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Final Exam Greek Mythology Guide ZEE ZEE·MONDAY, MAY 1, 2017

Achilles: Baptized in the River Styx by mother, Thetis: mermaid goddess, in order to protect him. Fake husband of Iphigenia. Son of Peleus and Thetis. Refused gifts of Agamemnon. Refused to goto War along with Odysseus. Acrisius: Father of Danae. Grandfather of Perseus. Adrastus: Killed Atys, Croesus’s son. Fled home because he killed a family member and needed to earn forgiveness, offers to kill wild boar and Croesus's son wants to watch, threw a spear at the charging boar missed, and killed Croesus son, Atys. Aegean-Sea: Body of water named after suicide king: Aegeus. Aegisthus: Son of Thyestes who murders Atreus, his uncle, and plans the murder of Agamemnon with Clytemnestra. Aegeus: Jumped off of a cliff after seeing black sails, father of Theseus, King of Athens. Aeneas: Surviving member of the royal family of Troy. Aeneid: Poem about the surviving member of the Royal Family of Troy. Aeolus: God of the winds Agamemnon: Husband of Clytemnestra. Stole the woman of Achilles. Has a slave, Cassandra. Achilles believes Agamemnon violated Themis. Achilles felt that Agamemnon had violated Themis as well - he had ordered the men into battle, did not go himself, then took the prize away (the slave woman) from the men that had gone into battle. To Achilles, Themis had been turned upside down by Agamemnon. Ajax: Fell on his own sword. Recovered body of Achilles. Outspoke by Odysseus for the armor of Achilles.

Alcmena: Mother of Heracles's mom. Hurt by the goddess of childbirth. Woman who Zeus seduced as her own husband. Ambrosia: Special food of the gods, includes nectar. Andromache: The Greeks threw her son off of the tallest tower. Wife of Hector. Given as a slave. Andromeda: Woman chained to a rock at sea. Wife of Perseus. Antigone: Daughter of Oedipus who went with him to exile. Creon sentenced Antigone to death. Buried Polynices. She is sealed in a tomb. Aphrodite: Makes Helen fall in love with Paris. Apples-of-Hesperides: Golden fruit labor. The 11th Labor of Heracles. Daughters of the evening, three guardians of the tree with the Golden Apples. Archimedes Tested purity of metal without destroying it. Argo: First Ship built by Jason. Argonaut: Sailors on the Argo. Ariadne: Daughter of Minos in love with Theseus. Gave Theseus the way to get through the labyrinth. Woman forgotten on an island. Artemis: followed by Hippolytus. Commands Agamemnon to kill Iphigenia. Athena: Primary god of Athens. Asexual Goddess from Zeus’s Head. Mother is Metis, goddess of wisdom. Broke the tie determining the fate of Orestes. Gave Achilles back his spear. Zeus’s favorite Daughter. Gave the gift of the Olive Tree in Athens. Weaver cursed by Athena to be a spider. Gave Perseus advice. Put Medusa's head on her breastplate. Athens: Capitol of Greece. Medea takes refuge here. Atlas: Father of the daughters of Hesperides. Holds the heavens. Turned to stone by Perseus.

Atreus: Fed Thyestes, his brother, his own sons. Killed by Aegisthus. Pan gave him the ram with the golden fleece. Son of Pelops and Hippodamia. Has two sons himself: Menelaus and Agamemnon. Given a golden ram by Pan. Son of Pelops and Hippodamia. Atys: Croesus’s son, killed in Boar Hunt by a man made weapon. Boar hunt: Event in which Croesus’s son, Atys, was killed. Calypso: Woman alone on an island who fell in love with Odysseus. keeps Odysseus on her island for sex. Cancer: Hera also sent a crab to bother Heracles, performed well, sent up to stars Cancer. Cap-of-Invisibility, Winged-Sandals, and Bag: Things Perseus needed for his tasks. Cassandra: Slave girl of Agamemnon. Prophecy: Told Agamemnon not to get into the bathtub. She commits suicide. Cattle-the-sun-of-god: Tempting, off-limits animals, eaten by Odysseus's men, which got their ship struck by a lightning bolt. Cerberus: Watchdog of the Underworld: Charybdis: Giant whirlpool. Chiron: Raised Jason. Circe: Famous witch who turned some of Odysseus's men into pigs. Clashing-Rocks: Two giant boulders that Jason sailed through using a dove: Clytemnestra: Wife of Agamemnon. Kills Agamemnon with axe bc he sacrificed their daughter, Iphigenia. Is killed by Orestes. Colchis: Town where golden fleece is located. Concubine: Woman who Heracles brought home to sleep with.

