hard.” She giggled as he kissed her neck. “Take a break from War and Peace. Read Pride and Prejudice you’ll like it.” He said resting his chin on her head. “Alright I’m going to take your word for it. It better be good.” “Would I lie to you?” He laughed as she looked up at him. “Well so far you haven’t, but then I’ve only known you for two days.” She smiled. “See I’ve got a perfect track record.” He smiled leaning in to kiss her. “We’ll see about that.” She whispered. “Leo! Aries! Dinner’s ready, let’s eat!” Sage’s burly voice bellowed up to them. They jumped their intimate moment squashed and ruined. “Leave it to my Dad to ruin a good moment, Leo laughed kissing her cheek, come on you must be starving.” “I am.” She smiled taking his hand. She couldn’t believe he almost kissed her! He was doing wonders to her heart. She had never

felt like this about anyone. Sage and Venus were beaming when they sat down at the table. Aries had a feeling they knew this was going to happen between them. They were just so happy to see them together. “So, Aries, you’re a classmate of Leo’s?” Venus asked as Leo laughed. “Mom it’s ok, she knows you don’t have make small talk.” He smiled. “Oh good, well goodness honey it’s been so long since we’ve seen you! You’ve grown up so much. Are those people treating you alright?” She asked. “Yeah they’re really nice people.” She smiled. “That’s good.” Sage smiled. “So, you knew my parents?” Aries asked. “Of course we know them. Sage and I grew up with them. We have been friends since the Gods know when.” Venus laughed passing some food around the table. “What do you mean you know them? Aren’t they dead?” She asked as Sage and Venus looked at each other even Leo looked at them confused, what were they keeping from them. “I don’t know if this is the right time to get into this…” Sage said hoping to kill the subject. “But my parents are alive?” Aries asked as Venus took her hand. “Yes, dear, they’re alive. That’s all we can tell you. Everything will reveal itself in time.” She smiled squeezing her hand. “But why did they leave me with these people if they’re still alive?” She asked. “We can’t answer that, Aries. If we could we would.” Sage said giving her a small smile. Her parents were alive! She felt hope for once in her life that she belonged somewhere. “It’s okay, thank you for being honest.” She smiled. “You’re welcome.” They smiled. “So how about we go back to that small talk.” Sage said as everyone laughed. “What’s school like Leo? Do you like it?” Venus asked. “It’s weird, I’m not sure if I do.” He laughed. “Oh yeah sure, everyone loves him at school. He’s the new popular kid, who’s hanging out with the freak.” Aries laughed as they all stared at her. “They call you the freak?” Venus asked. “It’s not as bad as you think.” “Yeah it is, it’s so weird. The in crowd, I guess, told me I shouldn’t hang out with you. Because she set this kid Tyler’s birthday party on fire when they were little.” Leo said as they laughed. “You set it on fire? How old were you?” Sage asked. “Probably like four or five.” She said. “That’s very impressive, my dear.” Sage smiled.

“You should’ve seen her today, it was amazing.” Leo smiled taking her hand under the table. “Yeah well not everyone thinks it’s amazing or impressive. Why do you think people call me the freak because of things like that.” She smirked. “Oh Aries, never be ashamed of your powers. It sounds like you’re very powerful. All you need to do is learn how to control it. We can help you do that.” Venus smiled. “It’s so nice to be around people who don’t think what I am is weird. My family I know they think I’m a freak too, they’re just too nice to say it.” She sighed. Leo kissed her cheek and squeezed her hand. “I’m so glad we found you.” He smiled as she looked over at him and couldn’t help getting lost in his eyes. She felt safe and comfortable with him and his family. “Do we need to give you two a minute?” Sage laughed as they blushed. “Not yet.” Leo smiled. After dinner Leo took Aries out to the backyard again. It was a clear night and the sky was full of stars. They walked passed the hammock and across a small bridge over the creek. Aries had never been passed the creek into the wooded field behind their houses. “Where are we going?” She asked as he helped her over a fallen tree trunk. “You’ll see, we’re almost there.” He smiled as they walked a few more feet to a tall tree. Leo turned into his lion form and urged her to get on top of him. She slid on top of him and held on to his mane as he jumped up the tree. She held on tight enjoying the fact that what they were doing was so completely unreal. At the top of the large tree was a tree house. It was unlike any other tree house she’s seen. It actually was a small house with a tree inside of it. They landed on porch of the house and Leo turned back into his human form. “This is beautiful. Did you build it?” She asked fingering the wooden chairs built into the wood. “Well, part of it was here already I just added on to it.” He smiled. “It’s amazing.” She smiled “Come on, I want to show you something.” He said taking her hand and going inside of the house. There was a fireplace a bed, a few chairs a nice carpet on the floor and stairs that led onto the roof. They went up the stairs to the roof; there was a blanket and pillows lying there. Leo sat down and pulled Aries down with him. “Did you plan this?” She asked as she lay back on the pillow next to him. “Just a little.” He smiled wrapping his arms around her as she laid her head on his chest. “The stars are so pretty out here.” She sighed.

