Myworkster (a Millenial Project)

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,541
  • Pages: 32
Young Alumni Endowment (A Millennial Give Back Project)

©2008 MyWorkster Enterprises, LLC Plainview, NY All Rights Reserved Patent Pending

Forward Looking Statements This presentation contains forward-looking statements based on our current expectations about our company and our industry. You can identify these forward-looking statements when you see us using words such a “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate” and other similar expressions. These forward-looking statements may involve uncertainties. Our actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason even if new information becomes available or other events occur in the future.

Traditional Giveback Typically, colleges raise nearly half of their gifts from only one percent of their donors. They identify volunteer leaders among the alumni and local community, as well as size up the list of potential donors. They open communication channels and raise funds. Here is the question you need to ask: This methodology is successful and reliable, but is it enough with Millennials?

Millennials Are The Future

The Millennials are moving an ever-larger share of their offline lives and habits onto the Web. Tapping into this new generation depends upon how well universities understand the evolution of social networking in general, and the Millennials in particular.

Who Are They? • The millennials breathe technology and live online. • They grew up using the Internet, cell phones, Facebook and text messaging. • Millennials are extraordinarily different than their Generation X parents. • They are redefining everything from how we socialize and learn to how we elect public officials.

Young Alumni Giveback • Engaging your constituents via the web is not just

an opportunity; it is a responsibility. • Universities are in a position to lead the world in

exploring new millennial giveback frontiers. • The traditional concept of top-down, one-way

communications is dead. (It is not dying, it is DEAD). • Harnessing new technology will ultimately lead to

increased endowment and more reach/access.

Your Concerns • Accessibility and reach; • Young alumni engagement and attraction; • Currently low and declining alumni participation rates; • Poor response rates and low net dollars raised (in spite of high average gifts); • Use of current tools to entice young alumni are failing; • Growing staff frustration.

Your Constituent’s Concerns • Accessibility; • Existing financial problems; • Inconvenience; • Feeling disconnected; • Disappearance of the University community connection (once they graduate, it’s over for most).


Is there a solution?

The Internet • Growing as the dominant form of mass media • Now preferred over TV • In more than 60% of U.S. households • People average more than 17 hours a week online • 53% of users trust the internet (that # was 37% just 5 years ago) • Statistically, over 92% of your students and young alumni use Facebook.

Shattering Communication Concepts

Information Exchange Last week, your constituents most likely interacted with people from all over the world...

family, friends, classmates, co-workers and even strangers. Common thread: They all wanted to know more about each other.

The Demand Now you’re probably thinking: • Why aren’t my constituents connected to the University and

to each other through the University? • Why isn’t the whole constituent base connected

with each other and the University? • How would belief systems, trends and tendencies change if

they were?

How Do You Take Action? • Better understand the audience; • The focus on getting them interested again; • Instead of telling them what you want them to hear, let them hear it from each other in ways that are familiar; • Literally put yourself in the shoes of the millennials (i.e. become a member of Facebook).

How It Is Accomplished? How do you keep in touch with your alumni when they leave? Email? Snail mail? Cold calls? Is this effective? Perhaps the answer lies in asking the question: “How do they keep in touch with each other?”

Facebook You cannot compete with Facebook. You must learn to work WITH Facebook and harness similar, proven technologies. There are also tools to tap into your vast network of constituents on Facebook and market to them in a way that resinates and delivers the right message. We get it!

"Facebook Connect is the next evolution of the Facebook Platform - enabling you to integrate the power of the Facebook platform into your own network with MyWorkster."

Defining Effective Marketing “Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers (Millennials) and for managing relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.”

Organic Marketing • Social Networks are uniquely capable of reconnecting Alumni. Today you develop your brand through collaboration, organic interaction and trusted mediums. • Videos, photos, blogs, social interactions and real-time news-feeds carry multiple visual representations of what an organization “stands for” and represent your University organically in a way that words alone cannot; • People have a natural inclination to reciprocate when they receive something that they believe has value; • People are more inclined to donate or join an organization to which they have an affinity; • Accessible information relative to your school, class, industry and interests will create affinity; • Engaging your collegiate community in an intimate social network enhances the “pride” meter, which continues to grow as your network is strengthened with members and activity; • Social networking can’t help but push that “pride” button when you have a strong community; • A feeling of ownership creates donors.

Customers Buy For Their Reasons, Not Yours They (Millennials) aren’t influenced by your opinion, they are influenced by what their friends think: “Because they are immersed in media, both online and off, Millennials are marketed to left and right. But when it comes to making decisions, Millennials tend to rely on their network of friends and their recommendations, not traditional ads”, says James R. Palczynski, retail analyst for Ladenburg Thalmann & Co.

How Do We Get Started?

If you build it, they will come...

Push your brand and initiatives via video content in a non-intrusive, organic way.

Spark conversation and communication with your community while making your organization more accessible and transparent in an effort to increase participation and giveback.



Give back portals are located in convenient and easy to reach places. Your constituents are constantly reminded of their presence without the need for direct marketing.



“If everyone else is doing it, I should” (thought). As members in your community are seeing their peers give back, they are more likely to give back themselves. This mentality translates into every activity inside of your network. The Internet provides the perfect medium to take advantage of this phenomenon with alumni give back, event participation, and mentorship activity.

Why It Works Imagine how difficult it will become for your alumni not to log in and contribute continually. An alma mater that continues to show its affinity to its beloved alumni by providing valuable resources after graduation creates an environment that an alum simply cannot ignore. Actual Message sent to one of our client’s support Email: “Thank you for finally connecting me to the University's community in a way that is meaningful to me!”

Are There Other Options? •

Utilizing Facebook and LinkedIn is a great start for your organization but they aren’t good enough for University use.

Why? Lack of tangible access and ability to aggregate/influence content.

Universities need similar millennial technology to grow a loyal following and a strong constituency to harvest donations.

With the online community, you are going beyond sheer numbers. Your constituents want to provide feedback and interact with your organization in ways that are very exciting and valuable. The information you can gain is invaluable.

Product Distinction MyWorkster is the only system on the market designed to meet the stringent requirements and recommendations of:

• • •

Universities Alumni/Advancement Organizations Millennials

Execution Capitalize on operational expertise and a natural market trend towards increased giveback through organic development system via increased relevance and accessibility; A resources that combines technological advancement with customer service committed to your University’s success; Coupled with necessity, an aggressive marketing strategy will aggregate as much targeted, quality content quickly.


Soft Targets

• Revenue Target: $10 Million • Estimated Population Target: 35k alumni • Estimated Time Frame: 3 Years • ROI: Roughly 4,000%


Project Budget Project costs?

The old days of expensive and annual software costs are over. Today is about low cost, Internet based resources:

• Administrative Access

• Marketing and Promotion

• Facebook Member Acquisitions • Research and Materials

• Unique API For Data Transfer

$10-25k (one-time fee)

Endorsement of Our Technology “I want to thank MyWorkster for developing a networking system for universities and employers across the country. I am continually blown away by the constant development and innovation that is “MyWorkster”. It is very exciting. I am grateful for MyWorkster’s energy and support of Farmingdale State College and I believe that this resource is an enormous value to our alumni, our students, and the employers with whom we work. You have created a phenomenal portal, and one that all colleges want to provide for their campuses.” - Farmingdale State College

Thank You Confidential. Please do not distribute.

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