Contest-of-Axes: Death of the suitor. Arrow through all 12 loops, only Odysseus could do this. How Penelope claimed she would choose a suitor. Corinth: City where Jason performed cleansing rites. Where the servant brought Oedipus. Creon: Polynices couldn't be buried. Jocasta's brother, Ruled Thebes after the brothers died, sentenced Antigone to death? Crete: Island guarded by Talos. God of Island is Poseidon. Croesus: Richest man in the world. Has a son who is killed by a weapon in a Boar hunt, Atys is son’s name. Daedalus: was a craftsman who made the hollow cow for Pasiphae. Crete's village craftsman, father of Icarus. made wings for himself and Icarus to fly away. Icarus flies too high, sun starts to melt the way, and Icarus loses control and crashes and dies into the sea. Ordered by Minos to Build Labyrinth to keep the minotaur hidden in. was kept under house arrest after he made the cow. Danae: Daughter of Acrisius. Zeus slept with her as golden rain. Deianira: Heracles's second wife. Dragon: Guards of the golden fleece, drugged by Medea to get fleece. Electra: Forgettable daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Eteocles: Son of Oedipus that received full burial rites Euripides: Wrote the story of the sack of Troy called Trojan Women. Exposure: Taking unwanted child and leaving them in the woods. When the baby, Paris, was born, they tried to get rid of him through exposure. (Hecuba & Priam did). But a bear found him in the woods and nursed him until he was found by shepherds. At age 18, the shepherds gave him the blanket he was found in, with the royal seal of Troy, and told him how he had been found. Paris went back to Troy, confronted King Priam, who recognized him as his son and acknowledged him as the prince of Troy.

Years earlier, when pregnant, Hecuba had had a dream that she gave birth to a burning torch that would burn down their city. The priest said it meant that she'd have a child that would cause the city to be destroyed. When the baby, Paris, was born, they tried to get rid of him through exposure. Fate: Blue-Print of life. Gorgons: are three sisters that have wings, snakes for hair, and a face that turned you to stone. Graeae: Gave Perseus directions to Gorgons. Sisters with one eye and one tooth. Harpies: Harassed Phineus. Hector: Husband of Andromache is his wife. Dragged for 12 days around Troy. Greatest Trojan warrior. Hecuba: Queen. Wife of King Priam. Mother of Paris and Hector. Fated to give birth to a child that would destroy the city. Given as slave to Odysseus and ran away as a dog. Pulled out her boob to convince Hector to come home. Heinrich Schliemann: Excavated Troy. Founder of modern archaeology. Helen: Wife of Menelaus. Mother is Leda, Father is Zeus. Twin sister is Clytemnestra. Hera: Goddess who Jason carried across a stream. Heracles: Means Glory of Hera. Was given Rites as the 12 Labors. Hermes: Gave Perseus a sword. Gives Odysseus the anecdote for the pigs, it works. Hippodamia: Pelops fell in love with her. Princess. Is won by Pelops through a chariot race. Hippolytus: Follower of Artemis. Hates Sex. Homer: Wrote The Odyssey. Hubris: Pride.

Hydra-of-Lerna: 9-Headed monster. Hylas: Caught by nymphs during voyage to golden fleece. Icarus: Son of Daedalus that flew too close to the sun. Ichor: Substance flowing through the veins of Talos Iolcus: Jason is King Iphigenia: Daughter of Agamemnon that he was forced to kill because he took Artemis favorite deer. Ithaca: Hometown of Odysseus. Jocasta: Mother and Wife of Oedipus. Hanged herself after discovering she married her son. Wife of Laius? Jason: True king of Iolcus. Phineus told Jason the way to the fleece after he saved him from Harpies. The 1st task Jason had to do to earn the golden fleece was to put a yolk on fire breathing bulls. The 2nd task Jason had to do to earn the golden fleece was to plant a field with dragons teeth. The 3rd task Jason had to do to earn the golden fleece was to kill the crop of armed men in the field. Labyrinth: Home for Minotaur. Laius: Husband of Jocasta. Son of the King of Thebes. Father of Oedipus, has a son named oedipus. Husband of Jocasta. Raped the daughter of the king who took him in. Leda: Raped by Zeus disguised as a swan. Mother of twins: Helen and Clytemnestra. Lion-of-Nemea: Claw: Heracles used it to skin the Lion of Nemea. Lotus-Eaters: Could have been opium. People who lived on the island where Odysseus's men ate something and forgot everything. Lydia: Croesus's kingdom. Medea: Came up with plan to kill Pelias. Witch who fell in love with Jason. Tried to convince Aegeus to kill Theseus.