“That’s why I like this place. I’ve been out here every night since we moved here. It’s nice to look at the constellations.” He said running his fingers up and down her arm. “You know them all?” “Yeah, I was taught them everyday when I was homeschooled I’m almost glad I don’t have to learn them anymore.” He sighed as she laughed threading her fingers through his. “Well show me some.” “Mmm, alright.” He said taking their entwined fingers and pointing them at the sky. “That’s Orion, he said tracing the stars with their fingers, that’s Pisces and Cancer, the big dipper and the little dipper.” He said continuing to show her all the constellations he could see in the sky. “That’s amazing.” She laughed as he kissed her hand. “It’s silly knowledge that my parents felt I needed to know.” He laughed. “Well I think it’s great. It’s kind of cute actually.” She laughed. “You think knowing constellations is cute? I think it’s a little geeky.” “I like geeky.” She smiled up at him. “Do you? So you think I’m geeky and hot. What a combination.” He chuckled caressing her cheek as she blushed. She never got this much attention from a guy nor did a guy ever make her feel as though butterflies were going to start living in her stomach. “You don’t like it?” She laughed. “I don’t care as long as you like it.” He smiled kissing her cheek. Aries heart was beating so fast she thought it would beat right out of her chest. She’d never been kissed before and she was sure this was where their night was leading. He kissed down her cheek to her jaw; he kissed the corner of her lips and stopped to look at her. “May I kiss you?” He breathed and her heart nearly melted at his sincerity to ask her. “Yes.” She sighed as he slowly captured her lips with his. Aries thought she was going to melt right off the roof. His lips were like heaven; they were soft and felt like warm velvet against her mouth. She slowly wrapped her arms around his neck and began to kiss him back. She never wanted his lips to leave hers. Leo had waited for this moment his whole life and he was not disappointed. Her lips would forever be addicting. She tasted of strawberries and fire. He heard her small moan and smiled against her lips. She couldn’t help the moan escaping her lips, but his kiss just shot right through to her soul. She could feel herself opening up to him; she knew she would never be able to keep anything from him. How she was falling completely head over heels for him in a matter of two days was completely insane, but she knew it, she knew she was his and he was hers.

Leo had to find the strength to pull away from her or they would never be able to breathe. He didn’t want to let her lips go. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest he thought it would fall out. She was doing wonders to his mind, body, and soul. He knew he belonged to her and he knew he was going to fall for her the minute he saw her again but this was more than he expected. He gave her small kisses on her lips, and down her jaw to her neck before he gathered her in his arms. “Mmm you’re going to be addicting.” Aries smiled kissing his neck, giving him chills up and down his spine. “Same to you.” He smiled kissing her hair as she sighed. “I never thought my first kiss would be like that.” “Neither did I.” He laughed running his fingers through her hair while she ran her fingers over his chest. “I can’t believe I’m finally with you.” Leo sighed kissing her forehead as she closed her eyes and sighed. “I can’t believe you’re so damn sexy and not anything like I thought you were going to be.” She said as he laughed. “You were so ready to categorize me, do I really look like I’m going to be a conceited jerk?” He asked. “I’m sure your ego gets up there, Leo, I’ve read about your Zodiac, but I’ll remember or at least try to remember to pet it. And yes, you really do look like a cocky jock, but it entices me.” She smiled petting his hair as she smiled down at her. “Well then I guess I’ll just have to remember to keep my little ram on her toes.” He smiled kissing her again. They lay there staring at the stars talking and kissing and cuddling. Aries hoped their night wouldn’t end; she didn’t want to be away from him. She just wanted to stay on the roof of that little tree house with him forever. How did she get so lucky? Leo watched Aries as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. He knew they couldn’t stay up there all night and he would have to get her home at some point, but he couldn’t help letting her sleep. This was probably the first time she’s ever felt completely comfortable in her life and he wanted her to enjoy it. He kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair as he stared mindlessly at the sky. “Aries, my dear.” Aries heard a familiar voice call to her. She was standing in the a field covered in mist. She couldn’t see anything the mist was so thick. “Hello?” She called out. “Aries do not be afraid.” The women’s voice called to her as she saw a form coming near her. A woman dressed in a long white Grecian gown with long fiery red hair, deep brown eyes and a chocolate complexion like her own stood in front of her and Aries felt tears well up in her eyes. “M…mother?” She asked as they woman gathered her in her

arms. “Yes, my love.” She smiled down at her. “Where’s dad?” She asked looking around but the mist prevented her from seeing anything. “He couldn’t make this trip with me, I must hurry. Things are going to change soon. I need you not to be afraid of your powers, don’t be afraid of who you are. No matter what listen to what Sage and Venus need you to do. I know we left you with the McLain’s but Sage and Venus will protect you now. And do not be afraid to love Leo, he is your one; he will always protect you no matter what. And just remember hard times make a relationship stronger. We love you so much, you’ve grown up, how we miss you.” She smiled and quickly looked around as if she heard something. Aries could see the fear in her mother’s eyes. “Mom, are you alright?” She asked. “I must leave you, we will meet again soon. Wake up. You need to wake up.” She told her pushing her away from her. “No mom! No!” She screamed and shot up from Leo’s arms feeling disoriented. “Hey, are you alright?” He asked sitting up wrapping his arms around her. He felt her shaking and rubbed his hand up and down her back to calm her down. “I dreamt of my mother. I’ve never dreamt of her before.” She said trying to calm her breathing. “It must’ve been serious if she sent you a dream, do you want to talk about it?” He asked as she heaved a deep sigh. “She just told me not to be afraid of who I am, and not to be afraid to love you, she smiled, she said things were going to change soon, but what freaked me out was the fear in her eyes before she pushed me away from her.” She explained as tears welled up in her eyes. “Don’t cry, baby, I’m sure she’s okay.” He said wiping her tears away. “I don’t know, what if my parents are in trouble?” She cried as he continued to wipe her tears. “Would they want you to worry about them?” He asked as she shook her head no. “Then there’s no need to worry, we’ll know what to do when the time comes ok?” He said as she nodded and he kissed her softly. “Come on I think I should get you home now before your parents never let you out with me again.” He said as she laughed. “Honestly I don’t think they would care.” She said taking his offered hand and walking back down the latter into the tree house. Leo changed into his lion. Aries climbed on top of him and he leapt off the balcony. She screamed and laughed enjoying the sensation of her stomach rising to her throat. Leo ran in his lion form all the way to the

creek in order to save time. He really didn’t want her surrogate parents to be upset that she was out so late. Once they crossed the creek he changed back into his human form. “Do you like being in your lion form?” She asked taking his hand as they walked to her house. “Honestly, it depends on my mood. If I’m feeling like an animal I like my lion form.” He said biting her ear playfully as she laughed. “Can I turn into a ram?” “You can turn into a ram or a phoenix.” “Why a phoenix?” “Because you are the first female Aries reincarnate for a thousand years, meaning you are rare like the phoenix. No one knows why it happens.” He shrugged. “So are you the first male Leo in a thousand years?” “Yep.” “So what extra power do you get?” “Well, my darling, I come fully equipped to protect you in anyway possible.” He smiled as she blushed. “Do I need protecting? I’m independent.” She said as they walked up her steps. “Mmm yeah, well who brought you home today sweet cheeks?” He asked pulling her into his arms and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Alright well, I guess I do need protecting. So you can put out my fires huh?” She asked as he kissed her nose. “I only put out the ones that hurt others, when your flames burn for me, I like to keep it burning.” He smiled putting his forehead up to hers. “I guess that’s fair enough.” She mumbled their lips coming together for a long passionate good night kiss. “I will never get tired of kissing you.” He sighed as she kissed him again. “Neither will I.” She smiled as he left small kisses on her lips. “You need to get to bed, we have school tomorrow.” He smiled against her lips. “Kiss me one more time.” She sighed as he chuckled giving in to her request. “Good night.” He whispered. “Good night.” She smiled kissing him softly one last time before she went inside. He stood there staring at her closed door with a huge smile on his face. She was his world. He beamed as he walked back to his house. Aries leaned against her door touching her fingers to her lips. He was her world. She had goose bumps just thinking about the way he kissed. She happily bounded up the stairs to her bedroom, careful not to wake anyone.

Two dark figures walked out from behind the bushes in front of Aries’ house. They looked at each other and smiled and disappeared. Aries woke up extra early the next morning. Her hair was still black, but had streaks of bright red and blonde poking out of it. She smiled at herself in the mirror; she was not going to hide who she was anymore. She turned on the shower and washed out all the black hair dye in her hair. As she was blow drying her hair, she noticed her natural fire engine red hair had blonde and orange highlights in it. Her hair really did look like a river of fire cascading down her back. For the first time in a long time she loved the contrast of her skin color and her hair color. It really was pretty. She looked at her eyes in the mirror and sighed taking out her brown colored contacts to reveal her natural deep green eyes. So her appearance wasn’t natural for a black girl, it was who she was and she needed to start appreciating it. She put a few curls in her hair to make it flow a little better and have a little volume. She smiled at herself and started getting dressed. “Whoa, Aries, honey are you sure you don’t want to dye your hair today?” Lana asked as she walked downstairs. “Yeah I’m sure, why should I have to hide my hair?” She smiled. “You have a point I just don’t want you to get hurt.” “I’ll be fine.” She smiled. “And what time did you get in last night?” Alex asked from behind his newspaper at the breakfast table. “Um…I don’t really know…” She said sheepishly. “I’m impressed, you finally stayed out passed curfew, I want to ground you but I’m just too happy!” Alex said as she laughed. “I like you better when you wear your natural hair.” Erick said as he sat down at the table. “Well thank you Erick, I’m starting to like it better too.” She smiled. “So, are you and Leo an item?” Lana asked. “I think it’s heading that way.” She blushed. “Alright, but you better be careful with him. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.” Alex told her. “I won’t Dad, I’m fine and Leo is a perfect gentleman.” She laughed grabbing her lunch and heading for the door. “I have to go, see you later!” She smiled walking out of her house just as Leo was walking up her sidewalk. When she turned around to face him he nearly fell over. His heart was beating so fast at the sight of her and her natural hair. “Good morning.” She smiled walking up to him. He just stared down at her putting his hands in her hair. “You are absolutely the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on.” He breathed as he kissed her and her knees almost went weak. “Thank you.” She breathed trying to catch her breath. “I had no idea your eyes were green. You are gorgeous, he