Medusa: Pegasus comes out of her head. She is the Gorgon met by Perseus. Head chopped off and put on a breastplate by Athena. Menelaus: Didn't end up killing Helen, despite what everyone told him to do. Helen is wife. Husband of Helen, Marries Helen is his wife. Minos: King of Crete. Minotaur: means the bull of Minos. is made from a human being and a bull. Myrtilus: Was tricked into sabotaging, destroying the King’s chariot with Wax. King’s driver. He then CURSED Pelops for Bribing him. Pushed off a cliff by Pelops because he Rapes Hippodamia Nausicaa: Helps odysseus get cleaned up, dad sends Odysseus home. Nessus: Centaur who tried to rape Heracles's wife. Told Deianira that his blood was a love potion. Odysseus: Came up with the Trojan horse idea. Husband of Penelope. DISGUISED himself to enter castle. Tried to get out of war by pretending to be crazy. Met the prophet Tiresias. Outspoke Ajax for the armor of Achilles. Odyssey: Iliad Written by Homer. Oedipus: Has a daughter, Antigone. A son, Eteocles. Told to never go back to his homeland. Stabbed out his eyes. Son of Laius, father is Laius. Oracle-of-Apollo-at-Delphi: tells Orestes that he must avenge the murder of his father, Agamemnon, But that means killing a blood relative, his mother. Still, he's told, he must avenge the murder Orestes: Avenged the death of his father, Agamemnon. Kills Aegisthus and mother: Clytemnestra. is driven mad by the gods for killing a blood relative. Then Trial and won the trial cursed removed. Pan: Gives Atreus the ram that has the golden fleece, but Thyestes stole it.

Paris: Child fated to destroy his city. Chooses which goddess deserves the golden apple. Stole Helen and went off to Troy. Parthenon: Athena's place. Pasiphae: Has cow machine built for him by Daedalus. Woman who fell in love with bull. Patroclus: Achilles BFF who Pretended to be Achilles and was killed by Hector. Pegasus: Came out of Medusa's head. Winged Horse. Peleus: The guy zeus sends to marry Thetis to have a child with.{(Not to be confused with Jason's evil uncle who demanded the golden fleece. That was Pelias.)} Pelias: Jason’s Uncle who demanded the golden fleece. Pelops: Cursed after throwing someone off of a cliff. Fed to the gods by his father, Tantalus. Had to win a chariot race against the king to win Wife, Princess Hippodamia. Pushed Myrtilus off a cliff. Penelope: Won by Odysseus in competition called Death of the Suitors. Wife of Odysseus. Penelope’s-Weaving: How Penelope was able to deter the suitors. Perseus: Husband of Andromeda. Grandson of Acrisius fated to kill him. Andromeda is his wife. Send on a mission for Gorgon head. Put in a chest and pushed out to sea. Phaeacia: an island. Phineus: Harassed by Harpies and saved by Jason. After saved, told Jason the way to the Golden Fleece. Plague: Sent by the gods as punishment. I think King Priam was punished and his army got the plague. Polynices: Son of Oedipus who was considered a traitor. Creon ordered that he not be buried.

Polyphemus: Famous Cyclops who captured and tries to kill Odysseus. Son of Poseidon. Curses him so he can't/won't get home. was a cyclops that lived in a cave. Poseidon: God of Island of Crete, secondary God of Athens. Built Salt Spring as a gift. Has a son named Polyphemus. Priam: King of Troy. Husband of Hecuba, Father of Paris and Hector. Caused a plague on the army. Procrustes: had a house along the road and would invite anyone who passed to spend the night in his bed. Theseus over powered Procrustes and stretched him out. would either stretch travelers until they fit the bed or, if they were taller than the length of the bed, he’d chop off parts until they fit. Procrustean-Logic: Starting at the end and thinking your way back wards from there. Prometheus: gave people fire. Salt-spring: Spring in Athens built as a gift by Poseidon. Sarpedon: Son of Zeus who fought for the Trojans. Fate is to die in war, Zeus tries to save him. Scylla: wolf heads on body Sinis: Pine Bender. Sirens: Bird-like women who sang beautiful songs. Sisyphus: Tried to cheat death by avoiding burial rites. Forced to push a rock up a hill for eternity in the underworld by Hades. Solon: Philosopher that visited Croesus and said he was unhappy: Sphinx: Riddler who guarded Thebes. Answer to Sphinx riddle is Man. Stables-of-Augeas: Dirty horse labor.