sighed, I’m so lucky.” He said as she laughed. “Easy killer, I’m still getting used to being all natural.” She laughed as he took her hand and they walked to his car. “Well I like you natural.” He said opening her door for her. “Look at her Sage! She looks just like her mother. All that red hair, oh I wish they could see her now.” Venus sighed as she watched her son and Aries drive off to school. “Honey! We have a problem!” Sage called from the kitchen as Venus went to see what could possibly be a problem. She walked to the kitchen and found him standing near the patio window. “What’s wrong?” She asked as she stood next to him. He looked down at her and handed her a small black stone on the back of the stone was the letter H. “I found it sitting right outside the door.” He told her. “Do you think they’re here?” Venus asked. “I don’t know, but we’re going to have to be careful.” “Do you think Aries and Leo are ok at school?” “They should be.” He nodded. Leo once again parked his car towards the front of the school. He helped Aries with her door and took her hand as they walked inside. Almost everyone’s head was glued to the new couple. Between them holding hands and Aries’ natural hair they were quite the talk of the school. “Well you can kiss your budding popularity goodbye.” Aries laughed as he walked her to her locker. “You are definitely worth more than popularity.” He smiled. “You’re too good to me.” She smiled up at him and it was his turn to get lost in her sea green eyes. “I’ll see you in gym.” He smiled kissing her and walking down the hall to his homeroom. Aries sighed as she watched him walk away. Damn, was she lucky? She shook her head and started putting her books away in her locker and getting her books for her morning classes when someone slammed her locker shut. She looked up to find Ciara, Megan and Halena staring down at her. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing with Leo?” Ciara asked. “I’m dating him.” She said walking away from them. “Who the hell does she think she is?!” Ciara nearly screamed. “And what was up with her hair? What a freak. Leo has no idea what he’s gotten himself into. Didn’t he see what she almost did to him yesterday?” Halena said shaking her head. “We need to get them away from each other.” Megan said as a girl with platinum blonde hair pale skin, dark violet eyes dressed from head to toe in a black dress walked up to them followed by a guy with midnight hair violet eyes and pale skin dressed in black. “Did we over hear that you want to break Aries and Leo up?” The girl smiled a devilish smile.

“Uh, yeah, who are you?” Ciara said looking at them in disgust. “Well I’m Virgo and this is my twin brother Scorpio. We’re old friends of Leo and hate his decision for a girlfriend. Aries is so wrong for him.” She sighed shaking her head. “We agree!” Megan exclaimed. “Why don’t we talk.” Scorpio smiled as the new friends walked away. Aries didn’t realize how long it took to get to lunch after gym. She’d been counting the minutes until she would see Leo again after gym. It was too many minutes! She currently has five more minutes until lunch and it felt like five years. There was buzz around the school that there were two new students, Aries hadn’t seen them yet, not that she cared. Apparently, they were going to be two new popular kids. Well, that meant Leo was off the hook and they could have their relationship in peace. The bell finally rang and Aries couldn’t get out of her Spanish class fast enough. She made it to the cafeteria before Leo, so she found her usual table and pulled out Pride and Prejudice to read before he got there. Leo walked in the cafeteria and smiled spotting Aries in her usual spot. He passed the popular table not even giving it a second glance and walked right over to Aries. He kissed her cheek as he slid her headphone out of her ear. She smiled and kissed him putting down her book so she could wrap her arms around his neck. “I missed you.” He smiled sitting down next to her putting her legs over his lap. “I missed you too.” She blushed. “How do you like the book?” He asked. “It’s so slow! Does she have to explain every little thing?” She asked as he laughed. Ciara was green with envy as she, Halena, Megan, Darren, Tyler and Chris stared at the couple in shock and disgust. They couldn’t believe Leo was dating the freak of the school. He had all the potential to be one of them, good looks, good personality, good at sports, but he was dating the freak! “That should be me.” Ciara grumbled turning away to eat her lunch. “Well it could be you.” Scorpio said as he and Virgo walked up to their table. “It sure could, we just have to get them to break up and he’s all yours.” Virgo smiled. “What do we have to do?” Tyler asked. “Let us go soften up the situation first.” Scorpio smiled slyly as they went to Aries’ and Leo’s table. Leo immediately tensed when he felt Virgo and Scorpio approaching. He looked over his shoulder and felt himself let out a growl at them.