Strife: Goddess that was not invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis who in turn throws a Golden Apple with a note that says “for the most beautiful” to start the Trojan war over Helen. Talos: Guarded the island of Crete. Has Ichor: Substance flowing through the veins. Tantalus: Father of Pelops. Partied with the gods. Fed the gods his son, Pelops, gods punished Tantalus by sending him to Tartarus. Tartarus: Prison for those who offend the gods. Tantalus was sent here. Thebes: Guarded by the Sphinx riddler. Themis: Greek word meaning 'what is right’. Moral code on how people should act. Achilles stops fighting because he violated Themis. Achilles felt that Agamemnon had violated Themis as well - he had ordered the men into battle, did not go himself, then took the prize away (the slave woman) from the men that had gone into battle. To Achilles, Themis had been turned upside down by Agamemnon. Theseus: Son of Aegeus, his father. Thetis: Mermaid Goddess, Asked Zeus to turn the tide of war against the Greeks. Fated to give birth to a child greater than it's father. Thetis went to Zeus, who recognizes the Themis, and agreed. Three-women-of -faith: Weaves, Measures, and Cuts. Thyestes: Stole the golden ram from Atreus, his brother, after committing adultery. Parents are Pelops and Hippodamia. Tiresias: Prophet that was visited by Odysseus. Trojan-War: Paris gives the golden apple to Aphrodite as the most beautiful, making powerful enemies in - Hera and Athena who now hate him, all Trojans, and want to destroy the city of Troy. Troy: Helen was taken here by Prince Paris. King is Priam, Queen is Hecuba.

Zeus: Seduced Alcmena, Daughter is Athena, Son is Sarpedon, Disguises himself as a swan and rapes Leda and gives birth to Helen and Clytemnestra. Slept with Danae as golden rain.

Croesus: - king of Lydia - invented money, very rich - not happiest in the world because he was still living. Dead man who lived a happy life is happiest

person of all - Visitor Solon told him his son would die by man-made weapon - Son was protected - Another visitor, Adrastus fled home because he killed a family member, had to earn forgiveness - Adrastus offers to kill wild boar, the son wants to go and watch. Croesus reluctantly says ok - Adrastus threw a spear at the charging boar, missed and killed Croesus’ son, fate won anyway - Angered, Croesus attacked Persia, lost, led to him traveling to Delphi to ask Apollo Heracles (Roman version is Hercules) He’s also like Samson from the Bible - “glory of Hera” - son of Zeus and Alcmena - Hera tried to prevent Heracles from being born: - Sent two serpents to his crib, he strangled them as a baby - born human, god after death - At 16, killed and skinned a lion, wore its skin - Hera made him insane and he killed his wife and kids, had to leave the kingdom - new king made him perform 12 Labors before being forgiven - One: Lion of Nemea killed a lion whose skin was impenetrable, so he bashed it over the head and used the lion’s own claws to skin it. Two: Hydra of Lerna (9 poisonous heads) - every time a head sliced off, 2 more would grow back - Hera also sent a crab to bother Heracles, performed well, sent up to stars (Cancer) - Heracles then used a red hot sword to cut off Hydra heads, cauterized the neck, no more heads grew back - 9th head was immortal, buried it, used the poison to dip the tips of his arrows Three: Augean Stables - king Augeas had 30,000 cattle - Heracles had to clean out each stall in one day - he damned the nearby rivers to wash out the stables in one day Four: Apples of Hesperides - means “daughters of the Evening” - they lived on an island in the river/ocean where there were golden apples, they were to be a wedding present to Hera. Heracles was sent to get them - Heracles met Atlas (a titan, father of the Hesperides) who went and got the apples for Heracles, meanwhile Heracles had to bear the weight of the heavens - Atlas liked not having that weight so he was going to make Heracles hold it from then on. Heracles said sure but only if he could have some padding. - Atlas held the heavens “while Heracles would get the padding” but it was only a trick to get Atlas to hold the heavens again. Twelth: Cerberus - the underworld watchdog (3 heads), kept the dead in the underworld - Heracles had to bring Cerberus back to earth Heracles married Deianira - they came to a river, he wanted to cross without getting Deianira wet - Centaur, Nessus, offered to carry her across - When Heracles turned around, Nessus was trying to rape Deianira - Heracles shot one of his Hydra poison tipped arrows at Nessus. Nessus felt the poison running through, so as revenge, he told Deianira that his blood was a magical love charm in case Heracles ever grew tired of her - Heracles brings back a concubine one time, so Deianira lines his robe with the Centaur blood