“What’s going on? Are you alright?” Aries asked as he looked back at her. “Virgo and Scorpio, they’re like us. They’re twins, but they’re evil. I don’t know what they’re up to.” He explained. “Leo, darling. Long time no see. You didn’t even call me when you left me.” Virgo said feigning sadness. “What do you two want?” He growled putting his arm in from of Aries to act as a barrier. “We just came over to say hello, and to introduce ourselves to the new Zodiac.” Scorpio smiled at Aries and she could feel her skin crawl at his sly smile. “Hello, Aries. I’m Scorpio and this is Virgo. We go way back with your boyfriend here. You see he and my sister used to be a couple, bet he didn’t tell you that.” He smiled. Aries felt a pang of jealousy and hurt from his words. Not that it should really matter but Leo hadn’t mentioned he was with anyone before her, actually he said he hadn’t been with anyone. It had to be a lie. “Yes, and he left me didn’t even say goodbye. Isn’t that right Lee Lee?” Virgo said running her finger seductively down his cheek. “Stop it. You know that’s a lie.” Leo said batting her hand away from him. “Do we? I’m not so sure you’re girlfriend does.” Virgo laughed as they walked away. Leo looked at Aries who looked at him in disbelief. She so wanted to believe it was a lie but how was she to know? She didn’t know anything about him or his life before he showed up here. What was she thinking? Leo’s heart broke at the doubt in her eyes. He knew they just officially met, but he had promised himself he would explain things to her once they had the time and once they got to know each other better. He never wanted to see her doubt him so quickly. “Is it true? I mean not that it really matters; you had a different life that I don’t know about. What’s being a couple to you might mean something completely different to me, right?” She said smiling a weak smile. “Aries, we never dated, were a couple or anything like it, he sighed, their parents tried to get my parents to agree to an arrange marriage, but my parents wouldn’t do it because they knew of my feelings for you already, but Virgo always seems to think we had something. I was never ever with her.” He explained and Aries felt relief fill her. She didn’t understand why it would bother her so much, but something deep in her heart knew that Leo was meant for her and it pained her to think of him with anyone else. “I feel like such an ass. I’m sorry I doubted you.” She smiled hugging him. “It’s okay, I would’ve reacted the same way.” He smiled but Aries could still see the worry in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” She asked as he took her hand and her bag and quickly walked out of the cafeteria. “What got into them?” Tyler laughed. “Don’t worry our little plan is working.” Scorpio smiled. Leo dragged Aries through the halls and out the back doors of the school careful not to be seen by any teachers or monitors as he made their way to his car. They needed to talk to his parents. He needed to know why the twins were in their town. He knew they knew something. “Leo! What is going on?” Aries said yanking her hand out of his grip as he held her door open for her. “Get in the car.” He barked and Aries crossed her arms her eyes flaring. “Not until you tell me what’s going on.” She said as he looked up at the sky in frustration. Couldn’t she just do what he asked? “I can’t tell you right now, I just need you to get in the damn car.” He said trying to keep his own temper in check. “Why can’t you tell me what’s so important that we have to leave school right this minute?” She asked as Leo roared startling her. “I don’t want to fight, Aries. Get in the goddamn car!” He growled as she stared at him. “No.” She said starting to walk away, but he grabbed her arm and turned her around to him. He pressed a glowing finger to her forehead and she fainted in his arms. He quickly strapped her into her seat and got in himself. He really didn’t want to do that but she could be so ridiculously stubborn! Why couldn’t she just get in the car and he would explain it later? I mean good God was it that hard? He thought and started laughing. He loved her; only his Aries counterpart would still defy him after he roared. Aries came to a little time later as Leo was driving down the road leading to their houses. She felt a little disoriented as she sat up wondering why she was in the car. She looked over at Leo and their altercation outside the school came back and she felt her anger rushing back to her. Her eyes flared and she punched him hard in the shoulder. “Don’t you ever do that to me again.” She seethed. Leo couldn’t help the smile that crept over his face. “I’m sorry, but you were being so damn stubborn I didn’t know what else to do.” He said taking her hand kissing her fingers. “I just don’t get why you couldn’t explain anything to me.” She huffed. “I didn’t want Virgo and Scorpio to hear me. We need to talk to my parents. It’s odd for those two to be here. I want to know why and I didn’t want to leave you at school alone with them, plus you need to hear it too.” He explained as he pulled into his driveway. “Oh, so we’re in danger?” She asked.

“I’m not sure. Come on.” He said getting out of the car and hurrying into his house with Aries on his heels. “Mom! Dad! We need to talk!” He said walking into the foyer. His parents were nowhere to be found but there was a small note on the kitchen table. Leo picked it up and sighed. “Aries, we have to leave for a few days.” He said turning around to look at her. “What? Leave? I can’t just up and leave. What do I tell my parents?” She asked. “My parents already informed yours. They left them a note and called your parents telling them it’s a school field trip. We need to leave now. Our plane leaves in an hour.” He said taking her hand and going back out to the car. “Plane? Where are we going? What is going on?!” She said as he held her door open for her. “We’re going to Scotland.” He said backing the car out of the driveway and speeding down the road to the highway. “But don’t we need to pack? What’s the rush? Are we in trouble?” She asked as he kissed her hand. “I’m not sure if we’re in trouble, but going to Scotland must mean it’s serious. We have clothes at our Scotland house. So don’t worry, my parents have been planning emergency situations like this for a long time. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone and I’m so sorry to put you through all this so soon. I didn’t think we would have any problems yet and we could be a normal couple.” He sighed as she kissed his cheek. “My life has never been normal, hell this is more normal to me than having a cookie cutter relationship. So don’t worry, Leo, I’m not really freaking out I just want to know what’s going on. Plus a free trip to Scotland is so cool!” She smiled as he laughed. “It’s not going to be a vacation, but I’ll try to make it as enjoyable for you as I can.” He smiled kissing her. “Where do you live there?” “Glenshea.” He said his thick Scottish burr coming back. She smiled feeling butterflies in her stomach, his accent was so gorgeous. “Sounds pretty. How long is the flight? I’ve never been out of the country. Oh God Leo I don’t have a passport!” She said as he laughed. He was glad she was this curious about the trip and not freaking out. “The flight is about eight hours, if we have a straight flight or about twelve if we have a lay over. Look in the glove compartment, your passport is in there.” He said as she opened the glove compartment and a passport and visa fell out into her hands. She opened the passport and sure enough her picture was there. It was a perfect picture as if she had taken it herself. “How did you get this? It looks just like me.” She said as he blushed.

“It is you. Over the years I would get glimpses of you in my mind. I don’t know why it happened but it just did. My parents figured out a way to get the pictures of you out of my head and we were able to get you a passport from the pictures in my head. It’s weird and sounds a bit stalker like and I’m sorry.” He explained as she laughed. “You really like me don’t you?” She asked as he shook his head. “No I don’t like you, Aries, I happen to be in love with you.” “I don’t know what to say.” She blushed. “You don’t have to say anything until you’re ready.” He said kissing her hand. The drive to the airport only took fifteen minutes. They hurried through Baltimore International Airport and boarded their plane in no time since they didn’t have any baggage to check. “I’m nervous.” Aries whispered to him after they were seated. “Why?” He asked threading his fingers through hers. “I’ve never flown before.” She said holding his hand for dear life as the plane started moving. “You’ll be fine I promise.” He said kissing her head. He was very wrong. Aries was air sick. The pressure from the cabin combined with the turbulence had Aries vomiting in the barf bags provided. Leo felt so bad; he didn’t think she would be air sick since she could turn into a bird, for heaven’s sake. “Are you alright?” He asked as she came back from the bathroom for the tenth time. “Don’t they have sedatives on this thing?” She asked as she sat down. He just laughed. He wrapped his arm around her and she laid her head on his shoulder. “Is it alright if I make you pass out?” He whispered kissing her ear. She nodded as he put a glowing hand to her forehead and he felt her body go limp. He ran his fingers through her hair while he closed his eyes and prepared for a long flight home. “Excuse me sir, would you and your wife like dinner?” The stewardess asked Leo waking him from his light slumber. She stood their smiling brightly with the dinner cart next to her. “Um, no thanks, but could I have two waters and a glass of wine?” He asked as she smiled handing him two bottles of water and a mini bottle of wine. “Thanks.” He smiled as she continued down the aisle. He hated airplane food and never ate it. He figured the food would just make Aries sick, but she needed to drink something. The wine was for her too, he figured if he got her a little tipsy she might enjoy the ride better. He put his hand to her forehead and felt her jump slightly. “Good morning, he smiled, I got you some water and wine. You weren’t hungry were you?” He asked as she shook her head no. “Thank you.” She said taking the water feeling extremely groggy. She took a sip of the water and sighed. “You alright?” He asked rubbing the back of her neck.

“I’m just groggy.” She half smiled. “Here drink this.” He said taking the water from her and giving her the wine. “I don’t think I’m supposed to“Just drink it, it’ll make you feel better.” He smiled as she shrugged drinking the wine down. She actually thought it was a pretty decent tasting drink. She must have the taste for it. She could feel it creeping up her neck, since it was her first drink in her life it immediately went to her head. “Can I have another one of those?” She asked as he laughed signaling the stewardess. She was all too happy to bring them more wine. And Aries got plastered on her first flight to another country. She felt a lot better about being on the plane, she didn’t even get air sick and more. She loved wine! “Leooooo.” She laughed kissing his cheek. “Yes, my dear?” He smiled as she giggled kissing his neck. “You taste like man.” She said licking his neck. “Aries, you need to stop.” He laughed. Maybe wine was a bad idea, he thought trying to keep her hands in decent places. “Why? They think I’m your wife, and wives touch their husbands.” She smiled running her hand up his shirt. “I would love to have to touch me anywhere you wanted, but we’re on a public airplane right now and we can’t do this.” He said pulling her hand from his shirt. “Kiss me.” She said as he smiled kissing her feeling this was a good opportunity to make her pass out again. Before he even had the chance to work his magic she passed out in his lap. She was going to feel that when they landed, he smiled putting the blanket over her and going to sleep himself. Aries was still passed out when they landed in Edinburgh. Leo barely got her to wake up enough to walk off the flight and get through customs. She was dragging her feet through the airport. “Leo, I’m so tired.” She said as he laughed. “Well that’s because you had a bottle of wine on the flight.” “I what? Can we sit for a minute?” She asked. “Why don’t I just carry you?” He laughed picking her up. She wrapped her arms around his neck and fell asleep. That was the last time he ever let her drink on a flight. He spotted his parents standing near the arrivals gate; they waved excitedly as Leo walked over to them. “What happened to Aries?” Sage laughed. “She gets air sick. Can you believe it? So I gave her wine and she didn’t eat anything and she kept drinking the wine and got drunk so now she has a hangover.” He laughed. “Oh lord, it was her first flight huh?” Venus laughed. “Yeah, but we made it!” He laughed.

“Well let’s hurry we have much to talk about.” She said as they walked to their car. It was another two hour drive to their home in the hills of Glenshea. As they were driving Aries woke up to the Scottish hills passing her by. She sat up and looked around. “Oh my God. I’m in Scotland!” She exclaimed happily as everyone laughed. “Well good morning to you too.” Leo laughed giving her a small kiss. “Thank you for carrying me. I guess that’s a hangover huh?” She asked as he laughed. “Feeling better Aries?” Sage laughed. “Yes, much better. I think I had first flight nerves.” She laughed. “Yeah it’s okay, that happened to me too.” Venus laughed. Aries was so captivated by the scenery passing her by as they drove the rest of the way to Leo’s residence. She gasped at the sight of his home, it was HUGE! To Aries the large stone manor looked like a castle to her. It sat on a hill with mountains in the background. There were long rolling fields surrounding the house. They had to drive over a small bridge to get to the humongous driveway. “Good God, do you live in a castle?” She asked as they laughed. “It’s been in the family for a long time, passed down to each Sagittarius and Venus reincarnates.” Sage explained as he parked the car and they entered the house. The floors were all hardwood, she thought the walls would look weird being stone but they were stone and wood mixed together. There were pictures and trinkets and plants everywhere. She felt at home immediately. From the foyer there was a long hallway leading to what she assumed to be the kitchen and the backyard. There was a large living room to her left with high ceilings and a large fire place. To her right were stairs leading to the upper floors. She looked up and there was a large Chandelier hanging at the top of the house. She could see all the way to the top floor. “Um, let me show you to your room.” Leo said taking her hand. “Your home is beautiful.” She breathed letting Leo lead her up the stairs. “Thanks.” He laughed. She admired the paintings and pictures hang on the walls as they walked up the long flight of stairs. They went up to the third floor, she couldn’t believe there were more than two floors to his home, it was unbelievable. He took her to the second door on the right. It was a bright red door with an Aries zodiac symbol on it. She smiled and looked at him curiously. “Was this planned too?” She laughed. “Of course, we’ve always had a room for you, just like your parents always had a room for me in their home.” He smiled opening the door and Aries nearly choked on her own spit at the size of her room. She had a queen size bed with a red comforter and orange and red silk draping. On her walls were posters of her favorite bands and