- When Heracles stands next to fire it ignites and he died - Zeus made his soul a god Jason: - from town of Iolcus - his uncle, Pelias, was king of Iolcus - Pelias feared that Jason would try to take the crown because it was Jason’s father who was the real king - Jason fled fearing for his life and was raised by centaur Chiron - When older he comes back to take crown. - En route, he helps old lady cross river (its Hera) and loses a shoe - Pelias couldn’t kill a family member, so he sent Jason to get Golden Fleece: miners used sheep fleece to get gold out of river - if he brought it back he could be king - Jason built first Greek ship to get there (Argo) sailors called Argonauts Adventures: Phineus: blind king with gift of prophecy - tortured by bird-like-women (Harpies) - Jason got rid of the Harpies so Phineus told Jason how to get the fleece - He had to pass through clashing rocks, sent out a dove to see if it was ok - The Argo gets to Colchis, place of golden fleece - Jason had to earn it from the king: put a yoke on fire-breathing bulls, till the land, and put dragons teeth in the ground, and kill the soldiers that came from that - King’s daughter was Medea (witch) Hera made Medea and Jason fall in love, Medea told Jason how to defeat soldiers throw a rock in the middle, one thinks another hit him, hits back, starts a fight amongst soldiers, they kill each other, Jason kills what’s left over - Still had to steal the golden fleece, Medea drugged the dragon that was guarding it - As they were sailing away, Medea chopped up her brother and threw pieces overboard - The King had to stop and pick them up in order for proper burial, this allowed Jason to get away - On way back to Iolcus, ran into Talos (bronze giant) - Medea told Jason how to kill him: open plug in heels of Talos, released ichor blood of the gods - Pelias still wouldn’t give up crown - Medea shows aging trick to Pelias’ daughters, they try it on Pelias but he dies - Jason and Medea found guilty of killing family member, exiled to Corinth - King of Corinth liked Jason and wanted him to marry his daughter (already married to Medea) - Medea lined the daughter’s robe with poison, she caught on fire, king tried to save her, they both died. - Still mad, Medea killed their kids, she escaped to stay with King Aegeus - Drunk on a beach, a piece of the Argo fell and killed Jason Theseus: - the son of King Aegeus and another king’s daughter - Aegeus got prophecy to not drink or he would have a kid, he didn’t understand it - Aegeus tells another king who uses that to get Aegeus to sleep with his daughter - The child of this situation is Theseus - Aegeus told the girl to not tell Theseus of his father until he was able to lift a large stone and get the items from under it (sandals and a sword) - On way to Athens to see his dad Aegeus, he ran into Sinis (pine bender) - Sinis liked to tie people to 2 trees that were tied to the ground, he would release the trees and it would rip people in half - Theseus overpowered Sinis and did that to him - Then he ran into Procrustes (the stretcher) - Procrustes would allow people to stay and sleep in a bed, but they had to fit in the bed - if they were too short, Procrustes would stretch them out, if they were too long, he would chop off