actors and actresses. She had a Zodiac mural just like the one in her room at home with Aries and Leo in the center. She had her own private bathroom, TV, telephone, and computer. Her closet was full of clothes, she needed nothing. “Leo, she gasped, how, I mean, when? I don’t know what to say.” She breathed as he laughed. “Aries, it’s nothing. We wanted you to feel as at home as possible. I’m sure if we went to your parents’ house it would be the same way.” He smiled kissing her head. “My parents have a house here too?” She asked. “No, you lived in Italy and when they sent you away their home was destroyed. I’m sorry.” He apologized as she smiled. “Don’t be sorry.” She said kissing his chin. “Oh, this door, he said walking to the right to an oak door next to her bed, this leads to my room. Just, you know, if you need me or anything.” He blushed. “I’ll keep that in mind.” She smiled loving the fact that he was blushing. “Well I’ll let you freshen up. I’ll come get you in a little bit ok?” He said as she smiled up at him kissing him softly. “Ok.” She said as he walked to his room. Aries turned around and smiled at her room. She ran and jumped on her bed. She was home, she sighed. She went through her closets and drawers. She was impressed everything was new and was her size, it was so weird, yet somehow romantic. She took a shower enjoying the fact that she was in Scotland at her boyfriend’s house who happened to be her soul mate. She smiled as she dried off and changed into her new clothes. She wore a pair of black leggings and a long forest green sweater that hugged her curves quite nicely. It was a little colder in Scotland in October than Maryland, but it was still gorgeous, she wasn’t going to complain. While she was fixing her hair she heard a knock on the door that connected her room to Leo’s, she smiled quickly going to the door. “Hey, you look nice.” Leo smiled kissing her cheek. “Thank you, so do you.” She smiled. He was dressed in a pair of dark denim jeans and a black sweater that outlined his muscles very nicely. He never dressed like this at school, she thought, probably a good thing. “I was wondering if you were ready? I figured we should see what’s going on.” He said. “Yeah I’m ready.” She said taking his hand and they walked downstairs to the sitting room where his parents were talking in hushed tones. They looked weary and worried as they looked up at them from the couch. Aries and Leo sat on the couch opposite them and waited for an explanation. “Well we’re sure you two know you aren’t here for fun, Sage began, we didn’t think we would have to do this so soon, but it seems

that we were horribly wrong.” He said as Venus took his hand for support. “Aries, it’s time you knew the whole story behind your separation from your parents, she sighed, there are Zodiac and God reincarnates as you know. Hades and Persephone had twin children Virgo and Scorpio. You know Hades is the king of the underworld and Persephone his wife, well everyone knows that you and Leo were always and forever meant to be together. It’s been like this since Zeus was created and probably before that. Everyone knows what happens to reincarnates no matter when they are born or what gender they are.” Venus explained. “Well after we introduced Leo to you for the first time when you were just a wee little thing and he took to you so quickly, we knew once again that your destinies were to be with one another like always. You probably don’t remember this, Leo, but about a year after you met Aries we had a run in with Hades and Persephone and their two children. When Virgo first set her eyes on you she fell in love with you. It was an on reincarnation year for Virgo and Scorpio because they are meant to be together but they ended up being inseparable twins. It happens to them sometimes but for their reincarnation life they are just meant to be alone but very close to their brother or sister. But instead of Hades and Persephone taking that life for their children they deemed Virgo and Leo to be together. We tried to talk to them and tell them that in couldn’t happen and would never work, but they wouldn’t hear of it.” Sage said as Aries squeezed Leo’s hand. “So, Hades had the bright idea to take your whole family out Aries. Of course we warned your parents what happened when we ran into them. So they quickly took action and had you adopted by close friends of theirs, the McLain’s. Once you were adopted there was no help for your parents, Hades sent his underworld minions to kidnap you and your parents but obviously he was only able to capture them and not you. No one knew where you were and poor Leo was devastated. We tried to explain to you that we couldn’t go looking for Aries because she was in a safe place and you needed to stay there. We finally gave in and started looking for you when Leo refused to eat anything. It isn’t right for you two to be separated, most Aries and Leo reincarnates are with each other their whole lives. You never got to feel the bond as strongly as Leo did because you were still a baby so you were alright without him.” Venus explained as Leo kissed Aries’ hand. “Your parents did a very good job of hiding you and masking you from the Zodiac world. It took us forever to find a trace of you. We never would’ve been able to find you if Leo didn’t get visions of you. So once we found you we thought everything would be all right for a while and we wouldn’t need to tell you all of this, but then Virgo and Scorpio showed up and we got one of Hades death stones we knew we had to