parts to make them fit - Theseus turned it around on Procrustes and made him fit - Theseus arrives in Athens, the king doesn’t know who he is, but the queen, Medea (witch) does know - She plans to poison him that night - Theseus offers to cut the boar, pulls out the sword from the rock, Aegeus recognizes it and knocks the poison drink out of Theseus’ hand, Medea fled - A ship with black sails arrives in Athens - King of Crete: Minos, worshiped Poseidon - Minos’ wife: Pasiphae - Poseidon makes Pasiphae fall in love with a bull that Minos was supposed to sacrifice to Poseidon - Pasiphae goes to Daedalus to make her a hollowed out cow so the bull could have sex with Pasiphae inside - Her child was half bull half human: Minotaur (bull of Minos) - Daedalus also created a labyrinth (maze) to keep the Minotaur hidden - Daedalus wasn’t allowed to leave the island because he helped Pasiphae, so he made wings out of feathers and wax for himself and his son, Icarus - Icarus flew too high, sun melted wax, fell and died - Athens and Crete went to war. Result: Athens had to send 7 boys and 7 girls to Crete every year to be fed to the Minotaur - Theseus volunteered to go kill the minotaur and that when he returned the sails would be white - Theseus gets to Crete and Minos’ daughter, Ariadne, falls in love with him - she gives him an item to defeat minotaur (depends on myth): a string to help him get out or a wreath that lit up to see inside - He kills minotaur, sails home, forgets Ariadne on an island and also forgets to change the sails - Aegeus sees the black sails and jumps off cliff into, now, Aegean Sea - Theseus is king, has son Hippolytus, hates sex follows Artemis, Aphrodite makes Theseus’ wife Phaedra fall in love with Hippolytus, she claims rape, Hippolytus runs away and is killed by Poseidon, Theseus depressed died in poverty Perseus: - son of Zeus and Danae - Danae is daughter of Acrisius, King of Argos - he asked oracle if he would ever have a son, told no but his daughter would. Oracle also said that the son would kill him - Danae is hidden in chamber, Zeus visits and she gives birth to Perseus - Acrisius was upset so he sent Danae and Perseus out to sea - they landed on an island, Perseus was raised by fishermen the king loved Danae, but she didn’t - the king held banquet, everyone had to bring him a horse, Perseus said too easy, ill bring a Gorgon head: Medussa - Hermes helped Perseus by giving a sword, Athena offered advice - he went to see the Graeae (gray ones), they shared one eye and one tooth - Perseus grabbed their eye and tooth until they told him the items he needed and where to find Medussa - The items were: a Cap of Invisibility, Winged Sandals, and a Bag to keep Medusa’s head in - Athena carried reflective shield so Perseus could see reflection - he cuts off her head, snaked and winged horse Pegasus come out (he never rides Pegasus) - On way back, Perseus sees girl Andromeda tied up being sacrificed to sea monster - Perseus uses Medussa’s head to turn monster into stone - Perseus runs into Atlas, but he ignored Perseus, so he’s turned into stone (Atlas mountain range) - blood drips from Medussa’s head and creates snakes in the desert and coral in the oceans - King of island asks to see head of Medussa, turned into stone, fisherman that raises Perseus becomes king

- Perseus goes back to Argos to get throne from Acrisius, who ran away, Perseus king - Perseus does discus event in Olympics, errant throw kills man in crowd Acrisius Laius: - son of king of Thebes - revolution forces Laius to leave, taken in by another king - Laius falls in love with kings daughter, she doesn’t, he rapes, King curses Laius and all descendants - Laius returns to Thebes as king and marries Jocasta - Prophecy said that his son would grow up and kill him, so Laius put baby in the woods - servant that brought baby out there left him with king and queen of Corinth, named him Oedipus (swollen foot) - Oracle tells Oedipus to avoid his homeland b/c he would kill his dad and marry his mom (he think that means Corinth) so he moved to Thebes (his real homeland) - walking to Thebes, Laius was driving chariot, hit Oedipus on the head b/c he wouldn’t move, Oedipus killed Laius (prophecy coming true) - Sphinx (the strangler) guarded Thebes, could enter if you got the question right - Sphinx asked what has 4 legs in morning, 2 in day, and 3 at night: answer is humans (baby – 4, adult – 2, elder – 3) - Sphinx killed herself b/c Oedipus got it right - with king dead, they made Oedipus king, unknowingly marries and has kids with his mom Jocasta (fulfills prophecy) - Oedipus got suspicious and eventually figured out that he killed the king (his dad), and married his mom - Jocasta found out too and hung herself, Oedipus used her pins to poke his eyes, lived in exile - One of his children, Antigone, helped him in Exile. His other sons, Eteocles and Polynices did nothing - The two brothers agreed to rule every other year, however Eteocles went first and wouldn’t give up power - This caused civil war, they killed each other - Creon is next king of Thebes (Jocasta’s brother), buries Eteocles but not Polynices - Antigone went to go properly burry her brother Polynices, she did it the first night, guards dug him bag up. She tried again the next night and was caught - Creon buried her alive in a tomb - Creon’s son was engaged to Antigone, he goes to get her out of tomb, but she had hung herself - Creon’s son impaled himself, Creon’s wife killed herself as well Test Four Tantalus: - partied with gods - gods ate ambrosia and drank nectar - Fed the gods his son, Pelops, gods punished Tantalus by sending him to Tartarus - forever “tantalized” Sisyphus - forever pushing a rock uphill because he tried to cheat death Pelops: - died before he was supposed to, so gods sent him back to earth and he fell in love with Hippodamia - had to win chariot race against Hippodamia’s dad (king) in order to marry her - Pelops bribed the driver of the king’s chariot (Myrtilus) - wax in place of important piece, it melted and crashed the chariot - Pelops picks up Myrtilus on way back, he curses Pelops - Pelops and Hippodamia Atreus and Thyestes

Atreus and Thyestes: - the son with the golden fleece would rule - Atreus had it, but Thyestes stole it by sleeping with Atreus’s wife - adultery a big no-no, sun rises in west and sets in east (Zeus is pissed) - Atreus is named king and Thyestes is sent into exile - Atreus invites Thyestes back for a banquet, the final food platter brought out has the heads of Thyestes’ sons. He had been eating his sons and dipping them in their blood - Thyestes has a son with his daughter the child is Aegisthus, who murders Atreus - Atreus had 2 sons Menelaus and Agamemnon Zeus comes to Leda disguised as swan, two daughters are Clytemnestra and Helen most beautiful women in the world Agamemnon married Clytemnestra Menelaus married Helen - someone stole Helen and started Trojan War - winds wouldn't change, no sailing to Troy, Agamemnon wants to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia - wife wouldn't go for it so Agamemnon tells her Iphigenia is marrying Achilles, but really she is being sacrificed, winds changed. - Clytemnestra was angry with Agamemnon so she makes allies with Aegisthus to kill Agamemnon - Agamemnon’s son, Orestes, is told to avenge his death has to kill his mom and Aegisthus - gods have a trial for Orestes, ties at 6-6, odd number trials from that point on - eventually found not guilty, curse on family from Myrtilus lifted Start of Trojan War: - comes from Homer’s Iliad - this is end of Greek Mythology - Zeus wants to sleep with Thetis, but she is fated to have a son more powerful than the father, so Zeus marries her off to Peleus they have Achilles - goddess of strife wasn't invited, she tosses a golden apple with note “for the most beautiful” to start shit - Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena ask Zeus to settle it - Zeus asks Trojan prince Paris to settle it, they try to bribe him, Aphrodite offers him the most beautiful woman in the world - Paris names Aphrodite most beautiful of the three, so he’s supposed to get most beautiful woman Helen, but she’s already married to Menelaus - Helen runs off to Troy with Paris this starts war - everyone is called to raise up arms against Troy, Achilles and Odysseus do not - even though it’s Menalaus’ wife Helen who is taken, Agamemnon leads the army to Troy Achilles: - Thetis tries to protect Achilles by dipping him into Styx River, had to hold his heal (weakness). - Achilles could have had a long boring life or a short legendary one - He is disguised as a girl, but is found out when presented with 2 chests (girly things and manly things) he picks the manly things and wants to fight Odysseus: - acted crazy so he wouldn't have to go to war - his baby was put in front of his tiller, he went around it proving he wasn't crazy Priam: - king of Troy, wife/queen was Hecuba - she was fated to have a son that would destroy Troy (Paris) they tried to get rid of him in the woods but he eventually found his way back - Priam had 50 sons total: 2 of them, Paris and Hector (Troy’s greatest warrior) - Hector married Andromache

Agamemnon: - took a girl as his slave - caused a plague on the army - he would give her back only if he was given another slave girl - Achilles got mad cause he believed she really belonged to him, tried to kill Agamemnon, Athena intervened and stopped Achilles Themis morally correct behavior - Achilles felt Agamemnon violated Themis by not fighting and taking spoils - Achilles goes to his goddess mother, Thetis, and wants the Greeks to start losing the war, Zeus agreed because of the lack of Themis by Agamemnon - Achilles stopped fighting altogether - Trojans were winning the war Patroclus: - Achilles’ best friend - borrowed Achilles’s armor, went into battle with it - ran into Hector and was killed - this pissed off Achilles so he went to go fight Hector - Hector choses to stay outside Troy’s walls to fight Achilles, who chases Hector around the walls 3 times Fighting: - Menalaus and Paris were supposed to have their own battle over Helen - Aphrodite intervened and saved Paris - Achilles and Hector face off - Athena tricked Hector into throwing his spear at Achilles, bounced right off his shield - Achilles’s spear pierced Hector’s shield and impaled Hector - Achilles dragged Hector’s body around the city walls for 12 days - Priam went to visit Achilles to get his son’s body back - reminded Achilles how sad his father would be if his son’s body was treated that way - Paris eventually killed Achilles by shooting arrow into his heel (Achilles Tendon) Sarpedon - son of Zeus, fought for Trojans - was fated to die, Zeus wanted to change that - decided not to because it would cause problem with other gods and their sons Ajax: - Greek warrior - got Achilles’s body back - went up against Odysseus for Achilles’s armor - Ajax was the better fighter, Odysseus was the better orator - Trojan captains said Odysseus gave them more grief, so he got the armor - Ajax impaled himself Trojan Horse - Odysseus’s idea - gift to Athena - left on beach, all of Greek ships appeared to have sailed home - Trojans had to break wall to get it in the city - Trojans got drunk and passed out in celebration - Greeks jumped out of horse and slaughtered Trojans - unceremoniously killed King Priam Hecuba (queen of Troy) became Odysseus’s slave Euripides wrote “Trojan Women” play