explain everything. We had to come here because this place is hidden from Gods and Zodiacs. I’m not sure how long we should stay but I do know that we need to work on your powers Aries. We need to be prepared for anything.” Sage said. “So let me get this straight, my parents are in some kind of hellish underworld, Virgo wants Leo, and the whole Hades clan wants me dead?” Aries asked. “Um, yes pretty much.” Venus nodded. “Bet you wish we never met huh?” Leo smirked getting up and walking out of the house. Aries just looked after him, feeling a little hurt that he would think she would be upset that they met. Why would this upset her? “Don’t worry, Aries. He gets upset when things could hurt you. He had an attitude for seventeen years because we couldn’t find you.” Sage chuckled. “I’m gonna go talk to him.” She said walking out the front door after him. “They’re going to be alright right?” Venus asked hugging Sage. “Yeah, you know how those two signs are. All fire, passion and deep love. They’re going to be fine.” He smiled kissing her hair. Leo needed to clear his mind. He didn’t understand why this had to happen to them. Any other Aries-Leo couple had it easy. They were together from birth until they died. His lover was taken from him for seventeen years and now they have to fight to be together all because another Zodiac couple doesn’t want to take what the Fates decided for them. He roared turning into his lion for and took off running into the field behind his house. “Leo! Wait!” Aries called running after him. Figures, he would get all riled up and run away, she fumed running through the trees and forest after him. She didn’t even know why she was going after him, but she knew she needed to. Her pride wouldn’t let her turn back without talking to him and she knew he needed to be with her right now instead of scampering off to be alone. What freaking jerk! She thought tripping over yet another tree branch. She was about ready to burn down the whole entire forest to find his stupid ass. She’d been looking for him for at least a half an hour now, it was starting to get dark, and she was tired and freaking hungry. It was getting hard to see and once again she tripped over another fallen tree branch. She couldn’t catch her balance as her ankle rolled and she went plummeting off a small cliff. She screamed and landed on a soft furry puff of moving hair. She gripped Leo’s mane as he landed back on safe ground and turned back into his human form. She quickly pushed herself off of him too angry to even be around him at this point. When her feet touch the ground she nearly fell to the ground, her ankle buckling underneath her. Leo quickly grabbed her arm to steady her. “I’m fine.” She said pushing away from him and limping away.

“Aries.” He called as she turned around her eyes blazing in anger as she limped back to him. “You knew I was following you. You were fucking following me too weren’t you?” She said pointing her finger in his chest. He smiled taking her hand and kissing it. “I knew, yes. I thought it was cute.” He smiled making her even angrier. Spark snapped around her and she could feel her temperature rising, he drove her insane! “I’m going to walk away now and I don’t want you to follow me.” She said deathly calm as she turned around and began limping away from him. Leo just smiled watching her walk away, he loved it when she got angry with him; she was so sexy that way. “Aries, you’re hurt. Let me help you.” He said touching her arm before she could limp too far away from him. “No, I don’t want your help.” She said as he completely ignored her and picked her up. “I’m sorry.” He apologized kissing her shocked, angry face. She couldn’t help but melt in his arms and wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him back. “I forgive you, she sighed, don’t do that again. I was worried about you. I didn’t want you to think I regretted being with you because of all this stuff going on.” She said kissing his cheek. “You don’t? I mean your life would be a lot easier without me around. Sometimes I think it would’ve been better if we never found you.” He said sitting her down on a tree stump. “Leo, honestly my life would’ve continued to be hell without you. I was miserable until you showed up in gym class. I don’t regret this.” She said watching him kneel at her feet. She watched as his hand glowed a gold hue as he put his hand on her twisted ankle. “Aries, we haven’t even begun to fight. This isn’t going to be easy, he said as she felt his hand heat up as he healed her ankle, you can tell me at any time if you don’t want to do this. I can take you home and you’ll never have to see me again.” He said as she put her hands on his cheeks making him look at her. “You don’t mean that do you?” She asked feeling tears well up in her eyes. She couldn’t imagine being without him now. It wasn’t an option. “I do.” He said as a tear escaped down her cheek. “How can you say something like that? What am I supposed to do without you? Not seeing you? Why would you say that, how would I survive?” She said as more tears escaped her eyes. Leo wiped her tears away and kissed her softly. “Aries, I never want to leave you or be away from you, but I couldn’t stand it if you didn’t want to be with me or you were in harm because of me. I love you too much for that. Do you understand? I only want you to be safe and happy.” He told her as she nodded.

“I don’t want to be without you, I’m happy and safe right here.” She said as he kissed her. His heart melted at her confession and it calmed his mind. He didn’t want her to feel trapped in their relationship as if she had to be there. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck taking the kiss even deeper. Her kisses always reached down into his soul and held tight, she would always and forever be etched on his heart. “Are we ok now?” She breathed kissing him softly. “We’ll always be ok.” He smiled against her lips. “I love you.” She whispered as he pulled away from her just to see her eyes. He stared at her seeing the truth in her eyes and he smiled. “I love you too.” He whispered kissing her again.

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