Andromache (wife of Hector) was taken as a slave, 5 year old son thrown off building Agamemnon took Cassandra (Trojan princess) as a slave - she had gift of prophecy - warned him that Clytemnestra was going to kill him, he didn't listen and died Helen wasn't punished at all when she returned with Menelaus Aeneus: - Trojan survivor of the war - his decedents founded Rome - his travels called the Aeneid Odysseus: Roman name is Ulysses - took 10 years to get back to Ithaca, Greece. 10 years of war + 10 years of getting back = 20 years total - stories told in Homer’s Odyssey - wife is Penelope Adventures on the way home: 1. Slaughtered everyone in this one town, except one house b/c the guy was a priest of Apollo. As thanks, that guy gave Odysseus 12 jars of wine 2. Island of the Lotus-Eaters: eating Lotus was like heroine all you think about. Some of Odysseus’s men became obsessed with it 3. Island of the Cyclops: Polyphemus, son of Poseidon - Odysseus and his men get trapped in Polyphemus’s cave. He ate 6 of his men. Odysseus used the wine from the priest to get Polyphemus drunk. Odysseus called himself “Uttis” which means nobody. - Odysseus burned Polyphemus’s eye, other Cyclops heard the screaming and asked what was wrong, he responded, “Nobody burned me in the eye,” so they left. - Polyphemus let his sheep out in the morning, so Odysseus and some of his men tied themselves to the sheep and snuck out. - Odysseus yelled out his real name as he was getting away, now he was an enemy of Poseidon: he would get home late, alone, and to a house of trouble 4. Island of Aeolus: god of winds - Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of wind, kept it close to him - They were close to Ithaca, crew took the bag, thought it had gold, blew them back to Aeolus 5. Next stop was land of Cannibals (Laestrygonians): - all ships except Odysseus’s sunk 6. Island of Circe: witch - she turned Odysseus’s men into pigs - Hermes gives Odysseus the antidote, uses it himself - he eats the food that turns people into pigs, it doesn't work, he forces Circe to change his men back - she seduces him for a year - he wants to go home, he goes to underworld - kills a goat, drains its blood and milk to give to dead souls - talks to the souls of his mother, Achilles, tell him his son is a good warrior. Also meets Agamemnon, Ajax, and finally Tiresias who tells him how to get home 7. Sirens: sang songs to attract men - Odysseus told all his men to plug their ears with beeswax 8. Scylla (wolfheads) and Charybdis (whirpool): between a rock and a hard place - had to pick a side of the pass to stay on - Odysseus picked to be closer to Scylla, only lost 6 men

9. Island of the Cattle of the Sun God: - told Odysseus not to eat any of the cattle - his men didn't listen - Zeus struck the ship with a lightning bolt - only Odysseus survived 10. Island of Calypso: goddess, woman of mystery - offered gift of eternal life and youth to Odysseus, he said no - stayed on island for 7 years - Zeus told Calypso to let him go - built a raft, Poseidon crashed it 11. Island of Phaeacia: - was a guest of the princess Nausicaa - at banquet, guy with Lyre sang songs about Trojan war - Odysseus responded to music, king realized he fought in the war - king puts him on a ship to Ithaca - curse of Polyphemus came true: long time getting home, hes alone, house is in trouble  Back in Ithaca: - didn't go into palace right away - Penelope didn't remarry even though she was pressured to - said she would remarry when robe was done, she would weave it during the day, and unweave it at night - Odysseus found his son, came up with a plan together - entered palace as a beggar - greeted by dog, almost gave away identity, died from excitement - Penelope agreed to marry the man that could string Odysseus’s bow and shoot an arrow through 12 ax loops: contest of axes - no one could do it, beggar in the corner asked for a chance - Odysseus did this easily - his son closed all the doors to the room and they killed all the men - Penelope hears Odysseus has returned, she says to move the bed across the hall, he said impossible because the palace was built around a tree and one of the bed posts was part of the tree, only he would know tha

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